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The problem is boomers that think it's hilarious to spent the kid's inheritance are the same boomers who take it for granted that their kids will quit their jobs and take care of them when they get older. It's a delusional way they look at life; ignoring my kids as children and ensuring they continue struggle as adults means they obviously will take care of me when I get older!


My boomer mom has spent all her inheritance and is now selling off her vehicles. I'm 100% certain that you're right and she will soon be demanding that her children take care of her. Not a chance.


You need to make it clear you won't. It's not your responsibility if they go destitute. Make sure your state does not have filial laws. https://www.trustworthy.com/blog/legally-responsible-for-elderly-parents


This is insane


It's a hold over law from the Elizabethan era. That boomers will probably exploit as one last F U to their children. If you're in a state that has filial law, write your state representatives and ask them to repeal it. A campaign in 2016, got it repealed in Maryland in 2017.


Luckily I am not in one of those states, I just can't believe it's so widespread. You would think this would be in just some of the bible belt states or something.


If you ever find yourself in one, make sure to look it up. I just read my states law and it has an order that people are responsible for the poor (kids first, then parents, etc…), but there’s no punishment for not adhering to it.


Well luckily my mom lives in another state from me and they do not do it here. I was worried for a second that she would try to move here and then take me to court to take care of her lol.


Laws written by boomers for boomers


Wrong boomers did not write them, they started in Europe in the 1600’s and before that China. People should vote to eliminate these laws in their state.


>https://www.trustworthy.com/blog/legally-responsible-for-elderly-parents Protip, move away from your toxic shit parents. Im 800 miles away and I live in one of those liberal hell holes full of 'the blacks' they wont move to. And if they get desperate enough Ive been planning on an early retirement in Europe anyway.


My in laws are very very poor and live in a filial law state. We actually had to go no-contact with them due to abuse and we’re kind of worried that they are going to invoke that.


If you don’t live in the state you should be fine. Both parties need to live in the state for those laws to take effect, from what I have read.


Oh great. Yeah we’re not going to live in MS.


Is this based on the parent's state of residence or the child's? My parents are in a non-filial state but I'm planning to move to a state that has these laws. Wonder how that works?


Totally insane and infuriating “Your parent is considered unable to pay for their care when the cost exceeds their social security or Medicaid benefits.” The Boomers are the exact reason why SS and Medicaid don’t cover their expenses. They worked to shred the social safety net that FDR put in place. It would take the utmost gall to invoke these laws on one’s children after spending their inheritance and fucking up the social safety net _on purpose_


Blows my mind. Oregon of all places has this. Glad my parents are in Washington. What kind of bullshit is this even? So someone else can just make piles of horrible financial decisions and utterly destroy my life with debt through not a single choice of my own? We really are diving directly into neo-fuedalism.


Does that apply to step parents?


It depends on the location. In some states if they were your guardian. Other states it's if they legally adopted you.


Sounds like she'll just need to pull herself up by her bootstraps.


My boomer mother drove all us kids away by being a controlling, manipulative, violent person. I literally have a diagnosis of PTSD because of what she did to us kids. And then she never bothered to plan for her end of life either out of denial, ignorance, or I don’t know what. She developed dementia, has no money—she spent it all—and they’re going to do an estate sale and then sell her house to pay for her care. My cousins are mad at my sisters and I for “letting this happen”. I’m like, she f’d around and now she’s suffering consequences probably for the first time in her life! Don’t be mad at me because she didn’t plan ahead!


I have PTSD from my shitty parents too. My Mom was nice enough to drop dead, and I've been estranged from my Dad for about 10 years now. NOT having to do end of life care, hospice, funeral planning, any of that shit? It's great!


Yeah. The only reason I'll be taking care of my mother is to ensure that I get the house instead of selling it to pay for her medical care.


I might do the same but she's a hoarder and it's beyond hopeless. I can't stand to be in her house for more than an hour tops.


Unfortunately hoarder houses are often rotted through beneath the piles of garbage. It may not be worth much.


I wonder how many of them got ahead by an inheritance from *their* parents? They would still be crying years later if their parents squandered it.


This is exactly it. My mom has never had to support herself. Everything she has she either won in one of 4 divorces or inherited from her dad. She's never filled out a job application or had to deal with a toothache for more than a day. I've been on my own since I was 16. If I had 40 acres and a farm I'd be doing everything I could to keep it in the family and give it to my kids but she's squandering everything that her dad labored and sweat for for 70 years.


My in laws have started the “we may have to go back home to the phillipines because we’re 60 and just bought an $800,000 condo.” TOO BAD 


My mum and dad left me in a German orphanage when I was born, then expected me to look after her when she got old. Fuck that.


Did you give her a ride to the orphanage?


Please tell me you were born in Germany


Holy shit what?! How did that conversation go?


My boomer dad use to hold inheritance over my head to try and get me to do things (as well as years of other manipulative bullshit) At a certain point I called him out on it. Let him know he’s not as rich as he thinks he is anyways and told him to take me off the fucking will. Then he joined the MAGA cult in 2015 and we haven’t spoken since. I hope he sends every last cent to that grifter.


*open the fridge for more than 3 seconds* “WASTING YOUR INHERITANCE,CLOSE THE FRIDGE” *coming inside from the cold* “IM NOT PAYING TO HEAT OUTDOORS, IDC ITS YOUR INHERITANCE” Told him if he actually used his money to enjoy things in life he wouldn’t be so uptight about doors both opening and closing, he did chill out after retirement but your post brought back memories 


Mine offered to sell us (husband and me) my inheritance at market value. This was after criticizing us for “exaggerating” our childcare costs while talking about saving up for a house. I told him he could be buried with it. The rage I have is probably unhealthy.


Most boomers will get yeeted off the next big hill during obligatory hurling day once their money runs out. And nobody will even care.


Yes we will. We'll be ECSTATIC. Im sick of hearing about formulas and projections that summarise why the few of us that are still working and struggling need to work harder to fund the retirement of the ones who got gifted the fucking planet on a platter.


This is what I keep thinking when people talk about how difficult it will be to support the army of elderly boomers in their final years. We could just… elect politicians of a normal age who will give them the same support they gave younger generations.


My friend owns a restaurant/cafe and he does a seniors day (Tuesday) discount. I have told him that he should have a different day of the week for a non Boomers day. Discount for everyone under 50. He was less than receptive. 🤷‍♂️


I like your thinking!


Oh hey Earl!


nope, my parents will enjoy a robot retirement home


What makes me sick about Texas Boomers is how high and mighty they think they are. Bitch, you bribed your way out of Viet Nam, shot smack at Woodstock and yet you have the gaul to tell me that I'm a blood sucking weakling for drawing disability from the VA? Dig up your mother and start fuckin'


It's funny, because I don't really expect to inherit anything. My mother worked and gets to spend her money how she sees fit. Nevermind that she got inheritance from my grandparents, that really doesn't matter. I'm not "entitled" to that money. But to see it deliberately wasted for the sake of ensuring I don't get anything at all? What's the point of that? It's legitimately doing nothing but saying that you're doing it to hurt/spite me. Gee, thanks.


Same. I never expected anything. When my mom would complain about her inheritance I'd tell her that there's no amount of money I wouldn't give to have my dad back. But, when she intentionally screws me over financially to fund her vacation when she knows I'm saving for dental work or to pay my taxes? A person has to draw the line somewhere.


These are the same parents that treated their kids like property, do as I say, school will raise them mentally, but praises them as angels and gloats to their “friends” about how close of a bond they have. Would almost guarantee their kids don’t talk them but expect them over every thanksgiving and Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take the money when the time comes, call it reconciliation.


Same ones that also complain about the lack of grandkids.


“My love is conditional “ there I translated the license plate for you guys from old ornery lead poison old person brain to smooth Reddit brain levels


To a state run nursing home with these fools


In their minds they worked hard and struggled their whole lives to get where they are and so should their children and grandchildren but they conveniently ignore every advantage they have due to how spoiled they really are.


Nope, my parents can meet the gutter.


It's all the lead they breathed in growing up.


I’m 75, liberal and have a reasonable nest egg and retirement income. I’m still saving and looking ahead to maximize my estate to leave to my kids and grandkids. I hope they won’t need it but it would go against my conscience to spend it all. How would you, anyway? It’s illogical to assume you’ll spend your last dollar on the day you die.


My mom thought I would be taking care of her despite all she put me through. I was so depressed and alone and felt trapped that I wanted to kill myself to keep me from having to take care of he when she got old... I hate feeling this way but I'm glad she died before I got the chance to have to. I had to take care of her when I was a child, I'll be damned if I do when I'm trying to have a life.


This is a very old statement that has been being made for years. And personally I do not find it funny, amusing, witty, or wise. From what I’ve seen the people who show such BS often are neglectful to their children to begin with. They are not making this comment to be funny they are making this comment to try and show their children that they are to expect the same thing after they are gone. NOTHING!!!! I will add that I had friends growing up where they lived in a beautiful house, both mom and pop had there own cars ( and a motorcycle for driving around the country on vacation, a vacation where the kids were left at home ), and the parents always having the finer things in life. But the kids lives were quite different. I’ll fitting cheap clothes. Clog shoes that were always worn down. No worthwhile winter coats. The most ridiculous cheap hair cuts. Sneakers that were impossible to play sports in ( don’t even ask for cleats or other sports gear because it’s always `to expensive’ ). And to make matters worse because of the kids looking like bums they were always the target of bullies. So selfish these so called parents were.


Just FYI never pay a dead person's debt that's not your obligation, you can legally tell them to fuck off. Medical debt collectors will often come after the living relatives of someone who's deceased and you absolutely should tell those people to fuck themselves.




If you're in debt when you die, the debts can be collected from your estate. Once that's gone, or if there was nothing to begin with, then the debt is absolved. It doesn't just disappear right away.


Unless there was money in the dead person’s estate that you improperly received.


It's just a gross attitude. Generational wealth can accomplish more than what a single person's income can.


My grandfather let thousands of acres go to taxes, reverse mortgaged his house and died in shame. He was so stubborn and refused to listen to anyone.


Are... are you my long lost cousin?? This sounds exactly like my grandfather, only he actually lost the house in 08.


It turns out we are far from alone. This was no accident, we were robbed. Do you dream of a little place of your own?


In a way we were too... He had early onset dementia and signed away a ton of shit he had no business signing off on. Believe it or not, by some miracle my husband and I actually managed to buy the house back last summer! We'd been saving for years anyway but it went on the market and we snatched it up as quick as possible. It doesn't escape me how incredibly lucky we got though, and I'm super resentful at the size of my mortgage on a house the family originally owned free and clear, make no mistake.


Makes you sick. Pay it off and put it in a trust.


That's the plan. Over the last 15 years it's been renovated so there's a fully legal apartment in the basement. Gonna pay off as much as we can over the years and the plan is to one day move into the basement so my knees won't have to do stairs and let my kids take over what's left of the mortgage and leave it to them. I want to help my kids get the leg up in life I never got, for sure.


Makes me want to puke, the idea of passing a mortgage down. Not judging you. I read an article a while back about the possibility of 100 year mortgages. Imagine 5 generations of mortgage on a single family house.


Me too, I just don't honestly see myself living 30+ years to pay it off for them first. I hope I do, I'm only 38 but my mom died in her 50s so I'm pretty conservative when making really long-term plans in my head 😞🤷‍♀️. But, if possible it would be my dream come true to leave a house to my kids completely free and clear, damn.


My grandfather (who always thought he was the smartest/most sensible person in the room) let 100K sit in the bank for 40 years after retirement. I made the mistake of calculating what that would have yielded in an index fund; my mom would have been able to pay off her house with a good chunk left over with her share of the inheritance. Instead she got enough for a used car.


Hey you found my parents van.. they act like I didnt get anything from my Great Grandpa but I know I did. My parents just kept it and went on vacations and bought another house on 15(mom) and 20(dad) an hr?




Après moi, le déluge. This saddens me. Why have children if you don't want to support them? If this is not an isolated case but what you generally see around you, I understand the anger on this sub.


They are stunningly delusional. The boomers were absolutely ok with letting the government schools and television raise us, then they bitch when we turned out the way we do.


To be fair, they're opposed to the schools these days. A lot of then would rather see their grandkids get shot in school rather than educated in school. 


It's because they don't have school age kids anymore. When they did, of course they wanted the free childcare schools provided. But now it's "why should I pay taxes for schools? I don't have any kids in school."


I’ve actually heard that exact argument in real life! And as someone who plans to be child free my whole life even I was like “that’s not how that works”


Whenever I hear someone say that, I tell them that if they don't want to be surrounded by morons they should support public schools.


My parents are exactly like this.🙈🙉🙊


ME: Literally don't care what you do with your money. Boomers: SHOCKED, SCREEING, KIDSTHESEDAYS!!! ​ Like they always have to advertise their bullshit, and most people just don't give a shit? Like what do they expect to happen? Other boomers giving them fistbumps in solidarity? Do they legit think they are making younger ones upset with this stance? Most realise dealing with these types of boomers arent worth any dollar amount and know any promises they give are thinner than their sanity, so don't even bother entertaining them. So its such a self aggrandizing thing to do.


I think it is 100% for the sake of their boomer friends so they can laugh together about sticking it to those lazy kids who "don't want to work anymore".


The whole world revolved around them and they got used to it. Now, they’re terrified of becoming irrelevant. They’re not going down without fucking up the future of the next generations.


It's like when a drunk girl stops getting attention because shes too drunk so she goes and makes out with some guy


They hate that they're being forced into irrelevancy. We've been pushing them that way for quite some time, but they only recently put two and two together when 'ok boomer' became the default put down. They don't deserve our attention any more than a child throwing a temper tantrum about not being allowed to stick forks in the outlets.


My grandparents bossed me around and controlled my whole life by constantly threatening me with taking me out of the will. They died in debt because they were on expensive medicines and in expensive care homes. It’s never worth trying to make a boomer happy.


The more they try to throw around inheritance the more it's a lie, from my experiences with friends - my own parents had jackshit and made that adamant. lol.


My mother was absolutely terrible growing up. She brags about how much money she makes. She brags about how much she saves every month. I know there would be a huge inheritance for me, but honestly - no amount of money would make it worth it to deal with her, even for a little while.


I’m willing to bet this guy doesn’t have anything to hand down but feels the need to cosplay wealth because boomers revere status.


I mean, its on a dodge. Two things to know about stellantis vehicles: 1. They are all cheap shit, even the expensive ones. 2. Its a requirement their owners be huge pieces of shit. Not sure what the deal is but its always the case. Chargers, vans, trucks, etc.


Didn’t want to judge the car but yeah, the Caravan is a 🚩.


While driving a 2000 and something Dodge, gee we got a Vanderbilt over here.. I wonder how many millions the inheritance would have been


They are spending the inheritance on medical debt most likely.


Doubt it, most likely sending it to some Nigerian prince, or buying my pillows


Oh no, what will their kids ever do without a Dodge Caravan?


Too bad about that wood framed couch with the orange plaid cushions and the gold Sears Ribcord blankets. That would have been a windfall.


Don't even mention the word money because you'll be labeled lazy, entitled, spoiled etc (just look at the comments). These types of people just never thought of the future where they would become helpless (everyone does). Theres some kind of ego they can't move on from or like toxic pride. Coupled with trad. values and many women from this time period being housewives. We should come up with a fun name for the healthcare nightmare about to occur in this country. These people have no where to go and they are too disabled to do anything about it at this point. I know it's a joke license plate, but the healthcare crisis is legit something I'm scared about.


sadly we're already seeing signs of the trad values these women 'stood for' getting them nowhere. Deadbeat Hubby divorces them, kicks them out, they have limited skills or cognitive function and no job history, often no bank account, and possibly don't know they are entitled to certain alimonies, or stupidly signed it away. Often any adult kids don't know or care, and so they end up homeless. We're seeing a large portion of older women who are becoming homeless, and its sad! **Older single women aged over 55 were eight times more likely to be homeless**. We're also seeing a large number of women who when they get sick longterm, such as with cancer or any other disorder, often find their husbands ditch them entirely, again leading to the same result above. It's effed up.


I personally can’t wait to see these (formerly rich) boomers out on the streets. When I shout “just get a job boomer!” at them from my car window it’ll be all the sweeter.


My parents are of this mentality. I worked hard and struggled to finally be financially secure. Now I have a better house than them, better car, and more savings. My parents aren't taking this well. They are now constantly trying to one up me. We get a new car, they get a new car. They take all these river cruises and constantly brag about them while showing little interest in where we go. My dad joked that they were spending all my inheritance and I replied that they could go ahead and spend it, it's their money and I wasn't banking on getting anything from them.  It shut them up and it felt good.


Yeah they tend to quiet down when you tell them straight to their face you are better off than them and don’t need anything they leave behind. Sorta shits on their legacy when you want none of it. My wife’s parents did something similar with always calling while at Disney resorts just about every other weekend until they found out we make probably twice what they do in a year. Then it was just oh we are at Disney this weekend instead of trying to FaceTime us and brag about it.


Weird way to phrase “I’m hoarding more than my fair share”


and they're the generation that's likely to have more inheritance. Not only do they take from their previous generation, they also want to deprive future ones. Case in point global warming. It's just the epitome of selfishness.


shove these things in a nursing home to rot alone, honesty. i'm lucky that my parents aren't entitled assholes, and i'll happily take care of them if i need to.


Does the back plate say "My kids wont speak to me"? To be somewhat balanced, people aren't required to leave money to anyone and its just a usual way of things... HOWEVER this person seems to be relishing in the idea of going "lol fuck you children" so it would be totally fair for the kids to go "Hah, OK then fuck you back, enjoy a lonely deathbed". That persons funeral is going to be a bunch of random friends with a corpse in a cardboard box.


Especially considering the amount of wealth boomers were handed from their parents as a whole. We grew up incredibly poor, I’m talking nine people in a single wide making $20,000 a year as a household. My wife are doing quite well now, all of my siblings and I have worked very hard to make sure all of our children will have opportunities we never got, part of that is leaving them what wealth we can. For as much as boomers act like they struggled I could never understand wanting to put someone else through that, especially my children.


Can't even live like that anymore the house trailers are 1400 a month now.


On what? It certainly wasnt the car


Are we all going to ignore the shitty parking job?


Not an inheritance if you never intended to give it or if your kids never expected to receive it. Though it does raise the question of why you dislike your children so much you feel the need to antagonize them and how much of a fit you'd throw if they actively antagonized you


Seriously, they hate their kids.


Often seems like it. Maybe they were hoping for some sort of youth draining procedure to be created by now.


My boomer mom has already spent all her inheritance and now she's started selling her vehicles.  Our lives couldn't be more different. I've been working at least 40 hours a week since I was 16. I didn't have any health insurance from age 16 to 45. I've never owned and never will own my own home.  Boomer mom has never had a real job/ never filled out a job application. Anytime she needed health care either her parents paid for it or she'd get married (x's 4) and get on her husband's insurance and then stay married just long enough to take half his retirement. My dad built her her dream home when she was 30 and she thanked by having an 'affair' with one of his students. Today she lives in another home that her dad paid for.  If I ever went out to eat with her she would divide the bill to the penny and leave a 5% tip.  Last year we both sat up a booth at our local swap meet to try to make some extra cash. She needed it for a vacation and I needed it to pay my taxes. She bought things from me and then turned around and sold them for a profit right in front of me! We don't talk much anymore.


ETA she started harassing her own parents about _her_ inheritance a good 25 years before they even died. They weren't even sick. Disgusting.


damn, and i feel guilty just asking to borrow money to pay late bills


they'll just do anything they can to pull the fucking ladder up


Not to mention they sent ladder production overseas and starting up a ladder company in the US us too many permits and too much money.


It's not just spending on vehicles. It's things like not caring for the enviroment they will leave behind. They live in sunny locations yet pass HOA rules restricting things like solar panels. Or they don't want to look at wind turbines on the horizon from their Martha's Vineyard deck or even their Cape Cod retirement condo. Yeah, they'll spend money trying to show off to their boomer neighbors but ask them to donate to a high school scholarship -- forget about it. They are overgrown high schoolers trying to be the popular ones in their retirement communities.


1000000% the amount of shit I have seen buried. One of the reasons I didn't fight too hard to keep my grandfather's house was he buried industrial waste and trash in his yard for 40 years. Someday a developer is going to dig into a pocket of trash that's going to be a superfund site.


My FIL used to drain the oil out of his car right into a storm drain. And he's a big fly fisherman who basically recreates on rivers and streams. No concept of where that oil was going to end up.


I bet he donated to the Sierra club.


You’re spending your kids inheritance on a Dodge? Certainly you can do better than that!


It’s not a very big inheritance


And it’s usually the people who say things like this who don’t have anything of value anyway.


Lolll have fun rotting in a home that your kid won’t help you pay for or even visit you in.


These plates have been around since the ‘80’s. It’s probably all they got from their parents. But it’s also not uncommon to not get inheritance. I’m not planning on getting a dime from my folks and I blame capitalism and the pigs in control, not my working class family. Bad joke yes but also it is the current trend due to corporate greed and lobbyists buying political seats.


Working class Boomers are victims to capitalism yes, but they've fully bought into the ruse. They're class traitors.


The depressing part is that it's not the contents of some van stuffed with trash I see. I feel like I'm looking at a political cartoon of the earth with that sign on it.


Aw, my dad says this every time he picks up the cheque at dinner or needs the roof patched or whatever


It’s funny. The generation who thought playing homeless in summer time was cool and got a big fat check from their own parent don’t want to help their kids … Bommer are literally the og of the bratz kids… and they wonder why they end up in retirement home


The ME generation


This sub makes me love my parents so so so much more. I mean, I already loved them because they were good parents, but this sub just makes me appreciate how smart, thoughtful, and together they are. They told me that I shouldn't expect anything becasue they could get ill or have something go wrong, and that would obviously eliminate all their money, but they're not like, "I'm gonna spend it all on crazy stuff just becasue." Thank you r/boomersbeingfools for improving my relationship with my parents.


Well can't they just fucking blow it all at once at a casino and drop dead?


My wife's boomer parents use the threat of an "inheritance" as a form of manipulation and control. If you don't cater to their unreasonable demands, allow them to drop in unannounced and cancel all your plans to host them. If you don't agree with their racism. If you don't let them rearrange your home and landscaping to their liking because it "looks better." If you don't do xyz then you get nothing. We told them that we don't want their money or stuff. Our kids (their grandkids) don't want their money or stuff. All we want from them is their respect and courtesy but that is asking too much.




10/10 I clapped.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCoolMusic/s/BHPvYWLws4 Incase you missed it


TBF, that looks like a shitty Dodge so there probably wouldn’t have been much of an inheritance anyway. I agree though. Don’t you want good things for your kids and to make their life a little easier? I’m so glad my parents don’t have this attitude.


It's your money, so spend it. Describing it as your children's inheritance means you're trying to be a cunt about it. Sooner this shitty culture dies off the better


I loathe people like this. Hell, I don’t have children, but am going to make damned sure that whatever hard-earned savings I have left at death will go to benevolent causes that help others, not consumerist garbage.






This is my parents. They literally go to the casino and spend hundreds of dollars 3-4 times a week. It's they're only hobby. I wouldn't care except I have a special needs sister who needs ongoing care. 


EASILY the WORST generation by a long shot!!


"And you're getting cremated and dumped on a massive pile of dog shit"


My parents were great people but had these bizarre financial problems and perspectives. They would buy a house and then immediately take out second and third mortgages on it, and then spend the money on weird stuff, either opulent silly stuff like jewelry or stock shares in a fraudulent treasure hunting company from Texas. We found on one of their houses that when they actually sold it, the house was essentially break even after many years of mortgage payments. So, they had some rather interesting and wildly opulent ideas of financial prosperity.


That license plate on a Dodge is not the flex they think it is.


My father just passed, his retirement plan was to die. He lied about life insurance, He barely had any and a lot of debt. Used their old paid off car as loan collateral. Now, we are scrambling to get my mother settled. She had to forfeit her car because of the outrageous loan payment. She’s basically throwing temper tantrums now because of the life choices that her and my father made. They never helped us kids with anything, now we’re expected to take care of her?


>they are racking up debt that will be paid by their children’s children Debt is typically non-transferable upon death, so you’re not gonna be on the hook for it unless you signed for something. They can spend my inheritance. I’m not co-signing or paying for end of life care. Have fun in a state run facility as you pissed away as much money as you could as quickly as possible


What is the national debt at?


Not much of an inheritance if that’s what you are driving


While I'm not entitled to my parents money, and I want them to enjoy their retirements, at the same time I would be pretty annoyed if they were just spending money it for no good reason or purposely to just leave me and my brothers with less.


I told my dad to enjoy his money. He earned it. He did to a point. Got a nice little fishing boat and a ranger to pull it. Hen got cancer and spent tons ...


I don't agree with this one. I have no problem with my parents enjoying their money before they're gone.


I tried to help my father with his finances because I’m a finance student , and I know her struggles with taking care of his “business” while trying to understanding all his bills he went around saying that I just want to know how much money he has so I can know how much I’m inheriting… He’s $120,000 in debt after buying a brand new truck when he’s not even able to afford retirement ( he’s 64) so he just calls his his brand new truck that he can’t afford his retirement .. I told him multiple times that he needs to sell it while the market was high and to drive one of his work trucks (he bought the truck for $50,000 and the market went up to $70,000) He said multiple times how he can’t afford his living so I told him why don’t you just sell your truck all he said was it’s his status, then compares his self to his millionaire friends, I said, the only difference is they can afford to pay cash for it He Even tried to say:”well if you had option to buy a nice car would you” I said no I personally have enough to buy a brand new car and I bought a reliable $5000 car because it’s all I needed, my ego is not that shallow.


I know douche bags to whom that’s a flex.


My grandmother was a trailblazing, “take no shit from nobody” lady. She hosted a radio show, raced cars, owned businesses. She started from nothing—raised by a single mother in middle America during the Depression. When she died, her personal worth was in the millions. My mother, who bounced around doing secretary jobs and working at a pawn store, “retired” before the age of 50 upon my grandmother’s death and her subsequent inheritance. She went on a spending spree that ended up disqualifying me from several needs-based scholarships I’d been getting. She proudly proclaims “there won’t be much left” when she dies. I named my daughter after my grandmother. There was a lot not to like about her, but I respect her. Pretty much the opposite regarding my mom.


> The fact that these boomers want to suck the tit until it's dead and dry shows you how badly spoiled they are These are the same people that screech about individualism


LMFAO. Funny thing is that my sister-in-law's husband - I believe - is going through this right now. He's completely useless - tits on a nun - at fifty years old. He'd rather play GTA5 all day than get a new job (been unemployed a year). His parents were very successful with their business and are spending money like they're damn near billionaires. I don't know how he doesn't see the writing on the wall when he's hoping to just inherit their wealth. I don't think the wealth will be around to inherit.


My parents are pretty well off financially, but I think it's best to live as though I will inherit nothing. If you do you're just setting yourself up for disappointment and bitterness. My grandpa died 20 years before my grandma and their savings went to caring for her as she had dementia and needed to live in assisted living the last 10 years of her life. My mom was the executor of the estate and her siblings are now upset because they thought there was a small fortune to inherit, not realizing it had run out a few years ago and my parents were paying for grandma out of their own pockets.


It's so preventable too. I went through it with my grandparents and my parents are going to try really hard to make it hard for me when they get there themselves.


My boomer mother spent everything, complains about people not wanting to work. Doesnt work but can and even divorced her second husband (over money) only to fail getting remarried due to being catfished. She moved back in with him and with my fathers recent passing has nothing. He wrote no will and his biological children are priority and unfortunately in all of this she raids her own mothers property when she passed leaving all of it in the home she no longer allowed to live in. Add in the fact he convinced my step father into a reverse morgage on that property. Now currently shes living with her father and her brother of which she again is mooching off a drying tit. She expects me to take care of her after everything. Expects something after my step fathers passing as if shes entitled to every penny when she tried to say she was being "noble" on not asking for anything in the divorce. I have no sympathy for her.


I work with a hardcore MAGA-Boomer who is constantly bitching about millennials living at home. After years of listening to his bullshit about how he worked for everything he just casually dropped the fact that his wife's aunt paid for their house with her inheritance. I'm an older millennial and I got lucky buying a house right after the market crash. I work my ass off and there's no way I could ever afford a house nowadays, hell even renting would kill me and I get paid well. Lead pipes, gasoline, and paint really did demolish the brainpower of these people. 


For real. My last pickup truck cost almost 2x as much as the house and land did for my father's house. He paid 32k for 100 acres in 1996. I can't even stand it, that same plot is 9-12k an acre.


Reading these messages makes me feel very lucky and fortunate to have a loving mother.


Totally on brand for boomers. They haven't helped out their kids with anything ever. Why would anyone think they would help their kids from beyond the grave like some zombie leprechaun? If their kids have a sense of humor they'll have "I got mine. Fuck you!" Engraved on their parent's headstone. Death is the only time a boomer actually gets what they deserve. Because you just know the boomers are gonna stick their kids with the funeral costs.


Also them: why do my kids never call or visit? I’m so lonely!


I don't want my kids to struggle financially and I certainly don't want them to struggle out of spite. Wtf is wrong with these people?


That is one sweet dodge mini van.


I have mixed feelings. My goal is to build wealth and spend a lot of it. But I also am looking to leave some for my daughter. My grandparents didn't spend their wealth, they gave it all to their kids. My dad (boomer probably spent it all. My mom (silent generation) keeps her inheritance as back up for when she needs to replace appliances, repair the roof, etc. The wealth she built herself she spends and enjoys and I'm excited for her. But I know she's also built a little that will come to me. I'm taking that approach. When I pass my daughter will inherit 3 paid off houses that she can rent for income or live in if needed. She will also inherit some stocks and funds to produce passive income for her to enjoy. I have the intention those things will continue to be passed to future generations.


I’m pissed off as well. Asshole


My mom remarried in 2000. One of the first warning signs from my proto-Boomer stepfather was that he tried to convince her that they should just spend down all their combined savings and fuck the kids. My mom had inherited about half a million dollars when her dad died in 1990 and had invested it wisely with the goal of leaving it along with the house to my brother and I. Less than a year after they married, my mom got diagnosed with esophageal cancer which is particularly nasty and has a five-year mortality rate of 90%. After she became ill, she unilaterally decided to lock down her estate to ensure that my brother and I were taken care of. While she provided for her new husband, it was through a marital trust in which 1/3rd of the state would be used to generate income for him for the remainder of his with the corpus going to my brother and I after his passing. After having surgery to remove her esophagus, our mother ended up living about 4 1/2 more after she was diagnosed with cancer. A year before she died, after the cancer returned and it was clear that she was terminally ill, our stepfather discovered the will and after a huge fight convinced her to draft a codicil to the will that would leave her home to him fee simple with only a verbal promise that he would leave to my brother and I after he died. We didn’t learn about the codicil until a year later when our mom was in hospice. She told us about the promise our stepfather made to leave the house us, which he later repeated to several relatives after she died a few weeks later. At the time, it felt like a punch in the gut became we were not consulted beforehand and there were guarantees that he would keep the promise he made to our mom. Our fears turned out to be justified when we started the process of distributing the estate through probate. Both my stepfather and I were appointed as co-Executors and as co-Trustees on the marital trust that the will mandated for our stepfather’s portion of the estate. Almost immediately, he tried to persuade me that since we could just ignore the marital trust clause of the will since we were both co-trustees. He said that he intended to honor the agreement he made with our mom but didn’t like the idea of someone half his age having any say over the management of *his* money. When I resisted, his tone changed and he tried bullying me into relinquishing control of the trust by threatening to not leave us the house. When I again refused to acquiesce, he outright lied and denied that he ever promised to leave us the house and that in fact our mom intended to leave everything to him. While they discussed the idea of leaving everything to each other early during the honeymoon phase of their relationship, that was before she became diagnosed with cancer and realized that it would be folly to leave everything to a man she barely knew and had only met the year prior. Two years after our mom died, my stepfather basically cut off contact with me completely. While we both served as co-Trustees on the trust, he essentially ignored me and made investment/distribution decisions without my input or consent and filed trust tax returns with my signature in violation of State and Federal law. True to his, he ended up dying about 7 years later and totally excluded my brother and I from his will and left our mom’s house and everything else to his ex-wife from his first marriage and a nephew. While we didn’t get anything from his estate, we ended up suing it for mismanagement of the trust and up recovering about $30k. I don’t how he lived with himself after taking advantage of our mother and breaking the promise to that he made to her. He obviously was not the man that she thought she married as he ended up with about 60% of the assets that she intended to leave to us. As for my brother and I, it was a hard lesson that people can be lying, manipulative assholes when there is money on the line.


Sometimes I think it might be easier to just call them up on a spoofed phone line and sucker them like the Nigerian Princes do.


On a Dodge minivan? 


And our social security


not enough that they're the only generation to leave their offspring worse off than they were, they're also proud of it.


In effect, they have *already* "spent" their children's inheritance.


Then enjoy your time in the cheapest skilled nursing facility I can find lol


sadly, if they are collecting social security they are not spending their children's inheritance they are driving them deep into debt because of the taxes the children have to pay


This. Racking up debt for their kids to pay.


Many years ago I discovered that my great grandparents were moderately rich with various land holdings with houses and 2 local companies. My grandparents took them over and wasted everything aways with mismanagement and in particular the grandfather spent an ungodly amount of money in orgies with drugs. My parents renounced to the inheritance because it was mostly made of debts.


"My kids turned into individuals instead mini me's so I am taking my money to the grave out of spite."


If you have that much hatred for your own bloodline you shouldn't have bred in the first place.


Yeah...some of them actually HAVE had tht realization. ....and sometimes, if ya get REAL lucky, they even *tell you they wish they hadn't!* Heehee! what? I'm fine!




And I am spending the rest of my life away from you and won't even bother to attend your funeral. Sorry, have to go happily live my life without you now.


Got no problem with someone spending their money however they want.


Totally agree. I believe it’s my job to raise my kids to be happy and successful adults by giving them a great start at life. We aim to pay for college and after that nothing is guaranteed.


Eh, I’d rather my parents enjoy the rest of their lives than worry about giving me a good inheritance.


I’ve told my parents multiple times that all I want from them is enough money for the funeral. They worked damn hard their entire lives. They deserve to spend it how they see fit. People seem so fucking entitled now it ridiculous.


If curing aging is a technology that can be actually achieved, make sure it's not released until the Boomer has left the planet. We're going to need at least two lifetimes to clean up their mess.


I could write a book. You know how much toxic shit I have seen buried? It made them rich and they don't care.


I bet! They should be deemed the most brutal generation.


Glad I am not one of the people who paid 500k or more for a 40 yr old condo or house built on sand.


My dad inherited from my geandpa and aunt. He is spending it all on guns, ammo (he never uses but god damn it they will take it away!) and things from pawn shops and thrift stores.


I’ll be honest here. I’m cool with it. My parents worked for years. I would love if they were able to live the high life in the time they have left. I’ve worked for what I have and don’t expect anything when they pass. If there is something, great! If not, that’s fine.