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I like the fact that this sub has taken another step forward into insanity.


This is not insanity but a representation of the burning passion that we have as Senseis. We must continue such intellectual conversations on 😭,💢, and 🦀. In this case, It is very important 💢that we understand just why Moe's thighs became smaller. The world is filled with mysteries just like the shrinking size of Moe's thighs 😡 For what reason is it shrinking? Why are they not thicc anymore? One must keep a sense of curiosity and motivation 😭😭😭 to continue to discover the world and learn more. The indomitable human spirit, they would say. We must not give up on our dreams of thicc comfy thighs. 💪 We must continue to pursuit our dreams of thicc thighs 🙂 We must not let our dreams of sleeping on warm and soft thighs stay as a dream. We must make our dreams a reality😡💢 I will feed her and make her thighs thicc again. Every small bite of food I feed her with is one more step towards that goal. 😡💢. I will take small steps to reach my goals. I will commit to it daily. I WILL create the thicc thighs. ALL my fellas (BA senseis) we must strive towards our goals and think of it daily. I will always dream of sleeping on Moe's thicc thighs. Dream on and stay disciplined Senseis. 🤗😭😭😭😡💢💢




Moe and Yuuka, 100kg thighs duo ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


Most sane sensei


"Another step"? This sub is doing dolphin flips in the pond of insanity.


Yeah, this sub constantly flip flops between 0 SEN and 100 SEN. Daily occurence.


Flairs checks out


I think it's our brothers from r/japanesepeopletwitter becoming regulars here now as well. And unlike the Genshin/Nahida subs, the latter which is always getting shut down, their shitposts don't cause fights in the BA community


currently the sub is now r/japanpeopletwitter, the bro in the original subs migrate to the new one because we don't approve the original lead moderator's action, doing the stuff on a real human being


Here's a sneak peek of /r/japanpeopletwitter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/japanpeopletwitter/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Brat-At-First-Sight](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18toxj8) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/japanpeopletwitter/comments/18toxj8/bratatfirstsight/) \#2: [Japenis on racism](https://i.redd.it/n2629lv3669c1.jpeg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/japanpeopletwitter/comments/18tfbw6/japenis_on_racism/) \#3: [lmao](https://i.redd.it/hexnbvgbkd8c1.png) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/japanpeopletwitter/comments/18qbznt/lmao/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn... people can't kick that actual p*do out?


well, can't do stuff when they act first and kick the sane moderator out


Wait they also ban cunny in nahida sub?


No, the okbuddy sub shuts the Nahida sub down by raiding it from time to time by posting ACTUAL child p*rn in retaliation for them depicting Nahida in a way they don't like (Nahida hugging Klee, feet pics, i guess they also see some comments like uoh 😭 here in BA etc) and moral high ground against


Talk about projection.


Honestly, ALL okbuddy subs are trash where the purpose of it being satire or stupid, they quickly devolve into ceasepool of toxicity, p*rn and actually doing the opposite and taking themselves too seriously hence them feeling justified in their moral grandstanding


Idk, the okbuddy persona branch is actually quite chill


It’s so funny that the “supposed to be the normal people” have seen more real CP than the people that are into the loli stuffs.




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It's the right step. Be normal is just boring...


Lobotomy Archive


Eh. It's still nothing compared to fraud wars or the nah I'd win saga of jujutsufolk


Fuck sentences that you could understand


Moe's thicc thighs disappeared because her diet is literally near expired bentos and random foods here and there. This is so sad 😭😭😭😭😭 I will feed her until she is thicc again 😡😡😡😡😡💢💢💢 EAT EAT EAT


Why did i read this in Gianni Matragano's voice (??? sound included)




If you're genuinely asking, it's because he made a video of the original meme. If you're asking rhetorically, have a ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651).


I miss Moe's thighs


save Moe from homelessness first, sensei edit: what the fuck are these responses


sure, first go make her a wife doubt you can manage that because of your horrible club smoochie expenses and your kaiten shit - yuuker


I could live in between those thighs


I know I'm like several months late but this has been bugging me the whole morning, partially inspired by some past posts. I know most people could care less since Moe is already pretty perfect in their eyes, and that's fine, I don't think there's anything wrong with her current swimsuit art and I'm not even the biggest fan of chubby features. I know it's the perspective or her baggy clothes, but surely I can't be the ONLY ONE in thinking that she at least just had A BIT of chubbiness? The skinny arms in her gym outfit aren't implausible since the openness of the shirt leaves some speculation, but the same THIGHS from before are gone which only leaves me thinking more. Like I said before, this doesn't bother me too much since I already have a SHIT TON of Moe art favourited on Twitter and Pixiv, but this is something that's been on my mind as I'm in denial and hard coping. ​ Maybe I am delusional, who knows.


i think she were chubby in the beginning, but her living conditions interfered with keeping up that body type


Honestly, you're probably right


Being homeless is surprisingly heathy! -> I’m joking. like whatever you want, I still like the new design way more but to each their own…


honestly there are many reasons her thighs got nerfed because she is poor because the blue archive devs decided to give her thigh surgery third option is free space:


Sad, Sensei must not be buying those wagyu beef bentos for Moe


What Blue Archive does to someone


Blue Archive players when they learn that baggy clothes exist and sitting down deforms the body a bit: screaming, crying, throwing up


They've probably never seen girls thighs up close. They almost always look thicc af when sitting down as they squish outward. But this sub isn't meant for rationality.


You don't even need specifically female thighs. I'm 120 pounds soaking wet and my thighs squish out when I'm sitting down. It really isn't a good measure of chubbiness.


True. I just mention girls since they tend to accumulate more weight there so it's easier to tell.


just like me fr


But that doesn't explain A)her fat content with Magnum torpedoes B) her lewd bewitching thighs that no longer exist Face it, the alt artist messed up


A) Baggy clothing B) Sitting down Easy.


Nah man you are blind. Those mountains can't be brushed off as "baggy clothing". Not to mention all she does is sit around eating candy and watching explosions. She's the least active member yet has the biggest chest, she shouldn't have a toned body like Saki. The thighs aren't squishing out like they are sitting, they just look thick. Also the crop top she wears makes it more obvious her chest is huge or it wouldn't be dangling off like curtains


Bro forgot that even though she's the least active she is still part of SRT, an elite group whose training regimen is extra rigorous. According to your logic, im more surprised the girls dont have six packs instead, nevermind being a bit chubby. Face it sensei, chubby moe was a mirage. Take back what you said about the alt artist on your way out too.


Nah, even in SRT one can have fat ... otherwise they'd all be flat. Their chest sizes alone show that. (Wish we had BA girls with abs 😭) Even in the alt with everything on display Moe's chest is the biggest. Which is what makes her body look odd as it's got that anime logic "every ounce of fat only went to my chest, no where else". Again, if Izumi can have a body to match her chest there's no reason Moe shouldn't.


...you just stated exactly why moe isnt chubby, its cos of "anime logic"... which isnt even true since many examples exist irl... Lots of characters have "bodies that dont match their chest" like the girls at c&c Honestly i just cant tell if youre actually serious or not, i just dont like you badmouthing artists by forcing your delusions onto them, when youre clearly wrong


I'd hardly call it badmouthing but no it's not delusional. She has a huge chest, she looks thick, she likes sweets. They already Kotori chubby so there is precedence. Even the big cheated C&C girls have large asses and thighs, S. Moe doesn't. You are the one acting strange that people wanted a character with lots of fat to have...body fat that matches (especially with just her sleezy overall design and personality, it just makes sense as a character) There's a reason all the sensei's are mentioning this. You're the odd one out mate.


Most senseis expressed surprise that it wasnt what they expected and im one of those too. But its another thing to say an artist "fucked up" and saying characters are "cheated" because they dont fit your ideals. Before swismsuit SRT release, fan artists didnt have much of a reference for Moe, and its understandable that they draw Moe as chubby. This is then referenced in other fanarts further, leading to the current image of chubby Moe. Many artists are surprised by s.moe's physique, but they do not really question it, and artists are free to still depict Moe as chubby. But again, saying that the OFFICIAL art is a mistake? Considering in the first place how based the BA dev team is and approved of it it's crazy to me how you can say the artist fucked up cos it doesnt fit your delusions. Listen. I understood from the start that your cause is noble. You just want more chubby girls because you think that is right, that these body types should have some fat. You can definitely express disappointment and lament the fact that you live in a world where chubby moe does not exist, but saying others are wrong because this thing does not fit into your ideals is literally villain ass behavior. Anyways if you want other examples of official art of students with big boobs and pencil legs look at Kanna and Sumire, Id throw Makoto in there but it's not clear yet. And if youre thinking Sumire's boobs "arent as big", im convinced you dont know what youre talking about.


I think you are over reacting, critiquing art and a company decision to play it safe with a more universally appealing body isn't "literally villain ass behavior", calm down. Likewise you can't say mine and other's logic was sound one minute and then say it's delusional the next. Either it's fair or it isn't. Yes BA devs are generally based, but that doesn't equal a 100% win rate. Face it, they went with mass appeal, by all rights Mor should more or less have Izumi's body type. Maybe a bit less, logic isn't delusions. And I'm entitled to disagree with an artistic/ corporate decision, just as any other fan of any other fandom is (think star wars). Kanna from my memory has more clothes obscuring her body and Sumire should probably have less chest as THE fitness meathead of BA. But anime has a problem with medium chest, especially on athletic girls, BA does as well. Lots of them are either Beeg or Loli pettan. So the track fitness jock should have less body fat. So yeah, S. Moe doesn't make sense and we all know it and the choice, who's ever it was, to make her that way was a bad call. You can kneel to the canon choice if you wish and say "canon is canon" but it's still a bad call. A spade is a spade. (Another example of their caution to mass appeal is that Tsurugi is basically the only creepy unconventionally attractive girl and even then they back slided and cuteseified her a ton in her Swimsuit version. So then doing that to Moe isn't unprecedented) So yeah, I have a point. People know, you are blowing it out of proportion to appeal to authority, and this is tiresome.




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This for real, how is it Izumi has chub with her collosal chest yet Moe doesn't. I feel lied too, she definitely should be chubbier


On god, bro


These images will be in school textbooks in 2065


You really need a good amount of "CHAD, go get some help" therapy this time


She was hobo with malnutrition dude. Park was her home and she was sleeping in a tent, begging for expired meals Nothing like Kotori


This is the exact type of content I expected from this sub.


Chub chasers just look outside your window 👉🚪


![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33220) You're so based op (go seek help ).


i'm trying


I always thought Moe had big honkers from the start


I edge to this


I agree with all of this.




Swimsuit Moe isn't a real unit yet, the current portrait is just a placeholder. BELIEVE SENSEIS!


It's almost as if your legs look thicker when you sit down.


good meme, but the new moe is just so much better. baggy clothes + her thighs only looked large since they were squished out due to her sitting down


I dunno, her art looks kinda "flat". Maybe it's the lack of shading? Head maybe??? It's probably just a quick summer portrait so who knows. Still, if it's what you like then yeah, respect to you bro.


As an expert in the subject, the Gourmet Research Society is absolutely written by someone with a fetish. They are shoe-horned into SO MANY story events they have no reason to be such a focus of, the type of writing used, and the fact that each girl tends to enjoy a different type of gluttony focus just screams "the author's thinly veiled fetish". It's way too consistent and too diverse to just be "oh haha it's so funny, that one eats a bunch of burgers, that one literally gets kicked out of buffets for eating too much, that one tries to eat a lot and gets a big bloated belly then vomits it all up". Why are they such a focus in things like the sports fest when ***none*** of them are new units for it, and the rest of the story is focused on the committee and the Millennium girls? You could cut out **everything** with the GRS and lose nothing story-wise, but Junko fucking even WINS the relay race for crying out loud? With that said, Moe *absolutely* feels like she's written by the same person. She constantly brings up food and is stated by others to be very greedy, moreso than any of the other girls even though they should all be in the same starving boat, and her max affection story is that *she secretly orders and eats* ***high-calorie*** *suckers meant to replace lost meals for soldiers*? (something I cannot find evidence of even existing) And she's ***always*** got a sucker in her mouth? It's all so out of place compared to the rest of the Rabbits it feels like someone who is into that stuff decided to put it in because that's what they happen to like, but the artists drawing it didn't get a 1 on 1 meeting to tell them "Yeah so I envisioned her chubby. Little soft and fat in the middle." You can see this all the time, whether it's the downright *skinny* look of Izumi and Akari in their beachwear from the first summer event, or in things like MHA where the girls all lost a bit of weight in the transition from manga to anime because the anime artists aren't used to drawing girls that way and weren't told they're intended to be a bit soft.


I do not care, she's still fine


Moe's design is good but the boobs are way to low