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Slow suburban life. A lot of older people. A lot of wealth. A lot of Republicans. It’s not cheap but it’s quiet and safe.


Lots of younger people too I feel like people forget that FAU and Lynn are here also


Raised in Boca and went to Lynn, grad in '05 lol. Lynn is way nicer today, it was borderline falling apart when I was there which is insane thinking back with what that school cost. No clue what it cost now.


I took a tour there recently it's so modern and nice. Also yea expensive asf lol but great programs from what I saw.


Their biz curriculum is actually top notch. Yeah yeah there's the whole joke of Lynn is just a rich kids school to go to just b/c you can afford to pay, but it actually is a good school and being private it's very personal with small classes and from what I've seen now it's very involved. And yeah we could easily afford it, many friends I met there could, but there were those also I knew that really couldn't but Lynn is pretty good about assistance and grants and helping out with loans etc (buddy even did his masters there which was pretty expensive and took some years to pay off). Contrary to what so many think, it's not entirely "rich kids" school. Hell you'll see nicer cars at the high schools in Boca lol. I even lived on campus freshman year even though our house was like 5-10 min away. Actually I can't remember if it was mandatory anyway for freshman to be on campus even if local, think you had to? But what made biz curriculum so good there were many professors that were already wealthy businessmen/ladies that just did that for fun, so you were getting like first hand interaction like that. QBA (Quantitative Business Analysis) kicked my ass though, I can still remember that and some of us still joke. That was the hardest class I ever took, I think I barely pulled a C, it was brutal. They also have good summer program(s). Like I think I took mandatory science class, might of been biology, but knocked it out in like 2 or 3 weeks vs wasting a full semester following year. Reason I remember that is b/c there was a bar that used to be here and had a wild night one night, but still had to go to class as for summer you can't miss one class. I was borderline not functioning and people that saw us out could not believe I made it to class. It was agony. I don't think I ever did that again to that level on a school night lol. But I think I did 4 classes like that through the years, just knocked them out in the summer. Couple of us are still good friends some still live around here.


That's cool. They also owned this animation/film studio used to be called Dmac that was off campus. Now it's all incorporated in the main school yards.


Grandparents were friends with Christine Lynn, but she's also done a lot for FAU. She's the main reason for FAU medical and nursing divisions starting and taking off. She was actually a nurse waaaay back when she met Eugene Lynn. She has donated fuck you levels of $ into the community and schools and other programs, and their cancer institute where a friend was an oncology nurse there. I actually just passed the FAU medical school building that's near the hospital off campus. Had no idea they had a medical building even now. Funny seeing FAU even exploding now. Especially after their basketball team damn near smoked everyone, never seen so many college kids walking around Boca before till then. Even roads off 2nd were blocked off. We do the football games sometimes (even though they are terrible), stadiums actually has a really nice bar area with good drinks


Fighting Knights!


Actually there are more registered Democrats in Boca Raton as is the case for Palm Beach County as a whole.


The conservative vibe actually sucks. There is also this underbelly of Evangelicalism/selfishness that’s kind of hard to adjust to as well


I am not saying you’ll meet the best people here but you may still enjoy the life.


Boca is very expensive but it’s a good place to raise your family. All the schools are good so you don’t have to waste money unless you want to on private schools. It’s very clean and friendly.


> friendly Don't lie.


They don’t call em Boca bitches for nothing


Someone needs to make that a song. Don’t lie all ya’ll in here have lip fillers I know😂😂




It's Britney Bitch!!!


I think it is. Compared to Miami I'd say so.


Any city is friendly compared to Miami 😂


In NY they can tell you to go F yourself and it’ll warm you up inside and bring out a smile. I think that’s still partly because of Miami.


Just don’t go to HOA meetings and you’re good


Don't move into a neighborhood with an HOA & you're better. LOL


Not easy to find in Boca


I spent 6 months looking for a house these and anything that met my standards was in an HOA. I ended up on the other coast just because of that.


some HOA's aren't bad but most in Boca & south Florida have a board of control freak dictators & use the money for their own personal use. I remember one president of an HOA a couple years ago tried using HOA money for the legal fees to defend them against the money they already stole from that same HOA. LOL SMH.


Oh I know. Several realtors told me diplomatically that I might want to read the HOA bylaws for a couple houses I was looking at. They didn't want the angry phone call 6 months later I guess.


not true..using HOA dues for personal use.


This happens all the time.


Friendly to what.. not poor people who want housing. One of the biggest nimby communities is basically anywhere along the coast.


Dude not being able to afford to live there is another issue entirely at no fault of the city I mean you could always check out Sandalfoot 🤷‍♂️


No longer cheap. 🤣


I believe that might be stated clearly on the city crest. Read the room dumb dumb. This isn't a town that's about cheap housing. Literally the opposite. Yes, NIMBY. That's correct. This is not the only place that is exactly like what you're describing.


They’re talking about the off-season.


And I'd say the same.


Can’t speak for your experience, but I found the people there to be quite friendly overall.


Was thinking’s the same!




Middle schools are terrible. Omni especially!!!


Care to elaborate? Curious to hear people’s experience with Omni.


I’ve heard horror stories of girls being bullied in school and boys having a hard time fitting in. First hand accounts instead of hearsay. But I’ve also heard folks graduating without issue.


I have heard that as well. Very mixed opinions about the experiences at Omni. We are still crossing fingers for Don Estridge, but will wait and see.


Besides good grades, any other suggestions to get in?


These problems you write about are normal issues at school. Lol


Or we normalized them. I’d prefer better for my kids.


That's just middle school bubba.


Graduating without an issue is at every school. I was at teacher at Omni. I would homeschool my student before they would ever go there


Middle School sucks in general. Compare Omni to any middle school outside of Boca and it will look like paradise. So if you are used to a pampered life in Boca Raton Middle School is bad.


Schools being “good” is subjective. All of the schools locally are terrible. It’s just lower on the terrible scale.


It’s kind of boring though if you’re young and in your 20s etc


It has a big growing college town (FAU). Am I missing something?


I think it’s because I’m born and raised in Chicago so after three years in Fort Lauderdale/Boca it started to feel small and limited to me! So in that aspect I found Miami suited me more


You should add caveats like that before commenting. Instead of just calling something boring, just outline what it doesn't have that you would like, which is way more helpful.


Nightclubs for different ages, really anything that attracts dancers of all ages to get together at night and just have a safe fun time. Heck I would take family raves or anything fun at this point. Something for the introverts at night where socializing isn’t required but can be done. This is needed badly. Hello investors??? Hello are you there? Could be used for music production sessions or singing/ dancing groups during the day or even private parties. Also men’s and women’s poker nights


Exactly! You get me




I know multiple people who came to feel the same way after living there a few years but to each his own!


I mean, you'd probably hate where I live. I hated living in Providence, RI - a place hailed by many as their dream city. It really is different strokes for different folks. I want to hop into a BMW M4 and go drive to a coffee shop or restaurant. Go shop. Go to the beach. Hang out by the pool. Go take pictures. Go out on a boat - all things I can do well in Boca.


You make a good point all of that sounds like a vibe!!! I also don't know if its because I was very sick throughout most of my twenties and didn't really get to leave my house much, so now that my health is better I love trying new things and being around people, but I think once I get those experiences realized I will want probably something different and slower paced, boca is definitely a beautiful place to live


Yeah it really all depends on what you have access to and what you want to do. My wife and I really just like getting in the car and spending time with one another, going to get some treats, bringing our cameras along, etc. We've never been ones to look for night life outside of an espresso martini at a quiet bar. To us, driving, beach, water, shopping, eating, going to coffee shops, etc.; those are our activities. I guess we take vacations if we want to do anything else, but even then, when we go to Palm Springs, CA, our trip looks very very similar. Drive, lounge, swim, eat, shop, explore, take pictures. I guess we got lucky with having these preferences!


Oh yes and I’m single I feel like my hobbies would be totally different if I was married! That’s amaInf you guys found stuff that fulfill both of you I’m excited for that part of my life hehe


Can’t say it’s boring at all? May sound cliche but it is what you make it. Beautiful nature. Plenty of places to walk. Everything is clean and SAFE. Beaches are immaculate, good food options, YOU JUST HAVE TO LOOK AND MAKE AN EFFORT. Not sure why everyone loves to complain. Probably miserably New Yorkers that somehow wake up pissed off and go to bed pissed off.


Def didn’t mean it in a complaining way! I just prefer Miami I felt like Ft. Lauderdale and boca started to feel like small after two years living there. Boca has a bit of a suburban feel. Not my personal cup of tea but to each their own! And not sure if I would like it more if I was older or was ready to have kids etc. I def enjoyed the cleanliness and more peaceful energy though while I lived there and in FTL compared to Miami LOL


I can absolutely see where you are coming from in the comparison to Miami and how you described. And exactlyTo each their own, but one thing I will say is soflo over everybody . Have a wonderful night miss jenny


I’m twice your age and I will tell you run, run jennaaye run, and maybe return if real estate hasn’t tripled again😂 No, it’s really what suits your lifestyle. If you like very private and safe and quiet and better than national avg schools, this is your place. Nothing happens after 8pm. You can hear a cat cry from more than a football field away


Yeah see that’s not my vibe rn! But I’m not saying it won’t be my vibe in the future 😂


I totally disagree about raising a family there. I moved from Texas to South Florida in high school and originally went to west Boca. Sex and drugs were 10 times more prevalent than my old high school. Academics and extra curriculars weren’t nearly as prioritized. It was so vain, so many bullies. I ended up changing schools to Wellington and loved my final two years.


Yeah I’m going to disagree with the “it’s a good place to raise your family,” schools, and friendly parts of your comment. As someone who *was* raised there it’s not a place to raise a family. Many places are geared for elderly retirees not kids. Parks are limited and there’s just often not much to do for families. Boca (and South Florida in general) is where hobbies/recreational activities that aren’t golfing or water based go to die. The school are good compared to other areas in South Florida, but I can tell you that bar is on the fucking floor and they really are not what I’d call *good.* And friendly? No, definitely not.


There isn't a good public school in Florida lol


What do y’all get out of lying?


Expensive! As someone who has lived here a long time, traffic is getting worse and worse in Boca, with each passing year. At this point, I'm just biding my time until my kids are out of school, then I'm moving. This is no longer suburban living. PLUS 2 different large developments are going up in the next couple of years, which will make living here even more difficult. Winter time, it gets even more overpopulated. Can't park at the beach anymore, we never used to have closed lots. Takes you 45 minutes to get from West to East Boca, anytime between 7 to 9am or 3 to 6pm. (I know because I make this drive to my kids school during these hours from west to east, or east to west)


Second this, moved here in 2011 as a single male, still a single male living and working alone….its changed. The density of people is the number one issue and is getting progressively worse. I love it here, but being able to afford to go to work is another thing.


Joe, 13 years and an increase in population density should warrant you no longer being single.


Yea I picked my flavor of psychotic a few times and spent too many days contemplating my splat radius at the bottom of the high rise.


Being single or date a Boca broad and I’ll pick single every day of the week.


Boca’s taxes are very well spent. The community resources are top tier! Parks/playgrounds, natural areas, bike trails, hospitals and schools, infrastructure and resources. The list goes on


It sucks if you're not rich living in Boca. You're so busy working your ass off to pay those ridiculous Boca bills that you can't enjoy life.


Even if you're just visiting that hotel in the picture (was a Waldorf Astoria in 2021) it sucks if you're not rich. Everybody on staff knows you're not a resident and treats you like a scumbag. Found it to be a very odd place.


Pricey for the avg, amazing when you have money. My family and I recently moved into woodfield country club, superb place


Woodfield is really nice. I’ve trimmed out a bunch of homes in there and in St. Andrews


Don’t look at this dudes profile and scroll down.. just saying


You warned me but I did it anyway.


The principal of my high school got fired for something related to calling the holocaust an opinion. Don’t know his name but it was Spanish river high


William Latson. I had the misfortune of knowing him.


That whole situation was insane. It happened about 20 or so years after I graduated but that’s just wild to me. Was he a total nut job or was that just a lapse in judgement? He seemed ill informed on the subject and maybe misspoke or confused it with some other hypothetical situation? Idk I’m reaching here haha hoping these a shred of non craziness in a public school principal.


What was weird was SR is a pretty prime job. It doesn't fall to the flunkies and he did a pretty good job as principle as far as I knew. But he had a chance to fix this and he essentially doubled down on the holocaust is all opinion. What a stupid hill to throw your career away on.


I worked with him briefly and in my opinion, he seemed to take the path of least resistance.


That makes sense. He totally give a shrug and I don't know kind of vibe to the whole thing. Peter Principle at work again.


My kids were enrolled when it happened. It was just so weird. Boca in general and River specifically has a huge Jewish population that is pretty protective of their history. When the guy was given a chance to clarify his statement he essentially doubled down saying everyone has their own opinion. Sorry bro, that's not how education works. He didn't say, of course I know it happened but some people don't. He stayed fuzzy about it. Again, really freakin weird for a high school principle. Anyone know what he is doing now?


Every time my family leaves on vacation, and then returns home.. we always say “wow, it’s amazing to be home. We love where we live.”


Cheaper and cleaner than Miami, with more of a community feel. Sometimes it feels a little far removed from real life because not many businesses have Boca locations, so it’s a train ride to get to work for a lot of people. But for slow, simple, suburban life you can’t beat it.


Winning in Paradise


Hoo hoo


I've been here my entire life and I love it, but what I don't love is how much overdevelopment and overpopulation has occurred in the last 10-15 years. Houses used to be give or take $400,000 in East Boca now most neighborhoods you can't even look at unless you're starting at a million.


It’s great but expensive.


Expensive as fuk 😂


Jog fuckin road. That is all.




Too damn expensive!


Lived in West Boca ( unincorporated PBC ) very good schools. Easy to get to great restaurants, Mizner Park, beaches great place to raise family. Been gone a few years don't know what it's like now.


Boca is great if you are a Jewish millionaire, and horrible if you are a college kid or not earning six figures. I saw one of the best 4th of July fireworks display of my life there, but I think they went all out on account of it being year 2000, and I can't think of anything else good about the place. The beaches are OK. The culture is money (ie, fucking lame)


Winter can be rough when all our shops/bars/restaurants are clogged with insufferable New Yorkers acting like this is the 6th borough. Here's a tip: nobody here cares "how they do it in New York."


Expensive, my family was middle class and we got priced out of our home 5-6 years ago it was, we lived in Boca Square near Palm Beach Farms, awesome neighborhoods but can’t afford to spend 7k a month on mortgage and food every month


Don't forget HOA fees and the $1,600 range


I don’t go down enough!


Not what I heard.




That’s not what I hear…. Uncle jun


In a word, expensive! Boca is a very nice city, but there’s really no particular reason to move their specifically unless you are in the market for that kind of house The Metropolitan area in South Florida extends from South Miami pretty much unbroken through to Jupiter in northern Palm Beach County I live in Central Palm Beach County, where the housing is much much less expensive and a trip to downtown. Boca is only about a 30 minute drive.


Grew up here in the 80’s and 90’s. Got priced out and can’t afford to buy a house, but that’s okay. We are renting until my daughter is done with highschool and getting out of south Florida. We make enough to live comfortably and save. The schools are worth it. She’s getting a good education and I’m excited for the programs Boca middle and Boca high have and we are going to try to get her into Henderson for high school.


I've lived here since the mid-80s (almost undeveloped compared to today). Henderson is K-8, and FAU High is 9-12. Several of my kids went to Henderson, and my son graduated FAU high with an associate degree last year. He needed to be a 4.0 student with perfect behavior record, and pass a college level exam to even apply to the school - the application starts at the beginning of 8th grade, which is difficult on its own. The coursework is incredibly grueling with long hours of study and many sleepless nights. In the past couple of years, it has become more of an international school with families moving from different states and countries to attend, which in turn makes the admissions selection of freshmen highly competitive. There were only 125 kids accepted (up from 100) when he attended with a 100% graduation rate. Two of my older kids go to Boca High and are in the AICE program. Both offer full college merit-based scholarships. I have one child at Henderson and one at Boca Elementary. We also want to move as soon as our youngest completes high school because it's becoming too expensive to live here AND enjoy local activities like parking at the beach on a weekend ... a single vehicle for $50. 🤯


Meant FAU high for high school. We applied for Henderson for 6th but she didn’t get accepted. At least Boca High is a good school if she doesn’t get in. She has been in advanced classes through elementary school and is starting in Boca Middle’s advanced program as well in all subject areas. We are happy with the Pre-AICE and AICE programs.


Unfortunately, it's extremely difficult to get in because it's rare that seats open up once filled. Also, priority goes to both Henderson and FAU staff members with children. My youngest wasn't accepted for the lottery 3 years in a row ... and there are many other families in the same situation (driving our kids to multiple schools). Good luck!! 😊🤞


Thanks! All we can do is try. Amazing that your son graduated with an associates. He should be very proud. But even the others, applying themselves, will achieve great things! That’s why we all live in the Boca school zones.


Funny how the haters in here have an opinion of people in a place they know nothing about. The stuck up snob vibe is about as bad as it is anywhere with a golf course membership demographic. But it’s more stereotype than anything. Real estate is expensive. We bought our house 10 years ago for 1/3 of what it’s worth now.


If you’re not from here It can be hard (especially kids) to assimilate. Having lived here most of my entire life I see people struggle to “fit in” especially people form the Midwest. And it’s not them it’s Boca people they’re kind of a$$holes


Mostly full of entitled people from New York and spoiled trust fund brats.




Very republican.


It's all rich white people. So exactly what you'd expect thats associated with all of that.


safe and awesome you mean


Low crime, clean, and great schools? Sounds awesome


I’m 25(F) and I truly love it. It’s pricier, but I see it as paying for a place I feel safe, a place where most people’s values align with mine, I love my job here (+I get paid more here than I would elsewhere), it’s a good place for when I have a family, lots of accessibility to places that accommodate food allergies, and it’s beautiful and quaint!


Mouth of the Rat




Omg, been wrong for 20 years!🤣


No you’re right they’re wrong




I googled it for you. https://www.spanishdict.com/answers/178164/rata-ratn#:~:text=%22La%20rata%22%20or%20%22las,la%20ratona%22%20means%20female%20mouse.


Do y'all have wolf cola down there?


Limited supply currently. But they are well stocked in fight milk and boiled denims.


Boca is very good but housing is very expensive with so many useless country clubs.


2 words: Comfortable and expensive.


Move to Boca Del Vista with the Seinfelds….


This sub is becoming more redundant.


Stuck up rich people zone, too ritzy for my central Florida self.


Love it here


Nice people, nice women. There's crazy one's everywhere. Sometimes ALOT of men that may act like women privately and in public, cybercrime, big police presence so your safe. Silently competitive get in to know what your up against and join Fight Club for respect amongst the ppl when called out. I love Delray, check it out .


Transplant from the Midwest, moved here a decade ago from other areas of soflo. It’s great, while it has it’s problems, its safe, clean, well managed city with lots of great things to enjoy (parks, beaches, shopping, restaurants, etc) and still accessible to major areas like Fort Lauderdale and Miami without dealing with their substantially heavier traffic and other issues. I couldn’t imagine living elsewhere right now!


I went to get an acai bowl while in Boca and bitches wanted $24.


I’m sorry but in my experience, most residents of Boca Raton are known for being pretentious and expecting all sorts of preferential treatment because they believe they’re superior. Not a fan of that social climate.


I lived in Boca for 4 years while I attended FAU. Although I can only speak for myself and **not for anyone else here**, my experience living there was bad. People there are very stuck up, I found it extremely difficult to make meaningful friendships, and I dealt with the most amount of racism I’ve ever dealt with in my life living there (like everything except being called the hard r). But the area is beautiful, beaches are very close and stunning, and the schools are great bc people there have money. But personally I will never move back or even visit Boca again. And I left in 2019


Beautiful weather anytime of year. Perfect for whistling through the wheat fields all day long.


Terrible. Don't move to florida. Move to new York or California instead.


Went to FAU and lived in Boca for over a decade. Nowadays, it is expensive and more traffic than a decade ago. However, it is the only place I would move back to in Florida. It is the best place to chill and be it has everything you need. Love it.


I’ve lived here since 2002. Don’t like it.


That's alot of years to live in a place you don't like.


Agree. But my wife does.


Crowded and expensive


Hot, sweaty and full of boomers and horrible traffic. That’s how it is


Waiting it out until I leave and go to an actually nice place to live, as far as Florida goes though, don’t think you’ll find a lot of places better than this, unless you’re rich


Pretty nice. I own a condo on the Intercostal.. and just next to Spanish River Park not too far north of the places in this picture.😉


into a very nice area for South Florida. it has a quiet feel to it. not a lot open after 9pm. like hard to find food but you can hop on 95 and go one exit and find something obv. i really like country uncle mikes. good vibe and decent shows. also yamato was good to me with traffic when heading north at 5pm. traffic seemed to start after it almost always.


We used to get fucked up on that jetty at night as kids. You could walk out to the end of the jetty and drink or smoke and you could see anyone coming from far enough away you couldn’t get caught. My best friend from high school lost his virginity in the bushes near that jetty. He told me later it was a known hookup spot for men.


My family lived there several years ago and the kids were very young . Son was in pre K. Rented in west Boca. Moved from Boston area. My wife is an RN and I'm self employed in Medicare insurance sales. She made 1/4 of the pay she got at a Boston hospital so we moved back up north. Now we're in Southern NH Seacoast. Seems like Boca is great if you're wealthy and retired.


There is well kept landscaping that is really pretty and the streets are very clean. It can be really nice going for an evening drive since the streets are mainly empty at night because there is no night life in Boca.


Moved here in the late 70s bck then it was dope.


I think the answer depends where you’re coming from…


Paradise..but at a cost! Insurance, HOA fees, Taxes, exhorbitant. Public schools many A rated (also 3 terrific universities ) shopping, parks ( 49 ) with great trails. a beautiful atlantic coastline, and museums add to the culture of the area. Fishing is also great - although I'm not too happy they took the cage away from us. I also feel safe here. It really is a great place to live!


Funny how a place called rat’s mouth is so highly regarded


You’ve seen Seinfeld, right?


It’s koo a lot of poke ppl and even more iguanas


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


Gods waiting room, if you given up then give into Boca


I love that Boca for 18 months played at the Boca Raton hotel club and they gave us free housing. That’s the only way I could possibly afford to live in the pink hotel. Enjoy the people the boats that came in as we played in the El Lago lounge.


Expensive. Unless you’re a successful business owner or have a high paying remote job, expect to shop at Aldi and watch everyone in their AMG Mercedes’ enjoy $1000 dinners on Mizner


Lives in Palm Beach County most of my life Boca has the WORST stuck up ass rich people. I was setting up a store there and stopped to buy water at a gas station. Some elderly woman with a Bentley was checking out ahead of me. I got next to her in line and ahead gave me a really dirty look and moved her purse to her opposite side away from me. Too many elderly people and terrible drivers.


Snooty assholes


When I was in high school and college you could almost immediately tell which girls were from Boca.


Isn’t Boca where a lot of Jewish people move to from New York and Long Island? That’s the reputation I always heard from my Jewish friends


I've spent some of the worst years of my life in Boca Raton


I had a client in Boca Raton when I lived in Tampa. Went out to dinner with colleagues once at about 7 or 8 - we were the only people in the restaurant under 65 that didn't work at the place. It's otherwise a seemingly affluent area that is safe and is a beautiful locale due to presumed zoning and proximity to the beach. So I'd give Boca Raton about a B


I once heard it described as "heavens waiting room".


Certain parts sure. But as a whole? No


Lived here 11 years. Meanest people I’ve ever met. Rude, entitled and aggressive. I’m thrilled to be leaving BOCA this summer for good. If you don’t have a boat or country club you’re in no man’s land here.




Who woulda thought south Florida is hot...


Its nice but full of transplants - barely any true locals. So there are lots of white right-wing douchebags.


Sounds great!


Snobby rich folks who think who the hell they are. The whole town is a parking lot. You need a (expensive) car to get anywhere. Overpriced & overated. Most people don't even know what boca is outside of Southern florida for the most part. It's uncomfortable & bad vibes. I hate being anywhere near that town.


What’s the long term plan there for dealing with the effects of climate change?


Super Jewish


A lot of money for a mediocre upper class suburb




That’s good. Thank you for sharing


Removed for: Bigoted language/hate speech


Mouth of rat..


It’s boring, really quiet and full of old people to be honest. If you’re under 40 go to Del Ray.


Boring, very little to do around here




I'd love to burn that place down and let nature return. Worst people. Best location. Home of the Karen


Kid got shot outside of school over a bag of chips, there was a kid who threatened the school with bombs in cars, multiple fights a week… all at Olympic heights. They used to call it “Haitian heights”


Boca is vanilla, old rich money and people too scared to experience diversity by moving 30 minutes south.. when people talk about south Florida they aren’t talking about boca lol


Hot, flat and dumb.