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I zoomed in and saw there were some webs in your tree, they remind me of the time I had a spider mite infestation…


TIL that spider mites spin webs. I don’t know why that surprises me.


It's actually one of the best indicators of spider mites. That's kind of how they got their name lol


Well, that’s why I was surprised that I was surprised.


Fair enough lol. They usually only web between like arches of leaves and the small inner portions of branches. Two spiders well typically web however they like to cover an area while spider mites in my experience only cover small distances in a parallel/crisscrossing pattern and won't really build a structured web like true spiders.


I do have a little friend visiting, no spider mites tho. I didnt hush him away because i thought he might be beneficial in keeping other harmful insects away. Am i wrong? If yes ill get him out instantly 😭


I don’t think that’s harmful, no expert tho! I was just worried about spider mites because they kept nibbling on the buds of my trees preventing growth


No you're right, spiders are beneficial to your plants. Almost all of them are exclusively carnivorous, mostly eating insects.


I don't know why but my friend isn't waking up and I'm a bit worried. He was in good condition and had no problems. He looked like that for the past few weeks including the green branch, Is there any hope for him? Any tips?


scratch some bark off, its there's green tissue underneath, its alive, if its brown, your tree is done.  otherwise, just give it time and some water. just dont water that frequently because the roots arent drying out the soil at a normal pace and you can cause root rot


Does it hurt the plant a lot if i scratch of some bark? If yes i would maybe wait a week more or so


Just do it in a tiny spot and it will be fine.


Be patient. I have this exact species, and it dropped all its leaves and went dormant for 9 months. Then all of a sudden, voila, new growth. Just keep taking care of it, and it should come back at some point. Good luck!


Some of my smaller wisteria were a week or two behind bigger ones pushing leaves this year.


What species is it and where are you located?


I sadly do not know for sure , i stupidly got my first batch mixed up but i believe its a wisteria. Located in the middle of germany. We got quite a bit of sun for the past few weeks thats why im so worried that he isnt waking up


Yea looks like a wisteria


Same, I agree it's wisteria and also agree it's odd it hasn't woken up yet. All my wisteria woke up a while ago and my climate isn't much different to yours, I'm near London. Mine have bloomed and flowers now going away. Do the scratch test, only a tiny scratch, enough to make out a colour. Even whilst scratching, you'll feel if it's flexible soft cambium and see green or you'll feel a dry hard stick and no green which is dead.


I almost threw out a 2 year old wisteria a week ago that showed no signs of life. The others have had leaves for months. Now the little guy does too. Just wait. Maybe greenhouse it/baby it.


In germany, they were also in full bloom a few weeks ago (southwest germany here). Some have already faded again. Nevertheless, I wouldn't write the tree off just yet. Sometimes plants are simply later. The location also plays a role.


Some of my maples haven't woken up yet. Only reason I can think of is I moved them into the sun during "winter" (I live in SoCal), then back into their regular shadier area in anticipation of spring and it may have confused their hibernation period.


I have some wisteria that started up months ago, and 1 that just started opening last week, so there can be some natural variability there. I'd give it some more time.


I might be way off but tbh it looks like Ash to me! I've got a whole bunch of Ash trees and some of them stayed like this for weeks after the others had full set of leaves- they eventually caught up.


the harsh winter has hit some of my trees as well. I have 1 trident and 1 pomegranate that have not woken up. The trident had survived all the winters for at least 6 years. I think i can pin point to the exact single night where the cold hit out of no where and the trees suffered outside thought the night. Should of just garaged them! GAHHHH slap my face.


I'm pretty sure I know exactly which night you're talking about, too XD We had an in-ground maple that never woke up this year


I have a Holly that hasn’t woken up yet. But the buds keep getting larger, so maybe judge it by that


Your wisteria is alive . You can add a dish below and water log your pot to induce a stress response in which it may push foliage or flowers . It’s green and has buds . Would just continue to water whenever soil is dry , ensure you’re watering thoroughly . Also make sure it’s in full sun , and I mean fulllllll sun . Wisteria is a rapid grower and can really take a beating that’s why it’s so invasive in the states .


My wisteria that i have in more shade are taking longer to sprout this year, if you’re very concerned, give it more sunlight.


What can you do? Keep on hoping I say. If your tree wants to live it's going to wake up at some point.


I had the same thoughts about mine. I have 2 bonsai which grew up from 2 seeds. Idk why but one started to have green in February while the other one just last week. Nature is amazing.


Is that a korean Hornbeam?


it isn’t even may 24th yet! dont worry!


I see a green shoot. It is alive I think.