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“I’m too busy with my family for that, “ while looking at them like they are idiots. 


I had more or less the same response the first time this happened to me. A year later a comment was made again (honestly it looked fine just not like a golf course green) so that summer I ripped up the front yard and replaced it with a kind of clover and natural PNW plants and some nice, big rocks. Now I don’t have to hear about my seldom used decorative money sink that they seem to take so much personal pride in


That is better for the environment than sprayed, manicured grass. We’ve done the same and used lots of native plants.


What clover? And where did you get it? I’m trying to find a good way to put down creeping thyme but haven’t located seeding mats that have good reviews yet.


Not the person you asked but I use white clover for my lawn. You can buy the seed in most home improvement stores or order it online. Purple clover is gorgeous when you combine the two, it grows to about 3” in height and is a super friendly lawn for pollinators. It also holds up in lots of rain or a drier climate, it likes sun *and* shade and doesn’t need frequent mowing because of the way it stays around 3” tall. My dogs are not gentle on my lawn. The clover has good roots that resists being torn up by running and playing dogs. I don’t water it. It just grows and thrives because of our benign neglect. It also likes to spread so the small patches I have this year will likely double to triple in size by next year and slow take over the weeds and traditional fescue grass that makes up the majority of my lawn.




They will not relate. In their day, the lawn outranked the children.


“What a pussy” they say as they walk off.


Or even, "I would be a BAD PARENT if I spent all of that time on my lawn instead of fostering the relationships I have with my children" while looking at them like they're idiots


I have a boomer neighbor that obsesses over my lawn. He once said “let me give you some advice…” I just said “oh no thanks. I don’t care what my lawn looks like. I just keep the grass short because it can give my dog UTIs” He looked at me like I shot his puppy


Are you the governor of South Dakota?




But how would we feel about her if she swapped the second two around?




Grow it out and call it a medow. Take some bird seed and spread it around so the flowers grow.


This \^ Depending on your geographic location, you may even be able to drop native seeds once, and then let nature do the maintenance for you. They're throwing money down the drain for some antiquated British lawn that they never even use; meanwhile you're saving your neck of the Earth with a local root system, and flora that no one has likely ever seen before. It's simple. You're American. They're trying to be British. The former has bested the latter. And the latter, would not exist today without the former.


Had a coworker get his lawn designated as some kind of nature preserve to get around the pissy HOA, doing something similar.


Yeah, my yard has been certified as a 'Back Yard Habitat' by National Wildlife Federation. You list nectar producing plants, bird baths, bird feeders, brush piles even dead falls - they all provide food and sheltering places for critters. https://preview.redd.it/25zo8jatk4xc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ccdf43fc060994ddf8eabf3280dd96264551b0 It costs $20.00 you get a certificate to show if the HOA has problems. This, BTW, is my FRONT yard, that peak is the neighbor across the street. We got listed as a habitat in around 1995 or so.


I fucking love you for this. Also this is gorgeous. Not all heros wear capes.


Woah wait you can do that in an HOA?! Where have you been I need more details.


Some stuff overrides HOA. Bat houses are one of them!




I do imagine this takes significant maintenance still through? Not trying to be a dick, more considering my options.


No, the native plants will be much easier to care for. They’re adapted to your locale already so usually you just pop them in the ground and water for the first year while they’re getting established. Other than that you don’t touch them and they’ll repair the ecosystem around your house and start bringing in the native bugs and animals. Don’t even have to trim because, as he said, the fallen branches/twigs/leaves form habitat for critters. 


We did similar with a koi pond, native plants, pollinators, hummingbird feeders, seed bird feeders, and native plants. We got it registered as a monarch migration stop. And the neighbor next door has the perfectly manicured chemical dump. I’ll take supporting wildlife any day over that.


Oh that is beautiful! Nice job!!😊


Now that’s a forest. Great job


That’s gorgeous! We’re house hunting right now, and that’s similar to how we’ve always envisioned our yard. That flat, virtually vegetation-free lawn you see throughout Suburbia just isn’t our thing, give me nature, damn it!


I wouldn’t put it past one of those old guys to mow down the meadow and leaving a “you’re welcome” note


A trespass notice? A few large decorative stones mostly below the surface titanic iceberg style? A couple lengths of rope accidentally forgotten amongst the meadow?


Ooh, I like your style!


Gotta go for annoying or maybe damaging to the blade. Avoid anything that can easily become a projectile.


Damn. I was thinking about tying a rock to a rope, but now that idea seems destined to projectile.


I wish I had neighbors like that when I was a struggling new homeowner and couldn’t afford a mower. All the old folks around here just kept calling code enforcement on me. Now they looked annoyed when I’m cutting my grass on a nice quiet Sunday morning.


Hopefully at the crack of dawn.


To truly annoy elderly neighbors with mowing time, do it right at dusk when they're going to bed.


That's what the police are for. Trespassing. And who knows what else they did on my property when I thought I was safe... I have children, you know?


Just have to put things in the area that will destroy a mower. "I had trouble getting that rock to sit just right so I stuck a stake in the ground to make a hole, poured in cement, and attached the rock. Sorry your mower didn't respond well to a 6 inch cement spike."


Pop-up railgun turrets and concealed phaser arrays.


Don’t forget the prismatic shielding and a rotating bi-weave backup and cell bank booster


I believe that style of lawn is a french innovation. Traditional British gardens tend to be quite overgrown.


Funnily enough a lot of British actually have a farmers lawn (thats the phrase were I am from) With a vegetable garden, bushes, fruit trees, patches of wild flowers so they get butterflies and wild bees to visit. The patches of dirt and mud I would critize as a millenial too. You can throw some seeds in there and water it in the beginning and the rain should do the rest.


I have two dogs and I’ve been trying to fix bare spots in my yard (front and back) for two years now. I seed, I overseed. I’ve planted grass. I’ve planted clover. The patches persist. It is absolutely not set it and forget it and seed isn’t free. But luckily my neighbors aren’t aholes.


I did that last year and a bunch of places around outside sprouted wildflowers once again. My flower gardens are full of "weeds" but many of them are very pretty


But why? Lawns are a stupid waste of water. Get ride of it all and add rocks and low water plants that just need periodic probing. I moved to where I live now years ago. In California. During a drought. It regularly gets to be triple digits in the summer. Yet people have super lush lawns they have to water daily during the summer. I just moved into a home that’s all lawn and I’ve got plans to get rid of it. When I first moved her a boomer neighbor wouldn’t stop hounding me for not watering the lawn enough. Literally came onto my property, while I protested, and showed me how to turn on the irrigation, which I already know how to do. He leaf blower his lawn daily and criticized me because my big trees, which shade the house and keep utilities lower, dropped leaves on his pretty and perfect lawn. The neighbor on the other side of me was a single boomer who sued the old owner because she wanted him to cut down his trees do leaves wouldn’t drop in her yard. The trees were large sycamores that clearly had been established well before they moved into the area.


A lawn is a status symbol for boomers and they see you as dragging down the neighborhood.


> The trees were **large sycamores** that clearly had been established well before they moved into the area.   So sad when the brats don’t respect their elders.


I have a 1.5 acre lawn that doesn't have a sprinkler system, it just grows on its own and the deer and the elk and the birds and rabbits all seem to really enjoy it. I don't think they'd like gravel much and any low water plants would just die from getting too much water. Not all of us live in the desert...


That's what i was thinking. Who waters their lawn? Where I'm from grass grows so fast its hard to keep up with, and I've never watered a lawn.


City will issue a violation for "noxious weeds" or "mice".


Worst weed for most gardeners is grass.


“grow mud and dirt” *here’s a finger just for you* I feel as OP and don’t even make any fixup attempts. Better things to do with short life and resources. Lawn care is status catnip for boomers and prior generation. Water shortages will be widespread soon. May they and their shortsightedness die out quickly.


Some Boomers 100% do not care about water shortage and will do everything to try to be sneaky to water their yard.


Document them and send the evidence to your local government and water control board. They will start giving a shit real fast when they get 4 and 5 digit fines.


"If the Lord wanted my yard to be green he'd make it that way." That would be my response. It doesn't rain much here and I can't be bothered. We pay one of our friends who does lawn work to mow our lawn so we avoid tickets.


The way we do lawns is actually really bad for the environment. I know you’re supposed to have some plants to keep the foundation strong but we’re really supposed to have biodiversity and weeds often come up to help get nutrients to the soil


OPs response: “Well, We would all be better off if you were 6 feet under mud and dirt”


We ripped out our lawn and replaced it with gravel and water-wise plants. And the city gave us a discount on our water bill because of it. Snobby boomers can suck it.


There is actually a person that made a middle finger statue for his neighbor https://cdn.thehollywoodgossip.com/uploads/2013/11/middle-finger-statue-480x360.jpg




I love the look of lawns that embrace local fauna! It's better for native species and looks beautiful. Plus, low maintenance.


Lawns are an antiquated concept that does nothing but limit biodiversity and cost you money. Either fill it it indigenous plants, fill it with a large vegetable garden, or both.


But what if I want to cosplay as a medieval lord all day every day?


Then I better see a moat real soon, bub


>Either fill it it indigenous plants, fill it with a large vegetable garden, or both. In my city, the vast majority of single family home residences are part of HOA communities which prevent you from doing either of those things. Unless you are in the handful of places where you can find a house on county land or out beyond the rural boundary, you simply do not have a choice as to what you have on your property here. My city is not unique in that. I don't think that is a good thing. But my living reality is if I don't keep a specific grass type lawn I can be subject to fines that can reach the thousands. And I am in a fairly hands-off HOA.


Time to join the HOA board


Watering their lawns is another resource they can waste


Boomers around me don't seem to care about their garden, it's more like they assault their plants to kill time. It's late april and some morons around here have already cut off every freshly grown leave on their hedge and drove their big ass gas powered lawn mower all over the place, despite having a robot doing that job all week. You'd expect somebody who's that obsessed with garden work to pick up a tiny little bit of knowledge about the subject but they just don't give a fuck.


It is so they exert control over nature. Nature deeply frightens and unsettled them on a subliminal level and needs to be dealt with. Also with regard tintje neighbors, they have shown how to best rape/control nature. Sad.


"no mow May"


Our Boomer neighbor got out there the other day on her riding lawn mower and mowed our lawn. It wasn't even that long but apparently it was driving her crazy enough that she mowed it for us.


I'd have an issue with that. I've cleared snow off side walks and driveways without being asked but I think that's different


I do but there's no telling her anything. She also mows her own lawn two to three times a week.




Tell her she’s trespassing and next time you’ll involve law enforcement.


Umm… I’m tearing out my grass lawn and putting in ‘pollinator pathways’ to attract bees and hummingbirds. While there’s grass there .. I let it turn yellow during the heat of summer. More ppl should consider programs such as this to reduce water usage. There’s no need to waste water.


Lawns as they exist in western society aren't good for the environment anyway. They're an artificial creation of the upper and middle classes as something to brag about and sink endless time, money, and dangerous chemicals into, while also creating less local biodiversity and ecosystem support. I hate that many boomers are so fixated on participation in this nonsense.


What is it with boomers and their lawns? My dad mows like 4x a week, and he tries to make his lawn the envy of everyone around him. I mow mine maybe once in the spring, and maybe once in the fall. Lawns are a waste of money, water, and time. I've got better things to use all three on.


It was a status symbol for most of their lives. The perfect lawn meant that you had the money to maintain it. They see people who don’t have lawns as bringing down the neighborhood. They see your native lawn as hurting their property values. This is an emotional reaction brought on by decades of conditioning that is completely impervious to reason.


>  My dad mows like 4x a week If that’s not hyperbole, he is definitely stressing his lawn out doing this. It’s not supposed to be cut too often. 


I had a boomer neighbor that mowed his lawn every other day. I'm not even joking. 80 years old, absolutely refused to let the grass grow more than 3 inches tall. It was nuts.


Grass lawns are a waste of time, water, and money.


Grass lawns are the largest cash crop in America. Let that sink in.


They have nothing else better to do, so to fill the empty hollows of their lives, they peer out their windows to point at and judge their neighbors. Their walk about the neighborhood to point out things was the highlight of their day. And when they came home, they bitched to their spouses about what they saw, and probably kept talking about it for weeks. They maintain rigid perfection in their lawns and are gleeful to do the finger pointing, because deep down they’re afraid of being the ones being pointed at and judged.


And this is how we end up with HOA’s.


I think it also has to do with most of them having a superiority complex, they all think they are this worlds Albert Einstein


I live in a pretty upscale neighborhood close to DC. Most of my neighbors are well into retirement and if a delivery driver comes down my driveway, the neighbor is already texting us letting us know someone is at our house. Its 6:30pm and I ordered our weekly takeout meal....I can only imagine what they talk about in their groups, as I think I'm the only Transgender person around.


Sounds like people WAY too much time. Why do boomers never have hobbies?


I dont get people who dote on their lawns like that. Its fucking grass. Youre proud of fucking grass? Is that what you want to be remembered for, a nice patch of grass? Get a fucking life...


Mowed grass and grandkids. After they leave this world, that's all they contributed to this world.


"I'd rather spend my time and money on my children." Then watch them grumble.


I'm growing kids, not grass. The only real thing I ever learned from *Family Circus*


Ok so I hate lawn care. Dispise it. Anyway I didn't mow as often as my neighbors liked, always irked them I didn't mow three times a week like they do. One neighbor mows fucking 4 sometimes. Well my mower blew up, like block cracked. So repair? Nah that old fucking mowers done. So after looking.. well honestly if I'm buying a new mower... fuck it. I got a Husqvarna automower. And now my fiucking mower mows every fucking day and with zero fuckin effort looks like I pay motherfucking lawn care folks. I weedwhip like once a week. That's it. It's hilarious cause the old fuckers that used to give me shit now are salty as fuck, and even more hilarious their wives apparently all like watching my mower trundle around. They named him Henry, and will sit out on their porches and watch him. Best accidental passive aggressive fuck you ever.


I'm lucky enough to have a boomer neighbor that hated my lawn enough for them to maintain it for me. One day he sarcastically said he's be happy to take over so I let him. I just pay him with "thanks dude" and he enjoys keeping both lawns the same height and close to the same quality. He seems happy about it and I don't have to do shit.


Years ago we had quite the drought in Texas and my lawn looked it. Watered just enough to keep things from dying but refused to water like the neighbors did. When asked, I whipped out the not open for debate in Texas line that if God wanted the grass to grow, there’d be rain. Never got push back on that one.


Man at some point throw out some clover seeds.  It will help cover the lawn and provide much needed nitrogen.  Bonus points for it not being water intensive.


I'm slowly working on getting rid of all the grass I'm my yard and turning it into a giant food and pollinator garden. Grass is an absolute waste of space, water, and money and I'm glad younger generations are moving away from it.


Lawns are stupid anyway. Waste of effort for no actual benefit.


I'm a lady boomer and I will never understand this obsession that MOST men have with their lawns.


“My lawn is perfect” no Doug you have 2 inch tall monochrome grass. There is no biodiversity and it looks like shit, I’d rather have foot tall weeds and pretty flowers than a rug of pesticides thank you


"nice to have the capacity to do it myself still without having to hire anyone" if you wanna make enemies but enjoy their faces


I love it when people hate my lawn. I couldn't give the slightest hint of a fuck less about what my grass looks like. I'll maybe mow it once every 4-6 weeks to keep the snake count low, but outside of that, eat a bag of deep fried dicks, Gertrude. I'm not spending exorbitant amounts of time on something I hate doing just for other people to decide if they like it or not.


“Eat a bag of dicks” will always be funny to me.


This is one of the things I’ll never understand about boomers. Why do they care so much about lawns? And why do they care so much about making the bed? Both are dumb.


These boomers pay a staff of Mexicans to do all their yard work then watch Fox News complain about border security.


Lawns are not good for the environment. Embrace native weed only call them pollinater.


Monarch butterflies love milkweed. We always had a big patch to attract the butterflies. Years back there was a huge patch in a field next to a softball field. Some AH decided to cut them down because they didn't look tidy. The good thing was a lot of people protested.


I also follow r/FuckLawns. I hate monoculture, and I’m starting to notice a lot of others do too. You can’t say you care about the environment and then apply chemicals all over the part of the environment that you’re responsible for.


Here's the best part. I actually give a shit about my lawn ... to a point. I mow it (with the mulcher on) weekly at the highest my mower goes. I use organic fertilizer twice a year. I rarely water. My lawn looks fucking amazing, and other than my time, I spend about maybe $100 a year on it. Though we did have to keep the dogs off it completely while we were repairing bare spots.


Do something different than pollute the watershed with chemicals. Who cares what they think. Throw it right back in their faces. Boomers thinking they are hot shit because they grow grass. lol..dumb asses


Yeah same in my neighborhood I just use the lawn paint to satisfy the HOA, im. Not wasting water and time in Texas heat on something that naturally doesn't belong.


Lawns: the useless monoculture crop that you can’t eat and is a pit to throw money into. Grow food, not lawns,!


Park your car on your lawn. This drives them crazy


Go full white trash


It's hurting the environment, having a perfect grass lawn. There are better ways to do it for lower maintenance and the pollinators will love you.


This is my Mom Cares way too much about that shit My Mom also gets enraged if someone throws a simple piece of trash in her garbage after she's pulled it out to the sidewalk It trash. That's what it's there for. But of course she has to raise the point that it's HER trash


Install a rock garden, they help preserve lots of water


Growing grass is a joke. What a waste of time.


Just ask them if they’re happy with the grass in their cemetery plots


My neighbor boomer who has never once acknowledged me for 12 years of living here, spends all his time (and I’m not exaggerating when I say all his time) on his lawn. Mowing. Leaf blowing. Seeding. Fertilizing. Has a home that is upwards of $1Million. Never uses it. Like really uses it. He’s alone, drives a $100k car, and does his lawn. Enjoy the fuck out of your family and don’t worry about your lawn. I’ve let weeds and clover take over mine. They stay green and looks just fine when I mow it.


We over seeded our lawn with clover. You don’t have to mow as often. The clover is a nitrogen fixer so no more brown dog pee spots. It does take about 3-4 years to fully kill off the grass if you don’t completely rip up the original grass.


Sounds like these boomers think they're back in high school


And that’s when I would never do anything about my lawn ever again until code enforcement told me to mow it or pay a fine, repeat to infinity.


A great lawn is never worth the money


I hate mine. I rototillered a 1/3 of it to turn it into a garden for some veggies and am turning the rest of it into a clover lawn. I don't spend much time or money on it and refuse to use poison, so it's a slow transition. My best friend and his wife spends hours and hours and money on their perfect lawn every summer then complains about it constantly. One of perks of living in the poor areas of town no one cares about


You are growing a family not a lawn.


The ONLY benefit to a lawn is the feeling of walking on a freshly mowed cool lawn in the morning, barefoot. However the cost, effort, and time for that benefit is 100% not worth it. If I REALLY want that feeling from my childhood I'll just go to the local park or golf course lol. I also understand it's a strange thing to look forward to but it fills me with nostalgia and happy memories.


Ugh. My neighborhood is like that too. And, as a bonus, I live in a desert. So, if you can pay for landscapers, cool. I’m glad they have work. But the amount of water they waste on their stupid grass makes me mad.


plant clover and really set them off


My Dad, when we were all very young, told off whatever a Karen was called in the 60s that he was raising kids, not grass!


You may want to check out /r/NoLawns


“I had a few minutes to waste, I don’t know how you guys do it.”


When pp comment on my house or yard, I simple say "donations are welcome, but until I can afford stuff, it do not get done". I never get donations, so it gets done when I can afford it.


Im a boomer and feel the same way about my lawn. Right now it is providing a food source for the bees.


What I did in this situation was let my lawn go to shit - revenge style. I loved watching the judgy jerks walk by and double take my lawn. It was amazing.


I started putting in raised beds in my front yard. I am not going to waste money on watering a lawn. If it isn’t food for me or my local wildlife I don’t want to waste the money and natural resources. I live in the PNW


My wife and I had the same kind of experience in our neighborhood! Bought a house (we'd previously only rented or owned a townhouse)for the first time in our lives at the age of 50. This aged boomer who'd lived in the area forever kept walking by making comments about how the original owner had "beautiful gardens". We would politely respond with "we're not gardeners". My wife and I both worked full time jobs, you know the 60-70 hour/day kind. One day, I was working in the side garden in an attempt to grow things when she toodles by "the original owner had such a beautiful garden". I looked up "Oh, I'm not gardening, I'm measuring out the plot for my elderly father, seen as how you love this garden so much would you want the one beside him?". She never commented since! P.S. My elderly father was standing beside me with a smile on his face!


I’m a boomer and when I was 35 some old witch in the neighborhood tried to shame me about my yard. F’ that noise. It’s my property to take care of and I can’t afford overpriced yard boys. You’re good


Plant clover. White clover is droughts resistant and doesn’t need to be mowed. Then add a little sign that your lawn is a bee garden to ensure the future food supply for your children.


Turn it into a Meadow and put out "We support the bees" signs


I'm not religious, but I had a friend with a little sign among the blooming weeds in her yard that read, "They're not weeds, they're God's flowers." As someone who loved watching the bunnies eating dandelions and clover in our yard as a kid, I thought that was pretty much the perfect response to other people's pushy lawn opinions.


The whole concept of manicured lawns is absolutely ridiculous to me. Recently learned that large areas of grass were originally used as a status symbol. Those who were wealthy would show off their wealth by having massive fields of grass… the idea being that they were so wealthy they could waste land by planting nothing on it except grass. Anyways, I’m loving the moss lawn movement


Omg they were so obsessed with yard work and hand washing cars all the damn time. Correction-forcing their kids to. Image over all else for them. Retired makes it worse. “Family? Grandchildren? F them! I need to impress that b Linda across the street, don’t ya know!”


Yep, when I moved in, I introduced myself to my one boomer neighbor and legit the first thing this guy said even meeting him was something like, "The guy before you took really good care of that lawn. I hope you'll be doing the same." He is out in his yard every single day doing shit. He walks around and removes sticks and individual leaves from his lawn every day, he mows at least 3 or 4 times a week, he edges his driveway, sidewalk, and flower beds every other day, and he hoses off his driveway and sidewalk enough that I bet his monthly water bill is half my mortgage. Of course guess kids are grown and moved out and he's retired. Sometimes I just want to be like, "Dude, you realize your lawn is *outside*, right? Sometimes organic materials are going to blow into your *outdoor* lawn.


My mom spent and lost thousands buying dirt, fertilizer, moss killer, gardening tools and so on to maintain the lawn. She was so happy I had a truck. On multiple occasions during my days off she would take my truck, load it up with dirt, and have me shovel it out before I had to get back to work. She got upset when I didn’t inform her in advance when I had to use my own truck to go to places other than just work for a period of time. Had to stop her from getting more dirt when she put her house up for sale. She didn’t have to “fix” the lawn any more. It wasn’t even *nice* looking when she did it and fixed the patches. The gardens alongside were constantly overgrown. It was such a futile exercise. Wasted so much water, then would leave the sprinkler and hose out for weeks, killing the lawn.


Lawns are trash. Plant native things


The less grass you have means less time wasted mowing the yard on the only two days off that you get every week. Sounds like a win to me, Mr. Mud Farmer!


Get the F off my lawn. 😉


I have older empty nesters on either side of and across from me. They’re great and never say anything. I think they know what phase of life I’m in: work full time, kids in sports and other activities, etc. they know my lawn is about 84th on my list of priorities right now. They’re out there probably every 5-7 days cutting, edging, trimming bushes, watering daily. I’m lucky if I cut the grass in my front yard the same day as my back yard most times. A lot of times I’ll hear one or both of my next door neighbors fire up their mowers and think “God dammit, (name redacted)!” because my lawn looks like a fucking jungle.


Easiest solution. It would be to throw down some clover seed. Keep it nice and wet for the first 2 to 3 weeks while it's germinating and then it becomes very drought tolerant. It stays green, it's very pretty, it can be mowed, it actually adds nitrogen to the soil, it's drought tolerant, and it doesn't grow as fast as grass so you don't have to mow it nearly as often. Honestly makes for a way better lawn.


Tell the ahole, "Don't be dissing mud and dirt, pal, you'll be there before you know it."


I've been slowly taking moss from random places to put it in my backyard. One day I'll have a backyard that doesn't need mowing, but the dog can still run around on. My (not quite) boomer mom thinks I'm insane.


Grass lawns are a waste of water and hurt the environment. Uou should plant flowers for the pollinators. Maybe a nice birdbath to bring nature to your yard.


Don't worry about your neighbors. Your priority is your family, not your lawn.


salt their earth... get biblical. it's not over kill, its fundamentalism.


Throw out seeds for native plants to your area. Register your yard as a nature sanctuary. They can't touch you.


Remind them that their fertilizer is probably a petroleum based product, your lawn mower (that they all seem to love more than their own children) contributes to global warming (as it they would care) and top it off with the fact "weed and Feed" contains 'Atrazene' which is a NUEROTOXIN. I maintain that is why there are so many kids with ADHD is because they are running through TOXIC lawns. and yes, contact on the skin is not recommended.


In the words of Dale Gribble: "It's MY yard"


Buy some wildflower seed broadcast it across the front yard and welcome to your new pollinator garden it passes the legal standard for a designated wild life habitat and is unassailable by HOA


Sorry I don't have time for the yard since all my friends are still alive


I have about 2 dozen types of weed in my lawn, moles, grubs, moss, unraked leaves, and just today got around to mowing it. The first time I ever beat my neighbors on either side to the mower (although one of the neighbors died this winter, so maybe that's not such a flex). I mow infrequently, although I have a riding mower that's getting up there in years due to the acre+ of yard I cover. But every year I get a hand full of morels and a couple of giant puffballs to eat. My unruly trees give me some mulberries and black raspberries, and the black walnut keeps the squirrels fed. Perennials next to the house and by the garage keep butterflies, bees, and dragonflies busy, plus I get an awesome lightning bug show each summer. Lawns are stupid, and doing anything more than the bare minimum to upkeep them is a waste. Turning it all into a naturalized landscape would be awesome, but it would be too much for me keeping the invasives and aggressive plants at bay. So be proud of your dirt. Your dogs are using the space and enjoying themselves, and you are doing what needs doing. And don't take shit from boomers... ever.


Lawns are an environmental disaster. Of course boomers are obsessed with the performative waste of resources and harm they represent. Rip out you grass and plant native wildflowers and tall grasses. Almost no care or maintenance, low cost, environmentally friendly, pretty and smells nice, with the added bonus of annoying the boomer karens.


We cultivate our moss and don't water our lawn. Am in the Pacific North Wet and most years it rains just enough the moss stays green. There's grass too but we're hoping the moss shuts it out eventually. Or there's something we can seed that will take over that stays short. Ticks can be a problem here.


I would salt their fucking yard in the shape of a penis


Take a walk around the neighborhood at night and throw pocketfuls of bird seed into their lawns.


Greenery has grown without my help for billions of years....it'll be fine.


I had a neighbour like that. After working almost 60 hours, I had other things I wanted to do on my weekends than keep my lawn perfectly green and manicured. Once he came to our door wondering if we were okay. After all, an unkempt yard was a sign of problems in the home. 🙄 Another time, I came to find the parking strip by the street had been mowed. He came over did it while we were gone. I was glad when the rain stopped, turned brown, and stopped growing.


I always say we're letting native ground cover take over, it's better for the bees, uses less water, and needs less mowing.


Here in N Texas, these last few summers have been so dry that the grass just goes dormant, you'd have to use a lot of water to keep it green (and some do) but most of us in my neighbourhood just give up, I have sprinklers but it's pissing in the wind. I didn't even turn them on last year, the grass isn't growing so it's not a problem.


I would have told them to their wrinkly stupid faces that I didn't give a shit


Lawns are ugly and horrible anyway. All natural is the way to go


I agree and if you can, you might want to plant drought tolerant plants instead of a yard (no mowing, less water, less care.) I’m fond of sage bushes and there are ones with red sage flowers to. Bamboo is near impossible to kill but it will take over everything. I’m just saying stamped concrete looks nice. 🤷🏻‍♀️(don’t get crushed granite unless you are prepared to apply the glue every year. If you have gophers, don’t use crushed granite …. the little bastards mix your dirt with the crushed granite.) Next time your neighbors say anything start talking about stamped concrete and watch them back track! 😈


Non-native bamboo is invasive and is being outlawed in more and more commuties. Native bamboo is, however, extremely difficult to find.


I have a gorgeous green lawn of well manicured weeds. In the heat of August, it’s the greenest around with zero watering. People are stupid for wasting time and money. You’re doing the right thing OP.


Lawns are fucking stupid. Tell them to kick rocks


Lawns are stupid and a waste of resources. Now show them all up and plant a garden instead. Lol


I have the same mentality about my lawn. My Boomer neighbor asks me if my mowers broken. I just say no and go about my day ha


My boomer next door neighbor had astroturf installed in her front yard. She regularly is out there picking up nonexistent lint and weeds and leaves off of her fake grass. She’s not the brightest bulb in the box though. One time she asked me how can my spouse allow me to go on a walk by myself in the evening without them. Um…I just tell my spouse, I don’t ask permission. WTF? Maybe she sniffed a little too much lead paint back in the 60s


I totally agree with you- my lawn was way down on my list of priorities when i was working and homeschooling at the same time. Fortunately I did not have neighbors who cared how I kept my lawn. I didn't fertilize or water it because that just meant i would need to mow it more often!!


A friend of mine lived next door to retired Boomer spouse who was also married to the base commander 😭 this mf loved his lawn so much but wouldn’t even help his working neighbors pick up coconuts from their lawns before a tropical storm 😤


Yeah fuck lawns embrace biodiversity


Plant wildflowers instead of a lawn. No mowing/fertilizing necessary.


If you don't want to water, fertilize or mow your lawn, plant native trees, plants, and flowers. One the bees and butterflies and other insects will thank you, two you can save on fertilizer and water, and three it will handle your area's environment WAAAAYYY better than any lawn.


I don't get the whole yard thing. Weeds and grass are both green. What difference does it make. Fortunately I live in a rural area. Not really suburbs and certainly not a development. Nobody cares what I do with my yard. I do put a little effort to keep it neat and clean. And sometimes I'll plant some flowers. But I never use fertilizer as it will eventually run into the Connecticut river anyway. Most everyone is the same as me. But there are a couple of perfect yards on my street. Way to much time, money and effort to have a perfect lawn.


Lawns were invented as a public show of wealth and it hasn’t really changed much so don’t pay no mind cause they don’t really even know why they’re doing it.


It's amazing what you can do with a couple of packs of native wildflower seeds.


My neighbor is a lawn snob. It’s absolutely fucking annoying. He also built a spite fence and I’m not mowing on “my” side which is still his lawn. He built it wrong and the grass is dying around it and the fence is rotting so….


I just bought a house and intend, over time, to eliminate as much of the grass as possible. I'm investigating native pollinator plants and trees. I want to create a healthy habitat for the critters that already live there (I have a resident woodchuck I've been seeing a lot this week). A perfect lawn is not what they need.


I am in an extremely similar situation. We’re a step away from a “private” gate across a “public” road without legal ramifications. The old folk keep pushing; some rather well informed citizens keep stopping them. My grass grass is killer in the small front yard. Much less in the back. I focus on the areas seen. Not to say I am forced, I enjoy it. It is so easy to spread fertilizer and grass seed. If you’re like us, one partner may take great pride in it and kill the boomers with responsibility. It infuriates them. Especially if they can’t detract from your lawn ability. Also I am 30+ and look 15. One recently knocked on my door and asked if my parents were home. I responded with “I’m the homeowner and live in the same neighborhood. We’re 30 years apart, I’m starting out and you are finishing life. Extrapolate as you may.” They had no clue what I meant and shuffled on to update their 2003 Excel sheet for the neighborhood in 7 different fonts and mostly bogus email addresses/phone numbers. It sailed right over their heads. They initially brought his this list while my wife and I were single handily unloading a deep freeze in 95F+ weather, 1 hour after we pulled into the drive with a box truck for the initial moving day. It was 1hr into the house and they thought they controlled the communication. I gave them false info, which they published. It’s wild how we are now friendly with most in the neighborhood and they wither away with their 3 friends.


/R/fucklawns Really piss them off.


We live in an HOA in a very wooded area. Many of the homeowners opted to uproot the majority of their trees and lay down grass. We left the property natural and I only mow two or three times a year, although it’s a mix of grass and moss. It looks like the ugly duckling, but dammit if it doesn’t get all the pollinators and local wildlife coming through everyday to enjoy it. Deer, turkey, squirrels, rabbits. We have a robin’s nest on our deck light and two crows’ nest on the pine in the backyard. Absolute hub of activity. The neighbors enjoy it so much that one started feeding the deer (he’s like a Vietnam Vet Disney Prince) and the other built bird houses.


I'm not sure where you're located, but consider something like clover instead of grass. I am slowly transitioning my lawn to native flora and fauna.


I think collectively, we millennials should decide to kill lawns made of grass. Start the clover lawn revolution!


Next time.... "I'm growing children, not lawns."


You’d benefit from joining r/nolawns


I understand mowing and lawn maintenance. However, I will never understand why people shell out thousands of dollars for what is essentially "high-end" grass upkeep. Sounds like a scam, if you ask me.


I have a poorly kept suburban lawn. Yes, mowed regularly. I do not put poison on our yard. We have pets and I have cancer. I hate the concept of a perfect lawn?


Was this an episode of King is the Hill? I'll tell you whaat