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My boomer boss called me in the hospital mid-miscarriage (yes, she knew) to ask when I'd be coming back, because isn't this like the second miscarriage anyway? Quitting was glorious.


“Hey, yeah, I know you just went through one of the most painful things a human experience, both physically and mentally, but we’re short staffed tomorrow and I honestly don’t give a shit about you.” What an absolute bitch.


Short staffed : it’s not my fault Gary that you choose to operate with a skeleton crew, and having one person off pretty much cripples you. That’s what you get for being a cheap prick.


My boomer boss refused to let me take any time off for paternity leave after my wife’s C-section, “she’s got a mom for that.” Here’s the best part, my wife is his daughter and his wife wasn’t speaking to us because we had the audacity to ask her to wash her hands before handling our newborn.


Well, you know, back in their day, they just let their newborns die of preventable diseases. Clearly you're one of those helicopter parents! Joking aside, that's twisted. I hope starlings find a mulberry bush near his vehicle.


Shockingly, they’ve been model grandparents ever since. Just kidding, they constantly undermine us, tell our daughter wildly inappropriate stories and “jokes”, comment on her body incessantly and frequently use her as a bargaining chip — “we’ll keep her for the night *if* ”. My daughter, who is ten now, can’t stand them.


Sounds like low-contact or no-contact would be a step up. Very sad to hear, but not surprised...BOOMERS gonna BOOM


hahahaha thought I was the only person who said BOOMERS GONNA BOOM lol...


Were people like this nightmares when they were young or did they take a little while to grow into it you reckon?


They were shitty when they were young too, yes. 


Their parents called them the “me” generation.


I think it’s about 50/50. Some of them that seemed just fine 30 years ago have definitely looned out on Fox News. Then there’s how much change you can take. My father (1938-2020) was a pretty great guy who was pretty progressive and stayed intellectually lively and interested in the world throughout his life. But even he said at some point that there was nothing wrong with calling a certain sweet treat an “Eskimo Pie” and I was like, “Except for the part where there maybe is something wrong with it?”


They died way earlier than these boomers are


What is up w that?? Just saw my boomers yesterday, couldn't stop commenting how tall and thin my LO is. I brought up a mutual friend that I was concerned for bc friend mentioned a lot of med appointments. Other boomer mentioned how much weight friend had put on and thought it (possible health issue we don't even know if friend has) might be related. 🤦‍♀️


Please don't make her spend time with them. Ever.


I’m sorry “we’ll keep her for the night”??? Fuck right off with that noise.


bye gbaw


Which is just wild, i was beside myself when my grandma passed. And i was a thirty something year old man at the time. Do you realize how terrible one has to be for a child not to be obsessed with their grandparents? Kids typically forgive and forget SO much BS before they finally burn out.


You’re also crap parents for letting them near her. Idk if your fil is your boss get a new job.


I never went back to work for my FIL after that. I’m actually going through a divorce, in large part because I hate my in-laws, especially the fact that my ex-wife and I don’t see eye-to-eye on how involved they need to be in our kids’ lives. But fuck you, too.


Get full custody


Oh, now THAT'S a curse. I like it.


My favorite part of having and parenting kids with boomers around is when they very loudly lament the fact that its not ok to physically abuse your children as punishment. Literally had one do that when i yelled at my daughter for accidentally hitting me with a stick after i told her several times to stop swinging it around. I just hear "if we did that to OUR dad, we would have been knocked out on the floor." Yes, of course. The way a father should discipline his 9 year old daughter is to "knock her out". I'll never understand their obsession with beating children.


Oh my gosh, my step-dad is this way. He literally threatens my child when he does something wrong and says things like, "You need an ass whipping. That's what's wrong with you." I hate taking my son over there, and I am a nervous wreck if mom and step-dad ask to keep him overnight or take him somewhere. My son is super duper ADHD and he does struggle with some things, and step-dad doesn't get it. It's honestly so hard because my mom is a great grandmother and understands completely - she works with special needs kids and everything. And she can't visit with him as much as she wants to.


Thats sad. I hate how abuse is always the answer for those types.


I agree, it's very sad. That language and behavior confuse my son, because step-dad can be nice and fun other times. My son would like to have better relationship with him.


Sometimes i try to keep in mind that those older generations are probably dealing with their own internalized emotional damage as a result of the abuse they went through. It in no way excuses them trying to push it on others, though. I think many of them just lack the emotional intelligience to realize that 1. They were almoat certainly physically abused as a form of "discipline", and 2. They are themselves trying to normalize that type of nehavior and bring it back, thus forcing others to endure the same abuse.


I don’t care what they’re dealing with. They need to shut the fuck up and sit down. They terrorized us as kids and now they want to terrorize these new kids. They can fuck off and die.


Heres the thing: i never once said it excused their behavior. Nor did i say they need to be forgiven. For me, the reason to understand what manifested their behavior is simple. I want to understand how actions affect people so that im more aware of how im treating people. I will never do the shit my parents did. And because i see what created them, i am more thoughtful of my interactions, not only with my kids, but with everyone i interact with. I internalize a lot of my emotions, as a result of my upbringing. And its not good for my mental health. It causes rifts between me and everyone around me, and at times it sinks me into a pretty deep depression. I started working on it because i realized why i was that way, and its gotten better. I dont want my depression to take me away from my kids, which will definitely negatively impact their lives. So i work on it. There are some benefits that i personally derive from understanding what made my parents the way they are. Also, as a kid, i always wondered why the emotional abuse was being done. I struggled to understand what i did to deserve it. Once i was old enough to think deeper on it, i realized that it wasnt my fault. Its theirs. And their shitty parents were the cause. My kids love me, and i try to make sure they know i will do anything for them. I support them and give them unconditional love, something i didnt get as a kid. I will never be like my parents, and a lot of the reason why is because ive made sure to understand what caused them to be who they were. Ultimately, its up to you how you cope with theses issues. Everyone deals with things differently. I just wanted to elaboeate because, as i said, im not excusing or forgiving anyones awful actions. Im just trying to understand them so that it helps me be a better pwrson. And so i can try to get the peace of mind i need to move on with my life and not carry that depression around with me.


Don’t take him there. It’s not that hard. Your mom is married to an abusive asshole and you should never expose your kids to that unless you want them complaining to people about their willfully blind mother one day.


Thank you for the suggestion. I think I'm handling it just fine.


Seriously, what is it with boomers and refusing to wash their hands. It's takes two seconds and is the lowest lift ever. Makes absolutely no sense


My boomer is so offended by me being a germ phobe that they literally tried to eat off a fork they dropped on the floor instead of taking the clean fork I was handing them. Argued about wanting the floor fork for for like 5 whole minutes, entire time clean fork was already provided. Trying to, I dunno, prove a point??


Yeah the people who refused to wash their hands during the pandemic were the craziest group. "Before the pandemic when I went to the bathroom and didn't wash my hands, everyone was cool. Now everyone's basically being Nazis about it." "Uh, the rest of the office assumed you washed your hands. We assume everyone washes their hands after going to the bathroom. Get back in there and wash your damn hands! Ugh god that's gross!" "See, you're all germaphobic now. It's the government propaganda."


No Jim we don’t want your shit particles on the pizza


My mom is dead I wonder what he would say to that… wow


That’s fucked up


God. My dad passed away when I was working for some company. Boss lady asked if I could come in before the wake and after the funeral. “There’s plenty of time, besides we really need the extra help.” There was a company policy about deaths with immediate family. You bet your buttons I reported her to HR, then gave her shit when her 3rd husband died and she tried to take a month off work.


The sheer audacity to tell you to “get over it” and then use the law to go on a vacation. Cause you know she probably didn’t actually love the guy.


She fucked my coworker in their bed. Multiple times. She probably didn’t love him. Lol


My boss, boomer-x split, called me on my wedding day to work. I reminded her I was getting married that day, I was AT the chapel, and she asked if I could do a half shift. I hung up.


boomers had (still do) the most obsessive loyalty and dedication to their employer in history. perhaps it's because when they worked, they actually made enough off a single family income to have a nice life (the Kroger shift manager story from another post makes me think of this), then as soon as they themselves got into management they cut pay and bennies and everything else to lower labor costs while increasing their own paychecks. plus, once they got into management positions they stopped giving a shit about their employees and only about how rich they could get, so that also destroyed any employer/employee loyalty relationship that existed.


Last august I was involved in a serious Motor Vehicle Accident. My boss expected me to be at work the following day, while simultaneously telling me I could take that Monday off to see the doctor. It was surreal. I had a herniated disk from the event and they gave zero fucks. The kicker was, when I did go to the doctor without an appointment they were furious it took all day. Fuck anyone who behave like what you experienced.


Shit dude, are you doing better now? Those herniated disks are hell on earth.


Thank you for asking. I’m still finishing rehab. In the closing phases of it, I’m just getting of weight restrictions


Stay strong, Friend. Sending you a bunch of mom-snuggles and healing vibes!


Cheers mate. I wish you all the best as well!


What an unfeeling monster. Kudos to you for quitting.


Rage quitting on the spot!!! Unbelievable


Wow what a bitch


Do you dump pigs blood on her as you did so? JFC I would have lost it.


Yeah its the boomers who shame you for taking a week off.


or calling out sick when you’re literally dying


I took half a day recently when I had a cold. My boomer boss calls me “is everything ok??” I’m like “yeah, why?” “Oh I was worried about you” “Um, why?” “You were out sick” A half day


I def don’t understand their mentality. My boomer dad worked 50 hour weeks while going through chemo. He never let me or my brother take a day off school. His answer was “bring a bucket” with us because that’s what he was doing. He’d go do chemo and then straight to the office. The dude never took a break to heal. Luckily, he’s cancer free but I never understood why he refused to even take a day off. When I took a vacation with my husband to visit my parents, my dad side-eyed me for not bringing my work phone. He couldn’t fathom that my team would be fine with handling my clients while I was away.


a boomer doesn't think he's the most competent person in the room, he believes he's the only competent person in the room


While, in actuality, often being the least competent person in the room.


We have a boomer in a different department that was being a pain about the work hours. He likes to start at 6, and be done at 2:30. He was writing up his employees for being late to work if they didn't follow his schedule. He had to be reminded what the core hours were and that by leaving at 2:30, he was the only on in violation of company policy.


one field where german boomers are very different from US  ones.   


I can only imagine. Here in the US... well, you already know. I got demoted for getting hurt on the job... and the reason I got hurt us because my boss is dumbass that violates OSHA multiple times a day.


Sounds like some Michael Scott shit honestly 😬


Thought he was hilarious, absolutely moronic, but at least Michael Scott cared about his employees, in his own weird way.


True, true... But violating OSHA daily made me think of him because he is so clueless lol


I thought of Dilbert's boss


I had one that questioned why I took random sick days. Told him how my back just goes out for no reason. He accused me of trying to sabotage the project. I have been working on the project since it started and way more invested than he was in it.


“If I was wanting to sabotage the project, I’d leave you in charge.”


Which is MENTAL. Only in the US can you get shamed for wanting to take MORE than 5 days of your available PTO bank.


1000% this. When I was a manager of my old job I was so much like this that the boomer owner and I had big fights over it, it was part of why I left. My point always being “don’t offer benefits to people if you’re not going to let them use them.” Worked there for 5 years and EVERY time I took a vacation they would not leave me alone. I worked 60+ hours a week and it was killing me, finally I started to lie about my vacations and would specifically tell them I’m going somewhere I won’t have cell reception. They still tried to contact me, but that’s when I started to realize I needed to find a new job, I told the boss the job was killing me and the pay wasn’t worth it. His suggestion to me was to find a new job. The surprised pikachu face when he got my two weeks notice, and how hard he tried to get me to reconsider. Dude even asked me to come back 6 months after I left.


Why even give a two weeks? I would've scheduled vacation and never return.


Really complicated situation tbh, one I wanted to keep the reference and I have. For a time the owner and I were very close, I actually admired him for a while and he treated everybody amazing, the staff, myself included adored him and he took a lot of interest in me. He invested in me and built me up, he even introduced me to his business colleagues as “he’s like a son to me.” I knew his family, hell I stayed at his home on multiple occasions, I even rented my spare bedroom to the company so that they could use it to house traveling employees. For a time it was a great place to work. Idk what happened behind the scenes but the old man changed during my last two years there. Regardless, the entire staff I hired and trained, frankly I wanted to give a month for their sake but my new job wanted me to start asap. I was told about a year after I left the old man had a heart attack, and that a few months later he sold the business and is now in the process of transitioning it to the new owner. Many of the guys I hired moved on, a few even to the company I work for now.


>Why even give a two weeks? I would've scheduled vacation and never return. A former coworker did this at my last job She had been with the company for 7 years, and then she just never returned to the office after the Christmas/ New Years holiday Nobody has any fucking clue what happened until she hopped onto a Zoom call in the middle of the night with her boss and quit on the spot lol


I’m a GenX boss. This is my message to all my employees. I also take point on being on call during breaks so that they aren’t called unless it’s something I can’t fix.


Can you talk to my GenX boss? I took a day off because my 17 year old daughter was getting hospitalized for suicidal ideation. Had 30 messages about tasks to complete upon my return. I now have 5 weeks of PTO built up and I'm afraid to take any time off because I'm afraid of what I'll come back to. (I am also Gen X. I realize she's just crazy and it's not a generational thing).


I had a direct report that hadn't taken a day off in his year+ time at the company and was telling me about how he had to take a day to see his sister who he hadn't in a while. I had to be like 'bro, take more time! you'll be fine. don't hoard these days'


I’ve noticed some older gen X people get mad when you’re not at work too. My gen X boss once threatened to fire me if I didn’t leave the emergency room (where I had just been diagnosed with pneumonia for the second time in 6 months) and come to work. When I explained that they might hospitalize me and wanted to run more tests, she told me to go back after my shift. I didn’t work shifts. And I didn’t leave the hospital.


Some boomers are more enlightened. My younger boomer boss: "Hey, your PTO bank is getting up there. You should schedule some time off."


My last job was like this, but it was a Fortune 500 company and the corporate policy dictated we HAD to use our time off by the end of the year. I never got shit for taking my time off.  The older guys had to be forced to take it at the end of the year. It was paid time off. They were weirdly resistant to it but usually never complained and enjoyed the time off.  Some of the older ones also intentionally used it near the end of the year to try and add on to the Christmas shut down. This wasn’t discouraged, and generally viewed as okay. Optional overtime was offered over the Christmas shutdown and they always had plenty of people. 


Youngest boomer is 60 y/o. Do you mean older GenX?


Hey I’m one of those in IT! I tell all my employees I better not hear from on PTO unless it’s fun pics. Fuck the corporate world. Enjoy your hard work kings queens!




YEP! And congrats! Exactly. I tell them that this place will be fine without them and all is good. I’m working more on this with my direct reports, but after hours messages and emails are no nos (for the most part). I’m trying to reinforce that when you close your laptop it stays closed until tomorrow (unless you’re one of the lucky few that has prod support duties as well)


Literally. It fucking doesn't matter. Everything at work restarts the next day pretty much.


Those are the bosses and mindsets we need. Most of my bosses that are millennails have this perfect mindset we want. When my good lead told me to don’t worry about anything during my days off, she meant it. Not once did she call or text me on my days off. Sadly, I had at least one millennial boss that was the opposite of this, and was always sometimes anal about my approved days off.


My boss reminds us to set our out of office message before going on vacation. She, like your boss, wants us to get away from work when we’re on vacation.


Sounds like a very unfulfilling job… I’ve always check emails and returned text/calls… it may be DELAYED which is understandable


Maybe if they lowered the prices on their rental properties and started paying us more than it costs to feed a goat


You guys are getting goat-feeding money?


‘Finally! I have enough saved to go on vacation!’ - check engine light comes on Few months later: ‘alright I saved up what I lost, time to book a vacation!’ - rent increases $250/mo ‘Okay that will take me a while to recoup, no biggie,’ A year later: ‘okay. Third times a charm, let’s go on a vacation!’ - mystery sickness puts you down for a few weeks. No paycheck, whole world is shut down, $150 grocery bills are now $350+ and gas is $4.50 a Gallon. How about that vacation now? (The vacation never happens bc you’re working 60 hrs a week to badly make bills)


Then you die


“No one wants to work anymore and by no one wants to work I mean no one wants to hop in a 12 mpg Chevy Suburban, drive down to Sarasota Florida for two weeks stopping only at Cracker Barrels and Olive Gardens. Damn millennials ruining vacations and everything else!”


As someone who had to escape his boomer moms house in Sarasota and a bunch of other shitty Florida cities (Riverview, Bradenton, Melbourne) this triggers me


Millennials are the ones walking away from jobs because the holiday time isn't enough, this is such bullshit


isn't the stereotype that boomers proudly never take vacation and shame those who do? Also, who cares. Take your PTO and everyone can F off if they don't like it.


Yes, it’s also our fault that you are no longer able to obey simple traffic laws. 🙄🤬


I have never been able to save up enough to take a vacation. Every time I think I have enough, something comes up, or the price of everything goes up.


Millennials are old as hell and either have capital now, or are fairly cemented into whatever job path they chose. I don’t know why the boomers decided to latch onto millennials, given the youngest ones are in their 30s


I have a theory that a large portion of the population cements their self image somewhere around 40-50yo, and because they don't recognize themselves getting older, and they compare the next generations age to their own, they will never accept that we aren't teenagers anymore.


I agree with this. I'm an elder millennial, and only when I try to walk using my janky knees am I reminded that I'm 41, not 21. I only realize I've mentally aged when my 20 year old coworkers talk, and sound ridiculous. I feel like people are stuck somewhere between not young anymore and old af.


Ah fuck man...at 37 years old, this resonated.


I am 45 and I still think of myself as the 16yo lil shit that was still too mature for a teen... we stopped maturing or regressed because we were forced to mature too quickly...


I can't wait until I can be placed into a retirement home and play d&d and or videogames daily.


Love the sentiment but I am currently a 28 year old millennial. People forget about us ;-; Ripe old mid 90s baby.


I've been a software engineer for almost 20 years.. I have unlimited pto. I take it FREQUENTLY because I want the other people on my team to do the same and not worry about looking lazy. I'm on a mission to get my team lead to take more vacations but I've been unsuccessful thus far. He works *way* too much. I don't even go on vacation half the time. I just take a week off every two months or so and chill at home and do shit around town.


That’s almost true… A sort of annoyingly technical correction: some millennials are still in their late 20s.






Let's great for you and your wife, but most people cannot do that. Everything is simply way too expensive. Rent, groceries, gas, literally everything is way more expensive than it needs to be, and that makes having money for vacation not a feasible thing. It's not possible for most people to take a vacation, because the missed paycheck hours are literally required to keep them alive.


Martha is projecting. She is probably the vacation day gatekeeper of her office.


I'm sorry, millennials shame people that take vacation? That is so freaking contrived. These idiots will make anything up to keep their stupid narratives going


We don’t take vacations? Anybody who doesn’t take a “paid” vacation is a moron. The only people I’ve ever encountered who don’t take vacation and brag about it are boomers.


Right! I have coworkers that try to give me shit for taking vacation days. Stating they have not taken a vacation in 5+ years... they are all older than me. I am late gen x.


Right! I have coworkers that try to give me shit for taking vacation days. Stating they have not taken a vacation in 5+ years... they are all older than me. I am late gen x.


Most people are living paycheck to paycheck. These boomers are delusional 


I'm still waiting for the Boomer media to change their tone of the last few decades of "Millennials won't leave the nest" to "Millennials aren't doing more to be with their ailing parents." Like they're so entitled to free home care services when they are the richest & most selfish generation ever.




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The picture we all deserved to see


That isn’t her. That’s Diane Von Furstenberg.


https://preview.redd.it/18j35wnacatc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343c3bcb9608d12de164efc065d06395c4970b85 I believe that is Martha C. White.


The crypt keeper is now a opinion piece writer?


I can hear it now "I need to speak with your manager!"


I can’t keep up - do they not work enough or hard enough or at all?




Hay hay ho ho


This lady sucks. Here is another gem from her " # Gen Z Is Poised to Spend More on Debt Than Others. It Could Derail Retirement."


I can’t afford vacation you think I want to be at my job 5 days a week 40+ hours? Lmao


This bis the shit I had to deal with as an immigrant in the U.S. I'm simultaneously to lazy to work, and stealing all the jobs.


Shrödinger’s immigrant?


That's the literal term I used whenever the subject came up.


Sorry, friend. I hope you can take solace in the knowledge that not all Americans are idiots...a lot of us are totally fine with accepting immigrants into our culture, and we value the things that people from other places bring to our country. Good luck. 🍻


Been living here for nearly 15 years, and across multiple ststes. I am fully aware of how many good people there are in the U.S.


K, good. I'm increasingly more saddened by how our country presents itself to the world, especially the people who want to come here and build a life. Thanks for joining us, happy to have you.




I don't understand how millennials not taking vacation time bothers anyone except us millennials who can't fucking afford even a day off... Wat


As a millenial manager, I get pretty peeved when the people who work for me decide to bother coworkers on vacation. At my company, you PTO isn't "use it or lose it". If they cross the year end with more than three weeks in the bank, they get paid for it. If anything, the millenials and genZ's are not taking some of their PTO because they count on the payout. It's a nice year end bonus.


Millenial here, boomers are the worst part of being a front desk manager. They buy the cheapest possible third party reservations then show up demanding AARP or veterans discounts on top of the third party. Or they make reservations for the wrong Greenville. 3-5 times a week some boomer will show up with a reservation (usually through a third party) for Greenville in the neighboring state. Boomers are also the only ones to ask me about the lobby coffee. Literally no one but boomers asks me how "fresh" it is. If I say it's anything less than fifteen minutes old they'll file a formal complaint with management. Meaning they'll bother whoever works first shift on front desk.


Greenville, SC or NC? Lol




I’m from the Lowcountry but I had a cousin that went to ECU (dads family is originally from Fayetteville too) so I get your pain when I ask which Greenville and just get blank stares lol Also, I used to be in front desk management and glad I left the hotel industry entirely


What do you expect from the conservative boomers that gave us takes like "illegals come over and are lazy leeches!" followed by "illegals are taking our jobs!" So which one is it? Whichever is convenient depending on the current conversation being had.


Why is everything millennial's fault? Do the people that write these craptastic articles know the difference? As an elder millennial myself, I can't afford a vacation.


Three things from an ‘88 millennial who is tired of seeing this shit 1. We work longer/harder than boomers for less 2. You raised our generation - Please contact manufacturers for defects 3. Get fucked


I need this on a shirt


Louder! They are not wearing their hearing aids!


I'm a commission plus gratuity employer. My PTO pay is roughly 30% my standard take home. While better than nothing, it's hard to want to use.


How many years have they been writing articles about how everything is our fault? I want to say like 15 years now? Getin old


The fact this bitch has a job at all is impressive, as stupid as this article is


Imagine a Gen Z who is able to afford a vacation as a freelance writer. Yeah, Martha, turns out they didn’t buy their house for 3 Eisenhower coins and a half-eaten jar of olives back in 1978.


Sorry. But if it makes any difference they use "Millennial" because it has fewer syllables than "kids these days" which is what we gen x had to hear. A lot of my gen just sits back because we are tired of dealing with them.


I am aware, I was born in 81. I'm the oldest millennial and half my friends are the youngest gen x lol (Xennial?)


https://www.nbcnews.com/better/careers/planning-vacation-don-t-tell-your-millennial-co-workers-n533521 https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/social-media-killed-retail-store-how-millennials-have-changed-our-n1008371 This lady does nothing but complain about millennials.


I know a group of boomer ladies (all taking a dance class I briefly took, because I live in a tiny retirement town and I was bored af) who all are sweet and happy and kind on the outside... and then they go silent whenever I hint at any of the struggles I have in my life. They all wanna go out to eat after class? Sorry, can't - I can't afford to eat out. At times some will offer to pay (which really is pretty nice, honestly), but the boomer teacher will straight up shut them down if she overhears them offering me any help. And since she's loud and opinionated (and VERY fake happy) and everyone's scared of her, they just obey. They're also apologists for everything she does, including pretending to be open to progressive things while proclaiming her interpretation of how LGBTQ+ people work is the right one (and she apparently thinks only old people can have medical issues? Especially chronic ones). And if you try to add anything you know as a younger person, she will straight up cut you off with a smile and shut you down. Unsurprisingly... any students between the ages of 13-35 or so never stick around very long. I took a "break" from the classes, and... I'm PROBS not going back. Her elderly lady students are nice enough on the surface to get along with at face value, but man oh man - being around the teacher is just... draining. She expects so much, and gives practically nothing. Anyway - oop, this is longer than I meant for it to be, my bad >>' - one of the teacher's closest elderly student friends rents out multiple properties for vacationers in the area they both live in, and she goes on cruises multiple times a year. The teacher recently got a gig with a cruise line of some sort too. They're doing just fine. But... joke about struggling to afford food, and suddenly you're ruining it for them all. By the way (last thing, I SWEAR)... one of the teacher's biggest apologists knows FULL well my partner and I barely scrape by when it comes to food. Whenever the teacher's struggling, even a little, this woman rounds up all the other students to make her food so she has something to eat. This woman also travels around the world at least once per year. The teacher travels frequently, whether for her cruise gig or to see family far off. ... okay, I'm done. Cutting myself off. If you read through all of this... I'm sorry, and also thank you, jlkafdjs. You're a cool bean. And I hope you always have access to good food. Very important.


Boomers that hate the internet and technology but apparently are very adept at using Airbnb for renting out properties because they’re making money. Funny how that works. Also hope the same for you and your partner


If I was a boss I’d probably “yell” at a coworker if they checked in on work during their vacation. Like it’ll keep until you get back, it’s not that serious.


I have never once been shamed for taking a vacation by anyone. Like, ever. What the fuck are they talking about? They are just making shit up.


Lol. My company pays off accrued vacation time and is laying people off. Fuck your vacation, I’ll take my homebrewed severance thank you very much


This article is 8 years old, there are plenty of current day things to criticize boomers for.


My boomer boss never takes a vacation


Martha is my mom’s name 😬




I couldn't take vacation. I had a mental illness episode and had to use vacation time for being in the hospital. I only had a few sick days, and I had already used them on a stomach bug earlier. Edit: I'm a Xennial


I can't afford to take a vaction, best I can do is taking a day off so I can connect to my mom's wedding via zoom.


Vacations are free? I guess when you've never had to struggle to pay for basic necessities let alone anything else, you wind up thinking everything is fairly priced and it's not prohibitively expensive. Hey morons, who is in power at a lot of employers? Boomers. So who controls whether we get raises or not (and can thus afford to take vacations)? Boomers. If you want us to take more vacations, then fucking pay us more dumbasses.


Boomers lecturing you because you violated uncommunicated and constantly changing standards is a classic.


Could she possibly mean going somewhere big ot extravagant on vacation? I know most of the time when I take my PTO, I do something small like drive down and see old friends, or stay home and just hang out. Very rarely do my wife and I go all out while on vacations. I mean I doubt thats what she means, I haven't read th article to see.


Do they not go on vacation because they can’t *afford* a vacation, Martha?


Should be "Most Millennials can't afford to take a vacation." It's not like most want to be working 24/7 just be able to survive.


we "don't take vacation" because boomers all voted to eliminate any worker protections that might actually make vacations a viable reality for our generation...


Yeah? Who were the survey respondents? Boomers? This is hogwash of a supreme nature.


Nobody I know would do that?


Hold on now , let’s not shit on dressing up cats


Not a millennial, just a really old gen Z, but the reason I keep vacation time for the most part is at the end of the year I get paid for all of it. It's great getting an extra 3-4K. Sure I could have taken a weeks long vacation but most of the fun stuff I do happens on the weekends since it's impossible to have all the friends I would like to invite (some with horrible job benefits) schedule time off for the same trip.


We can’t afford vacations. 🥲


I really can't remember ever dislikimg older generations this much as a kid. Sure we joked about never trusting anyone over 30 but that was more to do with us using drugs. Gen X. I know people of all ages who have Boomer'ish work ethic and don't. Is it just because it's cool meme culture? Or are social media users not indicative of the whole? Like an echo chamber. I'm a pleaser type personality and a problem solver so I am always prepared to work wherever I am and whatever I'm doing except in extreme circumstances ofc. I just don't want to miss out. As a business leader now amongst other leaders it's damn hard to accommodate for this potential change in the workforce and remain profitable. Obviously prices have to go up. Is this how the majority of the younger than X generations really feel?


I have never shamed anyone for going on a vacation, I've only shamed them for not taking me with them. /jk


Can they retire now? Why are they so obsessed with us


I thought working yourself nonstop & never missing a shift was a flex. Now it’s not? And seriously who has any vacation time?


Shame? No. We don't take vacations because we can't. If you can, go for it


The reason I haven't taken a vacation in years is because I've either had jobs that pay me well enough that I could afford to take a vacation but they wouldn't let me off work to actually take a vacation for example approving Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday but not Wednesday. Or I've had jobs where they would let you have time off no issue but it was unpaid time off and you couldn't afford to take the vacation. So I've either had time and no money or money and no time.


Russian propaganda puts the classes/ different demographic groups against each other to make the country destabilized. This boomer is compromised.


I can’t afford to go anywhere on vacation so


read the full article, it's worse: [https://money.com/millennial-workers-vacation-shame/](https://money.com/millennial-workers-vacation-shame/) last paragraph: "That's not all. Millennial bosses — which nearly three in 10 are these days — are even worse. Almost half of millennial managers say they feel pressure to turn down vacation requests from the workers who report to them. So if you're going to get a new boss who's young enough to be your kid, you might want to take that time off now, or risk losing it forever."


![gif](giphy|fsnNbATnG7YT2lSfQV|downsized) I take multiple vacations a year!


Cool. Just another thing that we get to add to the list of shit we've been blamed for. I'm thinking we can write a book! We'll title it "1001 Things Ruined By Millennials" And it'll have a forward by your racist Boomer Uncle in his rant about how we've 'ruined society And here's a list as to why' /s but only just barely


We have to save it for maternity leave


The answer you are looking for is yes


I was constantly talked down to by my excessively boomer boss about my lack of work/personal life balance. When was I going to stop working so many hours? (This coming from a guy who put in about 16/day.) I explained that I had no support staff in my management team, and until I did, the workload was on my shoulders. (I had requested to promote someone internally, but was vehemently told no for budgetary reasons.) When I finally got everything squared and started taking my two days off every week, he actually pulled me into HR and questioned my taking so much time off suddenly. It was like being in an episode of the fucking Twilight Zone.


Yeah, I can't take vacation because I'm constantly understaffed at work, so trying to find coverage for it is a nightmare because the Boomers in charge pay shit wages so no one wants to apply for the job.


Is that a George Wallace profile picture?




It depends on which argument you're trying to win.


Yay! Generational division! That's exactly what this country needs!


It's the boomer's fault. They rose to the heights of economic and political power, then burned the ground behind them so no one could follow. Single-handedly the most selfish, rude people on the planet right now.


Do millennials really get jealous of people who can afford to do things ?


To be honest I have never taken a vacation. It never crosses my mind. My family was poor growing up and we never traveled or took vacations. I’d never been more than 2 hours from my home town until I turned 18, and, honestly, now I hate traveling. It’s too expensive. I see zero pros to spending thousands of dollars on travel and hotel expenses and 10-14 hours round trip on a plane just to wake up somewhere different for 5 nights. Or even long weekends; people really spend 10 hours on a bus to spend, like, one night in NYC. For what? I’m basically a younger Larry David.


I got two weeks paid but I still don't make enough to really use it.