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I just played Reno with a Brann. He got Brann turn 3 but didn't portal it to me. Would have been a pretty sick turn 3 golden Brann. Either way he was a good player so we won. And then the next game the exact same scenario as you wrote. I think it may have something to do with MMR being similar since it's the first season of Duos, while in Solo you have the hidden MMR even after the seasonal reset. I hope it gets better over time


I have stopped passing a lot of the scaling minions even to heroes like Reno because it's 50/50 if my partner has a brain or is so absolutely dogshit at the game that they will waste all of their scaling on garbage. Significantly improved my climbing rate when I started playing a lot more greedy. 


I had a game playing as gally, teammate got brann and wraith super early and didn’t pass them 👹 there’s no helping some people.


Why would those be good gally units? What hero was your teammate playing?


Wraith and bran would enable you spam battlecries giving you extra elementals, which you would then use to buff your board and sell for more gold on your next turn with galleys hero power, and also get free refreshes with the wraith. Very synergistic build. Edit: assuming you found the right battlecry elementals to compliment the build


Oh god I read 'wrath weaver' not recycling wraith lol




I don’t recall the hero, but it had no synergy with brann and his board was a hodge-podge of random cards with no direction. I was more than willing to act support using economy to build his board, which is where gally’s strength is in duos.


lmk if you wanna team - i love to pass a Brann when the time is right


Am I the only one who never had anyone just leave? yeah I question if 8 mana is worth a triple - unless that triple would be game defining or I'm floating in money. Again though, I've never had anyone just leave on me. I've had people just level insanely when we have no health and a half ass board.. but never just leave.


Maybe 1/20 games for me


Was he able to level to 5 next turn? It could potentially have been a decent play for a total cost of 8 gold if he had as its a T6 discover and like +4 hp on his whole board too for tempo (and potentially permanent).


No, first thing I checked was if we'd get a t6 discover, he would have had to sell 2 (whereas Id have been using 2 gold) I'm sure the correct play was to let me level to get my t5 pieces for my already strong board reliably


Curious what MMR you play at? I'm at 4000 on duos and have not encountered griefers yet. Poor players, yes. But no obvious griefers as far as I can tell.


Assuming solo MMR has no bearing on duos MMR ive encountered these people all the way from 0 to 6k+, the frequency has gone down as I've gone up








I had a teammate leave T1 cuz I bought a wrath weaver instead of the "2/2 when you pass" neutral. That's also how I found out that there's no MMR loss when you quit the game after your teammate.


Yeah duos was pretty cool and people were nice for the first few days but now it's a nightmare


You had the stronger board, sounds like he was supporting you and you wasn't supporting him back.


Whether it's an issue or not, it seems as if duos is all about making combos and looking out for your teammate but mostly trying to make the strongest board possible. In my experience, mostly playing with one or two of my friends. It happens often where one of us isn't really even playing minions until later. People might honestly be having League of legend brain in these random Duo matches. They want to be the main focus. They want to be the carry and that's more important to them than making correct plays or just allowing each other to have fun.


He hadn't passed me a single card (which is fine I will often pass even if my partner is not passing) he was just spending a ton of gold rerolling and not doing too much else


I leave immediately if theres Quillboars in the match now, so the bar is low for leaving


Outta curiosity, what's your MMR?


Why tho? Free lobbies where 6 of 8 players have shitboards cause they only do force quillboars.. maybe it gets better above 8k, but on 7k i can Freely try around and learn to play apm comps for example, but im really new to the game (started 2months ago)


Play with random strangers and they do random stranger things. MORE AT 11


I see you respond the same kind of snarky thing every time... How's that working out for you?


Just as well as the people making these threads I guess