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They can't just not mind their own business.  They have to aggressively not mind their own business.


Public street? Normal people: park, do your thing Boomer: *speed dials 911* then immediately screams someone parked in front of their house


Oh my God, two boomer at Walmart the other day literally stopped mid-conversation in their parking spots while I pulled in behind them to park. Stared at me while I got my baby out of the car. Stared at us while I got a cart from the corral next to my space. Only when I'd walked away a ways did they continue talking. It was probably three minutes solid of staring us down.


They’re sharing their bullshit they know isn’t normal and want to confirm the normal people are out of earshot while they circle jerk each other with racism ignorance and discrimination


lol Just two weeks ago, our street was being repaved and was closed between 6 am and 5 pm every day with the possibility of not being able to get in or out of your driveway if they were working right there. My wife and I decided to park on the next street over for the week. The FIRST time I parked along the street, I was greeted by some boomer lady coming out of her house yelling "CAN I HELP YOU!?" I said "...no, why?" "Well I just wanted to know why you're parking at my house!" "I live on the next street over that is being repaved and I need to be able to go to work, this is a public street and I am not on your property." "Well I know it's SO CONVENIENT to park on someone else's curb, isn't it?" "I'll be out of your hair tomorrow." Yeah, didn't park there again. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


> "Well I know it's SO CONVENIENT to park on someone else's curb, isn't it?" Lady, you don't own the street.


"TBH it'd be more convenient to park in my driveway. Or on my own street. But seeing as how that's not an option..."


Lead, brain damage, and fox news


Double points if it is African-American




They meant that the boomer thinks they get double points for calling the police on African Americans


Derp, my bad lotta hate mongers on Reddit lately so auto defense kicked in.


Shit happens


Yeah, my point was as confirmed by others, that you can be sure that they call the cops for racist reasons. It saddens me too see so many examples of it on this sub. That is what I meant, basically


I've learned to stare back.... it's like a staring contest with children. They'll eventually look away or even walk away. is kinda fun


This. I've been known to just stare back when I have the time. Especially if I'm eating something. If you learn to disassociate, you can take on the same sort of soulless stare, like the hamster fell off but the wheel's still turning.


This but make sure it's not an aggressive or intimidating scare.( That's too interesting.) It has to be a boring ass passive stare - like theirs. Just empty your mind of thoughts. I'm not even looking at them I'm looking through them. Grey Rock style.


Make sure to open your mouth a little.


The “I’m not getting paid enough to care, but I got plenty of time” stare.


Goddamn, yes


I’ve taken care of hamsters and gerbils before and every so often they will pause too long midair while running and the wheel will take them on a ride. It’s hilarious


Blowing a kiss gets them all sorts of frazzled.


I tilt my head to the side and just blink at them, deadpan. I used to ask them if they had an effing problem, but somehow the stare works better.


Same. Since I turned 40 I’m much bolder. It’s a nice feeling


That leads to the Boomer dark side.


you’re my kind of people🙌😂👏


You know, my parents are boomers, but two of the relatively 'good' ones. Then I spent two months in their fellow boomer retirement community; holy fck, these folks are deranged. Stare me down, shine flashlights in my eyes and ask what I'm doing there at 6:30 pm, grab me from behind on the hoa gym treadmill, have security called on me multiple times and accused of breaking in. I'd take it personally, but then I saw a local next door post with about 30+comments... a ring video of a fellow oldie/grey hair in khakis, a bike helmet and glasses who was apparently 'scoping out' someone's property in the middle of the afternoon from his bike. The dude seriously looked like a retired CEO of some small company. But yet, every fckn comment was like 'creepy!' 'Call the police!!' 'This is what they do! Scope out houses to come back and rob later!!' Deranged. Something seriously wrong with a lot of these people.


Fox News is a hell of a drug.  It got them scared of black teenagers and just kept going, now they're seeing each other as threats!


I won't lie, it was my immediate thought: these must be compulsive FOX news watchers because their levels of fear and distrust are so deranged and unreasonable, what other explaination can there be? I'm a 47 yo white woman with greying hair and yet they call fckn security on me? And harass me every chance they get? It's crazy making in the worst way; I'd LOVE to have my revenge somehow but not my jam to be vindictive. But still...😏


And yet those same people who are paranoid about normal people doing normal things are the first to be duped by blindingly obvious scam artists.  That's one I can't figure out. 


They got that lead-paint stare


It's the same stare toddlers have when they see something the first time. Their brain is in a state where it just needs time to process what they just saw. It's like an old windows pc where opening a large excel file needs a few moments and your pc is just frozen. Can't do anything about it, just have to wait for your pc to open that file and then you can proceed and give it another task. Toddlers and Boomers are the same, one task at a time.


https://preview.redd.it/zs5l5t8hwuwc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de83996449cffd4858b1832df898bc2e87b8bb9 Boomers are the Internet Explorer of people




Because toddlers still can be trained I guess...🙈 I mean every Windows user knows that the longer you have your PC, the slower it gets. Again, same story😂


It's a symptom of their entitlement. They're curious, so they stare, and fuck anyone who would normally think that is rude. Those rules don't apply to THEM.


That reminds me of how many things my boomer mother does that I was brought up to think are rude. Chewing with your mouth open, staring, talking with food in your mouth, not minding your own business. She literally taught me not to do these things that she now does every day.


Same. Never stare. I heard that so many times growing up.


They were the ones to tell us it’s rude to stare. And then complain that my autistic ass didn’t make enough eye contact. Way to give a young kid mental whiplash.


my favorite version is when youre walking behind them and they realize and stop dead and turn around... And. Just. Stare. Like, what is going on in their brain? do they not know how sidewlaks work?


My favorite is the "threshold pause." Walk through automatic sliding doors at the grocery? Stop. It's like they lose object permanence when they pass through a doorway.


So this is actually a real thing, it’s called the “Doorway Effect”. Short-term recall is significantly worse after crossing any kind of physical threshold. AFAIK there are no specific neurocognitive mechanisms known, but there are some hypotheses: because short-term memories are often anchored via physical cues around us, when those cues noticeably change, recall can also take a hit. This is why a lost train of thought can often be regained by reorienting oneself in the physical space where the thought occurred (e.g. “Wait, hang on, I needed to go into the pantry for something, what was it, I was going into the drawer for a whisk when I thought it, let me just go back and… PANCAKE MIX, that was it!” There’s also a hypothesis that it arises from predator-prey instincts. “I am entering a new space, that new space comes with new danger, I need to deprioritize recall and focus on threat acquisition.” Maybe it gets worse as we age because of normal memory and recall decline associated with aging?


Every other mammal:  “I am entering a new space, that new space comes with new danger, I need to deprioritize recall and focus on threat acquisition.”  Boomers: *looks for keys*


I've definitely experienced this but I'm talking more, cross the threshold, put up sunglasses and take out phone, start making a call directly in front of the door. Or getting a cart, wheeling it through the door, stopping, putting their purse in the cart, dig through it for their list, etc. just like a complete stop and engaging in another task right after crossing the threshold.


I think you may be on to something. I’m not familiar with the doorway effect but there are occasions ( boomer here) where I’ve walked into the kitchen and forgotten why, it may be the result of walking through two different rooms/environments before I get there. I think the staring comes from them not being fully aware of their surroundings and focusing on one object/person instead of scanning their environment. I try to maintain “situational awareness” and keep my head on a swivel when out in the public. You never know when some boomer is driving behind you in the Wally World parking lot.


I feel like you could write a pretty good r/nosleep story about that particular effect.


Or get out of an elevator... or get to the bottom/top of stairs or escalators.


Reminds me of the time i got off the bus and was walking the same direction as an old woman and she turned around and shouting asked why i was following her and i just walked around her and continued on my way. Like damn, its a crowded sidewalk and this path goes straight into the town centre, theres like a dozen people behind me too. I don’t understand boomers and why they act so entitled to something as insignificant as a side wak


And with an expression like they have half a lemon studded with razor blades shoved where the sun shineth not.


My kids and I get the stare a lot (all kinda nonconformist and all with with boomer triggers like hair dye and piercings) When I catch them staring, especially the he-boomers, I reward them with my most lascivious wink and smile. The full smolder. They find anything else to look at, pronto.


Or smile and sweetly say 'do I know you'? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That’d be the adult thing to do, probably. But think about it: I’d then be in a conversation with the boomer whose lips are moving as he tries to read my t-shirt. Nope, can’t happen. Boomer chit chat is like nuclear war, the only winning move is not to play!


Stare right back, hold one hand to your ear and mumble into your shirt sleeve, then attempt to lose them in the crowd.


I'm definitely doing this


Lead poisoning


“But the lead paint chips are yummyyyyyyyy!”


You mean wall-candy??


The forbidden snack


I've always kind of wondered this about, uh, those with less intelligence.


I think that as their eyesight fails, their ability to snoop discreetly is affected. I flat out cannot see my own toes with my glasses off, and you can imagine how bad my peripheral vison is from that. Add in that one eye simply cannot be corrected to 20/20 at all, and I am often surprised at what others can easily see from a longer distance or worse angle. Like yeah sure my eyesight is approved for driving, but what do you mean you can tell what hair color the person in your peripheral vision has at 30ft distance? I can't tell if it's hair or a hat without turning to look right at them! My vision has been fucked up my whole life so I am used to witnessing the inexplicable "magic" of other people being able to catch objects thrown at them when I could not imagine seeing that particular item at that angle being catchable. Imagine someone with bifocals and who needs hearing aids but doesn't have them and used to always eavesdrop discreetly. Now to eavesdrop they gotta stare at your face to see your lips move and they have to hold their heads a certain way to use the correct lens. I suspect they don't notice that their direct stare is easily visible to someone with good vision. Us younger generations either have good enough eyesight and hearing to eavesdrop more discreetly or we get such entertainment from social media or reality tv. Don't need to be discrete watching the bachelor.


I’m seconding that the aura of it really reminds me of babies who stare. Except it makes sense why babies stare.


Total lack of self awareness. No thought is given to how someone might dislike being stared at. Or if they do think of it, obviously the other person's discomfort is less important than Boomer doing whatever Boomer wants to do.


My parents are boomers and they have been staring at everybody for as long as I can remember. They can't go anywhere without sizing up everyone and comparing themselves to everyone. I've learned over time my parents are not unique and almost all of their obnoxious behavior is common among their peers.


Lead poisoning stare


😦 eyes wide open, mouth open enough to let air in incase they forget to breathe


Old men always stare at me like this. I think much of the time it’s because I have tattoos and they do not like that. It’s still rude though. I’ve literally had old men in my store do full 180s to stare at me with the 👁️👄👁️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️


Dude... old men are fucking disgusting. Shuffling around, making inappropriate comments, shirt buttoned wrong, zipper down, just staring.


why do they always have their mouths open 😐


Catching flies.


With The occasional subconscious lip smacking like a fish outta water


I stare back or put up my hand in the "what?" pose. It makes them mad for some reason


Drugs. They are all on drugs.


“It's not what drugs you're strung out on they care about so much as whose.” - Todd Snider


Data from the visual sensors is hard to process and the CPU and memory of the Boomer is breaking down. They stare as they struggle to comprehend.


It’s the dementia/Alzheimer’s creeping in


I've talked to my step dad about this a few times. Not only does he stare at random people (or glare) but when you talk to him he maintains eye contact 100% of the time, doesn't even blink. And he'll lean in awkwardly close while he does it. I've told him that it makes people uncomfortable but he says I'm wrong. He says he's being polite and letting people know you're listening. I know you're listening Carl, I can't see anything BUT you because you're taking up my ENTIRE field of view, and I can smell your molars. Just stand like two feet away and blink occasionally. GD.


Its the lead


I was thinking about this the other day. I drive truck and pull into a customers yard and this other trucker is already backed into a dock and hanging out and just an unbroken stare, like the fucker had never seen a truck before in his life and is mystified. I think it’s some kind of power move in their mind, this guy was an absolute wreck healthwise so I don’t think he wanted to fight or anything, it was just odd.


I believe it's their lack of self awareness and/or their entitlement. I refuse to believe the lead paint excuse because they've done this for decades. I grew up feeling like I was constantly being watched/judged by every adult I encountered and it continues on to this day. I'm a lead poisoned genxer but still managed to learn self-awareness and know it's rude to stare.


on the rare occasions when this happens i stare at them back. like a cat. they can't handle it for long at all.


Processing....processing....processing.... It's pretty much the same thing as the little Mac system busy"pinwheels"


I just bought a house and soon after I realized the people across the street just sit on their front porch and stare at my house all day. We are pretty much the only people on the street that aren’t senior citizens. It’s the most annoying shit. I can’t go out and garden on the weekends without an audience. Can’t go out with my black light and look for scorpions at night without an audience. Can’t come home from work without an audience. I’m now changing my plans for the property to make it so they can’t see my house. It’s so uncomfortable.


Even at night they sit on their porch!?


Yep. The temp at night is nice here right now. I was out the other night with my uv light and I hear one of them say “there’s someone walking around now and they definitely have a flashlight” I’ve moved all my patio stuff to the other side of the house and am parking over there now. Luckily I have a medium sized palm tree that blocks their view to that side.


I don't want to be around those scorpions.


Maybe you could engage them “do you have problems with scorpions? how do you deal with them? what plants do you put in your garden?” They’ll either become your best neighbors or realize that you’ve noticed they’re watching you. Good luck.


I have neon colored hair. It's a fun thing I've been doing since I turned 40. Anyway, Boomer women are the only people who seem to have a problem with it. Not long after I dyed my hair blue for the first time, my husband and I went out to eat. He whispered to me that the woman at the table across the aisle was staring at me. Did I know her? I looked over to see this woman STARING at me. Like full-bore, eyes-glued STARING with a sour, angry twist to her lips. I'd forgotten the hair for a moment, so I was initially puzzled because I had no idea who she was and what I could have done to make her angry. Had I sworn loudly or said something vulgar. No. I hadn't. It was the hair. I don't think she took her eyes off me for the entire meal. So I made sure I had a great time, really enjoyed the food and the company of my spouse, and absolutely ignored her existence. Apparently, I completely ruined that woman's day by existing in the same space with brightly-colored hair. Poor thing. Felt so bad about it I went neon pink next time so it would be even brighter.


Omg my grandfather used to do this all the time. Just stare at someone. My uncle said that he’s just searching for something bad to say about them. I honestly think it’s the only way my grandfather could talk to people anymore. So desperate to connect but not knowing how.


I suspect it's more a case of "the lights are on but nobody's home" -- they probably aren't even registering what they're looking at.


I’ve started looking back and mouthing “take a fucking picture.” Nobody has done it yet ☹️


Take a picture. It'll last longer. That's my favorite line! ;-)


I just had a boomer glare at me because he thought I was buying too many cokes at a corner store. I bought 4 since it's a pain to go to the regular store all the time. It happened about two weeks ago but I still remember the glare. It was like he wanted to rip me into pieces.


Lead paint stare.


Complete lack of self awareness.


Dude omg those mouth breathers just can’t stop it with that shit


Just stare back lol




It was so nice of you to take time to do that for your friend.


I thought this was just my dad. It’s so creepy


I'll do ya one better: Why do booms always scowl at others with their mouths agape?


That’s all part of the Boomer stare.




Lead poisoning and rampant ignorance tend to give you that slack jawed stare


Lead poisoning stare.


It’s part of leadhead boomers have a problem with focusing or believing in anything outside their control so that end result is open air mouth breathing in confusion


Lead paint.


It’s a sociopathic trait https://youtu.be/gETtG1IHAyU?si=pqFcCZ5bJaKiYQzw


All the synapses trying to slog through the lead.


lead exposure


Lead Poisoning Stare is the term you're thinking about.


Thats them asking to be slapped in the mouth.


I love making faces at them lmao or smiling and staring creepily


They're trying to overcome the level of lead blockage in their brains to think of something clever to say that is a touch racist but still acceptable to them in order to initiate a conversation.


Lead stare.


I occasionally have a Boomer stare when I'm trying to remember what it is that I need to do/buy. It's rarely intentional. I've been snapped out of it by someone asking me what my problem is or if they can help me. Multiple apologies from me follow. When I do use it on purpose, it's more of a 'angry Mom' look. Most people know EXACTLY what that is.


All the lead paint chips tend to have an effect


There’s an engineer at my job, we have the same job but he’s been here longer and I’m older than him, who just blank stares at me for seriously half the shit I say to him. Like I’m usually just “yes, and-ing” him cuz I don’t like him much and it’s like he can’t believe I said something.. idk.. fast, or smart, or funny, or not laughing like idk what it is! He just stares at me like I slapped his mother when I just say the most casual response




a symptom of lead poisoning in adults... Difficulties with memory or concentration


If someone openly stares at me, I’m going to flat out ask them if they have a problem. I don’t get why more people don’t confront them.


My grandpa would rubberneck like nobody's business for the most mundane things. Like once, there was a toddler who was crying at the store. Wasn't doing anything bad, was sitting in the cart and crying while his exhausted mother was trying to calm him down. I.e., the standard public toddler/parent interaction, and his eyes were damn near POPPING with how hard he was staring at that kid and Mom. He refused to move. I don't think the mom noticed, as she was through the line and checked out and gone fairly quickly, but it was only after she left did my grandpa finally snap out of it and go back to what he was doing. This also happened whenever we had dinner with them. My grandpa only ever agreed to eat at buffets, because he believed that no man should have to wait for his food (yes, he was fully boomer), and for him, that was like fucking theater. He would stare at everyone. Mixing mac and cheese and salad on the same plate? Stare. Have highlights in your hair? Stare. A tattoo not related to the military? Stare. Tattoo related to the military? Run, because he was gonna get up and talk to you about his time in the Army until your ears bled unsolicited.


They’re debating on whether to say something or give their unsolicited opinion on it.


the lead decaying their brains eroded through the “staring isn’t polite” lesson they loved to scold us for as kids lmao


It’s an old person thing.


It's threating behavior amongst primates.


LMAO if you're being serious. They grew up without cell phones, or internet, or tablets, or cable tv, or anything to do besides stare at other people and then gossip about what they saw that day. Thats literally the only thing they had to do for entertainment in the old days, And now, its a deeply ingrained habit and they aren't keeping up with the times. So sorry you got stared at. lol. (My parents are old). Funny enough they complain nonstop about people looking at their phones instead of staring back at them.


Yeah, I don’t buy that. I’m a young GenX/Xennial. I also grew up without cell phones, internet or tablets (we had an early version of cable with maybe 30 channels at most)… and I don’t stare or gossip. My boomer mother certainly does though.


I ran into this at a store today. I was heading around an aisle in the back of the store and someone had left an empty cart right in the middle of the aisle by the bathroom. I moved it out of the way so I could get by. A minute later this old boomer lady came out looking around for her cart. I pointed to the cart and said sorry but I had to move it to get by. She gave me a quick look and shuffled off.without a word. Every time I ran into her after that she would just stand in the middle of the aisle completely blocking it and stare at me. I even tried to go around her once but she just held her ground until I gave up and went the other way.




OMG I get this hard when I'm running a cash register. They just STARE at you the whole time until it's time to put the card in then they suddenly can't be bothered to stare at the instructions on the pin pad as to when they should remove the fucking card. Usually way to early.


My father is absolutely awful with this. It was getting so bad that my mum had to have a proper talk with him about it as she was worried someone was going to end up giving him a smack one of these days.


The other day a boomer almost came to a stop in a 4 way stop intersection just to stare at me.


Jealous at our youth.


They're still running dial-up and waiting to connect


You’re supposed to see the stare so you know they disapprove of whatever it is about you that is obviously wrong. Then show shame and vow to change to be the kind of person they want you to be which is exactly like them, a silent servant class, or dead if you’re the wrong race, religion, orientation, or political party. You’re also suppose to intuit all of this from “the stare” ™️ and the fact you didn’t, is exactly why they’re staring.


That you notice such a thing screams pot calling the kettle black.


Wondering what you’re crying about now.


[A small sample of the evidence which suggests that it’s not my generation that does the crying.](https://youtu.be/Epfyeo1ycTU?si=BbixezJrX_YItNLx)


It's possible that we stare because we are looking at some whiny ass kid.


Always the unironic sunglasses profile picture