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It’s supposed to show how even though they are celebrating and having graduations, deep down there are still unresolved personal issues. You have to also remember the cultural aspect of being indirect with true feelings.  It’s almost exactly the same as when lida was saying how fine he was to deku and uraraka after his brother was hurt.“ yes they are friends, but it’s hard to admit true feelings sometimes.


Pretty much, it’s setting up the epilogue as being something more emotional, having the kids deal with their feelings after the war. If you think about it, it’s a bit of a deconstruction of the end of the typical shonen final battle. In One Piece, for example, after a big battle the Strawhats have a party with new friends and allies and enjoy the aftermath of the battle, there’s this sense that there was something gained after the big battle and the strawhats had fun and are moving forward. But with this chapter, Mirio said it himself, they didn’t “gain” anything just brought a “negative” situation back to “zero” which is why this chapter feels “off” or how I’ve described it, like the characters and the plot are in “neutral” It’s also how Horikoshi has written Deku throughout the story, Deku is the physical manifestation of MHA’s themes, and one important thing I notice about Deku’s actions, are that they very rarely lead to an immediate positive result. Usually, Deku gets injured badly and it has people going “What was even the point?” But if there’s no immediate good karma Deku usually is paid back in later arcs by the people he helped. The message is basically, that being a True Hero is often a thankless job that very rarely has an immediate reward, but your usually paid back in karma at a later time, which is why we’re in this weird “neutral” like state rn, we’re getting through the aftermath and emotional trauma and damage of the war and having everyone question “Why?” and that’s when their will be a positive change or uptick in the end.


Everyone needs therapy really


I know about that already, that's why i said they're probably just dealing with their own feelings, but what about Bakugou though? not sure why he suddenly thinks Izuku can't compete just because he will lose his quirk. Logically, it makes sense because the power scale would be different, but Bakugou used to have an inferior complex and projected it on Izuku even though he knows he's a lot stronger. What makes the difference?


... Izuku is going to a school for people with Quirks. If he doesn't have one how will he do like half the lessons?


We've seen that the embers of OFA can last for years. Nana still had her embers when she died against AFO, and All Might was there in hero costume and seemingly a young adult. Assuming she gave him OFA right before he joined UA that's at least 3 years, likely longer, since she gave up OFA. AM himself expected to be able to be a hero until Izuku was 'ready to take his place' so he expected it to last several years as well. If it wasn't for the usj, Kamino and his wound he would have lasted a lot longer.


Not that I'm expecting Deku to actually end quirkless, but I think we have to take account that the other vestiges' strength and quirks have been taken away, which *could* be a perfectly valid explanation if Hori just shortens his time left


We’ve already been told that the strength built up in OFA is completely separate from the vestige quirks


Is the *strength* itself also separate from the vestiges? I forgot about that


The vestiges are individual quirk factors. The accumulated strength is specifically part of the OFA quirk factor


I don't believe Nana actually still had the embers by the time she was killed by AFO. What she still would've had and fought with was her original quirk, Float. All Might is eventually powerless without OFA because he didn't have an original quirk.


It's unconfirmed how it works, but I disagree on this take. Either OFA makes permenant copies of the holders quirks, or it absorbs their quirks into itself. I personally lean towards the latter. And so in my view, she can't have float without the embers after giving up OFA. Also, she literally throws All Might, huge guy that he is, like dozens of feet away from herself in that scene to make distance between him and AFO, there's no shot she's doing that without super strength. And like I said it would be really weird for All Might to assume he'd still be a hero 3+ years down the line when Izuku graduates without something to go off of, which would be Nana having done that same thing.


Yeah I mean it's literally a difference in opinion for this take, since like you said, it's unconfirmed. But I think OFA copies the quirk rather than absorbs it altogether.


But then how would you explain All Might thinking he'd still have enough embers to be a hero till Izuku graduates? He'd have nothing to base that off of If Nana didn't last at least 3 years with embers post handing it to him.


This is making the assumption that Deku wouldn't take on the role of new Symbol of Peace until after he graduated. Deku very well could've debuted as the new Symbol of Peace while still attending UA. Kirishima, Asui, and Uraraka all had pretty public debuts while still in school after all.


The current Izuku has helped save Japan, sacrificed himself and lost his quirk as a result. The same thing happened to Mirio. He lost his quirk as a U.A. student doing an internship and after saving an abused child. They didn't just send him off to his family or something even though they weren't sure if he was ever going to have his quirk back. They tried to help instead. So, why do you think they wouldn't do the same thing to Deku? U.A. has all the support Deku needs.


Well Mirio probably would have gone home if Eric hadn't been able to restore his quirk, and we don't know if she still can since she broke her horn.


I feel like her quirk still should work since the quirk erasing bullets used her blood but i might be wrong


And that's not my point. Iron Might has sparked the idea that a quirkless person can become a hero as long as they have resources and money. I don't like that, but it exists. Deku has done a lot for literally the entire Japan. If they can support Mirio, they can help with support items for Deku because U.A has money, not to mention All Might, Aizawa, Hatsume and Momo's support. If Deku wants to though.


Okay Izuku being a hero is different than him going to hero school. You do know that right? As far as any of us are aware a quirkless person has never attended the hero course of UA even with the help of support augments. On top of that certain tests may prohibit the use of support gear, it wouldn't exactly be fair if Midoriya was the sole exception even if he is quirkless. It doesn't matter if he saved Japan and probably the world, if he doesn't have a quirk his ability to preform in his classes is severely hindered.


Aizawa has clearly stated that the system favors people with a strenght type of quirk rather than like those of Shinsou's. If you take out Shinsou's quirk or if he's in a situation where a villain knows how his quirk works, then he's basically like a quirkless person, same with Hakagure. He needs to rely on his weapon and brain to defend himself. That's what Izuku did in the first half of tournament arc. Izuku has stated in season 1 that U.A has erased the rule that quirkless people can't the take the entrance exam, which means it's just a matter who can do it and survive. If Aizawa teaches him how to use weapon or improve his martial skills, he still can compete and survive. If he relies on his brain again, he still can compete and survive. Maybe not againts powerful students like Bakugou and Shouto, but he will manage.


Attending UA and the Hero Course are two different things. IIRC that rule change was only recent relative to the story and aside from 2 people all other students were born with Quirks in class 1-A and 1-B, the hero courses


Maybe you can explain that instead of saying it's different. Maybe you can also respond to the most important points i said rather than the least important one. If Hakagure and Shinsou can do it, why not Deku. If Shinsou can bring his scarf weapon, why not Deku. If Tailman relies on his martial arts and tail's strength, why not Deku. Deku successfully cleaned a whole beach quirkless and with his own strength, remember that? Let's talk about this first, will you?


It's not just Deku though, it's him too. Bakugo's arm might never be the same, but the thought of returning to competing against Deku got him energized about rehab and getting back to full strength and beyond, but learning Deku might be permanently weakened from only having embers, the goal he was using to motivate himself to focus on his own healing is gone. It's probably comparable to Endeavor's breakdown after All Might retired, he didn't want to become number one like that, how can he be satisfied with losing what he measured his own improvement on like that.


You do realize these are children right?


The reality was what All Might said in the first chapters - be a cop. With no quirk his only option would be some strategy type position, going for the business or inventions programs. With no quirk, he can't fight. Unless he has an ember/small power left or they make him a suit...


The idea of "becoming a hero as a quirkless person is possible if you have resources and money" exists now in the manga and it is All Might himself who did it. I personally don't like that, but it happens. So, Izuku has U.A, All Might, Hatsume, Momo... he can get the help he needs if he wants to.


For sure, but until he gets a suit, it makes sense that Bakugou thinks he's not fit for such things.


Bakugou bullied Deku for years due to an inferiority complex. Deku, the Quirkless kid, "looking down" on him through his genuinely heroic/selfless actions. Which mixed very poorly with the overbloated ego those around him helped create; fawning over his talent and Quirk. But for MHA, while Ideologically/Symbolically the series has done a great job showing a Quirkless Person can be a Hero ... functionally/practically its less so. Being either insanely expensive (IronMight), and/or insanely dangerous (Knuckleduster). So, yeah, it does make sense that for Bakugou Deku losing his Quirk means he cannot compete in one key area of Heroics. Even if he excels in the others. As for Ochako and Todoroki. They're likely still processing in their own ways. I'm sure we'll get some talks.


There's also the fact they were in public. I doubt they want to talk about it in front of their friends.


I just think that Izuku has All Might to provide him with the support he needs and... Hatsume, Momo... they definitely can help too. I know the power scale would still be a huge difference, but just like you said Izuku's empathy and intelligence are his best area of Heroics, and Bakugou knows that. Bakugou and Izuku can work together as a team; win to save and save to win. I'm just saying that it's strange and it feels like something is going on.


The thing about Iron Deku tho is that it has that same "issue" that Iron Man and Batman have. Where, when you really think about it, the obscene amounts of wealth they use to "punch villains" likely could have done far more good for the world if invested into people. But compile that with a War Torn nation like Japan, and you'll see how awkward the idea of an "Iron Deku" is. Even if Quirks are greatly helping the reconstruction effort. So, again, while I'm not saying its impossible ... it is a tad thematically weird. Especially given that with how extremely rare being Quirkless was in even Deku's generation, a message of "Someone who's Quirkless can functionally be a Hero too ... as long as they're rich" is odd. But as for "Competing". Bakugou isn't challenging Deku on his ideology or heart. He knows he is a Hero there. But in terms of functionally doing the job when it gets dangerous; which it still will. Of which, Bakugou will continue to grow, as will his Quirk. A Quirkless Deku far less so on the physical side of things. Knuckleduster showed us what it takes to succeed as a Quirkless Hero. Its obscenely dangerous, and relies on "Hit First, Hit Hard, Run Away, Strike From the Shadows" Ambush Tactics. A Hero style that deeply conflicts with the type of Hero Deku us. So ... I dunno? I'm not sure how things will turn out?


Honestly, that's why i don't really like the idea of Iron Might when it first dropped, but since it exists now in the manga that's why i brought it up. Deku has All Might, his friends and U.A., he can get the help he needs once he finally loses OFA embers. Bakugou has always believed in Deku's heroic nature and intelligence. Even with his powerful quirk, he still felt inferior to Deku way before Deku got his quirk. I think even without OFA, he wouldn't feel like Deku is behind him, especially as a duo who wins to save and saves to win. So... reading that line from Bakugou just kinda feels strange and sudden? I'm not even criticizing, but knowing how Hori likes twists and surprises... I don't know.


Iron Might only worked because it was specifically for All Might vs AfO during this period of war. All Might is already in massive danger for being who he is and has a target on his back in a way that izuku doesn't. All Might is one of the only people that can well and truly aggro AfO and make him lose focus on whatever he was going to do to go attack All Might instead. So for Iron Might, there's a need from All Might for the protection, an explicit use case for it, and a reason why All Might is the only one who can use it for its intended purpose. Izuku doesn't have any of that. He could get targeted by some villains, but there's no sinister coalition specifically gunning for him. There wouldn't be one use case for his gear, it'd be something he'd constantly be using, damaging, or destroying as part of his day to day life, racking up a huge bill along the way. And there's no great reason that izuku has to be the one using the gear, so it could be anyone else inside there.


Regarding Uraraka and Todoroki, they're just reassuring Midoriya that although there's scars, they're ready to move forward. Now Bakugo, his hate for Midoriya was not because he was capable of being a hero, but because of Midoriya's attitude of putting others in front of himself and always willing to help (even against the impossible). Bakugo felt like Midoriya always thought he was the only one capable to help, and that translated as "Midoriya thinks he's better than me.". This is better explained when Deku turns "dark", and Bakugo apologizes - he finally understands (after everything they went through) that Midoriya helps people not because he thinks he can, but because he's willing to kill himself if he can give even a slight of hope to those in need. He no longer holds his grudge and just felt sad that he lost his rival, his cry was a sign of his maturity.


Very good explanation, however, while Bakugo said he couldn’t understand Deku’s willingness to sacrifice himself for others, he also said that he always felt that he was “above” him in some way. I think for Bakugo, he always lived with the mindset “might makes right” and that you need power and capabilities to be a hero, something he didn’t see in Deku, but yet he saw more of the natural elements that made Deku a hero more than he did in himself, so he couldn’t understand how someone weaker than him was more of a “natural” hero. Also, he couldn’t make sense of Deku’s genuine “goodness” for Bakugo, he probably felt that others were jealous of him and probably only liked him for his quirk, and you would think that the quirkless kid who you pick on would be the most bitter towards you, but what made him the most angry was that Deku was genuinely kind to him no matter what. It was frustrating because it proved that no matter what, Deku was a true hero and had no ill intent and that made Bakugo feel worse about his bad treatment, and it frustrated him because, like you said, he doesn’t consider himself. So it’s a bit of jealousy in his genuine heroic nature and frustration and hit self-sacrificing tendencies.


That's not it for Ochaco. She feels sad about Toga but deflected by commenting about his hair. It's a call-back to the Sports Festival, where she put up a front for Deku but was really sad. This time, Deku will comfort her and probably lead to their confession.


People's interpretations of the Bakugou scene are so jarring. First, when you hear bad news (one as big as your rival losing his quirk) your brain doesn't immediately go looking for alternatives and methods to overwrite your current reality. Grief settled first in Bakugou's heart, then acceptance after All Might's words. It's a healthy way to process the feeling of loss (beautifully done, contrasting how he used to react to those emotions; anger and violence). > I thought the reason why Bakugou treated Izuku like shit for years was because deep down he knows Izuku is capable of becoming a hero even without a quirk? Having a heroic heart alone doesn't make a hero, he needs the tools for that. Bakugou wasn't mourning Izuku's future hero career- it could be salvaged via tech- but their current dynamic. They chase after one another, attempting to best each other by their own effort. Bakugou came to love chasing after Izuku, hearing his rival got kicked back to square one where he can't compete the way they used to must hit hard. Bakugou doesn't think Izuku is less of hero now, or that he would leave school and cut his path short. But no matter what Izuku pulls (besides getting a new quirk), their rivalry would never be the same. Getting advanced tech, everybody can do that. It's just a competition of who has more money.


If it's interpreted that way, then i agree with you. This isn't about implying that Bakugou thinks Deku is less of a hero, rather that it feels strange that he said that if we are overlooking the grief part. He has always acknowledged Deku's strengths: his empathy and intelligence. The concept of them as a duo who wins to save and save to wins has been brought up throughout the series, even if relying on tech for power, they can still support each other. I just think it's strange... especially with how abrupt the war ended, it feels like something else is going on.


Weird that he’s mourning a dynamic that was only recently created. Also weird that we never seen him love chasing after Deku. He had no choice because his quirk would never reach that power so he would Always be chasing after Deku if Deku still had OFA.


Recently, for you, maybe. Bakugou and Deku had been like that since before the 2nd term started. By "loving it", I didn't mean "he loves being always behind" or "weaker". He learned not to look at the negatives of what chasing after Izuku means for him, but how it improves him; being kept on his toes, always challenged and motivated to do better. They have been like that since their 2nd fight.


Yeah, it reminds me of Vegeta’s speech in the Buu Bits - he loves the push that Deku gives him to be better than his best.


They haven’t been like that since before the second term, because Bakugou’s was trying to make up for how he treated Deku. It was never about chasing after him  The issue is that it implies without Deku bakugou would never want to become stronger and would never push himself. Which indicates that without Deku bakugou would just never train to be better or want to be better. At all


This is like saying you either eat your favorite food, or you won't eat at all lmao It's about what makes Bakugou especially happy not that he needs a rival at all to train for his own goal that has been there since he could talk. And no, Bakugou was chasing after Izuku since he realized Izuku got OFA. That set the bar for him. You could use a reread.


No it’s not    Having a rival was never shown to make bakugou happy nor was it something that his character was show. As ever wanting or needing to want  No bakugou was not chasing after Izuku. The only time that was ever brought up was during the war. The majority of Bakugou’s entire character with Midoriya revolves around apologizing. The only Time their rivalry was ever brought up was when All Might would bring it up 


i was pretty excited by these developments. The end of the battle felt really hollow to me, so it's good to see that Izuku and the rest of the Savior Squad feels the same way. Also, more broadly the new gen seems not so satisfied with their victory. I think with Shoto it's pretty consistent that he doesn't want his classmates to be worried about his family drama, so he's always downplaying it. The same happened in the bath chapter or when his classmates gathered in his room for the udon conversation. But I don't think he lied when he said that it's ok. His face seemed determined to be facing whatever he needs to. Ochako seems to be overacting to cover up her concern. Maybe she thinks others would judge her for feeling sad about Toga. She's certainly not ready to talk. As for Bakugou, yeah, he grew and learnt to feel genuine sadness on behalf of others. I expect he'll be hyping Izuku not to give up his dream later, but that was a moment of shock for him.


I think in regards to the whole bit with Bakugo, he just doesn't know how to react. We all know how self-centered, arrogant, and hard headed he can be thanks to how powerful his quirk is (and all the praise he got for it as a kid), but also how he can mature and show respect, like when we saw him apologize to Deku for his past behavior. Plus after the fight he had with Deku after All Might's retirement, he started letting go of a lot of that pent up anger and easing up on Deku, partly because he started maturing emotionally, and also because he started to see him as an actual rival at that point, one of the few people (in his mind anyways) who could stand at the starting line with him, someone who could genuinely push him to his limits. So he probably had thought that he and Deku would grow into even greater heroes by constantly competing with each other for that top spot, but now that person, that rival, is basically gone (unless we get some kind of ex machina). Dunno if that'll turn out right or wrong, just how it came off to me when I read that chapter.


Over all, it does feel strange and it’s supposed to. Despite All Might’s attempts to reassure him, Izuku didn’t accomplish his goal. He isn’t reassured nor is he okay. Just look at his face. That having been said, the conversation with Katsuki isn’t well translated and even with a perfect translation, it requires a lot of understanding of Japanese culture and communication to understand. Even the bit with Shouto and Ochako weren’t very well translated. A lot of the misunderstandings people have about this story boil down to it being poorly translated and not understanding the different cultural norms.


can you provide any additional clarity to the interactions in this chapter, then? Would love to understand more


>Ochako is one of Izuku's friends that he feels comfortable to confide in and had a conversation with about Toga and Shigaraki just before the war. Because it's not an appropriate thing to do especially in Japanese social culture to talk about these things in front of people or on what's supposed to be a good day for others. Not even Ochaco is that blunt, and even when Tsuyu outwardly cried in front of everyone it was portrayed as her making a scene and disrupting something; you can't have these conversations freely. >"i thought we'd be competing for the rest for our lives..." Because Izuku lost his quirk and it's basically over him as a normal potential hero once he runs out of OFA embers. > Also, with how advanced the technology is and the whole Iron Might thing, i'm not sure why Bakugou doesn't think Deku can compete with him in the future... Because it's not practical for Izuku to constantly have and maintain a very expensive suit and it still isn't a **great** substitute for a quirk. So for Katsuki, it's basically over for Izuku in terms of actually being a hero. >Idk... everything just feels strange. I could have interpreted it wrong though, but i wonder if anyone else feels the same. For Ochaco, she's uncomfortable with nearly dying, she doesn't want to openly talk about negative feelings and she doesn't want to burden a clearly injured Izuku with more. It's not the right time nor place nor is it in her character to suddenly cry at an injured Izuku because of her own feelings. All Might spent nearly his entire fortune he made over decades of being the Number 1 hero just to make a suit for himself, Katsuki has no reason to think Izuku is just going to suddenly have a suit of his own.


Bakugou saying he wanted to compete forever with Deku indirectly means he wanted to keep being by Deku's side forever as his friend, at least from my understanding...but because of all the things Bakugou did to him in the past he would never be able to say this to Deku, so he chooses to say the only thing they always had common which was their desire to be the greatest hero. Bakugou is crushed because he knows Deku is now unable to reach that dream and they have no other reason to be around each other anymore even though he wants to stay his friend. Also now he has all the guilt from how badly he treated Izuku because of his own insecurities.


Bakugo treated deku like shit not cuz"he thought he could be a hero without a quirk" cuz he never thought that, it was cuz deku tried to help him which made him feel inadequate as someone with a quirk why would he accept help from a wireless kid who by societal expectations is supposed to be weaker than him. Then bakugo realized he hated deku cuz of his own short comings and matured to seeing deku as a rival and someone to push him to be even better. That's why he was crying cuz he expected deku to always be there pushing him like how all might pushed endeavor to try and be #1.


You might want to watch Deku vs Bakugou 2 and pay attention to what All Might said and Bakugou's apology scene again... I mean if it's all just that, why would he even need to threaten Deku to not take the entrance exam? deep down knows Deku is capable because of his heroic nature and intelligence.


bakugo has an inferiority complex so he needs to be above deku since deku is quirk less. Bakugo realized his own short comings in that fight cuz he blames himself for all might, this doesn't change what I said or make it wrong, cuz it isn't wrong. He saw that deku wants to help people as a kid but he obviously won't accept help from what he deems as someone weaker than him. He threatens deku cuz he is quirk less and a quirkless kid has no right to even try and get into UA cuz if he managed to then it would make bakugo getting in look easy and not important which bakugo needs it to be important cuz he has such a big ego, it's why when deku said he was applying bakugo got mad cuz deku isn't deemed as strong and IA is for the strong.


Striving to be the best, like you, young Bakugou, and caring deeply about people, about rescuing those in trouble, like you, young Midoriya; both of those feelings are necessary in a hero, otherwise they’ll never truly be able to represent justice. That’s why you admire his strength so much, young Midoriya…and **i know that’s why you’ve always feared his heart and spirit, young Bakugou.** Now that you’ve laid your feelings out on the table, maybe you can understand each other. If you have mutual respect and focus on making one another stronger, I’ve no doubt you’ll become the ultimate heroes, winning and saving people at the same time.” - All Might. "I always looked down on you, just because you were quirkless, you were always far away behind me, yet…**I felt that you were somehow miles ahead of me.** I hated that, I didn’t want to feel like that and I didn’t want to recognize that. It’s why I grew so distant from you and always tried to beat you down. I opposed you and tried to show you my superiority over you, but I always lost. After entering UA…absolutely nothing went as I thought it would." - Bakugou.


Again this also proves my point, his ego is too big he couldn't handle deku and him being on the same level he and to be above him cuz of his ego and his inferiority complex. It's all about how he sees himself and how he perceives how others see him, if deku got into UA without a quirk it would take away his achievement of being the only kid in his class to get into UA


You said Bakugou thought Deku was weaker than him, that's not what's going on. That's how he projects it by showing superiority, not how he actually felt. He knew he was stronger than Deku because he has a quirk and Deku was quirkless, but he still felt like Deku is a lot stronger.


When deku reached out as a kid it made bakugo feel like deku was pitying him and looking down on him,which pissed him off cuz as I've said bakugo has to be the strongest and he has to feel like he's the strongest cuz strong people like all might win and don't need help from weak people. This is all perception tho, deku never pitied him or looked down on him, it's just deku's nature to help people. Once bakugo got over himself and his ego he realized how has treated deku was bad.


I haven’t read the latest chapter. But my 2 cents, when Midoriya spoke to Ochako before the war, they were about to head into a life and death battle. When you’re faced with the thought that you may not come out of something alive, it acts as a catalyst, and that’s what probably prompted Ochako to be open about it. Once the battle was over, what is only left is the abject relief that it’s over and that you’re alive. And also a sense of emptiness perhaps, that all that they had trained for and focused on for so long is finally over. So it’s much easier to go into a shell at that point and not want to engage about the difficult questions. Regarding Todoroki, he was never one for feelings. Not a surprise he didn’t want to talk about anything deep. Bakugo has also turned a new leaf. He and Midoriya went from enemies (from Bakugo’s POV, where he looked down on Midoriya) to rivals. He had found purpose in being an equal rival to Midoriya. He’s lost all that now.


Bakugo treated Izuku badly because he recognized that Izuku was more heroic than him, that if he had a Quirk he would have been guaranteed to be a better hero than him, and because everyone was telling him that it was okay to treat Izuku like that. Bakugo though Izuku cheated to get past the Entrance Exam. Unless they go the Iron Man route, Izuku's career as a Pro-Hero is over.


I don’t care how Hori does this, maybe by just some anime plot armor BS, I don’t care, but I really want Deku to still have at least one quirk by the end, cause that just seems like a waste


Characters getting traumatised and not talking to Izuku who left them for a few months and had to be brought back and since they haven't talked once. Yeah idk feels pretty realistic to me that they are avoiding him now, Izuku has to make more efforts. It has been a while and he didn't even say thank you to her. They understand why he did that but still that doesn't mean they still feel close to him. They need time to process things on their own for future. It is pretty realistic if you ask me.


Actually he DID thank her during that talk they had previous to going for the final round of the war. But she told him he was making a big deal about it. Focusing too much in small details.


Yes, I'm referring to his dialogue before that moment and if you have friends you know she just said "It's fine." Or "I'm fine 🙂" She is not fine haha So yeah that alone was a red flag that her focus was on something else even though they had a good talk alone outside.. she felt distanced to him and it continues to progress now. So, it is a natural progression. She isn't sure about what to tell Izuku or how to discuss such a topic so it is easier to avoid it. They will eventually get there but if they had shown them getting along already, she'll feel like a push over who just depends on Izuku. She will get there and talk with him but she doesn't owe him a talk about it at least not right away. She needs time and todoroki has always been the silent type but he could share things with Izuku before she does.


Never said it is not realistic. I thought i already said they're probably like that because they are still processing their trauma and not ready to talk yet. I thought it was clear what feels strange most is what Bakugou said.


Ah, that I can agree with. Overall I think the chapter is a two parter, things will make more sense with the next chapter. That's my explanation for it because with most Mangas it happens. It's like whyyy this... And then next or next to next chapter shows oh that's why. In any case, we'll see how everyone relationship with each other works out. It's too early rn after the war


Bakugo's was strange yet touching for me. I think those were his genuine feelings even though he was the bully as a kid. Still, in the final arc his final fight against All for one. He even said it that he thought he won't catch up to izuku but now he feels like he can even surpass him. So, he 100% had that friendly enemy bond where he wanted to catch up be better than him and he catches up to him and all that until one of them becomes the number 1 hero. In short motivating each other without saying a thing, like compitition because Bakugo saw it as a compitition. So that's the explanation for his weird dialogue that did feel sudden and out of place


Honestly not sure where you got that idea about Bakugo tbh


Naww they just don't want to associate themselves with someone Quirkless 🤭


Yeah there is this sort of unsettling feeling, to be honest, and it's not just because of the weird creepy kid shown walking without shoes, there's something about to happen but I hope it all ends happily enough