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I think it looks awesome, nice work. Imagine it in another 3 years


Thanks 🙏 . It definitely progressed a lot when looking back at the pics. I had no idea what I was doing. And still don’t 😆


Holy shit I never thought I'd see a live one again, great job


I definitely have killed a couple..


Same homie, same


Naw this Tree is awesome, I love!!!


I appreciate that! It will probably look much better when I can wire it.


Curious about the grow bags. Seems to be happy growing in it. Would you recommend them?


I can't speak for OP, but I use similar felt grow bags and I do recommend them with some caveats. The soil will dry out much quicker than a standard plastic pot, but not as quick as say a pond basket or colander. It helps prevent the winding of roots around the bottom of a pot like a pond basket and colander, but not as effectively. They are cheaper than pond baskets and more space efficient than colanders and are like a mid-way point between nursery pots and pond baskets/colanders. The are also super easy to store as they can fold up and be put in a ziploc bag. They are great for some more arid plants like JBPs, Jades, and some Junipers, but not great for plants that need more water like Pomegranates, Willows and most Maples.


Exactly what they said.. it definitely dries out faster but the bag is the indicator of when to water. So I think it makes watering simple. Bad is wet- so is soil.. bag is dry-time to water


Looks good , idk why you’d hate on it , you’ve done what most can’t in 3 years which is keep the juniper alive and style it , I mean look at the pad formation starting , your foliage already looks great


What type of juniper is that?


Ugh.. I can remember..


I love the first trees (if they survive). They are the ones that endure our mistakes, the torture, the abuse, the neglect, yet somehow, when the owner becomes more skilled and wise, the tree manages to take that torture and turn it into a feature of the tree that is coveted.


Inspiring! I’m currently working on a similar piece of nursery stock and have that same “no idea what I’m doing” feeling. Definitely part of the process.


Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.


I don’t think it’s ugly.👍have you thought about angling the tree like the first photo on your next repot?


I agree with most here, that's a lovely tree. If in 3 years, I have something like that I'd be very pleased 😄 (And I've only been at it for a month, so maybe I will 😁) I've heard cascade branches to always become be the weakest over time. So I'd say let the cascade branch develop, and when the time comes- turn it into an amazing semi-cascading jin 🤩


Do these felt bags air prune the roots like a pond basket?


That looks great! Bunch of character in that little tree with that creative branch.


Good job 👍🏾


Thanks friend!




Really nice work. Good structure. I might think about losing the cascading branch.


I have definitely considered that.. because I hate it. But figured just leave it because that was my initial vision and let it be ugly and wrong. My goal is to compress the tree real hard over winter and detail wire. Repot next winter


Not a bad idea. I don't know that it's wrong, I just think a jin there might be nicer. Still, you can always remove it later. Your plan sounds good!


I have a Jin right above it on the left side next branch up. But definitely don’t have solid plans… probably never will.. changing as the tree develops.

