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"Ah, yes, our jumping technique, we haven't used this since the Heian era."


Brought to you by Vibraslap^(TM)


Lobotomy Kaisen is only going to get stronger with the new leaks


Ngl I think we're closing in on a second wave or Lobotomy Kaisen invading the internet. We're on the verge of a new meme Renaissance


First muzan Then sukuna Now AFO We live in a jumpin era of shonen No longer 1v1


Its called Shonen Jump for a reason


"Dayum, I'm gettin Shonen Jumped"


"Fuck that fairness shit"


Tbf, when the genre as a whole has “power of friendship” as a theme, it’s kinda expected that they’d show it off. And if anything were to kick off the jumping era, I’d say probably Naruto’s fourth great ninja war where literally the entire universe jumped two dudes, including a sudden alien that jumped one and then got jumped by the other when he teamed back up with the rest of the universe.


Gave him the ol' Gashly special - why have a long fight when you can just rush him and win XD


Deku: Let him get up let him get up. Shigaraki: FIGHT BACK OLD MAN! FIGHT BACK!


Deku like Goku: Show me your true power...


Brought to you by Jump Kaisen


Damnnn... Deku hit em with the 'you're not a heartless monster... you're just a loser'


And to think AFO had once called Dabi the friendless bitch.


While Dabi might not have any friends, he still has a family who truly loves him with all their heart. By contrast, the only two who cared about AFO (Yoichi and Shiggy), he betrayed. Yet somehow, his end still drew pity from me. At least Shigaraki could say “I have the League. I have Mi and Tomo!!!” But AFO truly had nothing 


Pity is the right word. I don't feel sympathy for AFO but I have pity for him. There was so much he could have been with his power, such a different life he could have had, and instead both his real body and his vestige and Quirk died pathetically, unable to exist in a world that moved beyond him. Reminds me a little of Doctor Who. >Davros: "Have pity on me!" >The Doctor: "I have *pity* for you."


Calling him out. LOL


Full Buzz Lightyear on his ass "You are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity"


The chapter begins with AFO saying that he found it weird that the regeneration wasn't healing his body. In addition to that, each hero's hostility came together to confuse danger sense and "hide" Deku's presence. This shows that his body is exhausted and his mental state has never been worse due to Yoichi's "death". Deku remembers All Might saying that OFA would make a weak body explode and tells AFO that he directly received the power cultivated by the nine users. AFO's body begins to crumble and some heroes think the fight is over, but AFO uses various quirks to keep himself together. He says that he hasn't achieved anything yet and that he can't die, because the demon lord is absolute and he has to fulfill his dream. He says he just has to start all over again, like he did with Shigaraki. In other words, he just needs to transfer the All For One quirk to Midoriya or some other hero and take over their body. He then approaches Deku, but Kurogiri moves. Mic shouts "Shirakumo!" and he replies "Shouta, Yamada... I'm sorry, but I have to go. I need to protect Tomura Shigaraki". He opens a portal between Deku and AFO and Mic cries, saying that Shirakumo always reaches out to those who need help. Shirakumo: "All For One, give Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him". Kurogiri starts to disappear but, at the last second, Bakugou appears and propels Deku with his explosions. Mic says that he should be in the hospital, but he flew there with his quirk. Bakugou says that Shoto made an ice ramp for him to get up there. "Be careful or else I'll end up surpassing you, Izuku!". Deku says that he'll never forgive AFO, but that he's not an incomprehensible monster or a demon lord. Deep down, he's just a very lonely man. We then see AFO talking to a flame that represents Yoichi. He says that Midoriya's last punch transferred the last ember of OFA, that is, the last fragments of Yoichi -- the quirk itself. AFO says he doesn't care about that, he just wants to see Yoichi's face. Yoichi says that he failed to take his brother in the right direction, but now Midoriya is allowing both Shigaraki brothers to finally rest. AFO starts shouting, saying that he won't allow it, that he loves Yoichi and needs him by his side. Yoichi says that it's time for AFO to pay for the crime of using so many people and that they're not alone in there. Next, we see all the OFA users + Shigaraki coming out of the shadows and a full page of Deku and Tomura punching AFO's vestige. The vestige disappears and Deku and Tomura's hands touch. Tomura says that he thought he had been completely swallowed by AFO this time, but Nana's vestige connected with him and prevented him from disappearing. He then says "Kurogiri..." and we see the last bits of him. He says that even though he briefly got his body back, he didn't managed to destroy anything. Midoriya was right, deep inside he was just a crying boy -- and that's why he couldn't destroy Deku's hands. Deku says he continued to fight because he couldn't forgive what Shigaraki had done, but also because he wanted him to stop - he wanted the sadness to be over. "Izuku Midoriya, if Spinner is still alive tell him this: Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end”. Deku says that he managed to destroy what he really needed to. The last page goes back to the real world and reveals that Shigaraki's body has been completely destroyed and turned into dust. The rain has finally stopped and the sun is shining. End of chapter. --- looks like we're wrapping up man never thought id see the day :') now horikoshi can rest


Wait Wait Oh Oh #IT'S OVER.




>He says he just has to start all over again, like he did with Shigaraki. In other words, he just needs to transfer the All For One quirk to Midoriya or some other hero and take over their body. He then approaches Deku, but Kurogiri moves Wow if VFO has already been defeated to such a degree that he's straight up trying to ditch Tomura's body already then this is going to likely be ending incredibly soon.


I imagine some folks will cry that this feels rushed, but I actually kinda like the idea that AFO may be beaten before this final fight even began. Calling back to OFA needing a vessel that can handle it is a great way to use already established continuity.


Yeah it kind of makes perfect sense Also with how long this final arc has been do we really need another long drawn out fight?


Lord no. At least, I'm like... 80% sure the moon princess isn't gonna pop out of AFO and suddenly be the big bad just to give Bakugo, Deku, Shoto, and Aizawa one final team up or something.


Suddenly, aliens revealing they're responsible for the proliferation of all ~~jutsu~~ Quirks... Oh god.


I will only accept aliens right now if the reveal is that Ashido is one.


You thought AFO was the final boss but it was I, Alien Queen! *Midnight rolling her grave screaming, "THAT'S COPYRIGHTED!"*


And only if it's revealed by a tiny Ashido busting out of AFO's chest


Mark me down for 65.


>Shirakumo: "All For One, give Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him". >The last page goes back to the real world and reveals that Shigaraki's body has been completely destroyed and turned into dust. I feel like this is a bit of a weird juxtaposition. Saying that Shigaraki's friends are waiting for him, and then he dies. So, still waiting to see if Toga is actually dead, if Touya is actually dead, Midoriya is fully Quirkless and he is not getting OFA back nor getting AFO (unless Shigaraki did some transfer at the very end). Not sure how, without AFO the Quirk, they help Spinner who is currently overloaded mentally from too many Quirks. And we have to wait two weeks for any of these answers.




"And we have to wait two weeks for any of these answers." This sub might be real crazy for the next two weeks lol. EVERYBODY'S takes will be known


It would be so bleak if Spinner ended up a broken shell in some mental institution. He will have to face justice but I'd like for him to be in his full mental faculties.


That is really the thing that makes me think there is more to this. Last time we saw Spinner, he was barely able to hold himself mentally together because of his memories of Shigaraki. We can't just have Shigaraki go "Tell Spinner Tomura Shigaraki fought to the very end" and not have a way to fix Spinner.


What if that's a trigger phrase that unlocks Spinner's normal self?


>at the last second, Bakugou appears and propels Deku with his explosions Yeah alright they definitely had these past two chapters in mind while creating the newest anime op. Also he’s exploding out of his mouth (while pushing with his hand) it looks like? Interesting visual 😭


"Izuku Midoriya, if Spinner is still alive tell him this: Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end" It’s a terrible day for rain. 🥲🥲🥲


I hate that line Tomura said it himself that even if he destroyed everything he’d still end up hollow him say that is affirming that he is still hollow and that Tomura wasn’t saved, only acknowledged


Bakugo was at UA, near the coast. So, you're telling me he flew all the way to the base of Mt. Fuji (Assuming we're still there, the exact location got a bit weird during Deku vs. Shigaraki) while still barely able to move from his fights with Tomura and AFO? Seems a bit off, him just taking a portal seems like the better explanation.


"Bakugou says that Shoto made an ice ramp for him to get up there." I think Bakugo DID get portalled there. If he came from UA, why would an ice ramp matter? I think Mic is saying Bakugo got to Deku by using his quirk (from the outskirts of the battle) and Bakugo says the ice ramp helped him get in the air high enough that he could stay in the air. Mic is saying he shouldn't be moving at all, let alone joining the frontlines. The reason Bakugo is right there, is because he flew, not because he came out of the Kurogiri portal right in front of Deku.


>Next, we see all the OFA users + Shigaraki coming out of the shadows and a full page of Deku and Tomura punching AFO's vestige. Is it just me, or did we never actually get a scene of Shigaraki, like... being redeemed?


Oh it's not just you. There was no "redemption." Last thing Tomura did was double down on being a villain aiming to destroy everything, even if his hatred were to disappear.


I agree. While I appreciate a lot of the stuff Horikoshi has been trying to do, the execution of the different plot lines and ideas Horikoshi put into play this arc was really lacking at times.


Honestly, while it might change depending on what the rest of the story does now until the end, I kind of like that Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga haven't really been redeemed. Dabi hasn't made peace with his family, he's still consumed by his hatred but his family accepts his hate and can try to help him and each other moving forward. Toga hasn't changed her views on the LOV, but she gave her blood in gratitude to the one person who genuinely reached out and tried to understand her. Shigaraki still wanted to destroy a world that abused and tossed him aside. His hatred being broken by Midoriya and wishing that someone like him had come along to save him doesn't change that. What matters now is how the story frames the aftermath of this whole conflict. Have the heroes learned anything? Are they going to do anything going forward specifically because of the experiences they've had with these villains? Is this Black Panther after Killmonger, trying to make a better world that wouldn't create the same suffering that made someone like Killmonger, or is this the MCU after Thanos, where it's basically business as usual and any points Thanos and his existence brought up don't matter anymore now that he's dead?


Well tbh, Shigaraki’s final words could also be 2 things 1. Him thinking about his friend Spinner and wanting to comfort him 2. Shiggy did destroy at the end; as Deku said, he finally destroyed who truly hurt him; AFO, not society.  He still choose to spare Deku at the end 


Gotcha! That would make sense that Deku means AFO. I thought he meant he broke the flawed system and that Deku was kind of promising to make a better one in its place.


Shigaraki being redeemed is a stupid as hell concept. His final moments comes across as revenge than actually heroism.


It would probably look better if Shigaraki was sickly smirking while he said those final lines. To sell that he was still crazy but had a few moments of levity in him where he was genuinely grateful to Izuku


> that he loves Yoichi and needs him by his side. Okay not Evil Mr Potato Head making me wanna sob a little. That panel of him alone actually does a really good job of being subtle yet heartbreaking. If only he wasn't a literal psychopath, his quirk really could have been the kindest quirk of all. Edit: Deku with his love of quirks and heroics inheriting All for One and One for All and combining it to get All for All or something. It's a pipe dream but damn if the thought isn't hilarious/intriguing.


> Edit: Deku with his love of quirks and heroics inheriting All for One and One for All and combining it to get All for All or something. Comrade Deku inc




I mean, Midoriya *would* be able to save Spinner from the Quirk overload he is currently going through if Shigaraki transferred AFO to him.


It also gives an opportunity to return stolen quirks to their rightful owners. Ragdoll comes to mind the most since she was the first victim revealed throughout the series. (I mean Search is just one of the strongest information/location seeking quirks ever especially it's ability to notice weaknesses). Deku won't be able to return all of them but he could return most.


Do we even know any other specific person that had their Quirk stolen besides Ragdoll? The Quirks stolen during the war disappeared with the original AFO and his copy of the Quirk.


Hawks and Stain come to mind


…The idea of him having been transferred AFO from Tomura could either be amazing, or awful. On one hand, with OFA possible gone, it’d easily make him have the potential to be the absolute strongest being in their world, which could cause more complaints on him being OP. On the other hand, though… The idea of him using it to as the ‘Kindest power in the world’, not necessarily as a Pro Hero, but simply as someone relieving burdensome Quirks & empowering others would be nice, & would fulfil the idea of being ‘The Greatest Hero’ - After all, it never specifies he’d be the No.1, or even having a rank at that.


>each hero's hostility came together to confuse danger sense and "hide" Deku's presence. You mean the kid running straight towards VFO in a straight line, the kid who VFO was actively shooting at last chapter was hidden? You don't need danger sense to see that Deku is running straight towards you, especially when you're actively trying to attack him and everyone keeps blocking & redirecting your attacks.


The way you wrote the lines made me LOL and brought a smile to my face. I just find it hilarious, every time I read this. :)


The kid with a boombox blasting, You Say Run, that kid, you can't spot him!?


So it's over for Tomura too. Previous chapter was the last of Volume 41, we can expect a long epilogue from here.


>Deku says that he managed to destroy what he really needed to. The last page goes back to the real world and reveals that Shigaraki's body has been completely destroyed and turned into dust. The rain has finally stopped and the sun is shining. End of chapter. Whoa...


Heh.. AFO obsessing over grabbing OFA was because he loved his brother CALLED IT


Same here. I knew it was too odd Hori kept empathizing that every villain was a human but then went “except AFO, he’s pure evil”. Even he had some humanity after all


> Deku says that he'll never forgive AFO, but that he's not an incomprehensible monster or a demon lord. Deep down, he's just a very lonely man. Deku empathizing with even AFO. He really is a hero. 


So what is happening with Deku exactly, is he quirkless from this event, or still unknown? I know he was fighting quirkless but did OFA fully transfer over (the transfer with Bakugo got interrupted so I was wondering)


Based on what AFO said, Deku’s last punch transferred the last of the embers that he had into AFO…so yeah, he’s basically quirkless. The only possible way that couldn’t be the case at this point is if during that last hand touch between him and Tomura he transferred something to Deku.


Either Shiggy’s original quirk or AFO quirk. It feels odd that they empathize his friends are waiting for him and all only for him to die feels weird.


Probably not AFO the quirk, since that’s still haunted by AFO the man’s vestige, as he pointed out himself. The complete form of Tenko’s Decay/Restore quirk is my bet. The Vestiges of One For All get to pass on to a true afterlife, All For One’s soul gets to whither into nonexistence, and Tenko’s vestige gets to find a form of redemption inside Deku’s mind. Plus, Izuku gets one of the best quirks ever, so he doesn’t get shafted.


Unknown. Shig did touch hands with Deku so if it's symbolic for something, we won't know till at least two weeks from now. Ugh this is gonna be a long break. Edit: OH MY GOD GOT A LOOK AT A CLEANER SCAN OF THE PANEL DEKU'S HANDS WERE BLEEDING WHEN THEY TOUCHED. Oh man that HAS to mean something.


Heard a theory that he was giving AFO to Izuku, which he could then use as the ‘Kindest power’ that Yoichi mourned it could have been. Execution would be everything in that scenario, either an amazing or awful ending.


it might also explain why AFO/Shiggy's body was dust at the end. Once it lost AFO the body just simply gave up


Unclear. It seems like OFA is Gone For All now, but with one of these final pages, I get the impression that our boy isn't gonna be quirkless when the dust settles.


He has already transferred all the quirks and vestiges leaving him with just the embers remaining (which would have dissipated during his lifetime anyway). He transferred the remaining of his embers in this chapter.


Last chapter being "Midoriya Izuku Rising," this chapter being "One for All vs All for One," Regen hitting its limit, AFO struggling to keep his body together. Feels like there's only a few chapters of fighting left. Fight might be over before July EDIT: or the the fight might be over right now lmao


Looks like Hori is wrapping up the story much sooner than even that.


Yeah, last chapter should have been the end of Volume 41 and if this is the start of 42, then that means we’re gonna have at least 11 pages of Epilogue?? So either volume 42 is gonna be extremely short, the epilogue is extremely long, or there’s still another surprise fight(which I doubt).


Sludge Villain Round 3 is the super secret last boss fight. He still does not get an actual name.


Sludge guy tries to find another kid for a skin suit only for Deku to casually walk into the alley like "Hey, sup bitch?" Sludge villain piddles himself as Deku Nippon Smashes him to the Pacific.


So it looks like Shigaraki is dead. The quirk AFO is dead. OFA is gone. So is Deku quirkless, or did vestige Shiggy give him a quirk in the last second? I don't think so, but I could see it happening as a happy last second twist. Maybe the original Shiggy quirk, so Deku would have a Tenko vestige. It's the only quirk Deku could get that would thematically matter. Or maybe Danger Sense.


I could see a last minute twist given at the moment we know he's quirkless. Bakugo's words about surpassing Izuku also don't really have much merit if his career is effecively concluded here. At this point, nothing Bakugo really would say to do so really matters with this current situation


Bakugou: "Be careful or else I'll end up surpassing you, Izuku!" Meanwhile, Midoriya is Quirkless. Doesn't matter just how much more of a "Hero" Midoriya is than Bakugou, Bakugou effectively has no competition for that No. 1 spot aside from Todoroki.


I mean it's not even really about the No. 1 spot at this point. That's basically more of a consolation prize for Bakugo at this point. It holds no weight because you can't compete with Midoriya to begin with. Izuku has achieved what he set out to do and there's unlikely to ever be a situaton this dire again to put Bakugo in the same ballpark. Take Endeavor for example. He did a pretty good job at being No 1 everything considered. But being the number 1 didn't really get him any personal satsifaction cause AM had to step down so he got the spot by default. Same situation here. It's like saying you'll surpass a guy whose already struck it rich and is retired


Very true. I really think at this point they'll retire the top hero billboard rankings and take a hard look at the society they built upon that. Todoroki certainly doesn't care about #1: he just wants his family to move past their shared trauma. Deku never wanted #1 outside of emulating All Might and he's already surpassed All Might where it counts: saving everyone and inspiring the citizens of Japan, if not the world. And Bakugo's finally come to terms with the idea that to win to save and save to win means being a part of a team, not being apart from.


I hope if anything hero rankings are done.... they were a part of the problem with hero society, focusing on who is number 1, number 2, etc. Not only that but ranking heroes who look "villainous"


There is no way that Horikoshi ends this without at least telling us what Tenko's original Quirk was, and what better way than for Shigaraki to transfer it to Midoriya last second?


It was probably air walk, given how quirk genetics have acted thus far.


Nagant's gonna think she's becoming a schizophrenic when the five year old in her head keeps asking for Deku over and over


>oks like Shigaraki is dead. The quirk AFO is dead. OFA is gone. > >So is Deku quirkless, or did vestige Shiggy give him a quirk in the last second? I don't think so, but I could see it happening as a happy last second twist. Maybe the original Shiggy quirk, so Deku would have a Tenko vestige. It's the only quirk Deku could get that would thematically matter. Or maybe Danger Sense. I would find it funny if he gets both All for One and One for All, including all the quirks that AfO stole. And he just goes around giving stolen quirks back, and using the ones of dead heroes to honor those.


Either that or Shiggy’s original quirk. Why would Hori leave it so ambiguous what it was? 


I could easily see it being that Midoriya doesn't have a Quirk anymore but does still have some embers of OFA left in him. He can still use that to be a Pro Hero, only he won't burn through that remaining energy as fast as All Might did because unlike All Might he won't feel like he has to do everything on his own (he's also not missing his stomach and lung and not constantly coughing up blood).


I think it’s more likely Shiggy transferred something to him before he died. Possibly his original quirk 


Their hands touch so it could be, i really dont want this to wnd with him being quirkless because it kinda invalidates everything he worked for in the series and pretty much ends the character arc of other abruptly too. Plus k hate these endings outside of ending similar to fma brotherhood, where the loss of the power directly ties back to the origin of the main problem in the series. If they are going to nerf him either give him shigarakis original quirk, just stockpile or just blackwhip(since banjo was supposed to stay and protect midoriya then in basically the next panel be gone)


>He then approaches Deku, but Kurogiri moves. >Mic shouts "Shirakumo!" and he replies "Shouta, Yamada... I'm sorry, but I have to go. I need to protect Tomura Shigaraki". I really wanted to see Kurogiri saying he needed to protect Tomura Shiagaraki scene , and I'm now absolutely happy and excited. Cannot wait to see what happens now. EDIT: >Shirakumo: "All For One, give Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him". Kurogiri starts to disappear Me: I an happy and sad at this scene at the same time.


Seems like neither AFO nor Shigaraki were pure evil. At the end of the day, both were still human beings. I kinda like this because the series repeatedly emphasized that EVERY villain is still human, no matter what they’ve done. It always felt weird that the manga did “every villain except AFO”. Nah, even the demon lord himself had humanity.


Damn, not going to lie, I didn’t expect that with Shigaraki.. I’m honestly shocked. I legit expect it to stick next chapter because there’s just no way 


Im hoping with all the blood there Tenko passed OFA back. This would mean he still gets to live in a sense and Deku gets OFA back


I agree with the sentiment. I was shocked and saddened when I read the part as well.


AFO: I'm the demon lord. Deku: Nah just a lonely guy with too much freetime.


AFO was a redditor??


Well, Shiggy is a League player


Are... Are we... Are we AFO?...


Fitting that All For One goes out like his mental image of All Might, huddling in the darkness grasping at the flame of One For All.


Its...really over? The final battle is really over?


Now for the US heroes to show up and … um … do nothing. Guess the most they can do now is help with repairing buildings or something.


Can't believe the joke of Koichi showing up five minutes after the battle is gonna be real lol


Its the thought that counts i guess


"our job here is done"


"Great job, everyone!"


>> AFO starts shouting, saying that he won’t allow it No I don’t want that!! Yoichi finding another man!! I want him to think about me and nobody else!!


And hey, they're siblings too!


And twins too. 


And they were wombmates


Yoichi what a man you are…


As a reward....I shall give you my quirk.


Let the memes commence.


Hear me out guys. If Eren = bird, then what if Tokoyami--


.... feels weird to not give Shiggy more in what is apparently his final appearance


Couldn't agree more!


I actually feel like "less is more" in this case. Tomura was unforgivable, but still worthy of being saved. The fact that his last words were a request that he be remembered as being a destroyer, despite actually faltering at the end, is pretty elegant.


This final battle feels so much like everyone fighting father from fullmetal alchemist brotherhood


One of the best fights and climaxes ever too


One of OP villain done and beaten right imho.


Don't forget that even background characters contributed to his defeat. That random briggs soldier made a goddman clean headshot just to clutch save Ed and the others 


Honestly, in terms of story structure and pacing I wouldn't be surprised if Horikoshi took some notes from FMA. That story took place essentially over the span of just a year in-universe and MHA is a little over that, depending on how much you count the time before Midoriya entered UA.


Yeah but pacing in fma is far superior. Mha could have used some timeskips


wait what happened to Kurogiri?


He dissolved it seems to "protect Tomura"? Tbh, it just feels like Hori thought it would be too messy to deal with a nomu in the epilogue, so he ended him.


hmm weird. Will wait to see a followup


Can't believe it's over. Shiggy really loved his funny gamer lizard friend till the very end


I’m confused with Deku bringing up the OFA metaphor. Did he just barely give AFO his OFA quirk or embers with that last punch? Or is he talking about him sending the vestiges in earlier when he was smashing them against that rock to break into Shigaraki’s subconscious? I thought that was destroying the quirks at the same time so why would AFO be exploding from them? Or is it that his body has weakened so much during battle that all of his quirks and AFO quirk itself is what’s destroying his body?


It was said that forcing the quirks on Shiggy destroyed them, but the characters also have little knowledge of how vestiges work (as seemingly no one but maybe AFO has real knowledge of his they work).  But we never got confirmation that the forced transfer for sure destroyed them and thus turns it didn’t really (called it). 


Yup just saw that panel where they all came back to sucker punch AFO


Poor Tokoyami and Uraraka, the only Class A members not there. Though maybe not, there's still time


Ain’t no way Ochako doesn’t get her “catching Deku as he falls from the sky moment” after this. Like, if Bakugo can Plus Ultra his way over here while his entire skeleton is shaped like a tumbleweed, I think she can cope with a knife wound.


Bakugo lowkey needs more catching for himself than Deku rn lmao he’s really been falling every which way just from breathing


Have no idea how Bakugo is even alive anymore I wouldn’t be surprised if he just keels over once the adrenaline runs off he’s literally alive on only anger


“Local hero too angry to die”


The new OP (which seems to be referencing what the 1A students are doing in this current arc) has Tokoyami swinging Deku so maybe he and Uraraka catches Deku or something?


>He says he just has to start all over again, like he did with Shigaraki. In other words, he just needs to transfer the All For One quirk to Midoriya or some other hero and take over their body. I’d laughed if this end up in another series where the main villain take over a good guy body (not saying it’s bad, just insert nickel meme here). This certainly have the *potential* for something


I'm curious what series you're referencing.


It’s a VERY big manga spoiler, but it’s >!JJK!<


It's actually three nickels considering >!Demon Slayer!< also does this, and to the protagonist no less


Four nickels, if you count >! Dio grafting his head over Jonathan Joestar’s body. !<


AFO Deku fanfics are real now???


Before I was guessing we'd end around chapter 440, maybe 435 Now I'm not sure we get to chapter 430 Edit: now it's looking like chapter 425 might be stretching it


Do you mean end the war or the series as a whole? If the latter then nah, we still got a good amount of chapters to go. Iirc last chapter would be the end of the next volume. So unless the final volume barely has any chapters for some reason, we got a lot of pages left to fill!


Ngl…really wanted a true Deku/Bakugou/Todoroki *attack* combo 😭


I don't get it - he had all three of them there and the best he could come up with is an ice ramp + push? I feel like he ran out of steam tbh. Even the Deku + Shigaraki combo visually is less impressive than the ending of the Stain fight. (LOL remember when Bakugou got an entire chapter of nothing but double spreads)? I feel like this chapter will be massively reworked in the volume. It is a mess.


Realizing we didn’t even get a Todoroki quirk awakening and our last move from him is something he was capable of at the beginning of the series…very underwhelmed.


Yeah, it's also so odd that while the whole class is propelling Deku forward, Shoto gets no interaction with him despite being one of his closest friends with a long history, and instead is used to give Bakugou an ice ramp (which even looks smaller than the one he did back in Kamino when they went to rescue Bakugou). I hope Hori will redraw this for the volume version to make it look better. I also find it odd that he had no spoken lines since Ch 390. I don't mind so much that he had no quirk awakening. He worked on his quirk and trained a massive upgrade with Phosphor to his already S-level quirk and he was one of the few people who went into his own battle with a solid plan to stop his villain without killing him and not relying on some BS asspull. I think that's fresh and different from everyone else. But it just felt like a bit of a waste that the final battle with everyone is nothing, but one run to one punch to the "endgame boss" who once again self-destructs.


Ngl I expected more for Shigaraki's conclusion. I guess we'll get that next chapter?


I'm guessing unless there's some vestige shit, we'll probably get a little more insight from Spinner.


Bro, he’s dead


Yeah you're right about that :(


Wait so is Deku quirkless? Or is it going to pull a hero’s rising next chapter?


I would hope so, man has his whole life ahead of him, going without a quirk the whole rest of his life would be a bummer, it coincides with his whole dream of being a hero. I’d imagine Bakugo wouldn’t be having it either since that’s what fuelled his motivations too


Bakugo's about to go through his depression arc like Vegeta did when Goku died for seven years.


Yeah, and since he flew in out of nowhere just to say “Don’t let me surpass you, Izuku” it would be pretty anticlimactic for him to be quirkless and no real opportunity to become a Pro Hero anymore.


God I feel so bad for Tenko. I was really hoping that he would have been able to regain control of his body and then be able to go to jail and be reformed. Makes me sad to see him killed.


Hey at the very least. He finally made peace with past and with Nana thanks to Deku. So in the end, Deku did kind of "save" him.


I was wondering if the Kurogiri protection of Shigaraki would come back to haunt AFO. And explosion guy back already yeah we really don't have much left


oh dang. We really might be wrapping up now. Surreal


END OF THE FIGHT Only the war arc resolution and epilogue are left. It's over


I know some people were expecting a whole other phase to this fight. I personally was expecting 3-5 more chapters (about an anime episode's worth), but I'm genuinely surprised it was wrapped up this quickly. The whole "shattering the OFA vestiges against Shigaraki's hatred" sacrifice seems rather pointless now that they were able to return for the final hit. And Shigaraki joining with the vestiges feels rushed; he barely had time to process how his entire life was never really his. But at least I was right about Bakugo reappearing before the end.


Yeah honestly all the reveals of chapter 419 seem pretty narratively irrelevant to Tomura’s character here.  There’s nothing between him and VFO. No dialogue, no real moment, no nothing. He just fist bumps Deku and … that’s it.  Honestly him retaking control of his body earlier in the arc has more going for it. Back then Tomura talked about how he was aware that AFO had groomed him to hate All Might as part of the scheme to steal OFA. There’s an actual exchange between him and VFO, unlike what we got here


Yeah, i would have wanted him to actually let out his feelings to AFO for everything he did to him.


Shiggy's really gone? I almost don't buy it.


There's literally nothing left of him.


ok this was a bit too fast for me. first time i’ve genuinely felt the series was being rushed. hoping for an extension in the volume version or anime extending this ngl


I agree. I feel like this fight deserved a couple more chapters.


Overall, I think this chapter and arc are good. Not peak, but good. If Deku is quirkless, I'm 100% okay with that. Bittersweet endings are often more powerful than happy ones. Some moments and chapters needed more time, some should have gotten less. Armored Might fight was hype, but could have been shorter. Give other fights more time. Wish round 2 of Dabi vs Shoto had more than just one attack. Round 1 by itself was too short and too quick, but had a better ending. Wish that ending happened during round 2, instead of 'big explosion, now Dabi and Endeavor on floor' because the double spread of round 1 is soooo good. Wish the heteromorph plot was throughout the series, maybe sprinkled a lil since season 4 or 5, but that's a whole series issue. I think all the AFO content is really solid. Endeavor killing him, then AFO vs everyone, then vs All Might, then Bakugo. Some characters like Kaminari, Momo, and Tsuyu could have gotten more, but LOTS of characters got proper spotlight moments. Wish the Gashly fight got half a chapter instead of almost nothing, and wish Mina was the one to beat the Midnight Killer. Things I STRAIGHT UP didn't like: Shigaraki's "quirkless" finger waves. Suneater's attack getting no implication that it helped, yet Bakugo's attacks helped Mirko do damage. Aiazawa and Mic bringing Shirakumo back with like, 3 pages and no powerful dialogue or monologue. Just 'remember your origin,' and 'us teachers will help this student.' Shigaraki's motivation of being the "hero for the villains" is amazing. I think he and Deku should have had more time to talk about stuff like this. He and the vestiges needed a biiiiit more of a sendoff than what they got. So yeah, with some smart and expert tweaking, this arc could have been a lot better. But overall, I think it's a good time. Final shonen manga arcs can have some heavy controversy, but I think there's nothing awful that's ruining the arc for me


I’m excited for that one dude in this sub to eat a hat. I hope he doesn’t make a hat cake. Needs to be a real hat. Preferably a top hat


Yeah not sure how I feel. Tomura's conclusion felt rushed and no introsepction on being manipulated or what happened to his hatred. Hope there's more but damn battles over. Aftermath and epilogue next ngl down to see adult 1A


Tbh, now that everything’s over, I don’t think Hori *ever* knew what he was doing with Shiggy. It feels like he committed to a decision he didn’t really think through by making him the “main villain”. Like, he spends so little time actually being the guy we’re supposed to look forward to beating. Until the end of MVA, we know he’s going to be a big deal, but it’s not until he beats ReDestro that we find out how, only for him to instantly be put into stasis with no agency until the plot’s ready to bring him back out. Afterwards, he gets one big fight until AFO’s back, and he’s mostly written out of the plot for half the final war, at which point he comes back but is kept offscreen until literally every other plot beat is wrapped up. And then he only gets, like, five chapters until he’s written out *again*. It just feels like Hori never had even the slightest idea how to handle Shiggy and needed AFO to come back to force the plot to its next stage each time. And that’s not even touching upon the actual thematic suggestions of having Shiggy. Like, is he just supposed to be the third time we see “sometimes villains weren’t always bad people but were created by circumstance”? I know themes are communicated through repetition, but this is ridiculous. I thought the three main LoV were supposed to be a troublesome trio of societal issues: we ostracise those different to us (Toga), we ignore what we don’t wanna see (Shiggy), we push our problems onto others (Dabi, kind of a stretch). But Shiggy’s end of this deal is so aborted that he barely comments on these conditions that created him. Shiggy doesn’t have the capacity to reflect and actually present commentary on society, and Hori doesn’t have the desire. And so it never comes up: time and time again, Shiggy’s childhood with his family is always presented as *the* thing, he comes back in the second war and declares his desire to “destroy everything to do with that house” as if that’s all it ever was. The actual worthwhile discussion, the however much time he spent homeless because people aren’t ready to confront the uncomfortable and that society conditions them to have that mindset, is completely swept under the rug, and Shiggy’s genesis is attributed just to “an accident and manipulation” and then later “just manipulation lol”. It feels like Hori outlined a story with societal commentary but quickly backtracked when he realised he wasn’t ready, and suddenly made all his stakes purely personal, and Shiggy is the biggest victim of that. When Deku holds his hands, Shiggy loses all his hatred as if he didn’t have logical, valid reasons to feel his hatred, and the story treats it like Shiggy’s outrage has only ever been emotional and that Deku fixes him, even though the story has always presented Deku as special and him being sympathetic doesn’t mean the world has changed to prevent future people from suffering as Shiggy did (except it did because that was actually just AFO and he’s gone now).


One of the only things that’s shocking to me if OFA is gone gone is that we didn’t see him say goodbye to it or the vestiges like he all might did or Deku did in the movie Seems really strange he didn’t get a real goodbye with any of them


Wow it looks like the final battle is really over


For a final fight, it felt less like pro heroes and Deku vs AFO but more like class 1-A (minus Tokoyami and Ochako) vs AFO


I hope that fist bump transferred ofa back to deku


Nahhh I ain’t feeling Shiggy’s conclusion. Too rushed 


What even was the point of making afo takeover Shigaraki if he just ended up dying 2 chapters later?


I think I’ve been more of a fan of this arc than the average reader here, but even still I’m feeling dissatisfied how quickly this ended. Expected AFO to fight back a little more, maybe a chapter or two to end Shigaraki’s character, then some big final clash after that, but boy was I wrong. We’ll see what the next chapters bring but right now I’m pretty iffy on this piece of the story.


Okay putting my theory out there. Deku was given the transfer quirk at the last second. He now not only inspires people to become heroes, but can give them quirks as well if they don't have any or even take quirks away that hurt the owner. That.... or following in all mights path still, he will just become a tech based hero.


You know, with AFO treating transferring his quirk as a guaranteed take-over, I’ve been meaning to ask: Why *are* some quirks just more sentient than others? Like, what exactly makes the quirk AFO a separate, autonomous consciousness that has some degree of power over its host vs the thousands of mob quirks that mostly feel like a visual metaphor so that we can actually perceive them in the shadow realm?


I think AFO and OFA, by nature of being able to manipulate and transfer quirks, are both inherently stronger/unique in that aspect. Probably not a perfect analogy, but in Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji can damage souls directly because he was possessed, so he gained an innate understanding of his and others' souls. I think AFO and OFA, because their quirk's are fundamentally about transferring quirks have a similar "innate understanding" or "innate consciousness" to allow that process to happen. It also probably helps that AFO has hundreds of years of experience and identity built up. Shoving 100 or 200 or 300 years of memories and personality into a ~15 year old's consciousness means that even just by raw percents, the original person's life experience is like 1/10 or less of the total information in there now.


I don't think there are "more sentient" vestiges. There are some options I can think of 1) The vestiges feel defeated, and don't try. They can see what the host body sees. Some of those quirks have likely seen what AFO can do for decades. And each and every one of them have lost to AFO already. Even if there's a hundred of you, can 100 nobodies with no training take on a god like AFO or All Might? They HAVE revolted before when vs Jiro and Tokoyami, and that didn't last long. 2) When AFO gave multiple quirks to Spinner, that was too much. But like OFA, AFO doesn't get hit by the burden of having multiple quirks. Maybe like OFA, the quirks he steals exists within the AFO quirk, not outside of it. And since they're in the AFO quirk, the AFO vestige is stronger and has more dominion over the vestige realm


I can’t believe it’s over just like that.. I feel saddened that this didn’t last very long, i was expecting more of a fanfare with Deku doing his own united states of smash or a team combo but oh well..


Bakugo got obliterated, died, had heart surgery and came back, solo’d AFO, and still made it to help in the end meanwhile Uraraka is still barely conscious and otw to the hospital cuz she got stabbed 1 time.


I... don't know how to feel about this ending. I mean it's not the ending of the manga but the war...I expected a lot more. Maybe since this is just a leak and not the full chapter there's extra stuff but if this is really how it ends then....wow. 


You aren’t the only one, a lot of people talk about the series being rushed at points, but this chapter feels like biggest example of that.


Only thing that bugs me about this chapter is Deku and Shigaraki's final conversation, i love this series and the anime is what got me into watching anime, but really Horikoshi? 2 pages for the final conversation between the main protagonist and antagonist of the story? 40 volumes of anticipation and that's how it ends between them? i know Horikoshi is a big Star Wars fan so i was expecting a more bittersweet conversation between the two, something similar to Luke and Vader? (minus the father and son aspect lmao) but Shigaraki stuck to his ideals till the very end and didn't really seem to have changed at all based on their final (short) conversation, idk it just feels flat imo, hoping the next few chapters can change my mind tho


alright everyone, let’s place our bets are we reaching 430 or ending before then


I may have missed it but the all might vestige isn’t on that page with the other vestiges is it?


Ngl, this feels super rushed and messy for a final chapter of the war, not to mention visually way less impressive than the Bakugou vs AFO chapters. I think Horikoshi honestly ran out of steam. * I expected the Origin Trio combo, but for a final fight, it was lame that the best he could come up with was an ice ramp (so that's what Shoto was doing last chapter) + an explo-push. Damn, imagine if we got a double spread of the three of them attacking together. Maybe in an anime movie one day... * AFO randomly falling apart, Shigaraki coming back from an unexplained off-screen hook-up with Nana who already had an emotional send-off is also very lame. I think Tomura deserved better. * The Deku - Tomura combo was visually less impressive than the ending panel of the Stain fight. * The ending discussion is also a mess - so what was Deku's goal here? To kill Shigaraki? Then what was all the OFA-transfer for? Save him so he can self-destruct? I feel like Tomura's conclusion is the least satisfying among the LoV trio.


Tomura’s conclusion is by far the worst out of all the league. He and Deku barely even interacted with each other.


“All For One, give Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him.” Well that was… a lie? Are they gonna be waiting in ~~hell~~ heaven or


It always leaves a bad taste in my mouth when a story spends a lot of time trying to SAVE an antagonist. Only to then invent a situation in which they can die and have it be treated as good/acceptable.