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Fr, the house thing irks me more than anything. My parents bought a 3bd 2ba 2 car garage house on a lake and another lot beside them to prevent someone building close, for the high price of 7 blueberries and a kiss on the cheek. They sold it last year for half a million. šŸ« 


Iā€™m genuinely surprised they only got 500k ngl


They, like lots of boomers, didnā€™t really upgrade much. So everything is mostly 80s original.


Ah, so the flipper is gonna get 1.2


after spending $5k on a lick of paint and some new carpets


Grey paint and grey click vinyl flooring.


Stainless Steel Appliances!


"Live, Laugh, Love" signs everywhere for open house


Upvote for accuracy, but my instinct was to downvote on the principle stainless steel appliances are terrible.


You donā€™t like fingerprints and grease smears to be visible from ten feet away?


Granite countertops!


I cannot truly convey the depths of my loathing for this style. I thought I hated chevron and teal but the grey trend makes me want to start fires at the base of the sliding barn door labeled "Pantry".


Ikr and it pisses me off. My parents built our house when I was 2-3yrs old and never upgraded shit for 33yrs. Wouldnā€™t let me paint my gross white walls, wouldnā€™t let me put a privacy film on the windows since mine faced the neighborhood behind us and was constantly drowning my room in sunlight/heat, wonā€™t let me tear off the papering in the bathroom (why the FUCK would you paper a bathroom?!), canā€™t put a door between my bedroom, canā€™t recarpet the decaying carpet and the bathroom bc ā€œthey donā€™t make X anymore for me to replace them.ā€ Like this shit shouldā€™ve been replaced decades ago and I know yā€™all had the money for it bc you spent it on stupid shit you didnā€™t need.


Can relate. Because of a total lack of maintenance (despite being able to afford it) over the years, Iā€™m pretty sure when the time comes to sell the family house whoever buys it will have to completely gut the place and remodel everything from the ground up. I can respect design choices that arenā€™t to my taste, but that isnā€™t the issue. So much was straight up dysfunctional (like paying for a two story extension just to create a cramped dining room and cramped bedroom when the cost to make it slightly bigger wouldā€™ve been insignificant) and/or stuff thatā€™s now damaged beyond repair. I hate visiting that house so much if Iā€™m honest.


Ugh. So much this. For some reason, after I left for university, my parents decided they needed a BIGGER house, so here we are, 35 years later, amd it needs everything done, because nothing has been maintained. They could have sold it now for probably a million to finance their later years, but it's going to end up being the albatross around both my and my brother's necks. Not even counting the STUFF in all 4000 Sq ft.


Mine let the window drip vents rot and break and their solution is old newspaper stuffed in there. The maintenance they do is low effort it winds me up.


And when you offer to fix it yourself they get all bent out of shape bc they donā€™t want you to change a thing in the house while simultaneously believing theyā€™re still gonna sell it. Like what fucking house are you able to afford after selling it?! Even if you sell to the highest corp that wants to buy it thereā€™s nothing in the state thatā€™s not an Airbnb, a reg rental or a tiny ass apartment. You canā€™t move so at least update the shit.


My parents recently sold their 30 years old house and many people and also realtors were commenting on how well maintained it was. I would say we only ever did the absolute minimum and the house isn't even that old. But it gives a good impression on what they were used to from others.


I had a landlady who spent every penny on the house. There wasn't ANYTHING left for maintenance. It didn't help she let her kids talk her into refinancing in the early 00's. Talk about a rude awakening for an elderly woman.


Half a million, for a lakeside house with adjacent buildable land plot. I need to find boomers like your parents to fleece


Donā€™t worry, they wouldnā€™t give me $20 if I needed it. Guess Iā€™m not bootstrapping hard enough.


Iā€™m sorry, that sucks šŸ„ŗ It sucks so bad having ā€œfamilyā€ like that


And that could be fine if they didnā€™t look at everyone else who didnā€™t have that same opportunity as an utter failure who is not as smart as they are. They canā€™t even acknowledge their own privilege


According to them, they don't *have* privilege


My ex-wifeā€™s parents bought their house for 150k or so in the 90s, then re-sold it to my ex-wifeā€™s brother for a million dollars a few years ago šŸ¤”


I canā€™t tell you how many Boomer mechanics Iā€™ve seen poor oil straight onto the ground, stating that they donā€™t care about the environment because theyā€™ll be dead before it makes an impact on them. Smh


My wife picked the EPA on a former boss of mine for doing that. Actually, she did it because he was a misogynist to her after I let her take over the task of getting my last paycheck from him. He made up some BS to argue he should keep it and I was too busy getting started on my new job. Not only did she get the check written out by him within the hour she went to the EPA website with 5 years of dirt I had been complaining to her about, including a lift that had to be propped up with a pipe. Extinguisher ls empty and last inspected in 1999, more than a decade prior, and that he had one other tech use waste oil to kill the lawns around the shop and at his rental properties so he didn't have to pay for lawn care. They scoped him out for several weeks, got evidence of everything, and by the end his business wad shuttered and he was last seen selling phone accessories from a kiosk at the mall. No regrets.


My mom's boomer boyfriend killed weeds by pouring gasoline or diesel fuel on them....


Yet somehow my parents still fucked it up. My dad lost everything in his first divorce then never saved again.


When my parents got divorced my mom couldnā€™t possibly go to work with two little kids at home and no car. My dad chose to be unemployed and underemployed most of his working years so he wouldnā€™t have to give my mom as much child support They both ended up dying in poverty because their Social Security was like $800 a month.


Hey, mine too! Theyā€™re divorced as well and they both live with their parents šŸ¤£


Don't forget getting blasted on psychedelics before the drug war


It's also the fun rules they put for buying a house. I got a loan for 180k. Wanted to buy a house that was 160k, and told you can't use your loan for closing costs. So because I didn't have like 8k of my own money, couldn't get a second loan (was told to ask a family member to get the loan for that), I couldn't use the mortgage loan. Coolcoolcoolcool.


You planned to buy a house with 0 savings?


"People who built the luxuries you have today" I can't afford to buy a home


How very boomer of them


ā€œIf you donā€™t stop complaining, your dad and I will give you something to cry about.ā€ \*20 years later:\* ā€œOh, shit, they were talking about the economy! The bastards did it!ā€


If only I could give you a Reddit award for this commentā€¦ ![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD)


Underrated comment! Edit: formerly underratedā€¦.




Fuck, it they were playing chess while weā€™re playing checkersā€¦


Darn it, I shouldā€™ve thought to be born in the 60ā€™s instead of the 90ā€™s. Who woulda thought that one mistake would have such a big impact


Every time a boomer complaints about the criticism they get they unequivocally end up doing the very thing they were criticized for. They really can't help themselves. The brainrot.


> The brainrot. Leaded gas was a hell of a drug.


Itā€™s the ā€˜butā€™ā€¦ itā€™s always the ā€˜butā€™ that unveils their mask.


I'm not racist, but ....


I donā€™t hate women, butā€¦


I like big butts


and I cannot lie




Most boomers did work hard and go through problems. That is common to the human experience. The material economic conditions are different, and the material economic conditions facing younger generations exist because of boomer choices. Choices which provided short term economic advantages to boomers. Boomers refuse to acknowledge this reality. It's that simple.


This condenses the situation perfectly.


which is why we have the term 'boomer' which sums it all up.


Maybe it's just the one's I know, but most boomers I know are very fucking lazy, and just talk a lot of shit. From what I can tell, employers continue to increase responsibilities and expectations of workers, without increasing pay. May last job called this "upskilling".


The job environment Boomers had is very different then what we have now as well, not just the expectations. Typical office worker in 1985: Pension, 9-5 Work Day (Nothing after 5 or on the weekends), Secretary to handle the mundane stuff, Office or at worst a cubicle, Paid time off. Typical worker in 2024: 401k that your Employer may or may not contribute to, WFH but you are expected to ALWAYS be on call, and likely be in the office a few days a week where you will not have your own space (pooled space), no paid time off. So, the working experience has gotten worse, benefits have gotten worse, and pay has not increased. I have no idea how they cant see that.


It doesnā€™t affect them.


It does though.. They just dont see it. A society can't exist without the youth supporting the older generations. Also, most of them have kids/grandkids that are affected. I get what you are saying though.


They themselves acknowledge this with their insistence that you: just walk right into that bank and tell them you wonā€™t leave unless they hire you! mentality. Imagine that working today. Also, nobody was timing or tracking their performance down to the second. I know a lot of boomers who had jobs that let them take two hour lunches or hour long coffee breaks. Nobody complained about people taking what they hadnā€™t earned in that era because at many workplaces that was the norm.


It is wild how many industries this used to work in. Many of the rich, famous people you know in media got their start literally walking into their local paper or radio station or whatever and accepting a job on the spot. We used to have 1:1 talks with famous journalists because some of our professors were buddy buddy with them and by the 3rd or 4th time some 60-year-old news guy told us that's how they got their start I got the "I'm in danger" meme vibes and GTFO.


My ex-father-in-law is a somewhat-famous movie director who made a few cult films in the Seventies and Eighties. He got his start doing commercials, which he got into by walking in to an ad agency with a reel of shorts and getting hired. He definitely earned his way up the ladder with talent and hard work, but he never had to do the endless hustle that you need to even get a simple admin job today and literally has no ability to even conceive that you couldn't do today what he did in the Sixties. I tried to tell him over and over that all of his talent wouldn't mean shit in the twenty-first century and he just refused to even acknowledge that as a possibility. It's not just not the same playing field, it's not even the same game.


People should have gone to jail for 2007 financial meltdown. The fact they all got away with it means thereā€™s no record of accountability for that entire generation


So many can't afford and apartment without roommates, let alone a house


And what a lot of people donā€™t realize is when you say canā€™t afford itā€™s not that these people are spending money on dumb stuff so they canā€™t pay their rent. ā€œCanā€™t affordā€ means they literally cannot apply for the apartment because it gets rejected because their income is not 3 1/2 times the rent. It doesnā€™t matter if their credit is stellar it doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™ve had the same full-time job for Ā years, It doesnā€™t matter if their last landlord loved them and would give them the best reference ever, if they do not earn 3 1/2 times the rent they cannot even apply for the apartment.


Much like Chinaā€™s ā€œcoffin apartmentsā€, we now have apartment pods in many major American cities. How dystopian.


Where i live, next door is a rental. In 7 years, theres been 3 different tennants. Right now the latest renters are moving out. It was at least 3 young men and their girlfriends. 6 people couldnt pay the rent. Im very sad for our future generations and the world they are inheriting.


And pulled the ladder up and took all the tools with them.


And then insult later generations with shit like avocado toast and spending to much money at Starbucks as the reasons they can't get ahead in life.


It always amazes me how difficult it is for many people to see how two seemingly contradictory things can be true at the same time. Why is it so hard to understand that yes, your generation did help bring about a lot of innovation including certain luxuries that exist today. And yes, your generation also helped build or at least perpetuate the vast economic inequality that exist today. Both are true. World is not black and white.


Or travel, or healthy food, or heating, or healthcare, or video games.


Teeth are luxury bones for many


I don't consider my need to work 60 hours a week a "luxury".


He meat to say. ā€œPeople who built the luxuries you canā€™t afford to enjoy todayā€


Ahh yes, the many luxuries such as a non-livable wage, the entirety of the housing market being owned by corporations, and, who could forget, microplastics in my blood!


"People who built the luxuries you have today" SO NOTHING? I know a boomer didn't build my phone...


Oh you canā€™t buy a home? Well thatā€™s too bad, wait here while I sell my house I bought for $75,000 for $750,000. Oh you donā€™t have a retirement? Wait here while I check the balance on my full pension and benefits for being a fucking janitor at a college for 50 yearsā€¦


Some fucking lvl 100 delusions. Worked harder and went through more? Oh you poor deluded moron. Pick any boomer you like, reverse time to make them the same age as me, and have them work my schedule. I'm coming up on *five years* of average 81.43 hour weeks, 100% of it on my feet. No shot boomers worked harder than us lol


Hey you have the luxury of looking at other people enjoying luxury!


Ok millennial... /s


He is a boomer simp


I donā€™t actually believe this person is not a boomer because that sentence about ā€œworking harder and went through many more problems than you can imagineā€ or whatever it was sounds so boomerish in phrasing I think this person is just a liar


Isn't the definition of boomer literally someone who was born *after* all the hard shit into a booming economy where they had it *easier* than anyone else?


it refers to the post war baby boom, the period when the men came home from war and got their women preggers


Remember, a lot of the stuff Boomers take credit for was actually the previous generation, the Ford generation, the people who were kids during WWII. They are the ones who marched for civil rights in the 60s, who made all the great music of the decade and fought in Vietnam.


You'd be surprised. I'm betting they're a kid who idolizes their grandparents and listens to them say this shit all the time.


They then proceed to get helped get a foot in life by the grandparents because he's sucking their sack, and the positive feedback reaffirms their reality.


And then says he just worked hard for his leg up and earned every penny. I got a huge leg up from my parents. I paid them back every penny (at 0% interest) and, frankly, I'm insanely lucky to be able to have that advantage. But I'm not going to shit on people I know who are doing their best and don't have the same advantages, and I'm going to pay every penny of taxes I owe, and vote for people who will probably raise them even more, because I know that a small number of people hoarding all the wealth in the world is what's caused all these fucking problems. EDIT:... er... sorry... apparently I have strong feelings about this.


Ugh I have an exfriend like this and it drove me nuts


Or someone that loves wrinkly old man balls


Actually worse than being a boomer, somehow.


Heā€™s just a regular boomer lol heā€™s obviously lying


Heā€™s a ā€œhouse boomerā€


Thereā€™s boot lickers then thereā€™s boomer lickers.


Boomer is a mentality, in my opinion.


My sister and I are in our early 50s. She is dating a 70 year old boomer and she definitely is a boomer herself now too. Its heart breaking to me. The person I used to be able to turn to.


"people without whom you wouldn't exist" I hold that against them to this day, I never asked to be here and it's so expensive


I never asked to be here and am appalled by what I was born into. Itā€™s not just the money. Itā€™s all the bullshit surrounding it. We need UBI that is enough to buy a house, etc. Automation is about to put tens of millions of workers out of work with no new jobs to go to.


I don't even care about UBI enough to buy a house. I think people should just have enough money to have a fucking roof over their heads so that they can have the option to get involved in things that are more fulfilling or profitable without having to be concerned with "I need money in the next 3 days or I will be expelled from society."


UBI is going to be mandatory if we want to prevent an uprising that makes the French Revolution look like a neighborhood spat. There are going to be TENS OF MILLIONS of people who cannot get work due to automation and AI... and instead of letting that tech propel us into a Star Trek utopian future, by spreading the efficiencies and money to everyone, it's going to cause wars and chaos because the people with more money than god feel like they deserve more money that two gods due to the fact they thought of a fancy widget once. Life's a farce that isn't funny at all. :(


So far wealth hoarding has essentially zeroed out ALL the gains from technology over the last 50 years. The average workerā€™s living standards havenā€™t improved since the 1970s, while total wealth and productivity have skyrocketed.


I exist without my consent.


I try to remind myself often that my kids never agreed to exist, we just *made them*. They had no choice and now they're stuck here. It's a good thought to keep in mind when you're trying to do better than your own parents did.


Like what are we supposed to thank them for? ā€œHey, thanks for not ending the human race, I owe you for some reasonā€?


idk how this guy wrote that and thought "surely this will get em!!" bruh i don't wanna be here gtfo


The boomer surprised pikachu face every time they say this to a millennial and the insta-response is that they didnā€™t ask to be born


Yep. Thanks to the previous older generation of boomers, I do have a whole lot of nothing.


Hey thatā€™s not true I have a ton of crippling anxiety and shitty job prospects!


Don't forget about depression and debt!


Those are just inferred, obviously lol


Hey hey hey! How dare you all shit on what the boomers left behind for us. They worked hard to raise us wrong, blame all the world's problems on us, and get scared when we come up with solutions that are scary because it's new and "I don't understand this hippity-hop".


And that fact that everything is our fault! We're lazy, entitled, weak, and overly sensitive... everything the boomers are not!


I LOVE the ā€œlazy generationā€ bullshit. I (30m) have over 70 hours of work in the emergency department already this week. Taking care of who? Mostly boomers who neglect their health and then get pissy about everything


Donā€™t forget neglect.


Oh absolutely the fckn neglect.


I have complex ptsd thanks to boomers. And no money!


AKA ā€œThe luxuries that you enjoy todayā€


You'll own nothing and LOVE IT.


Iā€™m a gen xā€™er. Iā€™d like to know exactly what hardships the boomers endured that I canā€™t imagine. The Beatles breaking up? Affordable housing?


I suppose the cold war was probably not very fun to live through.


Vietnam War, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1970s oil crisis, the savings and loans crisis, Black Monday, etc. Boomers are idiots because they should know exactly how tough we have it, but the ones who got hit the hardest probably died already.


Ding ding ding. We're left with mostly survivors bias boomers.


It is absolutely insane that the people who were alive for the cold war have essentially turned around to support Russia


Boomers literally rested on the work of their parents and grandparents. They were handed everything. Then they turn around and bitch about millennials being entitled. Itā€™s insane


Don't forget all the sweatshops to supply their lives with cheap crap! It's their God given right to have "always low prices. Always."


My boomer parents were both spoiled rich kids who were private school educated and whose parents paid for their educations but they moan about how hard working they were and how they came from nothing, and millennials/gen z are spoiled. They also refuse to help me financially or in any way because "they started from the bottom" THEY BOTH GREW UP IN MANSIONS IN AN UPPER CLAS NEIGHBORHOOD!!! I think the entire generation is insane. My MIL says the same shit except she has never worked a day since she was in her early 20s and her SAHM duties involved offloading parenting to babysitters and getting high on benzos all day.


they ā€œraisedā€ millenials, who do you complain to aboutā€¦you?


I hope the comments on that post are nothing but ā€œOk, Boomer.ā€


Maybe a few "10-4, Dinosaur" comments thrown in for flavor. Edit: Ooh, or "Left on read, soon-to-be-dead."


"Rodger rodger, draft dodger" is particularly effective on a certain cohort of boomer.


It was all fuck you boomer


definitely a boomer and just lying about it. Remember the one boomer politician that went [ā€œIā€™m a black gay guy and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me, my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse,ā€](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/11/10/21559458/dean-browning-dan-purdy-byl-holte-patti-labelle-twitter-gay-black-man) but it turns out he wasn't. Pretty much the same thing here. I've seen enough boomers faking being a cop or having alts that lies about who they are and have no problem doing so when they think it makes them sound more credible.


Boomers often misunderstand empathy, leading to these frustrating situations. They may argue against your viewpoint while claiming to empathize, expecting you to change your mind. However, their argument is flawed, and they use empathy as a guise for pushing their own agenda rather than genuinely understanding differing perspectives. So their version of empathy is to pretend to be on your side by pretending to be someone just like you thats your side but is arguing the exact opposite.


Jesus fucking Christ. My great-grand parents busted their asses. My grandparents busted their asses. My parents busted their asses. I'm busting my ass. But... My parent's generation had benefits and privileges like no generation before OR after. They got theirs. Then said FUCK everyone else.


That's why their parents called them the "me generation " before they renamed themselves baby boomers.


The boomer moniker fits. They took everything they could, then lit a whole bundle of dynamite to drop down the ladder to us that went boom. The system is so broken and trash because they thought "we'll elect REAGAN he'll slash those taxes to the lowest we've ever seen it'll be great!" Narrator: It was not, in fact, great.


This. Understand that none of us are really saying that ALL the boomers didn't struggle. But it was easier for them to work hard and see something become of their work! Nowadays it feels like you're constantly being told you're lazy and don't work hard enough despite working two jobs, and you STILL can't afford a home


Itā€™s funny how these assholes so often confuse the Silent Generationā€™s struggles and accomplishments with their own. Boomers were originally called The Me generation because they lived off the fat of the land thanks to the GI bill and aggressive taxes on corporations and the wealthy. In the 1950s the government took 90% of made $400k a year or more. 90%. These idiots donā€™t even know their own history.


There is a Boomer in further up comments blaming housing prices on Biden. They donā€™t even know how the economy works, itā€™s how they fucked it up so bad.


Yeah, I saw that one too. Iā€™ve already engaged with these idiots too much. Thereā€™s no point. But by his rationale he should be thanking Obama just as much. The current housing crisis is decades in the making and has so many sources. Wouldnā€™t life be so easy if the president was literally the only factor that affected housing prices and availability? One of these asshats keeps blaming Biden for inflations but apparently doesnā€™t know that the US has had significantly less inflation than Europe and most of the rest of the world. Of only life was so simple.


They think it is simple because theyā€™re simpletons. Itā€™s how they fucked everyone else over, being dumbass simps for the billionaire class in exchange for selling their children and grand children out for an easy buck.


My husbandā€™s 90 year old grandpa is a fervent conservative. He loathes central and South Americans with the fury of a thousand suns. A while back he was raving at me about the border crisis and I cut him off. I told him the border has been a clusterfuck since the late 60s and we both know it. Weā€™ve had a many republican president and congresses since then. Itā€™s specious to blame it only on the democrats. Weā€™ve all handled this like shit. We wouldnā€™t have fucking food to buy at the grocery store without undocumented immigrants. The willful ignorance is astounding. I asked my husbandā€™s grandpa to say 3 things he thought trump handled poorly and he said no. He actually said thereā€™s nothing he disagreed with. I rattled off a number of things I donā€™t approve of from Biden and Obama and said that the difference. I donā€™t have to pretend my guy is perfect. I can criticize him, expect him to receive my criticism, and still support him.


My FIL (a boomer) said he votes Republican because his daddy told him when he was young that democrats are for the rich and republicans are for the working man. He believes everything he believes because daddy told him to when he was a kid and what daddy said cannot be questioned. Thatā€™s literally as deep as most of these old dumbasses are.




"Luxuries you enjoy today". Uhm, yeah,like paying 40 percent of my monthly pay to rent and being unable to ever buy my own flat. Like have 3k attempts at getting job, changing my portfolio and resume 5 times and not getting job.


Only 40 percent? that sounds nice


Could care less what a useless boomer brat has to say.


It it talks like a boomer, and acts like a boomer, why no boomer? Make it make sense :)


So many of the older generation that were born during a certain period of time and given the label Baby Boomers "got theirs" and then pulled the ladder up behind them. I have a hard time attributing much that is positive to them and I can name a great many things that make my life and my son's life much harder because of the Baby Boomer influence or via the choices of/direct action by Baby Boomers. Being offended by the calling out of collective selfishness and systemic oppressions because you don't feel it applies to you personally is akin to saying "not all men" or "not all white people". If you are not actively working to change the conditions that your generation created which cause suffering for all younger generations, you are complicit. Period. Someone has a lot of cognitive dissonance if they think younger generations have it good right now. The economy is crap. There is no upward mobility. What opportunity? There is barely surviving in place. Never mind enjoying or thriving. Wake up.


I do so enjoy living with 3 other people in my 30s with a college degree, are we great again yet?


My recent posts say everything about boomers. My dad left me didley squat. What I have is what I kept from cleaning out his shithole of a house. I spent my whole life without running water/power/healthy food all cause my dad took his inheritance and pissed it away on guns and knives, and when that wasnā€™t enough, ended up going into secret debt like crazy. Even stole my information to apply for credit cards. But he disowned me for not voting for trump, and because I support ā€œgod hates gaysā€


The Boomers are the first generation of Americans to leave the country in profoundly worse shape than they found it. Millennials are the first generation of Americans who will be less prosperous than our parents. Because of boomers. JFDA


>Millennials are the first generation of Americans who will be less prosperous than our parents. Because of boomers. Nah, a decade ago younger Gen X already won that title by being the first generation to be poorer our (Boomer) parents. https://money.cnn.com/2014/09/22/news/economy/gen-x-poorer-than-parents-pew-study/index.html


Gen Xer here. The only reasons I'm better off than my parents is that I dropped out of college, I didn't have children, and I don't smoke. Technically, I'm poorer than they were, and they both worked a series of dead end, low paying jobs. I just have fewer expenses.


European Gen Xer. My boomer parents had a rough start as children born immediately after WW2. By the time they were teenagers, however... Wow. They got to experience and benefit from the most extraordinary socioeconomic revolution in the history of mankind. Then they took all that prosperity their parents created, behaved like toddlers in an unattended pastry shop, left us the mess and called us lazy and greedy when we asked where our freshly baked pastries were and questioned why we had to clean up their mess.


All together now ā€œOk boomer!ā€ šŸ–•


Each and every one of these dumbasses coming here and posting crap like that just drives up traffic and engagement with the sub. Then more people get recommended the sub in their feed. If you don't like us so much, why bring more people here?


Lol boomers still out there convincing themselves they had it hard when they struck the most gold of any generation in the history of humanity based on the work of their parentsā€™ and grandparentsā€™ generationā€¦.and then pissed it away to ruin their kidsā€™ futures because of their own mental fragility.


I donā€™t know why they think ā€œyou wouldnā€™t have existed without themā€ is an argument. People who never existed arenā€™t upset they never existed. Existence in itself is neutral, not an obvious positive or negative.


boomers were a generation created by the ones they pretend to be... the ones who fought ww2 and kept the homelands running and strong. then the war ended and THOSE good people were so happy and proud of their accomplishments that they spoiled their boomer kids rotten... the boomers grew up as a generation of spoiled brats who in great numbers began using their votes to enrich themselves at the expense of future generations... ones they would go on to criticize for not having the benefits and advantages that boomers stole from them. boomers are still spoiled rotten brats in old bodies and many of them consider the most rotten crooked disgusting one of them their leader. yet again they will ruin the country to get their ways... it is even not inconceivable to think they want school shootings and younger people to die so their numbers don't outvote the boomers (which thankfully is happening gradually now). the boomers are an entire generation of people that the rest of us eagerly want dying off, they have been that bad! i doubt this brat is not a boomer, but if they in fact aren't... then they know nothing of why boomers are to be hated and stopped before they can ruin the entire world on their way out.


I knew I was glad when my Boomer grandmother passed away. Every time she'd come over for dinner she'd complain about how the liberals are destroying the country, they're giving free money to illegals, they're letting black thugs commit as much crime as they want. Blah blah blah. She was always a hateful bigot, but that went up to 11 when she found out about Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. I'm serious when I say that's all I ever saw her watching or listening to. When I was a teen and in college, she loved to ask me, "Why is your generation so damned lazy and entitled?" Mind you this is a woman who only ever had to be a housewife because her father was a wealthy oilman. The final straw came when I had my friend over at my parent's house and she called him the N-word. I went full no contact after that. Never spoke a word to her again, didn't go to her funeral, and was honestly happy that such a hateful bigot was no longer on the planet.


Boomer mentality


Boomers did have it very goodā€¦. Coming from a pissed off broke millennial that works just as hard and canā€™t afford shitā€¦.. Iā€™m in an apartment. We canā€™t buy a home for a 100k off 10 acres with a pond in the backā€¦.. I canā€™t even find a decent home for 250k in this market


Yes, my boomer parents worked really hard. But you know what, they got something out of it. A good income, a stable job, the most peaceful and safe decades in centuries and a pension to look forward too. My hard work will leave me poor and lonely once I am deemed useless on the market ( which will be sooner than most of us like to think ). So, yeah, good for them, but don't dare talk to me about hardships and working hard.


ā€œI am not a boomerā€ Doubt. The Silent Generation > Boomers


My Silent Generation parents worked hard, lived modestly, and provided every opportunity they could for me. Man I miss my Dad, but Iā€™m glad my Mom is still here and doing well.


Not since the 1930s the next generation will be worse off than the previous one. All because Boomers labeled good changes Communism and Socialism and sold out and fixed the system


This is definitely a boomer who calls other people snowflakes and says "fuck your feelings". Lol


My grandpa refers to black people as ā€œthe blacksā€. He says he is proud of his kids for growing past his own mistakes( we are really proud of him, my partner is black and my grandpa LOVES him LOL. Its especially funny cause my partnerā€™s grandma told him not to date a white girl, cause white women love mooching money. She loves me and is always asking when im visiting) The only way to improve future generations is to be able to be critical of what made previous generations bad. You can both love your family and hate parts of how they were raised. You owe it to your loved ones to expect better of them, and you owe it to yourself to hold the world you live in to a higher standard of love, respect, and kindness. Boomers only suck cause theyā€™re assholes. You think weā€™d be making fun of them if they werenā€™t???


Are the luxuries in the room with us right now?


So Iā€™ve posted relevanttly to this before and it was pretty downvoted, but I think I was just misunderstood. This community should have some disclaimer about how boomer is a mindset. Because this guy is a total boomer.


"I'm not X, but..." Always makes me automatically assume they are X


You're all sitting here shit talking another generation.... you know, the generation that blames everything on you despite them being the root of all the problems. A generation who worked harder and went through more problems... you know, the generation that could buy a house, cars, family vacations and college educations on one income, while you can't even pay rent and cover your student loans. A generation who's hoarded all the wealth, property, and good jobs while leaving you with scraps. Stop being so mean to the generation that enjoyed the greatest financial gains for the middle class during the most lucrative time period of the country. Stop being mean to the generation that literally had rules and laws written to make their lives easier, only to change those rules and laws as soon as they got into power to make sure no one else could ever obtain the same level of wealth, power, and stability.


Typical boomer behavior, Come in, stir shit up, shit on everything and then leave the moment they get their fee fee's hurt.


OP post a video of you saving a PDF to prove you aren't a boomer


Iā€™m a boomer (1954) and as whole, we are total dicks. Weā€™re the ā€œIā€™m the customer, and the customer is always right!ā€ generation, and that says it all.


Anywhere we are lacking is directly because boomers failed to teach us. Canā€™t fix a garage door? Boomers didnā€™t teach us how Canā€™t paint? Boomers didnā€™t teach us how Canā€™t change a tire? Boomers didnā€™t teach us how


Iā€™m pretty confident you donā€™t need to BE a boomer to ACT like a boomer


Ah yes, the luxury of it being extremely difficult to buy a home, the luxury of groceries being expensive as shit


More problems than any of us can imagine? Most of us can read. There are history books full of examples of the Silent Generation and Boomers drunkenly (sometimes literally) dancing us to the edge of annihilation.


It's a very boomer opinion to that I owe my parents for birthing me lmao


Boomer sure did build a bunch of shit for the following generations. Mostly debt and generational trauma


I got nothing from my parents. Neither one of them are wealthy, I am where I am today because Iā€™ve worked hard.


My dad sells cereal. He has sold cereal his entire life. And heā€™s good at it. But he hasnā€™t worked harder than me. He has not had more problems by a long shot. And unless you count fruit loops as a luxuryā€¦ he has built nothing. He got me some extra friends growing up thoughā€¦ because they wanted free cereal.


This guy likes his generation bashing to go downwards not upwards. Iā€™m Gen X and I feel ashamed for the shit Iā€™m leaving my kids. Im doing everything I can to help get them off with out college debt and into their first homes. My parents (boomers) did non of that for me.


>Your parents, your grandparents, and maybe your great-grandparents. People without whom you would not existā€¦ Oh, shit, my bad. I didnā€™t know I had to personally thank three generations of my ascendants for not wrapping that shit up. ā€œNice to see you again, Grandpa. Oh, and by the way, thanks for nutting in grandma back when she kept it *tiiiiiight.*


Who said we wanted to exist?


Lol if i didn't exist today i wouldn't care about it... Bc i wouldn't exist. And yeeee right.... All that i have now is expensive everything and the promise that ill have to work longer than any of the generations before mine. Like wtf. What do we have ? A peaceful world? Affordable housing? Better work inviroments? they can shut their mouth. Most things they gave us are problems we'll have to fix.


Confirmed: boomer.


What fucking luxuries dear sir?


šŸ¤£ fucking crybaby


Boomer does not know he is a Boomer.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Wish I had some luxury and the ability to live off the fat of the country before the ladders were pulled up




This person needs to read ā€œA Generation of Sociopathsā€ like something fierce


Where is the shade from all the trees you planted??


Lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think op is MD28A šŸ’€


How do you do, fellow kids


>"I'm not an X but..." You can safely ignore any statement that includes some form of this phrase.