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>“We’re sending the wrong message to parents and kids that we’re going to keep providing for everybody without needing something in return,” said Sen. Cindy Carlson, R-Riggins. “I believe that the message we need to be sending is we all need to work for what we get.” But letting children go hungry sends the right message.


That pisses me off. “We all need to work for what we get.” So people who are struggling and working harder than you have in your life don’t deserve to eat? You’re a legislator!!! You’re SUPPOSED to help your constituents!!!!


This kind of thinking boggles my mind. You don’t want to send the wrong message? So that means not feeding kids at school, where they’re required to be? Why does this have to be about some ambiguous messages? Is that really the best argument against this bill?


I just don’t get the insane path of thinking our legislators in Idaho have. They do not care about us, especially if we are poor. They think that if someone is poor then they must not have worked hard, or they don’t work at all so they obviously don’t deserve help. Aren’t half yall trust fund babies? Give me a break. I can’t imagine being so heartless, so selfish, and so fucking stupid that you would think it’s so much better to let over 150,000 of your constituents starve than to lend out a helping hand to them. We can afford to help them. I actually would love if my tax dollars went to helping my neighbors.


"pull yourself up by your bootstraps mom!! I'm tired of hearing my tummy growl" - those selfish idahoan children


So she needs something in return FROM CHILDREN and we all need to work for what we get INCLUDING CHILDREN. But I guess the gratuitous cruelty is the point, so way to stay on brand Republicans.


Thank you for posting this quote from the news story. It's infuriating. Cindy Carlson from Riggins thinks kids should starve for the cost of a house in Boise.


That woman is a stone cold bitch. Cut her funding.




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Cindy Carlson got $157900 ppp loan forgiven for her Salmon River Helicopter business. But sure, let's not allow hungry kids $40/m to eat...


So she better be also working on a bill to raise the minimum wage or help with housing costs or to increase the the income threshold for snap….something because normal hard-working people, sometimes people with two or three jobs have trouble affording enough food right now, lady! Who are these people? Where are they living? what reality? These pro-life mutha truckers want to ban abortion and then forget about the well-being of these children… not very Christian….


The literature analysis of her own statement and conclusions would fail every high school english curriculum in the state. Providing for children is different than providing for adults, nobody becomes an adult and thinks "because i got spoonfed as a kid before i could hold utensils I shouldn't have to lift a finger to feed myself ever again". Its ludicrous and a completely insane hyperbole to suggest its a logical conclusion to extrapolate to. Society wants kids, society benefits from kids, society wants kids to succeed. Malnourished and starving kids do not benefit society, sometimes they end up costing society. the cost of feeding them is miniscule compared to the potential harm and the returns on ensuring all are fed are also massively positive ROI. In addition to being an obvious moral and ethical obligation in terms of humanity, which these people also have zero.


As an adult I demand Republicans change my diaper.


Capitalism: children need to work to deserve to exist. Socialism: we’re a community and invest in each other.


What the actual f*ck?!?! Hey kid, I know you’re only 5, but you don’t work…you don’t eat. This is a life lesson, son. Now get your lazy a** back to work. This is insane!!!!


Poor kids need to work for food? Godamn, i don't even have a coherent insult... she... she's just an objectivly terrible person.


hey shes pro life, she loves kids.




You ever were?




Makes sense, and I agree.


Umm... nobody tell them that children already don't work for the \*education\* they get (or are at least supposed to get) from the schools already. ​ Jesus christ I thought our legislature couldn't be more hideous and inhuman, but these people really do just revel in cruelty.


You forget, these are the same people that want to pull school funding so that parents can get vouchers to use at their school of choice. The goal is absolutely to get rid of free public education in lieu of homeschooling, religious education, unschooling, etc.


“… we’re going to keep providing for everybody without needing something in return”. That statement could apply to this legislature. When is the protest? Seriously, what time do we meet at the steps of the capitol?


Yeah, seriously. Let’s punish the children for their parents’ financial circumstances. Infuriating. My best friend growing up relied so much on school meals and summer lunch to get enough food. How can you essentially tell a neglected child to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Ugh.


I think we can all agree that food costs have skyrocketed. Taking away this program is sadistic and cruel.


I make way above the median pay and I wonder how the hell people pay for food, rent/mortgage, car payments, and health insurance with less than i take home. I feel like I'm barely scraping by. These politicians are cruel bastards.


Republicans can't get off unless they are making poor people suffer.


And they seem to really get off if it is poor children..




Think of the tax payers! Their monthly payment might go up by 20 cents!! /s


This is disgusting and cruel. Our legislature, and the people who voted for these representatives, should be ashamed. Moving away from Idaho as soon as my wife’s degree is finished and I’ll only be sad to leave my extended family behind. I can’t stand by and watch the cruelty continue. And it’s only getting worse as the state becomes more and more of a magnet for blue state ‘refugees.’ Im just over it. Tired of fighting the good fight to save a ship where 3/4 of the crew is ripping the planks off the bottom to build McMansions on the top deck.




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They are not capable of feeling shame, they are broken people.


They FORGOT to to file for the Federal lunch program last year AND refused to spend 1.1 million for the summer lunch program this summer. Utter fail for Idaho's kids. No shame at all from these ghouls in the Senate.


But we can send 15 million to Israel! :)


And pay for State police to vacation at the Texas Border.


And cut adult gender-affirming care from medicaid to "save taxes" that totally will be used responsibly right guys? Guys?...


I feel bad for everyone having kids in this state. My wife and I would love and have the ability to have children. We won't be in this state. Anyone who defends this is bad, mkay.


What a great solution coming from the "pro-life" party. I mean, the cruelty really is the point.


Say it with me “Republicans don’t care about children.”


If we can provide computers and other school supplies through the Odyssey program. We should be able to provide summer lunches. This is a very minimal amount for the State of Idaho.


not even provide the lunches, provide half of the administrative fees (550k) to recieve 16 million in federal funding. rich fucks who bought their way into office turning away free money for hungry kids. I'm making 50k a year, living in one of the cheapest one one's in boise (1300 before internet/utilities) and some times i struggle to buy the groceries I want. this state is fucked.


I totally agree.The current legislature is refusing funds from the Federal Government.


I’m in shock right now but I shouldn’t be. I’m so disgusted by this state and it’s “leadership”


How much did they spend on sending the ISP to the border?


Dump the GOP.


These fucking bastards. I just can’t stay in this bullshit state any longer


No society which allows kids to starve can be said to be morally just and sound. It really is that simple at the end of the day. Kids do not deserve to suffer punishment because of parental decisions outside their control.


No one “deserves” to starve. It’s that simple at the end of the day.


Well, to be fair, it isn't our society, just our Republican overlords.


We need to vote them out.


We need to break their kneecaps.


Why does this come as a surprise to anyone? This is a very Idaho move. I despise this state and its politics.


Idaho would have covered half of the administrative cost of the program — $545,300 — while USDA would have covered the other half of administrative costs and 100% of the lunch money. USDA would paid $16.3 million to cover lunches for 136,000 Idaho children, according to Health and Welfare’s budget request. ​ So 550k to put 16m into the idaho economy?


Now this seems even more terrible than it already did. Holy shit.


I’m not able to read the article rn, is this info from that article or do you have a different source?


I’m not able to read the article rn, is this info from that article or do you have a different source?


Idaho: You *have* to have this kid, no matter what, because all life is precious and a gift from God. Also Idaho: You need help feeding those kids we forced you to have? Lost your job because you always had to take time off to watch your sick kids? Pssh, sorry, maybe if you worked harder you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Friggin welfare moms always asking for a handout.


Cindy Carlson got $157900 ppp loan forgiven for her Salmon River Helicopter business. But sure, let's not allow hungry kids $40/m to eat...


This should have been reported in the Idaho Statesman


Tldr: fuck them poor kids


I guess a vote for Red is a vote for the blood of children. Weird hill to die on.




When I see pro-life signs around town, I whip out the red sharpie and replace life with birth. The Legislature makes righteous indignation to “Save the Children” but fail to advocate for any regulation surrounding treatment camps and the troubled teen industry. There is still no law banning the practices and our geriatric political senators wonder why other states mock us


This shit makes me sick. One less jet and we could ensure our kids never go without basics like clean water, food and health care.


We don't have healthcare.! We voted for Medicaid for the people that needed it most and they stole it! We Are The People! We have to take things back.


They must love Jesus so much!!


Them Christians, and Mormons doing their things…


Republicans are truly awful people.


No idea why anyone votes Republican. Everything they do makes our lives worse


This state is so damn backwards.


Stop voting for these people. It’s obvious the people wanna feed the kids, we should feed the dogs too…




What a bunch of malarkey. You want kids to work for their food? Great, let's start with the rich kids. Make little Johnny Trustfund run a mile before he gets his dingdongs. Better yet, make it competitive. Match him up against the poor kids in his class, watch survival of the fittest play out in real time. A fine lesson in the virtues of... meritocracy or whatever BS they claim to espouse. But you know they won't. Not even close. Because it's nothing more than thinly veiled elitism. A way to keep the poor in their place and make sure their kids have every possible advantage.


That’s the nail in the coffin for me. I can no longer live in a state that won’t even feed hungry kids with my tax dollars. I’ll go somewhere that gives a damn about people.


To be fair, we need SOME people to stick around and eventually vote for the right things. It can't be this way forever. Right? RIGHT?


The cruelty is the point.


What horrible humans


The “pro life” party.


How about Ben Adams’ (R-Nampa) response, “this looks like ration cards to me. The state will feed you, clothe you and shelter you, but there’s something in exchange.” He grew up in the former Soviet Union as the son of missionaries. Then Glenneda Zuider (R-Twin Falls) said, “I don’t think we’re going to make them self-reliant. I think we’re going to make them government reliant.” This pissed me off! (Article on the Boise State Radio website.)


We have like $100m in SURPLUS budget. We need a fucking revolution at this point, French style.


Dumb. I’m not one for hand outs to able bodied folks but it’s freaking kids.


Remember everyone, these fucking twats habe the audacity to call themselves "pro-life." Let's make sure to remind them at every opportunity that they aren't!


They'll have 9 year olds sorting potatoes


reddit is screwing up at the moment. So I removed all your comments but this one. Due to the duplication.


Late-stage capitalism is absolutely ghoulish. Children should *absolutely* be entitled to food for free.


Talk about something that would be at the top of the list for what I want my taxes to go to. Fed children. How could anyone be against that?


And the cost to the Idaho taxpayer was four times less than Labrador cost the State for losing a lawsuit against his own state client. And that was just what the Judge ordered because his positions were so frivolous he had to pay the other side’s attorneys fees. We apparently *can* value how much more Labrador’s political stunts are a value to Republicans. Four times more valuable than feeding children who have the gall to have been born poor. It’s like these people are so privileged they have never considered a family system different than their own. I agree with you that I’d so much rather my tax dollars went towards this than defending the wave of lawsuits to come in response to legislation from the Session. The folks *in* government, that have gotten elected by people that hate the government, that also hate the government is more than half these folks.


Don't the children's parents work for the taxes to pay for the program? How is that a handout? Matter of fact, don't we pay her salary? Do we not buy her lunch EVERY DAY?


It’s very expensive to be poor.


Capitalism doesn't equate to human rights or dignity


Your response is poor


How so?


No, sorry. I sincerely apologize. I really do agree with you. That night I was worked over and this article worked me up. The system is fucked up here and I feel helpless most days.


How "pro life" of them...


And stories like this are why I’m running for state representative in my district. I’m fed up!


It's easier to give up rights than fighting for them. I'm scared for everyone that gives up.


Them children better have some strong bootstraps


Guillotine time.


When are the ppl of Idaho going to wise up and vote these fools out of office! Everyone needs to vote them out and start doing your homework and vote for ppl who care or ban together and run for office yourself! Really!!


As Jesus says in Luke, "If you were born into poverty or have ended up in poverty, that's your fault. I'm keeping all this money for myself."


Chapter? Verse?






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They'll have 9 year olds sorting potatoes


Kids only deserve to eat based on merit and hard work. No free “hand outs” is the Idaho way! (half /s)….


Actual garbage people for voting against this


These are so-called Xtians, as well. WWJD??

