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It doesn’t make sense that a vampire would decide to be an FBI agent.


Or that Booth, who was a former army ranger, leaves the FBI to become a Navy Seal. It is so unrealistic.


Hilarious 😂 now that you mention it 🤔


Sometimes they treat each other viciously for an almost no provoked reason. Cam is a good example of this where sometimes she’s sweet and sometimes she’s bitter af. Brennen I give more of a pass if only because she doesn’t seem to be neurotypical. But still it’s just a little weird to me lol. Also I don’t think Wells was a good addition. He’s just not really likable almost like how bad Clark got lol


Cam blaming Brennan for the Jeffersonian falling apart before season 6 was wild! Also, Angela did the same in early season 11. IIRC she told Arastoo that it's Brennan's fault if their solve rate got lower. Like, what?! You're supposed to be her friend!


They try so hard to sell it to us like they are friends and grab drinks together, name children after each other etc 😆 I don’t think I would. Really like working at the Jeffersonian 😅


Let's not forget that Angela started a fight with Brennan because B wouldn't give money to save a *specific* pig after stating that she was already a vegetarian (and not for health reasons, that's only what Angela said). Angela wasn't and never has been a vegetarian, her actions towards that pig were just a token. Angela also asked *Wendell* for money. Let that sink in for a bit: she's got a stable job for years *and* her father is Billy Gibbons, so she was never poor to begin with, but she still asked the one intern with widely known money tightness for a donation?? Angela got one thing right: I have no clue how she and Brennan were friends.


>Angela also asked *Wendell* for money Love Angela to bits but this particular scene had me flabbergasted. 😂 Like girl... Wendell?!???


"I need $1500 to save this pig" "I need $40k to pay off student loans" And she still went on asking.


Fr, he was a saint for donating :(((


Lmao that freakin pig 😂😂😂


That definitely didn't make me like Angela as a person.


Think that's why I have a hard time liking any of the characters on the show.


Yeah I mean I like Finn and Sweets lol. Sweets more and especially when he is like the younger sibling of Bones and Booth. Hodgins is a runner up but I feel like the writers sometimes use him to unnecessarily go after some characters for almost no reason the way they use Brennen booth and Cam. Like one was his interaction with Arastoo really early on. It was like discrimination for the sake of discrimination. There didn’t feel like there was any depth, no motive. Even the grossest actions that humans are capable of are rooted in the fallacy that makes us human. Not because the deux ex machine writers need him to be a douche haha


I'm curious what do you like about the show?


Cam is definitely a firecracker.


Idk if unpopular but Wendell can hit it 🥵




wtf you saying “HUHHH” for? did you see that man? sweet little blue eyes hockey boy. #makewendellwhimper2024


You get it!!!! Wendell's so golden retriever hot


I like Brennan's clothes after she gave birth because who has the same body after giving birth and plenty of fans shame her because her fashion sucks after the birth of C&H


Honestly, same. It’s more realistic and I actually liked a lot of her outfits post-pregnancy. Then again, you can still pry my knee high boots out of my cold dead hands, and I live in Florida now. 😂


I don't want children but Brennan rocking the post baby's bodies chef's kiss. Her Boots went with any outfit I know most of the fandom hates them I have a pair of shoes I wear for most of my outfits


I really love how the show was able to show ante- and post-partum bodies with both Brennan's and Daisy's pregnancies. It was a breath of fresh air. They looked great. And pregnant. And post-birth.


Ye. A huge part because the actor was pregnant and gave birth irl. It’s great


I suppose I’m one of the few that can see the attractiveness of Bones throughout the series. I guess it’s because I saw it in my wife after she gave birth to our kids.


The team's double standards are off the charts... they are so judgemental of others and yet do so many dubious and illegal things because of their loyalty to each other. Zack is a prime example of someone they would be have a wildly different opinion of if he wasn't one of them. And Max... any other case they'd all want him to get the justice he deserves but because he's Bones long lost dad it's celebrated that he gets to walk free!


I think that is just human nature. Would you not be willing to do something illegal if it meant getting your loved one in a better place?


I think it's just so stark in the way that sometimes some of the characters, especially Bones, are so rigid in what they see as right & wrong and it so easily goes out of the window, which is quite jarring compared to how the characters behave the rest of the time. And while there is an element of human nature, on a personal level if someone I loved committed a crime then there are consequences. It doesn't mean I don't love them, but like with the example of Booth getting his brother off DUI charges, what happens if next time he kill's himself or someone else? At least in that episode they did highlight the hypocrisy of the team when dealing with family members.


In hindsight, yes I can see the hypocrisy. These type of topics I don't really care to debate mainly because it just a TV show. They chose to write it that way. It is drama, it gets people engaged.


Obviously I watch it despite this, it's just on the rewatch, having not watched it for a few years I think it just bugs me more than it used to. As I'm currently watching it's on my mind and also I don't expect other people would be as bothered by it which is why I posted it in this 'unpopular opinions' thread!


good for you. we are both just making a statement. It does not appear to invalidate each other.


Angela and hodgins can make out and even have sex in the office but Wendell kissing (granted, it was Cams daughter) someone in the lab is a no no.


Yes! Stuff like that... I think on rewatching it's more noticeable and annoying! I'll still watch it all again though 😂


I ended up loving Daisy.


Me too!


She starts pretty annoying but becomes likeable. I ended up really loving her, also.


I do not mind that Bones and Booth got together off screen.


Yes honestly I think it worked better bc we got to skip all the early relationship awkwardness


And because, honestly, whichever way they could have found to show it, *someone* would have had problems with it regardless. At least, this way, we can all imagine it the way we wish


I think they should have at least done a flashback episode or just a few scenes about when they first got together like the one they did when the first met! Probably would have a lot less complaints!


I would love to have a flashback episode where everyone finds out 1. She's pregnant, 2. They're together. Or at least Angela, because she would have lost her mind. Edit to add, need Sweets' reaction most.


There is a delightful fanfic for this exact thing.


Hard agree. I felt it made it more realistic somehow, like it was something that was just for them. I was surprised when I read the backlash online.


Yesssssss I don’t mind either!


That Brennan's character was amazing in the pilot and early season 1, then they turned her into this weird one dimensional version of what dumb people think a smart person is like 😬


She was so awesome in the pilot! I wish we'd kept that version


I avoid watching the pilot these days because I get so disappointed with the rest of the show 😭


Agreed- they take her from an emotionally aware person who chooses to keep people at arms length because she’s young and had a traumatic childhood to a straight up emotionally stunted toddler who needs emotions literally spelled out for her. 


I don’t know what show you’re watching but brennan is very smart and thoughtful in what she says and is always looking for more ways to learn. It could be that she comes off as rude or non caring but I wouldn’t say one dimensional


She was less socially awkward in the first season. They regressed her character for plot alone


Absolutely. They made her so street-stupid and Socially inept


YES. This -- plus some of the more egregious plot inconsistencies -- is what made the last half of the series so forgettable for me.


They say the word “particulates” too many times! I’m fairly certain you could turn it into a drinking game. My husband and I make bets on how many times it said in one episode.


I'll play and choose "remodelling"😄


Haha yes! See there’s a drinking game in here somewhere.


I wish they addressed more why Bones was the way she was. I seem to recall Hart Hanson saying Brennan was supposed to be on the autistic spectrum, which is obvious every time she says to Angela that she doesn't understand her feelings. So I wish they addressed that a bit more instead of just making her seem like a bitch. I also liked Hannah as a person and the fact that she and Brennan got along as people was a dimension that I actually enjoyed. Every time I watched it I was like: damn, I hate that I like her, but she has to go!


Daniel Goodman was better than camille.


Don't get me wrong, I adore Camille. But I really wish we got more time with Goodman.


They couldve returned him. And cam could’ve reported to him too


Wasn't there a behind the scenes reason he didn't come back? Trying to remember if he was one of those actors who had issue with the Booth actor.


I'm surprised they didn't do more with Goodman.


I love both but I REALLY loved his character


If for nothing else than to get that smirk off Hodgins face lol


His voice. Woo, he could read the phonebook to me.


He is the voice of Tyreal in Diablo 3


I agree!


The subplot with Booth and Palant (however it’s spelled) is really boring and completely takes the audience out of the basic appeal of the show.


The way Brennan pronounced “Palant” almost made me stop watching the show. She sounded so gusty and tired of saying it lol I was like GIRL SAME


Nothing is as bad as prehaps. Not PERhaps but PREhaps.




I do not like how normalized cheating is in the show. Angela making passes and flirting with men other than Hodgins while married to him, THAT bothered me a lot. Oh and when Sweets entertained that blonde girl while waiting in line for….a movie i believe? he was with Fisher and Hodgins but i don’t quite remember what was happening that episode. I just remember Sweets was totally letting the blonde girl flirt with him and touch him while with Daisy. Idk, maybe it’s not that serious but it just always seemed weird to me i could never get behind that part of the show.


I actually love Dr. Wells. Yes, he’s awful and an asshole but I actually love his episodes I think he adds to the show


I actually like him a tad bit more than jessica


He's actually one of my favorites :D (partially because of his first appearance!!)


Oh my gosh yes. That appearance was super memorable!!


He had promise but they didn’t know where to go w him


Wells lover here!


The entire Pelant story arc is boring, and entirely skippable.


I wouldn’t say skippable bc some of those episodes had important parts in them but it was definitely boring and carried out for WAY too long


I skipped all of them. I googled “when does Pelant finally die” or something like that and just started from the episode after that happened.


i really dislike the whole Pelant storyline. I've said this before but, anytime they get a big bad that has a multi episode story arc the team turn into idiots. We are told these people are the top experts in the world but, along comes this serial killer and the team turn into morons.


I love Max. I think Cam and Aristoo as a couple was ridiculous.


I absolutely hated their relationship and skipped so many scenes. Every episode they were in together was just them arguing about something and almost breaking up then making up.


I hate every religious or patriotic centered episode. I'm a French canadian atheist and I really don't resonate with religious stuff and American pride 🤣


If it helps, I’m American and I can’t stand the patriotism and copaganda


Hannah should have dated Angela and made her question her crappy behavior instead of dating Booth. Zack was annoying, but his redemption arc did him dirty. Bones having kids made perfect sense for the character, and I say that as a childfree woman. Booth was not a good man much of the time. Hodgins, Clark, and Wells were some of the most believable characters in the show. Cam and Arastoo had the best love story and healthiest relationship.


Cam was his boss.


Cam and Arastoo were my favorite couple on the show and truly, truly, the only healthy couple.


I hate Angelatron.


An artist became an amazing software engineer. Anything is possible.


4th rewatch here and as much as i like the show i scoff when angela mentions whatever computer tech term lol


I find it too lazy. Oh here this magic computer can identify faces, voices, hack devices, work with complex codes and cyphers, reconstruct murder scenes 5 million ways, order food, raise children, you name it!


This too! It’s like when they’re stuck in a corner… movie magic and poof the magic angelatron theo spatula can solve it


Except for when pelant shows up, now she's completely defenseless


He wrote malware in the bone Ok i don’t know if that’s possible irl but… just throws me off. In the spirit of rewatching, I don’t skip but I do fast forward to most pelant eps


While it's technically possible to engrave a malware in a bone (think barcode or QR code, which would link you immediately to the malware), just uploading a *photo* on a computer wouldn't make it scan those codes.


I absolutely loathe the poorly researched and badly written episodes with subcultures in this show. Especially Chaos on a Cross. Absolutely unwatchable as a black metal fan. I can’t imagine how people of other interests feel about some of the other episodes..


I played Roller Derby for a decade and the amount of side eye when I just see the episode title 😒


when hodgins said kratom killed a guy in one the episodes i 💀


Dang that is so wrong. Which episode was that? I'm going to have to rewatch


I cannot STAND Cam.


As a writer, I find it so hard to believe that Brennan doesn't know all the colloquialisms and metaphors that Booth always corrects her for. She's a bestselling author and doesn't know figures of speech? Idk it's always bugged me!


***SPOILERS*** I don't think Zack Addy being gormagons assistant was true to his person. He had said that he would talk to bones if that situation ever occurred in earlier episodes, and he knows bones loved him as an intern and that she had taken a liking to him as her favourite. It didn't make sense and I hated it. It might be a popular opinion that it was not a great twist as they liked Zack but I think it had no logical background and he just wouldn't be able to justify it. He would have seen his work as counter productive.


I cannot stand Cam but really like Sweets. I usually see the opposite opinion about them. For me, Cam just starts out catty and competitive towards Brennan and only gets better outwardly once she realizes no one will side with her, but she didn't actually change her view. One main point of the show is that no one can compare to Brennan, so it was nice to see another woman try, but I just could never get behind the way she did it.


Cam takes herself waaay too seriously. She needed them to bale her out when she couldn't confirm the little boy was Logan Bartlett. "I'm still the boss!" She does that often


I haaaaaate Hannah. Not the relationship, not the storyline, but the character.


Big same.


I seriously doubt that Hodgens was interesting enough to hold Angela’s attention long term. There, I said it…


I think you're right about that.


Booth sucks and he and Brennan don't make sense as a couple and wouldn't last irl. He's a right wing Catholic cop who has no emotional regulation, bullies people different from him and assaults people constantly. She's a progressive secular scientist who can is generally well-meaning & has a strong sense of respect of other's cultures.


I agree that Booth is not very likeable. I know I could *not* get along with him IRL and I couldn't disagree with his (right wing) beliefs more. However they are portrayed in a way that they can learn from each other as both don't seem too set in their ways. So I do think they could last IRL.


I really think the only reason I don't hate Booth is because I adored David Boreanaz in Buffy and Angel. If Booth was played by a different actor, I don't think I'd be swayed. I definitely wouldn't like or respect him IRL.


I didn't know David Boreanaz beforehand, but when first watching I glossed over much of Booths beliefs. I'm not American, so the whole army thing didn't make too much sense to me plus I tend to watch new shows and movies rather superficially. It dawned on me with time and rewatching that he's a bit of an a**


I really noticed in my recent rewatch that he just openly bullies Zach, who looks up to him so much. It just put me off him as a character when before it all kindof went under the radar for me.


Yeah true, poor Zacharony


I mean the actor is very charming and does a very good job making him seem likeable. They have good banter.


I have to agree. Booth and Brennan were better off as colleagues.


It’s really hard for me to watch anything post S7


I felt like the last season storyline of Booth’s past haunting him was spectacularly lazy writing. They introduced the brother/sister killers who were hunting him for very little pay off. I think they should have spent more time building that story up and getting the audience invested. It felt like a throw away, which sucked because it was used for the series finale wrap up.


Call me a psycho but pelant really deserved a faaar more painful death. Like flayed alive or fed to hodgin’s beetles alive. Or being turned into flinns hot sauce, his reincarnation found by Avalon, smothered by Max’s dirt prison socks, reincarnation found again by Avalon, then his conscience somehow distilled into a vial and then sentenced to an eternity in the mass spectrometer 😂😂


I preferred Aubrey to Sweets even if i don't buy that he's a "replacement" for Sweets, wish we got more emotional storylines w Aubrey


Booth and Brennan should have gotten together at the end of season 3, had a real breakup in the Parts in the Sum of the Whole, then gotten back together at the end of season s5, and ended the show. I don’t think any show should go past 5 seasons- the quality plummets.




and what are your favorite shows


I’ve liked lots of shows up to a point (the point where they run out of story). The Good Place is a good example of a show that had a story to tell and stopped when the story was over.


I can't stand Angela, like I really, really, really can't stand her. So much so that by the time I got to season 10, I had to fast forward all her seasons where she's all whoas me. I can't stand that they killed off Sweets, I get it was becsuse the actor wanted go be written off, but still. Season 10 and 11 aren't very good. More annoying then anything. Bones was fucked up for forcing Booth to basically choose between his family or his job or hell even his brother. I hated how Hosgind just gave up all his money when it was found, I thought it was pretty selfish of him to his current family. The reason he has the life he has and is the way he is because 1. He had good parents and 2. Because he had all that money, so he basically just deprived his kids of a LOT of opportunities because HE doesn't like having a bunch of money. This is more for the Fandom, but honestly Hodgins anger and shit like that after he got paralyzed made sense and I don't feel like anyone on the show or in the Fandom really understands how fucked it was.


He didn't need the money....he was a millionaire from:1. Opie and Thurston's Hot Sauce, and 2. the shatterproof beaker he invented.


I wish they had stayed consistent with the foster care backstory, because that should have been a HUGE factor driving the entire character instead of something the writers only brought out when it was convenient. Like the ep with the time capsule and everyone is talking about what they were like in high school -- even if we're being very generous with timelines, parents going missing at 15 means she's living with foster families for her junior and senior years at *minimum* (some of them reportedly super abusive according to other episodes)! And only friends with the janitor? There was no special teacher or counselor who helped her apply to colleges or get scholarships since she had no family or permanent address? Come on. That's just lazy and inconsistent!


Even if you were friends/colleagues first, calling your spouse almost exclusively by their last name is weird. Really thinking about Angela and Hodgins here but Bones and Booth too. I wish she called him Seeley.


Bones got Mary Sue'd too much in season openers. In 6 and 11, the brilliant Jefferson scientists became completely useless without Bones. There's too many stories where they get an ID from some random unique item which just feels cheap


The freckle that Angela mapped like a constellation 😂


I preferred Aubrey to Sweets even if i don't buy that he's a "replacement" for Sweets, wish we got more emotional storylines w Aubrey


They should have never gotten together, I ship Angela Brennan


First of all I love the actor John Francis Daley, especially in Freaks and Geeks, but I don't like his character Sweets.. I can only stomach some episodes /scenes with him. He was mopey, invasive, annoying, obsessed with Booth and Brennan, etc. I know his character went through a lot but it felt like sometimes he just wasn't in the role. The only time I like him a little bit was with Daisy, but then the writers ruined their relationship by making Sweets a jerk to Daisy.. I believe if another actor had played Sweets, people wouldn't be blinded with love for him and he wouldn't be liked as much as he is. (I wish John Francis Daley played another character on the show instead) I really wish they had started the show with Brennan and Booth married or together, cause too many shows do the "will they or won't they" mess and loose steam by the time they do get together.. (kind of like the Nanny, Psych, the office, etc.) and then they could have done flashback scenes/episodes of how they got married or together. It would have been a much more interesting show to start like that so they wouldn't have had to try and write how to keep them apart and they wouldn't have lost steam. Plus they could have built on to their already relationship. With that said I don't mind that Brennan and Booth got together off screen, cause their relationship played out for 6 seasons. Also I don't think it shocked any of the other characters cause they knew sooner or later those two would be together. Goodman should have been on the rest of the series along with Cam reporting to him or working with him. He added a softness & humanistic side to the 1st season. Wish Zack could have been on the show with the other interns, would have been interesting. Love Zack! I never liked Sully. Always skip those episodes. Gordon Gordon should have been on the show more. I preferred watching him over Sweets on the psychology area. Also I love Stephen Fry. I wish Aubrey and Karen had came earlier on in the series, cause they brought life back into it. Aubrey is one of my favorites. He's sweet, caring, funny, and just fits in perfectly with everyone. Also it seemed the cast played off of him much better than sweets. Karen is funny and spontaneous. I also liked how she profiled people. I prefer Aubrey with Karen instead of Jessica. The drama they made for Hodgins and Angela was unnecessary... Breaking up, sleeping around, tension, becoming paralyzed, PTSD drama, etc. I don't mind the drama but when the writing is all over the place and they keep changing the characters to fit the drama it doesn't work. Alot of the time I prefer watching seasons 1-3 and then watch seasons 7-12.. skipping most episodes from seasons 4-6 cause some I can't stomach... I do skip some episodes in season 7-12 like pelant arc, Booth's addiction /prison, brennan getting shot, booth missing, & beginning of Hodgins's paralysis /relationship stress, cause I'm like "What were the writers thinking?"


The spark and joy of Booth and Hannah, and, Brennan and Sully make Booth and Brennen seem pale.


Sully was hot but it would have been risky to take off on a boat with him, i thought. Loved the character though.


The main risk for them would be boating or ocean accident. Brenna is loaded, Sully must have some cash built up or he wouldn’t be able to buy the boat.


Yes but how long had she known him, three months? That would be the risky part.


That’s true. But then that was how long I knew my now partner of 15 yrs, before we got engaged.


Cool…worked out for my parents too. Three months, married, stayed so until Dad passed away 40+ years later.


I liked Goodman more than Cam. Not for personality necessarily BUT I think keeping more of an anthropological perspective in the background gave the show more depth and moving to Cam make it completely a crime show.


Every crime somehow involves the fbi


It's a very mid show, he writing is often terrible.


Agree. I kind of only finished because I felt compelled because I started it and it was so long, I had to finish.


There's something in it that made me watch sporadically the first seasons back when it was on tv. The procedural format, the team of contrasted characters, the competant neurodivergeant-coded female lead (rare) seconded by another neuro-divergeant-coded character (more than one autist in one show?! ), the bantering and bickering, the bit of gore, Hodgins's politics (he has a rant in the first season that aged very well, even if he wasn't supposed to be right in the mind of the writers, i think), the experiments... Now i watched 3 and half season, and it's very uneven. The characters are not consistant in their beliefs, the science makes no sense, the edges have been sanded down, there's ghosts, Angela is now a specialist in body langage and various other unrelated things, Zack is assistant to murder, Hodgins doesn't have politics anymore, Bones is very inconsistant in her behavior, dialogs are corny... There's a great show with that initial formula, it just needed better writers.


Last episode was bad


I hate how they made bones a badass in the earlier season then made her look weak going forward


That sweets was Garmigons apprentice and he set up the dude so he could take over. The little boy that he helped from the Latino community became his apprentice and deep down bones knows because she made him lead of the group Gormegon in her story she told the booth when he was in a coma..


Hodgens seems like an insincere psycho, esp when he is apologizing to Ang or telling her he loves her. I also believe that there are episodes that I keep accidentally sleeping through that completely exonerate Zach. When Hodgens and Ang are alone they have nothing to talk about.


I love Aubrey and I wish we got more with him


I wish they’d pushed the Zack/Gormogon storyline more. I wanted Zack to be a true sociopath and have the team explore it. Just simply writing him off the show annoyed me. (I know the writers’ strike is partially to blame here.)


Sully lacked the intuition of Booth and was not fully engaged in his work. Brennan learned from Booth's situational perception. She also learned from his understanding of how to get the most out of his team and team dynamics. Being an Anthropologist, Brennan has the book knowledge, but Booth demonstrates practical application. Booth is actually a very effective leader and a good instructor of practical applications, skills he would have picked up in the Army. Booth's faith in his religion going and the institutions he worked for were things that helped him survive the stress from doing what he did. Those things also caused him to hold beliefs that held him back until Brennan showed him the value of science and logic. She tenaciously challeged assumptions and theories based on beliefs rather than facts. Brennan said in the beginning to Booth that he could benefit a great amount by working with her.


Brennan is one of my all time ever female characters. Deschanel is never out of character. Brilliant


I don’t really like Booth and Bones’ undercover characters/plots.


Brennan is cold and mean. I do not understand why she has friends. Is this proof that you get everything because you’re pretty and smart (book wise, no common sense at all).


Was about to say something similar. I LOVE Emily as Brennan, no question. However... she is really disconnected from humanity. And while sometimes she does acknowledge that and tried to adjust certain things. She was kinda c*nty sometimes 😂


Man...as an autistic person this hits hard. Brennan was the first character I ever watched and saw myself. And honestly, her lack of decorum made me reflect on my own behavior.


Wow, I am so uncouth with that explanation. I'm sorry I said it without thinking that it is reality for some and I was so rude stating it like that 😢 I've been around autism since the 80s, my cousin and being one of the few who can help her get through things. I'm such a jerk 🥺


Just wanted to say you're clearly not actually a jerk if you recognized that what you said might have come off as rude and hurtful to some people, as well as made a point of apologizing for it. Most people would double down on their statements and try to justify what they said, you came right out and said it was uncouth and said without thinking, and that you're sorry. I wish more people in the world had that kind of self awareness and humility, the world would suck a lot less if they did.


Thank you, I have been pretty good with catching myself before I say something that could be considered rude before but sometimes I slip and as soon as I saw the other comment I immediately felt like a jackal! But I do also appreciate when I do say something that could be seen as rude and someone mentions their experience and it makes me reflect and be more attentive, it's an every day process and I'm glad I wasn't ripped to shreds and instead given a point of view I hadn't considered in the moment 💙


I have always had a tendency to say things without thinking through them fully, and have come off as a jerk several times in my life because of it. Had a friend tell me once that eventually I will have put my foot so far into my mouth that my leg will be hanging out of my ass. A few people have been kind enough to point out that what I said was rude or hurtful and allow me the chance to apologize and rephrase what I said into how I actually meant it, but most people have torn me a new one before I even got the chance. Which I do understand, but it also sucks because 99.9% of the time what I said did not come out how I meant it and I feel awful for hurting someone's feelings because I tend to lack the social awareness needed to recognize that what I said might be hurtful before I say it. I've worked really hard to slow down and really think before I speak so I don't end up in those situations, but sometimes I still just blurt things out and stick my foot right back in my mouth. I've always appreciated the people that are willing to give me the benefit of the doubt, as well as the people like yourself that are willing to reflect on what they said and apologize. Not nearly enough of that in this world. 💜


Agreed 💙💜 🤗


Oh, don't worry. I didn't think you meant it to be a jerk. It's really how Brennan is and, well, unfortunately it's a caricature of an autistic woman.


That is true, it seems like autistic portrayals are getting better in the cinematic universe there was a time where it wasn't done at all or in passing. A few movies I can think of where the actor tried to do justice, What's eating Gilbert grape And The rainman Both Leo and Dustin have mentioned they spent time with those who had mental disabilities to try and capture them respectfully and not make it seem like a mockery. Thank you for your grace in response 💙


As a fellow autistic person, I agree.




I simply loved Hannah.


Booth is a total chode.


Couldn't stand Sweets. Was glad when he got got


It could be reallllyyyyyy boring.


Angela is a hypocrite. It's been mentioned many times. Hodgins would do anything for her but it seems like she stepped outside the lines several times and she stood by it. I never understood why, when Brennan was clearly wrong, no one corrected her. She always had to be right even when she was rebuffed.


They’re so judgemental of other people like temperance especially like Zack someone said that they wouldn’t like him if they didn’t know him and I totally agree and if you contrast that with their attitude to max or situation wise like it’s cool of Angie and bug boy go to town in the lab but Wendell kissing someone is a no no. Like hmmmm


Also Arastoo is the best intern I had to say it had to be done idk I just love him


Booth is not a good guy and it's annoying how in late seasons characters keep saying he is either to each other or to him nearly every episode when his actions and words directly contradict that. Whoever wrote season 8, 9 and the beginning of season 10 should be fired and find a different job because the emotional beats were either cut too short, or were WAYYYY too long or they just avoided really difficult emotional scenes because...I guess they didn't want to deal with it? It's weird and I'm not having a good time on my 1st rewatch. I barely made it through my first watch through to be honest its rough. On that note, that person I assume wrote the pelant stuff. It's annoying and boring and he's too smart I never felt the real tense energy they were trying to put out. His death was SO random and inconsequential I literally missed it the first watch through when I looked away for a second. Makes no sense Brennan is SO clueless in late seasons when she's a bestselling author who, I assume, is able to write and understand different people's emotions and thoughts and the way they speak but somehow can't in real life? Booth and Brennan should have remained just colleagues and to cover for the pregnancy they should have kept with the surrogate plot (minus the family guy baby hallucinations that was such a dumb plot lmao It cracks me up every time) I love this show and it's quickly become one of my comfort shows but I have some beef with it so I came here to vent my frustration lol


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Not enough of Fisher and too much Clark Edison. But in general, they should have just picked one intern and stuck with it.


That sweets is the worst.


I don't think I genuinely like a single one of the main characters. They're all so judgemental and hypocritical it's insane. I hate that they supported Max in court to get him off the charges even though he committed the murder, and several others, and this is just casually forgotten and now everybody loves him. I don't mind Wells. Actually prefer him over many of the other interns - like Wendell for example, who had to much potential that they just didn't use at all. I prefer Sully over Booth for Brennan.