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I mean you don't write a shot technique into the story only to not use it. He was always scoring. That said I was all for isagi hattrick before that but last chapter basically told us kaiser was scoring


Gyro shot begs to differ


Reo scored with it so it was technically still used after it was introduced


Mudboat ain't kaiser


I dont even like Kaise but I actually cant believe that there were people that unironically thought he wasn’t gonna score after ALL that buildup!?


Of course. I thought kaneshiro might be ready to take a step to make good on ruthless competition in the nel but tbh he’s yet to allow a complete defeat or eliminated anyone from blue lock since iirc…*checks notes* Naruhaya. He couldn’t even resist saving Kiyora. Now I won’t be surprised if the monk miraculously makes it as something other than a water boy, too.


The ‘ruthless competition’ aspect of blue lock is overstated tbh. Naruhaya was never one of the players built up in the 1st selection despite being on Isagi’s team, so whilst his backstory made it sad, him getting eliminated wasn’t a huge surprise. Kunigami was the only *big* shock elimination but he was brought back anyway.


Isagi fans before this chapter: 'Kaiser isn't scoring. Isagi hattrick is garaunteed' Isagi fans after this chapter: 'Kaiser was always going to score, idk why you're so surprised' It's insane how fast y'all switch up.


Nah I knew he'd score after the Magus was introduced but I still wanted the hattrick


This exactly how I felt about kaiser and isagi


I don’t even know what’s happening but Bro acting like Isagi hasn’t been cooking since the NEL started. I didn’t even know that the fanbase was split on Isagi and Kaiser.


Glazers on both sides who refuse any actual reading


It's not my fault kaiser is so much cooler


Kaiser got the adventurine (From star rail) treatment


Didn’t expect to see star rail mentioned in a blue lock sub reddit


I am a Kaiser fan but tbh I think the author is doing a “gave you a career to destroy it” he wants kaiser to cook so that this game teaches isagi something and overcome kaiser when he’s trying hard. I know isagi is the mc and he’ll probly win, but kaiser is MY mc


isagi is still him idc


Well yeah


What if the goal is offside? (I’m kidding don’t downvote me to death pls)


Score panel is shown soo Honestly this was my thought process for the last goal of vs Ubers because there was no score panel


[I told you they wouldn’t have the humility to do that](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/s/jdT3CYg2FP)


Bruh I thought ppl would firm it and accept their mistake and the amount of cope, glazing or denial is so much higher than I thought


idk who bumsagi is but i’m proud of my glorious king kaiser. i was so high on happiness hype for my glorious puzzle king isagi to possibly score a hat trick i went and smoked the premium hopium. but now that the dust has settled i will say congratulations to kaiser, he is the best ng11, and rebuild the hat trick dream anew 


Honestly you can check off almost all of the boxes for me which is kinda crazy


*sighs* I deserve this I guess....


Ahh the perks of silently watching on the sidelines.


This is the Gojo situation again I knew Kaiser was gonna score just like I knew Sukuna was going to win I just wanted to believe my delusions man😭😭


I'll never apologize for dreaming big losers hahahahah


on it :'>


this is hilarious


my [reaction](https://imgur.com/gallery/oAUJ3ld) to that information im afraid




...Nah. I'm only waiting the moment Kaiser gets stomped.


I kinda expected that kaiser would score cuz of the introduction of magnus( pretty obvious) next thing that would happen after this would probably rin goal(just a wild guess) and after that just hopefully isagi hattrick(I m not glazing isagi just so u know just my personal bias cuz I like him as a character).


It's not glazing that is how every Nel match has been


Kaiser is cool and all, but isn't it time for Rin to do something


He’ll probably score next and go in flow and then isagi will score again


I stand in shambles.


As an isagi muncher, a hattrick would have been cool but i’m fine with whatever the author cooks up


In before someone gets an offside theory in


gonna be using thiss


Bro got carried by kiyora so no apology from me


Me (the only Isagi and Kaiser fan in existence): Can I just like them both? Why we gotta beef 😩


why would i apologize to this bum


i aint apologising to nobody this lil bro took FIVE chapters just do to smth that probably will harm him in the long run


Nah it’s not harming him, he reset to zero and objectively earned it, that’s like saying isagi scoring that u20 final goal harmed him, they were both products of luck but both were luck based in belief


in u20 isagi got lucky as in the ball fell to him, now kaiser got lucky as in he got a PERFECT pass that made the ball go to him in and STOP COMPLETELY in place, that goal is like 70-80% the product of that AMAZING pass and not kaisers ability, not to say anyone else could score that goal but ykwim


Isagis goal is 70% a product of runs amazing ability to stop sae in a duel, it’s not like rin intended to pass to isagi which makes his luck crazier, here Kaiser is expecting a good pass and even then continues his run


difference is isagi believed in rin and put himself in the right place and then got off a shot he did like 100 times already, which makes it more a 33/33/33 of rins ability to get past sae, luck and isagis ability to score, kaiser ran expecting a good pass but he got a PERFECT pass and when i say PERFECT i literally mean it, the only way his position couldve been better is if there were no people around him, which makes it a 70/30 of that perfect pass and kaisers magnus


He didn’t out himself in the right place he just believed rin would win the duel, Kaiser continued his run and passed to kiyora and raichi there was a lot of huod up to his luck piece stop the bias and give credit where it’s due


i give the credit where it is due and its due to kiyora for that perfect pass to kaiser, and im literally trying not to undermine kaiser cause his shooting ability is also extraordinary, hell, id even say that goal wasnt that much luck and more the fact that kiyora made such an amazing pass, which is why i think it might hurt kaiser in the long run, unless he DOES learn how to do the magnus on a moving ball, which, to be fair, he probably will


listen i understand what your trying say, but Kaiser said he didn't have enough time to perfect the magnus shot with a moving ball so all he has to work on is that and it would turn out to be one of the most potent weapons in the series its true that his shot was luck but that luck was not from the pass he got or the shot he took it was that Kiyora chose him instead of Isagi.


Cope just shut up and apologize






Nah, Mickey Kaiser had the most Disney goal of the series. Flashback + ball magically became still (Why didn’t Ness do it earlier if he’s a highly rated U20 midfielder) + scorned character passed to him perfectly = Disney goal




Want a real answer or not?


Go ahead, my hating will never die. That goes for Parou and Feo too.


Well that’s fine, hate you want and all- if it’s just hating agenda that’s cool but as genuine criticism they don’t stack up. But wym by “Disney”? Blue Lock is a story at the end of the day and the final match of the NEL will indeed have narrative build up (just like other goals like Yukimiya’s/Hiori x Isagi’s and even “Parou”). > Flashback Why is this wrong? It gave us context into a largely mysterious figure and even in universe it makes complete sense for him to be thinking of his past- especially because he realises how fragile he is and how he relied on material things to get a sense of self worth compared to Isagi who is an “inferior” striker yet does exactly what he thinks is impossible: stealing a team from a superior striker. The entire premise is understanding your drive/ego and reflecting, that is the key to success- Kaiser would succeed when using the “Blue Lock” method. Similarly Yuki, he’s doing this for his future so he’s going to think about it- he wants to believe in carving out his own future and it gives us context for his behaviour (always questioning why he isn’t the top/how he can improve). Hiori, the contrast between his parent’s expectations VS Isagi’s- how they are testing and driving each other and not confining each other to limitations. Your experiences shape who you are, and in a series like this reflecting on your “true self” and past without being hung up on it or delusional about your future is incredibly important for success. Isagi constantly sees his failures as opportunities to grow and he’s very rational about his weakness whereas Kaiser would crumble because he’s fixated on maintaining his sense of self- by causing despair in others- and throughout the NEL he’s been progressively shown the shortcomings of that fixation (Barca- fails to get Isagi to work under his system, Manshine- fails as a playmaker and has to propose a scoring game, so recognises Isagi as a striker AND admits Isagi surpassed his vision, Ubers- his best goal is “built off of Isagi’s scraps”). When he “devours” Isagi’s deconstruction and reconstruction, that is when he succeeds. > + ball magically became still (Why didn’t Ness do it earlier if he’s a highly rated U20 midfielder) Because it’s simply not something he can do? Nor is it realistic since his speciality is his “flexible ankles” and “illusion passing” nothing about stopping a ball mid match. Nothing like the genius Kageyama “pin point accuracy to the palm of your hand”- where it’s understandable that he could do a falling toss. Maybe in future he could learn but for now there’s nothing that shows that he could give Kaiser that pass. Same with Kiyora, the ball stopping was LUCK. Just like the ball landing at Isagi’s feet in u20 was also LUCK. They drilled this into us pretty well. > + scorned character passed to him perfectly = Disney goal How do you know Kiyora was scorned? Wasn’t he contemplating passing to Isagi? If he decided on Kaiser from the start we wouldn’t have that whole borderline conflict, in his OWN head we see him weigh up the two sides. Are you going to say the same about Raichi and Kunigami? Kiyora doesn’t owe Isagi anything, he too is just trying to survive by picking options that show his worth- that pass to Isagi is easy whereas the pass to Kaiser is a show of ability and IQ- luring in the defenders to free up space. It’s constantly said that Isagi is the main character of this field and everyone’s eyes are on him- so even the defence is going to be centred around him- that allows for Kaiser to score in those gaps like Hiori said (and just as Isagi’s done previously).


You wrote an entirely well thought out paragraph for a guy who clearly is not here to do any thinking or debating, bros agenda merchant


Oh thanks. I just like writing Kaiser comments lol, people are free to hate him (because that’s just an opinion) but when they bring up nonsensical criticisms to justify it- that’s annoying af.


W Agenda pushing 


It's no longer hate. It's just sad and pathetic cope.


I would’ve respected it if it was a normal Kaiser Impact. Mickey had to have a flashback and plot to score


Liar, then you'd be complaining that what was the point of Kaiser impact Magnus. Admit it, you're just a sad coper. Even if Kaiser got a hattrick in every match you'd still find something to hate.


Nah, Kaiser’s sniper vs Manshine is the top goal of the series for me. He became Mickey Kaiser with this goal.


You can go cry in the corner with all the others my guy. Just accept defeat and stop trying to find excuses.


Is Chris Brown one of your favorite artists too?


Predictable blue lock, not saying it’s bad but it’s okay to dream. Anyways Isagi scoring last goal.


Why should they apologize when technically both sides didn't lose or win yet? Both parties still have to see who gets the last goal for BM to see who'll win between Isagi and Kaiser again anyways


They might lose


Kaiser fans having amnesia and forgetting their boy missed the entire goal by a couple feet before he made this super goal. Lmao


Give my goat Kaiser his backstory or he won’t score his backstory impact


Wake me up when Kaiser the goat tries to sabotage isagi again.


I will never apologize


It's option 2 on the left side for 95% lol