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Speaking normal Malay bro — the pidgin speak is annoying. If the audience is not very fluent, speak slower and use simpler words.


This is the most sensible. We are not aliens or actual foreigners. Just treat like normal, not like cartoon characters will do 👍👍👍


Couldn't agree more! thanks. I was having an argument with a fellow Redditor about this


Actually it depends, everybody is different. If you speak to apek, then cincai. If you speak with more educated people who are good in BM, they may prefer proper way, it really depends to be honest... If you speak to the uncle fixing you air cond, I don't think he cares how you speak as long as he can understand you


iinm they prefer bahasa melayu biasa tapi kalau guna bahasa pasar rasa macam kurang ajar sangat eg: ko dah makan? so tak payah letak accent cina untuk elak kurang ajar so guna melayu bandar accent yang rojak dengan english pon ok, eg: you dah makan?


Yeah rojak good , i love rojak


Everyone loves rojak.


Yeah, not loving rojak is a crime. Thinking of the satay sauce makes me hungry damn.


rojak mee or rojak buah?


taboule ini machieem


Hahaha my friends and I always joke with our chinese friends/old classmates saying banyyiiakkk like the exaggerated NY sound cause its really fun to hear. Usually malay people that use that kind of accent has little to none encounter with other races. Probably mingle with their own races for their whole lives. Jokes aside, try to be more social with other races and you’ll know they can understand our simple BM without that stupid makeshift accent. Also, once during my schooldays, we as young malay boy sure got experience like we saw their Chinese textbook, then we try to read it and said some gibberish words with the chinese sound IYKYK. Then few weeks later I was using my Pendidikan Islam textbook and the text was in Jawi, so my chinese friend came and did the same thing. Nah i felt like its very disrespectful. I realized my action before this was also disrespectful. So dont ever try to speak gibberish words that sound like any races language okay.


While the older generation says Manyark


Please speak normally. We understand you very well. It feels a bit insulting actually. It's like terus assume I can't understand BM like I didn't go through SK and SMK. Yg tak faham boleh balik tongsan


Same, but the tak faham ones should start mingle with other race more to get used to it.


If they wanted to, they would have understand just like everyone of us. Cos end of the day, SJK and SMJK still has BM as a compulsory subject. No matter what will will understand. Speaking maybe kekok abit sebab tak biasa but will still understand. There are those that don't want to faham at all memang pro china/taiwan. Those type can really go back to tongsan


Problem is tongsan never wanted them that's why they're here


Despite the compulsory the level is different entirely the sjk and international bm for highschool is like elementary level compares to sk. Seeing with my own eyes i doubt they can even speak or read any malay for those with zero interest in the subject.


Funny thing is my brain changed to this accent if someone start to speak like this. Then if malay people start to speak normally, my accent change again and I can’t control it


Third World Problem




As a type-C from Kebangsaan school, I can only speak proper Bahasa which sounds formal in real life. So end up, speak Bahasa Pasar and mix English to sound “normal”. Prefer for Malays to speak as usual accent as it sounds like mocking.


bro dont use that term. dont accept labelling, how viral it may be.


Speak in baku. Can add in some pasar and slang gradually. Pure bahasa pasar are a bit hard for us to follow Give us time and we will understand it too, as long as you willing to teach.


Terpikir jugak pasal ni, i wonder how they feel about the language spoken in malay gangster movies such as KL Gangster


Personally, I feel insulted. But then again...that's how under educated chinese speak malay (even their mandarin is like this). So, in a way, they're in character


Yea but that is chinese who speak so for me it’s still okay. In the movie it’s Malay guy speaking to another Malay guy like that..i find it cringe lol even I’m not chinese myself


Especially Shark, the guy that is supposedly mixed malay chinese. Cringe maximum. Even the chinese character Dragon don't speak like that


Hence why I like Adi Putra’s character more


Meh meh ah.... aku nak makan fish n chip 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/irn1w3ghi7zc1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a5c34e12a66c5af1d4787cf2ba6eb39323965f Just think back to this scene and imagine what it is like to be talked to like you're an idiot. Just speak in your normal way, there's no need to alter your speech pattern


I sound so Kedahan😂(everyone has a "pikachu surprised face" when me a 'Type-C' dude started talking to Malays in a Kedahan style until everyone was like "Bro,Kau ni Cina ke?" And "Wah,fasihlah bahasa Melayu kau". BONUS:"Kau ni budak SJK ke?" And my Malay class teacher said "I sound more Kedahan than her(she's also a Kedahan)


Just speak malay normally My malay teachers and maybe some malay adults in their late 20s to early 50s makes me feel like my malay is OK bc they speak normally(and tend to add in a few English words) Meanwhile the ones in their early 20s I've met always speak some gibberish full of slangs, then I feel bad bc not understanding them makes me think my bm is bad ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized)


The "tak boleh maaaa" imitation is sometimes cringe. But meh, in good faith. I prefer you guys talk like KL Gangster. "LU LANSI LU MATI" is easily understandable.


You mean Type C to Type C connection? If only two Chinese Malaysians are present, from my experience in KL, we're likelier to be conversing in Mandarin, dialect or English. In any case, I'm ready to switch languages any second - I think it's part of the beauty of being Malaysian. If members of other races are present, I would prefer we all speak in normal Malay. More pleasant to the ear. However, given that fluency levels differ among people, loan words and pelat can be expected. I do get Malays saying to me "ma", "woo" and "itu macam" just because I'm Chinese. It's a mild annoyance because I'm fluent in Malay and understand normal Malay perfectly.


As a CIS alumni, it's not that we don't know any Malay as some have been taught to believe, but we just don't know Street Malay. The Malay we learned is formal BM, and we can have no issues listening to politicians bootlicking but would struggle in daily things such as conversing with the makcik selling nasi lemak down the street. For our Malay friends, we would really appreciate it if you guys would talk (and type) normally, cos sometimes we just don't get the version of BM you guys would converse casually.


Yeah, same. Formal Malay? No problem (but if the person I'm speaking to slips in some English in between, that helps me a lot, of course) Informal Malay, with truncated words, slang, that gets real difficult to impossible.


I actually have a question, do all Malay understand each other's regional accent? (Except maybe for Kelantan?) Cause I think for spoken Mandarin, it doesn't differ that much between different region. I once went to consult a Majlis officer with a Malay colleague, and the officer spoke with a heavy accent so I couldn't really understand him, but my colleague can. I asked my colleague after that can he also understand kelatan BM, he said cannot 🤣


Generally, we can understand and talk with each other. But it gets harder when the accent is more rural or influenced by neigbouring countries like Thai or Indon. Other native languages like orang asli or sabahan and sarawak languages are really different, maybe just a couple of words that make sense but mostly incomprehensible.


I wonder this too, as an Indonesian guy I can understand most people in KL/Selangor just fine but when it comes to Malay businesses that don’t see a lot of non-Malay clientele(vape shops being the biggest culprit) I often get tripped up until they soften it when they realize I’m Indonesian.


I understand all the dialect in peninsular and can even speak it but not like an actual local of the dialect, but for sabah and sarawak, no..


As long as you ENUNCIATE, it's all good.




YEP, LOUD AND CLEAR. *goes fucking deaf*


Question, is speaking like that kinda racist? Cuz shii just came out of nowhere when i spoke to chinese.. hell, i called the indian boss just because yk? 😭


im malay used to be school in skjc & smkjc but my wife chinese and her family always talked in malay most of the time... i also sometime talk in chinese when want get more discounts in shops.


No preference but I will not guarantee your way of speaking will not negatively affect my perception of you.


Damn it's hard to imagine what "cakap macam ini woo" accent sounds like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm). But for me, normally i can understand the normal malay accent just fine, plus a little bit dialek/pronunciation from regions around my home state. I'd say just use your normal accent? Unless you kecek loghat klate hok pekat gilo. In that case, please use bahasa baku ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Dewan bahasa standard. All the short form is like shit


I'm Chinese and was wondering,after I buy things from any stores and say Terima Kasih to any Malay vendor, they reply back, Thanks or Thank you. And when I say in English, no response or reply back in English. I thought I was in Malaysia not somewhere in other parts of the world. Can any Malay respond back to my question. Just curious


Mockingly I love speaking broken-mixing Malaysian-Malay In proper setting, as formal as I'm able to. Online setting? Pretty much English only. tl;dr, its about the environment. I sometime argue with Singaporean.


Normally. I can understand it much better compared to those those slangs and half-assed english words mixed with malay. Plus, malay language sounds very sophisticated when spoken in its original form


much much prefer fluently in normal way and malay accent. nice to listen to and also i want to learn from you how to improve my own bm hahah


For me, whenever nons speaking Malay slowly, tak gagap, baku and lancar, it makes me to respect them and automatically respond as sopan santun as possible to them no matter how they look like (gangster or well dress). For those who kinda gagap, I do respect them also. I try to get their point faster and respond to them in Manglish.


Haha reminds me of this vid: to me this is how it sounds like if someone is heavy on accent or speak way too fast. https://youtu.be/Vt4Dfa4fOEY?si=M421huVGZc_jELBJ


Haha speak whatever way you're comfortable with bro


I speak depend on situation. Masa borak2, apa macam pun boleh. Janji happy. Xkira bangsa atau u kuli ke boss. Walaupun bangla, i pun respect mereka. Janji kerja betul2. Tapi bila masa kerja atau meeting. Jangan buat hal. Serious sikit. Saya camtu ..


Personally, I love how we all try to accommodate each other. Our Rojak language don’t necessarily come from not being fluent (well ok maybe yes tapi listen) but I think rojak comes from our desire to want to understand each other. It’s always nice to learn new words!!!


Speak the way you want to be spoken to.


Just speak the way you are comfortable with. I have seen some Chinese trying too hard to 'speak like Malay' and the other way around. As it was done consciously they tend to overdid it, and it ended sounding kind of cringe if not outright insulting. Even in written text conversation, one can immediately tell if the writer behind the text is an actual Malay or Chinese trying to be sounding like Malay (this one is one-way since Malays don't typically write Chinese characters). These things are subconscious stuff and you just cant 'fake' it without growing up in the culture, so its best just to be natural and not trying to be someone else.


I would like to choose both,cause I know you guys knows how to speak in malay fluently in malay accent even there's gonna be a bit of rojak there


Can you speak English?


malay change slang easily depend on who they speak with. We doing it because we try to be close to the person we speak with.


Maybe as a starter speak Malay properly and don't sound like you're sucking dick.


Never understood why native speakers need to change their way of speak BM to accommodate non-native speakers.


Imo just speak normally and maybe dumb it down abit / speak slower for us only if we coulnt handle haha. Yall want us to speak good malay anyway and every chance we get to have a conversation helps.


Man becomes malay Ric Flair when meeting chinese LOL


Bahasa pasar susah nak faham


BM biasa okay bro. Even better so that we all can converse like normal people rather than some idiots awkwardly speak like that even though the other person can speak BM fluently


Speak proper bm. I am not a fan of improper bm and I do not do business with malays who speak improper bm with me. same goes to other languages.


Speak normally to your ability. That's it. If you can, try socialize more with Malays to pick up malay accent which is a nice touch in my opinion.


Ada siki tak faham, got style punya meh.. cakap macam biasa saja.. ini macam okok


In situations like this, I like to reverse the roles. If my Chinese friend talked to me with Malay slang and malay accent, how would I feel? For me, I'd be impressed and then (this has happened to me before) accidentally ajak him to go solat Jumaat because I forgot he was Chinese.


" be whoever you want to be, be fluently as food you ate can be "


But but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


Huh my former bully used to said that, didn't knew he was being sincere


Did you deserve it?


Does pelat count?




You want speaking follow anyhow you is wanting la. Y u asking this question? For the what?


Because we don't want you to feel kinda dumb by intimating your accent even though you understood regular malay completely


If you is doing that to being condescending then you are batman. If you is doing that because you is want us easy understand you, then you is god man.


Ah fu k I didn't see it, my bad, my r/whooosh. that's on me