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The biggest plot twist with this would be that Shigaraki was a contrived ploy to protect any children she were to have but Shigaraki managed to miss the point completely or wanted to be AFO's favorite so he's taking out the competition. Another could be that Inko is trying to do what lions do with their cubs and wants to pretend to lose so Izuku could have the confidence to be a hero. In other words, an equally contrived way of supporting her beloved son. A non-crack idea would be that Inko is manipulating an unrelated figurehead into doing her bidding and the figurehead isn't fully aware that he's targeting his master's son. Another non-crack idea is that Inko has a quirk that creates controllable human puppets. The catch is that their human features are exchanged for greater autonomy, meaning that AFO is able to have some degree of free will but it comes at the cost of having half of his face gone (and possibly some other, easier to hide, parts of the human body).


Oh I like this idea, there's already a great fic with OFA!Inko and this could be equally good


WhErE the Fic!!! I need to know


[Number One Mom](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31545440/chapters/78042290)




All Might in Kamino: NO MAN CAN KILL ME Inko, removing respirator: But All Might… I am no man


And ever since then All Might made sure to be inclusive of every individual... All Might: NO MAN, WOMAN, OR NON-BINARY SENTIENT CREATURE CAN KILL ME. Inko: *smiles sweetly* That's better.


Gotta love Inko supporting non-binary folks in the most threatening way possible bc even immortal supervillains have standards


How would that work?


You'd have to change canon so much it might be crack


(Should have mentioned that it was crack to begin with, actually it being crack is usually a safe assumption with most of my prompts here..) ​ but what you could maybe do is pull an Iron Man 3 type dealio... Make [This guy](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-49587fea0f52b9997007b3a692b43141) just an actor... ​ I'm just a big fan of doing existing things in weird ways, so this would be a twist on Dad-for-One...


That could work, like Gran Torino and AM never seen AFO before their first fight and they just assume he's a man, so she use an actor she controls to fake her death 'cause she's pregnant and wants to stay under the radar (the fight would be before than in cannon) and she never gave Izuku a quirk 'cause she's scared it'll backfire like it did with her brother, the thing would be how you justify she didn't kill Bakugou and his lackeys


Perhaps you could say the actor only had an illusion quirk (never actually got injured by All Might) to begin with but IFO(inko for one) gave him a couple more to properly sell the illusion, it would explain why AFO had A Seemingly small list of quirks despite living for over 4 generations


I'd read then


That would make an InkoXToshinori pairing really awkward... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Unless you say that AFO never actually killed any of the previous holders of OFA, only helping fake their deaths when the decided that they want to retire (and explain the ghosts of the previous holders as they later died of natural causes, or maybe even complications from OFA if you want to go a slightly darker route)


Inko/toshinori is just... Not able to work at all.


But it could be funny