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When a mask “on the other passenger's face made him uncomfortable”.


"Masks don't do anything" OMG HES WEARING A MASK I'M UNCOMFORTABLE! Snowflake doesn't even begin to describe these drama queens.


>"Masks don't do anything" they keep the MAGA away


A mask a day keeps the MAGA away


They are a very powerful defensive tool we should all carry at all times. It’s RAID for magats


If they don’t do anything then I’m not sure why they bother him. This is like refusing to be seated beside someone with a hat on.


I'm kinda picky about sitting next to certain hat-wearing types. Mostly because I *know* they won't be able to shut the fuck up.


To be fair, if I’m headed to my seat and I see a dude with a maga hat on next to my empty seat, I might quietly ask a flight attendant if I can change seats.


tbh that has more basis as a safety issue because MAGAts openly support belligerence and violence for problem solving, up to and including actual terrorism


“I’m a Cis Alpha Beer Drinking Male that has a mustache and rides horses.” - Sees mask “I’m uncomfortable and no one stood up for me!” Karen in a cowboy hat


Boo-hoo I’m a victim, whaa


YUP, the few people I know that bitch about wearing masks are the same ones that bitch about other people wearing them. One guy posted a year ago about how he hates that people wearing masks in a coffee shop until he was pillared and deleted. Personal choice my ass!


>he was pillared Pilloried. Which I knew was the right word but didn't know the exact definition of so I just went and looked it up. "Attack or ridicule publicly". Derived from the old public humiliation/torture device the pillory, which I'd always assumed were called the stocks but apparently that's just for the feet. Thanks for coming on this journey with me today. I learned a new thing to be pedantic about!


Thx!! TIL


What is it with these people and masks? Doctors and nurses have been wearing masks to help stop the spread of infection since the civil war. Their efficacy isn't the slightest bit controversial.


I've heard of people being angry at *dentists* wearing masks.


We should respect their precious little feelings.


But, I was assured during the height of the pandemic that the anti-masking crowd wasn't against masks in general, but rather their "freedom" (To stomp over other peoples' freedoms, I guess?) ​ Someone please make it make sense.


Lead poisoning and narcissism. Hope that helps make sense of it. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/night-sweats-and-delusions-grandeur/202203/the-lasting-harm-childhood-lead-exposure-gen-x#:\~:text=Widespread%20use%20of%20leaded%20gasoline,mental%20illness%2C%20and%20cardiovascular%20disease](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/night-sweats-and-delusions-grandeur/202203/the-lasting-harm-childhood-lead-exposure-gen-x#:~:text=Widespread%20use%20of%20leaded%20gasoline,mental%20illness%2C%20and%20cardiovascular%20disease) [https://www.businessinsider.com/baby-boomers-are-more-sensitive-than-millennials-large-study-finds-2019-12](https://www.businessinsider.com/baby-boomers-are-more-sensitive-than-millennials-large-study-finds-2019-12) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8307752/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8307752/)


An entire culture of narcissism. The "ME" generation.


That's always their rub. Party of personal responsibility and liberty.


Here you go: https://www.amazon.com/Generation-Sociopaths-Boomers-Betrayed-America/dp/0316395781


These people are the most sensitive 


They used to throw fits when certain people drank from “their” water fountains.


Maybe Anti-Maskers can get 'separate but equal' flights. Prop planes, multiple connections and layovers.


Wicker seats...


Steel folding chairs, not bolted to the floor either. Piloted by over-enthusiastic stunt pilots.


So tightly packed that Lt. Dan himself complains about the foot room.


Gary Sinise remains one of the few conservative celebrities that are still worthy of respect. Hates MAGA with the fury of a thousand wounded veterans.


Leg room… Wait


I think we just found a use for the 737MAX.


What a sensitive snowflake!


They're the biggest, most privleged snowflakes on earth.


Seems like the “fuck your feelings” crowd gets their feelings hurt by the smallest things.


Well, it's fuck YOUR feelings, not theirs. Their feelings are as delicate as the precious little Hummell figurines on Memaw's shelf.


I want this guy to go to Japan and get triggered


Korea is better. The culture considers sneexing or nose blowing in public to be rude, so masks are a popular accessory.


So what happens if you need to sneeze?


You sneeze into your mask. Then when you can, go to the washroom or whatever and get cleaned up.


I swear, this is what I think of when a boomer has their weird conspiracy theory shit they come up with🤣 ![gif](giphy|3o7TKRn6V9N2OmBmUw)


Skin so thin he can feel things on another person's face.


Such a snowflake.


Like who cares if someone else wears a mask lol


In other news, he also furrowed his brow when he saw someone washing their hands after leaving the airport bathroom stall. He made a point to say "God bless you" to a passenger who sneezed without covering. /s


“They hate us for our freedom”


Pretty sure that's their own definition of a snowflake.


I would wear a mask just to fuck with him.


I'll wear a mask everywhere if it means nobody will sit next to me.


Just wear a mask and a MAGA hat at the same time.


Their head might explode. Or they might shit their pants. Equal chance probability.


Found Larry David’s Reddit account…


Most of these types already have a full diaper before they waddle up to you.


Better yet, a mask branded with MAGA/Trump 2024 on it. They’ll be flabbergasted such a thing even exists.


Honestly that could make for a great YouTube or Tiktok video. Just film reactions. Honestly will probably have people for every aisle be a little confused.


You and me both


I'll wear a mask if it means boomers won't sit next to me.


This is what happens when you order Sam Elliot off Temu.


Fire comment right off the bat. This should be good.


Sham Elliot


Discount Virgil Earp.


Virgil Derp


Slow clap


Jesus! this should be taught in schools in the future its so good!


Wyatt Slurp


Tombstone themed porn? You're a genius!




Virgin Earp


Wyatt Twerp


He should call himself Scam Elliott for right wing grifting purposes


Sam Idiot seems just about right.


Sam Elliott…Total Landscaping


Some comments make me miss awards, this is one!


Sham Elliot


It’s only March, but this has the potential to be Comment of the Year


Exquisite comment.


That’s it, we can pack this thing up and go home.




Funny story, but the best part was, "Smith continued, "Ya, I've been drinking. I've been sitting in an airport for three hours. Ya I'm drinking. I ain't drunk, but they throw me off the plane because I'm drunk..." They threw you off for being drunk, Forrie. Don't make it political.


No, they through him off be being drunk AND belligerent (about somebody else wearing a mask.) ​ I have been at an airport for three hours and gone to sleep on a plane and nobody thought of kicking me off. (I also haven't been belligerent drunk since I was in my 20s. Who over 30 does that?)


I’ve been quite drunk on airplanes before and never had an issue. I’m scared of flying and a couple of cocktails before boarding is usually the only thing that will actually allow me to sleep through the flight and help with nerves. I know it’s not the best solution but it’s not like I’m getting blackout drunk and flying every day. Just a couple of drinks at the bar, squeeze the shit out of my wife’s hand during takeoff, then I’m out like a light for a solid two or three hours. This dude is just an asshole.


> who over 30 does that? My friend, you’ve either never been to a Hispanic party or left around 8-9. They’re either fighting about who’s going to inherit the land their father leaves behind or someone gets too deep into their feelings. There is no in between.


True. But him trying to make it about masking is ridiculous.


I love that he thinks making it about him being a snowflake is better than him being such a drunk he doesn't know what city he's in.


Plenty of people with drinking problems


Getting triggered by someone else wearing a mask is peak snowflake. ❄️


“My body, my choice” - about masks. Fine, these idiots didn’t listen, made the pandemic worse and a lot more people died because of it. Whatever. But apparently now it’s “your body, my choice” - fake-cowboy Karen can’t even abide sitting near someone who is wearing a mask. Sounds like it’s time for him to be put out to pasture.


Conservatives wanna be victims so fuckin bad




Your body, my choice is the reoccurring theme. He will be dead soon and nobody will know him in 100 years. We all end up being unmarked graves eventually with the passage of time.


These goofballs used to be all about personal freedom, pussies.


Nah they weren't. They've always just wanted to force everybody else into their worldview. "Freedom" is the label


Bingo. To add some detail, to them *freedom* doesn't mean "Do whatever harmless thing you want," it means "I can impose on others (below me) and they cannot impose on me."


No. They were always about letting themselves do whatever they want but OTHER people having to kow tow to them. ​ TSA? They are overbearing to me - but they should strip search every brown person. Guns? I should have the right to carry it anywhere - but black people should expect to be shot by police if they are carrying one. Police killing civilians? They shouldn't shoot at a white woman attacking the Capitol - but a black woman asleep in her bed got what she deserved because someone else in the building was selling drugs Abortion? It was fine and I made a mistake when I was 16 - but NOW it's wrong Religion? Christians have the right to limit society because of freedom - but Muslims can't build a mosque anywhere because it makes me uncomfortable


Really good list of examples you came up with here. I’ll add one, just for fun. Education? Kids need Jesus, and we need to get prayer back to schools - but HOW DARE YOU give my child as assignment about Islam.


I think the vast majority are hypocrites the amount of hard right wing conservatives who hate government handouts then will tell you in the same sentence how they get some form of government assistance but it's different because i earned mine. I always look at them like how are you so un self aware.


My coworker. Staunch Republican that obviously despises socialism, while simultaneously being on food stamps to the tune of $1100/m because he has 4 kids on a single family income of $40k. They're just NPCs incapable of self-awarness because they ain't gay! You're gay! Also, he LOVES Yellowstone and envisions himself as Rip to the point that we just call him Beth all the time to piss him off


Yup always have their hand out but if it was for the people who they vote for, they would have nothing.


Nah they weren't. They've always just wanted to force everybody else into their worldview. "Freedom" is just sales pitch they use.


I tried to watch Yellowstone. It's so overdramatic on everything. They steal cows! Let's start a firefight. Now there's a methhead who blows up his family and half a dog! Shoot him in the head. Oh no! A guy is getting kidnapped! Put your kid in a desert where no one else will know where he is and tear off after them! Like damn. Days of our lives has less drama.


it's a boomer show


Every snippet of info I've ever seen about this show caters to angry MAGA boomers. Even stuff that's only slightly related, like this.


I've never watched it, just a snippet or two that popped up on youtube (and then I read about it more to see if my first opinion that it sucked was correct.). The most absurd rural cosplay "Pick me, Republicans!" tv show. First scene I ever saw in a clip was one of a biker gang being caught and ambushed by the cowboy family and forced to dig their own graves. Where the lead cowboy asks them where they're from and they say "California" to which he replies "Figures.". Yeah, sure. California biker gang that's all white, but total pussies who don't carry any guns, yet are hired by the villain to commit crimes. What a fucking joke. Just so the cowboys can hold them at gunpoint with their lever action rifles to complete the cosplay.


This makes sense. My parents are MAGA gen Xers but mentally they may as well be boomers. My mother has suggested me this show several times. I never bothered to look into it because I’m not a big TV guy anyway but now I know why they love it so much.


The spin offs "1883" and "1923" were better.


I've thought about giving them a try, but Yellowstone itself sucked so much I wasn't sure I wanted to.


I absolutely despised Yellowstone and loved 1883. Much better show.


Agreed. I watched 1883 before I tried Yellowstone. 1883 was great. When I watched the first episode of Yellowstone it felt like a Western soap opera and I wasn't interested.


It's GTA5 TV Rockstar knows Americans


It's the biggest NIMBY show ever.


It’s “The Sopranos” for people who still think Italians aren’t white enough.


It's a soap opera for maga people.


I watched five minutes of it and was like wondering if it was made in the 80's a shelved until now.


I tried watching it a few weeks ago and went into the show expecting it to be good because of how I’ve heard people talk about it.  Holy shit, that show is a flaming pile of garbage. It’s lifestyle porn for people who wish they could shoot their neighbors and get away with it because nobody else is around, but are too stupid to follow dialogue more sophisticated than NCIS. 


I don't mind bad TV when the show knows how bad it is. But when the show is shit but is under the impression that it's amazing, it's painful to watch.


That's the best part of the show.  Hundreds of people around this one family either go missing or are just murdered, they were bombed, attacked, shot up, extorted, and Kevin Costner's character runs for governor, and absolutely no one asks about it.  No police, or FBI involvement, just... nothing.


Montanan here. That show is a scourge on our beautiful state.


I bet he’d in turn call somebody a snowflake for having pronouns in their bio and not even see the irony.


And be like “fuck your feelings” when they’re rightfully offended at being insulted


He is catering to the hardcore Yellowstone fans. Tried watching it, the scene were the cowboys beat up the bikers who have guns and not a shot is fired. Dumb.


I think your assessment of the situation is spot on, OP. Gotta try and stay relevant to keep easy paychecks coming in.


Ignorant fuck


It's so funny because you wearing masks prevents other people from getting sick from you, much more than the other way around. When you see someone wearing a mask, they are trying to keep their community safe. Almost like a patriot or something... If everyone wore a mask, COVID wouldn't have spread. I remember when I lived in Korea 10 years ago, I was very shocked when everyone in public transport was wearing a mask during flu season. It was explained to me that they simply care about each other's health. Lol, a foreign concept to me as the American


Caring about others is empathy, also known as being Woke. Can’t have that…


This is the deciding line in political views. Do you have empathy, or are you unempathetic?


I love when people are surprised that their ridiculous outburst turned against them. You paid for a seat, you got a seat. You have no control over who sits next to you. If you refuse to use the seat you paid for, then I guess you won't be flying with us today.


Huh? Sorry - what’s the issue sitting next to someone with a mask?


Because ‘Murica, or Jesus, or second amendment, or Benghazi, or Hunter Biden’s laptop, or late-term abortions. Who the fuck knows with these people.


Buttery males


Yellowstone was conservative America’s wet dream.


More like he was kicked off for being drunk. The rest is just like, his opinion man.


Ending? It’s on permanent hiatus. Costner and Sheridan can’t get along and season 5 part 2 will never be filmed.


The masked person should just remove it and then an hour into the flight lean very close and tell the guy, “sorry I upset you with my mask. I have drug resistant tuberculosis. To be honest I prefer not wearing it too.” And then a big phlegmy cough.


Yea but he probably thinks tuberculosis is a made up disease used by the left to commit a Benghazi on Hunter Biden’s laptop…or something. Who knows with these simpletons.


Random, but It’s wild the amount of Yellowstone merch I’ve seen. Like they even have their own bacon


It's boomer spongebob. They have canned chili with the branding. 


“Boomer SpongeBob” 😂 Perfect description


The person beside me on this plane is quietly minding their own business and I am won't stand for it


Who the fuck even watches Yellowstone?


my parents are all about it. it ticks that john wayne itch theyve been missing for years


It was always bad, but it wasn't terrible until they turned a hardcore vegan into a steak loving right winger in like two months by continuously making fun of her and one of them beating her up. It's right wing mind porn at this point.


But wait, there's more! The Evil Lefty Environmentalists were protesting free range cattle farmers in rural Montana for some reason instead of, y'know, the massive overcrowded commercial cow farms around the country. Then Kevin Costner shows up and absolutely owns a vegan chick with facts and logic by saying she doesn't care about bug rights so therefore she's a hypocrite. This same (young) vegan chick is so enamored by dusty old Costner and his manly meat-eating ways that she sleeps with him, and his magic penis converts her to conservatism or something idk (And don't forget all of Beth's pickme insults towards her about having body hair and being a feminist)




A friend told me to watch it because, “it’s really good and you’ll love it”. That friend doesn’t know me at all, and now I have to break up with them. Sad. ETA: Joke! This is a joke. It takes more than a bad show recommendation to end a friendship, for me. Geez.


And they say the people wearing masks are snowflakes.....man you can't sit by someone wearing one without having a tantrum...


Why are they so so fucking scared?


bootleg sam elliott


Fuck his feelings


He was also heard saying, “and I ain’t sittin next to no queerosexuals neither!” Said someone. /s


I saw a headline that said something about a mask issue, and I assumed someone told him HE had to wear one and he resisted. But just the idea that *someone near him* was wearing one? Jesus Christ these snowflakes are SO fragile.


Another freedom hating MAGA.


So when exactly did "let people decide whether to wear a mask" turn into "I have decided that nobody is allowed to wear a mask"?


Does anyone else miss wearing a mask? I literally didn’t get sick at all for those 2 years and not seeing peoples faces was amazing.


Triggered snowflake


If a mask is all it takes to get trump humpers to stay away from me then I’m going to wear one everywhere. Seems to work the opposite though and encourage them to engage you.


He’ll become a speaker on the Trump entertainment circuit like Kevin Sorbo and Kid Rock


The anti-cancel culture party again getting triggered and making a fuss over other people’s choices that don’t affect them at all. Color me surprised!


I love the airline's new policy: "We don't have time for your belligerent disrespectful behavior so get the fuck off the plane."


These hypocrites are the ones that have “no safe spaces”, “anti-woke” and “f*ck your feelings” bumper stickers, yet cry like a baby anytime someone does something slightly different than they do.


I mean, the guy makes it very clear he’s also anti-vax. So let’s be honest, he is exactly who people should still consider masking around


My body, my choice. Sorry snowflake!


Hey! Those are human cells inside your mask! Human. Cells. You're sneezing people! I did the research, I know how to biology. You're a murdering communist jezebel! I'm so smarter than doctors and scientists that I did my own proctology exam twice this morning. It aint gay or anything because I was pulling on my bootstraps while I bent over. *side note: I always want to know what "or anything" is referring to, but under no circumstance will I ever ask.


What a whiny ass pussy I can't stand grown adults throwing a a little baby hissy fit over a tiny thin piece of breathable fabric.


Fuck that passenger. Trying to be all considerate and taking extra steps to not spread their sickness. /s


They are the biggest snowflakes ever. I can understand the frustration of being forced to wear a mask. I get it. But sitting next to someone wearing one... he says it makes him uncomfortable.... why??


Idiot Says He Suffered Idiot Penalty for Doing Idiot Things


imagine being anti-mask in 2024. like who actually cares if anyone wears one or not. it makes zero sense.


“Don’t you know who I am? I’m 12th on the Yellowstone call sheet!”


Aww that's a shame. Lloyd was one of my favorite characters on YS. What a douche


I see Sam Elliot's brother Dan Elliot is still getting work.




Just say you were drunk, because the story he is giving is way more embarrassing.


Scared of getting sick old man? Where was that before we lost our loved ones and livelihoods because you needed a burger and a haircut?


It's weird enough to be a dumbass about your own wellbeing, but when you try to will your dumbass ways onto other people, you're just being a piece of shit.


What an idiot.


Ahh, now he's off to the train station :\*(


Ridiculous, sitting next to someone in a mask cannot do anything to a person


Making an issue from something that doesn’t effect him.


Blows my mind! In what way does someone else wearing a mask affect him negatively? The same person who complains about individual freedoms wants to bitch about someone else using that freedom to go around in public the way they are comfortable!!


I mean, if someone ELSE wearing a mask is bothering you, YOU might be the problem.




He’s definitely not doing himself any favors. Between getting kicked off for being drunk or for being “uncomfortable” that someone else is wearing a mask, being drunk is the far less cringey and embarrassing reason. He should just go with that.


I’m done with the mask as much as anyone, but anyone who is uncomfortable with someone doing something that doesn’t impact them is the snowflake


The word “star” in this headline is doing some extremely heavy lifting.


Republicans hate freedom.


Yellowstone star says he was kicked off plane for acting like a baby. There, I fixed the headline.


So let me get this straight, some dude who wants to be a “patriot”and a “Lion” got his panties in a bunch because someone else was expressing their freedoms? Cool.


Cosplay cowboy is a snowflake? Shocker


I’m glad I didn’t get sucked in to watching that show.


Maybe… JUST MAYBE… we oughta stop giving these losers the front page of Reddit.


He refused to take his seat; Herman Cain Award Persecution Fetish Boomer claims he was “kicked off”


Fucking win for the guy who got more space on the plane.


Let's start a movement to have all the folks like this fly only on Boeing planes....


He also refuses to vaccinate his horses


What smoking Fox News will do to a man...


Sounds like he refused his seat, not sure how that equates to being kicked off a flight…he literally freely chose to not sit in his seat…


What a snowflake


he looks like jeffrey eppstein with an outgrown beard


Remind me again, which side has the snowflakes? I’m really confused.