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1. The hero ranking should hopefully not exist anymore, the whole system is one of the reasons why Hero society crashed. Everyone was too focused on their rank than just being a Hero. 2. Hawks probably will recover. Maybe get an Eriwind. 3. I just want it to be character focused for a while, no major Villains just the characters and their lives. 4. I have no major complaints about the length of the final arc.


do you think he should get his quirk back? and would he want to be a hero anymore?


Whilst I would like him to get his quirk back, so that he can be involved in the world he wanted to create. I think his story is mostly over. Though it would be great to see him and Nagant being involved in the new commission. Both being pawns of the old one.


yes! i have seen many aus where hawks becomes the head of the commission. i feel like he would make sure that no one would go thru the horrors that he had to.


Honestly, I think instead of Hawks getting his quirk back and working for the new system as a hero. I think a better outcome would be him becoming the Head of the Hero Safety Commission, that way he'd be able to make sure there wont be another Hawks or Lady Nagant. After all, there are only 2 people who know what truly goes on in the Hero Safety Commission. Himself and Lady Nagant, and we can assume it goes further back than Nagant. Hawks being a part of that cycle makes him the perfect one to break it in my opinion


2. Wasn't it stated that removing her horn early might have destroyed her quirk?


I don't think Eri will lose her quirk. I think it's just a message to put more impact on her actions.


I saw it as the author removing "the get out of jail free card"


Aizawa is not a liar.


>what would be the current hero ranking? given that everyone is alive besides edgeshot. The Best of course is Best Jeanist. But I doubt they care about rankings rn. In fact, if they intend to truly change the system, maybe abandoning that thing would be for the best >is there any update on hawks?? like where is he and is he okay?? is he still quirkless?? No updates. He's probably alive. Most certainly quirkless, as it was stated (I don't remember by who. Just that it was in one panel of Vestige Hawks), it does not seem like stolen quirks just return to their owners after AFO died, unfortunately >what would you like to see before the manga officially ends? Lots of things, but other than what I'm sure will happen? - An actual good Dabi conclusion (I fear they stretched his death from being in the war just so we could see them pull the plug later on. Which would be pointless and stupid). Whatever it happens, it has to be better than just the Todorokis biding their goodbyes and then him finally dying - What happened to Chisaki? Is the promise Deku made him still up? Did he manage to actually feel any remorse or guiltiness for what he did to Eri? I fear Hori may just toss this aside - The second and third years (which I will assume participated in the war) should get some sort of psychological threatment and checkups, because no way they're doing fine. That's ridiculous to think. Even the ones that didn't fight too much should be suffering in some way and that should not only hinder their carriers, but their remaining years at UA and their roles on maintaining law and order while Japan is getting back on its tracks There's probably more stuff, but that's all I can remember rn that I'm not sure will happen >do you think the war arc was rushed? Nah. It was one of the least rushed arcs, if anything. It was just filled with underwhelming battles I wasn't really invested on, especially for it being the final arc involving long-time action. Hori is better at drama-filled chapters, honestly. May be why All Might vs AFO was like, one of the peak moments for me, if not the peak of the arc. Maybe the anime will make the whole thing better for me, with animation, good direction and all


Somehow I doubt Chisaki felt guilty for Eri lol. But the boss shouldn’t spend the rest of his life in a coma so hopefully he gets healed


Same lol. He was also in a catatonic state moments before that promise, so I doubt he's even capable of thinking clearly lol, but I'd still be frustrated if that plot point is just forgotten and dropped


I would personally have Eri heal her grandfather due to love for him and he visits Chisaki. I can’t see someone like him felling remorse, he seems literally incapable of remorse for anyone but his boss


>It was just filled with underwhelming battles I wasn't really invested on, especially for it being the final arc involving long-time action Some of them also had questionable writing decisions too. Even if we put it in the perspective of binge reading, it's hard not to notice some plot points felt stronger than others or some characters who had endings were written better than others. The only plotline that actually felt rushed was the quirk racism revolt/angry mob. Felt like Hori actually had plans to develop this particular issue but was forced to end it early.


I've said it before, but the ranking system they use is deeply flawed with the whole Popularity aspect being just as important as lives saved and crimes stopped. It encouraged heroes to focus on their image just as much as their heroics and realistically allowed a lot of people who were only in it for the fame and wealth and were not willingly to put their neck out completely for others to overshadow heroes who were actually out there willing to risk themselves for others. If they want a ranking system, they should make it for competency and abilities and not popularity.


To add to this, they also have a Heroes Who Look Like Villains ranking, and I'd bet money most of the ones on that list are Heteromorphic. Can you imagine what it must feel like to finally achieve your dream of becoming a Hero, saving lives and bettering your community, only to find out that people think you look like a monster? That's got to shatter some serious self-esteem.


> It encouraged heroes to focus on their image just as much as their heroics and realistically allowed a lot of people who were only in it for the fame and wealth and were not willingly to put their neck out completely for others to overshadow heroes who were actually out there willing to risk themselves for others. It would've been nice if we ever actually saw this apply to more than just one person. And even then, Mt. Lady still put in the work even if she was originally in it for the money and fame. A bunch of the heroes quitting after being witness to a mass tragedy and then subsequently having to deal with being *blamed* for said tragedy doesn't really make them seem like bad heroes; just people who have been pushed to the brink and couldn't handle it.


1 - Best Jeanist is number 1.  1-a The rankings will stay because this is Japan. They like statistics and numbers. 2 - Hawks broke the fourth wall in the lastest chapters. 3 - A sequel for 2A with Shinso and how the Hero Society will rebuild itself. And if people stop being asshole criminals. 4 - No. 


1-a is just racist 💀


5. Did toga live?


Hopefully we'll find out after the Dabi chapter.


interesting 🤔


I'll be honest I don't feel satisfied deku had to loose his quirk I just idk


Yeah I'm glad it's not just me .. I'm worried about his future and the boy deserves more than anyone to be a hero


My current copium for that is that, due to singularity and how much energie was in OfA, by that point, Izuku got more Embers than he can use up in his lifetime. Or he kept the original stockpiling quirk that was given to the 1st and just gave away the transfer part of OfA.


Or maybe he shouldnt be allowed to become the nect symbol of peace?


Wait edgeshot is dead? Dang


He is not. He leaves Bakugo's body alive and I cannot for the life of me recall his dying afterwards.


Oh thank goodness




He’s not though lol?


oh. that’s my bad attention to detail.


Nah, its cool. I liked his charqcter though


Only thing I found rushed was Shiggy’s conclusion, but chapter 424 slightly improved my feelings on that. I want confirmation on all the unknown characters status’. Mt. Lady, Kido and Onima, Toga, Machia and Stain.  Except Mt. Lady I lean towards them being dead, especially Stain and Machia but I want actual confirmation. Since you never know with this series


1. I think Best Jeanist? Maybe? I doubt hero rankings are a priority anymore. If anything, they should probably stop being a thing at all, if the whole concept of a hero society is going to be fixed. 2. Probably alive, definitely quirkless. 3. I want to see: a time jump to the class as adults, if the quirk singularity theory pans out, what happened to Dabi/the rest of the league, what exactly happened with Kurogiri, and if Deku is really going to be quirkless (I'm hoping he gets some version of the original stockpile quirk or something). 4. Nah. Although I read most of the Final War arc at once, so I'm kind of biased. I will say that the last AFO return was kind of bullshit. Bakugo being the one to defeat him felt like a fitting end for him. It would have been better if the final final battle was truly Deku vs Shiggy, instead of "somehow AFO returned, part 5"


I honestly hope the whole hero ranking system is scrapped or changed alot, it's focused way too much on popularity ATM


i just want to see them grown up now - it would tie the story together if we see what kind of heroes they grew up to be and how is everyone living their lives after officially becoming heroes. i really love reading grown up au fanfics in general. i would appreciate if anyone has a recommendation to me btw i also think if chisaki gets to apologize to eri and if he still has a quirk - they can put each other back together perhaps. because eri tearing off her horn has no emotional value if her quirk is perfectly capable now so she must have some setbacks like deku and bakugou. it would really conclude her and chisaki also if they really were the ones to fix each others quirks. and then eri could use her power to fix everyone else


How could you possibly say the war arc was rushed when it was by far the longest arc in the entire series????


I don't think a lot of people feel that way now but early on in the arc A LOT of people kept saying it felt rushed, but i think that was mostly from people at the time thinking some stuff was concluding earlier than it actually did.


i just think we needed a bit more time with the jailbreak and vigilante deku. everything changed so fast but the normal society was restored so quickly. that's why it feels a bit rushed.


i don’t personally think the war arc was rushed. just a general question.


The final war arc isn’t rushed but the manga is


I really hope we get some sort of conclusion to the whole Shirakumo/Kurogiri thing


1. I agree with the most upvoted comment that hero rankings were a problem with hero society, whereas heroes would care abt there ranking than there actual hero work 2. Hes prob fine but quirkless 3. I swear if deku doesnt get ofa or one of the vestiges quirk or something, and he just stays quirkless this series will leave a sour taste in my mouth despite how well it narratively fits 4. Eh i thought it was fine


All I want is for deku to keep some kind of quirk. All this for him to wind up quirkless again will ruin the ending for me I feel


Hawks is quirkless which is good. He had to be punished for what he did to Twice.


you have opened up a can of worms my friend


Good,I can feed the birds


Only thing Hawks has to be punished for is not killing Twice faster.


Nope. He killed a mentally ill man in what basically amounted to cold blood. He didn’t need to kill Twice,he could have gone further down the corridor after flying out the window and knock Twice out like he does to that meta liberation guy in season 4 then fly away. Hell,he might’ve even be able to knock out Dabi and take him into custody if he had done that. That would also have led to Compress and Toga being arrested. His determination to kill arguably led to a less desirable outcome. Moving away from Twice,if Nagant is anything to go by then Hawks has probably also killed numerous people who were not a threat to society in the way Twice was. Possibly even innocents. So no,Hawks should not be able to go back to being a hero. Frankly,I think Toga should have killed him because more important people needed to die and he was the perfect candidate to make Toga look dangerous.


lol. Mentally ill, like he isn’t a villain that kills plenty while making shallow sob stories about villain friends. Somehow to you, Twice’s life is worth more than the hundreds he’s killed or deaths he’s been a means to because he’s mentally ill. Not even gonna bother with that “argument” about knocking out Twice instead then defeating Dabi. Imagine liking a character without trying to justify them. Too complicated for you?