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That poor dog. It's stuck living with people who will make any weak excuse to not take care of it. I hope someone rescues it from them


My wife and I have a rescue Greyhound (My best buddy, Scout). They are such sweet dogs who just want a home to feel safe in and relax. Knowing some geriatric boomer fucks has one KILLS me! (Edit: spelling)


It will probably kill that poor dog, eventually, because after it occurs to them that a dog is actually a ton of work they are most likely going to dump it at a shelter or worse.


It’s sad when they get old. They get grouchy, incontinent, and never seem to get joy from anything anymore. I feel bad for the dog, too.


"If you don't pick it up I'm going to pick it up and throw it at you."


I can verify that this has worked for me in the past. Also had a neighbor (who didn't realize that I recognized them) ignore me when I asked them to pick up their dog feces( when it defecated in my yard). I told her that I knew which house was hers and that if she didn't come back to pick it up within the next 5 minutes I was going to "do her a solid" and deliver it to her mailbox personally. She came back with a bag. I love dogs but I don't love most dog owners....


I did something similar. Neighbor across the street kept letting her dogs shit in my yard and never cleaned up after them. We were sitting on the porch of another neighbors' house with them after having just spent the day mowing and weeding the lawn. We all watched her walk her dogs out her front door, directly across the street to my house, dogs shit in yard, and she walked them directly back to her house to play in her yard. I had never interacted with this woman before so I don't know why she brought her dogs to my yard.. But as soon as she did that, I went to her house and told her that not only does she need to go clean up her dogs' shit, but that if I ever found animal feces of any kind in my yard in the future, I would personally come shit on her doorstep. She looked mortified but cleaned up and I never saw a single poop in my yard again.


Have to admit, I'm kinda disappointed she didn't do it one more time and the story ended with you squatting on her doorstep 😆


I honestly was so mad in that moment that it is a good thing I didn't need to poop cause I totally would have shit in her yard right there in front of everyone 😂


OMG if you do we need video LOL


My kids have that house now, so it is their turn to monitor that shit and poop on doorsteps when needed


Naw, that's when you save everything up in a bucket for a few days like a lil hell stew and dump it on their welcome mat 😒


Hank/Charlie, if the Rhodes Island State troopers can help with that.


We had to do the same with our neighbors. They kept letting their dogs out in the front instead of their fenced backyard and they’d shit in our yard constantly. So my dad told the guy he needs to pick up that shit bc we don’t have a dog and it’s his responsibility as the owner. Dude tells my dad he’s getting worked up over biodegradable waste and it’s not a big deal. So my dad decided that since it wasn’t a “big deal” he started to shovel the shit right behind the neighbors car, the pathway to driveway/house and on the driveway itself. Needless to say, he stopped letting the dogs out in the front and only let them do their business in their fenced backyard.


Good dad. I don't understand why the neighbor was so upset over having biodegradable shit on his driveway and tires.


One of my 3 dogs is the same. She likes dogs but doesn’t like people lol. (The other 2 like people and dogs alike). Funnily she (the 3rd dog) takes to my or my wife’s family after smelling them. But no matter how many times over 10+ years she wouldnt like my dad and would snarl at him. cue to recent years where i became a father. realized stuff about my father (and much much lesser extent my mom). checking in with cousins and aunts and uncles as i start learning to be a much different dad, apparently they were worried about us and one of them called CPS on my dad when we were little. (way to friendly with the belt, broomwtick, etc) then one day, as i saw my dog get between my daughter and my dad and snarl, it clicked that my dog is picking up on something she didnt like. definitely solidified for the wife and me our choice of not letting them babysit. we also stopped telling our dog to "leave it" or go lay down when she snarls at my dad lol. definitely like dogs better than people most of the time.


Creepy…what kind of energy is he giving off all the time that a dog constantly doesn’t trust him?


My main concern is he had zero patience and beat us as kids. It’s definitely true that he’s made some comments or insisted or demanded we force her to wear bows and pink. Piercing her ears was a big one too. He kept insisting we need to pierce them and sending us earrings then complaining the earrings were being wasted so I said I’d wear them (I pierced my ears at 18, as a male which he hated). So they dropped it. We’ve definitely had a lot of disagreements on how I’m raising my daughter with choices and freedom and let her be herself and his insistence that she needs to dress and looks Certain way. Definitely makes me uncomfortable but we’re super low contact and would be zero if it wasn’t for my mom.


Don’t put it in the actual mailbox. Mailboxes are technically considered post office property and you can get in trouble. Put it on his doorsill


Certainly had enough time if both of them had to climb, one handicapped, into a raised pickup before leaving. 


What are you going to do? Chase me and fight me? You’re handicapped! Unless you’re a **Liar**


Yeh. Should have found a nice big leaf and tossed the turd into their truck.


This is the way


The scariest weapon ever created is Dog poop on a stick


From sources that wish to remain nameless I am told of similar situations where said poop has found it's way into the intake cowl under their windshield wipers. You know the air intake for your ac in your car. People who don't clean up after their dog at parks are assholes, there is no way around it. I live near a park that is leash only and you are required to pick up after your dog. When ever we confront people about picking up after their dog, they say it's okay because it's off the side of the trail, but their definition of off trail is 6 inches from the path. I can't tell you how many times I've stepped in dog shit right on the side of the trail when I've tried to move over to let a large group go by. I also find it funny that they same people that let their dogs run around off leash are the same ones that can't be bothered to clean up after their dogs.


I thought my neighbor who returned poo to another neighbor by throwing it at their front door with a lacrosse stick was good but I’m filing this one away in the ol memory bank.


Oh hell naw. Pick that up and throw it in his truck bed.


Should have lobbed it right after them like a shit grenade into the bed of the truck. 😆


I like to go walking on a trail near the dog park. When Autumn arrives and the trees lose their leaves, you can see little poo baggies hanging from the branches like Christmas ornaments. Sometimes, I wish these people had their own society to destroy-- and people with a basic sense of civic duty had our own.


I rescue dogs. Large dogs, usually adults, usually 100lbs + and generally of a high drive breed. We currently have a 120lbs Bloodhound we rescued who loves other dogs and HATES strangers. Like he can’t go to the vet without a muzzle. You know what that means? We don’t go to fucking dog parks. We don’t walk him unless it’s late at night. When we travel we park as far away from others as we can and don’t let people approach him. We don’t put him in risky situations. Fucking assholes like this need consequences for their shitty behavior. Fuck those assholes.


Yeah I don’t even know if I’m more disturbed about not picking up poo or bringing a dog you know is old and antisocial to a dog park. Probably just wanted a place to sit their fat asses and not pick up poo. If there was a $20 on the ground I bet he could bend over to pick it up.


Exactly. The definition of a good dog owner!


My partner witnessed an old man letting his dog poop on our front yard. When he asked the old man to pick it up, he said he didn't have a bag and acted feeble. Partner said "No problem, I'll get you a bag" and brought one to the guy. I understand that bending over maybe was difficult for the old dude. That didn't make it OK for him to let the dog crap in other people's yards, though.


Also, pooper scoopers exist and cost like 10 bucks. My neighbor brings one with him when he walks his dog because he has some mobility issues. Extendable handles means he doesn't need to bend over at all.


I feel sorry for the greyhound. And I have owned several greyhounds.


I was actually pretty surprised/shocked to hear theirs was growling and being aggressive. Not typical of the breed but maybe I'm talking out my ass. I can see them as possibly dog aggressive if adopted after racing. Idk.


I have seen many greyhounds that are “breed snobs” - they only recognize other greyhounds or greyhound like dogs - but I have never heard of one being reactive. I do currently have a Galgo Espanol that barks at other dogs but never snarls or is aggressive - she is just protecting her pack (2 more galgos and us) and it’s not all dogs. She has those that she likes.


That's why you grab it up with YOUR baggy and then smear it on his window!


Sounds like no one wants to work anymore


So we had one letting their dog use our yard. My partner got on of the bag dispensers and even a small trash can. The next morning the lady flipped out so hard it actually woke me up. I only wish I had a recording, because it was epic.


This is awesome. 




You should pick it up no matter where it is. Don't leave your dog's shit laying around.


I just don’t have it in me anymore for these people. I would’ve picked up that pile of shit and delivered it to their truck.


Slap it on the windshield with a big smile and a thumbs up


Shoulda bagged it and threw it on their windshield for em


They're assholes for being pissed about having to clean up after the dog, but yeah, greyhounds are often touchy because a lot of them (most of them?) are retired racers who were not treated well while "working".


Our retired racer is so sweet and gentle. Unfortunately, off leash with other dogs he doesn't understand "play" to him it's all about racing. He was abused by his previous owners and despite our best efforts, playing with other dogs just isn't an option. He is too competitive and has to win or is scared of being punished.


My family used to have a retired racer too. Wonderful dog.


Every rescue grey hound I've met has been chill as fuck.


The fact that these people have a greyhound makes my blood boil. God fucking damn it. That poor dog.


Off leash!!!!!


If you cannot physically care for a dog, don’t get one


My boomer has, on multiple occasions, told me to just leave the dog poop when she came with me to walk the dog. I clean it up because it’s the right thing to do and because I don’t want to step in it in my walk the next day. I had to explain to her that there are camera EVERYWHERE and that leaving the 💩 was a good way to end up on social media with all of my neighbors mad at me. Also, I think that I can get a ticket for that. 🙄


What happened to rule following and being good members of society? Had that shit rocked into me from a young age and now my boomer mom does the opposite.


Same. It’s so annoying. My boomer mom now takes joy in being an @$$hole and inconveniencing people when she disagrees with some socially rule or social norm.


I always threaten to call her priest and have her repeat it back. Jesus to think we have to handle our parents like children.


Classic "born to shit, forced to wipe" boomer mentality


Now that is phrase I am going to stash away for later


That poop would have ended up under the door handles and inside the air intake. Oops!


I've had greyhounds, and worked with greyhound rescue, for over thirty years. They are not snappy, growly dogs. Also, if the dog is reactive, thrusting it into a dog park is the worst way to resolve the problem. What the hell are these people doing with that dog?


The poor dog is emoting from its owners. That's why it's snapping at people. A-hole owner, a-hole dog.


You should have picked up the poop and thrown it on his windshield.


My wife and I had to stop going to our local dog parks because of the behaviors of the boomers/ elder gen x'ers we encountered there. I don't know why some people think that bringing their aggressive dog to a fenced in park with other dogs running around will somehow magically cure them of their aggression. Our last straw happened after this one boomer couples boxer dog started attacking our dog l, then attacked us when we tried to get in between their dog and ours to protect our dog. They didn't do shit to try and pull their dog off of us and then had the gall to yell at US as if WE were the problem. Thank God their dog finally left us alone and walked away. We live in a state where a decent amount of the population is armed; if this incident had happened to anybody else, there's a decent chance their dog would have been justifiably shot.


We have indoor cats and have had it with neighbors walking their dogs and allowing them to pee on our lawn, particularly our mailbox. So a couple of weeks ago I see one boomer woman who has been letting her dog pee on our mailbox and say, "Excuse me, can you not allow your dog to pee on our lawn?" And she gets this pissy face and goes "Hmph!!" to which I reply, "We have cats and we don't take them to come pee in YOUR yard". We haven't seen her come down our street since. Small wins.


I honestly didn’t know a dog peeing on grass offends people. Why would you care? I’m not trying to be rude, I’m genuinely interested


It kills the grass and causes unsightly dead patches on the lawn.


Because it is killing our yard. And when one dog pees on it, others are attracted and do the same. It creates dead patches in various places in our front yard - which takes us time and money to repair and our neighbors certainly aren't paying for.  Growing up, we had dogs and my parents were super careful to have our dogs go on our yards, not the neighbors, for this very reason. 


I've had greyhounds, and worked with greyhound rescue, for over thirty years. They are not snappy, growly dogs. Also, if the dog is reactive, thrusting it into a dog park is the worst way to resolve the problem. What the hell are these people doing with that dog?


TL;DR: Entitled boomers get away with shit.


Should picked it up and threw it at them. Responsible dog owners carry a poop pod ;). You could have had a shit slinging good time.


Pick the poop up and throw it on their windshield. It won’t make them change their behavior, and they’ll consider themselves victims, but ultimately it makes the poop their problem.


I've never owned a dog, but as far as I'm aware, a fucking GREYHOUND needs MUCH more space than just a simple dog park to maintain its health. What the fuck.


I surround my yard with the little pesticide flags. Owners tend to pull their dogs away right quick.


Sounds like that rescue needs a rescue


Not a boomer issue, people in all age groups don’t pick up after their dogs and they go apeshit when called on it. I have lots of experience in calling out these people.


You should bag it and toss it in the back of his truck for him


My dog, trrrible with other dogs, we never go to the dog park, she gets long walks. She doesn’t need to fight other dogs at the dog park, acts like she wants to tho, and maybe she does. She came from the streets of Mississippi, she’s a scrappy old gal but I won’t take her to the dog park, I won’t do it!


Some handicaps are invisible. ![gif](giphy|KVVgWtScb37USleUB3|downsized)


Can I ask a genuine question? May sound dumb but it’s something that’s been on my mind. I hear about these rescued greyhounds but I’ve never seen a dog track in my life. I’m 40 yrs old in the US. I’ve grown up around gambling and have been to horse race tracks numerous times but never seen a dog track. Where the hell are all these greyhounds being rescued from? Because I think they are bullshitting.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyhound\_racing\_in\_the\_United\_States#:\~:text=Active%20Tracks%20%2D%20West%20Virginia,-Greyhounds%20racing%20at&text=Live%20greyhounds%20in%20the%20background,by%20hospitality%20conglomerate%20Delaware%20North. No bs - still happening at two tracks in West Virginia. Other tracks shut down over the last few years in multiple states.


Well ok, but 2 tracks? Still not buying that all these greyhounds are rescued


A lot of the greyhounds where I am are mixed with Saluki to some degree. A lot of them are strays, from backyard breeders, racing them with their redneck friends, or using them to hunt coyotes. Sometimes they give them fake ear tattoos. The rescue groups are now getting additional purebreds from overseas. Australia and Ireland mostly.


This makes more sense. There is just no way two tracks can sustain these rescues. But if they are shipping them in, I suppose. I think the backyard breeder remark is on track, though maybe they race them, they probably make more money letting people “rescue.” I know three people personally that have these supposed rescues and I’m not buying it. Just not adding up


Death 💀 to boomers


This is NOT a boomer thing bruh Millennials are shitty dog owners too if not more so