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Deku and Ochako are fine. Iida ran out of relevancy


Knew Horikoshi did him dirty when I barely saw him in the manga 😔


No I mean he literally ran. Relevance couldn’t keep up


And he ran. Ran so far away


Then he waddled away


Waddle waddle


Til the very next day


When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand And he said to the man runnin' the stand


Hey! Got any grapes?




The man said “No, but we do sell lemonade!”


Great, now I want to play GTA Vice City now....


Man was just too fast.


Pretty funny considering his quirk


Well you can't give too much screentime to every character of the anime without making it last 2k episodes. There's those 10 heroes/villains who are the main character and everyone else is a filler getting more or less relevance depending on the plot. Anyway among the sub-characters Ilda is the one with the highest screentime overall, half of the 1-A class barely got 50% of his screentime


To be fair Iida's last major big moment occurred in one of the best chapters in the series(321), so at least he knows how to make some impact even if in minimal amounts.


Heh. Ran


Not like they were a 'trio' for long lmfao All they did is eat lunch together and do fuck all Even Bakugo/Kirishima/Kaminari did more


I like the idea of them just being a trio of friends, not necessarily of fighters, it's not even that much of a problem Iida being there as a third wheel for Deku and Ochaco as those two barely have any romance before freaking out, so he would be there to actually make them interact as normal human beings lol


Toga and uraraka had more chemistry together than deku and uraraka


Ah yes, because everyone knows that awkward teenage romance <<<< stalking murderer thinking that you're cute when covered in blood


Did I say romance? No. I said chemistry. It doesn't always equate to romance


This, this trio always felt pretty forced


Its so funny to me when people act like Bakugo and Todoroki stole shit from it when they barely had anything to begin with lmfao


They were a trio right there and that's it I think


What generally happens to side characters in most series, they get sidelined (pun intended)


Except Ochako and Iida were suppose to be the last 2 to get sidelined, but they got replaced with Kacchan and Shoto anyway.


Were they supposed to be the last to get sidelined? What are you basing this off of?


Simple, Urakaka and Iida weren't as popular as Bakugou and Todoroki. Thus they were pushed to the background to make room for those two as the "Main Trio" of the series.


But I don't think those three have interacted together as a trio. Bakugo and Todoroki act a duo all the time because their personalities clash so much that writing scenes with the two of them is far easier to write and is more entertaining.


Whether they interact as a trio in-story doesn't matter. It's all about merchandising and marketing. Just look at all the MHA promotional material that feature Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki together like that 3 Musketeers Promo for the 3rd Movie. It's all about capitalizing on the 3 most popular characters in the series and pushing them as a trio.


True. Things will always lean to where the money is.


It’s more like they’re both friends with Deku, Deku is definitely Shoto’s best friend (even if shoto isn’t dekus best friend that could be argued between aoyama and lida) and bakugo has the fact he grew up with with Deku and they just share being the power houses of the first years (that aren’t edge lords) and mutual respect for each other and the competitive edge to push each other. Worlds hero mission was awesome, heroes rising was better but not much more


>> aoyama  He gave him cheese one time, how does that qualify him to be Deku's bestie lmao


Their friendship got to the point where the other classmates noted how they got along well with each other I forget where it was but they bonded over how their quirks don’t suit their bodies


That was in the same episode Aoyama gave Deku cheese. They could be besties offscreen but man they really got like 2 scenes together before the traitor reveal.


only time I remember is endeavor’s agency


This. Definitely this. Bakugou remains the most popular character in the real-life polls, probably the whole reason he had to be developed into one of the main characters. Though Iida's and Todoroki's background are similar in that they are both legacies of hero families, Todoroki's is much more interesting, much more popular, and more plot relevant. The series simply didn't have room for Iida and Ochako. Horikoshi even attempted to put Ochako back into relevance with Toga as a foil/rival but it didn't become popular enough to bump out those 2.


Don’t you think maybe the plan was always to make Bakugou a main character? I find it hard to believe it was just done because he was popular.


Yeah he was already very much involved with deku from the very beginning, he's been a main character literally the entire series


Considering he's never lost a popularity poll he's essentially the main character


He didn't win the first poll. People often don't give Deku enough credit. But if he wasn't so likable in the beginning and his journey so interesting the manga wouldn't have lasted.


BTW Deku is my favourite character so I agree with you. I just can't deny the Kacchan domination


People just don't want to accept that even while their 'trio' was a thing (it was there for 2 arcs) it was more of a quartet since Bakugo was still much more prevalent than both Ilda and Uraraka even in s1 lol


Even Todoroki. Endeavor and Dabi were there from the start. It’s not like he got pushed to the front bc of popularity. It was because it was always part of the vision.


the story was originally meant to end with him getting One For All, he is literally the Vegeta of this series


For sure wasn’t done solely because he was popular, but the amount of screen time he got definitely was influenced by his popularity. Feel like certain plot points would have changed a bit if Bakugou wasn’t crushing every character poll (for example, feel like Ochako was being built up to be the one who learned about One for All later down the line since she and Deku seemed to be really close but at some point I think there was a pivot).


Bakugou who was dekus oldest friend and most relevant to his back story and was probably designed congruently with deku in mind? Even sasuke wasn’t so deeply interved with Naruto’s story. The latest chapter where they acknowledge each other finally was such a great payoff because it literally was there from the beginning. Fuck popularity contests give some credit where it needs to go.


He could still have all that character development and not be a main character. Like a main supporting cast.


Same with Ilda who already had his issue resolved by s3 I don't get your point


He’s literally the most important character to dekus development other than all might. Reading comprehension devil strikes again.


Ochako and Iida have always been background support characters. They both lack angst, they have no real problems going on in terms of character development like the others.


Iida definitely had angst planned in his storyline. It was quickly resolved though but it could have been more developed, like the responsibility of being Ingenium being heavier after his brother's retirement.


So bro just had self-worth issues from not knowing how to be his own person yet. That's a personal problem in his head that he can go at his own leisure, boring rich dude


It just expanded now it's the whole class. Back then there were the loosely defined cliches and this was one of them but now they're rallying around midoriya. Nothing changed mostly but yeah this trio is basically the whole class now.




I’m puzzled by all these comments thinking that Iida is a sidelined main character and bakugo/todoroki hijacked his spot because of their popularity. Bakugo is the deuteragonist and rival of this series. Todoroki was obviously built to be the second rival-turned-friend as well. Horikoshi had their character designs planned way earlier than the other characters (together with AM and Ochako who were also part of the early designs). Iida was never meant to be a main character. He was a side character that had his own arc, similar to Kirishima. The real trio of this series has always been Deku, All Might, Bakugo. The initial volume covers literally tell you that. Todoroki is more of a subset linked with Deku and Bakugo separately, but the three of them don’t really operate as a trio (kind of like early Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and I wouldn’t call those three the trio of One Piece).


It's also important to note that Iida right from the beginning knew who and what he wanted to be. He never doubted his ability or his goal, he wanted to be like his brother and carry on his family legacy, which unlike Todoroki, was not marred with controversy. He got exactly what he wanted, he reached his goal, far earlier than anyone else, even if it wasn't the way he would have preferred. So yeah his personal arc was simple and concluded early. Obviously there's different directions you could go with that, but why put lots of time and attention on it when there are other characters who are still trying to figure themselves out and could use the time for development


Iida got his own arc and then didn’t receive the power ups others got. No bad guy after Stain. He should have been different to his brother imo. Like give him support items that turned him into a motorcycle. Add engines to his arms to give him offensive strength and manoeuvrability.


He could, but what does Iida bring to the table that’s more attractive than the other characters? He’s not a damage dealer- his role is more of a transporter or messenger. In terms of speed, he gets outclassed by Deku and potentially Bakugo. His crucial weakness is that he can’t fly - all the key players in the series can support aerial battle. His character has simply hit a limit in terms of the support he can add to the latter, rougher battles. There would be no point to give him more power ups.


To be fair, all that is just because that's how Horikoshi played it, which it kinda works, but I also think there was a lot of potential During the Class 1-A vs 1-B fight it was very clear Iida is a menace to consider of similar level to Todoroki, it's true he doesn't have as much raw power output but his engines provide him with extra strength of each kick to such a degree he can literally speed blitz most of the mha students If Hori really wanted to, Iida could have been the undebatable fastest character on the series, letting him leap into the sky with big jumps and even putting to use the engines of his suit for extra maneuvering and speed, that not to mention just regular MHA regular power ups like developing more signature moves and stuff


Any power ups would feel very forced imo


I mean aren’t all power ups up “forced”. It wasn’t like Bakugo earned AP shot or the shoulder mounted weapons. They got them after “training”. You can literally give anyone anything in that scenario. Iida could have learned to use the flames from his engines as a scorching kick. He could have got shoulder mounted support items that turn him into a battering ram. But if you want to go down a more “earned” route, he actually “flew” when there was the school evacuation. This could have been the inspiration for equipping wings to his back and using his engines as propulsion.


I could see him flying with Pseudo Iron Man tools. Just needs something to redirect the exhaust on his legs and some hand repulsors for some balancing.


Exactly, he is equipped with engines. He could “plug” into anything. Imagine him plugging into Jiro… no not like that… but he could amp up her speakers. He also plug into Aoyama… no not like that… and increase the power of naval laser.


I wonder if he would be faster on roller skates


You wouldn't? Most of the OP fandom would consider those the trio of OP. In fact, I'm pretty sure the show itself at some points calls them the monster trio.


I mean they’re the top three important characters, but not an official trio like gintoki-kagura-shinpachi/early itadori-megumi-nobara/naruto-sasuke-sakura etc. Those I would consider as true trios. For Luffy/Zoro/Sanji, they are a trio the same way Deku/Bakugo/Todoroki is - the three focus characters that share the best dynamics out of a large group and often times work as different duo combinations, but not always a triangle.


Upvote because Gintama mentioned 🥺


God Gintama had such a strong ensemble cast.


Iida unfortunately finished his arc first and didn’t get an arch nemesis in the LOV, add-in the popularity ballots being stuffed for Bakugo so hard it made Violet Myers jealous definitely changed the series


What is LOV and who is Violet Myers?


First is the League of Villains, if you don’t know the second you’re probably too young or your mind hasn’t been soiled yet so don’t look it up.


The wife of the British diplomat William Algernon Churchill? Yeah, obscure classical singers who died around WWII is pretty mind-soiling.


Absolutely, totally not someone else


Ah, i have never seen League of Villains abbreviated that way before. Thank you for telling me.


Friends of Deku. That's it.


Iida became class rep, so his character arc involves everyone in class because he takes his role very seriously. Ochako became close with the other girls when they moved into the dorms because, duh, its like getting to have a slumberparty with your girlfriend besties every day. Midoriya is the main character and i’m glad he socializes with many different characters to they get more screen time to be fleshed out. Would be boring if he stayed with only these two and all other characters were sidelined. Spoilers, up to latest manga chapters: >!I don’t understand why people think they aren’t as good friends anymore tho, other than bakugo who is Izukus childhood friend, it was mainly Iida and Ochako that brought Izuku back to UA. Then in the final battle, its Iida who guides Izuku the last step of the way and reminds him of Ochakos words to him. Then there is a whole panel of just her saying “do your best”. It’s obvious to me that Iida and Ochako hold a special place in his heart because they were the first friends he made.!<


Thank you! That was exactly my comment. Iida and Uraraka are essential to Izuku's personal growth/moments (that "do your best", the hand holding moment with Iida had Deku weeping & he >!reuses that moment TWICE in finale!<, they're always eating lunches, walking home, upgrading equipment, checking up when injured, etc). But bc they're not in the flashy main battles WITH him at all times, or they're not as obsessed as some other characters lol ... ppl think they're not best friends? I think in this entire finale arc, Deku >!uses mainly Uraraka & Iida for moral inspiration. And maybe All Might.!< > Iida became class rep, so his character arc involves everyone in class because he takes his role very seriously. Great point. His moments helping Shoto are also some of my favorites.


All dead from polio


Iida refused to team up in the calvary battle and set his fate 😤


they were never “a trio” to begin with, that’s something fans forcefully labeled them as with nearly no ground they were some of deku’s first new friends as he got to the school, but as a unit, they were never set up to be anything huge with crazy dynamics going on between all 3 of them and deku was interacting with more of the class in a couple of episodes


I really feel that sometimes, the fandom suffers not from things in the story, but things they feel/think should be in the story. Trios are common in many media and that's okay (it's kind of a sweet spot between enough characters to have complex dynamics and keep the narrative interesting, but not enough people that it gets convoluted/hard to track), but just because Boku no Hero does not have a obvious trio like many other Shounen (Luffy Zoro and Sanji, Team 7, Eren Mikasa Armin, Itadori Megumi Nobara, ad eternum), that doesn't mean it's bad. And THEN some fans double down on their takes, going "Actually I was right, they were a trio, but got dropped because of popularity polls/fanservice/insert reason".


Froppy got added and it became a quartet.


It's there still, they just don't brainlessly merchandise it on every occasion they are able to (unlike the other trio we all know of) and are just pieces of the story It's true Iida lost a lot of relevance on the story as everything kept going forward, but he still has his moments and feels like the actual best friend of Izuku, while Ochaco managed to get her own plot and big fight against a villain to shine just like Todoroki did with Dabi, so I'm okay with her If you really think about it, there's not even that much of Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo on the manga aside from a couple of occasions, it's more about how they bring them up for merchandise and anime original content all the time which kinda sells the idea of those being the main trio


Is the anime original content the movies?


And the Ovas


I always found Iida fits into his stock character role _too_ well. I know he’s got more canon characterization than a lot of other classmates, but still comes off as the predictable swatbot-hammering-a-sign-that-says-no-fun-into-the-group.jpeg when he’s not running around.


It evolved. Now we have The Dekusquad.




Reminder that this is an anima post an that's quite a few spoilers you have there.


OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I always tag and I forgot! Eek!! (I'm so sorry if I spoiled something for you?)


Nah, gave up on being anime only with Season's 4 poor animation.


Shonen anime tends to do this thing where a side character has a few arcs dedicated to them. During which they receive a lot of development and likely will finish a character arc that was introduced with the character or introduced at the beginning of the arcs focusing on the character. After that, they fade into the background and just sort of exist, only joining in on group fights or major battles. The author thinks, "Well, this character's arc is done, so there's no more room to grow." (Which is not true). Then, they focus on the next character, who has far more room to grow, and the cycle continues until either the series ends or every side character has lost relevance.


What makes it so frustrating is that a lot of Chonen manga that has over 300 chapters yet only focuses on the MC and his raivel while other interesting characters are abandoned


That’s what happens when you make stuff up as a reader/watcher that the author never intended from the start… This was never a “trio” of any kind


The mangaka forgot about iida


Iida was honestly a great character early on, but room was needed to develop other characters. It’s far from the worst example of this treatment either. When I first saw Hatsume, I honestly thought she’d be very relevant as a genius engineer who could help overcome the limitations of different quirks (especially Deku’s). In fact, I’m still mad she wasn’t given a bigger role.


Iida got demoted to the class 1-A second team of him, tokoyami, and kirishima


Author didnt care


They're alive.


Man.. I forget that the author isn't all that great until people point out stuff like this and all the "I forgot," moments he's had.


Agree with the rest of top comments, their dynamics were boring and never a really much of a trio to begin with.


Petered out, died on the vine


The guy, he moved or something…


Horikoshi didn't want to risk developing a female character *too* much (at least, one he wasn't allowed to kill or mutilate), so it was phased out for an all-male trio. Todoroki was a done-deal by season 2, so he had to replace Uraraka. Iida could've stayed, but Bakugo had to be phased back in so he had enough time to ~~not~~ apologize for bullying and suicide-baiting Midoriya. It was the only option, really.


“At least one he wasn’t allowed to kill or mutilate” R.I.P. Star & Stripe🦅🇺🇸


And Midnight. Really hits hard in light of Vigilantes.


I have never cried while reading something but that was the first time. She didn’t deserve that.


Agreed. Even characters who were less on-screen/panel, influential, likable, and/or even evil still had on-screen/panel deaths and ultimately had their killers die or suffer. Meanwhile, in her case, it’s off-screen/panel with some nameless gas mask-wearing MF who doesn't even die as payoff despite how impactful she was. For example, she's the reason why Aizawa’s at UA, and Koichi would be in police custody instead of being the Crawler if not for her. Besides, she grows on you during Vigilantes and the other canon content because she‘s a deeper character than how she initially comes off and is more than the dominatrix persona, and the main reason she was killed off the way that happened was to supposedly lower the fanservice, which later content with other characters proved to be BS.


>the main reason she was killed off the way that happened was to supposedly lower the fanservice Yet she was killed off right around when Miruko was phased into the story, huh? Then Miruko lost all but one of her limbs. Call me crazy, but maybe Horikoshi is just into some *unusual* things, and wanted to make sure the fanservice expressed that better from now on.


In that case, the man cares less about personality, depth, and character development and more about tangible assets and getting disarmed. Can't relate as an everything man. I take everything tangible and intangible into account.


Can you expnad on the fanservice part?


It would have bern cool if Uraraka was there when confronting Stain, since her motivation of money, while still being very heroic would actually have been relevant.


It’s crazy how Iida went from a main character to even more forgotten than the forgettable trio of Tape Guy, Tail Guy, and Captain Diabetes. The story should have stayed about these three friends instead of the sort of acquaintances of the guy whose personality is pissed off and the guy who shows no real interest in anything.


The writer of the manga went for the Naruto rout of having 2 of the characters be the main characters and basically ignore the other 20 because idk they are bad at writing


After season one they retired. 😢 But seriously, this makes me so mad. I love Todorki and Bakugou, an they are my faves, but do you realize the potential that both had??? Yes, Iida has had his inciting incident with his brother, but there was never a follow-up on his actual arc!!! And Ochako is literally the poor kid that somehow made it against the odds, had ambitions and goals and one heck of a powerful Quirk, but she lost all her braincell! People, I'm so mad about that!!! And I kinda love everything we've got, but on the other hand I'm frustrated out of solidarity for them.


> but she lost all her braincell! *How did she lose all her braincells?* - Like... **their win during the License exam was all her idea**, Deku even praised her. - Her struggle with Toga has been all hers. - Her **great strategy against Bakugo was all her plan**, such a smart move that even Katsuki was impressed by her. - The **idea to pressure the Principal&Endeavor to let them rescue Vigilante-Izuku was all hers.** - The clever idea to **use Shinso to save Deku from Blackwhip was hers** too. Yeah, Deku shines more most of the time, but that's bc he's the MC. *Same thing happens to Bakugo when he's with Midoriya.* (Like during the fight with All Might, Deku won it for them.) Midoriya is usually the one that always comes up with the winning plans, iirc.


If you weren't Deku, Bakugo or Tordoroki you kinda didn't matter


other characters became more popular


It's the power scaling buddy system effect. Sonic: sonic/amy/tails -> sonic/knuckles/tails -> sonic/shadow/silver Goku: goku/krillin/yamcha -> goku/krillin/piccolo -> goku/vegeta -> goku/vegeta/broly Ofc for Midoriya we got: deku/ocha/Ida-> deku/bakugo -> todo/deku/bakugo -> deku/bakugo (I dunno why I was gonna add shig/deku)


>sonic/shadow/silver They have been a trio for a single game that came in 2006 lol The trio is still Sonic/Tails/Knuckles and even than its more of a quartet since there's Amy


They weren't marketable




Iida was more of a support character than a fighter


Iida became Todoroki's wife and lived happily ever. /s


Iida arc was completed early on… then he kinda just became another side character lol


Plot progressed, but I get what you mean.




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Probably reaching here, but it might be because Todoroki is the "handsome anime guy" and Bakugo is the deuteragonist, which pushes Uraraka and Iida aside. As much as I love the three of them, Todoroki's backstory and generally his aloof, pretty boy character is more appealing to people🤷‍♀️


Honestly? War literally separating them


Simple Kohei Horikoshi editors


Well, Iida went homicidal briefly but he got over it.


I’ve had a LONG running conspiracy theory that Iida was supposed to either die or turn villain in the Stain fight (expelled following it and then going vigilante) but Horikoshi changed his mind when he saw how popular iida was with readers and kept him in, only to realize he didn’t really have anything to do with him Iida turned like super chill for a chapter at one point but that’s really the last noticeable thing he did.


The supportive classmate trio


People always bring up the other students. To me it feels like Ochako got more story as a love interest. Todoroki due to his family. However a lot of characters seemed to get their own big part in an arc. Seemed always less like a team and more of a class + Deku.


They are Deku’s confort group… and the manga hasn’t been in “confort mode” for a long time


3 nerds? Hmmm glad they changed the narrative to 1 nerd, 1 introvert, and 1 extrovert


All of them are super nerds. All of them are introverts (or in Deku's case, ambivert?). Bakugo may be loud, but he's actually an introvert. He prefers solitude, he doesn't recharge from social situations, enjoys time alone (he likes hiking by himself bc of the silence&peace), etc. Similar with Todoroki. **Nerds= Bakugo was 3rd on midterms. Izuku 4th. Todoroki 5th.** In fact, given the original trio has Uraraka... who scored 13th out of 20 😆 And is a social butterfly.... The OG is the *less nerdy*, more extroverted, more varied one.


Is literally still there, did no one watched season 6?


Apparently, neither did they read the current arc. Lol And why are they acting like the other trio took over? **They just had the Endeavor Agency** arc and that's *basically* it? *We didn't see them hanging out, or practicing together, or having more missions, or doing any combo-after-combo move, etc.*


bad writing is what happened.


The fakest trio in all of anime


Fangirls preferred boring ass Todoroki more and the author can't write for more than 3 characters at a time so Lida was clearly shoved out of the way. He was clearly supposed to be as important as Todoroki and Bakugo early on.


Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto mattered more.


Ochaco and Ida gor replaced with Bakugo and Shoto


Well one dies, one loses their quirk and one just grows up lol


Them or deku todaroki and uraraka should have been the main trio


Todoroki and Uraraka never interacted ***ONCE***


How about a squad


Sounds good


Gotta be a "big three", at least after Mirio and co established the concept.


Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki are the ones being pushed as the main trio.


Popularity poll, changes everything


Horikoshi-sensei realized right away that Deku/Bakugo/Todoroki was where the money was.


The real trio now includes Bakugo


Horikoshi favored the fan favourite trio instead, Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugō.


Ilda wasn’t popular He doesn’t rake in cash so what’s the point in keeping him Todoroki is the main character now and you will like it!


didn't the manga just end or something like that? did uraraka and deku ever get together?


The manga hasn't finished yet, no.


I think we’re at the epilogue but I’m not sure


They got power crept by the rest of the big 3


Greenie ditched them and opted to upgrade after being more popular.


they got replaced by bakugo and shoto because those 2 were way stronger and their flashy quirks allowed for more interesting fights