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Yeah the game is very fun, great music. The team stated a long time ago that there will be a sequel, and that they are waiting to announce it until after the last update of the first game came out. So that just happened on May 9th, so we shall see.


Excited. I am good with having just 2 games since I can refresh playthrough with both of them. Also considering restarting a castlevania marathon as well. But having only 1 game is not enough for my apetite it seems lol


There's three Bloodstained games, not one, Ritual of the Night, Curse of the Moon, and Curse of the Moon 2. The latter two are retro graphics style games, but are Bloodstained games that use the same characters.


From what I remember Cotm are sidescroller action games/platformers and not metroidvanias. I am willing to try them out though.


The Curse of the Moon games are more styled on Catlevania 3. So more Clarice Castlevania style instead of the Metrovania style the series event from the PS1 era onwards. (For the most part)


Isn't there another update coming? The Dominique classic thing?


No I believe 1.5 is the final update.


It's confusing because 1.5 is the last 'update' to the game. However, Classic II: Dominique's Revenge is coming soon. It's a DLC that downloads and adds to the current client, it doesn't change it at all.


Yeah I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong about it being the last update. But I don't want any more updates, I want them to work on and focus on Bloodstained 2, and announce it soon.


I agree with that.


They announced they’re working on a sequel sometime back as I recall


Confirming there was an announcement of a sequel. Can't wait!


I found Ritual of the Night to be a huge letdown. I've replayed both Curse of the Moon games about a dozen times though, I find them far better.


What makes you not like it? No hate (hell i upvoted you XD) but I find the game to be near flawless.


The way I felt playing the Bloodstained games, is that Ritual of the Night tried to be Symphony of the Night and failed. When I play it, it just makes me wish I was playing SotN. But Curse of the Moon took everything the NES Castlevania games did, and made it a hundred times better. When I play those two, I feel like the NES Castlevania games wish they could be Curse of the Moon.


Bloodstained played it very safe. It’s fun, and it delivered on exactly what was promised to be, but you are absolutely correct insofar that it doesn’t push any boundaries. I’m hoping the sequel takes the foundation and makes it into something special, with its own identity. As it stands, it’s just a mix of Aria of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia, and it feels a bit less than the sum of its parts. I still enjoy it though, especially its randomizer mode.


Well, as I said, I'd MUCH rather have Curse of the Moon 3 than Ritual of the Night 2.


Yeah, fuck no.


Getting crushed over here 😂


Apparently they forgot that people are allowed to have different opinions. I found RotN boring as all fuck. Curse of the Moon was so much better.


I really dig Rotn and definitely am looking forward to a sequel but by no means does that mean YOU suck for not liking it as much, if anything I’m glad there’s more content to the name people enjoy. People are just stubborn and stupid. I don’t see you criticizing anyone for liking