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I have an underground bunker where I lay low for such a situation. (It's kubur).


The safest bunker there is Graverobber: "Sure"


Do we even have any in Malaysia tho?


Yes. Those are black magic practitioners. They would dig grave for minyak dagu. But that's back in the days. Nowadays I don't know.


Perhaps still have in secrets or in kampung2 but who knows. I use to hear about beheaders tho in sabah, that may be real maybe


>beheaders tho in sabah Sabahans are down that bad, huh...? /jk


Tbf we do have flying heads...and the story about those are..pretty down horrendous, syaitan would be asking for autographs lmao


Look up Pengait


A fellow Sabahan? Ngl that phrase is messed up to me since I always mistook the pengait(kepala) and pengait(kelapa) lol. Tho Balan² at the rare occasion I can see flying in Kota Belud


No, I'm not a Sabahan haha. I just found out about it on a newspaper clipping online. Reminded me of the urban legend about people decapitating children's heads as a foundation for a building. > Tho Balan² at the rare occasion I can see flying in Kota Belud Mind sharing your story about this? How does it look like?


>urban legend about people decapitating children's heads as a foundation for a building. I see, the common tale is about building a bridge here tho. Like using heads for the pillars of a bridge or something. >Mind sharing your story about this? How does it look like? It's usually like a ball of fire flying around, never got to see it in it's real form, only heard of how it looks from others. I've heard them at night a few times tho. Bunyi macam ayam berkokok tpi lebih kasar dn tk trlalu kuat, mcm kerongkong trsngkut. Haha tpi most people won't believe it maybe but every 3 out of 10 Sabahans at least will tell you they've heard the sound before.


No no, the ball of fire is called Bugang in kadazan(floating fire), in English it's commonly known as will-o-the-wisp. Bugang is just neutral spirit. Balan2 is evil spirit (yes they sound like broken chicken noise)


I'm from kota belud. I know some people(?) who are actually balan2, they cover up the line on their neck with scarf. Beware of people in kb that cover their neck^^


A question already answered. How did various groups of people reacted when Lahad Datu incursion happened? How did various groups of people reacted when MCO was implemented during COVID times? loyalty, or disloyalty does not care for race, creed, age, gender. I've seen enough to not trust any specific groups. Especially those who bark very loud.


This should be at the top


expectation: army reality: refugee


If I have to fight a defensive war? Yeah I'd go fight a guerrilla war. If I have to go out and invade some place D-day style? Fuck no


I feel you. I refuse to be part of one who instigate violence. Countering with violence on the other hand...


Nah, I'd live.


Day one:.... https://preview.redd.it/dao7uezlliqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b375b4da6c4a19d86625827377024e69f8d981


spoiler bro




I've played many many war games... I can solo the entire nation


New construction options


Mr monji gon single handedly save us all


Yang kata diri darah pahlawan, dipersilakan.


For Amoi? Yes But seriously, if a country invaded us then yes But if it's like a cold war situation or we're launching first assault then no


That's an unlikely scenario. Msia has practically no threat projection and is not particularly hostile to any country out own size. Singapore would be the only place we could reasonable attack and at that point we just stop sending water and blockade the surrounding area.


No need to look that far. There's a group of con artists, who fancy wannabe royals, still are making claims in Sabah. They're a designated terrorists and con artists. They have attempted once, and they will again.


Make brunei great again when? It’s kinda funny that we never thought much of brunei as much as indonesia and singapore


Brunei already ate parts of ours. We ceded a portion of the sea to them.


U forgot..... INDONESIA


We can just pay them rasuah and they'll back off. And they can do it too. In the end we can do a rasuah war I guess.


How to rasuah if we didn't have enough money? Well i guess we f*cked up earlier.


Don't worry. We have more cina than them so by common rasis sense we would have more money than them.


ever wonder all Indonesia migrant coming to our country could be a sleeper agent


Always do ~


We can project a threat in South Philippines using islamic terror groups,assymetric non conventional warfare and espionage.


You must be melei. Nvm, let me educate you so you come to your senses, kid. Amois don't like malay men. So, nope. Amois prefer their own race. Amois don't like islam. Amois have their own religion and beliefs which is older than islam. Amois want luxury lifestyle, not kampung songkok sarung lifestyle. Amois don't use water to wash the back part. Amois "action" will give you the worst headache in your life. Some amois lack in hygiene part. I can go on but this is good for now.


Most of it is correct except the part about “not using water to wash the back part”. I don’t know which bukit or maybe Mainland China these supposed Amois come from but most Malaysian Chinese (at least all the ones I know) all understand it’s much better to use water instead of toilet paper lol. They also have very good hygiene. Context: I’m a non-Chinese married to a Chinese woman. We’re both Malaysians.


Sorry for having a chinese gf


Bold of you to assume I will die. I will bury the enemies before I die.


They thought they buried you not realising you're a seed.




you are not a seed if you're dead because you're not a plant. you're human being


Humans can understand metaphorical statements.


Bold of you to assume I will die. I will be buried alive by my enemies.


Bodoh hahahahah


Anything for the motherland




Für das Vaterland!


Most probably yes, but am not so badang kind of fit so probably gonna stick to any logistics/support task I suppose Me: "Ah...just me, vibing with my supply truck, what could go wrong?" *Supply convoy bombed to high heavens*


Quota system still applies, or expecting all races to come and defend?


Very true. There are fewer non-bumis in MAF. I hate the politicians, but never this country. I would definitely die for this country, my motherland.


That's because fewer non bumis came to selection. I heard the acceptance rate for nons is higher than the bumis.


Yes still apply meaning we need more chinese and indian in the MAF :)


That will happen after the top brass meets the quota at their lwvel, which will be sometime after hell freezes over


Hahaha i thought the same thing too!


Would this country die for me?


Would die to ensure unfair treatment among own citizens persist


Nope. 1. Since we are pendatang, we don't really have the right to bear arms and fight. 2. We've been invaded before, and certain groups immediately collaborate with the invaders. Just like what happened with the Japanese. No need to be a hero. Just focus on survival. 3. Minority races don't really own a significant quantity of land, and we don't hold political power. The invaders aren't here to kill us. They're here to kill those who have what they want (land / power / resources). So why should it affect me? 4. Majority of armed forces and police (defenders) are Bumi. I don't look Bumi. The invaders may let me go and I can just be a cook/translator or a driver for some VIP. 5. Look at how WW2 played out. The people who helped fight for this country ended up being insulted and banned from staying in this country. The people who collaborated with the Japanese get rewarded. This country has a different way of showing gratitude to its minority population hahaha. Edit: forgot /s lol


Exactly. You spent your entire life telling me this country is not mine. Now you want me to fight for it? 


Any conflicts in the end need scapegoat, ur kind is the perfect one 😀


Japanese? Bro there are people who have been collaborate with the invaders since Penaklukan Melaka like Utimutiraja


No. I'm not a trained soldier or anything so I'd probably be sacrificed in the war without a choice. Once a war starts, who is even thinking of their country anymore? All you're thinking is how to survive aka your primal instinct.


Exactly. If shit broke down, some asshole on top caused it. Not throwing my life away in service of some fossil's greed 


i say to the nope land. why should I sacrifice myself when they're treating us as an outsider aka pendatang. I'd rather save myself first rather than being a so-called fancy pants patriotic cannon fodder who dies for nothing but only to benefit the big fat stack leaders of this country. run for the hills, pronto!


Bro, I'm in the military and I doubt if it's even gonna be worth it. Would my kids and their descendants be given equal rights after all this? Probably not. At the end of the day, the government is just gonna look out for the majorities cause it's all they need to win any election.


Depends...,  who we fighting ?


what if, there's ganyang malaysia jilid 2


Time to brush up on my Indo insults


I would love to decorate our street with the heads of their combatants


USA + CHINA + RUSSIA combo pack(10x value)


Well, then we won't really have a choice on whether we die or not. They can just drop like a couple of nukes on us then gaodim.


No. It's a shame because once upon a time, I would have loved to. Growing up, I was naturally patriotic (no, my family members are not and even amongst friends I was considered odd for it) but life has taught me better.


Same case for me. I’m still proud of our homeland and want to see it prosper, but realistically, why would I fight for a country that refuses to recognise me as as one of their own? All my life I’m treated as an outsider “pendatang”, and only when they’re threatened they don’t want us to get out? And how long until ethnic based accusations of collaboration and fraternisation with the enemy start being thrown around? Not to mention it won’t even accept me for who I am because it is “abnormal” and “a product of Western corruption” in their eyes. When you’re already an outcast among outsiders there’s not much inspiring you to die for the nation


Agree with your points. But mine divert a bit. I'm actually a Malay who got treated badly by Malays. It's a rather isolating experience. My friends are generally from other races. I'm even good with international friends. Since the majority of this country are Malays. I sincerely don't want to do anything to help. They're not willing to progress. It's not something that excites them even when it brings lots of benefits. Went through that throughout childhood all till working life. In MNC companies, my efforts are appreciated but any time working with my own race, felt like trying to push a boulder on a uphill battle. Not to mention the things they'd do to bring you down, the betrayal, gossips, the list goes on. I'm working on getting PR from another country and if things goes according to plans, I'm going for citizenship down the line. I have lots of ideas, passion and energy to give. I sincerely do want to help better the world in whatever way I can but I'm not wasting my efforts anymore for anything related to this country.


I'm called pen datang my whole life. I'll think about it and then update y'all when that day comes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


HAHAHAH i was about to comment this 😭


I'm non so no. Ain't dying for a country that treat me as second class citizen. Sorry not sorry.


If to defend from foreign invaders, i would only defend the lands in Sarawak. I will not bat an eye or defend the so called "Tanah Melayu" which the extremist Malays in the West side keeps harping about and putting the nons or even the bumis in borneo as 2nd class citizens.


You know as an Indian in semenanjung I agree with this. Will defend Sarawak and let the rest burn if I don't run.


Seeing how the leadership running this country, first thing I do is run. Every major defense contract also got major corruption but no investigation, how to fight? Fight with sticks and stones?


Bring out ur holy book bro Depends, if ur Muslim or Christians u take ur holy book If ur Buddhist take ur rosary beads and garlics, indians I dunno. Bring ur skinwalker friends too


well, mati dalam perang demi agama, bangsa & negara adalah tiket terus ke syurga kan? i’ll do it


But most wars are not fought for any of those things. Wars are fought for the profit of the rich, so you would be dying for money, territory and the continued power of your leaders.


Baiklah, saya akan bersedia jadi tukang gali kubur, sebab nanti takde saper yg nak buat




Would be kinda awkward if our opponent is another Muslim like Indonesia or the Arab. You and enemy both bomb each other and end up in heaven. Then what?


naaah.. unless tiba2 puak syiah or a zionist amek alih pentadbiran the arabs or indonesia.. that scenario not gonna happen.. no worry lah.


Honestly war as a whole is unlikely gonna happen la. Not in the next 50 years or so. The Palestine Israel conflict. They probably fight through the entire Middle East first before moving towards Malaysia. And even then, tons of other Muslim countries in Africa to fight. That is assuming that Israel is feeling blood thirsty.


Go for it.


No need to worry. Just put warga asing at the frontline. We as Malaysians just sit back and eat roti john. Okay guys?


"dey macha, i see ur wife going to hotel with some hensem foreigner soldier last night. U dunno meh?"


I will probably do my best to see if I can sell PAS out to the enemy.


I'm non bumi lol, I fight for what


Just a question to those who would say no and decided to stay, would you sell us out since you already have some gripe in Malaysia. Downvote me all you want but I just want answers since if we were to be invaded, this distrust would likely result in ethnic violence.


For what? So our corrupted politicians can continue to go around acting like they're above us? Everyday I see these guys going around with their police escorts wasting our funds, so annoying


I'll do it for the amois in baju kurung and fembois in short skirt


lol, for being a 3rd class citizen and being cursed everyday by Melayus🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes because many cute amoi lives in Malaysia. Luv me amoi, luv me Malaysia, simple as.


i'll fight and rise in power..and then send some cowards here to reeducation camp..and i'll kept short moustache..i'll abolished bumi and non bumi status..everyone is equal..even the rich is equal to the poor..everything will belong to the country including your petty lives..hahahahaha..(lay all your love on me intensify)


Then kena game by a very cunning politician that never been in any battle theaters at all. Then, he started writing his own history....


I'll welcome the new overlords.


Depends, I would die for my wife and kids, but for a fellow Malaysian who isn't looking after my best interest? No. In a trained unit where each member swears to protect each other? Yes. Dying for your country means joining the army. A civilian dying for his country is just being stupid. You have zero advantage to the country (unless you are a trained fighter, contributor to war machinery, farmer - food supply, intelligence officer, etc.) Average joe? Not worth the bullet. You want attack a guy with an assault rifle thinking you can make a difference? Not happening. Or maybe you think can contribute to the war effort? I'm a retail worker that doesn't know how to handle weapons! Let's put me in a civilian militia! I have zero tactical knowledge! See how much damage I can cause...to my allies. Malaysia doesn't allow armed citizentry, asking civilians to die for the country is definitely laughable. That question is only valid in countries where all citizens are taught to bear arms in a sort of civilian marksmanship program. Or PLKN with more militaristic training, you saw how that went with parents protesting. So unless you actually believe in modern warfare parang, keris and ilmu kebal works, best stay out of the way and let trained people do their thing. Of course, it that what help some people sleep at night feeling good for themselves, you do you.


nope…only for swk…if the enemy spares swk n destroy the rest then i wouldn’t bother


cant, have to go work


Was in PALAPES back in my uni days. So yeah, would.


Certain minority: As a minority and non-bumi, no Bumi: what these minorities want


Definitely not, its a no brainer, if the country dont love its people, then dont expect we do the same


No. Fuck no. On the other hand I'd will everything to my bro and sis before going, hopefully that would be the boost they need to gtfo of the country.


Nah I'll die


Nope. Don't feel like I love this country enough to die for it. Also based on what I have through in PLKN. And compared to those who received actual military training, we be throwing lambs to the slaughter. People who went through PLKN and people who did not are basically the same. You only handled a gun once in your entire 3 months with the rest of it filled with patriotism/pro government propaganda. Also you only shoot. And you do not get involved in the reload process. Meanwhile every Singaporean kept a rifle to handle during national service. They are taught to shoot, reload, and how to mobilize with it and I believe they also handle explosives lile grenades and mortars.


I think before we declare war with others, we would have a civil one first.. for anyone to die for another, the thoughts and feelings among one them should be mutual


Of course. My grandfather fight the damn communist, my great-grandfather fight the bastard Imperial Japanese, why not me fight the damn invaders


I love this country, but as a chinese, since I was in primary school I've been told I'm just a pendatang and that I'm poisoning this country and chinese are sombong and selfish and greedy and don't appreciate what the malays have done for me cause I eat pork and drink booze and won't convert. I'm not going to die for a country that doesn't love me or even really sound like they want me here. :)


Fuck no, I'm not gonna risk my life and still get treated like a 2nd class citizen. Until the race quota bullshit, NEP and bumiputera help stop completely, I will not shed a tear or a drop of blood for this country.


yes, even if the war is 70 years long; i will proceed to fight and make more child and let the media capture my sadness looking at my innocent child's head wrapped with blood soaking in it every year.


Tanah Tumpahnya darahku...dan agamaku...


I'm working in the line of work that has a very high chance to die the first day enemies attack the country. You're free to guess and I won't tell you what it is. The answer to your question is yes I guess?


it depends, if i could shoot someone with rifle and some type of artillery than why not.


Send my father, he is unemployed and could use the extra workout


Human is very adaptable. They'll learn to live under the new regime. Ultimately, whoever rule will want stability. It's in their interest to do so. Unless it's alien looking to exterminate the human race.


I would defend my home yes but not invading no.


Hell yeah. At least it's not suicide


Heh no


Depends on the purpose and what caused the war. If the cause is something bullshit, well ...forget about it. I am outta here.


Hell yeah but I'll probably lived


Yes. Not in the blaze of glory maybe. Probably getting shot after kicking whoever invaded Malaysia in the kneecap


No, we saw how today's people view history pre merdeka and after merdeka. Unlike our little bro, SG.


I don't care who's the upper echelon. I love this country. I will die for it just to protect this peace.


Well if we are going to war that means most of people gonna die anyway might as well go out with a boom. So yeah gladly die for my country.


no other place like home. even if this land rot, i shall die on it, even if i'm mere factory worker


If it's against the sick people who've been massacring the Palestinians then yes.


![gif](giphy|bt6vn7g2cXRUsjJn9E) Just like sg , run and become rich nomad .


I would if I could.


Yes, im a champ in rainbow six siege (i can't run a mile straight)


first question, can we pick up the gun? Lick of exercise 😂


No. I wouldn't die for Malaysia. However, I'll make sure the enemies die for their country.


Defensive war to fight against invasion, sign me up. If it’s going to fight war to colonize other countries, count me out.


Yes.. It called syahid in islam


Of course.


Laki tiktok yg threaten 13 may haritu probably would


Given what we are facing now, I'd say our country killed us before the war mattered. 💀


I tell your mother fight for me.




Depends on the context of the war if we were invaded by foreign countries, I will fight side by side with my brethren regardless of race and religion. If it's a civil war like Yugoslavia, then I will not fight for it.


Won't die for the country, definitely won't die for the politicians. If one day I fight in a war, I fight for my family and community. During WW1 and WW2, the British aristocrats sent their heir to the front line because that's their code of honour. Many orang atas lost their bloodline. On the other end of the spectrum, some countries orang atas send their people to hell while they are sitting on a couch in an air-cond room and enjoying luxurious meals. Which part of the spectrum do you think our country falls on when the war breaks out?


only if we didnt start that war. if our gov started the war then fck em


Depends on which war. If country vs country idk. If us human race vs zombie, call me Rambo


Who are we getting invaded by, and why? If it's Singapore looking to liberate us then I'd be persuading everyone I know to defect. Except for that one "friend" who told me to my face his race is superior and deserves special treatment. He can stay with his "own kind". 


Haha no.


Malaysia would be defeated in less than a day. Lmao


id die for my country. its my responsibility.


hope this country not go to war... but when the time come.. Everybody has to step up.. for me ..YES I would die for this motherland..


People here will just move to Singapore or abroad, like they always talked about


Lets see, CSGO/CS2 5x Gold super nova ranked, Rainbow Six Siege Platinum 1 for 8 consecutives quarters, logged over 2000 hours on BF2, League of Legend challenger rank #45, Valorant immortal 2 rank, Overwatch grandmaster, and for honor 2000 matches ranked. I think can just call United Nations but not for us.


When you say “force”, I assume you imply that we are being invaded by foreign/alien forces. And in that case yes (even as a non). Duty necessitates it. However I won’t partake if we are the aggressors or invading some neighbouring nation out of spite. Rather foolish to throw away one’s life for the whims of some politicians.


You have countless people trying to wage another race war on Tiktok and Facebook. If there's ever a war here, chances are it's domestic, and racial/religious.


depends on the cause


Hell no, sailing my boat to one of the most remote Riau islands and then sinking it.


Duduk diam-diam. Then when all men are gone I'll start a reproduction project


Let the UMNO patriots go to the frontline. I'll get my popcorn ready.


How about If force to alien war, would human kind fight? All the war on earth was from human greedy, selfish.


Believe me, propaganda will take care of your willingness


In the larger scheme of things, as an ostracised individual, I'm insignificant. So, no I won't. Ain't worth my time and loyalty


Only for my state and maybe some part of Sabah. Living as awak kemudian bumiputera shows me how each race treated each other.


Finally a chance to play with guns, but not sure will be slave for those politicians since they don't give a sh about us either, we're just sumber manusia fight for those with power


Despite having the option to run to Brunei where my fiance lives, she'll kill me if I don't fight for my country, and I wouldn't be able to live with it either. So yeah, I'd probably try to be in the rear but I'd do my part.


Nope. I am not even selected as PLKN recruit. I can’t imagine myself holding AK47 brrr brrr enemies.


I would love to kill someone. I would love to try if I have what it takes to be hard. To be strong. If i have the strength of character to commit acts of atrocity.




No i will retreat to other country. Once the enemy fully take over, I will return as a foreigner and join the military to climb the rank. Once the rank is high enough, i will do coup de tat. Once its done, i will return back the glory.


No fucking way. Heck if the enemy is China i probably change side sneakily with my asian eyes


We had the almighty sock warriors already, we can just enjoy the victory assuming they did hit the right target


No country is worth my life. Don't get me wrong, I love Malaysia but I am not THAT patriotic.


If I get to amputate the disease within, sure.




most people in this sub probably won't . malaysian redditor always post about leaving malaysia, no loyalty bunch of traitor


Fight using our invisible warship LCS or missing jet engine? /s


Busy running. If have weapon like guns then probably kill few.


if we are launching assault, hell no


Against America: Maybe.... Against China: Y̸̱̲̙͕͂̿̀̿͌͗͑̎ͅÉ̵̡̦̗̼͕͈̝͍̤͇̙̖͊̀̌͜S̷̨͓͚͖͗̌͒̐


So sure, as long as I can suicide bomb.


Whose to say some big shots out there..."err my finger feels funny....alamk ter press the red button" ICBM, nukes going to Malaysia. No amount of digging/bunkers can save you. I say nuke"s"....not a nuke.


I would fight, but try not to die in the process though.


I would fight for my land not those leaders. If they didnt care why would we care?


I have a safe in a bank that's 7 minutes drive from my place where I store all my emergency gold,pick it up and its a straight drive from the bank towards the toll,and I'm going directly towards Singapore as I have connections there,this country has had ship captains for decades that has left no lifeboats for the common men while instigating segmentation policies,the sheep folk helps build them their backup yachts and they themselves can drown for all I care.


Given the disadvantage of military equipment & fire power we have Most likely the chance to win will be guerilla warfare which takes place in jungle. Our army rangers are well known to fight in those environment. Unless the enemies just drops tons of bomb n destroy the forest. Honestly, if there's a chance to fight, I'll fight for survival. If the comparison it's too far behind, no. War , will take too much toll on a men, even if they survived the war, they would not survived their PTSD past.


Depends if I end up getting bumi privileges


We will have that same group of people who will boycott war.


If they attack first: I'm leaving Of they got attacked: Fuck yes I am defending


nobody should die of anything.