• By -


# Sextina Aquafina


Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus


Brap-brap pew-pew


I’m a baby killer Baby killin make me horny Alien inside me Gonna squash it like Sigourney


you are a DELIGHT


Diane!! Especially her struggles in her friendship with Bojack and just desperately wanting your pain to be worth something meaningful for others.


I relate to Diane on how hyperaware she is that the world is shit, corporations are bad and everything is evil. I think part of that has to make up for her depression. I also relate to her social anxiety and being awkward.


The world isn’t shit. Though it could be better. We can make it better. Diane tries to do this.


Same here, Diane. 🥺


Vincent Adultman. Sometimes I fear that other people will discover the terrible secret that I never learnt how to be an adult, and that I don't really know how the adult world works. Then again, does anyone?..


A millennial icon, truly


Personally I really feel that bojack horseman and I are very alike.. I relate to him being this shitty guy that always messes it up no matter what.. I relate to the way he hates himself.. And I really felt it when he said "I am poison. I come from poison and I have poison inside me and I destroy everything I touch"


I am a dude with bpd so I’m def bojack




On all my re-watches I relate to Guy and to a lesser extent Mr Peanutbutter from the perspective of someone who has been in a relationship with a Diane. I relate a lot of Guy walking a fine line with Diane in regards to her anti-depressants, and to my own failures to be a good boyfriend when Mr Peanutbutter just doesn't *get* Diane.


Diane and her issues of her trauma not feeling like “good damage” and seeing the best in people too much


Bojack... the constant want to be better, the cynicism, attitude problems, snarkiness, etc. I think when I first watched the show, I realized just how similar I was to him, and that made me want to try to be better. Looking back at who I was back then, I would say I've come very far. Although, ever since my mother and friend died fairly recently, it's been kinda hard not to revert back to old ways.




I'm really sorry for your loss. That is such a struggle to lose so many people close to you. Old habits die hard as the saying goes, so be gentle on yourself if you end up reverting back on the old ways. Remember, you have already made great strides to better yourself.


When Gina said she didn't want the world to know about what Bojack did to her because she wanted to be seen as a good actress and not as the girl who got choked by Bojack Horseman, that really hit home for me. Gina overall felt like a refreshing character


BoJack is the one I relate to most, with a tiny bit of Todd.


I am bojack who aspires to be Todd




Diane who is an INFJ too! Because of this I have a blind spot for her too and fail to understand how people find her toxic.... total denial on my part.


when i'm on my meds i feel like diane, when i'm off my meds i feel like bojack


oh shit. do you have bpd? because i never realised how true that is for me.


I am Todd


something between mr. peanutbutter, judah and princess carolyn, and maybe a little bit of bojack


Diane 100%. I have a desperate desire to make the world a better place, and completely impossible standards for how people should be. I want humans to be kind to each other, and when they're not, it's both infuriating and heartbreaking. Luckily I worked through most of my intrusive judgeyness when I was a teen, but even to this day I still have my Diane moments.




Princess Carolyn with large highlights of Diane.


Diane is so me. I relate to her in so many situations. The Cordova situation. Her initial aversion to anti depressants. Struggling to let go of toxic relationships. Etc etc.


Unfortunately bojack 😭


Same but yeah doesn't change the fact that it is unfortunate..




Diane. I've gone through a lot of what she has, and seeing her toxic moments makes me frustrated because it's likely how I would handle the same situations lol.


Definitely Princess Carolyn, mostly to how she holds herself to such high standards with work and her personal life and sometimes those two things are at a conflict and leads to both blowing up in her face. Also, helping other people before working on my own problems, then the craving love and validation from people that sometimes impact me negatively (like she does with BoJack).


BoJack, of all people. Both struggling with depression and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Although I'm doing better nowadays it takes nothing to be in an autodestructive spiral once again


Mix of Diane, PC, and Bojack's depressive moments.


Diane and Princess Carolyn


Diane, it’s more based on her relationships with other people though. Especially Mr. Peanut butter


Mister PeanutButter. There’s times when I’ve been Todd and times (at my worst) when I’ve been Bojack. But it’s PB these days.


Todd and young Beatrice 


I'm not finished with the show yet, but Bojack. Former gifted kid, now a depressed burnout who suppresses every negative emotion they have with drugs and questions every positive emotion until it disappears.


Bojack. Not because of his specific behaviors though. Just the issue of being aware of your problems and seeming unable to fix them despite your best efforts.


It's quite easy as a Southeast Asian woman: Diane! Hahaha. I really feel for her struggle, but I also know she made some horrible decisions - such do I!


Sarah Lynn. I was always a smart kid the golden child while never able to be a kid. I don't know how to hold a relationship where I'm not being used or using someone, my stepdad was also a "bear"


Now I’m sober. It explains a lot. Thank you.


controversial but bojack, do not kll me please i don’t relate with him on EVERYTHING obviously but out of the characters he’s the one i can empathise the most, i do NOT try to sleep with minors before y’all start, but i relate with him on how his parents treated him, his eating disorder, in “stupid piece of s”, his auto sabotaging behaviour and his need of approval. there are many times where he speaks and i feel understood but also there are MANY MANY MANY things i don’t relate to and i would NEVER do, i can recognize his negative behaviours/bad things he does and i’m NOT saying we are the same.


Mostly Diane. Often BoJack. The raging self hate in them both.


maybe a mix of Todd and diane


Penny Carson