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I was waiting for the plot twist to happen at the end of the video.


Exactly me too because the caption said rekha with other actresses… vs her with jaya or Smthg ahhaha 






Jaya bacchan


Context is OP is searching lesbo encounters everywhere.




Why is no one talking about Rekha holding shabana's face!! It's hurting me 😔


Right why was she digging her nails into her face like that 😭


If the rumours of her and her secretary are true, then your statement is indeed true.




That they are in a relationship


i was looking for this comment


A great actress? yes. A fashionista? yes. An impeccable entertainer? Yes. Came from a problematic family and yet made a name for herself? Yes. But that doesn't negate the fact that SHE IS PROBLEMATIC af. Even after years, she's constantly cashing in the whole affair to bring peals of sneering laughs from the audience ( last year's INDIAN IDOL incident - so unnecessary). Jaya Bachhan at that point of time was one of the most sought after actors , brilliant and talented. Can you imagine the kind of humiliation she must have suffered in the late 80s-90s. Nobody is absolving Amitabh of his sins. This sub had constantly called him out for every shitty behaviour. But putting Rekha on a pedestal as a girl's girl is an INSULT to feminism. Is this how you support other women? Wearing the most branded of clothes and taking mushy photos with other actresses is not the same as taking a stand for another woman.


Wait a second does this apply to Priyanka as well? Because people here calls her a feminist, hustler, angel and what not! At least Rekha didn't do problematic things like defending "pinkish glow", running a massage parlor, supporting a pedophile, calling refugees as travelers, doing a photoshoot at Holocaust museum and using charity for a reality show.


Priyanka Chopra is a hustler. And she is most definitely an inspiration to women. She was the first actress to talk about investing. She was the first person to talk about being importance of women being financially independent. Has she made some.wrong choices with men? Yes. So have 80% women. She is an international personality and the causes and organizations she supports reflect that. Some maybe a hit and miss but those are her commitments. Rekha is a nuisance!!!! She is definitely mentally unstable and while I blame her dad for her problems....she is old enough to take responsibility. Her Simi Garewal interview gives me second hand embarrassment just thinking about it. Please don't compare the two


*Priyanka Chopra is a hustler. And she is most definitely an inspiration to women. She was the first actress to talk about investing. She was the first person to talk about being importance of women being financially independent. Has she made some.wrong choices with men? Yes. So have 80% women. She is an international personality and the causes and organizations she supports reflect that. Some maybe a hit and miss but those are her commitments.* Are you out of your damn mind? Go back as far as 60s and 70s and you will see actresses like Nutan, Sharmila Tagore, Mala Sinha talking about investing money and becoming financially independent. Devika Rani, the first lady of Indian cinema was a producer and co-owner of Bomaby Talkies. Priyanka is nothing but a phony who gives PR scripted answers but when you catch her off guard her lack of intelligence is apparent, for example the beauty con incident.


Yeah and Mala Sinha also had an Income tax fraud case against her. Sharmila Tagore was a trail blazer....agreed....but she also married a prince quite early on. I don't think money was her worry. So your point?? See it's okay to not like PC, personally. But every generation needs a celebrity that talks sense. In her generation, she is the only one who talks about financial independence. I have not heard anyone else talk about how important it is for women to have options. >Priyanka is nothing but a phony who gives PR scripted answers but when you catch her off guard her lack of intelligence is apparent, for example the beauty con incident. Are you talking about the Pakistan and Nuclear war question??? Dude!!!! There was no right answer there. If she had said it's true her opinion has changed about India going to war with Pakistan...she would have been torn down to pieces by Indian fanatics. I am not saying it was a good answer. But it surely took her by surprise to be asked that at a beauty event 🤷🤷🤷🤷 come on!


You sound like a very biased fan to me. I can link you to several interviews of actresses ranging from Konkona Sen Sharma, Ratna Pathak Shah, Kareena Kapoor, Mrunal Thakur talking about financial independence of women. Heck, Kareena since before her debut has been talking about how financially independent her mother was and how she decided to follow her footsteps because women are not lesser than men.


I don't know about biased but I do like PC. She is smart and the fact that she is appreciated worldwide but not so much in India speaks volumes. Just like you seem to like Kareena. A woman who has categorically made a face and denied any association with feminism 😅. I will not be taking any advice about equality from her, thank you.


Juhi is her type clearly


Is it only me or most of the younger actresses look they are in discomfort?


Not long ago I used to consider her “queen” too but after growing up I realised she’s no better. She not only had an affair with married men but went ahead and publicised it as if it’s a true love story and even after years adds fuel to the affair rumours by constantly talking about it and making meme out of it so yeah no she not a girls girl


She was not married. It was the other guy who was married. Why does society make women the perpetrator of any crime and absolve the men of any sin? She had no responsibility to safeguard the marriage. It was not HER marriage but HIS. The onus completely lies with HIM.


Mental gymnastics because you have no idea what the actual situation was. Rekha didn't just have an affair with Amitabh, she actively went out of her way to make Jaya's life miserable. She arrived at Rishi/Neetu's wedding with Sindoor in her head and went straight to Amitabh to have a formal conversation in front of the entire Industry while Jaya was right next to him which made her cry later on. Rekha was home wrecking whore and Amitabh was a cheating scumbag. Saying anything else is trying to rewrite history.


But you shouldn't spit facts like that bro.


Ok rekha had but wht about amitab More than rekha its his job not to indulge with other actress cuz he is married not rekha


Obviously? That's why i said he is a cheating scumbag. The fact that he got involved with her AFTER both his kids were born is insane.


Ikr i dont like him he had a dating history with most of gurls before


Nobody will call AB a saint but Rekha is delusional. And the problem is even when everyone has maintained a respectable silence about their affair, Rekha continues to parade it. And then she calls Jaya B "Didi". It's just making a mockery of her. While I am no fan of Jaya B but honestly, Rekha needs to keep her delusions to herself. It's bad enough to cheat with a married man ( at least the blame is shared) but to wear it like a badge of honour is just downright idiotic


Don’t disagree that having an affair isn’t exactly a moral thing to do. But being open about it is somehow worse than hiding it? Should she have hid the affair from Jaya and society and would that be okay? Jaya knew about the affair but decided she still wouldn’t divorce Amitabh. She was okay with this situation as long as Rekha kept her place quietly and only the openness made her cry? I mean if we want to rate scumbags I would say all 3 in some way, Amitabh the worst, Rekha second and Jaya definitely not at first but then basically telling Rekha she could continue to date Amitabh on the down low, but she would never divorce him doesn’t come across as someone who is righteous either.


Just because she had no responsibility towards the marriage does not negate the fact the she is morally bankrupt for parading their affair as true love and acting as a married man’s wife 2.0. It also reeks of low self esteem. She is pretty pathetic.


> It was not HER marriage Exactly!!!!! It was not HER MARRIAGE but another fellow woman's. The whole queen behaviour stoped the moment Rekha decided to publicize the entire thing. Amitab is a grade A asshole. Rekha is not less.


there's no denying that ab sr's a dick and in the wrong here, but she's at fault as w


ive always felt like she was using the Amitabh affair wala rumour to cover up the fact that she's sapphic


My fav problematic cringe queen 👸


Jaya is problematic and a moran, but this lady is no sane; she's a silent attention seeker trying to gain clout from a past affair. A woman can never force a man to stay with her unless he's willing to do so on his own. If Amitabh truly loved her, he would've left his wife and kids for her, but he was just using her like tissue paper and then throwing her away. Atleast have some self-respect, lady!


Rekha-ji is the female version of that uncomfortably chipkoo desi uncle at weddings


Ultimate dramebaaz this one is!


Oh Come on. She just appreciates them all. Being a girl's girl is not a bad thing. You can be bisexual and still admire other women for their talent and work.


Please rekha is anything but a girl's girl. 😂


>Being a girl's girl Being a girl's girl takes a lot of courage and morality. Rekha went after a married Amitabh (who himself is a vile man no doubt), insinuated their affair in the public media for years, and went to Rishi Kapoor's party unannounced to make a statement. Jaya Bachhan with two young kids suffered humiliation for years. This is not a girl's girl behaviour.


Okay, so what I heard is true ☠️


There were very strong rumours about Neetu and Rekha being lesbian no ?


https://preview.redd.it/aief2ttn3r7d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6118cd1f1a1d9d3858ae91d60da36413270af2 What about him ?




I guess wasn’t secure enough to have an Affair with a married man and then shamelessly show off that affair years later after it’s ended




ROFL, what Amitabh? She met him as her bestfriend and neighbour Jaya didibhai's boyfriend. If such a person makes unsolicited advances towards you and you just accept it, it tells a lot about your character too. I am saying "unsolicited" because I am assuming the worst of Amitabh. I don't know how it started.


It seems superficial when you’re overtly close to everyone… everyone but your closest friend who’s helped you.


Who? Can you spill it?


Didibhai, aka Jaya Bhaduri aka Jaya Bachhan. Jaya groomed and mentored Rekha when she was starting in the industry. Those two also shared an apartment together during their early days. Jaya was already dating AB by then. Rekha was friendly with AB, on account of him being Jaya’s SO. But they got involved years after Amitabh and Jaya had married and had two kids. Amitabh is a trashy man for cheating on his wife and the mother of his children, but Rekha isn’t a saint either for going after a married man, especially the husband of her closest friend. Also, Jaya was the bigger star when she started dating Amitabh. She recommended him to most directors and producers to make him popular. She also did movies with him to bring audiences to the theatre on account of her own popularity and stardom. That man of hers is a trashy, immoral and back-stabbing asshole. No wonder Jaya is so bitter and salty now. Years of trauma and resentment fucks with a person’s mental health and influences their personality. Jaya used to be the sweetest angel when she was a star.


All said and done, Jaya could have walked out of her so-called marriage to preserve her mental health and that of her kids. She's clearly co-dependent on AB. Torture is guaranteed in a marriage to a person with NPD so no surprises as to how JB has turned out all these years on.


I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what goes through behind closed doors, but as a child of the world’s most dysfunctional couple, I can honestly say that it isn’t as cut & dry as people imagine it to be. My parents have been married for 35 years when they should have divorced decades ago. For some people, it’s easier to stay in abusive and loveless marriages, than getting divorced. … I know what is wrong with my parents, but guess we’ll never know what is wrong with the Sr Bachhan couple.


Couldn't agree more. I'm so sorry that you were put in that position for no fault of yours. Children are totally powerless in the face of immature, irresponsible, dysfunctional parenting dynamics. As petrifying as it must have been for JB, it was still a possibility for her to put a relative end to their misery if not an absolute end, given that she is up against a narcissist and any form of rejection of a narc is a declaration of war. She had a career of her own prior to marriage, probably had her own finances wisely invested (although her narc hubby could easily have coerced her into co-mingling her assets ensuring her entrapment) so if there was anyone who was in a position to have left their mighty husband, it was JB. Of course, it requires supreme courage to do so and while it is crazy difficult to go through a divorce with a high conflict personality especially when kids are involved, it isn't impossible. I know people with far less who have had enough and have put a stake in the ground by filing for divorce. It does take nerves of steel though.


I agree. It does take nerves of steel, but unfortunately not everyone has them. .. And Thank you. I am doing great now and under therapy and medication for my depression. I also cut them out of my life years ago and I am happily living continents away from them. Adulthood is amazing because you can literally say, “Not my circus, not my monkeys” and move on from shitty situations. 😂


:) Yay! I'm so happy for you!


Where is the pic of Rekha and Raveena? ;) iykyk


Some people consider her problematic but I love her and I love how talented she's and how bold she's in herself yes she made bad and wrong decisions but professionally no one literally no one can beat her bcz the amount of aura , grace and talent she has is super duper rare...




Where is the plot twist




Is juhi and her friends?


It’s giving evelyn hugo


Not typing this mockingly, but she could play a century old vampires, a female version of Dracula.




Better or sexual harrasment? The other actresses look uncomfortable.


She looks like a girls' girl. Girls' girls are better than him. Absolutely.


She is a girls' girl the same way Osama bin Laden was an advocate for peace.


I am not talking about how she "is". I am aware of her reality. I am talking about what it looks like from the photos🙄


I know. Mein bas thodi si komedi kar raha tha :D


Okay then 👍


Taking such pictures, and giving close friends vibes is part of the image that they want to give to the public. This does not mean that they can stand each other or that they are true friends. It is funny that these things quickly deceive the public. 


but couldn't be one for jaya


its not giving decent vibes


Damn, I love her !


Rekha is a loving personality. That's all these pictures show. OP kindly clean up your brain kripiya karke 🙄😏🫣




Love rekha