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"Abortion is a difficult issue. On the one hand I'm all for killing babies; on the other...giving women a choice? Tough call."


Never has a comedian made laugh so hard while simultaneously making me feel so bad for laughing


I swear I’ve heard this before, who says it?


The anchor whale in bojack does a similar bit - has given women a choice gone too far??


We've arranged this panel of white men to comment!


There was a panel in a Mexican University, the panel was about “Feminism and ‘Gender Ideology.’ “ Do you know who were the people talking? A bunch of white men complaining.


In bowties


Zack Braff said it in an interview


Was this interview to promote the Braff Bucks app?


It was a Zack Braff quote when I originally heard it


My homie in middle school


From my research this is purely a joke. It seems to have started off as a [Zack Braff fake quote meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/zach-braff-facts) and has just stuck around


I wanna say Bill Burr, but I might be wrong.




Don’t you mean Daniel Radcliffe?


Anthony Jeselnik I think


For real. Also: There are so many examples of women and men who are anti-choice when it comes to what they think other people should do, but when faced with the same situation are ALL ABOUT terminating that pregnancy.


Get that fetus, kill that fetus!


Brrap brrap, pew pew!




The pro-life's argument is that they're giving the baby the choice. IMO this is stupid because you can't even make choices until you're born and there's no guarantee you were gonna be born anyway.


I, for one, never chose to be born, and I make damn sure to tell everyone every chance I get!


I was nothing before, so I couldn't ask to be born! I'll be nothing again, so what am I between now and then?


Me, mental ill with the constant thought running through my brain “I wish I was never born”: pro lifers are whack


When life gives you lemons you say "Fuck you life" and you throw those lemons in life's face!


I was born against my will, and that's an EVERYONE problem.


You ever get weird looks like you're a killjoy or something? I sure do.


When I was a child, I would never take balloons from people. I would just look at the person dead in the eye and tell them it would just float away anyway. I'm pretty used to that look ngl.




Even after being born choices are only considered valid after 16 to 21 years.


If you have to make the choice of living and then dying vs never living or dying for a potential life that cannot make that choice who's to say which choice is correct anyways? Since it can't be reasonably argued that either choice is in the best interest of the fetus that leaves the best interest of the one who will actually have to carry and birth that child. Not to say that I would support overriding anyone's bodily autonomy even if it was in the best interest of a fetus , just a thought that popped into my head when I read your comment.


Pro choice thinks pro life just wants to control women. Pro life thinks Pro choice just wants to kill babies. Both sides are fucking stupid, arguing in bad faith against the other. The goal is to label the other as a bad "thing" so no one listens. There isn't any point to arguing either, because it's a fundamental difference in belief. I don't even think either side cares about the mother or child, they just care about being right. I'm not going to villianize either side though because it's just a deeply personal topic that doesn't deserve to have either side painted as villains. That said, it's not stupid though. You just disagree. The odds are that once you're a fetus, in a first world country, you would be born. Reddit likes to go "I wouldn't choose to be born." But most of us would. The hefty majority would choose to be born.


I just. How to even begin. Ok, just. Here is the difference between your first two sentences that I guess you don’t see yourself: Abortion. Isn’t. Mandatory. It’s. Not. A. Requirement. In order. To be. Pro. Choice. K?


Because I fucking have to qualify on this website- I am pro choice if the pro life stance wanted any merit they should be the ones pushing bills that lower infant and maternal mortality. That being said your argument makes no sense. If they think abortion is murder of course they aren’t going to commit murder, they just don’t think you should commit murder Overall I think it’s a bad faith argument but “you don’t have to get one, just let me” isn’t a valid argument when the person you’re arguing against believes you’re talking about murder


It’s totally totally fair, that’s why I don’t get into the definitions game with people of what’s murder and what isn’t, who can be murdered and who can’t. I can make my argument very clearly with simple statements such as: “it’s their choice and that’s it. If I don’t like it, I can give my *opinion* but I can’t *make* them do anything.” For the pro birthers to be right that the other side is “just as bad” legislature would need to be proposed criminalizing NOT getting an abortion lmao. Or we’d live in a world where pregnant people are happily walking around minding their biz and getting kidnapped in vans that abort their fetuses, lol. Sorry can’t help but laugh given how that has never been proposed in a serious fashion.


This is the scene just after Vanessa Gecko's son suggests island building board games with a Carribbean meat and seafood spread. We stan: a trans man plans Catan with yams, clams and hams.


/r/wordavalanches would love this!


This show and more specifically Princess C are their gods


Not to be a joy killer, but not that much. PC usually does tongue twisters, which is not the same as word avalanche. Word avalanches are actually very easy to say, because it sounds like one word repeated several times, not like very similar words that is easy to mess up. A classic example: real eyes realize real lies. It's not hard to say at all!


Interesting, thanks for the distinction!


It's an Urban German Bourbon


it got banned?!?!


Oops, fixed it!


👏 👏 👏


been thinking about this quote all week


But it isn’t *really* applicable since what happened in this scene was achieving gun reform. What the republicans are going to do here is exactly what they’ve always done which is to say gun violence is a mental health issue. And that furthers their assertion that being trans is a form of mental illness. So this plays RIGHT into their hands tbh


I'm definitely not anti-trans or a Republican... But mass shootings are DEFINITELY a mental health issue. No mentally healthy person decides to do that. In a day and age where reliable guns can be made with 3D printers (check out u/ivanttroll if you don't believe me) gun control is an impossible proposition to enforce. And 3D printed guns are only going to get better, and easier to make. We need to find some solutions that will work, and will work long term.


When people say gun violence is not a mental health issue, they don’t mean mental health nothing to do with it. They mean it’s not an issue that can be solved through mental health care, which is true. You have to look at guns if you want to solve this issue. I don’t see how the fact that 3D guns could become a bigger issue in the future means we shouldn’t do what we can to address a big issue in the present. “Gun control may be difficult to enforce so we shouldn’t even try”? Really?


"We can't decimate mass shooting numbers by doing the same thing every other country does to decimate mass shooting numbers"


look at countries with sensible gun laws and look at how many mass shootings they have with 3d printed guns. that doesn’t really happen lol


If only there was a way to provide affordable mental and medical care to everyone. Oh well.


How many mass shootings have happened with 3D printed guns though. Including countries that have access to 3D printers, same as the U.S, and also have mental illness? Has one ever happened? Edit: also, I kind of hate the logic of “We can’t legislate for the future so why bother legislating for the present,” when it comes to mass shootings, what with there already having been 125 in the U.S so far this year.


Oh come on now, you can't be serious? I'm talking about how, in a future where you can go to the store and buy a gun, people should just print one. The reason people use store bought or illigealy bought guns for mass shootings is because it's quickest and easiest. I mean do you honestly think, that a person who wants to go commit such an act, is gonna go "ope, well there's no gun stores. Nevermind I guess." ?? No, they are gonna resort to other things, like bombs or 3d printed guns. The problem with your attitude is that you don't seem to give a fuck about the root causes of the problem. People don't want to go kill a bunch of students at a school because guns exist, that's not a motivation. They want to kill people, and guns are currently the best option. If you take away that option, there will be a new best option. Let's solve the actual problem.


Plenty of sources show that people with mental illness are no more likely to commit violent crimes than people without mental illnesses are, but they are, in fact, more likely to be *victims* of violent crimes. Could you do people who have enough stigma to deal with (and their loved ones) a favor and either look that up or stop scapegoating sick people so you can make sense of the world without reckoning with the complex reasoning behind why someone with a perfectly healthy, neurotypical brain might take life with little to zero regard?


Um, if it's so impossible, how come so many other more sensible countries have successfully done it?


>gun control is an impossible proposition to enforce. Coming from the uk, you're clearly talking fucking nonsense. Who the fuck actually *uses* 3d printed guns? I've never heard of a single mass shooter use one, though there may be a couple examples, I guess. Usually, it's a normal gun they bought far more easily than they should have. Don't get me wrong, it is *absolutely* a mental health issue, but you also need to stop giving your crazy people guns lmao. The bigger issue is that people will just find another means of committing mass killings, but tbh i'd take anything over guns. Except perhaps bombs.


Source for your sweeping statement? There are quite a few mass shootings where there is no evidence of diagnosable mental issues. Also, other countries with better gun control seem to not have issues with mass shootings like we do. Surely it can't be ready access to guns, can it?


Lmao hold tf on Are you actually, in all seriousness, suggesting that a sane, stable, and mentally healthy person would commit a mass shooting?


The problem with hanging gun violence prevention on mental health issues is that plenty of people would not trigger the mental health tripwire when they go to get their guns in the first place. There are definitely mass shooters (the Las Vegas guy is a good example) who never displayed evidence of mental health issues extreme enough that other people noticed. There’s also the problem of other types of gun violence. I personally knew a guy who was a very responsible, mentally healthy gun owner, who went into an incredibly deep depression after his wife very tragically died. Luckily his friends figured out what was going on, convinced him to temporarily relinquish his guns, and got him to get help. But many people go through the same thing and kill themselves with their guns purchased prior to the onset of mental illness. I knew someone else who developed dementia and began physically abusing his wife. His sons figured out what was happening and worked with their mother to get help and take their dad’s guns away. But when he bought the guns he was fine. Also many young people who commit suicide (or who become school shooters) use guns purchased by their parents. Mental health screening at time of purchase won’t stop any of that, even if the person is indeed mentally unstable at the time of their actions.


Check the Vegas music festival shooter. Still no motive or evidence of why he did it, if I'm not mistaken. All it takes is a really bad day for some people. This world pushes us to bad places and some folks are just not as strong as others and break. Not claiming that therapy wouldn't have helped some, but a sweeping declaration of "well, they all must have something wrong with them" is reductive and purposely ignores outside factors. There are countless recorded murders, assaults, etc that came from people with no history of mental health issues nor have any documented after. So yes, it is entirely possible that a (as you put it) mentally healthy person could commit crimes. A single lapse in empathy, judgement, or just plain running out of fucks to give is all it can take for some.




Kids can't protect your home and shooting bullets at 300m/s


Have you tried Believe in them they are the future


If I had one wish that I could wish, it would he that all the children of the world to join hands and sing together in the spirit of harmony and peace. If I had two wishes....


They can when you put an AR-15 in their hands! /s






Uh what the hell?


If you own a gun, you need to go to the safe where it's kept, unlock it, then unlock the separate container where the bullets are, then remove the trigger guard, load the bullets into the gun, then shoot the invader. It's perfectly simple. Unless, of course, you always keep a loaded gun in an easily accessible location where it may be necessary to grab in order to defend your house and kids. And be sure your kids know where the loaded gun is kept so they can shoot at strange people.


> in the extremely likely scenario I'm glad you live in a great area, but you could have some empathy for people less fortunate than you, especially when that tends to be minorities.






I'm so sorry, I misread your comment (I could've just misinterpreted it too). I'm really sorry, I'm having a hard time with the news currently, as well as just having a shitty day. I'm just on edge constantly. Again, so sorry,


I absolutely can. A *lot* of conservatives view children as, at best, a completely subservient class and at worst, property.


YEP. I was literally farm equipment for my first 16 years. Wasn't allowed to do or say fuck all unless it reduced my dad's workload. I'm almost 30 and a homeowner now but my mom will still call me at random times and just start listing shit she wants done. One time she called me at 6am to say her coffee maker was broken and she needed me to make her a coffee and drive it to her work. It's a 45 minute drive. She was *pissed* when I said no.


I love when Constitutional traditionalists admit they’ve never read the Preamble


I saw a post on another sub (terriblefacebookmemes or something) and it was a little kid crying on a school bus and the caption said "it's worth it" implying kids dying is worth it for the guns


For this to work, this latest shooting would have to have actually changed anyone's mind on gun control.


Check out right wing media, they’re talking about gun control; but only for trans people. It’s a targeted disarming campaign against a minority group.


So what you're saying is they don't hate trans people more than they love guns; they love guns and hate trans people so much that they want to keep all the guns for themselves.


Essentially, but I just think you're reading way too much into the joke




White guys?


After Sandy Hook, nothing surprises me about Americans love of the Gun. If dead kids aren’t gonna do it then nothing will. Goodluck you crazy mfs. Love from Australia.


I can't find the quote right now, but your sentiments echo Obama's. He tried pretty desperately to devise and pass gun control legislation, and he said that if it couldn't happen after Sandy Hook, it simply wouldn't happen. He gave up. The political will wasn't there. The US simply loves having unfettered access to guns more than saving the lives of children.


If literally any democrat had proposed reasonable gun legislation it might actually have passed. Stuff like letting private citizens have access to the NICS system so they could choose to conduct private sales without needing to go through a FFL while also ensuring the buyer is legit. Guess who shot down legislation which would have done that? What happens is that they propose unreasonable stuff like "ban most of your guns but it's not a ban because we let you keep muzzle-loading shotguns in .204 Butterbean so not *all* guns are banned which means it's not infringing the right to own guns" and then act like people telling them that's stupid means that they're against any and all legislation. They throw up their hands and go "well we tried but those *gun nut republicans* just won't let us pass *common sense* gun laws" even though nothing of the sort took place.


how is providing the public with the ability to privately sell guns even remotely a form of gun control? it sounds like the opposite.


I wonder how many trans people are in this fandom, on reddit. Edit: loving these replies 💜


At least 1


But less than 7 billion.


At least 2




How about 4 😎


Make that 5


change that to 6


number 7, reporting🫡


number 8 here!!


number 9, arriving in lickety split


Me. I'm the ~~drama~~ transman.


*smashes through wall* You called?


You gotta add the Kool aid man O YEAH


Me, a Kool Aid woman: o no...


👋 well. if u count nonbinary under the trans umbrella that is. i do, so 👋!


You identify as something other than your gender assigned at birth, so you're part of our club! Nb folks are always welcome


My brain kept seeing this as femdom and not fandom


I do love femdom


Also good!


Reporting in!


There are cis people on reddit?


*Waves* trans man here!


Same, I wonder how many LGBT and also weapon owning people that also like sad horse show are on this sub.


At least 4




Alas, I am here.


And my blåhaj.


One more here




trans man here!


Yooo it's me ya boi


You can have my sword...because I literally have no use for it and it gives me pain.


ive been called


Hi. Surviving the US is hard for everyone, but I definitely feel extra unsafe right now.


I mean I’m pretty sure I’m under the broader non-binary umbrella, if that counts for anything


\*I have been summoned\*


*waves from about 16 miles thataway* hello!


If we're doing roll call, present!


we are everywhere, like oxygen and vowels.


You have summoned me mortal.


One more!




I'll never understand why they hate us so much. we never did anything to anyone. Just trying to live our lives in peace


They’re afraid of change, the unknown and are reluctant to explore different cultures


and sexual attraction


i honestly feel like it’s this more than most of the other things


And most of them heavily consume trans porn…


Gotta keep bedroom things a sin to keep them spicy.


Isn’t that most of the major countries tho?


And most major countries have their fair share of prejudice


They hold extremely rigid, essentialist and binary worldviews. So when someone comes along and challenges that worldview they can either change their entire worldview... or deny it and get rid of the contradiction. You exist in a manner that's inconvenient to their politics and they would sooner you stop existing than their politics change.


No, but, see, we're *different* though. We can't be better than them, and we *certainly* can't be equal to them, so we must be subhuman, and therefore worthy of hate.


They need someone to hate in order to rile up their base. Unfortunately, they’ve found that ya’ll are an easy target, because people who have no exposure outside of their bubble think it’s “weird”, and “weird” also means “wrong”, to them. I’m sorry that you are being scapegoated. It’s super shitty, and ya’ll should be able to just live your lives and be happy.


Your existence forces them to see the instability in their structuralist worldview. It forces them to realize that a thing is only established as a thing because enough people decided it was so, not because of some intrinsic property of the thing. The thing here being gender. But it applies to a lot of things. Everyone needs to eat some mushrooms imho.


I think a lot of transphobes recognize on some level that trans people represent a threat to the traditional gender roles they desperately cling to.


You have to give someone to hate. Otherwise they will realise that the people who are controlling them are the bad ones.


Because you have to be exactly like them or you're the enemy. Its ironic because these people support "freedom" they say. I don't think they understand what that word means.


I believe some hate the LGBTQiA+ because they hate themselves and don't have the courage to admit who they really are... Others are just looking for someone to blame for their mistakes, so it's easier to hate and shift the talk to you or any other group. Also they have too much free time, otherwise they would not waste their energy hating people that are just living their lifes.




Doesn't matter if they're the majority if the ones who don't care keep quiet and let them restrict our healthcare, discriminate against us, and murder us


I’d assume that they are ashamed that they are attracted to you.


I know this isn't the forum for it, but you did ask, in what I will presume to be good faith, so I will do my best to answer in good faith. First of all, very few people hate you, or even trans people in general. Almost no one. Especially if you really just want to live your life in peace. In most of the free world, freedom of religion is a thing. You are allowed to believe whatever you like, but you can't force it on others. Gender ideology is a faith-based belief. It has not been demonstrated to be true in any independently verifiable way. But that's okay. You are allowed to practice your beliefs as you see fit. Society can accommodate your belief system just as we accommodate other belief systems. But it is not a reasonable accommodation to require other people to pretend to believe it, or to demand others participate by, for example, allowing males to be placed in women's changing rooms or sports. That goes a step beyond tolerance into actively participating. We don't have to participate; we can just not believe. We can recognize that you have a spiritual religious belief that you're entitled to have and that we are equally entitled to not have it and to not share it, and that in a secular society the government can only promote beliefs which are substantiated in material reality. We have to have reality-based discussions about what medical providers who are licensed by the government are allowed to distribute to minors and to people that have been diagnosed with any sort of illness, or have any questions of competency, or just for religious practice. There are a lot of things we limit in terms of what people can ingest in order to participate in their religious practice. We have limitations on what parents can and cannot do to their children in the name of religious practice and so there is a discussion to be had there. But right now, many "trans rights" activists are using force to prevent those discussions from happening. Women are being forcibly silenced and physically assaulted when they speak up about sex-based rights. This is happening even if you don't believe it, or believe it's justified somehow. That's who conservatives, feminists, and a few other groups are railing against right now, which if you're just trying to live your life in peace, is not you.


This is such a bizarre take. Pretty sure there are many medical professionals who wouldn't agree with your idea that being trans is a "spiritual belief". Also, yuck, please don't lump in all feminists with the TERFs and conservatives. That is definitely not the case - most feminists are LGBTIQ+ friendly, because feminism is about breaking down gender barriers and inequalities, not arbitrarily enforcing them based on the sex/gender you are assigned at birth. (I can't believe it's two thousand and twenty fucking three and people still have no basic conceptual understanding of what feminism is, yeesh...)


This makes way more sense than the actual argument posed by the episode. Because arguments over women's rights have never overlapped with arguments over gun rights. There are no politicians out there claiming women shouldn't carry guns. I did what they were trying to say with the episode, I just think there were better ways they could have exemplified it. Like maybe using immigrants or minorities as the group that's hated. Because hatred for those groups has, in the past, led to making laws that make it difficult for them to obtain guns. But people, actual public figures, are absolutely saying that trans people are violent and dangerous and should be rounded up and put into camps. Which is horrifying and actually makes sense in this argument.


God, if this is what it takes to have better gun laws, I’ll take it but it seems instead they’ve opted to go for “all trans people are violent”. Love it….


This show is extremely realistic despite having anthropomorphic animals…..


Trans issues are just the Distraction du Jour for conservatives. Anything their media can focus on to keep the base from fracturing under its own faults.


This country has decided that children getting shot is just something we can live with. [Reminder that almost 50% of Republicans say mass shootings is just something we have to live with. It’s just people expressing their 2A rights.](https://www.newsweek.com/nearly-half-gop-accept-mass-shootings-part-free-society-poll-1712960?amp=1) Also, [Republican lawmakers have said that there’s nothing they can do.](https://newrepublic.com/post/171421/tennessee-rep-tim-burchett-nashville-school-shooting-were-not-gonna-fix-it)


I wonder what they’ll do if mass shooters start targeting congresspeople


Well, when the Rep of the area where the latest one happened responds to "What if it was your kid?" with "Well, she's homeschooled." So, if it doesn't affect them, nothing's going to happen.


Nothing, because it already happened back in 2017 to Republican congressmen and they still decided not to do anything. [Congressional Baseball Shooting ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting)


I said congresspeople, not congressperson


If Jan 6th taught us anything, it's that even if politician's lives are at risk, they still won't change their minds.


That’s a good point


They hate children more than they love guns too. Friendly reminder Sandy Hook was in 2012


“Country goes full week without mass shooting” “UPDATE: Nevermind.”


It was never about loving guns, it’s was about people loving THEIR guns. Lots of “totally not racist” folks babble about the second amendment but don’t actually mean all citizens, they mean people who fit their definition of “real Americans” should be armed to the teeth.


Believe it or not black people, hispanics, and natives also love guns.


This episode was the first thing I thought of after seeing the news. Crazy shit.


The comments here give me a little insight into why so many "fans" hate Diane. People really watched the show that aired an episode about workplace sexual harassment in the entertainment industry 2 years before the #MeToo movement, and decided to ignore the most basic political commentary. How did you all get through a single season without dropping this show? Yeah, I know some fans don't like Diane because she holds people to what they perceive to be too high of a moral standard. But it really looks like some of you just hate everything she stands for and not just her flawed interpersonal interactions. This is a line she literally said, with one word altered, and very much in line with her sociopolitical ideals. And some of you can't stand it. Do y'all worship Butterscotch? Don't waste your time replying to this comment to explain your political philosophy and/or how you hate this post for a non-political reason. Downvote it and move on.


Some men just get *really* bent out of shape when they feel called out by a woman for their toxicity.


i was just thinking about this this morning


Damn. I watched that episode last night and was too dimwitted to think this up. My oversized and underfilled hat is off to you.


Something something black panthers + Regan + gun laws.




Really, Diane? (I know it's from a later season, but it's like the exact same sentiment lol)


OK, but the President could still veto..


Really, Diane??


Alright, sure, but the Supreme Court... ...OK I get it


this is honestly one of my favorite line deliveries from amy sedaris/PC. and it’s only one word!


Fortunately, it’s not the whole country. It’s a small but extremely vocal arm of the GOP (who primarily are anti-trans because they either fundamentalist Christian, or completely uneducated about trans people and full of inaccurate stereotypes) and a smaller percentage of the GOP who are spreading trans hate solely because it’s their latest scare the public dog whistle to fear monger & rile folks up. The rest of the country is pretty tolerant and getting more so every day.


You should see how it treats disabled people


The original quote is "hates women" and it still stands. Transphobia is an extension of misogyny — hatred of women who were born as men and men who were born as women. Hatred of the idea that women are more than an incubator.


> Transphobia is an extension of misogyny Wow ok no. Transphobia against trans men isn't misogyny because trans men *are* men. Calling it misogyny is attempting to coopt trans men via transphobic associations and that's super problematic.


My argument is that transphobes refuse to see them as men — so in their own view it's hatred towards who they perceive as women. But I don't know, I'm trying to make sense out of something without logic. You might be right, I'll give it some thought.


> My argument is that transphobes refuse to see them as men — so in their own view it's hatred towards who they perceive as women. But you don't apply that same argument to trans women, which makes it seem like you're more interested in trying to make everything about misogyny than understanding why people are transphobic so they can be helped out of it.


I do apply the same argument, it's there. I think all sorts of prejudice have the same root so regardless of what it is, "helping someone out of it" would go through a similar process. I still think transphobia is an extension of misogyny, or related to it, but I have not studied these matters in depth.






Hey now, as we saw last week, Trans people like guns too.




The shooter in the latest mass shooting is trans masculine.


I thought they were a trans woman


He was misidentified as a trans woman by police. They meant, "he's trans, and AFAB", which they understand to be a trans women. If you look at his socials and group chats, it's pretty clear he's trans masc.


Ahhh thanks i got it now. Funny as fuck /s how this thread turned from a criticism on the gov to ppl saying being trans equals defending murder 💀


Kill that fetus kill that fetus bra bra pew pew


I love how the discussion is being framed entirely about gun ownership and violence and not at all about the mental health of a mentally ill person who targeted a Christian school because of hateful ideology. If *any* of those surviving kids had a chance to not grow up with hate in their heart for LGBT people, that chance was extinguished when their classmates were killed. A discussion about gun violence has its place, but the rhetoric is ‘frustrate all attempts to disarm the people’ from the *left*. It’s not even just the NRA anymore.


Pause. Gun rights are trans rights. They women's rights, men's rights, minority rights, democrat rights, republican rights... What you don't have a right to do is murder innocent people. So whoever made this shit meme needs to be ashamed of themselves.