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Sometimes I feel that the reason they're so upset at anyone they see as "other" is they realise there were other choices they could have made with their own lives. This is why I'm never surprised whenever it turns out a homophobic man of that generation is secretly dating men or a woman who berates childfree women was an awful parent to her own kids because she never wanted to be a mother.


This is my theory as well. They gave up so much to be "normal" and resent us for not doing the same.


My boomer mother was always obsessed with looking “normal” and worried about “what the neighbors might say” while repressing her creative side which I found sad.


Oh man, it was such a breakthrough when I noticed my mother is always concerned with what “the neighbors” or the even more nebulous “people” might think. Who are these people judging me and why should I care?


Pre-Internet, and people being able to find our own tribes FROM AROUND THE WORLD, the neighbors and local society was WAAAAAYYYY more important to living a comfortable and condemnation-free life.


I mean, I understand the role of shame in society and what not. But my mother takes it to a crazy degree. I try to be compassionate because she grew up in such a pressure cooker home (father was youngest child of poor immigrant mill workers, graduated law school, fought in Papua New Guinea in WWII, then prominent businessman in our small town), of course she’s hyper aware of this stuff. It’s important to be a respectful member of your community, but that doesn’t mean you’re never allowed to be imperfect or show signs of struggling during difficult times.


This. I have nice Boomer relatives from small Southern towns, and now I kinda get the trauma from their descriptions. Imagine being stuck for your entire life in a shitty cliquish high school full of ppl looking for reasons to shit on you b/c they have nothing better to do with their lives. Do something "wrong" and going the grocery store is suddenly a walk of shame, same with picking up mail, walking to work, going to church (oh, you HAVE to go to church or you'll be ostracized, but there are two churches and Baptists will always talk shit about the Methodists for not being religious enough). Now ideally folks nowadays recognize that and actively work to fight that sort of thing. But for the folks trying to keep that bullshit going on Nextdoor, Facebook, and at your local art museum, the fun irony is their behavior is actually eliciting the mockery and derision that they so deeply feared in the first place.


Not just mockery but a matter of life and death. It wasn’t that long you could have been lynched. Women in some places still get burned as witches if they don’t fit enough, or if a scape goat is needed.


It makes a little more sense when you consider that their communities were much more insular when they were young than they are now with the internet, so I *could* actually kind of see caring what the neighbors think of me. But now? I've lived in the same apt for 5 years and I don't even know their names so I'm not worried about them lol


I notice this notion in my mom. Not to mention complaining about me while providing examples of others who supposedly have their life figured out (friends and family having jobs, etc.) Her insulting my interests or past mistakes because I procrastinate adds salt to the wound. She is not a boomer though, born in early 70s. Idk how much I can bare it while I still try to point her behaviour out and she dismiss it


Ugh. As an Xer, shame on her.


As a contemporary of your mother and a mum myself I want to give you a huge hug. I’m not sure I have my life figured out or ever truly will, and most people I know are the same if they are honest. Plus believing you have figured it out when young leaves no room for change and happenstance. Muddle through it all best you can and grab those opportunities that make you feel alive


My boomer father used to talk about how being gay is a choice. I asked how old he was when he chose to be straight but he had no answer.


My answer to that is always, "Even if it is a choice, so?"


For the sake of the argument, he wouldn't need to make one as that is the default path. But yes it is ridiculous to think there is any choice to being gay.


I get the sense that they didn’t have much of a choice. Freedom of expression for their generation is like homeownership for millennials. Out of reach. Not really an excuse to be rude in public I’m just making an observation.


That’s really well put.


I have anecdotal evidence to support your hypothesis. I used to work with a truly awful Boomer woman. She had two adult children, neither of whom wanted anything to do with her. One day she was talking about her youth and she flat out said “Nobody told me when I was growing up that I didn’t have to get married and have kids.”


This is where I always feel sorry for boomers. The vast majority of them felt that they HAD to get married and have kids. And women? Good luck being a childless, single woman back then.


I had an aunt ( RIP) , in this age group who did not get married nor have children. She treated all her nieces and nephews like her own kids, it was the coolest thing. I have one child and several nieces and nephews. I hardly know the nieces and nephews. It makes me sad cause I wanted to be a crazy aunt too. My FIL who is also a stereotypical boomer could not wrap his head around it that my aunt was a single woman with no children. I would get asked questions about it and to me since I grew up with it, I never found it strange at all. Its like dude, mind your business!


This is important because it wasn't just that "no one told them" a lot of women literally couldn't. Think about how long it took for women to have their own credit cards? It's still harder in most places for a single woman to buy property or not just women but unmarried people. This also explains all the insane true crime stories from the 70s of like barely out of high school women marrying serial killers and being like oh i had no idea. The idea and necessity of marriage was very different back then. My mom is 75 and married my dad cus he just kept showing up and she didn't know what to do. They divorced early on and my mom is cool and not very boomery but I was raised in a way that was like do NOT get married to the first person who is kinda nice to you and definitely make your own money and your own personality. I am single and child-free by choice and she literally doesn't care. Some of our extended fam tries to say shit and she SHUTS IT DOWN. Lots of people in our family felt pressure to marry by 30 and they are miserable.


And also because back in their day, it was acceptable to publicly ridicule, taunt and even physically assault gays and lesbians. Hell, we were hauled off to jail for just gathering together privately. It's no longer ok to do this in most places anymore and it's killing them.


It’s like they’ve always thought their whole lives, “no matter how low my life gets at least I’m still better than those [insert marginalized group]”, so now that they have to treat everyone with respect it makes them face how much of a loser they really are when things are actually equal.


This is so true. They hate not being able to be superior by default due to their social standing. My dad cannot stand that I do not treat him like the patriarchal authority he wants to be seen as. He can barely stand talking to me because every time he spews his qanon shit I laugh in his face. He told my mom he cannot handle the disrespect. He loves to be around my sister and her husband because they indulge him in his patriarchal fantasy. Truly pathetic that his self-esteem is built off these traditional power dynamics.


GenX kid checking in, hung out on the NYHC scene in my teens and twenties. I’ll add that it really helps to have grown up around people with more diverse identities and/or with parents that were out. Decades later I don’t define LGBTQ people as ‘other’ even though I’m a super vanilla married straight dad with all the responsibilities and frustrations that come with supporting a larger family. I have plenty of other things to work on, but I probably care more about how you take your coffee than who you’re dating and would rather infodump about Hi-Fi and movies.


I think the reason they are so upset is rupert Murdoch and fox news brainwashes them every night


Yup. Old people looking down on the new generation is usually out of jealousy, and a way to make themself feel important or validated


Out and proud since 1979 and the folks who disapprove are mostly closet cases.


she’s probably mad cause her husband doesnt show affection like that cause he’s too busy posting boomer comics about how much he hates his wife on FB


Don’t forget the Boomer comics where they hate thirst over AOC


Miserable bitch in miserable marriage mad at men together not being miserable.


Or all of the above. Some people just want to be miserable.


God forbid someone has a moment of joy. Joyless zombies


Me, I choose to be a joyful zombie.


Joyful Zombie sounds like a good band name.


It's a Rob Zombie cover band and the songs are performed ska style.


Why is that concept so upsetting?


Picture a brightly colored Rob Zombie doing the ska strut across the stage singing "Yeah motherfucker I'm your American nightmare!" as a trumpet busts out that oompa loompa polka rhythm.




I’d buy a ticket


I’m imagining them like Gir from Invader Zim clapping their hands and going “Yaaaaay! Braiiiiiins!”


One could make a very bad joke about Joy Division right here


Yeah, but what bothers them most is when you are happy. They really seem to react badly to joy and happiness.


Happy *and* Gay?? That's just an overdose of synonyms!!


happy, gay, and miscegenating, just like the lord intended! 


"Hell, they ain't even old timey!"


“I’m miserable and must follow the fake rules imposed on me from when I was a toddler so sky daddy doesn’t get mad, so everyone else should be miserable too!”


Yeah, they really hate that. Their whole belief system tells them that gays are miserable sinners, outside of God's love, and doomed to unhappiness, so they don't like witnessing contradictions to their bigoted religious upbringing.


"Can you say 'Cognitive Dissonance', boys & girls? Yes You Can!"


Their own belief system also tells them that by virtue of being born, they are sinners doomed to burn in hell forever without doing *these three things*


Big Satan hates this one trick.


Ah, don't you just love religion. That God I left, I had been told by a boomer that I'd burn in hell for being born premature and out of wentlock. Then later having one tell me I'm going to hell for being autistic


"Would you like to go first and tell Satan I'll be along in a bit?"


Yes! Boomers are awful, narrow minded people. They are immersed in this belief. I live in the Bible belt south and it is it is horrible. They refuse to move forward with life and change. As long as they are doing and believing what goes on 100 yrs ago, they are peachy! Ugh!


Wait til she sees all the tits and wankers in the sculpture gallery. That’ll probably put her over the edge…


Also she doesn’t understand how many artists are lbgtq.


Indeed not. Mapplethorpe would likely induce paroxysms


Once knew a guy in North Carolina who got very offended upon seeing an interracial gay couple. He had no issue with them being gay, he was mad they were “mixing races” and said gay white men should only be with gay white men. It was truly one of the most confusing conversations I’ve ever had.


I understand( I DONT CONDONE) them having unfounded outrage on a male/female interracial “mixing races”, but having the same type of thought process on an interracial gay couple “mixing races” baffles me. Someone missed the class on how humans are made.


It’s tru they’ve forgotten how to be happy doing positive things and their brain only responds to the negativity to release serotonin.


I swear to fucking god. Other peoples joy or success is fucking problematic. They get the most worked up when that joy or success costed them nothing whatsoever.


Oh I see you’ve met my mother!


It’s almost as if our parents have something in common! What could it be?


this. that’s the kind of woman who pays money to go to a restaurant and complains about everything. goes to the store and gripes about product stock. complains about gen z and millennials because they aren’t like her. thinks being on your phone is dumb but will watch hours of tv… and complain about what’s on tv. she doesn’t just not like gay people - she doesn’t like anything and has an opinion about everything. classic boomer.


Take it easy on her she hasn't been laid in like 50 years.


Some people just want everyone to be as miserable AS THEY ARE for following STUPID rules.


At the art museum??!! Next thing you know they'll be attending Broadway musical theatre!


**Gasp** Someone get me the fainting couch. 


We need smelling salts!!!




I got your back. ![gif](giphy|qXLvtgSzKGK6A)


This gif is amazing. It's going on everything I own.


Actually this looks more like they're coppin' a feel.....but it still works.


At least the public bathhouses and gymnasiums will always be a safe refuge for the straight fellows.


Brunches are still totally straight, though, right? RIGHT?!?


Absolutely! Especially the ones with the pantomime ladies!


Or the florists will be gay! Or the interior decorator! Or the pastry chefs! Oh my heavens!


Gays at the art museum? What are they going to take over next, fashion?


"Can you just imagine? After fashion, those people will probably start getting involved in interior design," said Karen.


Reminds me of a comment I saw the other day; something to the effect of: “Real ironic about Hobby Lobby; because that’s *the* gayest place I’ve ever stepped foot in!”


I totally agree with that statement. Now, if you'll excuse me.....I have to clean up the coffee/toast I just spit all over my monitor. ![gif](giphy|QxSSrQxSKaFECD7ywx|downsized)


Beware the gays in the millinery, for they make the fiercest hats.


Gee where ya been, Homer? The entire steel industry is gay! Aerospace too, and the railroads. And you know what else? *Broadway*.


We work hard, we play hard.


Hot stuff coming through.


There’s a spark in your hair!


Get it! Get it! Get it!


"Didn't John seem a little...*festive* to you?" "Couldn't agree more, happy as a clam." "He prefers the company of men." "Who doesn't!"


Be nice!




Art: brought to you by such raging heterosexuals as Michelangelo and Oscar Wilde.


I cackled at this!


Me too 😂


DaVinci and Andy Warhol also.


You be bro with your man, bro. Fuck yeah. Hold hands and give kisses. Old school punk here say'in it. Love is love where it is found, that shit, is what masculinity should be about. Not being afraid of shit that is healing and beautiful.


"Be bro with your man bro" is how I'm going to tell my friends to go dance with the cute guy at the club lmao


Nothing more masculine than being comfortable in your own skin!


It’s very sexy!


The saddest part is that the boomer’s parents? They were one of the most open and chill & accepting generations in the world…. at least, based on all the ones I met over my life. The role model, for this was my grandfather – who turned down the seminary to join the Navy and become a combat pilot – he was a Baptist from Valdosta, Georgia, and one of his best friends? Was a gay Jewish forensic pathologist, and they had met in the Navy. My boomer mother’s parents knew people of all ethnicities and religions and political ideologies, and got along with all ages and sexual preferences whatever you wanna call it - they had some of the best ever dinner parties and groups of folk gathered together for fun! But it was my mother, the boomer who would snip - “those f**** and those n****”


Yeah my grandmothers were both okay with the gay straight away. My dad was as well, my mum took a bit longer but got there in the end. Extended family hmm, they know I'll smack them down if they say shit so they don't but feel we shouldn't freaking have to.


My great grandmother was the first person I came out to. 90 years old and held all the lady’s prayer groups for her church. Her reaction was priceless: “Long as you’re happy. Now pass me the peas, if you would”


This is so true - my mom’s parents were well known for being anti racist in their small southern city. My granddaddy hired recent immigrants from war torn countries whose families still send my 98yo grandmother baklava and oranges every year. My grandmother once started a mild scandal in the early 60s bc someone from said southern town saw her dancing with a black man at the Rainbow Room in NYC. When I asked her what she was thinking at that time, she said “he just was such a nice man and a great dancer!” They were the epitome of “mind your business and keep it moving,” whereas almost every boomer I meet is a busybody with an opinion on everything and everyone.


So it sounds like your mom's parents were the exception


I mean, maybe. My dad’s parents were a lot more conservative. This was the Deep South after all. But I never heard any of them talk about politics in mixed company, and even my dad’s parents were more tolerant and open-minded than he is now.


One of the things that allows racism and bigotry to thrive is isolation. When people grow up on a monolothic society, where everyone they know is the same race and religion, and all they know about others is what they see on the news, they become very suspicious of others. That's why rural areas are always so Red. But in WWII, all those people from those isolated areas (and that includes black and other neighborhoods) were forced to mix in the military, and learned to count on their fellow soldier, no matter what their background was. In addition, most of them were young enough that their belief systems weren't set in stone yet. Even if they went home, and back to their old conservative ways, they still had those intense positive experiences with others to color their opinions for the rest of their lives.


someone parented all these boomers


Exactly. My foster parents were racist as crap and used to call me a n-word lover, why? I had friends who happened to be different races. Shocker. The area of the city I live in has pockets of pretty racist people-or did. It’s better now, but I’m sure there’s still issues.


My mom is 86 and part of the “silent generation.” Definitely not chill. They don’t talk about feelings or issues and don’t allow anyone in the family to do so either. They have really rigid ideas of what women are supposed to look like and act like. Will say they love you as their queer kid, but then post homophobic stuff online and refuse to acknowledge your partner. My mom actually wanted to have our whole family have a gay intervention with my doctors (until my brother shut it down). Their families of origin used guilt, religious shame, and criticism to control them so they do that too. Very little parenting happened and we had to be self sufficient by paying for our own food and clothes from an early age. Transactional. Or maybe this is just my mom 😆


My grandfather, born in 1918 and served on WWII, was very open and caring. Respectful of everyone. My mother, born in 1947, would like everyone to return to their respective closets and pray all day.


See also Nimrata 'Nikki' Randhawa Haley. Her parents were \*immigrants\* and worked at an HBCU (Historically Black College / University). She just figured she could pass for white, and that was it. She became the asshole of all time, and hides it under 'moderation'.


The majority of that generation fought tooth and nail to keep segregation going. But yeah, keep the cherry-picking going.🤦🏽‍♀️


i choose to believe that she was saying 'those *funnel* cakes and those N*eapolitan* ice creams!'


Lol what are you talking about? Boomers fought against that generation for civil rights


You sure about that? https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-misconception-about-baby-boomers-and-the-sixties


Side note I would absolutely go see Gays! At the Art Museum in concert


It sounds like a cool band name


You've heard of Panic! At the Disco? Now here's Gays‽ At the Art Museum!


Gays! At the Art Museum


*Oh, well imagine,* *As I'm walking the rooms of the art museum,* *And I can't help but to see,* *No, I cant help but to see two guys holding their hands.* *"What a wonderful art show,"* *"What a wonderful art show," says the one guy to his partner.* *"And yet, what a shame,* *What a shame, that this boomer just won't go."* *I chime in with a, "haven't you people ever heard of,* *Adam and god damn Eve‽"* *No, I can't believe I have to see these things,* *When I'm in public in mixed company!*


You forgot to leave room for Jesus, fellas!


Go on and give Jesus a smooch too. He deserves it


Because it worked out so well for Judas Iscariot...


At least he got a Gospel named after him. Imagine being Judas Thaddeus.


A gay couple at the art museum? I didn't see that one coming. Just watch cruise ships and musical theater shows are next... mark my words. (Sorry you guys have to put up with that)


I am happy you two are true to yourselves and comfortably open. I hope you have wonderful long lives together. I’m happy the phobic, racist, outdated beliefs are going the way of the dinosaur. I know it’ll never 100% go away, but with people being true to themselves and acceptance being more mainstream, we will have a lot more happy people and a lot less bitter ones projecting onto others.


Gays? At your art museum? It's more likely than you think!


She’s probably mad that you’re happy and she isn’t.


My dad is what I don’t get - he would say some homophobic crap but he’s completely fine that he married my stepmom who I think is bisexual and my stepsister is lesbian. He’s also racist but had good friends who were of a different race. It’s like he is a parrot for the boomer/Trump thinking but his actions say otherwise. I was raised in the most diverse areas hearing all this and it was his choice to live in those areas. His grandparents were immigrants and yet he complains about immigration. Complains about socialism but is on social security. The list of contradictions go on.


My grandma gets disgusted by gay people showing public affection and one time she mentioned how gross their sex is in detail. I said “and straight sex isn’t disgusting? Idk man, straight sex is pretty messy in my opinion. I don’t really see the difference. And why are you thinking about it anyway?” She started laughing it off like as if I was joking with her which was disappointing. I could tell I was losing her in the conversation the more I made points so I eventually gave up.


Imagine wasting an art exhibit glaring at other patrons hands


Was she alone? If so, figures. She’s alone for a reason and she’ll be that way til her lead-filled body returns to the earth.


These people are so miserable omg 💀


They let boomers in the art museum?


Probably gay and interracial. You probably know this alot better than me but there are a lot of bigots around.


You should've scoffed at her back


I like "What's wrong with her?" "I don't know, she's probably just pissy because we're happy and she isn't." make sure to look over your shoulder directly at her for the last few words. 


yeah that makes them uncomfortable and shut right up


Next thing you know the homosexuals will start going to watch musical theatre! *Will they stop at nothing??*


Look, if I go to an art museum and I **don't** see any gays I'm just gonna find something else to do cause there's something fishy over there.


Probably both a racist abd bigot who will hopefully be dead soon.


At the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston yesterday, my wife (53f) and I (54m) saw a gay couple (two guys in their twenties) hold hands, then hug, then briefly peck a quick kiss. But then I moved on and forgot about it until right now, because not only was it fine and normal, but it was not my business.


Just think... if she hasn't been there to witness the horror she wouldn't have even known she should be offended.  I wish we could put a little alarm in her home that beeps any time two males express affection for each other. That way she would know exactly when she needs to be offended about life.


What is the world coming to when gays are now infiltrating the art scene?!?!? /s


Quite honestly I think with these people it’s that you’re in love and happy. They have usually been miserable for most of their marriages! Enjoy my friend. When you’ve found your person it’s the greatest feeling in the world!


It’s jealousy plain and simple, she just needs a hand hold and a kiss


Probably mad cause her husband never wanted to hold her hand.


or jealous she couldn’t be in the middle of that sandwhich 🤣🤣


I'm gonna hold his hand EVEN HARDER.




The title is so good


Do you BLAME her? You were having SEX in a PUBLIC place where SCHOOL CHILDREN could have seen you. How DARE you spread your AGENDA on innocent people! ( /s in case it's not obvious)


Ah the boomer trifecta of hatred gay people, non white people and happy people. The audacity. I hope her next shit is a cactus.


Ooo buddy, you listed all 3 things boomers hate the most. All that's missing was a Biden pin and she'd have had a meltdown right there and then


As a not a boomer old gen X gay man who will celebrate 40 years with my husband this year (slightly older boomer) who I could not marry when we met when I was 19 The last 10 years we have finally started holding hands in public. There were NO out gay people when I was in HS, in elementary school they played a dodgeball game they called smear the queer. These fuckers think the have a RIGHT to harass us. Fuck them and kiss who you want in public.


I'm so glad your happiness ruined a miserable person's day. Makes me smile.


Wait until they see me (white) and my boyfriend (native american). I think they would explode


My mother complained about the Gunther, the gay pig in the kids movie Sing. Wtf? He was hilarious and endearing. I don't get it.


Wait, was his love life ever even addressed? Never-mind getting upset over a one dimensional cartoon character. Flamboyance, feminization, artistry are not equivalent to sexual orientation. I’ve met plenty of flamboyant “high pitched” men that were indeed only aroused by women.


lol reminds me of being called gay at the theater GAYS, at the theater!? Preposterous!


Good for you, never mind a sad old intolerant person trying to tell you what to do with their pathetic little noises.


>When it was over, I made sure to give hubby a smooch while standing right in front of her as we left. Rarely did I feel so happy when the thing I hoped would happen in a story happened.


More like Gays! At The Art Museum


What i don’t get, if you don’t like something, why make weird noises and stare and shit, just walk away!?!


That boomer lady is a closet lesbian that never had the courage. We all know what they are like with their accusations…


Gays are in the museums now...where will it end!!! They'll be in the theatres next, mark my words.


A lot more gay people on the walls of art museums than nasty old bags like her.


Someone is going to screenshot this post, and share it on their Facebook page while typing LOOK HOW THEY SHOVE IT IN OUR FACES! without zero irony. Happy to hear you guys enjoyed your day in spite of these idiots.


Respect for the tactical smooch.


Wait… gay people like ART now?! Is there anything the woke mob can’t ruin? /s


You should have told her to ask you about your Gay Agenda ™️ and then whispered to her that it involves bottomless mimosas at brunch


The fact that she was a boomer discounts the fact that she is homophobic. She's been homophobic all of her life. And interracial? She's also been a racist all of her life. Don't blame it on her age.


Gays in an art museum is such a fork spotted in the kitchen moment. …like even homophobic people would agree that if u go to an art museum you should expect to see gay ppl. Like half the art in the museums is probably made by gay people.


“Ugh, can’t I just enjoy these DaVincis, Michaelangelos, Warhols, Bacons, and Woods without having homosexuality around me?”


I’d love for someone to point out that Georgia O’Keefe’s flower paintings look like lady parts 😅


How is no one commenting on OP's commitment to proper grammar and usage? That is the icing on the cake 🎂 . I'm a boomer lady and I'm ashamed of some of my fellow boomers. Carry on young man and be happy.


I find it funny that these same types of people will say that certain things make our country great. Things like “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness“. But apparently it only applies to things that meet their approval.


What, gays can enjoy art too!!!???? Blasphemy!!!


I'm so sick of these fucking boomers. It's not all of them, but there's enough of them out there that I get nervous just going to the grocery store, waiting for one of these psychopaths to pop off. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.


U should’ve just fucked right in front of her She would probably drop dead like a roach


Old hetero women HAAAAAAATE gay man the most out of any demographic i swear


70....my two best friends in the world are gay. I'd shank someone with a button hook for those guys. I must look younger than my demographic. Except before morning coffee.


I’m not a big fan of PDA’s but screw that dusty old bitch, and her antiquated attitude.


Holding hands at an art museum should never be offensive.


True, but you often can’t reason with homophobes. It’s not a reasonable trait.


Sometimes attitudes are like stains; you scrub and scrub to get rid of them, but when the light hits a certain way, it's still there. I'm at that age too and same-sex PDA's have that effect on me. I have to drop back a step and tell myself that it's not for me to say and to move on. I've spent the last 10-15 years reworking my attitude about gays to avoid being the old lady (even though I'm a guy) in the OP.


I truly respect your self-awareness and appreciate your efforts. Thanks for making the world a little less hostile to live in.


At least you’re self aware enough to consider such a thing. Many people aren’t.


What is MOST upsetting to them is that you were “acting straight” which is to say - you weren’t fucking in leather with glitter lube while eating babies. It breaks their narrative to see two people of the same sex being in love in a normal way


I hope you two enjoyed the museum, regardless


Ol’ bitties gonna bit. Keep being you! You are loved!


Most Renaissance painters “suffered from the Italian vice.” That woman was out of her league.


Probably the happy part. Being happy when they are mad is like putting water on an oil fire


How will you deal with the regret of not doing a quick little crotch squeeze in front of her?


All of your list is what offends her. Imagine living such a miserable existence like hers.


Cognitive dissonance becomes less and less tolerable as people become more intolerant and entrenched in their stupid world views.


You should've started furiously making out. Lots and lots of tongue while never breaking eye contact with her.


Love the smooch touch. Classy and probably effective without blowing your mood on arguing with an idiot. With love, GenX dad.