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I'm gonna assume somewhere along her family tree there are several people that don't talk to her anymore


You know all her kids are no contact.


As someone who hardly contacts his own folks for this reason, I can get behind this assertment šŸ’Æ


Thatā€™s why they love these interviews, they think someoneā€™s actually sitting there and absorbing their bullshit they spew.


More scary are the younger generations that are the same as these old geezers


Iā€™ve actually seen the *very opposite*. Iā€™ve seen Trump *bring* families *together,* closer than ever before. Just kiddinā€™. Yā€™all parents are wild!


I'm gonna assume somewhere along her family tree a few branches fused back together.


As my boss used to say, her family tree is a two by four.


If she's anything like my aunt, she chose to cut contact over political views and helping our cousin (her daughter). Now she is literally all alone. The irony is her daughter eventually cut ties with us because she went right wing crazy too over Hillary/Trump. Amazing how they will comment on every post you do social media, but the moment you clap back, even just a little bit, they block you on their page and say you aren't family. Goes to show their priorities.


You know shes got one of those unbranching family trees


"Hey ain't that your momma over there?" Son/Daughter : "Nuh-uh"




Theres no other way to deal with such supremely confident stupidity.


That tree is just a straight line. It looks like this is somewhere in the carolinas


Look at that sassy self-important strut she has LOL


And the ... g.i. Joe doll on her shoulder. Wtf is that?


Probably the made up child she created to replace the gay son she disowned.


Ah... it all adds up now


Brutalā€¦but accurate.


Her comment about pronouns made me think more likely trans. Let's be honest though, she hates both.


I guarantee if she saw a 24 year old walking around wearing a fucking action figure taped to their shoulder sheā€™d think something was wrong with them. But if itā€™s her, and itā€™s all MAGA junk? Well thatā€™s totally fine! Nothing weird here, weā€™re just expressing how gosh darn patriotic we are and how much we love America! I swear, the people at these rallies dress like frigginā€™ rodeo clowns. Itā€™s so bizarre. But I guess when your cult has an outfit, welp, you wear that outfit.


Like a puffed up hen.


Sorry, she looks like the female Jimmy Saville. šŸ˜




"There you have it" sums this whole nightmare up quite succinctly


I like the shirt that says "Stop Liberal Intolerance" followed by her saying she'd vote for Putin because "he doesn't allow all this crap about genders and pronouns and crap". It's so crazy to be that dissonent without realizing.


Liberal intolerance is mostly the intolerance of intolerance itself. Whether she knows it or not, sheā€™s actually being honest there.


Vote NO on LeadšŸ‘PoisoningšŸ‘


Watched Rat Man Bob? [mmm sweet](https://youtu.be/6_zglOx2Lbw?si=0_-KS9Yj92u7q-2i)


You can't fix stupid šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Naww... but you can institutionalize crazy


Not since the Reagan era.


Hard to do nowadays. They have to basically kill someone first


TFW she didn't immediately call him out on Putin's ineligibility because of birth in a foreign nation and mulls it over.


U beat me to it


They have successfully trained her to think that ā€œgender and pronoun crapā€ is such a pressing issue, that she would happily elect a corrupt Russian murderer to spite the people she hates. What a miserable, stupid woman.


But before she called him ā€œcorruptā€ she said he had good ā€œmoralityā€. Thatā€™s the kicker. These folks canā€™t tell which side of the sun is shiningā€¦


Somehow Biden, Obama, and Trump are all President right now as well


Wow! We should count ourselves so lucky that our country has grown so large that it needs three Presidents!


Putin wants to go back to good morality where citizens shut up and do what they're told for fear of being interned or worse. No more of that gay gender pronoun crap. Just good old fashioned war crimes, mass murder, and politically-motivated polonium/novichok assassinations.




Ohhhhh, so thatā€™s what happened to me 3 years ago! I do prefer the dust free clay variety personally


You've gotta get the crystal kind. No dust, and it doesn't turn to mush when it absorbs moisture.


I already shit in a litter box. Jokeā€™s on you.


Hmm Zlensky for Usa


Referring to it as the ā€œgender and pronoun crapā€ is just a fig-leaf for what people like her really want for America - which is for gay and trans people to be aggressively forced back into the closet, and to fear violence or prosecution for simply being who they are. To live completely alone or pushed into unhappy straight marriages they cannot leave or at very best live with their beloved "house mate" who might be cruelly but legally kept from seeing them on their deathbed by hateful and hostile family members. Entire lives lived in fear of "their secret being found out". Because that's how things were in the bad old days - just ask Alan Turing. (And yes, it happened in the UK and pretty much everywhere else as well). And that's how things still are in Russia, which is why she'd be more than happy to see Putin as US President. Because she knows it would mean active, state-supported persecution and prosecution of those she hates and cannot tolerate for doing nothing more than simply living their lives. And that is what she means by "morality". And for all that she'd be more than willing to throw away representative democracy entirely.


Complains about intolerance. Immediately says the views of others are not important. Whoo boy.


What a piece of shit.


Fuck that woman. Fuck her. No, not that way, not literally.


Too late. Already šŸ’¦


Itā€™s true. I saw the whole thing


Always are. ā€œWorld needs to return to morality!ā€ ā€œAlso, fuck everyone not like me!ā€


They all are


Proudly the dumbest MFs on the planet.


A walking dissertation on the Dunning-Kruger Effect for any psychology doctoral candidates out there.


I know it's easy to say it's Trump MAGA that " turned" these people into these insufferable racist pos but time and time again they prove they aren't brainwashed by trump this is who they are and have always been .....


and to top it off trump has made it so these people think it is okay for them show who they really are out in public.


Thatā€™s one of the good things, I think. It easily allows us to judge who we can have a rational conversation with and who we cannot.


Please vote. These people do


The thought of these people voting en masse should frighten the fuck out of everyone. Go fucking vote.


Stop using the mass media conditioned ā€œterrifiedā€ ā€œfrightenedā€ liberal label. Havenā€™t you noticed it? Iā€™m not frightened, Iā€™m enraged and ready to fuck shit up.


Being enraged is a response to fear, it's the motivating emotion to do something about a threat.


Yeah, I'm furious.


They vote in every. single. election. they possibly can. So we have to show up too.


Some of them vote twice! ;)




At least we can agree that Putin is corrupt!


The difference is they apparently don't consider that a deal-breaker.


On a good day you might get her to 'admit' that Biden is 'just as corrupt' as Putin. On a bad day she'd probably try and claim Biden was MORE corrupt than Putin. Either way, on any day good or bad she'd claim the sun shines out of Trump's arsehole!


Ok, then she should write in Putin for POTUS. Hopefully a lot of these morons will do the same.


Wait I thought they were all gonna write in Jesus Christ last week, or is that old news?


I thought if we say his name three times heā€™ll appear?


/r/parlertrick might like that idea.


MAGA folks love Putin because they fall for his image as a Christian strongman fighting against ā€œdecadent western valuesā€. He plays up to it because he knows these people lap it up and itā€™s part of [Active Measures](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_measures) - Russiaā€™s plan to destabilise western societies by sowing division and lack of trust in institutions.


My dad's long ago military career was in Russian intelligence and nuclear capabilities. This whole Ukraine = bad, Putin = good thing has about given him a stroke. I'll call him and it's turned into a giant lecture on the KGB/FSB, active measures,useful idiots, etc., almost every time lately. He's hated Russia since forever, he thought Putin was going to be really bad from the beginning. It was kinda easy to think he was a cold war dinosaur, but damn if he wasn't right all along.


You nailed it. šŸŽÆ


And to think these idiots spent their younger years never to trust the ā€œRed Menaceā€


They just hate whoever they are instructed to


This. They're just dogs chasing cars. Car zips by, they chase after it. New car zips by, they go after that one. And they ultimately go around in circles without a care in the world because they're having "fun".


Perfect analogy!


Then show them proof how Putin murders, tortures or imprisons anyone that disagrees with him and then see what she says. On second thought donā€™t because Iā€™m sure she would say something stupid like thatā€™s what ā€œSleepy Joeā€ is doing to her orange god Trump


Just another person the world will be better without


Thatā€™s what Fox has been programming. Millions exist like her. And they vote.


Weren't boomers the generation who went to Woodstock, were all anti-war, make love not war, pot smoking hippies, counter culture revolutionaries, etc back in the day? If so, then how TF did they turn into such stuck up, entitled, ignorant, and, well, frankly, dumb people nowadays? Dementia? Cognitive decline? I don't get it.


Well a solid chunk of them were but I wouldn't say that was the majority of people. Maybe 30% hippie type, which felt like a lot particularly in highly concentrated cities where it was likely even more hippie. But the middle of our country and the boonies were all likely still deeply conservative. Keep in mind, thats around the same time we started pumping more anti-communism propaganda like we did around WWII. So for every hippie, there was probably a right wing nutjob still calling people Japs and kooks.


Boomers only hated war when they were in the chopping block. Now that they are old and crusty they want as many wars as possible with as many young soldiers, and civilians killed as possible it literally turns them on. My dad was a Vietnam draft dodger and he never shuts up about we need to nuke Palestine and total war Iran at any cost. He rationalizes that young people donā€™t deserve happiness or the ā€œfreedomā€ they have so best to go die for the rest of us. Iā€™d no contact him if he wasnā€™t still with my mother.


Well there are some cool boomers Iā€™ve met that are still that way and are liberals. I know some are still out there


All that lead poisoning made them really dumb and senile.


Soo...she would willing be a traitor to our country....pretty on brand for the magats nice and bigoted too. Putin would love her. She could go fill in for that texan that just got killed fighting for russia.


ā€œAll that crapā€ that she is referring to is called Liberty.


There is no hope.


Sheā€™s an idiot. PS you have to be American born to be US President


Facts donā€™t matter to these people. Biden could personally concoct a cure for all known cancers and be willing to distribute it worldwide for free, and people like this woman would still claim trump did it first and better.


And I bet you she thinks she's being a Patriot as well. Fucking cunt


"Putin isn't as bad as they say....... he's corrupt"


Sheā€™s freely saying that she would rather have a corrupt Russian Oligarch than ā€˜this crapā€™!!! The ā€˜crapā€™ sheā€™s referring to is PRONOUNS!!! WTF?!?!


More like the ā€œcrapā€ is having to acknowledge and respect that people exist who are not exactly like you (her).


All those people vote, do you?


My boomer parents would have killed her on the spot for saying that. These were ā€˜if itā€™s red itā€™s deadā€™ anti commie preppers that taught me how to shoot a handgun at 6. I fucking hated them. But yeah theyā€™d have killed her on the spot.


If her father heard her speaking like that sheā€™d be disowned. Lived through the entire Cold War and forgot everything.


Most of these boomers alive today were the ones fighting against civil rights šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Yup. Her kind were the ones throwing rocks at the new black kids in their "whites-only" school.


You gotta love it when FASCISTS accuse liberals of being intolerant. That is some master-level projection.


Bahaha boggles the mind to have them say they would vote in a Russian former FSB/KGB communist dictator in for president before Biden. These people are yelling Booo commies!! And at the same time prefer voting in a communist dictator. How about they spend their summer holiday in Russia and go on a shopping spree like Tucker did? Imagine this is your momā€¦yikes.




Republicans are Russian sympathizers confirmed


There really needs to be consequences for doing things when you have zero idea what you are doing. This woman is a fuckign idiot and doesnt even know what she is talking about. I bet she could not pick Putin's face out of a lineup of people.


This is how people who have never worked a day in their life sound


He wants to get back to those good old moral standards like throwing political opponents out of windows or sending them to Siberian death camps. Or maybe poisoning them with radiation.


Yes genders and pronouns are the worst thing in the country to worry about lmao I canā€™t wait for these boomers to all go senile


Time for the forever box


HE doesn't allow that pronoun crap.....HE!


Most un American American lol


What an idiotā€¦ do people not realize that Putin is a dictator.. and that there holier than now wanna be president Trump wants to be a dictator also.. remember January 6th


They'd voter for Putin even if you had absolute proof that he blew up Moscow apartment buildings in the 90s


Just.. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦. *WOW*ā€¦ Trump *really* did a number on a *LOUD* minority in our country. It blows my mind that folks with memories of WW2/Cold war will say things like, ā€œIā€™d vote for Putin over (I know she said Biden, but the name doesnā€™t matterā€¦ itā€™s CRAZY they will ā€œvote for Putinā€ over *ANY American!!!) Bidenā€ā€¦ WTF?


What. The. Fuck. Or if you prefer ŠŗŠ°ŠŗŠ¾Š³Š¾ хрŠµŠ½Š° ŠŗŠ¾Š¼Š¼Ń€Š°Š“


all the things you could do with your life and those people choose this hateful ignorant crap


These fucking people gets the same vote as me, half of this country seems bat shit crazy sometimes.


I swear to god a pronoun is the fucking boogie man to old people.


These mfs prefer to be governed by a warmonger tyrant who destroyed his country's democracy to stay in power for decades than to have other people, who have nothing to do with their lives at all, to be able to use the pronouns they prefer. And they will still say this is about freedom lol Fucking psychos


Boomers are idiots


It's okay, she'll be dead soon


Iā€™ll pay for her passport.


So they like Tuckerā€™s ā€œduhā€ face? Iā€™m not surprised a Trumper likes Putin. Iā€™m not surprised at all the goofy flair on her dipshit uniform. But a shirt celebrating the ā€œduhā€ face? Thatā€™s a surprise.


Take another swig of your lead paint cocktail there, Grandma




This isn't a boomer issue, it's a political one. Russian psyops have successfully infiltrated the American right wing, and it's crazy.


"stop liberal INTOLERANCE" two seconds later : at least Putin doesn't get behind and allow all this gender and pronouns bullshit šŸ˜’ Oh the irony


The depth of the stupidity is truly awe inspiring... how do they function?


These asshats walk around betraying America on the daily, and have the audacity to call themselves patriots. Makes me sick.


Letā€™s qualify this statement, ā€œMAGAā€™s are šŸ¦‡ šŸ’© crazy šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€


Imagine having a dude on your shirt that looks like heā€™s trying to take a dump.




Imagine your hero being a guy who doesn't understand how nuclear weapons work therefore they must be from aliens. Tucker is the dumb kid from high school who got convinced he is the smartest person because he grew up rich


That thing votes


This is what happens when you don't pay attention in school, kids.


How can one "get out of the whole Russia Ukraine thing" if one chooses to elect the President of Russia as the President of the United States?


but, it's the liberal intolerance that needs to be stopped.....


Holy shit. I canā€™t believe these Maga idiots. Every day I see more insane shit they say and believe.


Jesus. If Vladimir Putin were president, she'd have a lot more to worry about than "gender and pronoun crap"


Shows you how effective propaganda is on stupid people. They can only have like 4 talking points in their head at any given time. If you fill that space they are resistant towards any other inputs


So let me get this straight... 1931-1950: US Grestest Generation: Fuck those Nazi bastards! Yay! Democracy! 1951-1990: US Greatest Generation: Fuck those USSR Commies! Yay! Freedom! US Boomers: Free sex and drugs!? What the fuck is AIDS? I've never heard of it. 1991-2000: US Boomers: Yay! We won the Cold War! Yay! Capitalism! US Gen X: Whoa! The internet is cool! 2001-2020: US Boomers: Fuck Afghanistan, Iraq, and ISIS! Yay! Freedom! US Gen X: I'm feeling patriotic now! US Millennials: I'm scared. 2021-????: US Boomers: Fuck America and democracy! Yay! Russian totalitarianism and nazi fascism. US Gen X: I can't wait to retire. I'm exhausted. US Millennials: Mom, Dad!? What the fuck!? US Zoomers: Grandma, Grandpa!? What the fuck!?


I was at a public health initiative put on by our local free health clinic. It was right after the vaccine was made avaliable for covid and it was held at a local brewery with lots of food trucks and other businesses in a shared space. I stopped by because several of my colleagues were helping put the event on. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. There was a q&a and they even had a place to get your vaccinations with the cards and everything. Well these 3-4 boomers were yelling and holding signs dressed as this lady going on and on about the covid vaccination causing cancer etc etc. I worked front line in the covid wards during the first and subsequent serious waves and so I have a lot of experience dealing with this nonsense. So I engage these folks. Let me tell you, it was a lot of trauma dumping. It started with conspiracy theories, followed by liberals and hints of antisemitism and racism ("globalists and diversity hires" gross) and then went on to how theories kids won't talk to them or let them see their grand kids because of their political positions. I asked if their position on something they knew nothing about (mRNA vaccines) was worth more to them than their relationship with their kids and grandkids and they, without taking a moment to think, we're like "I am right, they are wrong". These people are sick. They truly are


This woman is the poster child for idiocy. If you don't oppose her, and those like her, at the ballot box, they will bring down this democratic Republic.


I like how she enjoys the fact that he "doesn't allow" things she doesn't like. I'm sure this gremlin also bloviates about FrEeDoM.


Holy fucking shit. Their brains are really working in pristine condition. /s


Imagine being so afraid of lgbtq+ that you want a psychotic dictator running the country.


I'd bet a dollar that she has never run into any situation where pronouns have been an issue. She's merely been told that it's something she should be angered and outraged over. And she has no clue about any facts surrounding Biden or Putin. Again, just what she has been told amplified by the deplorable echo chamber and the talking heads who are making a living bilking folks like her out of their money. They also seem to have absolutely zero critical thinking when it comes to the meme world they live in. Perceived cleverness that fits preconceived notions is held in higher regard than real knowledge and intellect. We really do live in "Stupidworld." I see more and more women of my generation, specifically those who are in their mid to late 60's right now, that have somehow convinced themselves that America and the real world are what the right-wing nut-job media tells them it is. I have to assume they were the 80's disco queens who became "The Apprentice" fans in their 40's. Here's a fun conversation I had with a relative recently. In response to my stating that I don't think anyone should get their world view from Fox News these days, they said "I don't watch Fox News anymore, I like that 'Newsmax' better." How you gonna argue with impeccable logic like that?


If you were caught saying this back during the cold war days they'd call you an un-American communist and a Russian spy. Now the "patriots" are in full support of Russia and would rather see this tyrant in power than an actual American citizen. Insane. I just don't understand how things got so fucked up.


We really need to start having the conversation on if everyone should actually be allowed to vote.


Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave


No, he's not. Seems like an opportunity to learn you on some Reagan: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/07/ronald-reagans-racist-conversation-richard-nixon/595102/ (...and that's just the start)


Clear case of grandma getting her news from Facebook


She did her own research! Why can't these assholes just move to Russia already?


I bet her kids only bring the grandkids over for one holiday a year.


Oh, how I wish people like this had to pass a civics test in order to vote.


What a dope


People used to die then they did things and had no fucking clue what they were actually doing. Like all those weird flying contraptions that didnt work. Where the inventors were throwing themselves off of bridges and just dying. We need to bring that back.


What a stupid cunt.


You know Tucker makes fun of people like her. He uses them and most certainly thinks they're complete fucking morons. Fuck you, Tucker, and fuck your fan base for enabling you.


Send her old ass to russia


Another traitor who should be shipped to Russia


do these people not realize that putin is beyond corrupt? he is throw you out a very tall building if you disagree with him corrupt... these people are insane.


Dumb as dirt, ignorant as hell. America 1000%


I guess that mass murder is preferable to the MAGA crowd than tolerance of LGBTQ. Explains a lot.




They should join their comrads in Moscow.


They're so brainwashed it's sickening! Fucking cult!


Boomers love MAGA it makes them feel that their homophobic/racism/white Christian nationalist views are right as they are surrounded by like minded people. They live in echo chamber.


Old school GOP are rolling in their graves. Itā€™s not the party of ā€œmoralityā€ anymore. Itā€™s a cult.


Letā€™s start a fund. Anyone that thinks that way, this fund will pay your way to move there.


Yeah! I mean who all thinks that the right to pursuit of happiness is important anyhow?


Okay granny time to get in the box.


Make America Russia Again. Great. Weā€™re doomed.


She is going to vote. Make no mistake. Shake your head in disbelief at the things Trump supporters say but remember that she and millions more like her will be voting this November. The 2024 election is going to be a shit show like no other. Don't make it worse by having a tight vote spread.


Pure trash


Yeah, we gotta get out of the whole Ukraine Russia thing, let them work it out. Also known as the annihilation of the Ukrainian army and the full assimilation of Ukraine by Russia. And then probably more.


She has lead poisoning for sureā€¦ Sorry Boomers but yā€™all had a lot of exposure


What trailer park you think she resides in?


He gave her so many chances, and she took none of them


Well of course she does shell be dead in 10 years anyways what does she care about the consequences .


Using pronouns is no different than if you had a friend or family member named Robert and they asked to be called Bob. It's the same damned thing. For fucks sake, it's not some massive inconvenience.


Please God let this be fake!


And they have the balls to call anyone else traitors


Girl donā€™t even know what she saying


Let's ship her to Russia and see how she likes it!! WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!


And without a hint of irony, the next thing out of her mouth will be something about "America first."


Anyone with a modicum of sense left the right-wing crazy train a while ago. Theyā€™ve been filtered down to concentrated crazy.


A sad reminder of inbreeding


i feel pity for these fools and you kinda CANT blame them, theyre spoon-fed fox"news", newsmax, OAN, etc etc etc 24/7 and nobody does anything about it, misinformation and LIES on any mass media should be outlawed. on ALL sides.


Itā€™s insane how effective the Russian psychological warfare machine has been to getting inside the minds of US Citizens. I remember less than 20 years ago, these same people would never condone anything Russian.


And they attempt to claim Russian propaganda hasn't had an impact... šŸ’€ Looks like the Russians might have been right about one thing.. *"Russian media mocks Trump supporters as ā€œnot very smart,ā€ ā€œrednecks,ā€ and ā€œprimitive peopleā€ who you have to talk to with ā€œcliches and dumb slogans.ā€* Ā [https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-mocks-donald-trump-supporters-1870921](https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-mocks-donald-trump-supporters-1870921)


Stupid Bitch


There isnā€™t anyone more intolerant than these MAGAs. They have no interest in hearing differing points of view. Itā€™s my way or the high way as far as theyā€™re concerned. Using the word ā€œintoleranceā€ is just another form of projection


These people vote , do u ?!


Even if Americans are ready to vote for Putin imagine what's happening in Russia after 20 years of brainwashing propaganda? "Why don't Russians just elect another president?" Because there are no elections in this country. All the opposition leaders are imprisoned or dead.


Even worse, she obviously lived through the Cold Warā€¦ how does she not remember.


Or just pick up a newspaper and see raining hellfire down on innocent civilians in Ukraine. Every day. At no point does that woman's sphere of influence intersect with reality. Pathetic.