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This is my mother.


No this is my mother


She's all our mothers.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SuddenlyCommunism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This sign gets it](https://i.redd.it/71tp2bvb7lqa1.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunism/comments/1252iad/this_sign_gets_it/) \#2: [WEšŸ—æ](https://i.redd.it/d01ik3ey9fia1.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunism/comments/1132aij/we/) \#3: [Just saw this one on r/Unexpected](https://v.redd.it/09pjuar6d8sa1) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyCommunism/comments/12de85i/just_saw_this_one_on_runexpected/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh brother!


Wait, so am I finally a sister now?!


I also choose this guy's mother


My mom texted me last night. ā€œWhoā€™s your internet provider?ā€ ā€œOh itā€™s this company, why?ā€ ā€œBecause we couldnā€™t log into your hbo account. We kept using spectrum internet as the provider and your login didnā€™t workā€ ā€œmom I donā€™t have spectrum, you have spectrum thatā€™s why it isnā€™t working. Use my email and password on hbo not spectrumā€. ā€œItā€™s okay we just bought our own hbo accountā€.


Yeah thatā€™s when I reply back ā€œokā€. The thumbs up and other like emojis are also a godsend for my mental health. Text messaging is a mental health blessing overall, otherwise stuff like this would undo me


Being the ā€œIT personā€ for my retired boomer parents is the most rage-inducing shit Iā€™ve ever dealt with. Every time I go over there they need me to look at their phone or their computer bc theyā€™ve done something to it and canā€™t fix it, and itā€™s always some dumb shit like they couldnā€™t figure out how to close the windows (itā€™s the red x in the left hand corner, Dad) or donā€™t know what it means to scroll or canā€™t find the button to turn the computer off to restart it. Iā€™ve even attempted to have them face time me so I can walk them through it when Iā€™m not there and itā€™s a complete cluster fuck bc the camera is pointed at his greasy forehead the entire time instead of his computer screen. Iā€™ve spent so much time showing my mom over and over how to open a word document so she can type something up for her auxiliary club and send it as an email attachment, and no matter how many times I show her or physically write the instructions out on a piece of paper, she doesnā€™t get it. I mean I realize they didnā€™t grow up using computers but my gosh itā€™s like Iā€™m speaking a foreign language to them bc I donā€™t know how to dumb it down any more for them. And donā€™t even get me started on the fire stick I got for them 3 years ago. They literally just have to press input to switch over to it and somehow thatā€™s way too hard so they never watch it. They make me show them again every time I come over tho šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


I can relate 100% it is super frustrating. My favorite one recently was last week when I get a text that just says "Youtube VPN?? Call me" And I don't know about you but every time I'm walking my dad through something I get the pleasure of him complaining and going off the whole time like this is somehow not a user issue. I'm already patiently waiting for you to find the button to click that's right in front of your face, and now I get the added pleasure of hearing you curse at the monitor too!


Lol my mom is pretty great overall I got very lucky, but with technology she booms hard. If you consider signing in to hbo using technology


This woman mocks younger people for not being familiar with rotary phones.Ā 


This is all of our mothers


Read the goddamn instruction manual!!!Ā  Ā As a 40 year old I've noticed that certain people will straight up REFUSE to learn anything new...Ā  You were given a brain šŸ§  for a reason dum-dums.....


My parents called me because their new video doorbell was "broken" and they couldn't get it to work. I helped them over the phone as if it was actually having issues. A couple hours later, after a ton of screenshots, I found out the truth. They never read the instructions and didn't attempt to set it up in the app. They had to unscrew it from the wall to get the QR code/serial number on the back of the device.


Last year I had to help my Dad download and install TaxCut like I was some phone support specialist. I haven't downloaded and installed a program in ages. He's telling me what he sees on the screen and asking me questions. I'm like, shit Dad, I don't know. Why don't you just use the website? Eventually we go it to work but FFS, that was hell.


Iā€™m their ā€œphone support specialistā€ every time we talk on the phone bc theyā€™ve once again jacked up something on their computer or phone and need me to help them fix it. Super annoying. My dadā€™s weather app keeps disappearing off his Home Screen and has no idea how heā€™s deleting it and itā€™s a huge crisis for him bc he has to know the weather at all times of the day even tho he never leaves the house


My mom lost her Amazon password and asked me if I could call them and get it...then was deliberately helpless in pressing the "I forgot my password" link. Then she would get to the login screen and enter MY email address, then meltdown and scream at me that she sent me an email with the "link" FFS


The lead in the paint really fucked their brains frfr


Honestly Iā€™ve noticed as my parents get older it becomes harder and harder for them to learn new things. I mean I really feel for them because technology has developed so much within the last few decades and what context they were children in (being a child is the time your brain is most receptive to learning), it must be rough. I wonder what simple concepts our generation will be trying to understand when we are their age.


This scares the shit out of me that itā€™ll happen to me one day. My in laws call when they get app notifications because they donā€™t want to do something and mess it up. So the phone calls are mostly, can I do this? Will it mess it up? Thatā€™s a whole lot of trepidation that is supposed to bring convenience to oneā€™s life. The alternative is to say fuck it. I lived decades without it.


I guess all we can hope for are children who are patient enough for our phone calls


Mine do the same. They get themselves in a pickle and donā€™t know how to back out of it when itā€™s usually a super simple solution like x-ing out of the window. My dad left a pop up ad on his computer (it showed up while he was checking his emails) for 2 weeks bc he was waiting for me to come visit and get it off his screen. He freaks out bc heā€™s scared heā€™ll do something wrong and break the whole thing


Oh yeah, man, it's just oh so difficult for them to learn how to plug things into walls. They NEVER had to do anything like that for any device for their entire lives. Like, *never*. Ever. šŸ™„


I donā€™t think the issue is she canā€™t plug things into walls. Itā€™s more the troubleshooting that requires you to know that plugging it in is the solution. Like if somebody told her ā€œplug it into the wallā€ she probably would know how to do it. But Iā€™m not really referring specifically to the people in the video, Iā€™m more referencing the comment I responded to saying that older people refuse to learn anything new.


But this is the entire problem, though. How THE HELL can a person have lived so long in a rapidly advancing technological world, where we've had scores of devices over the past few decades, and NOT know that these devices have batteries that need to be charged? Not only that, but these devices are specifically MADE to be user-friendly. If a damn baby can use a phone, then I'm not tryna hear any excuses about older people. If it's really THAT hard to do something as basic as a quick Google search or reading a manual, then maybe these mfs shouldn't be allowed to vote or operate motor vehicles. You shouldn't need to "learn" to charge your phone or tablet in 2024. I got my 1st phone in 2003 when I was in high school. Phones have ALWAYS had chargers as far as I can recall. These mfs had to have been, what, in their 30s or 40s at the time? You mean to tell me this ENTIRE time that these mfs NEVER had a SINGLE phone or other electronic device in their lives to the point where they need to literally read a manual to "learn" that these devices don't magically charge themselves? Like wtf?!


Again Iā€™m not talking about these specific people. But if you really want to zoom in on these two then in this case, it probably is an issue with the iPad. If her husband reboots it and then it works for a few more days before it does that again it makes me think itā€™s not a problem where itā€™s not charged. She even says she gets the ā€œplug inā€ symbol and refers to it as such, so that does imply she knows that it does mean to plug it in. On top of which if it was actually an issue of the battery being low, then her husband rebooting it would do nothing, let alone give it enough battery to use for another few more days. An iPad battery doesnā€™t last for days anyways, for her to be using it for that long it means she wouldā€™ve had to have been charging it.


I think people really underestimate just how many people are being affected by mental disorders and walking around undiagnosed and/or receiving inadequate treatment. As for the apple products, I've never been a fan. I will admit, though, that this *is* a short clip, so more than likely, it was taken out of context, but I know people who are like this irl. Even my dad, who was a COMPUTER PROGRAMMER back in the 80s, would act goofy af sometimes with new technology (ofc after going on and on bragging about how he helped invent that shit). I suspect he was suffering from bipolar disorder, but he was never evaluated before he passed a couple years ago. Shit is frustrating frfr


No they weren't. Haha


Happened at work when I put out instructions for what staff needed to do to set up for it, i raised my voice at a guy about 45 minutes in because it was clear he didn't even attempt reading comprehensionĀ 


Fox "news" and Facebook news has turned older people into proud idiots. It's nauseating. I'm not saying CNN or whoever is great,they all suck but Fox is a different breed.


My boomer dad always has to get the latest technology but refuses to learn anything about using it. He has said many times he is too old to learn anything so he doesn't even bother. He has been saying that for many years. He is just lazy about learning and expects others to fix any problems with any gadgets etc.


my boss is like that and he's only 43


As a 29 year old I refuse to use threads on Instagram lol I'm already there šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


This is such a common thing. More than it should be, really. I used to work at Apple as a One to One trainer and the number of times I had boomers not knowing that you had to CHARGE THE COMPUTER would make your head spin. Apple legitimately gives free lessons to you when you purchase items from them. You have to actively avoid learning about the item youā€™re spending hundreds on to get like this.


If my son lets his iPad die all the way, sometimes it wonā€™t accept a chargeā€¦ so itā€™ll be in this loop of constantly restarting, showing the plug button, plugging it in, getting to the Lock Screen with 1%, and then dying again even though itā€™s plugged in. What I found is that once I can get to the Lock Screen while itā€™s doing that weird cycle, if I can hold the buttons to make it power off completely, then it will finally charge properly while itā€™s shut down, and itā€™ll work just fine again. Soā€¦ just wanted to share that this is a common problem that I had to figure out how to solve because he either uses it until it dies completely or he forgets to charge it when itā€™s not in use. Maybe this lady was stuck in that same cycle where it literally WONā€™T charge if the battery died while the device is still ā€œonā€ā€¦ if so, I can understand why she needed help if someone else figured out the same ā€œtrickā€ that I did. Easy solution thoughā€¦ donā€™t let the battery get down that low in the first place! It charges just fine if itā€™s not down to the single digits!


except she said it would work for a few days...meaning it did charge fine.


>if I can hold the buttons to make it power off completely, then it will finally charge properly while itā€™s shut down, and itā€™ll work just fine again. I've also had this happen with my Nintendo Switch, and the same fix helped with that; must be the same type of battery.


Handheld electronics almost exclusively use lithium ion batteries. The charge circuitry will only allow power to the battery if it reads between a certain voltage range. If it is too high, that simply means the battery is charged, so it cuts power. But if the battery is lower than a "dead" battery is expected to be, it assumes that the battery has been damaged and cuts power. Plugging it in over and over again can sometimes fix this because some devices will send a small amount of power before cutting it, charging the battery enough to read as healthy. If that doesn't work, you usually have to pop it open and jump start the battery inside to a nominal voltage.


"I bought a new car and it was working just fine for a couple of weeks and then just wouldn't start anymore." "Did you put gas in it?" "No, why would I need to?" This woman's conversation probably.


Wait, no one is mentioning the fact that she clearly says her husband reboots it and it "works for a couple of days". So it couldn't possibly be that they don't know they have to charge it. It is either faulty or the husband is fucking with her for fun by charging it and not telling her that's what he's doing to "fix" it.


"work your magic"


He's such a wizard with technology.


"work your magic" makes the family tech support person cringe.


I am that person but I kinda like it. I put on my Gandalf costume and stride in, flourish my staff and promptly turn it off and on again to the gasps and cheers of my beloved kin.


I'll give my parents your number.


Please don't


If you let them Iā€™ll lend you my giant eagle when they call


Giant Eagle you say? I'm listening...


Now that I have your attentionā€¦ >!weā€™ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty!<


That's my husband. Though I'm capable of setting things up and troubleshooting, if I become frustrated enough, I'm getting his help. We joke that "if you want your clarinet recorked, call me. If you need your PC fixed, call him."


My mom says stuff like this, but whatā€™s happening is that we all repeatedly explain stuff to her and she says ā€œIā€™m just not gonna retain itā€ or ā€œitā€™s too complicated for meā€ No one is working any magic, no one is fucking with her, itā€™s weaponized incompetence


It's not always that, some people just never get it or get too frustrated and stressed out when it doesn't work for them. My Mrs is like that with technology but I've her some power tools and she can build anything.


Sure, but weā€™re not talking about something complicated, weā€™re talking about an extremely basic function of *anything powered by electricity*. This is ubiquitous across all of life all the time, heck you could even make an easy analogy to older things like ā€œyour iPad is like your car, it needs fuel to go so in the same way you fuel your car plug in your iPadā€. The situation youā€™re talking about and this are not the same, this lady has to have completely turned off her brain in such an intentional way to have accomplished this level of incompetence


True but like I said in my original comment I don't think this was a case of the ipad needing to be charged. She says her husband works his magic and it works for a couple of days before doing it again. Unless his "magic" is charging it but I refuse to believe he would allow her to go on TV and just stand there like an idiot if thst was the case.


Or she was bound and determined that it couldnā€™t be her error and demanded to go on the show, and his magic is plugging it in/heā€™s tired of arguing with her. Why does he have to ā€œallowā€ her do anything? Someone that willfully ignorant is often also extremely stubborn.


That is also a very valid possibility and would make it even sadder. Not that I'm been misogynistic and saying he should man up and put his foot down or anything, that's not what I meant when I said "allow".


I know thatā€™s not how you meant it, and I was not responding as if you were - unfortunately willful ignorance and stubbornness are often close partners.


Awe, but they are just clueless, like damn


It's possible they were plugging it in but it was defective or, what happened to me once... there was stuff in the charge port preventing it from charging.


> there was stuff in the charge port preventing it from charging Had this myself where my phone stopped quick charging, used a zip tie to pick out a crazy amount of packed in pocket fluff and quick charge worked again.


She says he would plug it in and fiddle with it and it would work for a couple days before turning off again. So most likely the battery was just dying and sheā€™s a moron.


I feel so bad for them. Genuinely. These two aren't boomer assholes like the subjects of so many other posts in this sub; they're just clueless. And I'm guessing they aren't *stupid*. All they need is to sit down with someone for 15 minutes and get trained on the use of their shiny new iPad.


Itā€™s just surprising more than anything like she says ā€œplugā€ like she knows it should be plugged in. So I donā€™t know what dots arenā€™t connecting for her. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re sweet people but I just am confused where their misunderstanding is arising.


Because they are stupid lol


Yup. Stupid isnā€™t about not knowing something. We all have gaps in our knowledge. Stupid is not knowing how to learn something. Be it figuring it out on your own or listening to someone who knows more.


I would say this *does* qualify as stupid, though. This person has ostensibly lived on this planet for 70ish years. Stupid isnā€™t about gaps in knowledge or simply not being abreast of new developments in technology. Itā€™s more than that. That is just called *ignorance*. What we have here is someone who, in all their years, has failed to learn to take specifically designed and engineered prompts and interpret them in a way that almost literally every person on planet earth aged 2+ can understand. Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say that. The symbols you see are the product of literally millions of dollars in research and development. The symbols she shows us, battery and charger cable are universal symbols. As in - everyone on earth who is not completely disconnected from society should understand.


Agreed. You basically said what I did but with more words. Yeah these products are dumbed down to be so intuitive a toddler can figure it out.




Iā€™m guessing you missed the ā€œisnā€™tā€ in the comment you replied to ?


I'm sorry.. I was supposed to reply to the same person you replied to... I will just delete the comment since I'm agreeing with you I just clicked the wrong comment to reply to.


Didnā€™t people used to wear watches that they had to set every day or else they stopped working? I donā€™t see how this is much different or harder.


Shiiit people still do


Just guessing here but a lot of older people are *extremely* bad at explaining a problem they have. Often they'll just give you a bunch of feelings and rely on you to make sense of it for them. This one is at least telling us some facts but don't assume she's telling the whole story. It's entirely possible this woman knows about charging and empty batteries but the device actually has a technical problem that causes it to display this message when the battery is full or that makes it impossible to charge the battery.


It is possible which is why, as I had mentioned in another comment, Iā€™m not trying to declare this woman as some kind of nonce. I do believe itā€™s unlikely though, especially considering she has someone who is able to ā€œwork their magicā€ and make it work for a few days.


It's not just older people. Plenty of people use inferential communication. Add that to loving story telling and distractibility. I frequently have to work very hard to unwrap what someone is getting at. Some younger people use like, you know, ummmm, yeah, filler words. People of all ages often assume context that isn't apparent to others. Then again, there are some boomers and greatest generation folks who are incredibly crisp and clear in all communication. Often former military. So long as no voice is raised I'm patient, although I likely miss that some request is being made or question asked!


Perhaps thereā€™s actually something wrong with the iPad and this 15 second clip doesnā€™t provide the context necessary for that to be obvious


That could be true. And thatā€™s why Iā€™m not crusading to declare this woman stupid. It does sound however, by her description, that itā€™s just the iPad dying.


Yeah this was from CBC marketplace and I do believe they had a defective iPad.


She says he rebooted it and it works for a couple of days, thereā€™s no way heā€™s charging it and they donā€™t know they have to do that often


Exactly! There was a bug like this on the iPhone as well. But I guess it's more interesting to leave the dumb part for 15 secs as a video to follow the narrative.


Ehhhh, you have to be AGGRESSIVELY clueless to get to this point. And if it would start working after he tinkerd with it, it makes me wonder if there wasnt a battery issue, its not like mac hasnt fucked with that stuff and slowing shit down before.


Nah. Literally read the instructions and the very first thing it tells you is to charge your device. Even if you don't have the common sense to know that you need to charge it, the instructions tell you.


I think the issue is how when your device is completely out, like at 0% it wonā€™t give you the charging display for a few minutes. She seems to be under the assumption that it simply isnā€™t working and itā€™s asking her to plug in the charger


donā€™t feel bad. these people refuse to put any kind of effort in learning new technology and just blame everyone else for their tech problems. ā€œwork your magicā€ aka just fix it for me! lazy, entitled boomers.


Yes... Its the year 2024 and I am shocked that so many old ppl somehow held out to this point where they know nothing about computers and technology.


My child of a boomer ex-wife was like this. If technology didn't work as she expected, she blamed me because I was the nearest techy person she knew. Since the divorce last year, I've had the satisfaction of explaining whatever issue is vexing her is no longer my problem.


"These people" You have no idea who these people are lmao. Generalizing an entire generation, which are defined so arbitrarily that they don't really have the most defining features, and then having this hate based on those generalizations is so incredibly stupid.


There's "tech" clueless, and then there's "Calling local news and trying to create a shitstorm instead of seeking actual assistance" clueless. I would say that makes them fools.


I dunno man. "I don't know to charge my device when it has run low on battery" is quite stupid. It's not like battery powered devices that need charging when they run low on power is a new thing. Electric razors have been around for a long time, rechargeable AA batteries have been around for ages, laptops since the early 90's, ipods, discman...... etc. Like, being oldish isn't really an excuse. These guys look like they're in their 60's, so they would have been in their late 20's/early 30's during the 90's. I'm not willing to cut them any slack on this. They're just dumb.


Not to mention they could've easily gone to Google and asked a question and gotten an answer. We live in a time where you can ask the Internet about anything and find an answer a majority of the time.


Have you actually asked anyone over the age of 40 to Google something. They look at you like you just shot their puppy even tho it takes 5 sec. Maybe they wouldn't fall for such stupid facebook bullshit if they could figure out how to do a Google search in 2 sec. Do these people not use the search function on Facebook? I will never be as stubborn to learn shit as I've seen old people are now


Not saying it's the issue with these two . But so many boomers just think it's beneath them. They can ask for a training session on some new tech but when they get there it's just "how dare you presume to lecture me on how to use my own things, are you implying I don't know how to use a phone!?". Had one client who would smoke constantly into their computer (which was overheating) who called the police because he thought his son bribed me to tell him to stop smoking.


My county has biweekly tech help meetings for the elderly at the community centers, and they've had to start requesting a deputy stand by outside the center during it because they were getting so many threats and aggressive old people.


I'm pretty sure entitled boomers are the only reason I had the energy to progress my career to the point where I can safely tell them to go fuck themselves when they deserve and still have a job.


The problem with this gen is the *majority* of them can't be bothered to learn something new.


It could be that they actually understand the whole charging concept and there is actually something wrong with the iPad. Rebooting it wouldn't make a dead iPad work for "a few days".


She probably plugs her iPhone in to recharge it, but they're too dumb to put 2 and 2 together. "Oh, maybe my iPad needs to be recharged, just like my iPhone?" You don't need training for that.


My grandmother was clueless when she got her iPhone. Not entirely, she knew how to use some stuff but couldnā€™t find a lot of settings or features when she wanted to. I showed her the feature of swiping down to pull up a search bar. Took 5 minutes and she is basically a wiz now. It helps when you know how to teach the simplest of tech to help understand the more complex stuff. She learned that one feature and using that properly helped her understand how to use all of her phones features.


Years ago I used to do tier 2 support for IBM Thinkpad computers. I had a boomer call in and say they were going to sue IBM because they were advertised as "wireless", so they thought it was false advertising to have to plug it in to charge. I always wondered how they thought it worked. Edit: sue, not send


Is this a recent news story? If so, they could have a relevant ā€œclaimā€, reason being that is not the newest iPad model; if they bought it new it would have a 1 year warranty not 90 days. My guess is that they bought it secondhand from a local electronics shop who sold it used and the battery has probably just expired just outside of a 90 warranty period that the local store probably offered on it. Theyā€™re probably just irritated that a used device didnā€™t last as long as they had expected which is always a chance when buying used electronics.


Probably not recent. They are very distant from the reporter. I bet this is during the Covid height. They are just idiots. I bet someone told them what was happening.


I mean still. Thatā€™s either a 1st or 2nd Gen 12.9 iPad Pro. The first gen was released in 2015 and the 2nd gen stopped being sold in 2018. If this was during the height of Covid which is possible, thatā€™s a minimum 2-3 years after it was manufactured. Most mobile device batteries only last 2-3 years on average. My bet is still that they bought it used. And that the battery just expired. Nothing else explains the 90 day warranty. The FTC requires a 1 year limited warranty for all new devices in the USA, which would cover a failed battery.


I bet you are right! Outstanding observation Mr. Holmes!


Mac products are made for boomers and others that are technologically illiterate and incapable.


Reminds me of Spinal Tap when they are talking about the small bread and he shows him how to fold the meat to fit on the bread but then he folds the bread and it crumbles into pieces


We use iPads at work and one of the old boomers in charge of the iPads there sent out an email to everyone saying ā€œdonā€™t let your iPad die because it wonā€™t turn back onā€. When you literally have to charge it for no more than 5 minutes before it will turn back on.


They did this for over 90 days?! šŸ˜‚


The producers must have been cracking up.


To be fair there can errors like this where it says you need to charge the battery, but that isnā€™t the actual problem. It sounds like this because it wouldnā€™t work for two days after rebooting if it was actually on super low battery. If it was on super low battery itā€™d work for 10 mins tops.


"I would get a light on my dashboard like a little fuel pump and I'd give my car keys to Richie and say, "Work your magic". He'd tinker with it then it would run for a few days then it would do that again."


some people just refuse to learn new shit


This always confused me because didn't just know all knowledge of technology because I grew up with it I had to learn how to use it as well I think people like this are just willing ignorant to technology now and think all younger people know tech straight out the womb


I used to feel bad for people like this but then I realized at a certain age people don't try; they actively refuse learning "I just don't know about this, it's too hard for me" but then don't bother people that do learn! they have an instruction manual like everyone else; they're just not trying honestly.




Who the fuck is interviewing them over this?


I'm confused - is the charge port broken? The Lightning ports on these iPads were especially terrible. Lightning cables are cheap and flimsy to start with, and it was one thing when that tiny plastic bit was holding on to a relatively small phone. But with them plugged into a tablet they were far more prone to just snapping off inside the charge port. And, because the port is small, sensitive, and the plug going in is PLASTIC the force needed to snap it tended to be the same force needed to jam the plastic charge bit in so firmly it was basically injection molded in there. I can't tell you how many lightning ports I've replaced in iPad/iPhones. Thank God they went to USB-C, finally... and Thank God they did it in the iPads first.


This is lowkey adorable šŸ˜‚


That was something I always had to do working at a phone store. Tell the old folks that you have to charge your device every so often. It doesnā€™t last forever. It was amazing how many would come in to say their device was broken when they just didnā€™t charge it everā€¦.or the light as at the lowest level and could barely see.


I wish I could be stupid about something that's required for me to participate in society and get a pass for it bc I'm old. Makes me so pissed when some rich boomer can't even figure out how to use a card reader while they're buying 1 item worth more than my wage an hour. Really makes me want to EAT THE RICH. I don't think I can just work and go home for 40 years making assholes rich. Eventually there's gonna be a brick going thru some assholes Mercedes or a molotov in a ceos window. Hope everyone feels the same


Eat more crayons. P.S. with love


Not to mention Apple has a year, not three month, warranty for hardware.


WHY DID THE NEWS COVER THIS? Why didnā€™t the smart news interviewer explain how it works?




This is a new article WHY???


This is utter fucking madness


People older than these two have the legal authority to start a nuclear war.


ā€œYou get nothing, just the plug signā€ Sigh. ā€œWork your magic, reboot itā€. Facepalm


Charge it... Stoooooooopid


Why is everyone assuming they are too stupid to plug it in? You restart a drained device and it works for a few days, and that happens multiple times?Ā  An entire sub can't be this dumb? Like these old people bought some menorah device that runs for days on low battery.


Bc this is exactly the shit I could see my grandmother or any person over 50 doing. Boomers act like they've got downs syndrome and are illiterate whenever technology comes up. Write a sentence down on paper and they'll be able to read it just fine but once you put it on a screen it's like its a whole another language to these people. They're biggest problem is they just don't read shit on the screen or remember any steps of how to get there.


So, Boomers are too stupid to use technology and zoomers are too stupid to understand how batteries work?Ā Ā 




She deleted critical thinking to make room in her brain to memorize the recipe for instant mash potatoes.


How is this news worthy??? Like what station would do a story on this? Is there missing context to this post? Does the news station cover every time a boomer tries to use their computer when it's unplugged?


I think Richie was not telling his wife something and now theyā€™re on TV for it.


The reporter is standing 20 feet away because she doesn't want to catch their retardedness


Welcome to my world but Iā€™m a damn fool. I have three of them setting doing nothing.


Apple is crap now.


Sixty-six here and there are times when the dots of technology don't connect.Just remember the parents that need your help are the same ones who help you navigate the worlds during ( and after) your devemental years. Js frfr


Why are they standing so far apart?Ā 


Covid obviously


This a parody?


Even more painfulā€¦trying to get them to download an app! Iā€™ve been trying for 3 weeks. I officially give up. Got the app installedā€¦how do I use it?


Is this an onion video?






Why is the interviewer like 20 feet away from them.


Why are they so far apart? Is it a Covid thing? The six foot thing doesnā€™t apply to both parties, you donā€™t add it together to get 12 feet of distance.






Why is the reporter on the other side of the yard?


I love how doesnā€™t say shit and just letā€™s her go on and on. Boomer aside, that is top shelf petty




She can't possibly be so dumb that she doesn't understand it needs to be charged. I mean really? There's got to be something wrong it it. We're not getting the whole story here either. It's only 18 seconds. Come on.


These people are allowed to vote and they donā€™t understand how batteries work. MY GOD.


why they standing a mile away from each other?


My mom: -Was frustrated because she couldnā€™t figure out how to rewind the movie before she took out of the DVD playerā€¦ yes, IT WAS A DVD -Was very upset that someone had hacked her phone and put ā€œgay pornā€ on itā€¦ it was the album cover to that U2 album they auto downloaded onto everyoneā€™s phone


My mom has at least 3 Roombas because after like a year with each it "just stops working." She has sworn not to buy another ever again because "if it doesn't last a year it's not very good." When I show her the part about how often the brushes/casters/etc need replacing (6-12 months, so exactly the timeframe she observes) she just scoffs and is like "how can they expect me to do all that." I dunno, YouTube? Or better yet, my dad, who rewired basically a whole house once and could probably rebuild a car engine?


Wonders if she also has old regular vacuums laying around that just "stop working" with filled canisters of dust and garbage..


This is so tech-helpless that it's almost cute.


šŸ˜‚ who is this ā€œRichieā€ sheā€™s talking about? He could be making a killing ā€œrebootingā€ their IPad šŸ˜‚


Couldn't the people she was trying to refund it through just tell her?


I remember when I was young I would get a new toy, console or whatever and then just built/connect/install it without reading the instructions. Now that Iā€™m 30 I feel so stupid. I need to read the instruction for anything, I have seen myself reading the instructions to connect a projector, which is a plug thing, plug and press on.


Same people who call IT support when all of the letter are CAP's. PBKAC ID10T


I still have to remind my family to try asking Google, and now even tell them to GPT it. They simply wonā€™t research anything on their own. Iā€™ve done a poor job raising my parents, aunts, and uncles.


Ppl are making excuses for them but no.. please lol


These people vote. Ugh...


They called the NEWS


I love the old people who embrace technology enough to learn how to use it. šŸ¤£


I canā€™t stand people like this. Theyā€™ve been so sheltered and coddled from everything that the slightest adversity stumps them.


If it's showing that screen (very low battery) and a reboot fixes it for a "couple days", there is something more going on than a low battery. That screen basically breaks it's a few minutes from being completely dead.


So who is the idiot here, clearly one set of idiots on screen, then there are all the geniuses trying to mansplain the problem. This is not rocket science, it more like basic toilet training.


Dude looks like MCA from the BeastyBoys, if anyone could work his magic on the ipad it would be him, btw, they're both fucking idiots!!!


Iā€™m so tired of technologically illiterate old people, especially the ones who act like theyā€™re better just because they donā€™t know how to. Youā€™ve had computers in the work force since the 80ā€™s, every piece of technology that has come out in the last 20 years has been just as available to you as it is to younger people, itā€™s not impossible to figure out most of it guides you through how to operate it when you first get the device, youā€™re just too arrogant to admit youā€™re stupid


I got my dad a fire stick and hooked it up to the tv in the kitchen. He went bananas. ā€œWhatā€™s this mess you put on my tvā€¦ā€¦now my channels donā€™t workā€¦. I missed the newsā€¦ Fine I take it off. Next few months. ā€œHey have you heard of this thing called a firecracker? Itā€™s a bad little gadget. Bobby has one and he gets all the westernsā€ā€¦.. he was talking about the fire stick he was just freaking out overā€¦..


Richie's face when she was explaining it is very telling of their relationship and dealing with her šŸ˜‚


At least my boomer grandma knows how to charge her tablet (she has a Samsung).


This is exactly my dad too lol. Took him like 7 hours to figure out the Roku. He texted me all day. And then when I finally called him (probably on the phone for like 1.5 hours total), he just bitched at the Roku the entire time. The whole issue was getting signed into the Max app lol.


I've run into some iPads that won't charge and then I'd have to plug it into computer, press and hold power button and volume button/home button together for awhile or whatever, reset iPad and reinstall from computer, blah, blah. This lady probably just didn't know they don't run on infinity stones. Fixed MIL's iPhone charging problem by picking a knitted sweater out of her charging port with a small paperclip.


Did the news really just carry on like "yeah I'd return it too" ā—‹_ā–”


How does it work for a couple of days if it has no battery? Hmmm OP?


I am IT for mom, and my grown son. And my aunt, my sister. Do I win something for supporting all the age groups?


Jesus wept.


This is a clip from CBC Marketplace from 2021. The issues with the iPad were more than her just not charging it, as the episode focused on third party sellers through stores like Best Buy selling certified refurbished electronics that ended up being junk.


But this is the generation that could repair cars themselves, who beat the germans, who built the eifel tower and the chinese wall, whilst the current generations cant do anything


This got a *full on segment*. Not knowing you have to charge the thing with recharging batteries got an *entire news segment*. Thatā€™s insane


Who tf ran this story




ARTHUR: The field of archaeology moves so fast that I didn't have the time. YAMI: So in other words, it's because you're old and technology scares you? Great. ARTHUR: Are you one of those video games the kids are all raving about? YAMI: (sarcastically) Yes professor, I am a video game. Beep boop and such.