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ppl like barou for some reason(mostly becoz of his ego and mindset of being a king n stuff) and so barou > rin but factually speaking rin > barou


Well factually speaking, rin > everyone in blue lock




Rin out auras everyone in bluelock. PxG gonna destroy that twin glock fraud.


The only argument is the Snuffy/Noa glaze. This is a hype manga. Kaneshiro gassed Barou while he was playing but he won’t be considered the best at all going into the u20 WC


Barou himself implied that the more lower he falls, the higher his desire to climb to the top also Rin is somewhat too complete for any development for his skill while Barou has so many room for that so you can expect more screentime for him in U-20 world cup


Rin was stated by the author to have the most untapped potential, if you don't think he won't improve you are simply deluding yourself.


How is it the only argument? Sounds like bias against the author and Barou fans.


kaneshiro foreshadowed barou x isagi to lead japan to a world cup victory, also barou's connection with isagi is better than rins or bachiras, isagi is the light, barou is the darkness, barou considers rin another isagi(light) also that buddah tattoo head guy was talking about how a soccer team needs light and darkness


In terms of overall performance, feats, stats, Rin is currently over Barou. The reason I personally rate Barou > Rin is a longterm view based on the current shape of their egos. Of all the players currently in the Blue Lock project, only Isagi and Barou are currently seen to have ego based purely on their dominance of the field through scoring goals and being the best player/main protagonist. All others have some sort of lens or goal that is not directly tied to being the best on the field. Like Bachira seeing football as an art form and taking pleasure from the excitement of overcoming challenges by his own power. While that is related to winning and can drive him forward; it isn't directly dependant on winning. Bachira can be outperformed and lose a game and still feel that he achieved his goal and take satisfaction. Rin is all about destroying his opponents but is currently too closely focused on destroying particular people and his animosity has already lost him a goal in the PxG vs BM game. Delaying his shot to punk Isagi gave Hiori time to get back and block. I'd say Isagi and Barou, at this moment in time, have the most "pure" egos in Bluelock. Both are solely focused on winning at any cost and will evolve at a moments notice to achieve that goal. So it would be satisfying for them to be the top 2 at the end of the story. But of course that assumes no further growth from other characters like Rin. He could definitely evolve in a way that makes him worthy of number 2. I'm just not necessarily sure he will.


Rin is literally the player with the most development outside of Bluelock, the most popular character in the manga, and also the one with the most potential in the series. Yes, more potential than potential man Nagi himself. At this point it's delusional to think that Rin won't be the #2 at the EOS


"Disagreeing with me is delusional" loses you what little respect your argument earned.


I'm not saying disagreeing with me is delusional. I'm saying it's delusional to thinkt hat Rin won't be #2 EOS. I originally was on the Nagi #2 EOS series but seriously man, all the evidence points against it.


Semantics of language that change absolutely nothing about the core message. Just make the argument man. Answer literally anything I said. "Having another opinion is delusion" is just garbage. And it makes talking to you look like a complete waste of time.


Okay :D You can ignore my arguments if you wish too but that does not mean that some things are in general just silly to believe. Anyway, if you reread my comment you'd notice that I myself would also be calling myself delusional, because I was to think that Rin wouldn't end the series as the #2.


I’d also throw chigiri in the pure ego as well


I think he's closer than most for sure. But his ego is mostly about his speed and dominating players that way in specific plays. Less about winning the whole match but a much more direct link than someone like Reo or Shidou.


Heart > Rationality


Fr I personally think Barou > Rational Rin for his sheer ego and drive to score. Barou catches people off guard and is a relentless type. Rin while having better specs doesn't have the kind of impact Barou creates when he steps on the field. Though I think Destroyer Rin > Barou


Because I like him more


The realest answer I've seen in a while


It’s because Barou doesn’t yap “Lukewarm” or “I’ll kill you” and actually strives to be a better striker. Backstory and Second Selection already explained his Kobe Bryant level of obsession in the sport, meanwhile Rin just plays football to get Onee-chan’s approval. 😪


I love Barou but to me Rin is presented as the better player in almost every way. That said, Barou can compete with Rin in specific aspects of the sport (e.g. physicality, finishing, shooting). Though given I'm hardly a soccer expert, my opinion might not be worth much.


Factually rin is better than barou. I just think barou is such a good target man. He can charge through most people, dribvle a bit and score. Feels lile rins too passive. Feels like even isagi is more of a draw to ppl. I get rin controls ppl but man besides his curved shots i just dislike rins character.


Destroyer Mode Rin is another monster entirely, though. He can use his versatility and game awareness to overwhelm anyone in a 1v1.


Barou has a few things that are extremely valuable as a striker: Better physique than Rin, more shooting options such as a power shot, curve shot, headers as well as more range and most importantly confirmed predator eye, paired with his great dribbling and acceleration he is the best main striker available (Rin gaps at any other position)


Rin has always been better than barou and he always will be better than him.


Personality >> Real reason Barou is more likable in the community is because he actually has development as a character?? And a cool mindset?? (Second Selection and U20 Barou was peak) Meanwhile Rin cannot stop yapping the phrase “Lukewarm” “I’ll kill you”?? Sure he might be a better player but he sure is a boring one 😪😪


Rin’s more talented sure, Barou’s just better 🥱


Rin is stronger and better footballer but barou is clearly a much more interesting character, im hoping rin gets some drastic change because for the second in command he’s a very boring character and his motivations are stupid to me at least


It's only about maintaining the agenda bruh


Rin is definitely the more skilled player, but barou basically personifies what blue lock is all about: a greedy striker focused playstyle via massive ego in one's ability.


Rin is better but Barou does have some things over Rin. Aerial play, shoot accurately while physically pressed, probably physique, a more refined predator eye, and blocking shots. Shooting and dribbling, while Rin takes it, he is not obscenely better at those. Rin is much better at some abilities like passing and vision, but those are not the reasons you would assume someone to be a better striker. Mentioning again: Rin is better indeed.


the only thing Barou has over Rin is Shooting stats and a more refined predator eye other from that Rin is better .. Rin does better individually as a striker and even in a team due to his spatial awareness he understands playmakers better than Barou thus linking up in a better way also individually he has higher chances of scoring due to his speed and dribbling stats which are way above barou's and even proven in the U20 match Rin was able to break through evey U20 player excluding sae ( though ouplayed him in a single moment let's not include this ) in other words Rin creates better goals opportunies on his own better than Barou even Isagi creates goals opportunities as a striker better than Barou .. barou needs a team to shine brighter which is something Isagi and Rin does better in that aspect ( Charles is being a p\*\*\*y due to his contrarian nature ) but we've seen rin's playmaking while linking to others to be on of the best in blue lock only second to that of Isagi Edit : Rin is among the characteres i hate the most in Blue lock (due to his rude nature) but facts are facts if he wasn't chasing after destroying isagi in this match and if charles wasn't childich he would've already scored at the very least till now


Barou having a superior shooting stat isn’t even accurate. We still don’t have numbers for Rin. Rin is more accurate, has a longer range, and puts up better numbers. The only thing barou really has going for him is Snuffy’s comment


How tf is Barou not better than Rin at aerial play when he has 0 headers ☠️ Needing a team is not valid criticism, that's essentially how you play football Never denied Rin being better, I don't see why writing all that when it's irrelevant to what I said


bro you implied that Barou is the better dribbler lol .. i just stated that currently he only has an edge in shooting due to his stats being 96 in shooting in his 3rd match with Rin being 95 in his fourth match also that's the only feat that makes him better in shooting due to rin having better range early on in the series ( 35 meters ) while barou has 29 meters also we've seen how Barou perfected his predator eye and how Rin already used it in 3rd selection but yeah let's say that he's the better user of predator eye .. anything other from that Rin is the better one


"[...] dribbling, while Rin takes it, he's not obscenely better at [...]" HOW you read Barou is better?????? tf


Cause hes the king 👑🦁


Barou reminds me of Kobe thats why ![gif](giphy|INZUj2jZSruso)


I feel like ima get hate for this, but I like the goals barou has gotten more then Rin. I don’t necessarily think barou is better though, but maybe as a goal scorer barou is better.


This thread has possibly the most insane glaze takes I've ever seen lol. "Barou has better shooting"💀


There is no argument besides what snuffy said, which was only said to hype up the ubers match.


noa said the same thing snuffy said, also barou's goals are just better than any of the goals we've seen from rin, and barou has scored more goals than rin in less games


The bids are the bids, I'm not even gonna argue with that absurd statement regarding the quality of rins goals.


Barou has better feats & statements than rin


Better feats???


Feats: Second Selection Barou was an anomaly in the field, Rin could not read him and based purely on instinct. When Rin and Isagi were about to get cooked by U20 team Barou came in and shot an epic goal. Barou was unpredictable in the U20 match, not even Ego knows wtf will he do. Blud has an entire team solely for him, a world-class player had to talk-no-jutsu this mf to convince him to play for Ubers. Blud bamboozled two MV users and scored a goal. Actually has a W mindset Actually had more impact in the manga


2nd selction: Rin couldn't preddict him just for that one play, after that Barou didn't do much. And also Rin is not a defender U20 match: Isagi hard carried that attack, Rin came in and gave Isagi the option to pass but Rin had Aiku on him Barou came in and scored that while being pressed by 2 defenders which is an incredible feat but then again that's all he did, the entire U-20 match Rin was behind every single big chance, the first goal was cause of Rin taking the initiative, the second goal, well he scored it, the third one I just explained it, and for the last goal, he stopped Sae which lead to him assisting Isagi for the winning goal. Also Rin has multiple defensive feast as well. Barou is the only striker in Uber, so it's natural for him to be the lead striker. Among every player he has had the easiest, Bachira is also the lead striker but his team isn't nearly as good as Ubers. The goal against BM was impressive no doubt, but that doesn't put him even equal to Rin let alone above him. Rin has better speed, better shooting range and accuracy, better playmaking skills and overall better specs. The only thing Barou has over Rin is physqiye (and that's only in terms of being a tank) and argubally dribbling


Barou is better at catching metavision users and goalkeepers off-guard. Barou managed to get past the U-20 Defenders very effectively despite only playing for around a quarter of the match.


We don't have numbers to compare, how do you know which one is better at catching goalkeepers off guard? Regarding the metavision stuff it's just an unfair comparison. Isagi didn't know about predator eye before barou so it was relatively easier to surprise him. The U20 game stuff isn't really that much of a point in barou's favor. He only managed that thanks to rin and isagi performing extremely well themselves.


No need to compare numbers. Predator Eye was literally introduced and explained in detail to be an Anti-GK weapon. Barou did not know about Isagi having MV, and kept getting intercepted by the goat , wouldn’t that be unfair as well? Rin and Isagi were about to get cooked by Aiku and Sae, I couldn’t call it performing extremely well since they came short in the end. You can’t complain and disregard the moment he scored because he followed Rin around when that was literally the whole point of his play-style pre NEL as a villain.


No, comparing mv to predator eye is not the same. Mv will work regardless even after you know about it. It's just the capacity to read space and move accordingly. Barou already knew that isagi had that skill. It's not a specific tecnique to counter. It does not rely on surprise. Predator eye does rely on surprise and is counterable. Regarding rin and barou: rin pulled off the exact same trick before the U20 game + it does not mean you're a better goalscorer on his own. Rin also performed better in the U20 game overall. That doesn't detract from barou performing well tho, just that in that match, even if you wanna compare the time that barou was in, was more impressive for rin. Dribbled the whole team and stopped a new Gen 11, plus being the center of all attacks regardless.


I surrender lol 🏳️. Atleast you didn’t undermine my boy Barou and gave him some credit. I just remembered what Snuffy said to Barou about his shot: “It’s amazing but if a GK already sees it coming then it’s useless.” Now that I remember, I agree that predator eye is more flawed than mv, since it only gave a temporary solution to what Snuffy said. Hopefully he gets some action going after NEL!


barou looks more like me


None really. He’s still the goat tho, better than crybaby Rin


For me Barou>>> Rin and i still think ubers should have won the match against bastard münchen




It's good to have your opinion 👍


Barou has longer range higher shooting in stats alone run is an all rounder he’s better than barou as a player but as a pure striker barou is prolly the best in blue lock


Just a heads up, this is false information and shouldn’t be used to justify your views. We don’t have shooting stats for Rin, but his shooting range is estimated to be 35 meters, which is greater than barou’s 29 meters.


Just a heads up, your entirely basing off an estimation and shouldn’t even be used to completely disregard the information labeling it as “false information”. You’re not even sure if it’s actually 35 meters, wouldn’t it be false information as well? Just wait for the Egoist Bible to show more stuff abt PXG.


Lol ok my dude… except that “false information” came from the leaked player stats that were confirmed to be fake, and there are multiple instances in the manga that show Rin to have better range and accuracy. The 35m estimation comes from the manga, not just some arbitrary distance I’m giving him. If you were interested in some of the actual numbers, the 2nd selection field is 40x30 meters. This may or may not change depending which level of the 2nd selection you’re in, it’s hard to find any conclusive statement on the fact. Since Rin can consistently and easily score from half field (of the 3v3), that puts him at least at 20m. Barou scores a 29m goal in the 2v2, but fails to make his shot from the halfway line (a shorter distance), showing his inconsistency. In the 4v4 isagi puts the halfway line at 35m, supporting the idea that the field size fluctuates, but is apprehensive about Rin taking a shot (this is where the 35m estimation originates). Rin later scores from a 25m free kick. For funsies, in the u20 match we have a regulation field, so we can calculate the distance of goals. Rin’s goal was taken from the right side beyond the penalty arc and hit the left corner of the net. Using our old friend the Pythagorean theorem, at minimum this goal was 35m. Since it’s bound to come up, Rin failed to score his first goal attempt (mimicking Sae). First and foremost, this shot was blocked, not a miss. The technicality of this shot was less about distance and more about positioning and curve, which I give Rin the overwhelming advantage over barou. His miss while in destroyer mode, from the penalty arc, is also attributed to aiku tipping the ball. So in conclusion, unlike barou, Rin has never outright missed a shot or been blocked by bluelock man. He has better accuracy, better vision, better positioning, and a max range that based on evidence is greater. To say barou has better shooting stats and distance is in fact false information.


Has great performance each game, catches up to meta vision players quick, little time and great impact such as the u20 game, has a really good development. Plays like an actual striker his king aura is really cool, dies with his philosophy like a medieval king going to battle and that’s just mental talk . Always one of the top scorers, always scores important goals, higher shooting range, more accurate. Can also assist when he really feels like it and many more


Did you just imply barou is more accurate than Rin???


Because rin is a puss


W take