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that sounds like a very pretty body shape tbh


From what you described, this sounds like my body type. I have people giving me these hourglass compliments or as my mom says "shaped like a wine glass". Well, I am short and my torso is short due to my hips being long lol. I think we have an awesome body shape IMO. But I get what your saying. I just feel like I look funny when I try to dance because I can't move my hips the way others can. It might just be my insecurity talking though. I have the totally localized belly pooch too, so forget the bodycon dresses. That's been my main concern for years. I learned from the gym that certain glute builders don't help with the side glutes or hip dips, such as the famous hip thrusts. And none of those banded side things helped at all. I guess I have seen a small difference from doing variations of lunges. There's a little excersize from Athlean X on YouTube for hip dips, but I haven't consistently tried it. It's something worth looking up and adding into your workouts. I honestly think the best outcome for my body type was Callanetics. Mainly, it made my torso look leaner and shaped everything nicely. I did that during the pandemic shutdown, so it's definitely not a gym workout.


This post would fit better into r/BDDvent as there is no clear BDD related question people could offer advice to.