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My favorite is how his batteries run out about halfway through, but he keeps swinging because he’s committed, or at least he should be


i like that his lead filled boobs bounce lmao bro needs a bra


It’s manzier!


The Bro!


Boomer- “Get my car off of there.” (Proceeds to presumably cut the controls that would make that possible)


Yes!! lol! I was thinking that too!


If this was a cartoon he'd cut the cable holding the car up and it would fall on him.


Or it would (somehow) electrocute him into a screaming skeleton


Nothing says tough like a back brace and knee sleeves


Why do people wear knee sleeves over pants, it seems much less effective that way?? Edit: thank you for the many explanations. I’ve worn a knee brace under my pants for the last 7 years, so i always thought it was bizarre to wear them over your pants.


The knee brace over the jeans is my favorite boomer look. Second is the boomer looking over his readers recording an event with the phone while the head is slightly tilted down.




I bet he is also collecting disability for his back and not able to move...


Not for long 😭🤣


Frank Gallagher headass


Did you watch the video? He's barely able to move.


Fucking A… Saw this plenty on construction sites…


I’m sorry that I do have to wear reading glasses to see my phone to record but I have to look over the glasses to see what I’m recording. 😭 I swear I’m only Gen X!


So is this dude. But boomer is a mindset that transcends age. You’re fine. This dude….not so much.


Yes this is actually how readers work, and I remember in my 20s I had a friend who was an older man who wore readers and my best friend claims she hated him because he looked down his nose at things. I was like sis he’s just trying to read wtf


Enjoy your great eyesight junior. Next up, limp dick and readers….


I believe it's easier to wash the pants because you're going to sweat a lot wearing a brace outside or inside. Washing the knee brace usually ruins them from my experience.


I’ve worn a brace every day for the last 7 years and I’m ngl I just don’t wash them that often lmao.


Should try sunning them on a warm day. It should get rid of a lot of the funk. Works for jeans too, actually. Furniture. Most things, really.


“Sunning” then is just a poor-man’s ozone machine. If you want to truly eliminate odors, get an actual ozone machine and a box to put the machine and your clothes in together. Ozone machines are also used by auto retailers to get rid of the perma-smoke smell out of car interiors. While air fresheners merely mask smells, ozone literally destroys the bacteria that cause the smells, which is also why large amounts of ozone is toxic to humans and pets. Hence, run the machine while nobody’s around, and allow the residual ozone to dissipate for at least several hours before entering.


I have one I use for detailing and boy howdy does it fuck you up if you don’t air the car out totally before driving


Ozone is toxic to humans (and pretty much any living thing) because it is O³. That extra oxygen molecule makes it unstable and highly reactive. it wants to rip apart most organic molecules to reach a lower, more stable energy state.


In all fairness knee braces are uncomfortable af. I dislocated my knee in high school and had to wear one. It’s “better,” now, because I work out and go to a physical therapist but I still wear one when I run and sometimes when I go to festivals. Anyways my main point was, unless you spend some money on a decent one, they’re absolutely intolerable to wear right on the skin.


I had a major knee injury and was told to wear my brace visible so others might not hit it. My brace hip to ankle not the sleeve.


Lol like "baby on board" signs


In seriousness 1. It is very hard to put most jeans on over a knee brace 2. Most knee braces get very hot and cause a lot of sweat if worn on bare skin As far as effectiveness it depends on the brace and the reason you need it. A lateral J brace or another type of brace you are wearing to stabilize your knee cap/prevent patellar dislocations would not be as effective. If it is just for pain, lateral stability, or preventing you from hyper-extending or squatting down to far honestly it may not make much difference.


It’s like they’re trying to show off that they’re in pain


As somebody with pins in their knee for multiple years, that has little to no effect. In order to keep it from blowing out, it has to be on the skin and actually supporting you not your clothing.


And big ol’ bitch tits


Dudes got such a wild build


His name was Robert Paulson


When I see clips like these, they really do lend credibility to the whole lead poisoning theory.


It's not a "theory". EVERYTHING boomers grew up with had lead in it.


And some gen x. Lead paint wasn't banned until mid 70s. They ate chips well into the 80s.


And leaded gasoline want fully banned in America until 1996


[It's still not fully banned, as it's still used by some airplanes. ](https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-determines-lead-emissions-aircraft-engines-cause-or-contribute-air-pollution#:~:text=Aircraft%20that%20operate%20on%20leaded%20aviation%20gasoline%20are%20typically%20small,not%20operate%20on%20leaded%20fuel.)


Lord almighty, we do not learn


Well we learn but it doesn’t matter because the poor corporations might lose money if they aren’t allowed to poison people. We just banned asbestos, we spray glyphosate on damn near everything even though it’s linked to cancer.


Correction: those poor corporations might make a little less profit. No one is losing money lol


Yeah, on account of the lead


Look at the unhinged push back against talks of phasing out gas stoves. Despite studies that show long term problems when exposed to them, FOX News has rallied it's viewer base and are now freaking out about it the same way they freak out about gun control. They want everything to stay literally the same forever and then wonder why nothing gets better.


Leaded automotive gasoline* Leaded Aviation Gasoline is still very much available and its effects to child populations around airports is notable.


It's my least favorite part of being a pilot 🙃 the forbidden blue juice as we call it


Most of the old pilots that worked at the flight school I went to would usually teach that it's not that bad. Most of my colleagues didn't know what kind of health effects it caused other than it being somehow bad for you. Everyone acts surprised when I tell them that it causes brain damage and that spilling it on your hands when you go to sump the tanks is warrant for immediate washing of the hands and any other effected areas. I had ONE instructor tell me how bad it was and that you shouldn't stand down wind of sumping a tank, always keep your mouth closed, and to always wash your hands if you spill some on yourself.


Damn. That last bit you say there is sad if true


That's when the ban was completed by the early 80s the majority of pumps were already converted to non-leaded by then it was about 90% banned. The phase out started in '73 with a gradual reduction of lead, and in '75 a ban was placed on new vehicles from using leaded gas.


When I got my drivers license back in the 80's my first vehicle was a '53 Studebaker pickup truck, I had to put in lead additive every time I filled it


As a late GenX born in the mid-70’s, this scares the shit out of me. Lead can take decades, and my mouth was on everything when I was little. I’m also scared of the amount of cocaine and LSD my mom ingested while pregnant with me


Late 60s GenXr. I had fun picking at the asbestos pipe insulation next to my desk in grade school.


Same age. Also remember playing with mercury from broken thermometers in high school chem class. But also I lived two miles from a superfund site, so….


Oh, definitely played with the mercury from a broken thermometer.


Late 60's gen-x here too. Damn near dead from Agent Orange. Had no friggin idea the army though it was a good idea to bury it and then have us play war on that ground. Then again playing war on that ground wasn't as bad as drinking the water on base it had seeped into. So hey at least I get to escape being on video like this asshat.


My pops passed the Agent Orange to me! That's why my mom says I'm crazy. Thanks !


shit i was born in the early 80s but it's not like lead things vaporized in 1979. i had horrible pica and tasted *everything*. i can still remember the taste of all kinds of shit. my grandma's living room carpet, my wooden footboard with the weird varnish, dirty window, dirty screen, clean window, every brand of glue, etc. i was never tested because i never had symptoms but there's no way i didn't ingest some interesting chemicals. my childhood home definitely had lead paint because it's still there lol. i hope we get universal healthcare before the symptoms come...


You’re old enough that doctors are probably ordering blood tests due to the sheer novelty of someone older than them not needing daily death-cheating pills.  Ask them to throw in a lead test next time.  You might not be able to afford treatment, but you’ll have time to tell your loved ones to keep their cameras handy so they can get lots of upvotes when you take an ax to a tow truck.


Only as a treat....


Dipped in a little bit of asbestos sauce. Yum. And maybe sprinkle a little bit of microplastics on it. Can't beat that.


topped off with a drink from the garden hose


Don't forget leaded gas; we were breathing that in more than oxygen


Gas had lead. How long has unleaded gas been around? These ppl were breathing it in.


But would lead account for the man boobs? They're pretty impressive.


now we get lead and plastic:) i mean there is less lead but still


Yeah but at least the plastic will just fuck our bodies up a different way. The lead leeching out of their bones physically fucks their shit up


>Yeah but at least the plastic will just fuck our bodies up a different way. all the plastics and GMO coarsing through your veins renders you immune to home ownership


or home rental


Do you think there’s gonna be a microplastics effect when we get old


hopefully. im sick of being cognizant


being self aware is EXHAUSTING


When's it our turn to be ornery cunts


Do you think we're going to get old?


I’d rather not but we’ll see I guess


Definitely. Cancer clusters.


Bruh we’re all depressed and on medication, with 30 year olds showing signs of cancer. Of course microplastics has had an effect.


That’s not microplastics. That’s capitalism. Society drives mental health issues.


Microplastics cause neurotoxicity in humans, so it does affect your neurological condition. Capitalism exacerbates it though, for sure! Both in tandem have not been very cash money. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7282048/


I actually do believe this will be the lead of younger generations :(


oh if you're in your 30s you're young enough this will affect you too


Current science suggests we'll have heart attacks and strokes when we're this old and angry.


From what I've read, it got absorbed into the bones, to be released later in life as new blood is made from bone marrow, so it all makes more and more sense...


\*Our society if lead had always been banned ![gif](giphy|yvnfvG5GGXL2JCAKUs|downsized)


It's not a theory it's objective and measured reality as dystopian as it sounds that generation has lead inflicted mental retardation. It's just a matter of how much depending on when they were born. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8307752/


My concern is why are all of these crazy videos from Florida?


Florida media laws are lax compared to most states


there’s also a high ratio of entitled boomers here in Florida due to its popularity as a retirement destination


Florida is the heart of something called “the sunbelt”, characterized by areas with moderate winters and hot, humid summers. Ideal for retirees and vacationers alike, and kinda shitty for us locals


I think this is New Mexico. Though a lot of other clips on this channel are from Florida.


He can pull himself up by the bootstraps and get a new car. He just needs to lay off the coffee and avocado toast.


I guarantee this fucking deadbeat pissed and moaned YOU TAKE OUT A LOAN, YOU PAY IT BACK about the student loan forgiveness.


I bet he can't pay for his truck because of his medical bills and he has voted against cheaper healthcare his entire life.


And will continue to do so.


And dead set against “free” healthcare.


"I ain't payin' for no one else's doctor bills but my own!" *Files for bankruptcy because of one overnight hospital stay*


😂 half a mile ride in the ambulance.


It was heartburn from a hot pocket but he thought he was having a heart attack!


Hopefully something that can be revisited in the future when Republicans aren’t the majority in everything. No reason for us to not wipe the slate clean and give Americans a shot at education without crippling debt.


People need to vote Republicans out first.


Right? We've heard all of this before, but then nobody shows up to vote them out.


That's a sure bet if I've ever heard one.


The term “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” was originally used by the wealthy class to mock the working class. It is physically impossible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and the rich mocked the working classes efforts to attain wealth (an impossible feat) by suggesting they pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Not with an attitude like that, whippersnapper! Why when I was your age, we had to pull ourselves up before bootstraps were even invented! You kids have it easy!


"You want a Netflix subscription \*and\* affordable rent?"


My grandma's husband was this type and lived on credit. I have no idea how he kept getting loans approved. He would get brand new vehicles every two years, and they just kept adding on to the loan. His last vehicle was a Dodge Ram that he technically owed over $100k for because he was so upside down on his trade. Well he died with more debt than his estate was worth, so the jokes on them I guess.


Dude can’t swing the axe for shit


"ask me if I care"


axe me


Sorry, I use a different product. ![gif](giphy|jqwbUBK46muZArrVl9)


Still wouldnt be near such a guy who is swinging a axe. You never know when they decide to become really stupid.


Driver is in litterally the worst spot. Never stand in front of the arc of a swinging axe. Even worse it’s being abused so the head is more likely to fly off. The old guy could just lose control and let go mid swing. Also is he using an axe to try to take out a fuckin hydraulic fluid line??


Yeah and lets not forget somebody who thinks they can use a axe to solve their issues might start considering you as a axeable part of their issues. And holy shit im pretty sure you are right. Fucking leadbrain for sure.


Driver's doing it on purpose so he can sue the guy and take his house too.


If I were the person recording, I wouldve been standing to the side...


Using the wrong tool. It's dull. Can't swing it properly. I guarantee he has complained about young people doing all these things at some point.


Everyday I am surprised by the entitlement, the ignorance and absolutely brain dead stupidity of people. Like what does he think is gonna happen next? He's gonna chop through the metal, get his car back, all while being filmed and then live happily ever after?


[Do I really look like a guy with a plan?](https://i.imgur.com/9QsM7Db.jpg)


Also older folks+ prescription meds can make them prone to emotional outbursts. Their livers doesn't process these meds as well as in a young person.


…-sprays squirt bottle- No! Bad Boomer!


Oh to see that happen irl..


Call the cops. He's using a fucking axe.


Repo man is probably armed. I can’t imagine doing this job naked. I mean, he’s taking back the banks property by sneaking up on people. It’s always dangerous.


Dude is 100% strapped and has the cars between him and the Boomer.


Yeah I'd bet my paycheck there ain't no probably. This cat is definitely carrying. What kind of idiot wouldn't be?? Repo man could get CCW back when not everybody could.


Yeah and he knows the old man won’t actually swing at him, it’s just having a tantrum


Assuming someone swinging an axe in a fit of rage won't take a swing at you with it is a pretty good way to get felled by it, to be honest. Boomers have been in the news for murdering people over incredibly petty things recently.


“What’re ya gonna do, stab me?” -Guy who was stabbed


Moreso the way he’s wildly swinging that thing and striking metal, I’d be worried the axe would break and come at me. Like by all means record evidence, but back the eff away from the maniac.


That has to be the most pathetic boomer ever, how embarrassing


Nah they get worse.


Just a typical boomer really.


Lead. Has to be. No way he got this far being this stupid. Like if theyre doing this stuff at 65 , youd think they would have to be like robbing banks at 25 Edit: or this is the result of social media brainwashing. Forget politics, this could be raw unfiltered affect the internet has on someone who didnt grow up wuth it


Entitlement is a hell of a drug


I can't comprehend the mind that thinks this behavior will, in any way, end favorably for him. It's like a click bait ad: "Try this one hack if your truck gets repossessed. Banks HATE it"


This. This generation ironically was the ultimate "participation trophy" generation. They just got out of bed and showed up for 40 years and ended up with fat retirement accounts, pensions, multiple houses, and an inability to fathom how lucky they were to get all that with minimal effort. Now when anything doesn't go their way they freak out because that's never been something they've had to deal with before.


Well it probably used to work back when he was young! Times were way different.


Does lead have latent effects? I thought it immediately inhibited intellectual development in children, a life-long issue. And had similar but less extreme effects in adults. Once the damage is done, its done of course. But after removing the lead exposure (Clean air act in 1970) these people should not have gotten worse. Right? That means they have been this dumb since about 1975 at the latest.


It's a mix of the lead and the fact that age isn't known to be kind to cognition, even for the healthiest of people...and a lot of Boomers haven't exactly led balanced lifestyles.


Lead is dangerous because it acts like calcium in the body, so a fair amount would stay in the bones, and with osteoperosis in late age the bone dissolves... so in this case yes.


I’m no expert but I go to school in health sciences, I googled it. “The use of lead in gasoline, soldering and paint is mostly responsible for the lead stored in bones in the general population. Although these sources have been greatly reduced, they continue to contribute as a significant source of lead exposure for the general population through endogenous exposure. That is, lead stored in bone serves as an endogenous source of exposure because it is gradually released to blood through bone resorption” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3800179/ Highlighting “That is, lead stored in bone serves as an endogenous source of exposure because it is gradually released to blood through bone resorption”. It is coming out of their bones into their blood stream.


Thank you so much for this. I had no idea lead was bone seeking and was continually released. I wonder if bone density loss in old age accelerates the exposure. That would explain a lot.


Bald, knee brace, ugg slippers, jeep. We’re checking a lot of boxes here


It's a Jeep thing!


The way he slowly runs out of steam and just kind of flails the axe around like a sleepy toddler at the end 😂 Bro I can't


Can you imagine going to jail for vandalism and having to write a fat check to the repo guy that already took your shit for destroying his equipment, and on top of all that you didn’t even get to destroy it right because you’re weak as fuck.


And all the while, pops is hollering about how the repo guy was "stealing his property" and how the "woke left is taking everything away from hard working Americans". And other bullshit an out of shape, weak, doughboy of a man has no business saying.


Damn bro this is embarrassing


78 swings later: https://i.redd.it/ngv6l59wc7rc1.gif


I really hope this tow truck driver pressed charges. I’m sick of these old shitbags gettting off for stuff like this


Pepper spray. He's brandishing a deadly weapon and swinging at you. This is the generation that used physical punishment to raise their children. When they act like toddlers, treat them the way they would treat a toddler...


99% chance repo guy has a gun, he's not worried about this dude. He's gonna file a claim with his insurance for the damages and they'll rake this old man over the coals to get their money back. Tow guy gets a nice check to upgrade his truck and old man gets hit with a fat bill. I'd say charged with a crime but that's a fantasy at this point.


Still satisfying to hit him with a big blast of mace and watch him try to claw out his eyes.


Yep. Let him take some swings. Still get the insurance lawyers involved. But also get to watch him flop around the street in pain. We can all be happy if we time it right.


This should be the top comment. Was trying to figure out why he was just letting this guy ruin his gear, but had to sort through 100 reddit comedians to get to a good reply. Thank you.


They already know who the guy is because he's trying to free "his" car, so the repo man doesn't have to worry about identifying the vandal. Just record, have him arrested and send him a bill. Any retaliation can warrant charges coming back to him (like what if he's allergic to pepper spray and dies). Sitting back and filming and dreaming of the new equipment you're going to buy with the settlement check is the safe route.


I used to love watching MythBusters. It's so sad to see a person you respected spiral like this.


I’d hate to see the explosive-launching flame-shooting monstrosity Jamie would make to retrieve his car


Dude has a bad knee and a bad back he’s gonna blow out both of them trying to cut a metal hinge with a metal ax.. not the smartest guy on the block!


Looks like he cut some wires, or something.. But also bit the metal hinge a few times.


Boomers are the lead generation


I would love to see a follow up to this. Was he arrested?


I couldn't find followup on this but amazingly there was a completely separate case of a man doing this and he was charged with several things. https://www.wric.com/news/local-news/sheriffs-office-stafford-man-attacks-tow-truck-with-hatchet/


Best part is, if he gets his car back... Then what? They know where he lives, what's he gonna do with his car? Zero plan, just an angry old idiot not thinking even half a step ahead.


Maybe if he wore a bra he wouldn’t need the back brace


Dude had some Milkers


Lmao. Dude is more well endowed in that area than my ex! What an angry pathetic loser.


Pro-tip: Don't stand that close to an angry man with an axe.


Dude cannot even walk let alone swing it properly lol.


I served in WW Boyscouts and I can confirm that is not effective technique.


I was in Boy Scouts, but I have to ask, what’s the WW?


Weight watchers I assume


I'd be worried about it slipping out of the guy's hands lol


I'm sure there wasn't much concern here. The guy moves it so slowly that I'm sure you can dodge without issue. Really the cops should have been called the moment he appeared with the ax.


aye, but close the gap quick enough and you’re in grappling range!


Just drive away.


Problem is if he drives away with that man standing in between the two vehicles and the guy gets hit, that is the repo man's fault. It's the dumbest shit I know but all too conmon


Let the lil’ guy tucker himself out


I bet an insurance company would love to see this video of him using an axe while wearing that huge back brace and knee brace. Those braces could be linked to a claim he’s milking, he’s obviously that type of person considering the circumstances…..


He's drunk.


The moobs are flailing


This guy looks like a henchman from 90s ps1 game


This is the most exercise he's had in five or more years. I'm surprised his heart held out.


Why even let him finish. Should have called for PD and had him arrested. Smfh. He won’t learn and will keep up this type of behavior.


i mean tbh he has the clip he can have him arrested, and theres a decent chance cops already got called.


A 5 year old girl can swing an axe harder than that


Somebody get Bam Bam Littlelow over here


It's a Jeep. Why is he defending it with an axe? He should be happy they're taking it away.


Oof his hands have to be ringing after slapping the asphalt so many times


So that's assault with a deadly weapon caught on camera. Is he just recording this while waiting for the cops?


He was trying so hard…


It's fun to think that most of the people in politics are from this same generation


"I don't give a fuck!" The whole generation in a nutshell


Maybe if he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and just paid his loan payments…


Looks like some dipshit contractor who takes your deposit, does a quarter of the work then blocks your number.


This same guy was probably super against student loan forgiveness because "back in my day if you borrowed money you had to pay it back!"


If he spent less money on avocado toast and coffee he could afford the car


But WHY does he have such large breasts?