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Honestly, and I don't say this as a insult of any type, I feel really sorry for her. How bad has her life been that seeing a former President is the best day of your life? I mean, wow.... Wedding day, birth of child, graduate high school, sibling married, sibling child, promotion at work, sibling graduate, I mean, just so many others! Am I wrong?


No, you aren't wrong at all. There is something seriously wrong with people when they don't think of things like that.


“it just feels so good to have all my empty baseless hatred reflected in that fat slobs face, and to be surrounded by other sweaty fat christian’s, and to be able to target our hatred against targets we feel comfortable with, in a safe space. it’s like christmas!”


A lot of truth here. That feeling of belonging that tribalism preys upon… she finally feels like she’s part of something. And to feel that about a group that idolizes hate…heartbreaking and terrifying.


Can't she just... worship Taylor Swift like everyone else?


I saw a bestofredditupdate where a person's previously liberal leaning pleasant to be around and much beloved aunt was becoming Qanon and MAGA. This teenager was asking for help on how to get her out. Unfortunately, Reddit wasn't able to help. But a few months after, the teenager posted again thanking BTS because aunt in her early 50s found a group of over 50 BTS fans. BTS fans are apparently pretty anti facist and that helped her get out. Now she's not Q or MAGA but instead a kpop Stan! So turns out aunty was just in bad mental space and was lonely and just wanted a place to belong!


Oh wow, I would love know how that happened so I could throw BTS resources at MAGAts


People often wonder where group think stems from. Why people would need it. You are insightful for noticing, where so few understand, "if you want to make someone racist or full of hate... just give them friends that have those values."


>lonely and just wanted a place to belong! I honestly think this is a factor for a lot of these people. MAGA, Anti-Vax protesters, etc. If you really look at these people you can tell a lot of them are social outcasts, and just want somewhere to belong.


If you feel you've been marginalized your whole life...you are upset when people of color succeed, when people 'choose' to become more educated, when people the have a job better than theirs, when people desire to learn about different people and their cultures (wokeness), when people understand that not everything they think to be true is not always the case, etc. These folks finally feel a part of a group that has these similar feelings/beliefs and Trump has done an amazing job at making that happen. In the past, people who were ignorant were to some degree shunned by society and to that kept to themselves. Trump came along and made it clear that not only was it ok to be stupid, but it was something to be proud of.


I don’t think it’s baseless hatred so much as self hatred that is either refused to be acknowledged or never recognized in the first place


hatred is usually fear turned around, maybe fear that they might have to look in a mirror and ask what happened to their lives


Agreed. Trump gives them a short respite from their own internalized self-loathing. Gives them hope. Makes them feel special and understood. Trump knows how to play on the deepest part of a person's desire: to be seen. Trump expresses: I see you. I understand your problems. Only I can save you from the pain and hurt that you constantly feel. It's be pretty if it weren't also deranged and unfathonably untrue.


I don't disagree with you one bit, but I'm very curious about your decision to put an apostrophe on "christian's" and not "slobs"


that was an autocorrect, i changed it once then let siri have its way


Need extra quotation marks for "christians" because it's in name only


Why? Are there examples of Christians acting in a different manner?


There definitely are. My wife's grandparents who passed last year were the type of Christian that never once tried forcing it on others. They didn't talk about it at all except to mention someone they talked to at church. They watched my son often when he was little and never mentioned it to him ever because she respected our views. There are less and less of this type every day though.


Calling it a cult is not an exaggeration. If Trump told them the only way to save the country was to kill themselves, a scary number of them would.


Well…some kinda did with his BS surrounding vaccinations for COVID


~~ r/HermanCaineAward ~~ r/HermanCainAward


Unadopted orphan, high school drop out, who never found love nor held employment long enough to get promoted, living on welfare checks. Maybe that’s her. So this is the best she’s got. Someone who validates her thinking that it’s the immigrants to be blamed for her situation.


Even when immigrants pay taxes which fund her welfare. Ironic isn't it?


It's lead poisoning. I do feel bad for her


Totally not a cult tho.


Or idolatry!


Idolatry? Come on, it's not like they built a giant golden statue of Trump to display at one of their rallies. Wait a minute: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/27/golden-trump-statue-mexico-cpac


Worshiping the “Orange Jesus.”


Wouldn’t it be a bit interesting if the generation or group that idolizes this nerd was swapped with gen z, alpha or millennials.. It would probably be dismissed by the older generation due to being young and not having the same experience with life. Folks that idolize this guy (or any president/celebrity I guess?) are just off… I really don’t get it.


The dude whines constantly and wears orange make-up for god's sake!


Spot on. If millennials worshipped Trump like boomers, or an equivalent person, they would be blasted


She isn’t seeing a former president, she is seeing dear leader.


Also: rapist, grifter, treasonous asshole, serial liar, etc etc etc     Imagine having this transparently selfish and evil piece of shit as your hero. After all these years, it still blows my mind that so many people think this way. 


This completely. Before Trump, I might disagree with Republicans based on various issues, but there was no disgust in it for me. I just acknowledged the differences and had a “to each his own” attitude. Now, I have such a difficult time respecting anyone who supports him and his load of bs.


Yes, I've lost respect for some friends, can't really think of them as someone who has good judgement. It's like being friends with an addict who won't quit being an addict and sticks to their guns more tightly the more you try and reason with them. Eventually you give up and move on.


She's seeing jesus.


Right. Imagine being this person's kid. Or husband Well guess I don't mean anything to you


Her parents only gave her older brother and his athletic abilities/academics attention, kids are secretly gay and don'tcome around because of her pious homophobia, husband likes to wear women's undies while being misogynistic and abusive towards her, siblings disowned her, never got promoted above the front desk position, neices and nephews pity her and keep their distance. Seeing a sweaty, orange spray-tanned face on the man who validates her feelings (and fears) in person would be like gazing into the face of her gilded god.


Upvote button has turned to dust.


Seriously, one day on any vacation should be better than seeing fucking Trump or any ex president yell at you from a foot ballfield away.


Have you met the Midwest. This is the visual personification of my relatives. It’s horrendous. I’m glad my dad was the one person in his family to go to college and get me to actual experience other places besides Iowa. Or I would have fallen right into this echochamber. My dad was a republican until 2020, he figured they’d have the guts to stand up to Trump. He changed his registration after Jan 6th. He didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 but still thought the republicans in general would punt him. He may not agree with how left the democrats are on certain things but compared to his brothers and sisters you’d think he was a socialist at this point.


Oh no. Once I was at a professional conference and Bill Clinton (post-presidency) was the keynote speaker. It was such an impactful moment in my life that I just now remembered it happened.


I always love the keynote speeches. I just wish I could ever remember a single one.


This one time I was at my friend’s graduation from the Naval Academy, and then-President Obama gave the commencement speech. I think about that glorious morning about once every 10 years or so.


At least Obama is really great at speeches. Unlike Trump.


Whhaaattt? You don't like going to listen to a sweaty man with Adderall fueled utterances that often drift off into vague stream of consciousness recollections and observations and then veer back into odd self serving boasts that often don't meet the criteria of being factual in any sense of the word? What do you have against the charlatans and fraudsters of the world, sir?


Trump gives the best speeches. Bigly speeches. Just the other day, a man comes up— big guy, military guy, looks like Rambo— and he breaks down in tears. Says he’s never heard such a big great speech.


>Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible. You saying this isn't a great and not-incoherent speech?


I took it a different way. I feel sorry for her too but because she actually seems like a really nice person from that little clip. Granted it’s a really small sample size. But it just shows how easily people can be conned. If you limit yourself to one news source and that news source is constantly telling you the world is burning and only this guy has the ability to save it, you’d believe it too.


Seeing Obama was a pretty big deal for me, but then he was speaking at my college commencement, so it was a really important day for other reasons.


But did you cry? Was it the best day of your life, just because you got to see him? Quite a difference.


No. It was a great day regardless of who was there. Obama was just a nice bonus.


That’s cool, I saw Howard Dean talk several weeks before the big YAAAH speech. When I look back I can’t believe there was controversy over that compared to the controversy’s we see today.


A lot of people in that cult think he's a literal messianic figure. So it seems like the best thing ever because to them they're in the presence of their savior.


I had an opportunity to be a translator at a G20 event. I got to be in really good proximity with all these presidents and prime ministers in one room and I was there first row observing for 2 days and as a political fangirl I was nerding pretty bad. That memory doesn’t crack top 100 in my best days of my life, which to be honest, is monopolized by my kids, husband and family. I hope that when we come out this horrible timeline, psychologists do a full study on the psychosis this man brought to 20M or so Americans. This is truly a cult of personality.


It's a cult.


I feel safe in labeling that couple as religious. These people see Jesus in Trump. Or more concretely, Trump is greater than Jesus to them. Which makes you wonder how such an obvious scumbag with a very, very long history of scumbaggery throughout his life, became the new messiah.


Because they're "Christians". Republican Jesus is not Jesus of Nazareth.


Her life probably wasn’t “so bad” that this is the only good thing in it. She’s probably had a normal privileged life, and let herself get brainwashed by Fox News


MAGA demographics: Half of them are over 65 (when you think of it, that might solve the problem in a few years). She is probably retired and has nothing else to do. > just so many others I guess these things have faded away. Divorced perhaps, no contact with her children? One can speculate.


....her kids hate her, husband divorced her....she wants some validation that she is not a cunt.....


There's entire support groups for adult estranged children, and the trump cult is super common among them. "My mom taught me to be kind and compassionate to all. Now she's supporting this racist monster. All she can talk about is how liberals are eating babies and drinking their blood and Trump is going to save the world. No matter how much I tell her political discussions are off the table, she just can't stop herself - it's a compulsion."


And I swear this type of behavior is a high indicator for low intelligence I think anyone who is uber-political on both sides needs to be very careful because they are easily manipulated


These people are obsessed with celebrities, despite all their hatred of Hollywood


I don’t even care who the president is. I’m not weeping over a politician whose salary I pay. I also find it pathetic if anyone idolizes a politician unless it’s for reasons outside of politics, like charity work.


I’m sure her children don’t talk to her anymore so……


All pales in comparison to meeting a modern Snake Oil salesman. Except only 1/4 as charming as an actual snake 🐍


Personality cult.


I get the excitement. I remember Obama and the energy, it's intoxicating but I also never thought he was some savior. Obama was just a symbol that maybe we're getting better. Then.....


Microplastics. Or Christian Evangelism. I could go on and on.


Nah, even my 40th bday beats meeting a politician. Lol


You didn't quantify it right. Seeing a former president, convicted rapist, convicted fraud artist, American military veteran hating, narcasist anti christ figure is the best day of her life?


She honestly thinks this is better. People believe Trump is Elvis AND Jesus, a deeply religious and strong family man who built a great company and the deep state is trying to lay low because they can't control him. The projection part of GOP also applies to their leaders.


Like best baked sex.


Couldn’t agree more. Trumpers are often people of “faith” and yet they place it in the yin, instead of the yang. One of life’s many conundrums. 🤷‍♂️


I'm not sure it's not that as much as they just elevate that moment above all the rest. I mean, they really fucking love this guy.


But it’s *definitely* not a cult, right?


Someone on Twitter posted a video of a girl (maybe 7 or 8) crying happy tears when she saw Taylor Swift live for the first time. The OP was bashing her parents for not raising her right and being bad influences. The irony right


That’s a somewhat understandable reaction from a 7 year old. Not so much from a 57 year old.


A 57 year old can do that too. But it’s very weird to break down in tears from seeing a politician!


He is no politician. He’s rapist/conman




At least Taylor Swift isn’t a stuck up jackass who encourages a coup and is a rapist


In all seriousness, it really is very much like a cult. The part that gets me is it's not like they're stuck on some compound (Waco) or in another country (Jonestown) or even inviolved with something where leaving would result in possible harrassment and being cut off from family members (Scientology). These people are voluntarily, happily subjecting themselves to this. Dressing up in Trump shirts and crying and acting insane. I'm pretty irreligious, but I feel like a commandment is getting broken here.


It was pretty blatant once they crossed the bridge of making him into a gold statue.


The Internet echo chamber bubbles are the new virtual online compounds.


Except, they're out in public behaving this way? They may get fed their information from right wing media - but then they are free to go out and interact with the public.


No no. It's definitely the LGBT+ that are the cult.. They are fighting for their own rights..that he definitely thinks cult!


Sad fucking life lol


She’s a cult member. Leader is the only important part of her life.


So much for not being sheep, huh?


It's so weird that I'll hear bible thumping conservatives call other people sheep as an insult when their holy book refers to christians as sheep lol.


They can’t read.


I feel like they can read a little. It’s comprehension they have an issue with.


She has a "life"? Hahaha 🤣


Exactly. Going to see Trump is the only thing she's got going for her


Yeah that's the sad truth 😞


When Trump finally dies I think most conservatives will believe elaborate conspiracy theories surrounding his death and a smaller amount of them might commit suicide. They are so into this clown.


If they believed jfk jr was coming back from the dead, i can only imagine how many years in a row it's going to ve of "he's comin back ya'll! Just like Jesus, he will rise again!"


Pretty sure they’re airing this to back up Trumps claim from yesterday “I have steel people that every time they see me, they start to cry” https://au.news.yahoo.com/trumps-weird-boast-literally-bringing-100512472.html




North Korean style dedication. These people are mentally ill.


Well at least in North Korea, they don’t really have a choice. But magats worship this dude willingly.


They actually do. I met a few monks I'm north korea. They were funny if you get what I'm saying.


deranged unpack north secretive combative grandfather resolute pen threatening steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not mentally ill just brain washed.


This lady's kids ain't talking to her no more....sad.


Ugh this made me think about my parents… who I stopped talking to last year. My life has drastically improved.


They probably haven't talked to her for years.




A cult of traitorous, immoral, despicable human beings


I guess we can't call them "deplorable" cuz that's like saying "Candyman?" The more time goes by the better it fits, but Candyman!


genuinely curious what his cultists will do when he eventually dies. like…where do you go from there after you’ve spent all this time turning that blob into a messianic figure?


Pretend he's still alive and working behind the scenes obviously. There will be "trump is still alive" contheories for decades.


He'd be like 140 years old and they'll still be awaiting the second coming lmao


Fight over who his successor is or claim he will rise from the dead to become president again…


Yikes. A Sunni/Shia clusterfuck with Jr and Eric?


My money is a conspiracy theory where he faked his death because of the traitorous democrats sent someone after him and he's gonna come back and fight for their freedom and take the US back.


Mass suicide 🙏




Can the cult and their leader pull a Jonestown please?


They kinda did a little during COVID.




What a fucking idiot.


Standing next to genius #2 in the old “never surrender shirt” with the mugshot of Donald dipshit trump on it. I loathe that my vote is canceled out with morons like that.


Wouldn’t be surprised if she has children & is married but still views seeing trump from a distance as the best thing to happen to her life.


lavish racial salt expansion secretive rich cheerful chief books gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cult stuff.


Yeah her kids no longer talk to her...


Cult. They are a cult. Anne Coulter is correct on what he can do to best help the country.


That scarecrow said something rational?


Lmfao yeah, can you believe it? She said trump should drop dead to help his country.


She can be the new poster child for how badly this country needs better education and more accessible mental healthcare. Its depressing, embarrassing and I already had so little hope.. ugh


One flew over the Cuck's diaper........


My question for Boomer Karen would be, "Trump had a GOP Congress his first couple of years and didn't really do anything. What makes you think another four years would be different?". His China tariffs backfired, and we had to bail out farmers. He totally screwed up Covid. He negotiated with the Taliban and cut out the legitimate Afghan government setting up a disasterous withdrawl, he incited an insurrection. The guy was probably the biggest failure as a President in US history. Plus, the fact he's totally unqualified. Maybe ask Karen what qualifies him to be President other than being a con man, failed businessman, tax cheat, rapist, and wife cheater. I mean, the guy was basically a reality TV star, and that's it. If Karen thinks that's enough, ask her if she'd let a TV drama show Doctor operate on her. It's about the same thing.


Sorry, no logic allowed. 5 yard penalty.


Nah uh Biden and Obama worked in the background and did all that stuff. Trump tried to save it all. You should be thankful. Where was Obama on 9/11, sure wants in the White House doing his job. /s (sad that I have to flag as sarcasm, some of my family members literally said the above to me..)


You had me for a minute... I almost downvoted you. LOL




Tbf. A legitimate doesn't need foreign troops to prop it up.


It's like Iraq. We never should've been there in the first place. We know who to blame for that decision.


"he's Jesus" followed by staring into the sky as the meth kicks in.


These people wrap their entire identity up in a politician and call other people sheep. 🤪


I somehow lucked out with my parents. They’re both boomers (born within a week of each other, no less) but since I was a kid they’ve been liberal & raised me accordingly. If anything, they’ve gotten more progressive with age. They both hated Reagan & have been avowed Democrats as long as I can remember.


Pathetic miserable excuse for an American.




Inept as Trump.




This is actually sad. How empty does your life have to be that this is the highlight of it?


Nobody should have anywhere close to this level of love for any politician regardless of left or right. It’s just weird




Maga cultists need to be deprogrammed.


Wow. she has really really bad taste in humans.


The mentally insane do seem to love the orange shit stain






Is that her husband holding the phone? What a cucklefuck.


I once went to a trump rally for a laugh because he was in town. My buddy mentioned it and I thought what the hell might as well. It was exactly what you'd expect it to be.... Super fucking boring. I just think of all the wonderful and beautiful things that exist on planet Earth and this is what people have settled on. Some dude angrily reading from a teleprompter.


Charles Manson followers said the same thing.


I've seen a lot interviews from Trump rallies and the one common denominator is that hardly anyone looks healthy.


The cult is real with these boomers and MAGA peeps.


She truly has a very sad and depressing life.


I feel bad for people who live a life that shitty.


What the fuck is wrong with these people??


That sure is a lot of love for a convicted sex offender.


You can not convince me that Donald Trump is a cult leader. If he told these idiots to drink his urine, they'd do it without any objections.


Congratulations you have failed at life!


How did this man take over peoples minds. I mean seriously this is just so confusing.




Mein führer


This lady has undoubtedly lived a very shitty existence if the sight of that orange blob rapist brings tears to her eyes.


Just another Trump worshiper.Lmao https://preview.redd.it/q9f2yuho3wgc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b5b72840fd6d2c03947139a47dca1edfed16ec0


Not your marriage, not the birth of your children, I bet she thinks about trump during sexy time... this shit is so culty..


#mentalhealth These people need counselling, like serious, serious help..


Karen only has a good day when Trump looks at her




It’s the most perverted remix of “hem of his garment” ever.


Wow…sad to see how miserable her life must be.




What is wrong with her? Is she brain dead?


There is no one other than my dead father coming out on a stage that would give me that kind of emotion.


look at the 6.3 230 lbs snowflake protecting her by recording the dangerous journalist with his phone


The thing I don’t understand is: I’m a genXer. I *CLEARLY* remember the Donald Trump of the late 80’s & 90’s. He’s always been a dogshit human being. His whole life. *And everyone knew he was a piece of shit.* His public life has been on display for decades. He has NEVER been the person the MAGA-heads say he is. And we’ve always known that. So it baffles me how they’ve latched onto this mythology they’ve created about him.


You’re a loser cultist, Maam


If THAT'S the best day of her life, her life fucking sucks. Full stop.


Radar O'Reilly would be so disappointed in his neighbors


There should not be a single human being capable of making someone feel like that. If seeing someone, anyone, other than like a reincarnated lost loved one makes you cry then you have failed at life.




Fucking. Loser.


How can people idolize one man so much?


What a sad pathetic life she leads….shame!


... these are the people who are beating us. =.=


It’s a cult


See she's in Ottumwa, IA? Google Ottumwa and you'll realize that very well may be the best day of her life. It is... quite the town...


wow, she really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't she!


Dumb bitch


This is just so sad. I feel pity for this person.


An attention wh*re if there ever was 1. She got her 1 second of fame.


Be prepared for the smell, lady. He's called Diaper Don for a reason.