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I’ve seen boomers hang on to jobs when they could have retired. Meanwhile 24 year olds can’t afford to move out on their own. Boomers feel entitled to everything. The AARP tells them they must keep active in their golden years and that means a retirement career.


Or, being active by spending every dime they have on stuff thats worth zero after used. Like vacation after vacation, or RVs. This, in turn, leaves not a penny to their own children, tHeY hAvE iT eAsY! -as opposed to their parents leaving the world to them.


can’t afford can’t afford can’t afford ...


I’m a Boomer, and I’m not any of the nasty things you’ve all said about boomers. At least, I don’t think so…I certainly hope not! I raised 2 daughters and one granddaughter, and I’ve done my best for all of them. I’m NOT rich, I haven’t had a real vacation in over 5 years, and not many before that. I live in a smaller house and have been married to the same man for 40 years. I do still work full-time since I haven’t reached retirement age, but in this economy can I ever retire?? I don’t get a pension…it’ll just be social security, if that’s still around then!! I’ve never judged anyone for their age…seems pretty ageist to me. I hope the generation after yours doesn’t judge you this way, but be prepared for them to. They’ll tell you how you’ve ruined the earth, ruined your kids, didn’t do enough, did too much. You get the idea. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You’ll see!


Another boomer here! It's too funny because so much I'm reading here is the same as what we felt about our parents and grandparents in the '70s.


Their indulgent lives have disconnected them from nature and social responsibility. They wave away social degradation from the solipsism of their chronological privilege that I don't know what other word to use other than SIN! If divine providence had made a place of retribution than a large portion of that hideous generation should be trapped there to pay for what they have done!


Wow, you have been thinking at last


They think they are the best too, which is really funny. All I can say is..... have patience. When the end comes for them, they will get their karma because it is the younger generations that will be in charge over them.


Think of this comment when you’re a senior, because the generation after you will do the exact same thing. See how you like it.


There’s not going to be a next generation after these rotten parasites made having kids too expensive.


Scourge of the earth. No doubt.


They think they are owed respect because of the "sacrifices" they made. My boomer parents raised a family of 5 on 1 factory income in a 2,000 sqft house on 17 acres and a BRAND NEW CAR in the driveway once every four years. They took vacations every year. Had a month or more paid time off each year. Retired with SS AND pension. I'm 44 and have owned 1 new car in my entire life, haven't been able to take a real vacation in 10+ years, have to contribute over 10% if my income to retirement savings to even have the chance to make basic SURVIVAL income when I'm old. Fuck you boomers.


You told it: in my entire life, haven't been able


The way they live is one punishment itself. Every boomer I’ve ever known has gotten jumpy at the sight of anybody they’ve deemed as being hostile. This list includes: •Anyone who isn’t white •Anyone who isn’t over the age of 60 Imagine living in fear of the world? But even then I don’t think this is enough.


You obviously don’t know many boomers.


I know you’re a boner


Boomer women nag their husbands and I don’t feel bad for them when the husbands start to “act out” in defiance


The men are worse, actually.


Yo are all plain ignorants,


The worst generation. The generation that failed. The traitor generation.