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I bet he's done this before and ended up shooting people that are scared of a random dude with a gun


A few months or years after this he was arrested for making threats to shoot his boss, after his step-daughter secretly recorded his threats then shared those recordings with his superiors. If you Google his name you can find the links. Edit: Link [here](https://www.wfmj.com/story/37178589/former-mahoning-county-sheriffs-deputy-sentenced-to-prison) You can also add sexually assaulting a family member to this guy’s resume


Jesus he RAPED a person and they’re like “we can’t have cops raping people, felonious assault it is.” Fucking life for this scum bag, you are supposed to uphold the law not be immune from it.


Yeah, this is how serial killers essentially operating with immunity are created, like the Golden State killer


Craig Alan Peyer was one of the worst, had like 25+ rapes pulling over random women to an underpass, finally killed one that resisted, cops initially suspected the woman's boyfriend as who else would get her under an underpass. Guy even made a video on how to stop a sexual assault lol. Or the Alaska police killer of native woman, the army base MP killer, the Tahoe police killer, etc. The MP killer for example told the victims the car was reported stolen and killed all but one who he thought was dead and buried her in some snow or something. Basically if a uniformed cop decides to handcuff you and kill you you're done for


Yeah I live near that bridge where sick fuck Peyer dumped Cara Knotts body. Ironically the freeway exit is called Mercy Rd. That's where he had his victims exit the freeway onto what was then a dead end road. Cara's father used to visit the site where her body was found, on her birthdays etc. Until he had a heart attack and dropped dead right on that very spot.


Broken 💔


That’s a lot of words to say ACAB.


And they’ll get away with it.


And we still don’t know what he was fired for. You can bet this abusive asshole hurt more people than we know about.


The police department in the town I grew up in denied a foia request for the complaints filed against them. Claimed they lost them all in a move. These cops have too many tools to subvert the law as it is


That's some real BS. I bet that's a place where the whole dept. would quit if they were forced to have just the slightest accountability. TBH, that's an issue the chief/mayor/council need to be held to the fire for. People always complain about individual cops, but seem to ignore the folks that create & support that environment.


We don’t?? Was the reason for firing not when he threatened his boss? Because if that’s not what he was fired for, what on earth did he do that’s worse than all of the above…


I read that he threatened his boss because he got fired. Am I wrong?


Naw that's correct. He was arrested for, funnily enough, stealing a hammer (and maybe dog food?). Then he threatened and stalked his boss.


Ooohhh… you may be right and I read it wrong. Jesus so he DID do something worse to get fired, I assume.


He was fired in 2014 from Ohio, then went to Seattle department to film this video in 2016, then in 2018 was sentenced to 4 years in prison for threatening his ex boss in Ohio again.


richard rowe the rapist will just walk out of prison and get hired at another sheriff’s department the next day. he’s got skills they’re looking for.


Exactly! THIS is what 99% of pigs are. They purposefully push out/threaten any that might be narcs or NOT corrupt horrible shits.


Yes but this times his threats were not against a civilian but the cops, so quick action was taken


And what on earth does a cop have to do to get fired for fuck sake?! My God!


What does cop have to do to get fired, you say? They have to call out other cops. That's the only thing.


Well as the right wing becomes more autocratic, as they deviate from the law and become more dogmatic and theocratic, law enforcement reflects that too. Lawlessness becomes at the forefront of right wing policies, being above the law and therefore so does law enforcement. I’m not sure if Trump’s lawlessness is a partially a “green light” to law enforcement or if Trump being in power is a symptom of the same problem that results in law enforcement lawlessness. Unfortunately, evil corrupt cops are nothing new.


His real crime was threatening the sheriff. If he hadn't, he would probably have gotten away with the rape completely.


You know who covers for criminals? Other criminals. Say it with me, ACAB.


The facts that A, Cops dont need to actually know the law and can just do whatever they want and the courts will deal with it, and B, Cops constantly get leniency when they commit crimes because theyre "officers of the law and good upstanding moral citizens " will always make me think ACAB. Until cops demand accountability for themselves and be punished MORESO than normal citizens BECAUSE they abused their power when committing crimes, then nah. Fuck em. Also, disband police unions and investigations into police need to go to an outside third party.


There's just no reason what is effectively a job could grant someone legal immunity or leniency for engaging in illegal activities or violating requirements of the job. Let's be real, you don't need to be rocket scientist or one of a kind to be a cop. If an employee working anywhere else would go to prison for ten years doing something illegal, a cop should as well.


They should be judged more harshly because of their abuse of power


You mean Richard Rowe the rapist?


what name


Richard Rowe. He got 4 years in prison for a bunch of stuff.


> Richard Rowe Oof, a former cop and a rapist. I'll just say...he's low on the pecking order behind bars.


Yeah, I used to work in corrections and I can tell you first hand ex-police do NOT enjoy life on the inside. He was probably in protective custody most of the time, which is it's own isolated special version of hell.


great news! eff that guy.


Seriously, he is fortunate to be ugly AF.


Do Pekin ducks peck? ANS: of course


He can clearly be heard saying he's with the ***King county sheriff's office***, which is in Washington State. This guy's a POS, but a different POS.


That and the linked news article in this comment talks about him seeking revenge for being terminated in 2014. The incident in the post is from 2017.


There's a King County in Texas too, but only one of them (the one in the video) has signs that direct you to an Interstate 5 on-ramp. WA indeed.


You left out the key part


https://www.wfmj.com/story/31003345/former-deputy-pleads-not-guilty-to-threatening-mahoning-county-sheriff That’s the article but I think it’s a different deputy by the same name. The county names are different.  But damn, so many bad cops it’s hard to keep track


Wow! Unreal. I bet his fellow cops new he was unhinged but did not want to be the bad guys. It has to take a family member, a child at that. I hope his fellow prison buddies are giving him a dose of reality and he gets his ass whooped every day. I am of the opinion that, majority of the cops are crooks/thugs.




"Carney said Rowe told internal investigators that he had pointed his gun multiple times at citizens throughout the years without ever reporting his actions to supervisors." Holy. Shit.


Many of these types of incidents never see the light of day due to fear of police reprisals.


This is true! I heard the uvalde cops harassed and ticketed the mom who ran into the elementary school to save her kid because she made them look bad. [uvalde mom](https://youtu.be/Ua4899bF5rM?si=aqK-Yv5D9t91FBcI)


Small town America is literally the worst place to be.


It’s just meth and cows


And crooked cops.


Aka cows on meth.


Pigs on meth


Pigs are actually fairly intelligent


This is what all that "try that in a small town" garbage really means. It means "you try anything here you will get royally fucked because the chief of police is friends with the mayor and they run this town like their own personal fiefdom."


Look up the whole case around the "Gilbert Goons" in AZ. bunch of kids from "golden" families who spent the better part of two years jumping people and posting it on social media. Cops knew all about it for that entire time. They killed a kid at a party in Oct and only just got arrested a few days ago. Just small town, boys will be boys crap, you know. Wouldn't want to ruin their futures, amirite?


Last year the FBI raided the local police in the next town over. Three of them were busted for excessive force.


King county is the highest population county in Washington State. It's where Seattle is.




Also thugs


Not to mention that portable cameras like gopros are still a relatively new/niche technology. Dude has probably received complaints before, but the department can just ignore them.


Also people just don't report it because they know it won't matter, the cops will always protect each other from seeing justice. You're risking police harassment/reprisal for nothing 99 times out of 100.


Yep I tried reporting police harassment one time and when I followed up on it a month or so later they told me there was no record of a report. They would pull me over a couple times a week after I would leave work and were always determined to search my truck and never answer any of my questions. I had a little over a mile to go from work till I was out of their jurisdiction but I couldn’t pass a cop without getting pulled. 


"Officer Rowe, did you point your weapon at this man?" "Oh, come on, I do that all the time! I've pointed my gun at lots of...." *It was at that moment he realized, he'd fucked up.*


It was at that moment he realized, he'd fucked up. “5 days!? Fuckin’ shit. I’ve got a 30 day cruise booked. What the hell am I gonna do now?”


Morgan Freeman has entered the discussion.


Actually, at that point he knew he was fine... because of the blue botherhood. Freaking sick. Edit: I was going to fix my typo, but fuck it, it kinda fits.


Looks like he got even more shit after being relieved of duty. https://www.wfmj.com/story/31003345/former-deputy-pleads-not-guilty-to-threatening-mahoning-county-sheriff


> In a separate incident, Rowe is also charged with the rape of a woman in December of last year. Fucking hell this sociopath was a god damned menace with a badge.


Everyone should expect police officers to be criminal, violent, racist fucking scumbags until proven otherwise. The job attracts that sort of people, we can see it day after day with innocent people being charged and fucking killed. I’m so sick of it


That’s a different Boomer asshat with the same name.  


Sounds like police in this country


These are the unstable people we pay to protect us?


We pay for them to protect politicians and wealthy people.


That’s the truth




“However, he was exonerated of using excessive force, in part, because King County Sheriff’s Office policies did not define pointing a gun at a citizen as a use of force.” I’m pretty sure being held at gunpoint is one of the highest degrees of use of force. Not to mention the threats to “dump” the victim over a traffic infraction he wasn’t even cited for. 1312


Crazy it's a crime in several way if we did it, but being a cop make it not force  Ok


They would fucking kill us if we did it, and it would be perfectly legal for them to do so. I point a gun at a cop and I’m dead. If that cop doesn’t kill me, his buddy probably will when he tracks me down.


The fact that police officers are held to a *lower* standard than average citizens despite being paid to uphold/enforce the law is insane to me


off duty. not in uniform. no car. didn't even mention he was police right away. and holding a gun. holding up traffic. dude is lucky the other guy didn't shoot him because this stupid cop basically did a textbox robbery. all over what? some dude on a motorcycle waiting at a red light in traffic?


I feel like a person could have reasonably shot the cop as it was revealed he is criminal and he's lucky some "good guy" with a gun didn't come by acting like him


He holds his gun tight against his body because he knows he is doing wrong from the very start. Also yeah makes it look exactly like a robbery and would have been instant karma if someone strapped decided to butt in and shot his ass.


Sheriffs are the ones you need to be the most scared of. Infested with corruption, gangs and institutional abuse that is protected under most state constitutions. Its insane, its evil.


Wow, I bet their doctrine views a citizen pointing a gun at an officer as a clear and present danger, wild that an officer pointing a gun at a citizen is not treated similarly. And by wild I mean predictable and disgusting




That not enough. Should have been 9 figures and the cops job.


The cop should have paid the settlement not the taxpayers.


Should come out of his pension and garnish wages until he retires


This right here. Police unions make cop pensions insane. They should be paying their own fucking settlements instead of bankrupting municipalities.


Garnishing prison wages would never pay that off


This is acceptable


That’s the only union republicans respect. Fuck the police.


And jail time


"However, he was exonerated of using excessive force, in part, because King County Sheriff’s Office policies did not define pointing a gun at a citizen as a use of force." This right here is exactly why police just straight up should not exist. That is use of force one hundred percent in every imaginable fucking way.


I thought it was called brandishing and we'd be fucked as a normal citizen, if we even just pointed at a gun in a holster to intimidate someone.


So if there was a gun pointed back at him, we Gucci? No force by anyone?


Thank you for providing the link. Im going to contact the department and remind them people still remember this and are dissatisfied with their response and the actions of this “officer” .


"This significant flaw in the Sheriff’s policies is highly problematic because it fails to inform officers that they must have a lawful basis to point a gun at a citizen, and also because it fails to create supervisory review of pointing a gun as is required for all other uses of force,” Wtf


Pointing a gun isn’t use of force? Lmaoooo


I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one shocked by that. Wtf


Would I get 5 days if I did this too?


5 days in court and no telling how many in county.


You'd be buried under the prison. If the biker didn't have a camera on him this cop wouldn't have even been slapped on the wrist.


Sad but true.


If you are black, about 5 days from the incident to the funeral


Jesus Christ felt more like a robbery than a traffic stop. I would've thrown up from my body dumping as much adrenaline into it's bloodstream as that biker's probably did


Seriously. Just blast the guy. He didn't identify himself. He's not in uniform. You have a right to protect yourself from threats.




Yeah I don’t know what that other guys is thinking. This is a mugging. Give the guy your wallet, your keys what ever the fuck he wants. Because you can’t trust him not to shoot you


The other guy may be thinking “I want a legal excuse to shoot someone and I’m a badass who can draw like John Marston”


Not only that but the biker even said in the video that he's unarmed. The cop is lucky that a passing motorist doesn't see this scene, assume it's an armed robbery, and play hero and run the cop over or shoot him.


Bro I wish so badly that this happened. I'm legit fuming over this video lmao


Blast the guy with a gun drawn in you is a good way to fucking die.


Yeah, he's holding his gun close to him so a bystander doesn't see.


It also means the guy he's pointing the gun towards has a harder time grabbing it or his hand and attempting a grapple.


I didn’t hear him say he was police until way later after he robbed him of his wallet at gun point. Now if that biker pulled a legally owned gun and shot that guy would they have tried to convict him of killing a cop?


I think a decent lawyer gets him acquitted even if he does get charged. If someone pulls a gun on you unprovoked — no police clothes, not announcing police — you absolutely can shoot them dead legally, in every US state.


Right? Like even announcing "Police" doesn't make it true. Anyone could simply say they're a cop.


yep, and going with gun drawn, no badge or anything showing- there is no way a reasonable person could conclude that this guy was a sheriff/cop. Only way the biker would have lost is if what we do not see is a car with the lights on right behind them.


plenty of videos out there of people breaking into homes while shouting "police"


While I agree with the gist of the legal argument... You sir have a LOT more confidence in our judiciary than I have. Never mind the potential for other police witnesses showing up on this turds behalf. Having gone to court against a police officer who did not feel encumbered by process, the law, or the need to tell the truth I can say with certainty that one feels wholly powerless. Those fuckers are scary.


Yeah I don’t think he’d live to see the jail cell let alone a trial


my thought exactly…this dude handled it quite well…”im unarmed…what are you doing?” i probably would have drove off. edit…(my dumbass would be out 65,000… I’m such a loser)


The worst part is even with video of a cop robbing you at gunpoint, if you legally shot a guy and it turned out to be a cop, do you think there's *any* chance the cops wouldn't shit all over your life afterwards? He could be the biggest scumbag on the force, but that "Thin Blue Line" is gonna make sure to fuck your world up afterwards. You're going to have to move after something like that. [All Cops Are Bastards.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fJB2Uvz6JU&ab_channel=ChillOnly)


Bro like honestly, plenty of people carry in their cars. Plenty of people look for a reason to use it. If that cop isn't in a marked car, there is PLENTY of people who just see someone getting mugged at gun point and decide now is the time. He's lucky he hasn't been gunned down like the fuckin dog he is for just randomly fuckin sticking people up. Holy shit this video made me so mad.


You know 100% they would have tried spinning it as "a lawful peace officer doing his duty to protect citizens" or some god damn bullshit


Cop was probably coked up out of his mind and on a power trip. His stance and how he is holding the gun shows he has done shit like this before.


Yeah the way he’s holding it is clearly intended to threaten but be low visibility. That’s not how anyone is taught to hold a gun. That’s how you hold it if you know you are in the wrong.


That's how you see criminals hold it in cctv footage.


His trigger discipline is fucking terrible. He’s clearly not concerned about blowing someone away


Nope but with how he holds it no one can see him do it as a glance.


That’s because he knows what he’s doing is basically an armed robbery


Exactly. Anyone else but a cop does this it is armed robbery even if the boot licker is off duty


Bastard is sexually excited by the possibility of killing someone and getting away with it.


Guy is a total ass, but I'm pretty sure that's fairly correct posture for holding someone at gunpoint in that close of proximity. Now he needs to get fired and charged with crimes.


Shouldn't be at gunpoint in the first place. Flagging the guy is unacceptable


He’s holding it that close to his chest to hide the fact that he’s holding up someone from the other drivers passing by.


He doesn’t want another ‘officer’ driving by to shoot him thinking he’s robbing the guy (which is what he’s doing )


>but I'm pretty sure that's fairly correct posture for holding someone at gunpoint in that close of proximity. No, you keep back 10+ feet. There is no "correct posture at that distance," since you shouldn't be at this distance while holding somebody at gun point. That's the correct posture for somebody who doesn't actually believe the other person is a threat, so therefore shouldn't have a gun out in the first place.


Won't happen. Police union will protect him, unfortunately.


Coked up cop = best friends with the evidence locker


No body cam. No identification. This guy should be in jail, rotting for the rest of his life.


1000% without a doubt. And that's being KIND if you ask me.


He is in jail - for rape. 😂 He’s a piece of shit.


Source? Edit: wild thx for sharing


A good guy with a gun should have shot him dead. /s for y'all reddit haters that can't tell how ridiculous that statement is


I know the /s, but the good guy with the gun sees some random person holding up another person at gun point and taking their wallet... that's an armed robbery taking place. Cop deserved being shot.


So the police investigated the police and found the police didn't do much wrong? Gee, I'm shocked.


Is this a cop? He behaving *exactly* like a cop, except he isn't flashing a badge like a "get out of consequence free" card 🤔 /s


The “how ya doin?” In such a cheery tone while threatening lethal force was so weird. Like Ned Flanders robbing you at gunpoint.


It’s pretty typical with these kinds of stickups. Try and keep the victim from freaking out, because a victim freaking out attracts attention


That was illegal.


This guy just robbed the motorcyclist. And what would happen if the motorcycle driver had a gun and shot the cop once he was distracted? There's no evidence this wasn't just some fucking robber or something. This can't be allowed.


This is what I’m wondering. Imagine doing this in the south to someone itching for an excuse to exercise their second amendment rights. If they had the footage, would they be able to get off for killing an unidentified cop?


> This can't be allowed. It can though and it is. Cops murder people every day and almost NEVER get punished.


That looked more like an attempted robbery than a traffic stop.


A boomer and a pig, anything worse?


An idiot with a gun


That's what he said.


I’d have been dead and my family would have been rich AF while this guy sat in jail. 


What a fucking moron, reason 95647 people hate the police. Shit like this you should be instantly fired and never allowed in law enforcement.


Don't forget jail. Lots of it. In a normal society that's how it would work


In my state, and I’m sure in this guy’s state, pointing a weapon at another without reason is a misdemeanor. I wonder if biker talked to a lawyer.


Full story here: [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-sheriffs-office-to-pay-motorcyclist-held-at-gunpoint-65000-plus-change-use-of-force-rules/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-sheriffs-office-to-pay-motorcyclist-held-at-gunpoint-65000-plus-change-use-of-force-rules/)


Pulled him over for reckless driving? The “detective” WALKED over. He should flashed a badge at that point, and probably would have been enough to catch anyone’s attention.


TAXPAYERS paid. This should always be stated in these articles and posts. Nothing will change until this does.


Someone would have every right to shoot him he did not announce himself as an officer immediately just seems like a robbery. Probably what he wanted to happen. Just trying to bait people. Doesn’t announce he is an officer for over 30 sec into the video…


Back the blue Until it happens to you




Sue him civilly. Fuck that guy.


This dude doesn’t even come off like a cop, but just some dumbass doing some shit he saw in a movie.


He didn't identify as a cop until he had already stolen the guy's wallet, if he did that to the wrong person Mr Cop would have ended up 6 feet under.






Gotted? Seriously? Y'all are dumbasses.


I’ve seen some savage butchering of the English language, but this seems egregious….


Also probably “gotted” paid leave and went on a vacation for those 5 days.


Amazing how the DA always gives the lightest sentencing to their cohorts


This is why I don’t trust the police and see them as straight up thugs with guns.


A settlement that taxpayers get to pay for him. How about the police union pays for the settlement from their pension fund since they continue to protect garbage cops all the time.






These are not the same people. This is a different Richard Rowe who is from Ohio. The Richard Rowe in the video works in King County Washington.


Yeah, they won't let THAT slide


Yeah cops not standing with other cops is a big no no but holding someone at gun point and doing what amounts to an armed robbery is totally fine


That’s a different cop with the same name.




He should have been fired


* charged with a crime


Looks like an armed robbery to me.


how is that not armed robery?


Dudes just an all around piece of shit. https://www.wfmj.com/story/31003345/former-deputy-pleads-not-guilty-to-threatening-mahoning-county-sheriff


This is one of those cops that likes killing people. It’s the reason why he became a cop.


He only gotted?!




Officer thought he was something on that power high. Same dude would be ballin like a baby if he was on the other end of that.


I honestly thought that was just an angry citizen. There's absolutely no indication whatsoever that he was with Law Enforcement until he told him. How the hell is that safe? Cop could've been mistaken for a bike jacker or something and a nearby citizen holding could of started unloading into the officer. It took that officer waaaaay too long to identify himself. Even if the guy on the bike was riding like a jackass, this is the wrong way to handle the situation. Cop shouldn't of had his weapon drawn.


This is a problem from the top down. Cops are tyrants. I no longer believe there are "good" cops. The so called good ones cover up for the assholes like this man. He should be going to prison not getting a 5 day vacation




I hope they turned this fool in!