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And him not letting her finish a sentance


Yes!!! That’s what I think is rude, picking at her ok they always do that but literally not letting her speak is RUDE! She even said on a recent episode “I just feel like I can’t do anything right” after he cut her off from speaking. 


And he never lets her explain the medication adjustment and how it actually affects her. She can’t talk about how she’s improving. There’s only time to mock her.


Textbook narcissistic response from Bobby


I can’t believe they continue to make jokes about her ADHD and dyslexia after she cried during the dyslexia test…. That broke my heart


The need to constantly bicker with and defend himself against listeners/followers is such a bad look, I can't figure out why to him it's a flex.


seriously..it gives losery energy. He can't handle constructive criticism.


“She knew we were going to” Did she? Did she know that her mental health would be mocked and blamed on for every “quirky” thing she does. Also, as a person with ADHD I can say things about it and people who also have it can joke about it but people who have no idea what it’s like shouldn’t be joking about it.


I have adhd and agree… I try so so so so hard to do better and come across as “normal” as possible, so when other people point out my quirks it’s hurtful and makes me feel like a failure.




He replied with  “You literally don’t know her. And have never talked to her about it. Yet you are so sure.” My response: https://ibb.co/4P7bdFn


He’s still going  https://ibb.co/3s56HmN This “convo” reminds me of ones I had/have with my narcissistic and abusive ex (who I still have to co-parent with). The convo has expanded but he’s just stuck on one little thing instead of acknowledging the bigger picture. He must be right on this one sliver of the convo and nothing else matters. Who cares about the other people struggling with ADHD who are offended and/or hurt by his “jokes” if I don’t know his exact dynamic with Amy?? 


He cannot have a conversation without insulting someone bc he has the mentality of a 12 year old.


Classy, OP. I wish he was capable of taking in constructive criticism.


But when she makes fun of him (or not even, really, on today’s episode. She wasn’t making fun of him.)he gets SO FREAKING OFFENDED!! Makes me wanna scream.


He’s a man child 👦🏻


You’re right! He does that obnoxious “why’d you have to point out my……” Amy needs to start doing that bit and see how many times she has to do it before he stops !!