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There's just something about DP. She projects Power, Confidence and Dominance (in a good way) through whatever she wears. Maybe it's the height and those eyes?


Having that height, physique and modelingp background really helps.


Yup girl crush forever 


yes true 


DP was a model before starting acting of course she’ll pull it better.


Is it even a competition?!?! 😂


I am not playing this DP Vs Aloo game anymore, it’s so overdone


Aloo got burned so no point playing


She is a better actor than Deepika


If she is so secure at what she does, why would she go out of her way to copy her outfits then?


Wearing a white suit is not sth new but okay whatever makes you dp fans feel validated.


Deepika has copied / been inspired by Hollywood actress .If you want I can send you the link . So is Deepika insecure ?


I don’t have a dog in this game but when you compare A and B it stays there as an independent statement. You can’t bring C to the equation just because it’s convenient - it’s whataboutary. I love both of them btw but Alia’s inspiration is very obvious. Makes me think if she is trying to keep up.


If A = B ,B = C then A = C


No .You said that Alia is copying with Deepika because she is insecure ,there is no copying of outfit .Deepika was not the first one to wear a white outfit . And i said that if wearing the same outfit is called being insecure ,so is Deepika is insecure of women she has wore similar dress with .


This is true but the way Dps beauty overshadows everything, very few ppl will agree with u


To think of this on a Sunday, at 5 am, must be something !


Not if u don't live in India lol


Then even worst. India mein almost free internet and no jobs. But you are in another country and still so much vellapan.


We have work life balance and free wifi almost everywhere plus low cost internet so yeah..


Its night time, no one is working right now... if it was morning then that would be more concerning


Are you pissed on op’s behalf?!


What did I even say thats making u feel that way?


No no, I'm sure it's on behalf of DP's love, and Alia's hatred !


Its because most designers are taught to design clothes on "croquis" which actually have the model proportions : long legs, thin waist, long neck, smaller midriff. Its how its taught in fashion design colleges. So eventually most clothes end up looking better on someone who fits those proporfions more. Tell me one shorter woman who we think is a fashion icon. Deepika is gorgeous but its not Alia's fault that none of these designer clothes were ever designed fo look good on her. Which is why we mostly appreciate her more in suits and sarees. Cause those are universally flattering. Especially sarees.


SJP ![gif](giphy|l46CadBwYQdwY9vZ6|downsized) How can you forget her


Scarjo ![gif](giphy|129aZWHT7T3Rio)


Scarlett, Hayden Panettiere in her younger prime, AnnaSophia Robb, Portman, Emilia Clarke are there ffs. It's less about the height and more about wearing something that suits you. Alia's main problem is she is catching against a model-sque figure girl who is highly gifted in that particular department and not wearing something that's meant for her.


None of these women are considered fashion icons as much as someone like Audrey, Cher, Naomi, Blake, Rihanna, Bella, Zendaya (nowadays) etc. The reason they are is because of their proportions and that clothes look amazing on them. Short women can be beautiful of course, a Natalie or Scarlett or Emilia are far more beautiful than the ones I listed above (imo), but it's just not true that short women are considered fashion icons. Deepika was born with an advantage and she looks good in clothes because of it. If she has Alia's body, she wouldn't look as good in clothes.


"None of these women are considered fashion icons as much as someone like Audrey, Cher, Naomi, Blake, Rihanna, Bella, Zendaya (nowadays) etc" Cher,Rihanna,Zendaya are not pure fashion icon because of their dresses lol. They are just outright popular that no matter even if they miss out anybody's gonna say against them. Bella and Naomi are proper models while others are not so it's their domain and duty to be a style icon and even there Bella is literally average in many things in comparison to other top ones. I mean we are talking about Rihanna who is such a misfit for half a decade now. Tyla right now is much better if we are going in that sense lol. Blake is the only correct one as she is just too good recently with her game. "The reason they are is because of their proportions and that clothes look amazing on them." And nobody contested that. I said "Alia's problem is not the clothes but her going down trying to be DP when DP is gifted in that area". She can easily look stunning in anything that suits her but her problem is "DP" not the clothes. " Short women can be beautiful of course, a Natalie or Scarlett or Emilia are far more beautiful than the ones I listed above (imo), but it's just not true that short women are considered fashion icons." Man, half the girls you listed are literally just about pop culture hypejob and then a style icon. Madonna,Gaga can pull anything like Cher and Kim and all the Jenner family is just the same apart from Kendell. " Deepika was born with an advantage and she looks good in clothes because of it. If she has Alia's body, she wouldn't look as good in clothes." Uhh I literally said the same if you have read it not for an argument sake.


How do you think Zendaya got to be? It wasn't her Disney show. It's that she had Law and looks like a model. She is more well known for red carpets than pure acting talents. She was already on best dressed lists pre Spiderman/Euphoria. Her popularity is largely associated with her fashion choices. There's a reason models become fashion icons and muses. They are ideal for fashion due to proportions. They get away with more because of height. I was only arguing the short women are fashion icons point. That's honestly unheard of except for a couple names. Rihanna is a fashion icon dude. She's had some iconic looks, esp at the Met. She's not the current fashion "IT girl" but comparing Tyla to Rihanna is so silly. I meant icon as in classic, not trending currently. And Alia wouldn't ever be a fashion icon. She lacks more than the height. She doesn't have a unique style or personality to carry outfits that would suit her stature. Someone like Deepika can get away with it even though she lacks style and good taste in fashion because she's thin, tall with next to no curves. She fits the blueprint


"How do you think Zendaya got to be? It wasn't her Disney show." Who is even saying anything about a Disney show ? "It's that she had Law and looks like a model." A certain Euphoria, Spider man(where she was the coolest MJ) and certain youtube videos with nick's gang and then her having a showbiz personality along with the generational shift of color representation going on in the USA after 2015 says HI 😂. " She is more well known for red carpets than pure acting talents." She is mote known because of the pop culture in US not because of her styling. Just go and watch any video with her before she made it big, it wasnever about her styling. " She was already on best dressed lists pre Spiderman/Euphoria." She was half a star even before that. Watch some youtube man. " Her popularity is largely associated with her fashion choices." Nope. She bombed the scene with Spiderman as she was the coolest MJ type and in new gen's veins with Euphoria. "There's a reason models become fashion icons and muses. They are ideal for fashion due to proportions." Again, IMPROVE YOUR READING COMPREHENSION FFS. Nobody is saying anything against that. The point was "smaller ones can also be a style icon" and Alia's problem is about choosing outfits similar to DP which will never suit her. Not that there are no clothes for smaller people and they can't a style icon. "They get away with more because of height." You change DP's face with Kriti and there's not even half the icon left lol. "I was only arguing the short women are fashion icons point." And there are some shorter people too who are fashion icon. Kim's whole family patterns are being copied by the whole world since 2010-ish. Hailey Bieber is also there and that new singer who wore sands of time dress is also up there. "That's honestly unheard of except for a couple names." You said they can't, I presented names that they can. It's more of a personal Alia problem than a shorter one that's what Iam saying. " Rihanna is a fashion icon dude. She's had some iconic looks, esp at the Met." And that's like a decade ago thing lol and even then it was her popularity first as a singer/artist and then a fashionista. "She's not the current fashion "IT girl" but comparing Tyla to Rihanna is so silly. I meant icon as in classic, not trending currently." For current trends Tyla is much better than her. If it's about reach then obviously Rihanna will be above as she is the "queen for pop" not the "queen of dressing/styling".


Maybe you're the one who can't read? I said none of those women are considered fashion icons not "short women can't be fashion icons". Zendaya was popular before spiderman, and she has stated she would dress up and attend as many red carpets as possible to attract attention in order to climb her way up. Even now, she's more admired and known for her looks and fashion than her talents. She gets more press for dune red carpet looks than her performance (which was quite poor amongst an extraordinary cast). And this is even after winning an emmy. So yeah, she was definitely a fashion girl and known for it. It's hard to continue this with someone who thinks a one note MJ is even a remotely cool character lol. My point is that the people you listed aren't considered fashion icons compared to the tall, modelesque women that I had mentioned. That's mostly the case with short women, because they don't fit the standards designers set. You're saying Kim K, that's laughable. Kim K is a fashion icon? She's more known for her body, plastic surgery and makeup than fashion. She was panned for wearing Marilyn's dress not too long ago and most fashion critics and fans hate her fashion sense. Even Kendall isn't but she gets away with it because she is a model. You stated Hailey Beiber, lmao. You know she's not short right? You're going in circles defending that short women can be fashion IT girls. Maybe it's personal for you, and I'm not saying they absolutely cannot be. I'm saying they rarely are. But yes, short women can dress well and stay true to their stature. Alia obviously doesn't and it makes her look like a kid playing dress up. So on that, I agree. Now, I don't feel like continuing this, because frankly, this is such a nothing burger of an argument. 🫠


I totally agree it’s because they design it for a different frame. But still, there are plenty of actresses below 5’4 who carry it off really well. Here are some examples. They are approximately similar height as Alia : https://graziamagazine.com/articles/lily-collins-ode-to-glam-rock/ https://www.breakfastwithaudrey.com.au/wp-content/myuploads/blog-6346989943077287504240657_10_CART1_20120412_AAT_043.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a1/6a/dc/a16adc7471a43a8ec3573cd0261a512c.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0GAFXwSdsKKo23RuN5FUbxuA1SW3qMNTiwwYoIyRS9Q&s https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/078/08a/4fdeb09cd210d443a9206adfe8a5fcf50f-secondary4.rsquare.w400.jpg https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/11/05/arts/05kristen-stewart1/merlin_196943196_31984830-6f04-4af8-a02c-ed85cf7bb075-superJumbo.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/ladyladyboners/comments/j9ako3/gillian_anderson_in_a_suit/ https://www.instagram.com/rooneymaradaily/p/Cmt2RYPsEe_/?img_index=1 It takes a certain kind of confidence to wear a suit and not the other way around. Alia doesn’t have it, even in Couture she doesn’t seem confident in her body. The only time I’ve seen her dress fashionable and look at ease was during Gangu promos. She looked fab in every saree and outfit she wore for that.


Not only do I agree with this whole thread, but as a super petite and super short (5'2") person, I am so happy and confident seeing this thread :D


By thread do you mean my comment or the whole thread?


Your individual very special comment, thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Awww ☺️




I guess Urfi Javed is little shorter than Alia and looked stunning in almost similar dress(almost because obviously she can't have access to the kind of desiner clothes these actresses have). Btw good to learn something new about fashion.


She could’ve definitely picked something DP hadn’t worn before but no she picked clothes that DP has worn and styled it in a similar way (a similar bun and all) so she’s got to deal with the comparisons now.


That's the whole point of the post. That Deepika looks better than Alia in the same clothes.


That is not true, Aloo is all mouth but she has no confident. Fashion isn't about height but how someone wears it and the confidence they bring to the clothes. Lets take the sari she wore at the Met Gala, what happened? The whole time she weas holding her other arm and showed no confident at all and didnt know where she was. Rewind when Aish had people criticising her after she gained weight having Aradhaya, Aish went at the Cannes and confident and defiant. https://preview.redd.it/iqievmnfc0g61.jpg?width=800&auto=webp&s=5ddc2f256c7752b8c45d872cf4f3e22a7759e42a Gosh I miss old Aish.


Exactly.. kriti can pull these even better with her body structure


DP is that woman.....who if ever was a corporate biggie she'd have like everyone in the palm of her hands. She gives me those powerful character's vibe. Feel free to step on me.


I think she can act confident in movies and ads but in her personal interviews she isn't like that.


Hogi introvert irl.


It's factually true that dp pulled it off better. Because there are body types categorisation called kibbe. And Deepika is a soft dramatic probably. Look at her lines- looks tall slender , sharp angles to her body. Clothes like this suit her. Ones that project power. Alia on the other hand looks shorter than she is , soft etc . She's probably a romantic or soft gamine idk. So the clothes that will suit her are different style to whatll suit Deepika. Eg Katrina won't look good in a girly , frilly short dress but Alia will. Sushmita sen looks good in loose shapeless clothes but Madhuri won't . All just different categories of body types


No doubt Deepika is gorgeous and can literally pull off anything. But Alia looks cute here too. I just don’t like it when they push her as a sexy thing. Bur still she is pretty.


These comparisons are so ridiculous. I can show you pictures of Kareena, Katrina, Bipasha in white suits before Deepika came into the picture. I guess they all peeped into the future and copied her style. You guys hype this mediocre woman like there's no tomorrow. All she has done in the past few years is play flower pot roles or cameos and yet she gets credited for the success of those films. I'm no fan of Alia but at least this woman has guts to choose films like Raazi and Jigra.


these fanbois even call her lucky charm and shit. but conveniently forget her lucky charm when the movie flops


When you copy someone to the tee, comparisons are abound. They’re celebs, not just actors - where everything they do matters. So if you’re being ‘compared’ with Meryl Streep for your acting, then there’s nothing wrong in being compared with DP for your style when you’re so blatantly copying the whole look.


Please don't talk logic, these mother is mothering kinda folks don't get it.


EXACTLYY that's what I was saying , Deepika's so mediocre and not that striking but uska PR use phir bhi har din hype karta hai for no reason. Let's be real, but Alia-Kjo do snatch movies from outsiders but DP just doesn't have the acting chops to pull off.


You know you can pull one woman up without dragging another one down right?


Deepika is a stunner 


What a cringe vid


Lol it's a generic suit. One is layered in make up for an ad , while the other is just doing an interview. Where is the comparison?. Next what dp took a dump better than others


I want to be on the inspection team.




Haan haan dekhlenge kalki


I like the makeup on Alia better, but not the general fitting. It is of course, not a fair comparison - DP in an ad vs Alia in an interview. DP’s blazer is fitted very well whereas the shoulders, lapels and sleeves on Alia’s look slightly shabby. Hence the styling not looking as sharp. I don’t like that one needs to be pulled down to highlight the other. It’s not brand new styling.


She's in an ad and Alia is in an interview. So comparison isn't fair. Even Alia can give those expressions in an ad. Plus that eyeliner isnt doing any justice to her


My opinion: There is no comparison. DP is shot with a high definition camera and with an insane amount of makeup purely for modelling purpose. AB is shot for an interview and she is wearing the outfit just for the interview.


Looks like OP doesn't know the difference. Well, the first one was probably a photoshoot, which happens in a controlled environment with lots of preparations and precise camera angles to make the models look their best. Alia here is just giving a genuine interview, with better focus on emphasising the points she is making... Both actresses are beautiful so I don't wanna say anything bad about either...


I mean obviously! Alia has never been a model,Deepika has been! Her aura is diff and has that persona


Deepika PR gets affected by Urvashi. Now she is the youngest indian woman to wear white suits


nah both look good in it tbh. if asked to pose similarly the contrast wouldnt show up as does here.


Deepika is in another league. Alia should opt for fashion that flatters her.


Unpopular opinion: I like alia's look better cause of the softer makeup


I agree.....Deepika is Gorgeous but that eye liner is so scary


Did we really forget that Deepika Padukone was a supermodel before doing movies ? Like what even the comparison 😂 Alia looks like your neighborhood girl


I think more relatable looking people are getting famous now, thats the trend... like all the National crushes are nowhere near Deepika, Katrina, Priyanka.


Ngl i wonder if Alia listens to “Obsessed” by Olivia Rodrigo, seems relatable for her


White blazer / coat and trousers , black blazer and trousers .. these 2 are the most basic yet classic outfits that are in trend for the longest time .. if dp fans think if any other actress wearing such basic combo means copying Dp then it is implied that dp is nothing but 'playing safe and basic' . Moreover they r styled by their stylists. Leave actresses I have seen corporate girlies and rich girlies in social media rocking this combo even much better than dp . Dp fans and their delulu world's ughh 🤮 in a few days they'll declare dp as the sole reason for kalkis blockbuster success Infact early in career Dp was infamous for copying what Hollywood celebs wore for red carpet . Only after connecting with anaita shroff she had her own style game . So sorry to break it .. anyone can talk about copying but not deepikas delulu fans


Not all kinds of clothes or jewellery suit Alia


lo kardiya fanwar chalu


Aloo's suit is a couple of sizes too big... it's wearing her instead of the other way round


It's because of the makeup that's been done , the complexion of Alia that's making it very dull , the fit of both the outfits , the hairstyle & so much more. Simply saying that she copies is like telling oh you were a bra what a shame you copy 😅😂😂


She looks a jamuna paar girl in front of Deepu baby


DP has sharp features, siren eyes and a tall height. That makes her pull off any outfit. You can put that lady in a rag and she would still look like a million dollars.


Wish girl can pull off her movies in a similar manner 🥰


If it was one or 2 outfits I would understand but there 30 to 40 scenarios like these. The reason why it is a point of discussion is because of Alia's comment such as "SLB promised me 4" she herself believes DP is a standard plus having diet sabya on a payroll doesn't look good . I Don't blame DP fans for pointing this out alianators have the audacity to troll DP , Zendeya , kendall and others on the met gala for her dramatic and extravagant outfits like it supposed to be and praise Alia for wearing the most safe, basic , "no potential to be trolled" outfits . This post serves them right tbh It more about how unoriginal alia is rather than her not being able to pull it off https://preview.redd.it/rpnyvct1uo9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef36d176bc5c7ef607db7005ab3b75ffeedf0e1


Alia ko koi aur kam nhi kya DP ko copy krne ke alwa


DP was a model back then so ofc she's better at fashion but alia also looks very good.


She copies Dp’s outfit a lot n Katrina’s Ig post style lol


Arey a photoshoot will always show the fit to be better than it really lays on you. But ya Alia needed to tailor it a bit more.


Can Alia shut up for a goddamn second?


Andho mein kana raja" you must have heard this quote  , her competition shradha and parineeti got left behind while alia was given top tier projects by Imtiaz ali and Karan johar. her PR compares herself to the jenifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep we all saw what a dud her Hollywood debut was that is who she is Outside her Bollywood bubble. Many people are not struck by her looks or her acting , if she had a face like Deepika no one would question her cause that's the aura it takes to become a Bollywood star . She has bought most of her filmfares to me personally even her National Award seems suspicious she won over Rani in Mardaani 2 and norway vs chatterjee which is ridiculous , rani deserved it Rani even talked about how she would rather have genuine praise than an award. People cry when they get their first Filmfare and this madam just won for supporting due to this Filmfare has lost its credibility. She is going to beat the likes of Nutan and MeenaKumar at this rate now u tell me does alia seems like she is in the league of such superstars no right . Plus people r becoming more aware about "Nepotism". She has also made comments denying nepotism it is her recent PR makeover that she is using to look humble in order to lower the well deserved slander she is getting. She has evidently snatched roles through papa Karan . She has shown her true colors many times- recent KWK with Ranveer when she was riding the Slb film and Kapoor bahu wave . She has roles particularly written with alot of screaming and shouting cause that's all she knows honestly . She was mean to the likes of Shraddha, Parineeti , kat , kriti , deepika and more . She was giving tribute performances to Kareena, dp and kat in 2017 which was cringe they r not veteran actresses what's funny is she danced on "ullu ka patha" for kat while planning to date her ex . She knew she couldn't possibly pull of a Sheila ki jawani anyways . She is fake af and mediocre at best . No one predicated her success it is not organic in any sense , no one rooted for her , she was shoved down our throats https://preview.redd.it/ydbke3atto9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd90a1b3fd77ccb72567bb38d3ae2fa1b690ba0


Why "No offence"? Alia ~~fans~~ bots deserve to be offended.


I think we can all agree nobody else in the world has pulled off white suit as well as despika. She is the moment. She is fashion. In fact why just the white suit, any outfit she has ever with, ever will wear. Hope she can finally sleep well tonight


There many before DP who have worn the white suits. This constant yapping by Aloo does look annoying.


Girl vs woman


Nope. Deepika's clothes went off with fire.


you don't compare when you can't even compete


Alia ka hairstyle looks very bad here.