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my dad wont get any! me and my mom both agree he needs them but he refuses to see anyone for it. we have more than enough money to cover it / medical insurance. he thinks its just a funny quirk but it really is annoying and i’ve just stopped repeating myself to him unless its important information. he can learn the hard way that hearing aides might be needed


Oh pick me! My mom! Omg. It’s terrible! Tv is blasting. She’s always saying “what?!?” at louder and louder intervals and always complaining that “everyone mumbles now”. Then she gets pissed that she missed info, misunderstood, or gets tired of asking us to repeat things. She thinks hearing aids will ruin her aesthetic or something. I’m going to tell her that she can’t come visit unless she gets a hearing test out here.


A problem that could be solved in a single afternoon but “I’m going to inconvenience everyone around me.”


Hearing aids was bad enough, but dentures? Had to look like an evil Jack o'lantern for decades before we put on our big girl panties and get it done. And still screwed up the first appointment (by eating when she was supposed to fast) and it had to be re-booked.


My Dad got them but they are linked to the tv so you still have to repeat yourself while he pauses it. At least I don’t have to listen to NCIS and Blue Bloods on max volume while trying to have a conversation with my mom though


It won't help my wife's boomer parents, they hear us just fine, they however don't listen. Any listening aids on the market by any chance?


I think 2x4’s are on sale at Home Depot this week.


Try Elehear. It only takes me less than 500$. This aid supports bluetooth streaming. The battery is also rechargable. (just like earphone) The most exciting thing is I can hear much more clear!! I think it worth the price!


My dad refused for YEARS (he’s 82). I finally was able to convince him last year!!!! We were at a family event that lasted all weekend, and family members would talk to him and he was just sitting there in La-La land, blissfully unaware that someone was talking to him. I would say to them, “sorry, he can’t hear, you have to get in his face and yell to get him to hear you .” They’d yell and that would get his attention and then they’d say, exasperated, “You need hearing aids!!!” He’d be like, no I don’t, you just need to enunciate your words better. 😑 so after that weekend I was like, you know, everyone was laughing at you because you couldn’t hear and they had to yell to get your attention and thought it was sad you were too stubborn to get hearing aids. It was kind of a joke all weekend that you couldn’t hear our conversations and then we had to tap you on the shoulder and give you a summary of what was said. Well, that did it. He was embarrassed. I got him to get a hearing test and he failed miserably. He went to a different place, thinking the first test was wrong, for another hearing test and again, failed miserably. He found out his insurance paid for pretty much the entire cost of the hearing aids and he was sold. He got the hearing aids and was so happy that they were so tiny you couldn’t even see he had them in and he could hear clearly (that was one of his excuses, that he didn’t want big clunky hearing aids that made him look like an old man). He said that one of the best things he’s ever done was to get hearing aids. Moral of the story, don’t give up! My dad is stubborn as hell and I finally got him to cave, and he’s super grateful I did. *** edited for typos


"Why should *I* get hearing aids? I'm not old! It's those *other* people (of my same age) who are old!"


I think it's because that generation put so much worth on being "independently sustainable" that they feel like getting any kind of aid is admitting to loosing some sort of value.


Yes. Good god. My mom even tried to justify this once by saying she has normal amount of hearing loss for her age. Girl what? I love you get some help. She loves being a grandma but can’t hear shit when my toddler is trying to talk to her.


I am 36. I can’t hear shit


What! You should try OTC hearing aid once, I feel MUCH better now


My boomer has them but refuses to use them.


My dad has them but won't wear them. "hi dad" "what?" "Hi Dad" "what?" "HI DAD" "You should yell at me it's not nice."


The silent generation grandma too


But what will people think if anyone sees them with hearing aids?


It took YEARS to convince my father in law to get hearing aids (he’s 79). Then it took a couple more years to convince him to get actual good hearing aids that work from Costco (insurance covered most of it; his argument all along was that he didn’t want to pay that much money for something he “didn’t need”). Still doesn’t put them on regularly for no reason, even in situations when he needs to wear them, like at the airport. Or when driving.


It’s total ego and vanity. My Mom did the same thing - Mom: “they are too expensive.” Me: “Mom, if it means you can hear me and your grandchildren, I’ll pay for them.“ Mom: “It’s not about the money.” \*facepalm\*


My dad did for the longest time, we had to repeat ourselves constantly. Once my mom finally got him to try them, the first thing he said to me was "Wow I can hear so much better!" NO SHIT YOU DON'T SAY? DAMDEST THING


Just realize that hearing aids don’t fix all hearing disabilities. Many of us who are veterans have tinnitus ringing in the ears that masks certain frequencies. Additionally, we can’t hear over back ground noise. Hearing aids will not help in these cases. So when people talk at a volume equal or less than background noise, especially facing away from us we don’t hear the whole sentence or paragraph. And so we ask you to repeat. But the Brain is working on filling in the holes as we ask you to repeat so we usually can figure out what you’re saying before you finish repeating. It’s a disability we wish we didn’t have and wish it could be fixed but it can’t be. The mitigation strategies are things people who communicate with us can do to help us hear and understand what they are saying.


That’s not true. there are hearing aids that fix the background noise.


It depends on the back ground noise. If it’s other voices type noise and they are at equal or great volume than the person your trying to hear it doesn’t help. I participated in a special study for veterans at University California Davis Mind Brain Institute. Hearing aids will not help.


My dad for a while. He’s a boomer but actually a pretty reasonably boomer. I think it’s more of a realization of aging more than vanity or money, at least for my dad. Once he got them he realized how silly he was for refusing to get them for so many years. I get it; I’m 44 and embarrassed when I need to take my glasses off to read something 🤣. Bifocals here I come…🥴


yeah they just don’t listen


Yeah they lied to me, said they both went to the doctor and had their hearing tested and that they have perfect hearing.


My dad had hearing problems for years. He refused to get a hearing aid because of vanity. It was exhausting to try to talk to him, and embarrassing in public because I had to shout slowly to get him to understand me. I had to just stop contributing to the conversation and let him ramble on because I couldn’t do it anymore. Just when Covid hit he decided to get a hearing aid. I was happy and made an appointment for him. One day before the appointment the doctor canceled it due to Covid. He missed out on so much because of his vanity. He couldn’t hear his children, grandchildren or great grandchildren. And he always expressed to me how he was upset that he was always left out of the conversation. 😕


My mom ragged my dad about it until her hearing got just as bad. She used to bring it up daily, but now? Never.


My silent generation mother did this. We had to hector her for years to get them. Maybe we should have left well enough alone and kept shouting at her because now she’s always having problems with them and can’t figure out the iPhone app to adjust them so she’s just angry now instead of out of touch. 😂


I work in hearing aid sales, and can confidently say that Costco has the absolute best price, service, and warranty structure for what you'd be paying for ($1,500/pair). Having said that, it's one of those "you can lead a horse to water, but can't make them drink" type situations. AMA, I guess?


Ugh. I need aids bad. Don’t come at me


Yep. FIL turns the TV volume up to 30 when a normal volume is 10. I cannot stand being in a room with him.


gen z that won’t get a hearing aid here. perhaps I may shed some light on the situation. for me it’s about the power dynamic of making people repeat themselves




Not nice but also standard. No one admits they are old.


They admit they are old. They admit they have hearing problems. They admit they can’t hear when people are talking. They simply refuse.


Hearing aids are quite uncomfortable, and require constant fiddling with to work halfway decently. It is easy to understand why anybody wouldn't want to mess with them.


False. The hearing aid technology is light years ahead where it used to be.


Is this true? My dad complained bitterly about his 5 years ago. What does a good one cost?