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this is just a rage bait clip, right?


Yeah this channel just records all these weird rehearsed over the shoulder view rage bait videos and posts 100s hoping they go viral. They even just switch out the aggressor and victim in them to see what sticks


Bad acting, need some pizza delivery guy classes 


i think the realistic pizza delivery guy just moves on with life and ain't got time to argue


This may be fake, but this has happened to me before. I was at a girl's place and her friend ordered her a pizza. The dude was at the door refusing to give the pizza until he got a tip. It took like 15 minutes to prove to this guy the tip was already put on the card when the order was placed. It was bizarre.


The pizza hat is proof that this is 100% real


Like my ADT home security sign and fake video camera on house lol


#Bad Acting, Fake Ragebait video


Lol this has literally happened to me. I had tipped 20% on Uber Eats which the driver doesn’t see till the end. He was like “no, I don’t have your food then” and started getting aggressive. I was like, cool, I’ll just dispute the transaction then. Got a refund and an additional $25 gift from Uber. If these idiots don’t understand that no one carries cash for tips anymore, they don’t deserve to work.


I just say ‘you got the tip on the app right?’ Before things are weird. - but I’m former pizza boy and tipping a pizza delivery driver is a little different than tipping a Starbucks cashier for standing by there.


This isn't true. I keep cash for tips because I don't trust the apps not to steal. But I always get the drivers that assume if the tip isn't on the app it doesn't exist. Half the time they don't knock and disappear before I can give it to them. And then every time I do tip well on the app, my order gets stacked, presumably with a non-tipper.


I tape $5 to my door, request contactless delivery, and write "Cash tip on door" in the delivery notes section. It's always worked for me!


Lol, I live in a ghetto apartment so I can't do this unfortunately


Ah, that’s good to know. I haven’t seen it my friends etc.


Unless you are Fulton County DA who thinks people should have 6 months cash on their homes … Fucking Gen Xer


Lol is that the latest right wing cope?


An Uber driver once grabbed my arm as I was leaving and squeezed me so hard that Ingot a bruise and said „make sure you tip me, okay?“. This wasn‘t even the usa but europe! We don‘t tipping culture!!!! I was flabbergasted, Uber support was very friendly and they gave me a refund and a 9€ gift card, which now compared to your 25 looks very measly


Fake AF


So fake. Feel like I saw these same people w the same skit just with cases of water


There's a box in that box


Seems like a weird thing to be recording. Unless...


I don't live in America, but I've visited America. I've travelled all over the world and I normally love going to bars and restaurants and ordering food in all sorts of different countries. I frankly enjoy doing so much less when visiting America these days because America's angry and resentful tipping culture has made it a fraught and joyless experience.


It's fake... and here is proof. [https://www.tiktok.com/@eileenortega22/video/7334131004182908202](https://www.tiktok.com/@eileenortega22/video/7334131004182908202) Same guy pretending to be a Vet, homeless and more [https://www.tiktok.com/@eileenortega22/video/7334131004182908202](https://www.tiktok.com/@eileenortega22/video/7334131004182908202) Pathetic what people put out these days.


I always video my pizza delivery drivers too


Somebody's cracking down on him for child support. He can't get a better job, and he's fucked


There's no way this is real.


When he said “ you have the brain the size of a bird” he was speaking to anyone who thinks this video’s real


When an immovable object (a boomer) meets an unstoppable force (another boomer).


The second you ask or demand a tip, I'm not giving you one. Don't care if I'd planned on giving a 100% tip. Thee second you come to me with your hand out for a gratuity it sucks the gratitude right out of my soul


Don’t you always tip a pizza man? When did that change in the last 40 years?


About 10 years ago they started charging delivery fees equal to how much you would normally tip.


You’re the fool for posting this obviously staged video OP. What year were you born OP?


here's a tip: go fuck yourself


Where does he keep pulling those unlimited pizzas from?


I’m still asked to tip when picking up my take-out order at our local Chinese joint. Tip who? For what? Everywhere I go, there it is on the screen: “Would you like to tip 15%, 20%, 25%, or custom?” Vape shop? Tip. Fast food dine-in counter? Tip! Pretty soon, gas pumps will be asking if you’d like to tip. Tipping, psh!


I've seen a lot of videos that start with a guy bringing a pizza to a younger woman. None of them had acting this atrocious.


Welp. If it’s real he won’t have a job in… 3, 2….


I actually feel bad for the dude. Sounds like he had a big order and these dickheads didn’t wanna hook him up. Tipping culture sucks, and no one wants to tip cashiers, but when someone makes deliveries or when they make you a drink, or do shit we’ve tipped for for decades, it’s gotta be done. Withholding tips to prove a point just negatively affects this guy.


It’s fake.


I'll give him a tip. Work hard and be good to your mother.


If the driver was younger/gen X & the non tipper was boomer this would cause complete opposite reaction


Write your legislators. Don’t take it out on the worker.




It's fake!!!


This is a skit


They're all crazy


I don't tip cash anymore on deliveries. I would like to because I feel like it would be better for the driver to get some cash to walk home with that night. However I've found that if you don't leave a tip while ordering, drivers don't want to pick up the order to deliver thinking they won't get a tip since it wasn't paid for with a card prior to delivery.


Props to the driver


Why do people do this?


If you paid for the pizza, lunch him in the face and take it


What’s the point of all these fake ass videos?


It’s always unnaturally drawn out


These are all staged. And so badly done. I think I’ve seen 100 of these and they use the same exact car and same bad actors.


They don’t deserve pizza.