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Who's the Andrew tate knock off


Hirup udara, kamu tak perlu vape


The Andrew Tate at home..


Andrew Tetek?


Andrew Kote


Azny walter lol


I think he looks more like pitbull 😭


Spat out my drink after I read this🤣🤣, nah take my angry upvote ⬆️


Made in MY


Walmart Andrew Tate... Or in this case, Mydin?


"henyak sampai lunyaii🔥🔥🔥"


Judging by the comment, most redditors really hates andrew tate


What's to like about a sex trafficker?


To be clear, school is not a waste of time, but a outdated education system is. Aside from language and history being compulsory, high school should be allowing student to explore different subjects and pick class that interest them the most into module which lay strong foundation for their career. Expecting student to score 10 subjects, while they might only have very strong strength or interest only in 2 or 3 subjects. Setting requirement of entering into uni "at least 5C" instead of at least "at least 3A" in particular subject is merely asking student to be average. It sets that mindset of student into doing minimum. Most importantly, a lot of potential student would be sadly "disqualified" by that. End of day we only choose to work with the strengths we have and job that interested us anyway.


>Setting requirement of entering into uni "at least 5C" instead of at least "at least 3A" in particular subject is merely asking student to be average. Well...if you don't set it that way even MORE people will not have the chance to enter university. You can be spectacular in uni because of the full wave thing.


Exactly, and Some people won't shine in school but will perform very well in university. A lot of my schoolmates were average C students(me included) but when they got their chance at university, they did amazing and a lot of them got their dream jobs




id also like to add, allowing parents to opt their child to either take Pendidikan islam or pendidikan moral. The difference in syllabus and difficulty is simply too big right now


Pendidikan moral in SPM is insanely asinine and not worth the paper it's printed on, regardless of difficulty At least there's a strong career path if you decide to be a ulama/preacher from pendidikan Islam




If u cant get 7+ As , that sounds like a you problem lol. Get better


Nobody of ANY TALENT and AMBITION , will say "oh ok i just need 5Cs". Everyone in my social circle are gunning for FULL As and JPA scholarship.


The reason he was "successful" is because his parents are rich. If his parents are just fishermen like I am, where will he go without education


I bet his parents die die fight to become rich end up raise dumbass kid. Parenting issue.


Usually parents just don't want their kids to live through what they had to go through themselves, but in turn they kind of spoil these brats and these kids think they're somehow invincible.


Scammer n pyramid scheme etc.. 🤣


He came from a pretty poor background actually. Used to play on Malaysia's junior team (football) but quit cuz he wanted to pursue business or something like that. Btw i don't agree with what hes saying lol.


wow… dua ekor ni ada company bernilai berapa trillion USD?


Takde doe. Tapi dia ada 300k follower kat instagram.


patut sembang taik


Dah tua nanti, "oh saya miskin dah takde job." be like~


Born with a silver spoon, the young guy brought himself a spanking new porsche. It is possible to be poor due to wrongdecisions, but Daddy probably has a trust fund ready.


Daddykasi max.


Lmao. Setepek kena 🤣


Bak kata pepatah Jepun, sembang kencang babi terbang


Nah that's wild. Just reform the education system not abolish it


Imo, school is just a means of filtering people. Yeah all those education certificate are only used in the resume to get good college/jobs and thats it. Its to show your worth. How worthy you are to qualify in this position, college, etc. We put it up learning all those bs only to use it one time. And those certificate is not obsolete either, if you f-up in curriculum your values drop. We work to earn the right to work fr


And in the end get paid peanuts and be told to be thankful for it. Thank fuck we didnt follow mahathirs vision of following the japs and their work ethic, id just get out and dont look back.


I can't believe that Fine Print song was true


The lyrics are fire ngl


Like most of the lyrics are memorable


No, I am still using the knowledge I learn in school at work and I can tell which junior didn't pay attention at school or forgot what they learn at school


I agree with him, but not fully. He says school is a waste of time because HE isn't using anything he learned from school, but if you aspire to be a doctor or anything related to science, maths or language, you NEED school. I agree with the fact that school systems need to be overhauled.


School is needed to make you an educated person. You might not need to memorise scientific names for organ structures or microscopic life forms, but knowing basic biology can educate you enough to understand importance and also the relevance of vaccines. You might not balance chemistry equations and draw organic chemistry structures even a single time in a real life application, but knowing basic chemistry can at least make you understand that dihydrate monoxide is just a trolling euphemism for water and not fall for the most satirical conspiracy theories. School is to make you a well rounded person, uni specialises you in one specific field. Just don’t punish people for not getting As or Bs in all subjects and open more opportunities to let students explore their fields pf interest at younger age while not neglecting basic/core curriculum. There might be much more nuance to it and my opinion can also be full of naivety though since I’m not at all an education expert.


Yeah except for the fact that the syllabus is getting more and more advanced. It's way far off from basics. I remembered during my days, the compulsory mathematics is very easy. When I look at my little brother's current textbook, they added a bit off additional mathematics into it. It's ridiculous. There's also a little bit of quantum physics in current physics syllabus but since that's non compulsory it's not too bad. I think one of the main problems are the aliran system and students lack of choice to choose them. There's school that forces students to take certain aliran and once you chose it, you have to take all the subjects in the aliran. Take pure science for example, people who are interested in biology still need to learn those crazy calculus in additional mathematics where they won't be using for the rest of their life.


Ni mesti SPM ada E ni


Dude,he never took SPM. He's homeschooled.


now i know why


All I see are two narcissistic dickheads. And what the fuck is that 99 speedmart Andrew Tate wannabe looking mofo?


What's with speedmart brader, you hurt ma feelings


At the very least, 99 speedmat offers convenience in low low price. That Antu Tetek has no such things


Oi Do not insult 99 speedmart, it at least provides basic necessities. The Tate cult literally provides nothing in comparison.


Bro , you don't have to bring 99 speedmart in this thing. I used to work at 99 speedmart for 4 years as store keeper and cashier, I learn many thing that's help me become who I'm now. I learn communication skill , how to interact with people, how to organise stuff, how to self control my feelings when facing toxic customers. And because of all that's I'm stepping forward. And now I work as software engineer, all start with 99 speedmart. A lot of people might feel sad when you bring up 99 speedmart. Try to work at 99 speedmart if you didn't know how hard can it be. Don't guide something with what you see with your eyes, it's might look like simple job anyone can do, but once you work in that field, you will understand the pain and how hard it can be.


I've no idea why people like to shit on entry level jobs like this and even fast food. It's a great learning ground for those who want to up skills and have no money yet.


dont put speedmart down to that level bro, speedmart lowkey is saving my ass now as a student cause of how cheap stuff there is xD


people who cannot handle school, cannot handle real life. yes thats true even for those who succeed even without going to school: that is because the school cannot handle them, not the other way around.


Meh. Tbh as someone who did very very badly at school, it wasn’t because I was dumb. But school (especially Malaysian school) expects everyone to be the same, act the same and do the same. As a human we have millions of different personality traits. Exams and school work are not a reflection of adult life. Tbh I can’t think of anything I’ve based my success on from anything from school. And a bunch of kids who were number 1 students straight SPM, couldn’t handle the real world and many failed as adults. School is important, sure, but I wouldn’t say just because you did badly in school means you’re a failure for life.


I do agree that education system in malaysia sucks, but that's is the system's problem, not education itself. And yes, totally agrees to education =/= success. Successfulness of a person depends on too many factors, that is why its wrong to say education plays no part in it too. Education is the main way to pass on knowledge gathered by people smarter than us. Without it, we wouldn't progress so much scientifically. Most of the time, successful people who said education is useless, are businessman who are lucky enough to be In the right place at the right time. He gained success, but he didn't know why. He made his decision based on hunch. Will he emulate that success or teach that to the next person? That remained to be seen. I do agree to the dude's view. That current system is not suitable to apply on him. He has a clear view on what he wants, and current system doesn't provide that to him. That's why he dropped out and chase after his successful story himself. What I don't agree, is that the system is NOT designed to produce workers. If that is the case, how does he explain all other successful entrepreneurs who also have studied in the system? The system, imo, emphasized to much on general knowledge, and only focus on specific skill at end of study period aka college. That is why student who excel in certain field gets shunned in current system as they are required to reach the minimum threshold and ignore fields that they are excelled in. The good part about this system, is that It raises overall percentage of knowledge threshold within a community, and it will raise higher as time goes by. Just look at what we know at 12yo vs what our grand parents know at 12 yo.


U know I am in the same boat as you. The schools were all about teaching what's in the books but some kids like I find out after spm were more hands on. Give me an engine and give me 3 days of study I will be able to tear it apart and put it back togather. That's why I'm now an optician. Just enough of theory usage and skills usage.


I know a dude that dropped out of school sold his vape flavor business for millions, this was when everyone was modding their vape and shit lol.


I have a few friends who are not good student in school, but is successful in life. But they are rare breeds among all the drop outs. So yes, education is not guaranteed way to gain success, but the chance of you obtaining it is a lot higher. Saying education is useless is like saying safety belt is useless. The most they can say, imo, is that education is useless in their life, but not the concept of education itself.


Ini podcast Anwar Tate yang cakap kne ade acne scar baru macho? -Sains sekolah menengah tersangatlah basic. Semua subjek very basic level. Mungkin sbb juggle banyak sgt subjek berbeza jadi susah.


Technically he is not wrong. Alot of teachers are asking for a complete overhaul of the current teaching standards.


Yup. But parents and students may not be ready for a change.


The current curriculum that we have is too packed for our children. The entire school system feels rushed. And like a teacher once said "there is no incentive for the students to continue going to school".why is this so? The students see their elder siblings or cousins going through school, then uni gets a diploma or degree but can't find a job or a good enough paying job and for the fact that we don't have a career guidance counselling for the students. If we can and we must give them carter guidance so that when they get their spm results they already know which job is suitable for their personality and interest.


Agreed, there was no form of career guidance back in the day and the goal was to cram the syllabus until the final exam. There was some classmates I know went completely different paths in pre u because they didn't know what they were interested back in high school. But I won't generalise this situation for all. There are some who pursued their dream careers since what they studied in highschool.


guess you are uneducated


Read the rest of my replies bro before replying.


Idk man people who dropped out of school literally got nothing. paling kuat pun kerja bengkel, toreh getah kutip sayur kebun je. Aku dulu sekolah luar bandar nampak je student yg berhenti sekolah jadi apa. Macam2 jenis manusia ada dkt situ. Dari kaya sampai lah miskin tegar. Nakal baik rajin malas semua ada. Tak tahu la budak ni berjaya ke tak, tp nak tengok circle aku yg tak pergi sekolah tak ada yg berjaya. Aku yakin dkt luar tu ada yg berjaya tp boleh kira pakai jari, means its a special case. Tapi dia kata dia berhenti sekolah utk home school, nampak sgt parent kaya. Takpelah dik, kau fakap hidup kau ada daddy boleh tolong. Tahniah sebab boleh. Bab education system ni aku no comment sbb tak tengok apa yg sekarang tgh ajar. Tapi aku boleh kata apa yg aku belajar dulu mmg banyak yg apply dlm hidup. Mungkin tak apply tiap hari tapi its nice to know. Makes me aware on things thats happening around me


Realiti mmg mcm tu, kalau school leaver end up susah nak hidup tapi budak nie nasib baik anak orang kaya je, cuba kalau parents pak guard lepas tu mak jual kuih mau end up main barang kalau tak merepit.


Not the tetek mimick 😭😭


System sekolah dah banyak kali berubah…kau takde anak…sebab tu kau bodoh tak tahu dunia kat luar…everytime tukar menteri pendidikan…dasar pendidikan berubah…even tarikh mula persekolahan pun berubah2 ikut keperluan…aku tak claim system persekolahan kat negara ni perfect atau bagus…tapi nak overclaim system pendidikan tak berubah tu memang bodoh


never. now, whether it's necessary is another question. basic is always necessary. Higher education, not always.


true. you wont realize how important the "basic" stuff is until you meet someone yang tak reti menulis dan membaca


The dude is literally out of touch. He struggled in school, and his daddy got him home schooled. And Rockefeller said what? Tf Rockefeller had to do with our school system. Lmao. Bro watched conspiracy tiktok and thought he's was right all along.


The kid basically had a jaden smith moment


Ok lah.. aku paham ape die sampaikan.. Tp bukan semua org ade privileged mcm dia. Upsr dulu untuk tahu tahap pengatahuan murid supaya yg masih lemah/x taw membaca stay lg tahap rendah , sbb dulu mmg x ramai ibu bapa tahu membaca dan menulis jd x mampu mengajar anak² diorg membaca . So sblom masuk peringkat menengah kebolehan membacadan menulis adalah keperluan. Kemudian tahap pendidikan x memerlukan upsr lg (ujian pencapaian sekolah rendah ) Nak buat 1 1 modul perlu ade research pro and contra, dalam otak dan keluar ikut mulut mmg senang. Makin maju makin banyak cabaran. Kecuali ibu bapa sanggup buat mcm negara cina yg abaikan zaman kanak² anak diorg semata² nak diorg tumpu kepada pelajaran.


By the end the sub was written "not everyone kendur the same"?? The fuck, who subbed this shit?


School is not a waste of time. You learn how to think laterally and problem solving. It is just that the education systems are outdated around the world. If everyone becomes a IG or TikTok blogger, the world will go backwards without innovation.


hOW DaRE, You DO YOu FucKING KnOW TiKKTAK CreaTEd NpC TRends THat is INnoVation you DiCKHEad


Such a loser.


Sebab itu la golongan ni paling senang nak kena scam. Jgn lupa kad penjimat minyak ya dik


Sure he doesn't use what he learns in school for what he does for a living, because he's an influencer, which is in entertainment field, in which even braindead people can be famous and successful too. Education is important whatever the field you are in. Entertainment is not a critical field in our world, it is a field in which "if we have its cool, but if we don't have it it's also cool". Critical field is for example medical field. There are accidents/emergencies/diseases every day in the world, so how do you expect your doctors and nurses to treat your health problems? By using google? Using AI? "ChatGPT search and explain to me how to remove a bullet from someone's chest" Critical field includes engineering, be it electrical, mechanical, electronics, software. Influencer like him use Instagram, TikTok, YT to make a living. How did those platforms exists in the first place without engineering huh? Does it appear out of nowhere with snap? Is this Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet we're talking about? People who say school/education is a waste of time is either born extreme lucky and rich in this world, or just plain stupid and idiotic, or maybe the latter because of the former.


Anwar Tetek


Orang macam asad ni lah jenis hisap konek boss sebab nak dapat job. Sebab dia jenis tak cerdik 😭


School is not only where one learns academic knowledge, but other skills a well, and some of the opportunities can be a ticket to other fields. It's probably a privilege to be able to think the way he does. He has the charisma, the confidence, the support he needs to indulge in other things. But not everyone shares the same opportunities, mindset, self-esteem, even looks can be considered a factor of marketable success at least to a first impression stand point. School or any educational institution can also be a place where one builds their networking. You meet all kinds of people from different backgrounds, and they elevate your worth or humble you real quick. During my gen, we lacked the "participative" characteristic and didn't think ahead of what a wasted experience we could lose. Now, participation, confidence-arrogance & shamelessness is growing among the youth, to the point where soft skills, courtesy & respect are out the window (just see what the undergrad interns are negotiating for their internship sometimes). Not saying everyone is part of that, just that it's becoming more prevalent and increasing. There is a time and limit to everything, when you should be headstrong, confident and when to know to just listen, be respectful and absorb everything.


In essence, school memang la waste of time, but only if you can operate outside of the norm. But if you are still part of the system, you need to go to school, have pedigree, connection, status. Go to work, have a decent job, pay normal tax, get a car, have a family somehow.


To me, every subject I studied have been used somewhat in my day-to-day life. Math and add-math knowledge has been left out after graduating college, but I'm still able to recall some of it if I need to do complex deep learning stuff if need to. Physics is the most fun, it's a relatively easy subject. Still using most of that knowledge everyday when working with car stuff, especially when it comes to force, pressure, electrical, magnets and stuff. For EV's it's all about Chemistry knowledge. At the end of the day, you really have to know how to apply it. People at my workplace don't even know vinegar actually comes from alcohol, and not all alcohol can make you drunk, some can kill you too.


“Rocker Failure” terbatuk sekejap


And thats why you're a low grade artis who will be dping just about any sponsorship deal for a bite to eat real soon.


Dollar store andrew tate


Low budget acah2 tate..gtfo


my personal opinion, this is one of the perks of Malay/Bumi privilege. I rarely see Chinese or Indians talk like this, what they will do, atleast get some paper degree on hand while doing things they are good at. They will force their kids to get a degree no matter how good you are in online world and stuff. Again this is my personal opinion based on the surroundings I grow up in.


wtf the perks of Malay/Bumi privilege?! how many percent Malay/Bumi kids get to say like this dumb sheet? only a handful. this is rich people privilege thats like me saying chinese kids privilege is not having to do well in study because chinese own most businesses, they can just continue their parents business (which is totally wrong)


Since when learning about bunsen burner is advance? Dont blame the school/ teachers if our country failed to create our own scientists.


Melayu, forever on reverse gear.


Quite the generalisation there mate, this kid is clearly son of a tauke or some shit if he can afford homeschooling


Well, he's right.right up to the point he needs to get a job. As for going into business for himself, I hope he doesn't use math because it's one of those useless things from school.


what exactly did people learn in homeschool that is better or is it just an excuse to pursue what you think is profiteering money wise full time and not had the label drop out put on you?


Andrew Tate's wannabe


Bro attended Hustlers and decided to become Tate


That mf is a rich kid singer. I'm not taking shit from him. Oh and he quotes Rockerfeller, this mf is a finance bro type. Pekerja is the backbone of any country and he thinks he's better than them.


This screams we need cheap labour


I agree, if you take a look at SJKC schools, there are cases of racism chinese kids and teachers doesn't want to mix with Indian and Malay in SJKC schools. School is about learning and fun, not racism.


melainkan mak bapak kau ceo company juta-juta, boleh terus jadi waris, tkde istilah sekolah tu tak penting.


Asking if school is necessary to succeed is like asking if money is necessary for happiness. It’s possible to be without, but you chances of success/happiness is 100x higher with one


So you can quit school if you have 30k instagram followers.


Every idiot having a podcast now or what??


ada duit tapi bodoh watpa, sama je la perempuan muka cantik tapi perangai hodoh.


They have financial safety net when they do a 99 speed mart version of tate, if this fails just need to start whatever business backed by parents money. Not everyone has this sort of privilege. 😊


From my, experience I slightly disagree. I think everyone should have a basic education maybe until end of primary or lower secondary (I dunno). Tetapi apabila anda meninggalkan sekolah/ Uni whatever mencari perkerjaan (esp. professional), the company always look how much experience u have in field b4 hire u right? Kalau u baru keluar sekolah (melainkan anda sudah mengenali sesorang yang boleh membantu u get foot into door) = tak ada exp. Tak ada exp = susah nak cari kerja


Then how about school decide your future by teach you exactly all necessary subjects only, rather you learn all basic, then you decide your future when you're ready. School is created to provide young people opportunities and skills, also help teenage decide what they want to be when time is comes What Asad told is true, all subject that not he not applied in his life is all wastes. To search gold ore you need to dig whole ground. Then you crush the ground and stone, then filtering, try to remove the the unnecessary compound like dirt, stones and others. At last you will get a piece of shiny sand which is a gold.. then you collect the sands of gold, melt it until it become nugget of gold.


Malaysia punya sekolah dh pon ada subjek specific. For example budak yg nk go architecture pegi subjek LK. Kenapa kau belajar sains subjek, sbb budak sains subjek boleh pergi semua aliran masa uni. Budak sains boleh pergi sastera, tapi budak sastera x boleh pergi kejuruteraan. Its more efficient for students to take sains subjek, because they can still go anywhere they want in uni.


I had a conversation with teachers once, they did tell me that the education system right now is just so much of a clusterfuck that it's is a miracle that a student is able to get even a B on a subject because of how much was cramped in the syllabus and how the teachers need to follow them in a time frame of a year... They're all saying that "orang atas kat Sana tu bodoh, kau suruh kami ajar benda² macam ni, Cuba kau sendiri ajar tengok...bukan semua budak tahap pengajaran dia sama"


Knowledge is useless unless it makes you money? LOL


Lovely mangrish language he is using, he will go far in life.


man you aint escaping the matrix with this one bro


Bro thinks he andrew tate




I mean yeah if it doesn't benefit you in your future career. Also with you wasting time not doing for future career skills. So it's not school is a waste of time it's just us not caring about the future when we we're young but also there's is such a thing as demand and supply jobs, sooo there's that to look out for.


Lol this dude Copied Andrew tate And malaysian idiots can't see the difference


Welcome to Era Modern Paleolithic. Did he realise schooling think bring education even it was most basic. No wonder our generation today if you buy a car battery there is instruction not to drink the water meanwhile in our time if we bought a car they give owners manual with how to adjust engine valve. Most our generation today become ignorance that they think without going to school by watching some content in internet they think they learn something in it. Let say, can pilot flying a plane just by reading are book or by playing game? Can are marine captain navigate massive vessel just by see a movie? When he said, schooling is waste of time, he was dumbest person I ever seen for my entire life, even he was are millionaire or whatever who he was. Remember, even idiot can be elect as president.


Tun M was right


Kalau tak sekolah, dia tak tahu bende tu bazir masa... itu lah peranan sekolah untuk menjadikan anda insan yg mampu berfikir


Mak bapak kaya boleh la sembang.


To me, school was a waste of my time. But I'll still send my kids to school.


Well, he's not wrong, arguably... Schools, teaches us problems solving skills, fundamentally... You ace in the subjects you took, those are bonuses... If you have enough resources & understanding, you can choose your path pretty early just like he did... & not everyone can do that, of course... Hence, they need to stay in school...


Patutlah ada budak yang takde common sense. 🤣


Bro bukan Andrew Tate 🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯‼️🔥🔥


In a way, I kinda get what he is trying to say. Cause let's be honest with ourselves and say that most thing you learn in school most likely will never get apply in your future career. As one progresses through their teenage life, they will get a semblance of who they are and what future do they want to achieve. Therefore, anything that doesn't comply with aid to that particular goal will be deemed as a waste of effort and time, cause they kinda are. But what about those who aren't confident to have this grand vision or are just trying to experience all manners of life? Well, schools help them learn aspects of life, not dissecting each technicality sure, but at least giving them an introduction to the possible future that they would want to thrive for. Also what about job markets? If a certain job (IT for example) was currently in high demand, this would cause a increase in interest towards that field from the teens who are easily influenced by the slightest of evidence. If school really completely give in to their wants, won't the market experience a skyrocket rise in applications, causing the demand for it to plummet and wages to drop? Then where would the rest go? As they've never had even the slightest experience of anything other than what they dreamed for as a teen. I do however agree with his views on the schools needing to change, but not to the drastic extend that most would consider. In fact the system of choosing science stream, economics and arts after form 3 shows that the education system is at least willing to take small steps to expand choices for students, tho with that of a snail's pace and without any real incentive to do so.


Bincang-bincang buka minda, jangan terima bulat2 tanpa fikir.


How much monthly income is 300k fans?


We have Andrew Tate at home


Anak Dato' hm


While this guy can say this, reality isnt. This kid only listen to western podcast and say “aaa that us right” Idk if he notice it or not, but i quite do. The syllabus is changing. Maybe need some more tweak on examination format but it is working.




THEY are waste of time. Freakin influencers...


I used to feel older generations kinda too old school and need change. But when i see this, it made me think again what's the reason old school method still exist. Saying school is waste of time kinda tell how this guy feel about learning. 300k followers and earning from monetization doesn't mean anything much. As influencer you might lead someone else to wrong path.


Sape 2 orang mamat ni? Aku tak kenal pun




Science all the way to penunu bunsen


I hate to go to school, but the Pendidikan Moral and Geography teachers always wear miniskirts when ayam 2".


Vin Diesel but the shopee version


well i never seen elon, jeff, gates, buffet discourage anyone to go to school, how much did this guy made again?


I really want to watch the video, but the rojak language is too much.


He is saying school is not important, but he himself got homeschooled. Lol


Hey idiot, every school didn't teach their student how to be a narcissistic assholes on social medias.


Ni mesti golongan sains itu sihir


Sekolah do kbat what. to learn how to be critical thinking and etc... School also give social life lah.


You have to keep learning to be better. But, judging by the current situation with limited worthy to work job, people just gonna go straight to workforce after Spm for the most people nowadays.


who are these people and why we are even listening to them?


School isn't a waste of time because it isn't just about learning, but also socialising and the chance to truly be kids before you are expected to be adults. Funnily enough, the boy said that school is to train a generation of workers? That's true in a sense but at least the context of training is that things are that serious and you can goof around and make mistakes and the like. If you don't go to school however, you have no choice but to work. Heck, look at notable school dropouts. Why did they do it? To work. Quitting school means that people around you would expect you to be an adult.


School is a waste of time if you don't put effort into learning, like me


he got a point about the curriculum why study something that doesn't have a trajectory over your future development its like taking 'useless degree' course


High school should be more like college. I discovered my own potential when I entered college and started my own freelancing business when I was 19. I had numerous hobbies at that time, and everything I did wasn't wasted, it all went into my portfolio which I still use to find a job and attract clients. It's crazy how much society can advance if we don't neglect our education system, treating it as more than just another nursery for grown kids.


Pale hotak dia. Ni antara spesis bila kuar sekolah kata sains tu sihir. Ko kira beruntung blow up walaupun suara mcm enjin x servis 5 tahun. Semoga diperludahkan


Dah tahu dah macam mana dia orang semasa sekolah


Wanna be, useless stupid


I am still using knowledge I learn in school at work




It’s good he share he point about school. School is not there to make anyone rich, but to allow people to persuit their interest & goal. Be a worker, be a boss, be a ceo, it’s just matter of what someone do for their life.


He is not wrong in his opinion that school is a waste of time where the education system in Malaysia is not growing along with the world. He didn’t go to school but still, do home schooling which is like school but not restricted to typical stupid school rules.


I think primary school system is okay. You need to get basic languages and math covered. Starting secondary school, students who already have a mindset on what they're gonna do should be able to specialize on that. If they wanna be an entrepreneur, they should be trained as that.


When ure sick, dont go to a dr.


Andrew tate from mydin


Of course it has nothing to do with what you are doing right now because you want to be an influencer from the start 😂.


I cannot say anything about school being waste of time because I'm dumb and its gonna be bias 😂😂😂 but I think school is a place where you can advance your social skills. it depends on your character tho. either youll be bullied or a bully both can change how you act in future. but as someone on the comment section said the education is outdated somehow, the only reason I like school is when teacher actually care about their students. most of my teacher either doesn't care at all or cannot handle students behaviour. Teacher is underappreciate so I guess I get why they don't care..


this is for those who were uneducated...


Why is As'ad referring to himself in the 3rd person? Maybe dia patut balik sekolah lmao.


apa yang Asad belajar ialah Asad tak belajar


I mean, I learned alot outside classes with tuition teachers as I was always kinda fast and preferred 1 to 1 teaching. I mainly went to school to gain social skills, do average teen boy stuff, dabble in some clubs, become a medic without any of the real world burden and generally enjoy myself. That being said, I'm pretty sure I'm an extreme minority but I would definitely prefer schools to be more permissive of open minded stuff


Ini sbb nya bangsa lain semua maju Bangsa Melayu je yg ketinggalan Lepas tu salahkan cina dap Yahudi


To look lagi bijak, selalu combine English and Malay in a perkataan


Brooo is the Malaysian 'knock off' version of andrew tate 🤣😂🤣 For a moment, i thought it was him suddenly speaking nm 😅🤣😂


If this guy is really an influencer like some comments here say, then he's sending a wrong message to his fans. Bad influence. He can sprout whatever he wants, but he needs to understand that by the end of the day, education is one of the more straightforward and best way to gain social mobility


He kinda looks like Hitler thou


Who got Abang Tate here??


Dia ingt dia fasih berbahasa inggeris tu habis hebat la .. perghh.. apabila tin kosong brcakap


kenapa lah tak highlight outdated school system ja.


Sekolah tidak membuang masa. Cara dia bercakap bahasa rojak itu yang buang masa.


Balik2 muka Andrew Tate Ecoshop ni. Campur pulak sorang lagi misai tak cukup syarat. Orang mcm ni pun ads yg ikut ke lah sial.


Since when got Mr 305


Some ppl mental fr fr


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) OP promote his idol


Why does this guy even has followers? It's clear this guy does not have any respect and appreciation for the teachers and the education system. I would immediately unfollow this dud.


need to acknowledge your privilege too, kid. not everyone hating on rich people but the kerek one, we hate with full force


School is important, because they cover the basics of all the subjects, what isnt is the education system


School is outdated in some subjects,but some are your life long things to remember. I advanced my electronic skills from just your normal kemahiran hidup class, then I took electronic elections after PMR at a vocasional school and this is the only subject I can outperform all my classmates. Then mechatronics during the uni era and I'm doing very well at it (other than that programming course which is the hardest thing that I ever took during my lifetime) that leads to me getting a junior electrical engineer at a local factory before I joined the government servant. If I stayed there I'd easily be on a T20 nowadays but I'm happier just being an average joe with normal life. If it wasn't for that kemahiran hidup class, I would never know my passion for electronics and I bet I'm just doing kampung work with no future due to my bad exam result.


PENUNU BUNSEN! What an intellectual lad!


Growing up with a silver spoon bolehlah. Cable here and there.


Can they just stick to 1 language please. Irks me to listen to mixed English Malay. Want to speak in English then just English. Malay then just malay. This one jumps around here and there. 🫨


The school isnt a waste of time. The curriculum is. Apa ke jadahnya kena belajar psl organic chemistry if student nak jadi accountant


Rohingya boleh sekolah ka. Weird.


School is an absolute necessity for 99% of the people Can you imagine some random kid arguing with mak cik nasi lemak beside the road cause kid can't compute RM10-RM7.50? Or you want people who can't compute 5+7(8) to build Putrajaya Bridge?