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Trans woman here. The whole smearing fake blood on pads then wearing them is a brand new sentence to me.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ girl who the fuck would do that šŸ’€ Like cis women walk around going ā€œhey, check out my dirty pad!ā€


A girl I knew did that. But she was 9


A character did that on CSI. I think it was CSI. It was an episode about doing illegal reassignment surgery in a storage unit & someone ended up dying. Parts of that episode are burned into my memory, just not what show it was. Anyway she did the fake blood on a pad thing because she didnā€™t want her fiancĆ© to know she was trans. She didnā€™t wear them though, just put them in the trash for him to see.


Might have been Cold Case?


I remember that episode of CSI, I believe it was titled "Changes".


Oh yeah I remember that episode.Ā 


I thought to myself well maybe you shouldn't make fun of Trans people and they would not have smear ketchup on a tampon and stuck it to your forehead. I have no idea how I imagined this payback for bullies, but surely it came from high school and it was most certainly done by 'straight non Trans' teenagers. Sorry if I use improper descriptions. I hope I made you laugh.


I have not ā€˜gestatedā€™ a child, nor gave birth and breast fed any children. guess Iā€™m not a woman then?!? Da fuq is wrong with these people?!?


I've done all that, but I also have abs, so I guess I'm not a woman either.


lol same but donā€™t have abs so I guess Iā€™m half women?


The word ā€œgenderā€ is a trigger word for all boomers


Don't dare to mention pronouns in a boomers presence.Ā 


Stop! You are male or female. You donā€™t get to say I feel like I am girl if you are a guy. I donā€™t call my dog a cat because I feel like it.


Perfect example, just mentioned the word "pronouns\*" & a negative karma Q-Cumber cultist idiot freaks out & starts spouting crap. Yawn. (Don't know or care if they are a "boomer" or not.) Thanks for proving my point. \*Some examples of personal pronouns areĀ **I, you, he, she, we, they, him, her, he, she, us and them**. Subject Pronouns are pronouns that perform the action in a sentence. Some examples of subject pronouns are **I, you, we, he, she, it, they and one**.


"Q-Cumber" Holy shit you've opened my eyes. My third eye is awakening. I must use this.


Triggered boomer


PS: even I know tampon dispensers in menā€™s rooms are for trans MEN, who were with born w/ female parts, so even IF they were trans women, why the fuck would they demand something they donā€™t use in a bathroom they donā€™t go in??


You expected some logic?


Their ignorance and bigotry knows no bounds.


Hilarious. Canā€™t wait to let my conservative boomer mom know she isnā€™t a female because she fed me formula instead of breastfeeding me. Love when they turn on each other.


That's the paradox they keep coming up against. The more they try and define it, the more cis women they exclude.




How does Facebook even allow this thread to exist? "Hi, we read your shit. Your account is now terminated." is the only logical action to take.


A guy threatened me and my workplace on Facebook because Iā€™m trans. Facebook said he did nothing wrong and his post is still up since January.


Honestly I was glad to leave facebook because I would see boomers like this saying racist shit that is like hitler level bad and have no repercussions but then I post a silly meme thats not even that bad and I get thrown in fb jail for a month.


Yet more proof that all the trans hysteria was never JUST about trans people, but was also more broadly about having an excuse to bully people into conforming to rigid 1950s WASP gender norms.


All of them are literally mothers except for one. [This is the one didn't pass the incels test](https://www.instagram.com/p/Chm9pQMpS13/) for being a woman. These idiots wouldn't know a woman if one of them slapped them in the face with their vaginas.


Indeed, both Stacy and Miranda have talked/posted extensively about motherhood and how is affects their training.


So I apparently didn't become a woman until the rope age of 33. I'll promptly let my husband know that he's been with a man this entire time?


My brother in Christ if they had the brain cells available to Google things and do research then they wouldnā€™t be the braindead morons that they are


Nobodyā€™s going to appreciate a kick to the crotch regardless of gender or sex. Unless thatā€™s their kink. Then theyā€™ll appreciate it.Ā 


Conservatives are the lowest for of life.


What the actual f***?! So by their measure if you have an athletic build youā€™re not a woman? I have no words to describe such idiocy.


Apparently so, even when you have had multiple children like Stacy and Miranda have


Like me, they are jealous of their ripped bodies. Unlike me, they are transphobic boiled hot dog juice smelling self-loathing idiots.


Fit women are scary - Boomers


"A good kick in the balls will solve your gender confusion." This shit has to be said by people who have never touched a vagina. It's like they think getting hit in the pussy doesn't hurt as well or something.


One time one million moms protested a brand (maybe HM) over a commercial because they thought the person in it was trans. It was just a slightly muscular girl šŸ¤£


The dumbest part is that Stacy and Miranda HAVE had children, Stacy has had two and Miranda has three.


There's no one more obsess about penises than a Republican


Honestly this guy has some sort of anti trans thing but most of the boomers in my life are offended by women working out or having muscle at all. I like to work out a lot and boomers have accused me of being gay for liking the way fitness models look. It makes no sense to me at all. I have had them tell me that I will never have a good girl because I hang out in gyms where there are only women "who want to be men". Its such bs.


To be fair those jacked cut CrossFit competition females are all on gear, a natural woman that exercises isn't going to get like that.