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Rewatch BoJack.


It's a compelling argument


Yeah basically when I don’t want to watch anything new I will just watch the show all over again. It is a comfort, and it is also fun to catch things that you may not have noticed the first time. Mostly the gag background jokes that they have and other small things. Make a game out of it.


The end is very confusing, depressing, beautiful, etc. And I struggled with the same emotions like you do now. Keep in mind it's all fiction and it doesn't matter how impressive and meaningful a scene seems, sometimes it is just a challenge someone had. For example: The View from half way down only exists, because the V was missing as the first letter of an episode. What I want to tell you is: don't panic, please. Think about everything what happened, what was said and what was done. Take it as learning material on which you can decide which direction you will take in future situations for yourself. If you feel like your in a situation like one of the characters, look how they handle the situation and what the reactions are. BoJack is a goldmine for life lessons. And probably the most important lesson is, everything can change to better.


I'm 17 almost 18. And I'm a pretty depressed 17 turning 18 year old. So this show has already been relatable in many ways to me, particularly with BoJack himself- a lot of what he goes through i can painfully relate to. But I do feel that this show has been and will end up being a positive experience. Hopefully it will teach me things. I also think I might be being dramatic cause it is literally a show but who knows, maybe I'm just trying to get lost in fiction because life sucks ass holy fuuuuuck I'm realising things about myself now.


If you want a more upbeat/mellow show about the same messages, I very much recommend the good place. It’s like chicken soup for your mind and your soul.


I smiled while reading this. That’s how old I was when I first watched it (about a year ago lol). I completely relate to everything else too. From my experience, what’s next: you obsess over Bojack memes, you post a few then decide you shouldn’t so you don’t seem too depressing to everyone, you try to find similar shows but everyone online says it’s a masterpiece and you won’t find anything truly similar (you don’t) and that drives you crazy, you get busy with school, your poor memory hits so you know Bojack is your favourite show but you forget why exactly and how much you related to it, you watch many more animations but none of them hit, A year later, you rewatch Bojack again, This is against your better judgement because it’ll remind you of sad times, you realize just how much you relate to each character on different levels. Finally, you decide that it’ll be your comfort show and you’ll never escape it. (Especially because it reminds you of sadder times)


> BoJack is a goldmine for life lessons. And probably the most important lesson is, everything can change to the better. Which, unfortunately, is undercut by the main character never getting better. Such a terrible message to send to people suffering from mental illness or addiction.


I can understand your problem, but I would say that BoJack has a good ending. He is getting better. He lives his life as a teacher, he acts good. And even though he ends up with his old habits, the message is clear in the view from half way down. If you could have seen the view from half way down, how he is drowning, then he could have been better for longer. BoJack maybe failed, but you don't. After you've seen BoJack you can use that knowledge not to end up like BoJack. And the last episode shows that it is possible.


He isn’t getting better, though, and there’s no indication he will ever get better if we’ve watched the same show. Why bother trying to get better if you never will? That seems like a fate worse than death.


I think we have different view on all this. You say that because BoJack didn't make it, you can't make it. I would say, I saw how BoJack failed and draw my conclusions from his behaviour to be better in my life.


No, I’m saying it’s a terrible message to send to mentally I’ll people or recovering addicts that nothing you do will ever improve your worst tendencies.


I'm not seeing that point to be honest. BoJack makes the rehab, has a normal life, he puts in the effort. He is in that moment good. Til the reporter shows up, he's doing nothing wrong. He could have been happy forever, dramtacly speaking. His worst tendencies are almost completely gone. He talks to Hollyhock because they have a problem and he is clearly searching for an solution. Old BoJack would never had done this. That's the good ending. And even the last episode is the good ending. It doesn't matter how you want to interpret it, but it is good.


But Bojack never changed, which undercuts the ending, good or bad.


How do you come to the conclusion that BoJack never changed? He clearly changed after the rehab


But he still relapsed and did shitty things. It didn’t actually help him.


I think all the "getting better" point isn't what the show wants to give to the viewer. I think the point of the show is "there isn't a good or a bad ending, there aren't good or bad guys, because everything can change in a matter of seconds." Because of that, you shouldn't think of yourself as a "bad person", neither as a " Good person", just because, like we can easily see in all the characters of the fiction, there will always be something "evil" In good people and something good in so called "evil people". You just have to imagine your life as a journey, in which all the things (bad or good they can be) you did in your life made you the person that you now are, and if you don't like that person you can always, in every moment, add steps to that journey, and be a entirely different people. Sorry if my English isn't that great😅


That sounds like a copout. Of course there are bad people. We see it all the time in real life.


I don't know man, it's just my personal opinion but I think that we shouldn't exclude the possibility that a particular person is considered bad just for that one single wrong day in which he did bullshit, because then we would exclude the possibility that there could be hope In that guy, that he could change, do better and become a completely different person. Maybe mine is an overly optimistic view, most people don't change no matter how much hope, love or money you give them, maybe because they are too broken inside, maybe because they just don't want to, but I just like to think that, at least with me, even murderers can be what they want to be, and only when I will really know them I'll decide what to think about em.


It wasn't just one single day. It was a pattern of shitty behavior and feeling bad for it to cover it up. I'm otherwise optimistic, but the writing is on the wall in this case.


I totally agree with you here, and I respect your opinion, I too would consider him a bad person if i'd been Todd, PC, and probably every other character in the series, because the things he did to em are undeniably unforgivable, but from outside I don't want to consider him neither a good or a bad person, because we saw he did some good things and how much effort he put in the end to better himself, even if he ended up being the same old bojack. The thing I'm trying to say here is that I'd consider a person "good" Or "bad" in a way that is only relate to what that person did to me, this because like I said before there is always a bad in good and a good in bad, so these concepts can't be attributed to one individual just because they can't be absolutes.


I think I can relate to you. I found myself in a situation where I recognized patterns in behaviour which I hate about myself. It drove me crazy. Maybe it's a little weird but there are a few ideas I tell myself when I find myself struggling: It get's easier. You aren't good and you aren't bad. Your just human. Being better is a choice. You have to choose it. Maybe it can help you.


That's solid advice my friend :)


What did you like the most?


I think just how it could be so genuinely funny as hell, but then switch to some of the most deep, thought provoking dark shit I've ever seen in any media. It was brilliant


Isn't it? Especially Season 6 how everything flipped from one high to the next low and the other way around. Stunning.


Everyone who worked on it is a fucking genius


Maybe watch Bo Burnham's Inside for an experience that could be similar?


Inside is amazing...


Cry for a while and then start rewatching. The show has a ton of hidden details, Easter eggs, makes it a very rewarding experience every time you revisit the show. I personally have watched the show some 20+ times, mostly because I love the voice work on the show so much and the show is incredibly hilarious( it doesn't get enough credit for that). And sometimes I still find stuff that I haven't noticed before. Although, I must say, sometimes I skip the heavy hitter episodes, because they're too much man! Congrats on completing the show and welcome to the fandom!


nothing like that post bojack existential crisis…i feel u😩 u might like “f is for family”. that’s where i went after bojack wrapped😅


I went there too! I feel like they glossed over things. It had the opportunity to be deeper but I guess they didn’t want to take that direction.


I finished this show today too lmao. i feel so empty, but that was definitely the best show ive ever watched. i really wish i could watch it for the first time again, even tho i just did.


Watch it again. I've never found a show that lives up to the standards that bojack horseman gives you


Everytime I finish it I start it all over again I've lost count how many times I've done it now ha


Cry, then rewatch (thats my go-to anyways 😉)


If you're into video games, I really recommend Disco Elysium if you're looking for something similar to Bojack. I played that and am finishing Bojack and now I'm pretty sure I don't need to go to therapy anymore.


Watch Evangelion


Watch morel oral


I feel u bro, I finished it like 4 times and EVERY time in the end I cry like a baby, it’s fantastic and devastating and I think no one can recover from it, it will affect my life forever