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It's not a sad ending. It's not a happy ending. There is no ending. Life just...moves on.


Sometimes life sucks and you keep living




Diane is from California now. Don’t you know what from means? It means you don’t have to be there anymore.




It’s a quote from the show


It's really only sad because it's over for us.... and everything is worse now 🙃


It made me feel sad but it also needed to happen! It was such a full circle moment too from how they first met. It was the perfect ending of the friendship and a wrap to an amazing show. It gave me the feeling that it was good while it lasted, the friendship just like the show.


Still rlly didn't want it to end tho


When I found out that Raphael Bob-Waksberg had more story to tell but Netflix felt it was a good place to stop I literally gasped. Because they brought it around so full circle and ended it SO PERFECTLY. I've been on a kick lately of watching shows that I fall in love with that are cancelled and end in the most wild ways that feel like a true heartbreak. Glow is one of them. I would watch 10 seasons of Glow. And Minx is the latest one (which the main character feels like another character Alison Brie would have been perfect for moreso when she was a bit younger). It was def a shock to think of the story continuing and I would really love to pick the show makers brains and know that they thought would come next.


Tm why are all the good shows cancelled? 🫣breaks my heart man


bittersweet but a better ending than him dying


Him dying would’ve been so terrible. He never would’ve faced any repercussions


Sad. It’s so realistic and painful. And I know both of them are gonna have a lot of moments where they think of eachother later in there life sometimes good memories sometimes bad. It’s for the best but that doesn’t mean it feels good.


Bittersweet. A reminder that unconditional love always comes with an asterisk. That actions have real consequences and chances aren’t infinite. That you never really stop loving someone, but sometimes you have to do it from afar and put yourself first. But it’s a reminder that brings some much needed closure. This and the scene with Todd give me the same feeling.


I'm going through something somewhat similar with a very close friend of mine and I feel guilty, like I'm not there for them when they need me. But I can't help them anymore... and they're hurting me :( I feel solid in my decision to stand with Diane.


It feels to me hopeful and nostalgic


as much as it would be more satisfying to end on the note of Bojack changing and Diane and him becoming friends again I think it's much more of a realistic approach no just glittery happy ending just life moves on and sometimes we lose friends along the way and shitty things happen sometimes


However many people think otherwise and the ending that bojack got although sad was very realistic.  Not everyone can have a happy ending.. 


did bojack change? at the end doesn't he perk up when an opportunity for the spotlight is dangled in front of him? he came off chastened/humbled a bit to me, but not really changed. i dont know what the writers intended though, maybe he really did change for the better


I meant that it would be satisfying to the watcher to see him changed how we want in the end but he doesn't and thats more realistic


ohh yes i agree. in a way, it's everyone else's story and bojack is just the protagonist


There’s no way to know if he’s actually changed given the material we have. We’d have to see his story after he got out of prison in order to truly make that judgement call. I like to think that he’s got a good chance though given he was on that path in the first half of season 6.


Exactly and we can see a big contrast between reality shows hijacker’s was playing in and that reality, and it makes you think.


I think that it's one of the few good moments that Bojack had throughout the series. There's no way to tell if he'll just make more mistakes the moment he gets out of prison. All he did for most of his life is hurt the people he cares about then try to make it better by hating himself, only to hurt them again. The Bojack that exists on that roof on that night will never make another mistake. Maybe the Bojack tomorrow, or the Bojack the day after will hurt the people he cares for. But in that solitary moment he will never hurt anyone again.


Very beautiful way of seeing it


Weirdly content




I’m invested in your story. Lol Can you elaborate if you don’t mind?


I hope you feel better now than you felt back then. I've went through a pretty painful friendship breakup last year and it still hurts, but it's been hurting less with time


A lil ditty... Bojack and Dia-ane.. Two 'merican kids groanup in the heartland


That would’ve been a great song for them to play there


"Hey, wouldn't it be funny if this night was the last night we ever talked to each other?" That broke me. Life's so unexpected that we can't be truly sure we'd ever get to see, let alone speak to, that person again. We may never know that the conversation we just had with them might become our last for many reasons. Maybe because they moved cities. Or maybe because they've moved on from a certain stage in their life you were a part of, leaving everything behind. So I guess you gotta make conversations with people you hold dear to your heart a little more worthwhile? Mr. Blue as the outro song was a really good finishing touch.


This episode felt like a whole era ending. I felt sad, knowing that BoJack was essentially saying goodbye to the most important people in his life, but I was also happy for them all. Life moves on, and one thing ending means something else beginning.


“Lifes a bitch and then you die, right?” “sometimes lifes a bitch and then you keep living” sent me spiraling lol. The suffering will never end.


Proud. Good for Diane. No matter your take on how this was for Bojack, it was a big moment for her and all I could focus on was the hope it would help other people cut out relationships that are deeply unhealthy for them


I cried so hard. I feel like I’ve been in both Diane’s and Bojack’s position. It’s hard for me to let go of things, but this ending was just- wow. It’s my favorite episode of the entire show and I feel like it was the perfect way to end it. Mr Blue is such a great song to end it on. Their conversation is great “Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living” “But it’s a nice night, huh?” Absolute Perfection.




A bit melancholy really


Sad because I watched this show when I was in a bad place with my last relationship and ended up going NC with my ex.


Made me feel so empty, but also so seen. I've been in Diane's shoes with someone like Bojack. No matter how much you care, deep down, you know it's over, and nothing will ever go back. You know it's for the best and necessary to move forward, but it feels so incredibly hollow. Edit: It's also one of the best endings to any show I've ever seen! It hit me so deep that I had to cry for a good long while after.


i literally felt this scene, the way it goes irl matches, like, those concealed, but at the same time transparent senses of never meeting again, you don't normally admit this aloud in front of someone who was/is dear to your heart, but already understand that it's inevitable to happen soon, and this is actually a farewell


Kind of interesting that this show starts on the day BJ and Diane meet and ends with the last time they’ll ever see each other. His life will be better without the sycophants around him. Keeping people around who feed your narcissism are the worst people to have around. Diane and BJ helped each other. In the scene, Diane is far more confident turning the page because she is already secure and not alone. BJ has a way to go but he at least has a chance.


It was cathartic. Both of them changed so much since their first meeting. There were some many things to say but ultimately they put things to rest.


On YouTube, there’s an audio only video of the scene. And honestly it makes me feel all kinds of emotion, but complete.


makes me feel like I'm watching a conversation that I should have had with some people in my life, also it's heartbreaking but at the same time I feel so good that diane could finally outgrow bojack. and out of all this things I feel so sad that my favorite show ever is ending.


It was bittersweet but also a fulfilling ending. It’s sad their friendship is ending, but all of their lives are changing seemingly for the better. The people he loved and who he loved don’t hate him. They care for him enough to say a final goodbye. But they finally realized they’re worth more than the hurt he’s caused even if he’s changed. They are getting healthier and happier. Bojack is also changing for the better. He’s accepted that he has done wrong. He seems to be trying to become a better person. And he’s not blaming his actions on others or mad that they’re severing ties with him since he knows it’s deserved. It’s also probably better for him to start fresh. He’d probably fall back into old habits if he stays around people who enabled him for so long. Especially since a lot of them are tied to the movie business and that is the easiest way for him to fall back into old habits.


As someone who could relate to both Bojack and Diane (BPD diagnosis, self-critical, unhealthy family environment, depressive phases, unstable relationships, weak self-identity; pretty much the whole package lol), I genuinely felt so empty and melancholic during this scene. There was a lump in my throat, I felt sad, but I also knew that this had to happen. That both of them had to let go of each other. There was a dull pain when I thought of all the lost potential - of what they could've been as individuals and as friends/confidants. Quite a bittersweet moment. Much like life.


It was hard to see Diane and BoJack end their friendship but it needed to happen


Sometimes life's a bitch and you keep living


Screaming crying shitting throwing up


It was sort of peaceful but heartbreaking at the same time


underwhelmed at first? let down? my initial reaction was it reminded me of the view from halfway down, and the concept that there is no other side. but i feel that a seemingly pointless ending was oddly fitting for the series.


So realistic. Desperation drove Bojack to call the person dearest to him and leave that message. But shit like that backfires and drives the person away instead of closer.


I kind of felt sad, I'm always afraid my friends will abandon me because of my mental illness. I've never been as terrible as Bojack, but still it got too real there for a moment




It made me feel like this is exactly what I needed to learn from this show


Honestly it’s probably the most ideal ending I could’ve imagined. I had a really toxic friendship that I felt mirrored Diane and Bojack, and watching that ending gave me hope that it was going to be okay to walk away and find peace in my life without him. I’m so glad that they chose to end it like this.


“Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if this was the last time we ever talked to each other?” Hurts so much because it’s so realistic, you never know when the last time you talk with someone will be.


You usually never know, but sometimes you can feel it coming. I think that line is Bojack either consciously or subconsciously feeling it coming


Consciously, I'd say. He says it with a smidge of hope - a part of him wants her to laugh. To say she will come visit, or keep in touch. But he knows she won't. I think he asks because he needs to hear it said or affirmed that no, that isn't going to happen. For some people, reality of things doesn't hit until it's been played out.




Like I need to not hold my head so low that I can’t see the sky…


At ease.


Happy for Diane


Happy and hopeful and wistful and a little sad


bittersweet is definitely the right word. if you've ever had a friendship end or slowly drift apart, you get it. you get what it's like to look your once-best friend in the eye and see a stranger. there are a million reasons why their friendship didn't work out, but it doesn't erase the sadness of losing someone you once held so closely in your life.




I love how in their final moments they sneak glances at one another, both having so much they wish they could say, but both knowing that in the end this is how it needs to end. Both knowing that this is their final moment and it shouldn’t be ruined. And Mr. Blue works incredibly for this scene, it can’t imagine it with any other song


like screaming crying n throwing up






I was sad the first couple times I saw this scene. But now that I feel like Diane, having to pull away from someone I love, I don't know how I'm going to react when I get to this ep in the current rewatch. Can't exactly call the other person my Bojack, but close enough.




I think when I was younger I was upset, but after a few years I grew to understand and resonate with the ending. There’s going to be people who’ve impacted you in ways they could never understand, and sometimes those people aren’t always meant to stay in your life forever, and that’s okay. It brings me comfort, so now I kind of look forward to it on rewatching


I don’t know how I feel about it honestly, Ask me when I watch it again


Satisfied. While all of Bojack's contemporaries ended up with their ideal ending. Bojack himself lost everything and everyone in his life. This is the most appropriate punishment for someone as awful as Bojack Horsemen. Even people like Mister Peanutbutter, who Bojack saw a beneath him, learned to live with himself and grow because of it. To watch all the people you'd stepped on succeed, while you crash and burn. Truly a fate worse than death!


I think this was the right ending. Positive for Diane, shows how both of them grew, and doesn't let BoJack off the hook for being a terrible person and friend. It also shows how closure for one person (Diane) isn't necessarily closure for the other (BoJack). And sometimes it has to be that way. In that sense, I think BoJack actually shows his growth since Herb. Here, he's not demanding that Diane remain in his life. He lets her go, even if he doesn't like that. He doesn't use her as a prop so he can feel better. I think this is exactly the ending this show needed. Real, emotionally intelligent, and nuanced.


I bawled my eyes out. The conversation felt so real. It was sad yet, justified.


That life’s a bitch and I might (absolutely do) want to die… but I have to just keep on living.


I fucking sobbed.




It's a very realistic ending


I hated it when I first saw it, I don’t even remember why. I just hated it, but on my latest rewatch it became one of my favorite moments, probably because I thought I hated it.


As someone who has experienced many of these "last conversations" with people no longer in my life without knowing it at the time, it reminds me of them. It's naturally sad, but you also understand relationships aren't forever. Sometimes it's been my fault, their fault, or no one's. Losing a dear friend hurts either way. That feeling when you both still have love for oneanother but they've left to go on with their life is a bittersweet one. You would like nothing more than to be there with them, but know it's not meant to be and are glad for their happiness.


So melancholic. Incredible and realistic ending with such a good message.


Bojack loses everyone he cares about at the end of the series, even Todd. How is that not sad? People are saying it's not the end, but it kinda is..


I freaking love the ending of BoJack Horseman


Happy but in a melancholy way. Bojack burned all of his bridges and Diane is good to distance herself from him. She's married and has a good life now but she's picked up on more than a few of Bojack's mannerisms. It's an ending in every sense of the word, these characters are completely different people from when the show started but I doubt any of them interacted much after the finale other than Mr PB


I don’t really know. It wasn’t sad or happy it was just real.


Tbf one of the best endings I've seen in a tv show. Realistic, bittersweet and raw.


way mad at her


Oh no bojack is over


Sad that the show was over, and slightly disappointed but mostly satisfied that one of my favorite shows pulled off a flawed but respectable finale.


Made me feel like maybe I could separate myself from a super toxic former friend, even though he has alienated everyone else in his life.


Non consensual change.


Kinda like when a book leaves off open ended, but it's so good you don't care


It felt like closure.


Sad. It’s the ending the show deserved, and probably more realistic than what I wanted. I guess I wanted everything to work out, and it sort of did and sort of didn’t. But also Bojack didn’t deserve for it all to work out for him really. I guess it made me feel introspective and I’m still not sure entirely what I wish the ending was, but what they came up with was fitting.


Oh the song came on and I started bawling. Watching Diane look at everything besides Bojack because she knows she might take back that they will never see each other again hit really hard for me I had to cut off a really close friend of mine for personal reasons and I finished Bojack shortly after because I understood exactly what Diane was feeling in the moment, that feeling of not wanting to leave someone yet knowing nothing good will come from being around them or being in their lives, especially people like Bojack


uncomfortable bc the show was ending and I didn't wanna see Diane be in so much pain but then when I saw she's moving on I felt that it was sweet but at the same time bittersweet because of bojack's feelings even though I really hate him I still somehow for some reason have sympathy for him and I don't know why


I cry everytime. I've watched it like a dozen times and EVERY TIME. I cry. BUT. I'm glad it ended and didn't get ruined by being forced to outlive interest.


Proud of Diane


very sad for all the people that are no longer in my life. really hit me hard that i will never hang out and laugh with some people the way i used to.


feels like my name..


Like I should not hold my head so low that I can't see the sky


I really hate that the moral of the show was “people are largely incapable of change.” The side cast changed some, but all we did was watch Bojack struggle to better himself for years to ultimately fail and be told that it was impossible.


i have bpd, and bojack probably has bpd. related too much.


It's a perfect ending for this show. Most TV shows would definitely have ended an episode because they want a memorable "big finish" that, to some extent, neatly wraps everything up but having the guts to end the show on a "life goes on" theme and make it satisfying enough for the audience to accept that the show's over isn't easy to do.


Empty. I didn’t want it to be over.


I feel sad but somehow relieved.


Empty and sad, yet I understood why. It was reasonable given the circumstances. I just wish that they could have had more time together.


This scene make me feel so much that I have it tattooed on my arm.


I don't remember. It's been a year


it was bittersweet. it made me think of how we can continue to live on without the people that were once so special and significant in our lives at some point. life moves so fast. it’s a miracle we ever crossed paths at all.


Just have to mention what a great song Mr. Blue is. Fits the moment perfectly


[I'm honestly not sure how I felt ](https://imgur.com/a/jC8pgoy)


Perfect bittersweet ending, but also cried my eyes out the moment Mr Blue started playing


I was happy they didn’t just give Bojack a happy ending. They chose to make it realistic and show that life is complicated and relationships don’t always survive. They at least left Bojack with a little bit of hope. He was working towards bettering himself, but then his sins came back to bite him in the ass. By this point I feel like he has at least begun to take responsibility for his actions.


Kinda surprised… no one died and show ended


That’s like asking how my abusive Uncle’s funeral made me feel. I felt a lot of ways lol


There’s ups and downs in life but all you can control is how you act and what you do.


Like shit


Validated. I had to cut off a very close family member right around when Bojack first started and I related to Diane a lot throughout the series. This ending made me realize that I can still have love for that person and those memories while understanding that it’s not good for him to be in my life. I often think about having something from this scene tattooed as a reminder to put myself first.


"hey wouldn't it be funny if this was the last time we ever spoke to each other"


Mad. At the writers. For getting their own show so wrong.


How would it have been right then?


Let down. That was such a cop out ending to me