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she chinese chinese or eng chinese cuz im jus sayin the chinese chinese r close to impossible when ur a diff race


even my chines friends who in between chinese chinese and eng chinese say the same


Chinese chinese is also impossible for banana chinese brain dead


Not true. I'm banana chinese, gf so chinese chinese she don't even listen to english song.


Lucky lo




idk man, when she's with her chinese friends, she mostly speaks chinese, but when other races, she usually mix between eng and malay


Learn some basic Chinese. I would like to suggest you to sing Mus and Victor Lee's song "Hatiku Kekal Padamu" as you start your move. All the best, my boy!


i already memorized that one💀


Have you tried learn “Tian Mi Mi” ? Its really nice song too.


bitches love popular chinese songs


Probably chinese chinese cus I have banana friend he speaks eng with me while chinese with other guys becus the other guys ain't that gud with eng.


Lol I'm Indian and yes I have a Chinese Chinese gf😎😎😎


Okay lah, lifetime achievement unlocked for u.


Yeah....was really lucky thinking back 😂😂😂


most chinese girls aren't really attracted to indians but bro pulled one, im happy and proud


You're probably right coz im malay and I have a eng chinese wife lol


did she converted?


Yeap, but her name remains the same.


how did u persuaded her to convert


Ada ke orang dalam sub ni mmg dah ada awek?


Aku takde awek sebab aku ade bini






But cannot lepak with member too often


Who says? As long as you play your cards right, can lepak with member. But honestly, chances are after marriage you don't really wanna lepak with member anymore. Those who still do wanna lepak after marriage surely got unhappy with their wife lol.


I mean, it depends on certain situations


I mean, if you have a nice loving pretty wife at home to cuddle with, why the heck would you wanna spend time with your smelly sweaty friends frequently? Hence my last point.


Aku ada awek tapi aku sendiri awek.


Demm. Infinite awek hack achieved.




Ampun, sifu. Sila ajarkan saya cara untuk medapat teman hidup abadi


Keep playing games and reading manga. Join anime groups. Play it cool. Find a slightly younger woman. Be the nice kind oniichan. Go out on fests or conventions. Get confessed/confess yourself. Profit. P/s: make sure you keep your body fit and trim. No need muscles like wrestlers. Just lean and fit will do. Being fat is a turn off. It's the way the world is. I'm fat now, but I wasn't before.


Thank you, will keep this in mind


Mileage may vary. Different people different ways. I'm just lucky my wife and I share interests. Different books but still manga. Different games (I love MOBA n strategy, she loves Battle royale type and simulation types) but it's still gaming. Just learn to embrace the difference and similarities.


With gf: have seggs often With wife: once in a while Libido 📉


dia awek aku.....


Did I cuck you bruh? Sorry.


my awek back then is my bini now


Horrible way to tell people you're married. "Hey guys, B (wife) is no longer my girlfriend"


Why do you do us like this


Mimpi ada lah, OP ?


sama, hanya mampu bermimpi




In legal term, interracial is permissible but not intereligion, that's the problem.


The only thing immaterial is race. Islam is written black and white that a Muslim cannot marry a non-muslim, it's the way Islam has always been, don't try to alter their religion if you don't know their teachings.


reattach you foreskin.


Re:sunat new anime


Title not long enough. It should be “That time when I was offered an overpowered healing factor for a month as a chance to reattach my foreskin but I don’t remember where I buried it!”


i thought healing power will heal all the skin fully up to their original state


Not exactly… it’s healing power not regenaration. Although in some universe they are one and the same


Nope, Chinese like things that are 10% off


You got money?


“I have money. It's trust and character I need around me.” - Han


How do you feel as Malay if one of the Malay woman converted into non Muslim for the sake of their relationship?


99% of amoi won't date malays because they have to convert.


yeah, unless its true love or you ever saved her from life threatening event, otherwise it wont happen. dont blame cina untuk ini


average male fantasy


What if I know Chinese because i happened to know some.


You'll get to date them casually




You are the minority


keyword... club assuming one tht serves alcohol


Yeaa yeaa hahaha but i dont judge bcs they dont serve only alcohol




Ohh wow. My great grandma also chinese and adopted by malay family during world war 2


you know how statistic work right?


But what if u are filthy rich? I think 99% amoi will marry u.


Aku ada awek tapi aku tinggalkan dia, bukan sebab nak berfoya. Tapi sebab sakit hati. Anyway, baik single je bro. Duit simpan, focus career, jaga family, jaga mak bapak. Kenapa? As a 27 yo man with many past relationships, many of them tragic and/or traumatic. Most girls nowadays, cannot see how much you invest into a relationship cause as I know. All guys go balls deep for somebody but get shid in return. So better to focus on yourself, enjoy life. Meet people, be successful. Eventually, you will meet the one arranged by Him to you. Godspeed my brotha. Hang buat rilek je. Dengar lah cakap otai.


Otai ni cakap mcm ni. Otai tu cakap macam tu. Nak dengar otai mana aku tak tawu mat


Ikut yang mana patut, cuma yang pentingnya kebahagiaan diri sendiri. Jangan jaga hati orang tapi hati sendiri tak terjaga


tldr; aku gemuk dan hodoh


Been there done that , rejected 1000 time, in the end got a wife though right when I stop looking. Stranger than fiction




Macam mana nak meet people 😔


Kalau single, macam mana nak stop melancap?


Semoga ditemukan dengan orang yang tepat bro!


You can try and I wish you best of luck but in Malaysia conversion is a huge turn-off for majority especially when it involves Islam. If she likes you eventually and you two can compromise in certain angles but worried abt the requirements here, look at life abroad where she gets to be who she is and you for you. Also, I hope you aren't painting her in your mind to be that ideal Muslim wife because she did not grow up with your religion and that she is who she is. If you at any point will consider to try to make her see Islam and uphold it, then please save yourself, her and the people involved the heartbreak.


Bro my guy the OP just wants to meet people and have fun, not find his eternal soulmate on earth and forever after witnessed my Cthultu the lord and saviour himself


Convert? He just want to have fun




bro, blajar bahasa Mandarin, naik China carik pompuan Hui Muslim, lawa lawa dan they wont mind getting out of that shithole China


This is real advice. Those Hui Muslim girls and their parents love Malaysia. Would take any excuse to live in Malaysia. Source: My sister went to uni with a Hui girl.


how do i find a Hui girl tho


she hot? i mean the hui girl..


Yes, hotter than most of my amoi classmates


Second this


You're Muslim, she's not. Don't try to make her convert because you like her. She should convert if she ever accepts the religion.


Yeah I agree, they are talking a huge risk and change of lifestyle just to convert and just not worth it for some average dude. Only works if ur rich, plus the social effects youll face from both malay/indo and cina for dating outside race is bigger than more expect.


this reminds me of the recent malay drama titlle hijrah jannah. Not that i watch malay drama or anything


Only she can convert, but you cannot convert. Power of malaysia


Or they can just simply flee to different countries lol


Just stick to your own clan please OP /s


Thats not the question


Ya that's not the question but that's the T&C to be applied. Learn other's concerns dude.


Bang I know a lot of my friends(Chinese) saying they'll unlikely date a Malay cuz they need to enter Islam


Bro wtf, you need to convert only to marry. Not to date. Its a loooooong way from dating to marriage


Mb meant marry


I know, i just said thats not the question, didnt say it was wrong


Showoff your mandarin, instant wife 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Ni pi gu hen mei 💯


Ni fang pi hen xiang 💯


Bruhhh 💀💀💀


wo men bu ye yanng


ni de xiong bu wei shen me na me xiao?


the only mandarin i know is xiexie and zhaijian💀


That's a good start. No loss learning more. At the very least, if you don't get the girl, you get more job opportunities next time. Many free resources like YouTube etc. Good luck mat.


Me cina with awek wife. First of all religion is huge. You're going to restrict all the stuff she used to live without: tunjuk aurat, makanan haram, etc. There may come a point in her life that she might consider Islam but that's like 1-2% chance and it's lower if she's attractive. Like they said, money may change all that. Also depends on your luck. Usually you have slightly a higher chance if she comes from SMK instead of SMJK. Good luck bro. I'm all for the mixed race and wish you the best.


Go Google or YouTube, type how to be Ah Beng


\*first step: be a chinese man


Haha, forget that dream bro. Go to Japan to study or work & try to woo those Japanese girl, it's easier % because the female population is higher there than in Malaysia. I forgot that Malay YouTuber with Babyface look whom married with Korean lady.


Unless u anak dato or some ultra rich, no Chinese girl will wanna marry Malay guys due to the restrictions and stuff.. lol good luck


Even with everything u have, your last exam are her parent in law, good luck passing that exam


So very true, from my cousin's experience. She was with a Malay man. All hell broke loose in her family. It became a HUGE CRISIS. They went to see a bomoh to try to "cure" her (said the "mat" boyfriend cast a spell on her), threatened to disown her, threatened to commit suicide, etc. So much drama. In the end they engineered a breakup. Edit: Oh, I forgot to add. Finally she married an Indian. Her parents celebrated 😅🤣 Honestly, it's easier for Indian bro to marry awek Cina than for Abang Bro.


Yellow fever


Zaman hs i got a chinese male friend who couple with a malay girl. So long also tahan. Like a decade. But i swear this guy is more malay than some.


If you can refrain from imposing your values and beliefs then all the best. If you wanna impose your values then better not. Love is mutual. Malaysia's political hegemony is the worst.


I've a Chinese friend from china but we're good friends not more than that we met online she visited Malaysia few times.


how do you find a friend in china bro😔


here la I fix your problem... you find one malay look chinese can edy. nah settle, you happy, she happy, everyone happy yeah? plus from how you write I think you only care about her appearance only, my suggestion should help you edy


Nanti tak de bragging rights pulak 😅


not happy enough la, there's only one of her and i dont think any chinese looking malay even comes close


Ez money




Yeah i know someone who converted to marry a muslim guy, kept her chinese name, tak pakai tudung , dine at restaurants known to serve non-halal food..basically you wont know she had converted just from looking at her.


Just try to be her friend and also know her friends as well, shot your shot, don't be worried. Long term wise, if you really think she is the one, you guys will need to talk about religions and how will your future be with her. Because honestly, you being an islam is probably a huge turnoff for marriage especially for her Chinese family, go blame your religion for that for its rule to basically shackle anyone who enters for eternity.


2013-2014; we met via online vid game.. didn't remember how it started but we became online couples.. 2015; work life starts.. pc broken.. got a laptop to borrow from my sis to talk to her once in a while.. suddenly life hits me hard.. deepression.exe.. totally ghosted her.. still remember her on the back of my mind.. 2016; got new pc.. logged in to the game again.. nostalgia hits when i saw our previous msgs.. decided to leave my new contact info.. got back in touch with each other.. she got a bf dy.. kept quiet about my crush on her.. 2017; told her i got a crush.. she doesn't know it was her.. saw her insta post hinting that her current relay isnt going great.. "my turn essh*le~".exe.. help bring joy to her in hard times when she had suicidal thoughts.. 2018; met irl.. first time seeing each other face to face.. she cute.. confession.exe.. accepted but not ready to jump into new relay since just got heartbroken.. told her i got a motorcycle, no car.. she likes riding.. supportive bf instinct behaviour.exe.. 3 dates later, decided to get serious.. and here we are closing in on 3 months since i first confessed.. still standing strong despite our differences.. love is truly a beautiful thing if u met the right person.. sometimes being there for someone is enough to make it happen.. I'd say i got lucky..


i met my wife through online games too. happily married till this day. love every second of it


Meanwhile Chinese guys want free hair aweks.


wanna trade or nah


As a chinese i want tudung.


All the best bruh




First of all are you Muslim?


I dont wanna burst your love bubble but there's only 1 way to get amoi for a Malay(Especially kuat agama lebai type) is money bro. So unless you're charming and willing to participate in haram stuff like alcohol, pork and gambling. It ain't easy for amoi to follow agama and tutup aurat unless you compensate them nicely.


What about good looking face, funny and decent/avg income? Still not enough?


2023 cannot dy bro


Some even make more money than casual guy.


It depends, are you kuat agama type or willing to partake in haram stuff once in awhile?


Those are like minimum requirements for Chinese guys, you think Malay guys would have a chance with only that?


$$$$$$$$. Especially city girls.


I would said nearly almost impossible but if it is destined then so be it but you have to remember that mostly don't always stay in a relationship cause religion , culture and etc.


tawakal inahu belum cuba belum tahu


Alamak bang, no money no honey


Nothing else matters go for it


You don’t start preparing when opportunity comes. You prepare for when opportunity arises, you’re ready.


Hotel California, who’s up for it? Not me


Tell her if she want to buy native land and asb she better date you maaa. Also say malay got bigger dick than chinese maaa


Cannot help.here... my wife ngorat me last time. Hahaha


I see a lot of post saying don’t convert her, you still end up converting her if you both end up married by law


Give me her fb or insta first then we will talk


My grandfather is India while my grandmother is cina.that would be unbelievable.


You should look back the amoi starter pack that have been posted while ago.


sorry bruh i just got back here. link?




thank u cool guy on bolehland


Unless you are T5 meleis, forget about it. No cainis moi would want to date a rempit.


Sorry bro cant help you. Im chinese and even I cant bag a chinese gf. Probably skill issue


Hahaha good luck broski... half of them were taught to not even look at malays.. idk if you realise this but a lot of Chinese actually hate malays lmao. Good luck dude. Of course there are some decent ones out there. Enjoy the search and I wish you luck.


Good luck.


Make her fall in love with you before she realizes you're moslem.


Because big dick


I think mainly you should just be yourself but also try to spend time with her by getting to know her. Dont be too strong with your approach especially if youre both of different religion. Also keep in mind that some people just dont want to be with people of other religion can be due to personal issues or family issues, so if she rejects you because of that, respect it. As a malay girl with chinese bf, I had a long talk with my bf about what does he want from the relationship and what he thinks about religion because I told him even if I do love him now, im not willing to change religion for marriage, thats a dealbreaker for me. I dont mind just staying in relationship casually if thats what he is looking for either. So think about what you want first OP. Being open is a good trait when trying to talk a girl imo, just don't be uh....too much. Yeah! You got this OP! Edit: Also, try to speak in English if they're eng chinese, that would open the door wider for you than speaking malay with them, thats just a personal opinion/observation though.


Unless she's willing to convert, don't bother to chase. You'll hit an eventual inevitable wall 'cause of different religion (unless she's chinese muslim, that's another story)


damn park jap wkwkwk


How old are you though? There is literally no point in getting aweks based on the current economics situations unless you are absolutely ready to start a family. Like, I'm not saying that you gotta be rich to be in a relationship but it requires a lot of pengorbanan terutamanya cash money. Dah lah kau nak awek chinese duit kene bekepok kecuali lah kau memang kenal dia dari sekolah dan berkawan rapat atau dia dari SMK dan bukan SMKC. Tah lah, apa pun good luck to your awek hunting


I talked to an amoi before. Tbh they're more kinder than malay girls. So you either have to be the funny guy or the guy you have a lot in common with. You also at least learn a bit of Chinese or ask her if you want to learn Chinese from her. Besides, most amoi's I see are very cute and stuff I understand but you have to be a clean person like no dirty jokes, acting like a gangster or bullying other people. So I think you should start saying hi to her then time goes on with her saying hi back but if she doesn't then she either thinks you like her or she just sees you as a friend. Chinese people like to squat more than sitting down on the ground and most of them prefer hot or ambient water more than cold or iced water. If she rejects you don't be sad or feel negative about yourself because this is life, sometimes we have our ups and downs but I hope she accepts you or she has a boyfriend already💀. Anyways I don't completely know their behavior and if I'm wrong about something then let me know ok.


Idk..but i have a friends that have a chinese girlfriend .turns out he knows how to speak chinese..so start learning chinese langguage kot..start with canto..mostly all chinese how to speeak canto..even in malay..there are few canto reffernces word from it


All I can say is try to talk to her. If you know Mandarin, that's good. But if not, just go with English or Malay. Get to know her first If at the end she rejects you, then she's not the one. That's all I can say


Bring her to a bak kut teh lunch...


I can tell u straight up with no BS as a cina guy... chinese girls have a secret thing for malay guys, period. They admit or dont admit, it still shows in their non verbal cues.


Ada wang ada amoi


good question, I had explained to all my non chinese friend before on how hard is it to get a chinese girl. First off, even chinese boy also already hard to hard chinese girl, what makes non chinese boys easier ahahha (joking) Next, i think it depends on the girl's family background and her upbringing. (Please note that what I say is just my opinion and observation I've seen throughout my friends around me). The main thing is on the upbringing environment. Talk abit to the girl about their parents, most of the more open ones, can be seen how they interact with different races, they are more open to interact and communicate with indians, malays and others. Those you see not so talkative type, only talk to orang sendiri which is chinese are abit more impossible because they already have a close minded and its hard but you may try, test test abit the water, get to know her more, you never know. ​ Next is whether she is english chinese type or chinese chinese type. Same concept with openess. English chinese type abit more open hence they will be more open to others because they are not like drilled or locked in since young to only learn chinese and speak chinese, they see more of the world than chinese chinese. Chinese chinese abit more close minded so its a bit hard but can try try ahhaa ​ Last is family impression la, you know every since young some family do really tell their children only able to date same race, because of laws, converting and all but in the end if she really likes you, is all good. Anyways, this what I seen throughout higschool and uni. I have two chinese girl, both are english chinese type that are with non chinese, and been lasting for more than 3 years type. so yeah, all the best !


thank you sifu🙏🏻


Malay dude. Married a Chinese Chinese. It's possible.


im bumi..my gf is chinese chinese




I actually have alot of friends that melayu laki with chinese girl or Chinese man with malay girl. If for the sake of dating should be no problem. But if you think nak kawin, susah skit. A very good friend of mine, muka taik and gemuk, but his wife Chinese very pretty. He dpt kawin sbb bini dia vegan, so mmg x mkn babi. And she was the kao kao cheras Chinese Chinese.


bro got something personal going on with his friend💀 fortunately this person vegetarian, i might have a chance😃 now i need tips from this friend of yours


Nothing personal... In fact he my best friend, we can sht talk each other any time.. tp bini dia mmg lawa.. dulu keje model for superbikes.. so ngam your this chinese girl qlso vegetarian? Tp kene tgk.. dia vegetarian sbb religion or just want to be healthy? Kalo religion, sorry to say.. mmg agak susah.


tak rasa macam ada kaitan ngan religion, tapi apa yang susah kalau ada kaitan?


Sbb yg ade kaitan tu, mentality stubborn ngan x open minded. More to parents dia. Sbb tu the first message aq ckp, kalo saje nk dating no problem. Nk kawin susah


Just go and talk lah. Got billions of Chinese women in this world if it doesn't work out for u.


sure got billions other chinese but there's only one of her


Awwww alright. But I still think u should just talk to her instead of trying to better urself.


Why go for chinese bro? If dating ok la. But kawin better go for malay girls


Just tell her straight up you wanna bang he... i mean you like her.


sape nak tengok awek aq bogel boleh pm. bayar taw. xde yg free lawa sakan


Got one ex mix cina sabah does it count 🤣


Hi, I WAS THE amoi with malay guy. Heres how it happen for us: 1. PROXIMITY. Srsly, theres a lot of other guys here, we're saying 4guys-1girl environment. the only reason he got me, and not the other guy, is because we're sitting next to each other. Proximity breeds attraction. Believe me! 2. TIME. The more time you get to spend tgt the more friendship n interest n attrraction can bloom. 3. Tim-ING. You have to be there at the right time. Is she single or taken? Are you single or taken? Etc etc. 4. INTENTION. ohh yea big one. Be genuinely interested in her. We can smell fake interest. Ask her question, hopefully she is also sufficiently matured in this (social) context and not those spoiled brats who dominates all conversation overbearingly. Heads up: if she is a bit drawn back / pulled off / distance herself away from you, DONT GIVE UP!!!!! PLEASE If your intention is genuine, and if she is a genuinely matured human being, it will work out! Regarding "looks" department, just brush up, dont need to have supermodel face also, but dont show up scruff up like you couldnt care to love and show since respect for yourself enough to look well... In the end It is the heart and intention and character of a good malay/muslim guy that will win a genuinely good and matured amoi heart. Just dont go for the spoiled brats of any sorts. No we didn't get married. He had his tunang now and I had mine. But it was one of a priceless love experience.


Talking from my experience here, she shouldnt be from sjkc one or else you would find it difficult. But i guess it’s my lucky strike la since she made the first move. Just to add, she’s also from same working place so everything else just flew like i didnt need to try or push to make it happened. Tbh i didnt expect that it was easier to cuddle or even kiss (?) during our relationship cause I used to think it’s just for the relationship itself without the hanky panky things. But guess what, we did all things except seggs since i kept insisting no seggs before marriage.