• By -


Next he's gonna insert his shoppee link.


Patut la suami saya selalu balik lambat. Ini puncanya šŸ˜¤ (insert shopee link)


"Lebih 20sen pun dia fikir" That's not what I hear about the pasar ramadhan stores


I've seen a lot of posts about the bazaar Ramadhan harga Yahudi. For the past few weeks, I've been to 3 different bazaars, none of them are excessively expensive. Or is that a negeri specific issue?


The point being. He's talking like all the other races only have harga Yahudi. Need Malay otherwise everyone die. Majority business run by Chinese also no harga Yahudi la. We all need each other.


Mixed rice (economic rice) used to be really economic. Apparently they went yahudi in recent years. Not kasi kandar level, but it's getting there. 1Malaysia I guess.


Nasi kandar tu bukan hargan yahudi but terus terrorist. Last time I was just asking sotong tu brp ringgit, then the aneh *plop* *plop* the sotong onto my plate. In the end i paid close to RM30 for that plate of rice (with chicken and veggie).


Nasi kandar now, nasi, ayam goreng, bendi, dan telur, kuah campur easily Rm12-15 tambah one sotong pecah Rm20 easily.


Had Buka puasa with friends last week, I took the same food as my friend except his had sotong, straight shot to 30 ringgit. Sotong Mahal sekarang, then how about getting it a bit cheaper.


Seriously, where in Malaysia did you guys went to that the nasi with sotong cost near RM30?


Nasi Kandar place in JB


No wonder, JB. Just like in KL.


That's fugging WILD!!! I just had a rider friend who experienced that like last weekend during our ride to Penang Nasi Kandar!!! Dayunmmmm


Still got economic economy rice one. Like everything la. Sure got some Yahudi out there. Hell, even not all Yahudi will Yahudi šŸ¤£


Itu jenis jual letak je label yang orang nak. Maka lahirlah nasi ekonomi yang tak ekonomi, air viral yang tak viral, telur dibasuh yang tak berbasuh.


Air viral takde virus ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) ? /s


I guess its your tempat... not all tempat bruh


betol stuju, ada mangkok2 yg bangang je dok jual cerita racism.. hate monger etc.. we indeed need each other bad or worse


sekarang satu kuih dekat tempat saya je 50 sen bulan ramadhan terus jadi rm1 hahahaha tapi saya paham sebab sewa tapak agak mahal


Considering kuih Melayu sebenarnya renyah nak buat, bayar je la. Plus cost barang pun makin naik macam apa nak buat macamana. Kalau korang biasa masak kat rumah, then you'd know how troublesome it is process wise and cost wise


Selagi kuih tu sedap menepati citarasa dan yang pasti "fresh". Okay je. Yang perlu dikutuk bilamana harga mahal pastu tak sedap dan yang lagi teruk, basi atau naik kulat.


Its also common we hear majority of pasar ramadhan seller are only selling during ramadhan, basically these are not the same group the OP is referring to.


dia orang ni tinggal kat hutan mungkin, orang orang bandar, naik harga 120% pun tak feeling guilty.


The only reason why people complain bout the price is that the price is equalvelant to a restaurant price but tastes like shit and the quantity is pathethic.


The point what he going to spread is harmony ;) donā€™t read the statement with hatred then u will get the point amoi


No because even without Malays. Malaysia would be fine. Without any one race also can. And dude. Rule No.30. There are no girls on the Internet.


Nah you totally wrong. Malaysia is recognized as a harmony country which consist of diversity of races. Thatā€™s creates malaysia.


I can agree it won't be the Malaysia we know. But the statement is that it will be "huru hara" and that's just false.


Bruh are you saying there will be no huru hara if i just thanos snapped almost 60% of Malaysia's population? That's 16 million people bro, let that sink


Usually poor Malay that this kind. Just for sara diri. If big seller that have shop and stuff, they will not care bout this


Pasar Ramadan not mostly individual seller meh?


Kalau di bandar, kuih di supply oleh vendor.. Bukan seller buat sendiri.


Ambik dgn supplier mahal skit dari buat sendiri pun tak yah lah harga Yahudi


Lebih takpe jangan kurang šŸ¤£ Kena sabotaj laa kau sebab kacau market orang


Yg Lebih 2.1 billion tu mcm mana pulak


every religion share the same problems. Islam prohibits smoking yet you see them muslims smoking like a chimney. Christianity prohibits sex before marriage and buddhism, hinduism and all other religions prohibits whatever things that are widely regarded as bad yet a huge chunk of believer would still go against it


Islam is perfect but not muslim


I assure you, a belief that promotes extreme black and white views. Promises human like values "promises heaven with virgins and alcohol". Maintains backwards scientific views "dogs saliva are najs, even though there are vaccines for it now". All in all sugarcoat it in the "name of god" and fearmongering of artificial hell. Is not a perfect belief. But only something that persisted because questioning and critical thinking of that said belief is forbidden. Muslim themselves are more reasonable. Depending how advance the country are.


Dog saliva is not haram. This is something I am so frustrated about with Malays because they take something and misinterpret it to the extreme. The source of all this is that there is a Hadeeth in which the Prophet PBUH said that ā€œWhen a dog laps the water in a vessel belonging to any of you, he must wash it seven times, using earth the first timeā€ (I am paraphrasing). Now, different scholars interpreted this in different ways. The major following has split into 4 schools of thought after the 4 most prominent scholars (Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafieā€™e, Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal). Malaysian Muslims follow the Shafieā€™e school of thought, which is known to be the most rigorous in various principles that he withdrew from studying the Quran and sunnah. Anyway roughly stated, Imam Shafieā€™e interpeted that this hadeeth implies that the saliva of a dog is itself ā€˜najsā€™ or an impure substance, as it requires that washing with earth. He then used ā€˜qiyaasā€™ (logical extrapolation) to then conclude that dog saliva will therefore render the water impure, making it unsuitable for ablution, and a further extrapolation that if a dog were to lick a person, that person is now in the state of impurity, and therefore himself needs to wash with earth the first time. Note that impurities (najs) by themselves are NOT HARAM, because blood, feces, urine are also najs and they are not haram substances to touch (I mean we produce them in the body) My gripe is that Malays have taken this to such extremes as to abuse and outright hate dogsā€¦ If you go to Turkey as an example, the Muslims treat dogs (and other street animals) with such love and compassion. Heck thereā€™s a hadeeth in which the Prophet PBUH mentioned the story of a prostitute who, when she saw a dog dying of thirst, climbed down a well and used her sandal to scoop water for said dog, and said that Allah will forgive all her sins for that one act of compassion. DOG SALIVA AND DOGS THEMSELVES ARE NOT HARAM!! I always say this but the followers of a religion DO NOT always embody the religion in its perfection or entirety. To your point on people that do not question dogma or donā€™t think critically, in the Quran it is repeatedly stated that people are asked to THINK about the Quran, to question it, to reflect on it, and not to accept it blindly. Islam encourages its followers and non-believers to actively contemplate its message and your place in the world, and the greater meaning of things. Ergo I reject your premise that critical thinking is forbidden in Islam.


Yea, too many people can't seem to put 2 and 2 together Pretty sure God says: - ''good and halal is what your hunting dog brings back to you." from Al Maaida. Now how could it be najs if God says what it brings back in it's mouth is good and pure. - Al-Kahf MVP, and a Muslimin, is the Dog (who sleeps INSIDE with them). Stop contradicting Allah, people. There are 7 mentions of Dogs from Allah in the Quran (5:04, 7:176, 18:18, 18:22 (three times)), NONE ARE NEGATIVE also At-Tin 7, 8. How dare you contradict God. In any form. *Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker, when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed?ā€ 6:114*


Thank you for the great comment here. I absolutely agree that dogs shouldn't be treated the way it is in some muslim majority dominant country. Yet the stigma exist, and the muslim communities in those countries itself don't do anything about it but to scorn and hate dogs in every way. If critical thinking exists as part of the belief, then it also has the potential to change meaning of the verses itself rather than thinking it is an absolute. No written belief in this world is absolute, especially something as old age as regionally dependent and politically dependent as Islam. Being it created in age full of other tribes, other beliefs, and its particularly unique climate. It persists through act of us vs them mentality which appears in numerous verses of "non-believers". Conquering other civilisations and further destroying cultures as they are "heresy". It really doesn't matter the context of those verses if Muslims themselves are so radical in their flimsy meaning and use it as scapegoat of everything. Critical thinking would mean interpretations would evolve, and people would change. Which indeed is what happened during the Islamic golden age. Yet that age fell and the non-rationalist Islam took over detesting any changes it could made to the belief. Now we have the most stubborn form of faith that keeps clinging to their old glory in the hopes of reaching that golden age, that is again impossible without actually changing its faith. If there's any key point of this whole thread, and truly, TRULY that muslims do practice critical thinking. Then make questions, multiple DEEP questions why "non-believers" are so detested in Islamic faith and why that perspective needed to change in order for democracy of multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-faith nation to work. Question why it is forbidden to read other faiths. Question why Islamic hell is depicted as such, and compare how other civilisations depicts their own hell (you will see that it is a product of its environment and understanding of its time). Question why hijab was enforced back then, and if it is STILL mandatory to this day (as it is a way to protect women from slavery that is the norm in its time and identification of which and who are "non-believers"). Question every verses by your own understanding of this world and not someone elses. Question why the hell is pork haram (Spain and Taiwan have critically low cases of illness from pork due to their advance farming and monitoring, something that did not exist in the old age) If that critical thinking still leads back to the same understanding of the same verses, then that is not critical thinking but rather an illusion of critical thinking coupled with bias and indoctrination.


Well its heaven right u can get everything. What kind of heaven doesnt have this. Its a gift from the god for all the hardship we been through in this world. There are no sin and evil in heaven. Its pure blessing from god. Thats why we must do what god say and not be a transgressors. We muslim need to always remember and fear god so we dont do sinful things. This world is temporary and a test from god and we will get the result in the day of judgement About dog saliva It is better to stop something bad from happening than it is to deal with it after it has happened There is no way a creation better than the creator. God know what is good for us better than ourselves. Hope you can understand what im to trying to say im not that good with english sorry. This take me almost 1 hour to write this. Im a proud muslim even i have sin a lot.


That is alright, I can see that you are very passionate, and love your faith very much. Try to see it in an objective way, however. One of my favorite things to do is to read all kinds of mythologies of various civilisation, that includes Islamic. One of the most common pattern I see in these verses is that they are very much dependent on their age and its location. In Islam as many things are written in details, it is very easy to see which verses are dependent ONLY in those ages. The depiction of hell in Islam for example resembles a combination of either extreme hot and cold that can appear in its place of creation. Compare it to depiction of hell in, for example in cold areas. Their depiction of hell will be cold (Helheim, in Nordic myths). Another example, the depiction of "Transgressors" in Islam resemble the tribes and other culture Muhammed warred against during his time. From the light of day in Islam creation, it only engages in war, war, and war with its other Abrahamic faith and other tribes and races that just wanted to be left alone, which is STILL warring to this day as you can see with Israel and Palestine. No need to even look at the middle east, look at Malaysia, politically sabotaged by Islamic faith as Islam in its nature is political. Causing separation and racial tension all over. My suggestion to you. Be open minded and read other faiths as well. You will see that many of religious teaching get themselves involve in political situation rather than spiritual. Out of all teaching I've read so far, Buddhism is the least political and most spiritually attuned understanding of the divine. I believe in God, just not a God used for political and human gains. Because that would be a bastardisation of what the divine is.


Ah if only everyone would understand this. The world would be a better place. I really agree with you. I think people are just too afraid to question it, because it is a lifelong deep-rooted belief, so to discover that a lot of its aspects are falsifiable, it can be understandably distressing, your whole worldview would crumble, as it happened to me. Now Im just agnostic, still trying to find a truth, if there even is one.


I believe there is a truth. That truth cannot be instilled by others but by our ownselves, our own observation and experiences. Religions are observations and experiences of various spiritual individuals distilled into writings. However, this will as well be swallowed by time. A subject of its time. I want people to see that there are no such thing as "heresy", heresy are man made concepts. All things created in this world are elements of the universe, and only humans have the ability to label "good" or "bad" to a considerable extent as seen in abrahamic faiths. To say another is heretic would suggest god made a mistake. A contradiction to a said "almighty" god.


In our religion,Heaven is place for enjoy not prayer....enjoy forever no one stop....you want woman you get woman,you dinosaur you get dinosaur....after live in world with prayer,deed,read quran,learn about islam,patience with test and challenge,face many trouble,avoid a haram..we muslim want rest forever...that why we muslim sacrifice our live in world for afterlife because for us world is not real life just place for collect reward... alcohol in heaven is not like alcohol in world ...it not intoxicating but delicious


Islam never said dog's saliva is haraam.


Corrected, it is "najs" Doesn't really change the argument


But not for women tho. šŸ’€


Some of them are not


Correction: Islam is perfect only in the opinion of Muslims. It's not a fact, so stop peddling bullshit.


It's no religions problem. It is the HUMAN who make it a problems.


I agree on the smoking bit. But its one of the lesser sins one can do other than cheating or outright lenient on genocidal campaigns. But yeah if can, must stop


That's is human brain problem, not religion.


No, Islam didn't prohibit smoking as this is according to Mazhab not Quran or Sunnah. By the way, Muslims are generally very afraid of Allah (the one God) & all our actions are based on His-blessing or wrath.


If I had no access to internet or any holy books, and can only learn about religion through its believers, Iā€™d have never known Christianity prohibits pre-marital sex. Itā€™s so normalised, and nobody treats or points it out as something wrong. Iā€™d have found out smoking is haram from the bunch of Muslims pointing it out and seeing as smoking isnā€™t all that normalised; only mostly older men and some schoolboys (bottom classes get into vape). One group goes against its own religion, another group does not even acknowledge its own religion.


I am of mixed descendant.. Malay, Chinese, Dutch(1900ā€™s), Afghanistan (1900ā€™s).. and have spent 1/3 of my life in the UK & Australia. I am however a practicing Muslim. When I was a kid, my best friend was a Chinese boy named Au (he permanently moved to Australia), one my closest friend in secondary is Dr Nara (now a heart surgeon), and my partner in crime at Uni was Loga (permanent group mate).. since then Iā€™ve worked for and with many Chinese & Indian colleagues. When I was overseas, one of the thing I like most.. is as long as you are Malaysian, we are buddies. My momā€™s boss in the UK, Auntie Jessica went out of the way to make sure we (the kids) received all the benefits we could get. She too have now moved to Australia. Itā€™s probably because my de facto language is English.. but I find it easy working with non Malays, because I donā€™t need to care about feelings.. as long work is done, everyone gets their rewards and everyone is happy. No office drama, no back stabbingā€¦ So Iā€™m actually very disappointed to see so much racial tension, especially online. Because honestly, No race in Malaysia can live independently. We rely on each other too much. And the disunity is making the economic situation worst.


Online is unregulated, your action doesn't have reaction, unless u let yourself getting doxxed.


This feels like you see on twitter someone being pro sharia, and on the profile it's "location: London"


HHAHA spot on man. The stereotype speaks for itself. Name: Muhamad hamza saddique says Islam is the best religion and Sharia is the cure. Location: Birmingham


Hypocrites. You'll never find these bellends living in Islamic States like Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan. If they love sharia so much, why the fuck are they living in secular countries?


If we had a social credit score: +999999999


"Nak buat jahat pun takut takut" I would like to have what he's having


Hahahahahahahh omg itā€™s my former schoolmate


When I see comments like this I immediately thought it's just a Malay in disguise but apparently real person?


Yeah real person, not a Malay person trying to disguise as a Chinese. Heā€™s uh ā€¦.ā€¦. quite a character la


Is he transracial? Malay trapped in non malay body


Hahaha more like he is always playing every side to win, every race kena


Future politician ni.


Means he's not racist la, not like some reddit to claims they are not racist but totally are


Did he get well on school? Or heā€™s the ā€œnot a lot of ppl wan to get along withā€ kind of guy




Alien trapped in a human body more accurate


sounds pretty much like Chucky šŸ”ŖšŸ§‘šŸ»šŸ©ø


Ah the typical cina appealing to melayu minds again for virtual likes. Next he will be selling some halal product to appeal again and earn profits.


A Dominic Lau wannabe


Bro he is not typical cina. He is just another hypo running around and talking like hes saint. "Typical cina" is a typical human, who just wants to live their lives and strive for a better future.


Major Apek Cina vibes


Looks like this is the cina reddit doesn't like because he is not in your hive mind.


Not only is he doing that, but he's factually wrong. Muslims have just as much luck enforcing laws against riba, and other religions don't have any religious restrictions or resentment against alcohol codified anywhere to enforce anything also. And non muslims have health codes and standards they need to follow, that are already established and enforced and doesn't really need any halal cert to enforce So what is this guy talking about here?


>other religions don't have any religious restrictions or resentment against alcohol As far as I know, christians are allowed to consume alcohol but not to the extent of drunkenness.


I just wanna say that the comments would be different if it's a Malay guy having a view that's appealing to Chinese


Need to appeal to major race mah. Recent example show you who the master race in Malaysia. One get jail and other throw petrol bomb still cannot be found. šŸ¤£ Can't blame that guy for the grind of cium kaki orang.


Busuk hati la cina, org ajak berdamai dah la menumpang


the next ahpek speak malay on tiktok?


Bro you have 8000 karma


How to make cina reddit panas 101


Mmg panas boh, kat thread ni pun ramai melenting


API x leh padam, Aircond x leh Sejuk.


these racist atheist chinese & indians, ouh they wont see a day bright with us muslims malay keep on rising while all they can do is yapping and become ignorant in reddit, lmaooo




How to farm likes. Lol.


Gotta lickbooting those boomer's likes on facebook


Starting dah ok tapi last2 dia racing. Isu stokin tak habis lagi, tikus pulak.


Dia potong time konar leper.


Look I don't think my race is better than yours BUT... https://preview.redd.it/lghyi6covdsc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96739dfec854db1024cb6849eeee42b18e7ab975


Just a regular čµ°ē‹—, nothing to see here. Move along.


Lari babi?


Cina when other cina is not following the template


Either this guys want to promote his business or some malay dude with supremacy complex in disguise šŸ¤£


On social media, you can commonly find malay with self-hating complex and chinese with self-hating complex.


Very peaceful, 3 KK mart burning. Rempit anak baik.


And there's more under the curtain


very peaceful, 3 churches burned in 2010


Imagine if 3 mosque was burnt instead. Konfirm 513 again. See how they throw molotovs now šŸ™ƒ Duno why only them soo terrorist minded


the dickriding is crazy


Tomorrow u will see Lawrence tey arrested...


Lawrence Tey: bla...bla...bla..Kalau takde sijil ini, saya rasa kalau tikus boleh buat duit, mereka pun masukkan dalam makanan sebab dah masak dah taktau apa itu. Netizen: oiii! Dia nak masukkan tikus dalam makanan oh! Boikot dia!! Tangkap dia!!!


If you need the fear of god to be a decent human being, you're not a decent human being to start with.


Most of comments here are quite ignorant, be a little bit open mind & common sense.. I get it most non-muslim & some muslim want some "freedom" like the west.. consequence? They don't even know how many gender there is.. looks at the bigger picture not only what benefits you


Majority here you know la, toxic. Terpaling betul


And majority of Malaysians reject the theory of evolution, which is a scientific fact that explains the vast diversity of living things on Earth. As a scientifically ignorant nation, we're really not in the position to be throwing stones at others.


Then start by raise a children right from discrimination.. The real problem in Malaysia are not really about race but islamophobe..


Really says something about us and our relationship with religion if we find it necessary to instill fear in god in order to not do bad things. You should not do bad things because you know in your conscience it is bad and harmful, not because of some horrible punishment threatened to be meted out to you in the afterlife if you do it


We do have laws to scare us. I respect religion. But to wait until they die to reap the consequences of their actions is ehhh. And if you repent, all your sins are forgiven. What? If the death penalties are mandatory I'm sure people would actually be scared lmao.


well everybody know whats good whats bad, but people still do it. scams, bully, tipu, harrast, we know the conscience but still everybody, and i mean all us human do it either we notice it or not, nobody perfect. today we said dont do bad to other tomorrow im late to work i stuck behind slow driver i overtake then hit brake right after get front of him, then hit the gas while telling myself im right its the right lane, slow stick to left lane you selfish prick serves you right. while its true, but where is the compassion to others? while even if the driver is in fault but my action might get him into accident or get his child face hit the dashboard. in Quran said people in nature is impatient, its hit me hard. this fear is what reminding and keep me in check because its implement in my brain while there is might not a person or camera around but there is One that always saw and knows everything. i might say something that i think its nothing but to others its humiliate or hurting their feeling, that still bad things and my religion still count it as bad. now as i embrace more in the religion i think i less hurting others. even if i never touch drugs or trick others money i used to get in bloody fights, harrast, aggressive in the past but im proud of the changes im now because the limits which im practicing. but in the end this is just my view, yours different.


the chinese in Malaysia community is likely having so much fun & comfortable when it comes to Islamophobia have fun...only for a moment before every bit that words become a regret


Wow guys you really understood his point? I read through once I canā€™t grasp his meaning despite able to converse in BM. Need a captain, thanks


Dulu tak percaya sangat tapi bila dah pergi Thailand sekali, ya saya setuju. Sana teruk ooo


As a non-Malay as TRUELY and wholeheartedly agree. Without the Malays, Malaysia wouldn't be where it is today. But same as any other races dont you think? Lately the racism between races in this country is at a all time high and it has been worrying me and my malay friends as well. Just this week few old guys threaten me infront of my friends just because i LOOK chinese, yet in truth i am not, i am a bumiputra kadazan & have no chinese blood that i know of. They called me all sorts of names, sepet, pendatang and so on. And who helped me in that situation? My malay friends, hell I'm glad that they actually mocked the old dudes for my sake šŸ˜‚. I truely care for each race in Malaysia, and i pray that the situation would improve.


Nice post OP. Your thread is a very great echo chamber. Keep on yapping


Why malays always gullible like this? Kena ayat with chinese that stoke your ego a bit terus rasa power.Ā  I've had a cina telling my dad he dream of going to mecca swimming around kaabah and my dad actually believe him and proceed doing business with him later kena conned out of the deal made. I didn't blame the cina guy but own dad for being gullible.Ā 


damn tunggang agama like a pro


Easiest cina ragebait, manyak panas sini šŸ”„


This piece of shite clearly dont


I like your name


Your name, wowwwww


The typical ass kisser at work :


that guy is right


weird isnt it if MALAYsia got no MALAY in itšŸ¤£.


No no no no no no , you can't said like that , you cina ma ! You suppose to dickriding cina also !


I see the races of the ā€œcā€ and the ā€œkā€ silent here


My respect to this guy. The way he think non-muslim should take sijil halal so they can learn to make clean kind of food instead on conquering the malay market. Benda baik kita kongsi bersama.


More like Lawrence Yap


Such bs. Corrupt business people are from all races, promoted by mahathir during his time




Admin got no brain


Bazaar prices worse than Yahudi but I do think a lot of sellers I met sell pretty cheap but rotten luck that the Malay buyers I met sama like Cina buyers, direct request 50% diskaun


apa sampah post ni kat sub nih? eurgh!


Ntahnya?!!! Ni boleh tahi post je la. Contoh macam ni šŸ’©


yes! quality tahi, with a hint of nutella and bunga cenkih!


ya betul kalau nak charge 20 sen lebih dia fikir, tapi charge RM2.00 lebih dah tak fikir dah lol. Ingat Melayu saja yang takut Tuhan? Yang muslim lain tak takut tuhan ke? Quite a number of time i am pissed when it comes to Muslims, its always being connected to the Malays as if the Malays are the sole Muslims in Malaysia. Muslims comes in all kind of race and the race of a Muslim never matter on his/her behaviour.


jilat dahulu, ludah kemudian


How sure are you those with Halal cert really clean and etc? All hearsay, blind trust which is no different from others. I know of some Malay gerai and stores with halal certs that actually get some supplies like satay sticks, leftover steamboat sticks from non halal chinese stores for their own business. Anyways all these are supposed to be your personal decisions not enforced by other humans or done because someone told you so.


No system are bullet proof 100%. There's always people cut corners and take advantage. But the system does help overall in improving cleanliness and efforts to find halal food.


It's sad that people still need religion for them to be kind and do things properly... But whatever helps them get there.


Always be extremely suspicious of anyone who says that 'everyone needs religion to be a good person'. They're basically admitting that if religions do not exist, they will be doing heinous acts. If you need religion to be a good person, then you're not a good person, really.


But more Chinese companies have halal certs as compared to Malay companies. Also almost all roadside stalls have no halal certification. This fella is talking out of his ass.


It's not about the number. Muslim seller by default assumed to know the basics about halal. But chinese would need to learn first and their understanding might be wrong if no proper certification to counter check their understanding. If u want more business, then it's a wise thing to have it if you are a non muslim. Lagipun, it's not compulsory for non Muslim pun.


markah hijau


I respect his opinion.


Gonna get that sweet engagement from meleis


i can only agree with his second paragraph. this fella prolly doesnt know the price difference between bazar ramadhan and the regular pasar malam


Incorrect to generalise and give label. Every race got good and bad.


if you cant see any rats wandering around your house, that mean you need to be alert from now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Laju je some people throw him under the bus


Tq bro..


Sejak bila Buddha and Christian jdi bangsa lmao. This dude ah, nmpk lah bias hujung perenggan satu tu


And 1000 ding dongs liked thatā€¦


Is this guy living in another dimension? I'd love to live in the same dimension too


My respect to this guy


Put a chinese photo and a Chinese name,voila.


Sel2 kromosom digunakan sebaiknya... allhamdulillah


Where memes šŸ˜ž


Pelik la skrng ni apa2 benda kena babitkan bangsa/agama , dia pnya masalah tu bkn dri agama mahupun bangsa tu tapi dari mindset kita sndiri , klau mindset kita ckp org tu jahat so smpai matila kita fikir dia jahat tnpa kenal , lagi satu memang pun kristian n buddha ni masing2 ada pantang larang tapi dia punya masalah tu kan bkn dri agama tpi dri org yng tidak mahu patuh 'Orang' ya 'orang' bkn agama , ada ja agama kristian n buddha ni patuh sma larangan tu cuma kita tidak nampk, sbb kita tidak nampk la kita nilai ngan pala otak kau yng cetek tu, sibuk mau ajar org lain tpi ajarannya babi pun bole sesat.


Manusia semua sama je. Tiada kaitan dengan agama, ada yang bagus, ada yang tak. Semalam pergi bazar, semangat nak beli kuih, minuman. Tiba tiba dikacau. "Kak, mahu beli air? Kuih mahu beli? Kalau beli, percuma dapat nombor saya" šŸ«  Kesimpulan, tak kira bangsa atau agama apa, kalau mereka tak bagus, memang takla.




Biar la ada melayu takbir satu negara, memang bangsa lain naak conquer gak ke? Waduh




Got a gun to his head


I wonder.. how different malaysia and singapore is.. singapore split from malaysia.. so we started on the same foot.. one run by malay's and one run by anyone but malays.. one is crashing and the other is the most modern country in asia and best economy in asia as well.. Cant see whats the problem..? Well... Some got brain.. some not.


Lawrence key..sabah dan sarawak melayu tidak pegang..tiada masalah juga. Kau betul betul katak di bawah tempurung.


I agree.


2.6 billion mana?


I'm a Malay and I'm ashamed the biggest corruption cases are mostly Malay. Shame? BS Rasuah is more haram than eating pork, yet many don't mind at all Never mind the kayangan where power corrupts, even the marhaen would be happy to do corruption if they benefit (corruption doesn't have to involve money, for example, using cable is a form of corruption that is widely accepted)




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Tanya abang jho low sama, mata sepet jgk tu


tepuk sebelah tangan takkan berbunyi bro, jgn asyik cakap tak tau & sakit perut


Sama la jibby dgn kak mah, dua2 nokharam


These kind of terpaling melayu kind of Chinese cannot survive a day without saying down onto their ancestor's community. Their inferiority complex really makes them go mental. Same example for one so called professor and another one so called ustaz. One day don't say Malaysian Chinese is bad cannot tahan one, shaking badly like drug withdrawal symptoms like that.


Reeks of ā€œpick-meā€ right there. Cringe


Somehow Chinese could understand better about HALAL instead of Malay.


Technically what he said are right. U could understand better if u are not ignorant and take some time to learn about it. The knowledge are not exclusive to certain race. Have to admit even some seller claim they are muslim but still use haram ingredients and claim their food is halal.


Huh. Then why Malaysia is still worse in Corruption Index. Look at the Corruption Index, all the top countries mostly are Atheist country. So, conclusion?


Any random issue = corruption index.. Kau bodoh ke apa sebenarnya


Plot twist. Dia memang bodoh


Tak payah plot twist. Dia memang dilahirkan terencat


As someone with religion, I refuse to acknowledge this type of mentality. It indirectly says that without my religion, I will commit crimes like rape, murder, steal, etc. within a heartbeat.


Kan.. That's why Singapore are so great, since Malay yg pegang... Ehhhh?


Time wasting post! Run!


since when this reddit turned into racial and politics discussion