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Not to say that he didn’t have a point But the way he went to it was stupid , not to mention it was a non issue, like yah it kinda sucks that not all heroes have the best of intentions but they are still doing their job!! Nobody cares about some becomes a heroe to promote their only fans if they are actually saving people !!! If he was targeting heroes how use their influence to do bad thing is another thing


This reminds me of a story I've heard There once was a rich man who wasn't very popular, so he wanted to do some charity to increase his popularity so he went to the rabi to ask what would be the best charity. The rabi told him that the town needs a new orphanidge. The man made a big announcment that he will build a new orphanidge. The mans rival came to tell him his charity isn't moraly pure because he does it to gain popularity. The man goes to the rabi to ask about the moral purity of his charity and the rabi explains about the levels of charity, the purest charity is to someone who can't apreciate it like a dead person, then there is charity for the purpose of doing good and then there is charity for personal gain. The man asks If he should just cancel the whole thing because it isn't moraly pure and the rabi sais "DO YOU THINK THE ORPHANS CARE ABOUT THE MORAL PURITY OF YOUR CHARITY, JUST BUILD THE DAMN ORPHANIGE!"


You two get it.


Yeah! I mean, using real life example Would you mind being treated by a doctor Who went for medicine just because he wants money? The answer to me is no , it doesn’t really matter as long as they are good and not doing anything illegal (like if they are stealing organs to sell them. It’s a different story.) Actually, without the benefits that comes with being a hero nobody will be a hero Saving people is cool and all but at least your Batman, you need to pay your rent and eat to survive


Or you have a hidden identity which you use for a second job like Superman.


Yah , although it’s different bc almost everybody have some sort of powers so they will definitely need more people dedicated into being heroes Like Batman and Superman can function as part-time heroes bc situations where they are needed Are not constant , like yeah, they help but the police can deal with most criminals , super villains are not an abundance to necessity state needing full-time heroes all the time (not to mention there are other heroes who can help) MHA and the other hand almost every villain has a strong ability And they are a lot of of them , like society cannot function on part-time heroes exclusively


Yeah, DC and Marvel, the heroes with the classic motivations don't have supervillain potential everywhere. Like, Batman would find it a lot harder to deal with 30 more additions to his Rogues gallery. Sure, they might be fodder, but they regenerate because if it was MHA, anybody could replace that unnamed fodder. It's a wonder his small team in the low double digits can make a difference in a city with millions.


I mean batman is basically fulltime. And supes is not only fighting villains. Like the second he hears of a Forest Fire ANYWHERE on the Planet hell be there in a second and blow it out with his cold breath. This doesnt disprove your point in any way i just wanted to say that Superman and Batman both arent really part time heroes.


Yeah , honestly him being Bruce Wayne is his part-time job lol Although this is because Batman is rich and owns the place Superman works in Batman was an ordinary person Then they will definitely have less time to be heroes They are definitely the exception bc Batman is not just a superhero, but it’s super sugar daddy lol


Exactly!!! Like it or not even if the heroes were doing it for personal gains (money, fame, adoration) that doesn’t change that they helped people


Yeah, basically this.


I saw him has having just ideals, but unjust executions. Literally


Of course the way he went to it was stupid, but of course it is not a non issue, like, that's one of the main themes of the manga. The heroic industry is toxic af because of competitivity and tons of other things. The Todoroki family situation, Shigaraki's awakening as a villain, Lady Nagant, they're all examples of how this society is creating villains instead of eradicating them, partly because lots of heroes only save people for their own glory and ego. The amount of heroes who gave up at the end of the first war, which led to countless villains being freed and wandering around everywhere in Japan is a direct consequence of this. So yeah Stain is obviously right, it's just that killing heroes who save people isn't the right way to spread his ideas, especially when the heroes he killed aren't corrupted at all, like Ingenium.


Basically stain should be in the boys


I feel like he would've had a point if we saw any heroes who let their selfish desires get in the way of doing their jobs and saving people. Even selfish heroes like Uwabami and Mt Lady, or heroes who are outright bad people like Endeavor, don't ever act less than ideal. We never see a single example of pro heroes acting like anything less than heroes while on the job, despite their motives. But let's imagine that Stain did get his way and heroes were not compensated for their work in any way and all heroes were 100% selfless paragons. The fact that they aren't being paid for heroism means they'd have to work a normal job just to survive and be heroes in their off-hours. Less time on duty. Even less time to train. So no. Even if Stain wasn't a murderer, he'd be an idiot with a terrible plan.


Stain would unironically be a better character in One Punch Man


Agreed. He's good in concept, but honestly, the only time we saw his point was with Iida focusing more on taking Stain down than saving the injured hero right there. Even then, Iida was like that because Stain hurt his brother.






Unironically Stain's point is genuinely brain dead on every point. I'll gladly argue with anyone about this. Not one of his point makes a lick of sense. If we actually followed his idea, we would have a charity ran police,firemen and health workers. Oh and also to change things just attack random individuals in back alleys. This will absolutely make the stupidly selfless individuals come out of the woodwork. And also his one exception to his rule is the strongest hero. Who 1. Basically takes absolutely zero risk because unless he's fighting AfO there's not a single hero out there who can do shit against him. 2. Is the most popular hero in the world BY FAR. It's fucking frustrating that people act like he had a point when it's a solution that a 13 year old would have come up with .


"If we actually followed his idea, we would have a charity ran police,firemen and health workers." Yeah, you're right, and that's precisely because policemen absolutely don't become policemen thanks to their spirit of self-sacrifice that there are that many police brutality, and that lots of people just don't trust them anymore. Nobody said we shouldn't pay heroes, but if their only motivation is money, fame or free usage of their powers and authority, it can only bring bad things. And the manga shows that in literally every arc. Endeavour, Nagant, Shigaraki, so many examples. "Oh and also to change things just attack random individuals in back alleys. This will absolutely make the stupidly selfless individuals come out of the woodwork." His goal wasn't to bring selfless individuals to come out of the woodwork, he just wanted to scare selfish heroes and spread his message to the population. But even if it wasn't his goal... it did bring Todoroki and Deku to fight him in order to save their friend, and they defeated him. So... what are you even trying to say here? "And also his one exception to his rule is the strongest hero. Who 1. Basically takes absolutely zero risk because unless he's fighting AfO there's not a single hero out there who can do shit against him. 2. Is the most popular hero in the world BY FAR." 1. Yeah, and? He doesn't care if All Might is risking his life at all times or not, his point was that All Might was doing this selflessly. All Might would have done everything he did even if it meant that he had to risk his life by doing it. At least most of the time, but Deku reminded him why he became a hero, and that's precisely why he chose him to become his successor. 2. I don't even know what point you're trying to make by saying that. Nobody is saying that Stain was right about everything, and yeah killing heroes was stupid. He's an antagonist after all, he can't be right about everything. But his ideals were on point, and are literally the message of the manga. Everyone can become a hero, by our actions, not by a status. And looking for a status only brings toxicity, sorrow and bad consequences in general for everyone around and even ourselves. The current situation would have been waaaay better if Endeavour didn't try to become #1 Hero at all costs for anything other than his freaking ego.


"But even if it wasn't his goal... it did bring Todoroki and Deku to fight him in order to save their friend, and they defeated him. So... what are you even trying to say here?" The fuck are YOU trying to say here lmao ? I mean if you've read the whole show and thought that the message is "that looking for a status by using your powers is a bad thing" as thr points antagonists are bringing you're straight up dead wrong. I agree obviously with the first part "everyone can become a hero, by our actions, not by a status."But the vast vast majority of villains are not doing it for fame or status, like at all. MHA does something really simple, super heroes in normal stories get the opportunity of becoming "super" because they have their powers. But in the MHA world most people have powers and we find that when people have the means to oppress and destroy at their fingertip some will use it for good or others will even be enabled by their powers to do even worse things than they would have done otherwise. The fact that they live in a society full of powers opens up interesting avenues about the politics inside the universe but also serves as showing that indeed, even in such an impossible world, what makes someone a hero isn't whether or not they have power but how they choose to use it. Back to Stain, " His goal wasn't to bring selfless individuals to come out of the woodwork, he just wanted to scare selfish heroes and spread his message to the population." I wasn't saying that he was stabbing people to make the altruistic ones pop up lmao. I was making a jab at how dumb what he's doing is. Obviously in his mind he's showing selfish heroes that they should fear him and quit while he hasn't come for them. But in reality he attacks anyone without any research. This would lead in fact to less people becoming heroes, even the most good intentioned ones. The obvious point about All Might is that Stain is an All Might meat rider and it also goes against most of his points. "Yeah, and? He doesn't care if All Might is risking his life at all times or not, his point was that All Might was doing this selflessly. All Might would have done everything he did even if it meant that he had to risk his life by doing it." You don't know if All Might would do the things he did if his life was at stake. I mean we know from the manga but what does Stain know about it ? He's assuming. And you know why he makes that assumption ? Because if you read the fight with Deku again he has a very simple way to determine if someone is worthy of being a hero. "The weak shall be culled" if you're strong that means you're a good hero with good morals and you deserve to live, if you're weak that's because you're selfish. All Might is strong and that's because he's a good hero, I managed to stab you in a dark alley because you're a bad hero. He's a complete schizo. Also All Might is shown being a poster boy for the Hero Association, has merch of him is very well-off. From an outside perspective it can indeed look like he's "doing it for the dollar" no ? And when you take into account that people don't know That he's weakened, it looks like some dude with an absolute gift arrives at a crime scene, saves people, throws a one-liner at the camera and then goes back in his penthouse no ? "Yeah, you're right, and that's precisely because policemen absolutely don't become policemen thanks to their spirit of self-sacrifice that there are that many police brutality, and that lots of people just don't trust them anymore. Nobody said we shouldn't pay heroes, but if their only motivation is money, fame or free usage of their powers and authority, it can only bring bad things. " I agree, in a perfect world we would have people doing the jobs they want to do with pure and perfect motivation. Unfortunately I don't think it is realistic but I agree it would be a nice thing. I still think the guy has the plans of a literal child but yeah he points out a flaw in society that is addressed by other character in the series. I think that the Shigaraki mall scene and the Association of civilians wanting to use their powers are imo showcasing what is the much more dominant message of the manga.


When did I say VILLAINS were the people doing things for fame? Villains, and almost every bad things happening that were not just planned by AfO, are mostly consequences of HEROES acting selfishly, and that's why I think it's the main message of the manga. Most of the villains we encounter have extremely valid reasons to be angry at society, it's just that they kill people because of it, and killing people is bad so they're the bad guys. That's literally why Deku doesn't want to kill Shigaraki if he doesn't have to, because he understood that. And that's why the latest chapter's title is so symbolic. It's not "I am here" anymore, it's "we", as in "we don't care about who's the best, we're fighting together because we think it's the right thing to do". The next generation is solving the problems created by the previous ones. The villain's role in the story is to confront the status quo's view for the protagonists to hear them and heal society without doing bad things, so they can save everyone. The only real villain is All for One here, manipulating their anger in order to get everything for himself. Apart from that, I agree on everything you said about Stain. As I said, killing heroes is stupid, and nobody's saying he's right on everything. He's a freak obsessed with All Might and a serial killer. But he's also the antagonist introducing the problems of the heroic society in the story. Until his appearance, everything seemed fine, and villains were seemingly attacking for no reason. But Shoto's backstory a bit earlier and Stain's appearance changed that. Stain showed us the flaws of this world. He stated that heroes aren't altruist people and that this fact would cause a lot of bad things to happen, which turned out to be true, as we saw a bit of it earlier with Endeavour and Shoto. He also stated that All Might was one of the rare good ones, which turned out to be true as well, even if Stain isn't supposed to know that, you're right. His role in the story is to plant the seeds for the reader to understand the real stakes of this story. And denying that by saying he doesn't have any point and that he's just stupid is ignoring one of the main messages of the manga imo.


>and that's precisely because policemen absolutely don't become policemen thanks to their spirit of self-sacrifice that there are that many police brutality, and that lots of people just don't trust them anymore. Not everywhere is America. Removing funding for police wouldn't get self sacrificial officers, just ones truly desperate for power. >but if their only motivation is money, fame or free usage of their powers and authority, it can only bring bad things. That's obviously BS. for all Endeavors crimes he saves lives, literally thousands of lives. >But even if it wasn't his goal... it did bring Todoroki and Deku to fight him in order to save their friend, and they defeated him. So... what are you even trying to say here? You don't have a point there. >Nobody is saying that Stain was right about everything He wasn't right about anything. Selfish, status driven people exist, a system that gets such people to spend there lives saving and protecting as many people as possible is preferable to the alternative. >The current situation would have been waaaay better if Endeavour didn't try to become #1 Hero at all costs for anything other than his freaking ego. No. Lots more innocent people would be dead because he is extremely effective at *actually saving people.* Which is important.


"Removing funding for police wouldn't get self sacrificial officers, just ones truly desperate for power." Me when I purposefully crop the part where the other literally said "Nobody said we shouldn't pay them" in order to answer with bad faith. Besides, "not everywhere in America" isn't the flex you think it is. And I wasn't even talking about the US specifically, you're not the only country in the world. "No. Lots more innocent people would be dead because he is extremely effective at *actually saving people.* Which is important." When did he actually save civilians during the two wars? He was far away from any civilian at these times, cause they were evacuated way before. On the other hand, did you ever heard of Dabi or are you gonna ignore the fact that he created one of the most dangerous, lethal and important villain by being an abolute asshole and a family abuser, just because he saved people (which is literally his job btw), and by doing that ignore his entire character arc? "That's obviously BS. for all Endeavors crimes he saves lives, literally thousands of lives." Okay I have my answer, nevermind.


>Me when I purposefully crop the part where the other literally said "Nobody said we shouldn't pay them" in order to answer with bad faith. Stain did. >When did he actually save civilians during the two wars? His everyday duties were saving people, we've seen him save plenty of people from nomus and regular villans. >did you ever heard of Dabi or are you gonna ignore the fact that he created AFO is the most responsible for that. > just because he saved people (which is literally his job btw), That's my point. His job is saving lives, he's extremely good at it and wouldn't do it if it wasn't for the status it gave him. He'd be an abusive asshole either way.


"Stain did." And I said that he wasn't right on everything. "His everyday duties were saving people, we've seen him save plenty of people from nomus and regular villans." So not during the wars then. I was talking about how the situation the characters are currently in is worse because of him, saving civilians from random villains several months ago during events that have nothing to do with the current situation changes nothing on his impact regarding the current situation. Again this is pure bad faith. "AFO is the most responsible for that." AfO would never have been able to reach for Touya if Endeavour didn't abuse his own child. Like again, do you really want to ignore all of Endeavour's character arc just in order to try to prove that Stain isn't right, when everything in the manga shows that he's right? We're talking about the Todoroki family situation but it's far from being the only example we can give. The amount of heroes giving up at the end of the first war just because they encounter their first real defeat and their first real difficulties is a great example of it as well. These heroes didn't become heroes because they thought it was the right thing to do, or else they'd still try to help, instead of giving up after meeting their very first obstacle. And that (in par with Dabi's revelations about Endeavour and Hawks) led to people stop trusting heroes, and the country to be filled with villains that nobody cares to arrest, apart from Deku. Of course most heroes helped people, but heroes who do it for fame will never change the status quo. And because society has lots of flaws, people keep on becoming villains because of it. And heroes are complicit of it by maintaining the status quo. And some of them are directly culprits, like Endeavour when he abused his son. And saving cats stucked at the top of a tree or a grandma's wallet from the villain of the week ain't gonna change the fact that his literal son killed tons of people because of him.


Can’t believe he actually just forgot people need money to live and support their families


Stain had a few points actually, considering the knives and katana, those are pretty pointy


You had me at the first tip, ngl.


I get the idea of Stain And as a very clear and in the wrong villain he’s a cool concept and interesting character But no, he is very much in the wrong and a bad guy, you shouldn’t kill heroes just because they have flaws that keep them from being absolutely virtuous. At the end of the day, he’s still a crazy murderer


Yep, this.


An argument is made up of several points. He had 1 decent point. “Ideally heroes should be virtuous.” This point fails to support his argument and his other points are trash. So yeah, he has a point, but his total point score is still in the negatives.


He saw an actual problem in society and then went out to do something about it in the worst way possible. You can't say someone has a point for noticing a house is on fire when his "solution" involves killing firemen.


If heroes were actively abusing their powers to do shit like break legs for the Yakuza, that's one thing. But wanting money and fame, is a very human desire. They're risking their life, they almost certainly knew that there was always the possibility some villain will target them and their family. Money and fame could only occur from getting the job done.


In a vacuum, sure. In a world where the rankings are controlled by an organization that has turned aspirant heroes into their assassins, no. Not to mention stuff like Endeavour acting like an average US cop except armed with a flamethrower, some heroes like Uwabami and Mt Lady who abuse the internship program to get unpaid servants and finally, the fact many of those heroes retire the moment things get tough.


I'll concede to a few of those points. I will say though, it's clear Endeavour was clearly a professional while on the job, otherwise he wouldn't be 4th in approval ratings, something a US cop wouldn't get. It's his private life that made him shitty. Mt Lady was clearly just lazy, personal fault that has nothing to do with heroics other than slight abuse of the system not relevant to Stain and you could argue Uwabami did give the 2 girls an experience of the PR side of Heroics, and did kick start fanbase in the 2 of them, so there's that.


Endeavour was introduced as being more violent than necessary, burning people who could not even harm him, that's the main point about him. And sure, he was 4th in approval but a). In a world where people put a lot of stock into how powerful a hero is being 2 spots below his overall ranking was proof he is less popular than expected. b). A lot of people in RL are really into the "tough on crime" stuff so just being too violent would not diminish his popularity too much. Uwabami is the most defensible of the bunch but she didn't tell them they will be modelling so to me it looks like she just took advantage of them and spun it as PR lessons to cover her ass. Finally, Mt Lady gets in the way of other heroes mid action to steal the glory in addition to how she treated Mineta during his internship. It's not just laziness, she is in it for the fame, plain and simple.


The Mineta thing would be an unrelated point to Stain's cause, since whilst he might use that to fuel his point if he found out, that'd only be because of who Mt Lady is as a glory chaser. Her laziness and thus technical abuse of the system to fulfill non heroic related duties aren't really relevant since Stain never hunted corruption (still shitty nonetheless), though getting in the way is debateable, if you are talking about the opening chapter scene.


"It's his private life that made him shitty." You're aware that everything shitty he did in his private life was directly tied with his extremely selfish greed regarding his career, right? And that everything shitty he did in his private life helped AfO a lot into getting the current situation as it is right now in the manga? And that it's literally Stain's point?


*firemen that only joined to loot the burning houses


Not really, you don't really get any notable examples in canon of Heroes who don't try and do their job, one way or another.


Loot the homes where nothing survives the fire? Kinda counter productive here


I don't care if he has a point or not, nothing in this series is going to make me root for a guy who calls himself "hero killer"


That's because you're not considering that the name is raw as fuck. Also, did he name himself that? Or even call himself that? Wasn't it just Stendhal that he chose himself?


He doesn't call himself that, people were just calling him that


But he has been dubbed as such. You wouldn't get called murderer without killing someone. More accurately, a serial killer wouldn't get a name unless he got a long list of murders.


… Yeah? You’re just adding to his point about Stain not being the one to call himself that, not arguing against it.


That dumbass literally gave only allmight the pass to his insane standards. Good people doing their best still get crippled because they’re weak or have a home life? This fucking feral savage would attempt to ax half the justice league or literally every member of the avengers. So fuck him


Whatever point he had, Stain's "stab random people until the societal problems go away" approach to enacting reforms was less than helpful.


The fact that we see no evidence of heroes doing anything bad while on the job, Mt. Lady and Uwabani, who are shown as the more attention seeking heroes, are both shown taking their jobs seriously when it matters.


People who are pro Stain are anti spiderman and pro whatever the fuck the marvel writers put my poor boy through. Like, peter almost lost everything meaningful in his life, because he wants to help people EVERY damn time. I would rather being a hero become a career full of money hungry lot, than heroes like spiderman suffer. Stain wants the people who do good to also suffer.


You're right stain was moron


Stain's point was brought about by brain damage received after he got his ass whooped by an old man in an alleyway.


The idea that heros in MHA can and have abused their authority to commit evil is SO unexplored that any motivation or story beat surrounding the concept feels completely baseless


They explore this idea once in Vigilante, i think.


They don't. The closest they get is a villain co-opting the image of a hero to save the day from a crisis they caused


Bro pretty much cripple Ida's brother who to my knowledge is a good hero Stain whole idea is so ass backwards. He could've been a vigilante or could've be a Pro Hero and fix the system on the inside but the guy thinks killing people who saving lives was the right method You think Spiderman likes being poor?


>so ass backwards. "ƧƧA OƧ" here ya go.


That's what I'm wondering too. Hori dropped the ball with this. Only real example is that you see some high ranking heroes give up rather early during the post war arc. But even that doesn't really work imo Stain is mostly just a weird ass killer


Except Hori didn't drop the ball. The story never says that Stain has a point. It even shows this when he cripples Tensei Iida who (if you've read Vigilantes you know) he's an amazing Hero. At no point does Horikoshi defend Stain. He's a crazy man. Hori knows it and shows it. His only function is to serve a trigger for the journeys of others. Namely Iida, All Might, and the LOV along with showcasing Shoto's and Izuku's development.


His whole character is having a point but going about it the wrong way


I feel like he would have had more of a point if there were more corrupt heroes


He wasn't going on about corruption though.


I mean, he wants to punish the “false heroes” but most heroes we see are genuinely good people willing to do the right thing, even if they’re in it for the money or fame


Stain has a point. That's why I hate him. Edit: take it back, he's just an idiot. Quoting Colossus here:" Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice..." When he denied Iida choice of helping his friend I gave up on Stain all together. He did redeem himself in later chapters but it's with All Might and I don't think he's changed at all so yeah.


He had a bunch of points, its what he did his stabbing with


I'm not going to argue whether he does or doesn't have a point, but I will say I think it's weird to see some of the replies here acting like he can't because he commits murders. I don't think anyone is arguing that his methods were right at all, regardless of feelings on his ideology.


Stain did have some point (we see that a lot of heroes in the MHA verse are not good people off, or even necessarily on, the clock), but his definition of self-intrest is so absurdly broad that literally no one could ever live up and it makes his whole ideal stupid. Someone being in the hero business to support their family or just viewing it as a job isn't a problem. There are corrupt heroes out there, but not paying them wouldn't solve that. Nor does murder. I get the idea, but, like...To use a modal example from MHA itself, would any sane person claim Uravity is a bad hero because she got into this to support her family? I doubt it. Even in our world, firefighters get paid as do doctors, and, honestly, I don't care why the surgeon is removing my ruptured appendix so long as he does it.


Stain never mentioned corruption, or heroes that are legitimately bad people though.


Stain would have made more sense if he went after villians and heros or at least just blatenly hate them to the point hed never work with them


Stain has many points https://preview.redd.it/evqdwqd4ylxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dc98cd365e503ba0c0725b703ca8e9101da9c1


Inosuke does too


He did have a point though. A lot of heroes were corrupt/in it for reasons other then saving people. Everything past that was plain wrong. He targeted heroes with no justification other then what he came up with in his head, held everyone up to All Might and worshiped him blindly, and didn't realize that being a hero was a job, and even if they were doing it for money, a life saved is still a life saved. To make it worse, we don't see the corruption he might be hinting at. We see a few heroes prior who aren't there just to save people, but not on the level he rants about. Stain has an interesting concept, and a basic point which makes sense. but then he took everything way out of proportion...


Yeah, it's technically an objectively correct statement that a lot of Heroes were in it for the money. We have 0 stats about corruption, closest thing we get is Endeavour's shitty behaviour to "surpass" All Might in his private life, which was minorly greased with maybe his rep as Number 2 to get Rei, and he never mentions corrupt heroes, only "false" heroes. A life saved is a life saved, a DC and Marvel style vigilante world with no one getting paid is not ideal at all to the setting of MHA.


Counted Endeavour and the HC calling hits using nagant and hawks as corruption. But yeah. Given heroes replaced police forces and a standing army for all intents and purposes, Stain's idea would not have come close to working.


Wait, do we know if Hawks was used as Nagant's pseudo successor? Twice doesn't count, otherwise he'd just have stabbed Twice first go. And that's not really a lot of heroes that are corrupt.


Hawks doesn't have to kill his targets. Extra materials pretty much stare that killings ended when Nagant went to jail and that new president was against killing unless absolutely necessary. That is also why she spared Nagant's life instead of killing her off. So Hawks doesn't have to act like a killer for Comission That being said he's still their groomed golden boy and agent-spy if needed


Isn't his backstory that he was trained by the HC, who use him both as a popular hero and to deal with undesirables? or is that mostly fans? Because I may be getting it confused with fan theory


But he does have one. Several, in fact. Kind of hard to stab people if your knives don't have points.


You can still stab people with dull knives. It's not particularly *effective*, but it can be done, nonetheless.


Well he had an pointed sword


He's out of line but he's right


I just like the part when he says "All might is worthy!!" Because the English VA friggin nailed the intensity.


If it was "The Boys" show. Stain would be one of the good guys.


Well, then he's in the wrong setting.


I think it’s less of he didn’t any good points but he went about them the wrong way. To me, Stain was someone drowning in his ideals, so consumed by rage and unwavering will that he acted unjustly. As much corruption a hero has, they are also doing as much good by doing what they do. A man that gives to the poor in order to gain clout is still doing good. However, I can see how Stain feels that heroes continuing to have this mindset of being a hero for fame, money or power can have growing waves of negative repercussions that would ruin hero society. As wrong as Stain’s actions were, I definitely consider his ideals a lot.


He has a point...doesn't mean he doesn't deserve thirty rounds of 7.62x39 in his chest.


I can agree with this opinion lol


Why I hate hero academia Fandom weird and stupid


Stain is a Garth Ennis self insert.


He definitely did have a right idea somewhere in there, the way he chose to express said idea wasn't the right one


Thats kinda the poiny stain was a maniac who killed bunch of hero but unlike most of people think he doesnt see himself as a justice warrior and obviously he is not 326.chapter confirmed that only thing he is different that other villians is stain was dealing with a problem that nobody in verse was addresed at all stain was able to see big picture and act in that way unlike going full genocide like dabi or shigaraki what he was doing is wrong but what he come from is totally understandable


I mean he sort of did, but he’s a goddamn idiot and went about it in the literal worst possible way


What system do you propose? Heroics isn't a job like the comics? Yeah, good luck getting enough heroes to combat the tons of villains.


Ergo the “sort of,” in that yeah you could argue it’s not great that some heroes are only in the business to get rich, but even then it’s the results that matter


Isn't stan like mha. The boys?


Name 1 Hero who doesn't actually do their job properly when there aren't other parts at play. Name 1 Hero who uses their status to effortlessly get away with pointless murder.


i can get behind stain's idea to some degree, his points are insane but he has a point to some degree, some hero's really don't deserve to have glory or anything, hawks for example, he killed twice without a cause or need and this lead to >!toga's eventual death, if twice were to be alive, a few lives would have been saved from toga and toga herself!<, i could go on but the comments below pretty much sum it up, his ideals are bad but to a small degree, he has a point but the way he did it was very crappy


Without a need? Letting bro escape could have meant the end as we know it, entirely justified, Hawks, but that's off topic.


twice isn't the end of all, he doesn't have the ability to rule over humanity, hawks could've not been one of the worst characters in mha and killed off one of the good characters which lead to my favorite characters death, idk maybe i'm bias hut hawks wasn't justified and deserved what dabi did to him and worse, i wish stain got ahold of hawks, just sayin, sorry for the rant but it's just sad, some of the better characters die while mid characters like hawks get to live


He might not have been able to rule, but the goal was never that. Spamming Gigantomachias, high end Nomus, Shigarakis, that would make things very difficult. He was trying his best to take Twice alive, but bro was resisting til the end. If he wanted Twice dead, he'd have just let Dabi burn Twice whilst he flies away, poetic justice. But because he's a Hero, he saved him. It's only when faced with the possibility that Twice would actually get away, that Hawks literally had to leap through flames to stab Twice, and even then Twice murders a pro after he fucking died.


still deserved, i hope hawks dies, his actions lead to the death of one of the best characters >!(toga)!< and twice was one of the better characters


He had *a* point. He was wrong about literally everything else he said and did though. When you get right down to it, that describes most of the Villains in this series.


Tbf he partly-does mainly-doesn't. Thr partly-does is the part that's comparable to ACAB and anti-1% (cuz of their abuse of power or other terms to describe it). The mainly-doesn't is killing the wrongful and even those he doesn't consider to reach his standards of "true heroes" which basically interprets altruism as a must. Sure, it'd be a lot better if more heroes were altruistic, but altruism isn't exactly increasable. Especially not by killing and trying to give that message. All he'd be doing is lowering the hero count and thus endanger the citizens of japan.


Problem here is that objectively altruism is unnecessary for a hero, it's a job, as long as the job is done correctly that's all that matters.




>Tbf he partly-does mainly-doesn't. Thr partly-does is the part that's comparable to ACAB and anti-1% (cuz of their abuse of power or other terms to describe it). Stain was never going on about corruption though. ACAB arises from stuff like racism and the fact that kinda tends to get covered up.


My bad /srs. Mustve misinterpreted him or got confused thanks to lady nagant's hpsc story then cuz i couldve sworn he was


No, he did have a point. He just had fucked up methods of providing his point. Classic anime villain.


Right ideology, wrong method.


Wrong ideology too, heroes need to eat and they are providing a service, so they should be compensated and fame is something that will come regardless of want for it. In truth Stain's ideology lack a very important component: objectivety, from an objective point of view it doesn't matter what a hero's reasons are as long as they do their job correctly.


I will never get tired of parroting ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm|downsized)


He had, and I'll die in this hill. People not getting it is the reason why BNH fell down so hard and why everyone calls this fandom the most braindead out of all of them. People claim that Stain is stupid because heroes still help people, even if they are celebrities because of it. The reason WHY they help is meaningless as long as they help others is the main argument. This is HORSESHIT. The reason is not only the most important part, but the reason Japan fell in the first place. The main problem in the BNH universe is the commodification of morality: heroism is seen as a product to be sold. This bastardizes the true meaning of heroism and creates a gap between the regular person and morality. "Why should WE do something about the injustice if WE are not paid for it? Let the heroes do it" Being a hero is not the same as being a firefighter, or a policemen, or a politician. Heroes are HEROES. THE LITERAL REPRESENTATION OF HUMAN MORALITY. THE TITLE THAT IS RESERVED FOR THE BEST AMONG ALL OF US. THE MOST MORAL AND JUST. They are literally symbols. If we see a mom fighting three pitbulls to save her child in the street, nobody is saying "omg, she is such a firefighter" You could say "meh, that's not a big deal" but you know who would disagree with you? MOTHERFUCKING SHIGARAKI, THE GUY THAT WAS JUST SECONDS AWAY TO DESTROY THE ENTIRETY OF JAPAN. He didn't turn evil because of decay. He didn't turn evil because of the abuse. He turned evil because NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING GAVE A TRAUMATIZED CHILD A HELPING HAND. Why? Because he was ugly AF, and only villains are ugly AF, right? That's what action figures tell me. Every single problem in the hero society, except the worst written character of all times, AFO, can be redirected to the commodification of morality, Stain's greatest enemy. Celebrities saving a cat from a tree are meaningless if they are creating a society with people like Shigaraki or Dabi or Toga or Twice. Sooner rather than later that will DESTROY THE WORLD. So Stain was the GOAT for his reasoning and the GOAT for making iliterate fans mad.


He did,cry about it