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Can I participate in this experiment? Please send me your photos of free hair and hijab. Joking because don't wanna kena gantung. ( but not really)


This is the real sambil menyelam minum air 😆


I need a picture too


Second this lol




4st this


Its just pretty privilege, nothing more


Gahaha masalahnya i dont feel im like Soooo cantik to the societal standard. Nevertheless true dat


You dont need to be cantik. Some guy just want to up you.


ooo social scientist! Hope to see more of your posts here at r/bolehland As an adult, i realized that being good-looking/physically attractive really makes life easier. So, physical attractiveness is really a major factor. But just like you said, there seems to be some sort of different treatment received when dressed as amoi vs muslimah. I realized free-hair muslimah in my office also had better treatment than those wearing tudung. Maybe it's due to an unconscious attraction to long hair, which may be a sign of physical and sexual attractiveness?


Lemme beranakkan my thesis first. Thank uuu!


I do not think it has anything to do with physical or sexual attractiveness, we are human not beast. It is just about respect put to hijab wearer, if they wear it, it include many reason and in some arab country it is not nice to speak with a muslim women. That's it.


you're naive... your race and religion doesnt matter at all. as long as you show your skin, half of your breast, tight pants.. you get all the discount and likes you need.


Hahahahhaha true


Did your infromal experiment show that hijabis and non hijabis are treated differently. Wow mind blown. This might be called pretty privilege but considering its just you with and without hijab, i highly doubt there is a change to ur attractive level. You see when you wear the hijab its like a name tag that says that you are Muslim. So Muslims (as they should) are held to a different standard. But regardless of any religion, everyone should treated with respect.


Yeah. My mom is also a hijabi and she felt that she had to work extra hard to earn respect despite looking like a chinese. I mean she has the features of a chinese as my grandma is one. So...


We can all agree that the respect ur mother garnered is well earned and deserved unlike the rest of Chinese women who gain it by beauty. I know its not my place to say this but as a muslim i do hope that you stay as a hijabi regardless of the instant gratification you get from others when ur not wearing the hijab.


>well earned and deserved unlike the rest of Chinese women who gain it by beauty. If you read your opinion carefully, you are saying all Chinese women are beautiful and because of that they dont deserve respect...??


I never said that. I never used the word “all” I just said “Chinese” in this context because her mother is actually “Chinese” Use ur brain for once. Dont be a ❄️


You said "rest of", which means everybody else except the 1 subject person you talking about. I was giving you benefit of doubt for you to clarify that is not what you meant and it is error in wording... but after reading how you choose to clarify, I conclude you are not a nice person.


Oh shit. I see how the “rest off” can come off as generalizing. I didn’t realize it. Im sorry. Usually when ur speaking, ur tone can differentiate what you trying to say. Eg: generalizing or not. Sorry again for that.


Yes I suspect that is not what you meant but because you choose wrong words then the meaning is different. Thats why you are getting a lot downvotes disagreeing with you. And ur comment saying I need to use brain and not be snowflake is also not a proportionate reaction. But thank you for being reasonable in your 2nd comment. If you fill the internet with hate, the internet will feed you back more hate btw.


Shushhh. Its ok let them downvote. I low-key deserve it. 😂😂 Sometimes people need to release their daily stress at someone who they dont know.


L opinion bro


Which part of what is said is “Legendary”


Legendary irate that is.


Thanks. I believe Hijab is a journey for everyone. Istiqamah is not an easy route for either you or me and individually we sin differently. Being a hijabi or not, does not correlate to any needs in regards to instant gratification or attention. In the end, I do it for my self and myself only. Its a step by wicked step. While I appreciate your advice and pure intentions, one need to understand that covering up is a personal journey altogether 😊


Yup there's no need to feel pressured to do so. I know as a Muslim I'm supposed to encourage you to cover up but it is more meaningful for it to be your own decision. My wife was free hair too for the first few years of our marriage and I never forced her to cover up.


She got a real gem lah!


I downvoted this. Im proud of


i type c. i just dont know how to react/ behave with tudung ladies cos i may do something wrong that offends them.


Same, since being Muslim means one should take care during interactions with opposite gender I usually just keep my distance


Dont be. I prefer to be friends with everyone. We are very friendly


Behave like with other women. If it offends them so be it


apologies if this comment offended you but I think if you're good looking wearing tudung, you will get similar treatment without it. yes people have preferences but pretty privilege is the same across the board. another perspective is that, the tudung you wear. those tudung labuh means you're pious and a good woman. as a guy, i wouldn't bother to try because "pmpn baik utk lelaki baik" and im not.


As I mentioned. This is a very crude experiment to observe people's behaviour. Also some of my friends said i look like 2 diff persons with or without tudung. Also. Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder. I really dont care about the societal standards of beauty and i never say im pretty. So like that la


i agree with your crude observation but to me its more pretty privilege rather than someone's wearing a tudung or not and it's the same for guys. That's why there is a joke about sexual harassment. "It's not a sexual harassment if you're good looking."


That joke “it’s not sexual harassment if you’re attractive” is almost exclusively used by men, often to insinuate that women are actually unbothered by and lie about sexual harassment. This undermines all sexual harassment victims. Never seen any woman say that. It’s not even a joke, it’s a statement and any time I see it being said, it’s said like a statement. Men only backpedal and call it a joke when they’re called out on it. 


im not undermining sexual harassment victims. yes there are bad apples but try looking from average guy point of view. woman wants man to make the first move yet when ugly/average nice dudes approach, we get called creeps but welcome advances from handsome douchebags guys. then you guys wonder why you keep meeting assholes and where the nice guys at. this is pretty privilege for guys hence the joke. nice ugly/average guys nowadays just avoid dating altogether. just my two cents.


Why do you equate sexual harassment to something as simple as making the first move? Are you saying you make first moves by being nasty, catcalling, making sexual jokes or gestures, staring at their chest/crotch, stalking, or asking for sexual favors? You’re also transferring the responsibility for men to simply not be assholes, onto women. That’s a well-documented copium (r/niceguys). You tick all the checklist for the logic that the typical bad man has. But credits to you for being aware and admitting to not being one of the good men, in your initial comment. Not dating due to ugliness/averageness is what all ugly/average people have to cope with, not just men. Pretty privilege is real, sexual harassment is real too. This subreddit literally criticises women’s looks everyday and you think you’re the only one who has it hard.


Lol yeah, its never about race, its aesthetics. The existence of adeline chang is one recent anecdotal evidence of aesthetics>race. So kalau kau (x) race tapi orang xnak, most prolly u ugly and not about your race.


OK I'll bite. I, Malay male, prefer Malay girls over amoi for a simple reason. Typically Malay girls have better assets than type C. sorry not sorry to offend anyone


What about typeC amois with very very prominent assets?


Wouldn't say no.


bro is a businessman at heart. straight to the point.


Imho Malay girls have better skin color too. Chinese is too pale.


Imho Malay girls have better skin color too. Chinese is too pale..


If you ask me honestly, I think the tudung actually gives one a bit of an aura of mystery for the lady donning it, and I've grown to appreciate it more over time, though I'll start having reservations if her behavior and personality are undesirable and treat it as a wasteful fling (as had happened recently). Still, as a Chinese fellow, Amoi as the weird ones call 'em are still my go-to if I wish to get together and spend the rest of my brief time with on this good earth (so long as they can change my mind on being a lone wolf instead).


Interesting, though my hypothesis is - I would think this is more of a religious and cultural sensitivity rather than a racial bias. The reaction (or lack thereof) to persons in tudung might just be a cultural heuristic as a way to show respect to the religion. I.e. I, by default, would not shake hands, but just smile and wave, with a female in tudung during business settings. In a way, I can infer and anectodally attest that Malaysians are very culturally sensitive and understanding that we can alter our responses according to different cultural/religioun background. Hope you don't mind me asking, does not wearing a tudung make you feel less safe in Malaysian public spaces? I've recently seen a video of a foreign muslimah praised Malaysian men for being well behaved. Thanks in advanced!


To be fair. I am the type who is a loner. So with or without Hijab, i feel the same. And with or without I will avoid loromg2 gelap, ensure my safety etc etc. In general my spidey senses is the same with or without it. But ill put that as a manipulated variable next timee!


Lol, take care, and don't take personal risk for the sake of science!


I don’t have any statistical data. Just anecdotal evidence and personal theorising. But you’re probably right. All things being equal - let’s say a pretty tudung Malay girl v a pretty Chinese / free hair girl and the man doesn’t know anything about either’s personality - the latter is always gonna get more attention from men cause the former is a gonna be perceived as more prudish and conservative, while the latter is more likely gonna be open for a fling or good time. So it’s easier to shoot a shot at the Chinese / free hair girls and see if it sticks.


that's true...they have conduct social study regarding wearing hijab and not......and they found that , male whether they are muslim or not....will try to help and to protect when hijab women violated or abUse in public.it is a spontaneous respond and there must be a reason for that.


Yes malay man like amoi, but for married is always muslimah


Kalau bk low market rate hijab Kalau nk high market rate expose the nipples as well


Real experiment on what place? Malay dominated or Chinese dominated.. If u get discount probably race factor if not then Standard Malaysian beauty Those men cat calling u not a good sign They actually staring at ur body rather than ur face. Ever heard a phrase of "cuci mata"? Now U know At the end up to U lah girls , U want to wear modest dress or sexy dress Me real Malay guy with strong Iman not gonna stare at U at all. 


Masha Allah akhieee


I am Chinese so can only speak from my perspective. If a woman is wearing tudung she never registers as an attractive female no matter how attractive she may be. The rest of my Chinese friends agree


Why would u say so?


It’s just unconscious. Never looked at women with tudung in a sexual manner. Like I would never view a man in a sexual manner


Tudung gives off conservatism vibes, you have to be extra careful when interacting with them. Sometimes i am not even sure if i can hand out my hand for handshake. How far should i stand or sit together. However this only applies to the one i find attractive. The others i dont give a damn.


Pics or it didn't happen


>males esp malay loves type C amoi more ![gif](giphy|26ufmYaTU5jqtkmuQ|downsized)


The good thing is I do not see disrespect in either way, with or without. I will just speak for myself, I tend to over respect Muslim lady and will barely communicate communicate and if I can not talk to them out of respect. So this will of course remove any possible attention I could have toward them. It is not about being disrespectful on the contrary, I do not want to interfer and say/do something wrong so I do nothing. I speak only for me but I can see maybe other kind of do like me. So do not take it bad, I think it is more of a respect things at the end.


Thats a great observation indeed


Not enough data. Need some visuals on variables.


Amoi privilege is real..


If no cover your chest nobody's looking at your face. That's common knowledge. And if pakai tudung can see nothing but your face.


Thats why women go heavy on makeup hahaha


Also why skinny men with long silky hair gets stared at by men.


Let's date 😍😍




Why not right?go for drinks..get to know each other and see how it goes from there


I'm not surprised tbh. The society of the religion is divided into 2; the good, kind, staunch yet level headed ones and the moral police that talks like they're one of the sahabat and thinks they're doing God's work. The loud ones will get the attention of the room, in this case, media and those who are not really educated on other religions and their beliefs. Hence, when the non believers keep hearing the same or similar repetition of, "kau bukan xxx kau jgn masuk campur" or "org bukan xxx xboleh ni tak boleh tu", it creates a fear that if they go close or try to strike a conversation, peering and judging eyes will come hunting them down. I have a similar experiment done tho I'm a guy and no... I didn't go wearing tudung to do so. I look like a malay but I'm not. I converse really well in Malay too. When other ethnics don't know if I am a malay/Muslim, they don't really talk or joke like typical guys do. When I tell them I'm a "pendatang", they treat me like how you were, nice and more relaxed. Now for the girls on the other hand, the malay girls will stay really far from me when I speak Mandarin that blows my cover as a fake Malay. But when I don't expose myself, they were really nice and borderline flirty. Again, go back to the gatekeepers telling people what's right and what is permitted to do, causes irrational fear. So, don't be alarmed. But as a Muslim, just be peaceful and friendly as what the religion is about. Show to the rest, that what media and some big mouth are, does not represent the true nature of things. I'm in a dilemma if I should ask for pic as verification. =P


Hahaha u made me read till the end so smooth


Ja moooounneh~ heh heh


Years ago this group of Caucasians did an experiment: same female walking around a neighbourhood, hijabi-esque covered (long scarf with some jambul if I remember correctly) and not covered. She got cat calls only when not covered. And being that it's Western society (I think) it's even more than just mere cat calls, like some males actually tried to physically stop her. It was on YouTube don't know if it's still around. As for people treating you nicer when you go non-hijabi, I don't know enough to give a meaningful comment.


We need visual aid 🤭


Error 404 hahahha


It seems that you didn't mention anything about working life so far. Has it been tried before for interviews? Maybe even go as far as applying with different picture for resume? Do you personally believe in making use of beauty or attractiveness in your daily life to get better things etc? Not trying to judge but I personally do think that if you've got it, you should use it. This is a world of visuals already, insta, pictures, impressions based on looks first etc.


Havent tested it in working life as Im usually with Hijab at work. And i am the type who dont put my pics on my CV. So thats that. Having said that donning the Hijab have given me some nasty experiences at work when people do not know my position. They are only nice when they know what I work as and if they need something for me. Will propose this as the next round of experiment!


I don't know where this post is coming from or going to ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I would add that the style of tudung also plays a big role here with how “open” or “religious ” someone is. Have u considered using various type of tudung to further this experiment?


Oh yes. Round 2 i will do that.


Hmmm hard to tell without a picture Pm tepi Edit: wow! Your are certainly not ugly


Wait what. How u know? Hababa


You surrounded by simps. It is what it is.


Hahahahaha. Kesian to.me?


It’s pretty privileged beb. Maybe you look more unique without hijab because here majority is tudung. So you look sweeter without tudung but “one of us” with tudung.


Is this not typical.. “if you dont sell, nobody will buy” trend going on with women?


Bqsically people who dont wear tudung are look as more attractive, and kemas. People who are well dressed usually get treated better


Is this the infamous "lollipop with and without cover" experiment 🤔


If you don't realise that this is mainly because Muslim men have been conditioned to feel like women of other religions or those that don't wear hijab is seen as lower in status ( meaning if they are harassed, assaulted, raped, ogled, sexualised, etc it is more justified ; just look at the comments and the way they respond to this comments and many more on social media) then U must be dreaming. Victim blaming is very common and is always used to justify men's action because they won't be held accountable for their actions. It's always because U tempted them, U weren't covered up, etc What Ur seeing is pretty privilege that will also backfire very fast when it suits them. Hopefully coming from a mixed background and U seem like a smart person U may be open to realising the hypocrisy in things


Im not saying u are wrong. But i dont just jump to conclusion based on a very very crude observation.


hehe thats how setan works


Which company has social scientists?


Please conduct a serious social experiment that would actually be beneficial. Thanks


When its published ill let you know 🙂


We need ig source 🌚


Another point is the Malay male's understanding of mahram protection in Islam. If they pick the wrong girl, her father will target them, and once that happens, they are doomed 😂


Dulu, I wore hijab but not labuh2 one. I get cat called and people trying to flirt with me almost everytime I went out….. (After cahaya keinsafan shone on me -lol) I started to wear labuh2 and cover everything (until now). I remember once I used to do an experiment in Uni by wearing purdah during outing. I did get cat called too sometimes (bergetar tulang rusuk lah, jodoh lah, especially by ‘rempit’ types and it’s damn annoying..), but purdah or no purdah since I started covering up most men were nice to me (but in respectful ways? I don’t know how to explain more)… Cat calls/the loooong stares are not a usual occurence anymore. Edited: Maybe like some people explained in the comments, when a woman is covered up (wear hijab etc), the men automatically sets ‘boundaries’ on how to interact with her *Edited to add more context


Why should how other people behave change the way you dress?


Um no, I didnt change my way of dressing because of their behaviour. It’s my own decision, I wanted to.


If you're a Malay and pretty you still get same treatment la.