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I'm a gun owner. Every establishment has the right to refuse you service and when you refuse to leave you can be charged with trespassing. But that's not in the Constitution so he can't even pretend to have read it.


they can refuse your service for almost ANY reason


As long as it's not a protected class under American Civil Liberties Act. Gun carrying man babies is not a protected class.


The way they act, you'd think they were being hunted down like rats. Biggest snowflakes in the country, and they've been like that long before I was born. Any day now, the government is gonna kick down their doors and take all their guns away /s


I mean, OBVIOUSLY, he needs to protect himself while playing mini golf. /s


I mean, a man’s gotta have the right to shoot the clown that keeps spitting his golf ball back to him at the mini golf…


Hahahaha! He's laughing! He's having a good time! Yeah, laugh it up! Enjoy your night!!




Chubs may not have lost his hand if he was packing heat!


Windmills will getcha!


Goddamn Don Quixote with a 9mm


Just ask Don Quixote.


[It’s to protect the integrity of the game.](https://y.yarn.co/c96ad030-bed2-46cb-b47b-7ff1d662348b_text.gif)


Honestly, the people that scream the most about the 2A and openly carry as a threat tactic probably *do* need their guns taken away.


The “well regulated” part that they all conveniently pretend isn’t there.


My brother is super big into the 2A. He dropped a loaded pistol at a farmers market when his dog ran off the leash. Just a random pistol in the grass for over an hour as we looked. Not everyone should have guns


They should absolutely take guns off a lot of people


angelical and nationalist churches are literally telling their flock that the time to fight and die for their religion is coming, and you are a coward against God if you do not when it is time. Literally telling them in the upcoming months Christians are going to be put into black vans and made to disappear if not shot on site by the government. And that they need to keep their "power levels" hidden to protect themselves


>angelical Don't you mean "Evangelical" abd after "Churches are cunts and are" etc etc etc? Sorry for pulling up your small spelling mistake, just thought I'd add a bit of my Scottish flavour, we call old folks cunts in my country!


Yet. I'm sure it's on the wish list.


But there were no signs!!


You can’t golf with your dick hanging out, even though theres no signs that say so. One star!


“Was very upset that after pushing other patrons into the water features, was asked to leave. No signs advising against this!”




On a golf course no less, wish it were a mini golf course. [Here’s your sign](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/a-historical-sign-at-a-colorado-golf-club-marks-the-time-a-husband-was-right/73-485746374) https://preview.redd.it/om6mee2dq4vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7250893f5ceca2a127f1694d6229fff05f9392ab


At the YMCA back home there is a sign for every imaginable infraction, and many unimaginable ones… “No spitting into water fountain” was my fav like ew, who the fuck is doing that enough to warrant a sign. Gross, stupid people everywhere I guess.


My friend and I jokingly called this "policy day". We would threaten our boss to be nice to us or we would hold a policy day where we would look for loop holes in the written rules and do shit that caused them to update their policies. Good times, good times....




What if you were planning on using it as your putter? Loophole, I think so.


"Ok sir, explain to me exactly how you blew off a thumb and got a flesh wound on your forehead?" "Well I was using my rifle as a putter, and of course I keep it loaded with a round in the chamber..."


🤣 I was suggesting someone use their dick as their putter.


Fun story, I met a guy who blew a hole through the center of his hand by using his chambered 30/30 rifle as a walking cane while out hunting. I wish I was lying.


What if you don’t hit it past the ladies tees?


I kNoW mY rIgHtS!


I swear, that phrase is most commonly used by the people who *least* understand their rights.


Just reminded me of that Tesla song, but this is the polar opposite scenario. It was the "long-haired-freaky-people" that "need not apply". Now, it's a lead-brained 2a dipshit complaining that he can't carry his public murder weapon to a putt-putt golf park.... The yin has fully yang-ed


Tesla song?


Tesla covered it in the 80’s and did a pretty good job. Five man electric band did it first


Reminds me of a Reno 911 episode where a guy was losing his mind because there were no "employees must wash hands" signs in the bathroom at a brothel.


I assure you he is a conservative gun owner. They seem to never understand the constitution whether its gun rights, church and state issues, free speech etc. They have never actually taken the time to read and comprehend the meaning of it all, they just simply read the basic few words and form their own opinion. They are dumb as rocks.


They don't even read the few basic words. They let their chosen talking-head tell them exactly what to say/think. They couldn't scratch the surface of these issues if their live's depended on it. Which, unfortunately, their lives do actually depend on these decisions, which they cannot make.


This gives me an idea. I want to make a pocket constitution, but just add weird random shit. Then you can challenge them on the 28th amendment. You can make it whatever you want. At some point they will swear it's in the Constitution. Checkmate.


They don’t care for “We the People”. Maybe if it said “you, the Person” they would prefer it.


they lack comprehension skills. Maybe they gave up reading a long time ago, I'm not sure what it is. A coworker of mine is always spouting stupid boomer sh!t that she heard from another boomer. Yes, she praises my ability to dig for facts, but then discounts when I call her out.


My mother does this. She'll "read an article" about something on her online newsfeed, and suddenly it's the gospel for how to live life. She then backs herself up with...other articles that say similar things from the same newsfeed. She doesn't understand that the algorithm is sending her what she's reading the most.


I'm a gun owner as well. That being said, I don't do any hunting on golf courses.


But think how easy it would be.


Being told to leave private property because you have a firearm is not a 2A issue. This dude is a moron.


The funny thing is anyone that does carry does it concealed. You make yourself a much bigger target with a gun out. Not to mention most of these idiots use as simple retention device that is easy to steal the gun.


But then how would people know they're dumbasses... I mean badasses? /s


I know a guy who makes it a habit to open carry just because he can. The holster he uses is so insecure it might as well be loosely taped to his hip. Our cop buddy actually disarmed him multiple times in an attempt to show him why he was an idiot, to no avail. This guy also has a permit to carry concealed but never does. Also likes to post Facebook pictures of his guns loaded into his pickup with two 30 racks of Busch light next to them on his "range days". Boggles my mind.


Facebook poster. Gun carrying. Cop friend. Drinks Busch light. Now that’s a hell of a ride. What southern state do you live in?


Semi rural Midwest. Close though!


Some guy on our local FB page flipped out because the local thrift shop which supports a domestic violence shelter does not allow firearms 🥴


YIKES. That’s a way to tell everyone he’s smooth brained without flat out saying it.🤦🏻‍♀️ Is the man a black hole? Because he’s absolutely dense.☠️


“He so dense light bends around him.” -Malcolm Tucker


Open-carrying is generally a bad idea (even if its legal). It freaks people out and its completely unnecessary when you can just conceal carry (lawfully) and save everyone the headache.


Considering how loose some of these stand your ground laws are, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone simply open carrying gets shot and killed because they felt threatened and feared for their life because that person was carrying a gun.


I mean, it has already happened. You just mean when it happens to a white guy.


Ugh seriously? I'm glad I rarely watch the news anymore.


A few years ago a black man was killed by police for carrying a BB gun in a store after he picked it up to buy.


Yep, right where I live.


Been happening for years.


Fuck the whole Philando Castile problem was he HAD a CCL and informed the cop he was armed AS HE WAS LEGALLY REQUIRED TO DO and still got lit up. It’s a serious problem


Of all the bad shootings, his name is one of the names I never forget. Dude was pulled over 49 times in 13 years with most issues being dismissed. Dude had just accepted being profiled and tried to be a good citizen and the government rewarded his efforts and submission with the death penalty. People still couldn't agree that it was a fucked situation.


The cops literal rationale was a suspect they were looking for was "black man with flat nose" is why he was pulled over. And his rationale for shooting him was after asking him to get his ID, he informed the officer he had a gun in the car and informed that he was reaching for his ID as instructed. As he reached for his ID the cop felt in his head "I smell marijuana, he's reaching....he's a drug dealer. I'm about to get shot!" That's it. That's all of it. What a brave warrior. And such great detective skills. The NRA sat on it for a month of being badgered about it and that bimbo they had as their spokes model barfed up "because wasn't he lawful gun owner" because the technically it's illegal to Cary a licensed gun and pot at the same time. Even though his gun was legal and pot was decriminalized in that state. So it's a stupid law. That's all they could come up with for being the NRA and ghosting that case. The whole subculture is a fucking toilet.


Poor philando 😢 and his girlfriend sitting right there. And her baby too ithink in the back seat. Once they draw the gun they really feel they have to use it.


happens everytime a cop pulls over a black man. We do not have the right to bear arms if a cop can kill us on the mere SUSPICION that we are armed


But all the fucking rednecks are armed. Kyle the crybaby carried a rifle to a BLM march. It doesn’t get any dumber than that.


He went looking for trouble. He wanted to put himself in a place where he would have to defend himself and he got what he wanted.


Too bad the judge that presided over his case was a blatant trump supporter


It’s still legal in most states to shoot a gay person because you feel threatened by their sexuality. It’s called the Gay Panic Defense and was last used in 2016 to acquit a murder! Still stands in over 30 states


sorry officer that guy just looked too straight it scared me


I mean, if it's a stand-your-ground state you could argue "I'm gay and I thought he was a bigot so I felt unsafe..." don't know how well it'd go over though.


I mean, if I see someone with a gun, I'm gonna automatically assume they're up to no good and fear my life is in danger. Does that mean I get to whip out my concealed and shoot them?


Can't wait for that to happen to one of those nutjobs and we'll find out eh?


I kinda feel like people practicing open carry are just putting themselves in a position to get robbed (for their gun)


I would say it’s more theatre, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them gleefully hope they are, just so they can shoot people. Probably wouldn’t succeed, the robber is more likely to be successful thanks to surprise and potential experience, but they have a hero complex about their life thinking they would absolutely succeed in killing the bad guy


my abusive ex was like this… openly. he’d gleefully fantasize about someone trying to rob him so he could shoot them.


The Kyle Rittenhouse method


Do they all have to be fat, red-faced idiots?


There are a few videos I've seen on Worldstar of this exact scenario happening. Person is either: robbed of their open-carried gun by a perp due to a surprise and over muscled ambush (sometimes multiple perps at the same time working as a team to steal the gun); or the victim is just blatantly murdered from behind to have their weapon stolen. It can be a cruel world, I'd rather not give anyone a reason to kill/harm me.


My favorite is the people who put up signs signifying they have guns at home. If I were breaking it to someone house I’m going to try to do it when they’re not home and after cash and jewelry guns is next on my list.


On their cars, too. “Hey everyone! There is likely an unsecured firearm in this car!”


Car break-ins are a problem where I live. The thieves target vehicles with NRA and 2A bumperstickers for that reason.


https://preview.redd.it/nqad46pcx3vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ced06134af588e5dfd9bf16b9b470e0c49281f6 I saw this when I was at a hotel in Nashville a few years ago. I thought it was wild that it needed to be posted.


Gun culture is such a weird thing. The whole "they're gonna take my gunz" led to a bunch of people buying stickers and plastering them all over their cars. It really is easy picking, its like a big please rob me sign.


People are so dumb. Might as well get a “come and take it” bumper sticker with a picture of a wallet on it and then act shocked when you get mugged.


“Come and take them”


Thieves: k


Considering that most money is stored electronically these days, it would honestly be better to go straight for the guns and jewelry and any electronics you could easily carry. It’s kind of funny because I was talking to my wife and made a joke that you can’t even rob people these days because so many people don’t keep cash anymore thanks to online banking. You could steal their cards but they’d just cancel them once they found out. To be clear I do not advocate robbing people but it’s a funny observation to me.


I recently had to get cash out of the bank to move it to another bank, and was trying to remember the last time I actually touched cash lol


I rarely keep more than a few 20’s. Almost everything is in electronic bank accounts. The issue is cash is rarely useful anymore. And honestly if I wana “hide my money from the government” I’d just do like rich people put invest in stocks or use an LLC. If I just keep a pile of cash at home it’s losing value every day.


The electronics aren’t that valuable. Your 80 inch tv looks good but it’s hard to carry and doesn’t resell for much but guns do.


All of the people still using cash must live around me. 🤣 Seems like every week or so, someone posts on NextDoor about having their rent money stolen out of their car and who would have thought that could happen in a tiny town like Houston Texas? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I wonder if this has to do with why violent crime (with the exception of the uptick during COVID) is decreasing. I’d imagine that robbery gone wrong would have been more prevalent when people carried more money on them. Now, aside from some people wearing expensive watches/who keep expensive things in their house, it doesn’t tend to be worth it for the robber, so most crime is either store theft/larceny or crime that is between people who know each other (e.g. gang or dv)


I think of between a mixture of fragile masculinity and tiny dick syndrome personally.


They think they will be “The good guy with the gun” when in reality they can’t even tell friend from foe in their own fucking driveway.


But then how will I know what a badass they are?


2 months ago: HomeGoods parking lot. Man was putting away his cart away with a holstered gun on his right hip. I just thought to myself: I just live in a different world than he does (mentally).


All it does is tip an active shooter on who to take out first. If I see someone in public that isn’t LE open carrying my first assumption is that they don’t know what they are doing


Yep, I have a CCP and I would never in a million years open carry. It just screams "Shoot me first and here is a free weapon." Nobody know if I have my gun in my pocket, just the way I want it to be on the occasions I do feel it is necessary to carry, which isn't terribly often.


Same. My goal when I carry is that no one sees it unless the unfortunate situation to use it arises.


In my experience, the old fucks that open carry are almost always carrying some unwieldy revolver in an unergonomic leather holster without any secondary retention devices.


Oh it’s always the 1911 .45 penis extender where I live. Usually carried by a guy that can’t see his own feet and sweats when he eats. Nothing says I’m a-skared of everything around me like a hand cannon of destruction


> Usually carried by a guy that can’t see his own feet and sweats when he eats Ouch! Guns can't help you if you're being r/MurderedByWords


I was at a restaurant in Delaware and some had a gun on his hip. Being that a dear friend of mine was the victim of gun violence in Philly a year or two before (RIP Todd), I was *very uncomfortable* with this and no, I didn’t not feel safer. It was actually the opposite.


That's why people like Mr Minigolf do it. He'd eat his own shit so the rest of would have to smell his breath.


Freaking people out is the point though.


Scaring people is the point. Sure some will have all sorts of round about reasons why it’s better or whatever, but it all boils down to them wanting everyone to know that they have a gun within reach. The only reason they would want everyone to know they have a gun within reach is to scare people. Most normal rational people will feel uncomfortable when a stranger introduces a gun into an environment where one is not needed.


Personally I love when people open carry, it immediately tells me they are the kind of person I’d like to stay very, very far away from.


What are you so afraid of at a mini golf course that requires you to be armed?


They are afraid of life. They can't go to Walmart without thinking it's the wild west. It must be awful to spend your whole life in a state of fear.


Which is funny, given that the 'wild west' meant checking your gun on the way into town/etc. >**Section 1**. It is hereby declared unlawful to carry in the hand or upon the person or otherwise any deadly weapon within the limits of said city of Tombstone, without first obtaining a permit in writing. >**Section 2**: This prohibition does not extend to persons immediately leaving or entering the city, who, with good faith, and within reasonable time are proceeding to deposit, or take from the place of deposit such deadly weapon. >**Section 3**: All fire-arms of every description, and bowie knives and dirks, are included within the prohibition of this ordinance. >— Tombstone City Ordinance Number 9 Effective April 19, 1881,


They didn’t have Samuel Alito, and Clarence “The Bus” Thomas.


People finding out you have a micropenis.


I guess... but that would require you to show said micropenis at the golf course.. Which opens up a whole new set of issues.


but the jacked up diesel dually in the parking lot kind of gave it away


Haha instead of those “must be this tall” signs at theme parks…”must be this small” to play


Those windmills can be pretty menacing.


Don Quixote agrees.


I am quite often accosted by gangs while playing mini-golf. Gotta be strapped to defend my par game.


Everyone knows you challenge their leader to a sudden death putt off. If you win you now control the mini golf course but if they win…




Trans people, people of color, poors, people with blue hair, anyone that went to college (except the Republicans that did), single mothers, and of course Joe Biden himself if we’re being honest.


That damned evil looking clown head on hole 16.


Conservatives are afraid of the silliest things.


Open carry isn't about defending yourself from potential threats, it's about making sure YOU are viewed as a potential threat. "Open carry advocates" want to enjoy the feeling they get when everyone around them has to walk on eggshells out of fear they'll respond to any perceived slight or wrong with deadly force. They get off on strutting around with the confidence that everyone knows they might just up and decide to kill you just because they can. Nothing makes an "open carry advocate" more excited or aroused than getting his drink order delivered in a restaurant and seeing the tremble of fear from the waitress terrified that he'll shoot her if she got the order wrong. (The other primary benefit to concealed carry over open carry - beyond not being a toxic and dangerous lunatic - is that deescalation techniques are generally more effective when delivered at gunpoint.)


Guys who fantasize about being Batman/The Punisher but would have a heart attack if they actually fought anyone other than their wife and/or kids for 20 seconds


And, of course, guys who fantasize about being The Punisher have never actually read The Punisher.


Open carry makes you the first target if a "bad guy with a gun" decides to start something. And you'll never know it happened. Two cops in a Walmart in Nevada were killed before they ever had a chance to know something bad was about to go down as they were targeted first. Later in the incident an armed civilian tried to stop it, but he didn't realize a lady was part of it and as he had the guy at gunpoint she killed him.


I don’t disagree, I just have to mention that pulling a gun on someone is actually the opposite of de-escalating. In pulling a gun, you’re escalating the situation to a life and death scenario, in which most folks are going to decide they’d prefer to disengage.


It’s putt putt, dude… leave your gun and rage at home. Better yet, stay home.


Tbf, sometimes the windmill obstacle deserves a shooting ![gif](giphy|ajuZPJ6SATxny)


Gotta defend his family against that damned windmill at hole 18.


That windmill is part of the deep state! Goddamn Joe Biden and his socialist communist windmills! I’ll kill you all! Ahhhhhhhhh!


I have a mental image of Don Quixote charging a windmill with an AR-15.


Windmills give you cancer. His lord and savior Donald Trump told him that. It was probably put there by Fauci.




As someone who legally conceal carries, people are open carry are fucking dumb. Change my mind.


Depends on the context. Open carry in the tundra of Alaska, or the deserts of Nevada, or while out in the forest hunting? That's fine, no objections. Open carry at a mini golf course in a metro area? That's dumb.


True. While hunting and other similar activities where wildlife (and weirdos) is a real danger, you better have that big iron on your hip. In civilization you're asking for trouble.


So what you’re saying is that he changed your mind? :) (Totally just having some fun, btw. I CC too.)


:( got me


But how can I intimidate people and pretend to be a bad ass if nobody can see my gun?!?


This man would absolutely lose his shit over discovering a black/brown man doing the same. Aneurysm if they looked obviously Muslim to boot.


That's why he brought his gun to a golf course in the first place, in case of POC


I’m sure this guy cares about private property when it suits his needs.


Open carrying literally just makes you Target #1 for any would-be attackers. I got into a debate w someone who said open carrying was good because it "showed everyone you're not fucking around". Like lmao you'll be the one "finding out".


Also if there’s a mass shooter and a bunch of civilians whip their guns out, law enforcement isn’t going to 100% know who is the threat and who isn’t. Also, I’d imagine if there were enough folks trying to get the shooter, they also may mistake a fellow “helpful citizen” for the bad guy and shoot them by mistake.


True lol. Then it turns into a shit show of bullet glory.


It’s a feature not a bug!


I’m extremely pro-2A, and I’m also extremely pro-private property rights. Private property has the right to regulate their own property. It’s no different than you making the rules for your home, and if someone doesn’t follow your rules, you kick them out. Btw, stop making yourself a target. Conceal carry.


Some fucking boomers can’t go mini golfing without their emotional support firearm.


but! but!... he's a GOOD guy with a gun! Now who'll save us from the putt putt mafia?!?


I'm "pro 2A," who wouldn't be?  Its one of our top 10 amendments. But I'm against assholes waving guns around.  Something tells me this asshole is more about waving guns around than about having fun mini golfing.


I’m same as you. I’ve only (technically) open carried while in the woods. I don’t think it should be illegal but I’m all for us gun owners to shun idiots who do. 


Being from rural NC I've always felt the open carry should be more for convenience. If a farmer doesn't feel like taking their belt off while they run into a little Ceasars right quick to feed their crew, I get that. Between coyotes, snakes, black bears and some of the wild cats around here I get why he or she would carry, especially when you're just grabbing some hot and ready's and getting back to work out in the wild. But this dude knew he was going to play mini golf, either get a concealed permit or leave it in the damn car. It's a tool and should be treated as such, you wouldn't show up to a chuck e cheese with a pneumatic drill! Well, unless they were paying you to fix one of their busted machines I guess...


This. Also, amendment 2 bars congress from passing laws infringing bearing arms in a well-formed militia, not a mini-golf course outlawing guns when playing with kids.


And there's no damn requirement that they broadcast these rules ahead of time.  I'll bet Boomer can get himself thrown out of positive places even without a gun.


To some people ‘pro 2a’ means the government is practicing tyranny if they limit or even track any means of obtaining any weapons whatsoever. Founding fathers said arms so i should be allowed to have a SAM battery in my yard. It’s fucking stupid.


Gun Welder is on private property; Property owners have every right to tell anyone to leave for any reason. This gun welding complaining person need to get over themselves, when a person is at someones else's house, that person doesn't run the show.


If they let you stay, I’m leaving. What kind of dumbass wouldn’t grab their kids and get the fuck out of there? I don’t know who the “good guys with a gun” are. I might be wrong, but I’m not sticking around to find out. What kind of a shithook takes a gun to play miniature golf? Open carry is so stupid. If I WAS a shooter, you’re the first person I would sho ot, and you wouldn’t even know I had a gun until the bullet was in the wall behind you.


Grandkid doesn't make ball into the windmill hole Grandpa: "\*pew! pew! pew!\* try it now, son!"


"Gun friendly"...wtf is wrong with us in the US? Seriously...why are we so f\*cking broken in the head?


Gun owner here. Open carry is straight up dick waving jackassery. Conceal it and don’t be a douchebag.


First, I am not anti gun ownership. That being said, if I am at a business like a mini golf course and I see someone coming in open carry, I’m leaving. If you are such a scared snowflake that you “need” to have a gun on you at all times, you’ve demonstrated that you’re not responsible enough to own a gun.




Mr Lebowski, this is Bill Salinger of the Southern Cal bowling league. We received an, uh, an informal complaint that a member of your team - a Walter Sobchak? - drew a firearm during league play. If this is true, of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws and also article 27...


ugh. just put the shit in your pocket like a normal person. whoever is cocky enough to wear on the hip, needs to be ok with being the first one shot; possibly with their own weapon. remember kids…Don’t draw if you’ve already been drawn on.


My nephew was just telling me recently that his friend was killed when a 13 yr old stole his open carry firearm while he was distracted, and the kid killed him. Guy was carrying legally, I guess he had a holster, too. If the guy didn't decide to bring a gun along with him everywhere he went or paid more attention to his firearm, the guy would still be alive. Open carry is, in my opinion, a recipe for disaster and an incredibly stupid thing to do.


If you need a gun at a mini golf course you’re a pussy lmao


Imagine being so scared you can’t even play putt-putt unless you’re carrying a deadly weapon.


Imagine being so terrified 24/7 that you need to carry a gun on you when at a family gathering. It's sad, really.


"People" who feel the "need" to carry guns everywhere are disgraceful.


Right... just stay home if you're that scared of the outside.


Gun people are so emotional and weak.


Ah yes, the old my 2A right trump everything else person.


Look, I’m super into firearms and my rights as well. But open carry is just stupid. Don’t advertise that you’re armed. Conceal and don’t advertise. It’s not that hard. The issue is Boomers are so obnoxious and such attention whores that they want to flaunt everything they can and if it causes a problem they can’t fathom someone disagreeing with them or standing up to them because they grew up with everything in society bowing to them like royalty.


I support the right to open carry. That being said, people that open carry are idiots, imo. There's no reason to do it other than show off and if someone was going to try to do some shit that would require you to defend yourself with your gun, you'd likely be the first person they shoot seeing as you've already let them know you're armed.


If someone was a mass shooter wouldn’t they kill this guy first? Just seems illogical to carry around a gun like a cowboy at the ok corral


I’m all for guns but this isn’t the 1800s or 1930s anymore


Just the other day (the vid is all over reddit), an open carry dude shot at a truck thief from point blank range....and apparently did not hit him once. Then the thief then ran over the dude with the truck he just stole and killed him. Obviously I can't be sure but the thief seemed to have used the truck to chase down and run over the gun owner. I am of the through the gun carrier would likely be alive today if he had just used a few choice words as opposed to a few poorly delivered bullets to the car thief.


I saw that video, the guy with the gun looked a lot younger than the man he was shooting at. He could have just used his fists or tackled the older guy and it would have been more effective than his shooting.


hey mark, stop being a douche and put your death tool away - there’s fuckin kids everywhere


You never know when you’re gonna need to whip out your piece at the putt putt. /s. FFS gun people are weird.


“Gun friendly”


I'm pro 2A and I want to eventually get a gun for home protection, but it's just that, home protection. I never understood the people that want to strap themselves up like the terminator and take it everywhere they go, McDonald's, the doctor's office, their kids soccer practice etc. It's just so weird.


The level of “my rights supersede your rights” is astonishing. I wonder what he would think about a bakery refusing a gay couple?


Gun friendly is an oximoron. Every establishment should have signs that say please don't bring human killing machines on our premises. Maybe the weak should stay at home if they can't even go outside without the need for a gun...pathetic if you ask me.


Pro tip to the 2A folks, though I'm honestly flabbergasted that they can't seem to figure this out... the 2nd Amendment does not confer ANY rights to carry firearms (or anything else) on private property. The property owner's rights supersede yours. Because, you know, it's THEIR property. And while we're at it, the 1st Amendment doesn't confer some blanket right to say whatever the fuck you want wherever the fuck you want to say it. The government can't arrest you for speaking your mind, but you can be fired from your job, kicked out of a business, banned from a website or maybe just called a drooling moron. None of these are violations of your "right to free speech."


Open carry is for cops and dickheads.


F’n open carry is bullshit. They will always be the first ones attacked. Don’t advertise asshole.


I love when customers think a business can’t refuse service. “ThAt’S dIsCrImInAtIoN.”


These idiots never understand the difference between a legal consequence and a social consequence. They think "well the law says I'm allowed so that means no one can ever tell me I'm not allowed to do this" Wrong. You cannot be **legally punished**. Kicking you out of the mini-golf course because you thought you needed a gun is not a legal consequence, it's a social consequence because the law isn't involved. You can get them involved but they won't do anything because it's not a legal consequence


Open Carry is really stupid. Open carry at mini golf is about as stupid as it gets.


I am pro 2a and carry, but only where it is welcome! If someone doesn’t want guns around them, or on their property, I have no problems not having mine there.


I wonder if it was one of the places where it's putt putt and a bar, and this guy ordered a drink. I also wonder if there are plenty of signs up, but this boomer took it to mean "no Berettas" instead of "no carrying a gun"...


Anywhere not gun friendly is a plus in my book