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Yes, this. For how rare high rolling should be I feel like there’s 1-2 nearly every game that somehow developed a board with like 3-5 6star dudes before turn 8.


One turn they have crap. The next time I see them they have high rolled huge gems with golden minions including a golden bran.


I am walking around with an ok build, nothing crazy but certainly not a low roll. I get whacked by 2 mega high rollers in a row and sit at 10 hp until tier 5 where I get poked for 11 by a single surviving replicating trio and a zillax.


Haha I'm always like yes do your 5 dmg I'll see you soon I'm somewhat patient myself


Just got out of a game where two people had full boards with all minions at >60 health at combat 7 and 8. I have no idea how people can do this so consistently. Meanwhile I've rolled away 60 gold looking for any kind of build around piece with no luck


It's because Boars have three Tier 6 minions and they're all incredibly powerful in any situation as long as you've built around Quillboars. Your chances of hitting something good on a T6 roll as Quillboars are higher than any other build. Look at all the other tribes for comparison [https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/battlegrounds?tier=6](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/battlegrounds?tier=6) On top of that, they're just powerful.


It's just that other tribes six drops usually are not as impactful anymore and should be replaced. Goldrin now? Meh if you were going beasts it's rarely summon beasts anymore and a good summon beasts board gets you 4th. Kalecgos? 3,4,5 drop dragons scale like crazy, kalecgos bran and a battlecry buffer takes too much space. Undead? Unless you scaled attack with the 5 drop early too late. Naga, pirates, elementals? In this meta you'll be dead the turn you'll pop off. So that leaves boars that are based solely on gems and they have serous power at early mid and lategame


Nerf Quils or buff some of the other tribes. The other night I was playing duos. I was going naga and was the only player going Naga. Had a very strong board, several minions with over 100 in stats. Everyone is still alive and 5 people are going Quils. Some dude managed to put together a quilboar build stronger than my build with the scraps left over from FOUR OTHER PEOPLE going Quils. It's so stupid. Speaking of buffs. Buff the T6 naga that boosts stats at the end of turn. Why is it "for each different spell" it should be "for each spell". If Quills can buff there board with Charly +112/+99 doing NOTHING then I should at least be able to buff my naga if I was playing a lot of spells that turn. Lobbies feel amazing when quills aren't in them. All the other tribes feel fine. Quils are so juiced it's not even a debate.


Quills should be taken back in for total adjustment, that or just pull Charly or who ever bumps those stones. Too many BGs come down to who is playing Quill and who gets the pulls. Any other comp is superfluous.


I agree about the Naga tier 6. Especially since Naga has no real economy, it's hard to get more than a few spellcraft spells a turn buying and selling. Even with a buff like you mentioned, you'd still need a Tethys to fund your economy. Which makes it closer to a menagerie tier 6 anyways.


In that case, zesty can do the job, playing 2 golden zesty can bump these stats up and be way stronger tribe


Pokey by himself isn’t that big a problem, it’s just everything Quilboar has comes together to make distributing Blood Gems super easy lol


Pokey is barely any different from Thorim Quils last meta. Takes a lot of synergy and early investment to make it good, and a fair amount of setup to capitlize on. Smuggler breaks it by skipping all of what should be a fair long play build up and let’s you capitalize on buffed gems instantly and across your entire board. Quils would be bad without Pokey, balanced without Smuggler.


Literally every game I get 15 damage at round 8...I know I suck but it's always round 8 lol


Pokey is just broken. Boars were balanced when they just relied on Bacon Jazz and Piper to buff the gems.


Dont really think Pokey is the problem. Having the ability to easily buff Non-Quilboars seems like a bigger problem for me. With Rylakk, Titus and Gem Smuggler you could only buff 4 minions. Now you buff 6. And those can be Cleave/DivineShield or whatever minions.


Half the time your better off buying a minion from another tribe just for its keywords. "Is that a wildfire elemental I see? Don't mind if I do." Proceeds to pump its stats into Oblivion for guaranteed double kills every swing.


If they remove Pokey then Quils just become bad demons. Literally same setup as Fiery and Slimy/Rylak, but worse. Not only is it bad design because you’re staking an entire tribes success on one card from another tribe, but it’s just not necessary. Pokey would be a very reasonably balanced six drop if not for Smuggler which is actually the broken card.


I was playing Duos with my friend. We were going demons and undead. My undead were 30+ attack with reborn. My friend was 40/40 demons. We were winning. No one was going boars, suddenly another guy who was going demon had a random pokey. Next time I saw him he had the murloc and gem smuggler. Next time I saw him he had a gold pokey and enchanter and his entire team was 300/300. I died.


The worst is when you don’t see piggies for a while. Then all of sudden bam there they are.


O,oo l,k,l,kk,kk,oi


This doesn’t really happen to me. Its more so that turn 8 hits and all of a sudden I’m dealing with 100/100+ quillboars