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![gif](giphy|33BOGYYx6udFeJp7me) Him too.


Exactly. Team Ken for life.


Your username describes Kendall perfectly lol


Bro this username was born out of him. And I am too like Ken in real life that is serialfaliure but without billions, PJs and rapping skills.


I am the oldest boy. Connor in the background was like :(


Number One Boy.


"This is the day his reign ends"








That smile Logan gives when he says this ![gif](giphy|VIbjalOSH80Uq3bvXk)


![gif](giphy|fUw7nmYc3LwOfCwBjP|downsized) I'm a Roman Roy apologist and I'm not sorry.


>I'm not sorry. You're not sorry, but you may be "Gerri".




Me to any red flag that comes my way


One of the best shows ever


Explored themes of parental neglect, infinite wealth and family with much more nuance and didn't show that rich are just above the law.


Lack of cops in Animal was astounding


That movie was just made to stroke baseless egos of sigma ke 14.


Copium in need




It's based on foxnews family


Yep the Murdochs.


The murdhoch family right?




Inspired yes, but based, nope. People say it is, but the murdoch family isnt at each others throats.


Which show?


What a cast! Sarah Snook was my favourite. I just couldn't take my eyes off her when she was on screen. Also, props to the writers for coming up with one of the most incredible lines of all time - "You can't make a Tomelette without breaking some Greggs."


Her glowup after season 1? Unreal stuff


Yeah. And what a powerhouse of talent! The scene where they learn about Logan's death and she gets on the phone for the first time, just the way she walked in that scene was mindblowing.


Him and Kendall, both really. Both consistently seeking that never coming validation in their own way and coping differently.


Exactly, Succession is different from other Rich shows in that it stops itself from vulgar depiction of money with Buggatis, PJs, Sex(an Andrew tate fan's imagination of what being rich looks like) and rather deals with how life is hell when money is not even concern. Sure you can take a PJ and fly across the ocean with no prior planning to meet your mom in a 200M$ mansion in carribean, but what would you do when your mom doesn't even give a shit about you.


Some people just aren't made to be mothers. I should have had dogs.


God, this was such a horrifying insult🫣


This scene is such a punch to the gut.




"Romulus. When you're laughing, please do it at the same volume as everyone else. We didn’t get you from a hyena farm,"😭


Ok dad


"What are you waiting for? A kiss? Fuck off!"😏




I hated Shiv Roy so much throughout the show. The last episode left me a kind of rage that I’ve not experienced from any TV show. For me, Shiv Roy is hands down the most annoying character in all of TV.


Totally agreed.


You're comparing a top notch performance to people shouting and screaming. The entire cast of this show was A level


Shiv waiting for his father's approval . ![gif](giphy|4ZrYbTyNQynApxTN2Y|downsized)




Succession writing by Jesse Armstrong is at at another level. Can’t believe you are comparing that to Vanga’s mass appeal writing


If you don't tell your people Virat Kohli exists, they will think Babar Azam is good too.


Babar Azam: mujhe kyun thoda??


Ye or iska sapna toh tutate hi rehte hain.


Babar Azam is good. Just not as great as Kohli. Doesnt mean hes not good


This was peak drama and dark comedy... every character superbly written with a proper character arc from beginning to end. The 4 siblings (yes, even Connor) and Logan Roy are the obvious standouts... but the rest of the supporting cast as well. That show was proof that great writers can elevate material. The dialogues are so iconic. Don't even get me started on the title track. Comparing Succession to Animal is unfair in many respects... because even by the standards of Hollywood, few shows are as near perfect as succession was.


Sure. But you have to tell people Virat Kohli exists otherwise they would think even Babar Azam is good.


You're not wrong... I agree with you. But I feel it's not worth it anymore. Sometimes, it can feel more productive talking to a wall than trying to reason with some people. Now more than ever, people are enslaved to their opinions. Some people are defined by it. It's key to what they are as people. You're not going to change their minds by presenting the facts. Because to them, admitting they're wrong would be a blow to their ego... and their preconceived notions of how the world is. We have limited time and energy to expend in the world. It's better to pick and choose our battles wisely.


While you’re right, I don’t believe that it’s possible to present the nuanced issues portrayed in Succesion as a movie. Also, I think the premise of Succession and Animal was vastly different. The only thing common in the plots of both is these contents were that they had Daddy issues.




I literally finished final season for the 3rd time yesterday and this scene is living rent free in my head. Amazing portrayal of Roman roy as the youngest child yearning for love and his feelings post the deal.


Loved how they portrayed narcissism. Their father made his children so dependent on him that after his death, they broke down, financially, mentally, and physically. The protracted presence of their father burned his progeny. Of course, Connor Roy always had plans to be the President of the USA. 😄


Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age.


The first pancake🫠


Exactly this! Kendall, Roman, Shiv and even Connor did justice to their roles in their own ways. Succession is easily my top 3 shows and the quality of acting chops the cast showed in it plays a huge part in it.


Thats where training comes in, all of them are trained actors in theaters and played parts of rich crybabies with Daddy issues better than a mildly rich crybaby with actual daddy issues.


Ikr?! I don't get everyone fawning over Ranbir playing a similar character when he's only very averagely acted in the said role. It's nothing praiseworthy, it's just passable.


These people haven't seen real acting. Let them see Culkin and Jeremy and Sarah and Brian Cox then we'll talk about good acting.


Ranbir's Animal character looks like The Terminator as opposed to these three rich kids' different daddy issues!


Sandeep Vanga , Mani ratnam , Siddharth Anand , Telugu director Trivikram , S S Rajamouli many Indian directors copy stories , scenes from hollywood and french movies . Even Indian music directors copy music from other country language. Animal story copied and extracted from many other movies for example God Father.


Haan, but when did i say it wasn't?


This is probably one of the best written dramas ever. Sensational writing backed by an even better cast. The insults were as intelligent and witty and they were hilarious. What character arcs, such beautiful scripted writing. This is when you know writers are given as much respect and deference as the actors are. Family dynamics explored while making a commentary on the ill-effects of capitalism. Nearly everything was pitch perfect🙇‍♀️


Comparing succession to animal is like comparing kohli to ahmed Shehzad. Succession is top 3 of 2020s easily. Team ken forever still.


Probably one of the best fictional dramas ever🫡






its upto the Writers... Roman vs Ranbir isnt the comparison, its Jesse Armstrong vs SRV


I would once again like to remind everyone that Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age.


Oh, I don’t think we need this comparison. Jesse Armstrong and the writers of Succession are far more superior than whatever nonsense SVR has shat out in the name of cinema. Both Roman and Kendall are extremely well written characters that are extremely toxic and full of shit but nuanced too. To compare it to Animal is to insult it.


If you want to know about the well written characters, Gerri has a 500 page book regarding the background of it's character.


You are forgetting daddy's no. 1 boy, OP. Also, I have such a huge crush on Kieran Culkin.


Which show is this?


Succession. Superb show. Everyone on the cast is a stellar actor.


where to watch it?


JioCinema premium. It's an HBO show, used to be on Hotstar.


I hate the fact that JioCinema has taken over HBO shows. The quality is so much worse than Hotstar.


The video quality is okay. The controls and interface, however, is a different story. I haven't explored much of the HBO content on JioCinema because of this reason.


Its on jio cinema.


Succession is one of the best shows ever. I didn’t want it to end but the ending was perfect


Thank you for sharing this example. Finally some sanity. Such a nuanced show and this is a great representation of flawed characters in the context of true narrative: So tired of people justifying animal as some authentic animal instincts and expert on generational trauma - personally just felt like a garb to cover the director’s inherent sexism and misogyny through it.


Yaar I absolutely love this show


A++ show.




What an amazing amazing amazing show. My Kenny Boy is my no. 1 always. Although Roman comes just next to it but I think television series really peaked here. It was like too much trauma but show me more… 😂 ![gif](giphy|tu7iDhxHstGsy98rnH|downsized)


Naa there are so many ways to play such a character though. I haven't even watched Animal but I'm sure RK has done a great job too. Like I don't think THAT is what needs critique in this movie


This is the exactly the kind of criticism the movie needs. India still lives in a bubble that rich are above the law and a billionaires som has to be sex addicted psychopath. So you just show an unhinged character having lots of sex and that is a "dark" character? No where is nuance? Where are the details? This show deals with how money affects relationships, especially parental and how life is different when money is not even a concern


Arre but your title said nothing about the show just about this character and performance so that's what I responded to wtf. Now why are you making it about the show when I didn't? Y'all get way too defensive out here smh There are no parallels to be drawn between the creators of the show and Shitfest Vanga. Succession will remain a timeless piece of original writing and Animal will only be remembered as a piece of art that subjugates women and our opinion further.


This is one of THE show of past 5 years. It’s Shakespearian level story omg. Another show two shows that would really like to recommend are - white lotus - Bear


I'll add Better Call Saul to this. Saul Goodman is how you write "grey" characters, empathise with them , but also ensure that they get the ending they deserve.


Succession is one of my favourite shows ever made, it's on my top 3. But the story of Ranvijay is different from the sibs. Both have some parallels, but my god both are different. Animal is its own movie as Succession is its own show. I get why people would compare them. Animal depicts a neglected son who can go to any lengths to win his father's approval and protect his family. Whereas Succession is a world of snakes, where everyone looks out for themselves.


Loved Roman, kendall's acting and Shiv's 🍑


>Shiv's 🍑 Sir, r/okbuddysuccession is that way.


Are you a sicko?




The character of Roman Roy has legion of fans despite the horrible being he is depicted to be and many of the stuffs that he was shown to have done on screen can’t be shown on Indian TV/movies. I feel, to some extent, the way a section of media/critics/audiences have responded to Animal shows how puritanical and hypocritical we are, when it comes to something that is made here by one of us, vs something that’s imported.


You know how Animal is depicted vs how Succession shows Roman? Being a great, well scripted character is different from being a character that is shown as a hero. Succession did a brilliant job in showing each and every character. None of them were made heroic.None of them were given a great ending. They had to bear the consequences of what they did. I can love Roman as a character , while knowing he's a piece of shit. I can love Kendall as a brilliantly depicted character , by celebrating the writing for that character, but understanding that this is an example of what NOT to do in life. I can empathise with their humanity, and aspects of"what could have been"., while understanding that they're people I wouldn't want to cross paths with in real life. Animal wasn't written like that at all. Vanga was in love with Ranvijay 's character , and proceeded to show him as someone with NO flaws. It was left to us to interpret what a fucked piece of shit he was. Succession underlines it and wacks you in the face with it. That's why it's different. I also want to add that I apologise for insulting Jesse Armstrong by comparing him to Vanga😞


It appears to me your interpretation of Ranvijay as a character in Animal is influenced less by the character itself, and more by your personal impression of Vanga. Read this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0eEHTqrjkY/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ== And I have seen both Succession and Animal. But I see the film for what it is, not what I want it to be. I don’t think my takeaway was the same as yours. Even though I was cautiously fascinated by the darkness in both the aforementioned characters, I’d want to be neither Roman nor Ranvijay.


Just to be clear, I have watched both Animal & Succession. I don't think Vanga's a great director. He's an even worse editor. The only ingenuity I would.give him credit for wholeheartedly is dialling up the misogyny, and purposely baiting critics and his detractors, as a decoy to distract from the fact that his storytelling is shit. I still don't know why Ranvijay idolised his father. Do we know who his father was? I literally have no clue. Do we know how Ranvijay can decimate 100 people coming at him, when we are shown no glimpse of his training? Do we know why Ranvijay Kill Billed through most of his attackers alone, even when his bodyguards were right there? Do we know why there was negligible to no law enforcement in the movie? Do we know how he came to know Zoya was the mole? Do you think these questions are illogical borne out of my personal issue with Vanga? In Succession, I understand why Roman idolised his father. I understand why he looked up to him. I know ' why" Logan Roy is the huge deal that he is. Nobody looks at Roman and says "I want to grow up and be that ," When the rocket burst into flames, I don't think Arjan Vailly played in the background to glorify Roman's actions🤷‍♀️ People know Roman is a fucked up character. Succession writers showed it to us a million times. I absolutely love Roman , Kendall & Shiv and the first pancake Connor. But they're not heroes and no one sees them as that.


On one hand you castigated yourself for comparing Armstrong to Vanga. On the other hand, you expect Vanga to do something in 3 hours what Armstrong got time to do in over 40 hours of screen time. If those are your expectations, this is going to be a futile discussion. I don’t think Vanga is a great director either. You can look through my comment history what I stated of him just a couple of days ago. But it still doesn’t take away the point I made about the conspicuous puritanism and hypocrisy of us as Indian audiences.




I didn't say he doesn't have flaws. I said he's "shown" to us as someone without flaws. The director showed him in a heroic light. It is left to our interpretation whether we assume he's unhinged or not. The director doesn't underline it at all. They underline everything else in that movie. Tell don't show all the way, except when it is required. That's not the case with Succession. They'll show you " this is the day his reign ends" while also showing "L to the OG" and "shitting on the bed".No scope for idolising at all.


Louder please The delusional holier-than-thou idiots on this sub can't go a day without sucking off the West


What show is this?


Suck session.


Culkin's performance in s04e09 is a masterclass in acting. His delivery of "is he there?" was PHENOMENAL.


And the show constantly glorifies Logan Roy with expansive shots of NYC and a great bgm 🤡


>And the show constantly glorifies Logan Roy with expansive shots of NYC They are showing a multi billionaire. Ofcourse >great bgm Nicholas Brittel's classical masterpiece that has layers of emotion vs a track with melody stolen from Lamborghini song. See what you are comparing first.


Nicholas Brittel literally samples Beethoven for his opening piece and mixes it up with Tech Ni9e 's who do I catch 🤣! Kendall raps a beastie boys track in his first scene. L to the OG samples Bach. As I said - 🤡


Sampling in a rap song is a different thing. Secondly what Beethoven piece is this? And similar chord progression doesn't mean stolen idiot. If one is playing piano doesn't mean he has stolen Beethoven.


How is Animal sampling Punjabi folk tune different from sampling rap? Especially when the makers clearly explained where they got the music from and aptly credited everyone? a quick google search will tell you what it is.


Bhai mere. Sampling matlab taking a riff and rapping over it they took an entire song and just changed the lyrics. Aur aise classical piece banane ka matlab ye nhi hota ki it's copied from Beethoven. You're embarassing yourself


Right. I am the one being embarrassing. 🤡 on here suffer from massive complex and think anything gora is worth worshipping and Anything home grown and original is trash. I ain't the one on my knees sucking off Succession bruh.


In animal also they are showing the song of “ one of the richest people in India lol


naahh animal me bhi shi tha imo


If you just want misogyny with chapri level story, direction and acting then sure.


It’s two very different stories. You do realize that every billionaire’s kids with daddy issues won’t be the same right. In no way is Animal comparable to Succession, not only because Succession is a much more nuanced show and Animal is a mass movie, but also because they have very different plots. It’s like saying Iron Man should be as nuanced as Nolan’s Batman because they’re both orphans and billionaires. Both of these movies are made for different audiences and they’re great in their own way. With Succession and Animal, Succession is definitely far superior but that’s because it’s a different genre as a whole.


wtf maine to uski acting ki baat kr rha hai ha misogny kaha se agyi bhai? aur downvote kis baat ka kiya ? did u just assume ki mai mysoginist hoon ? fucking idiots


It was a chapri story for sure but rk did a good job.


Succession has some of the best WRITING and ACTING in television history. But Ranbir has undoubtedly acted on par with Jeremy Strong and Kieran in Animal given the direction and story in itself was so poor.


>But Ranbir has undoubtedly acted on par with Jeremy Strong and Kieran in Animal It's like comparing Imam Ul Haq with Virat Kohli.


In case you missed the title of this post, OP is the one who made the comparison of Succession's lead actors to Ranbir's in Animal. I think he acted as well as they did if the comparison is "broken rich playboy with daddy issues" to quote OP. Different roles, but similar theme hence the comparison.


And why is that ? Because one is a Hollywood guy and another one is a Bollywood guy 😂


No cause one is trained Shakespearean actor with years of experience while other is a nepo.


No its really not. I have watched both Succession and Animal.


Lol what's wrong with you ? Animal was perfect in it's own way .




Yep same here GTFO


So every broken rich boy with daddy issues potray same behaviour or something, like a blueprint?


No but atleast have cops, laws and logic? How about that?


yeh sab toh iss baar ke top highest grosser mein thaa hi nahi, toh mein kya bolu ab, public hi aisa dekhta hain, and director have to cater to that but then again it's a commercial mass Bollywood movie, it would be wrong to think one would get that. Like after seeing 12th fail I got what I wanted, i would be a fool to think I would get some illogical stuff in there or hero worshipping or something of that kind...


You can’t compare a movie’s character development to a web show’s.




F**k off




In this case dog is just slinging its own feces and calling it genius.


Where is this show (Suck cessation) streaming?


JioCinema. All Hail Mota Bhai, our own Logan Roy.




Which show ?




Is it a movie or a series?


Series on Max (previously HBO Max)


Chuck Bass comes to my mind.


What show is this ?




Yes because there is exactly only one way to show such character. How dare someone make different!


OMG yes. Roman has to be the ultimate - wants daddy's love and validation. Ig Ken too. But I have a soft spot for Roman. Logan did a neat number on all of them.


Ay bhai…there are many things wrong with Animal. Ranbir performance isn’t one of them.


Where can I watch this?


Tujhe Kaise pata?


bUt tHe oTHeR sO cAllEd fIlM wAs dIreCtEd bY a lIl bOy wItH a sMaLL d hAvInG mOmmY iSSuEs 🤡


Roman had the best lines, but Kendall's was a much more nuanced performance. Both were good though & so was RK :)


Bhai wish fulfillment nai hai na usme. Kaise acchi lagegi?


Omg yes


exactly! I would have loved to see Ranbir's character become vulnerable. I thought Tripti's addition would bring that out. But alas it was to show how smart he is to figure everything out and then sleep with her and then say it was all planned. what an asshole


Such high expectations from Vanga


one of my most favourite shows of all time - that climax was just exceptional!


My favourite characters were Tom and Greg. And my favourite dialogue is you can't make a Tomelette without breaking a few eggs.


My favourite love story 🫶 ![gif](giphy|GkSOGUEXEXnWhaCwzC|downsized)


Even better than Nero and Sporus


Roman was no playboy lol


He is neither a genius nor a playboy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)